TITLE: Hasty Morn [1/1]
AUTHOR: Samantha McCullah
EMAIL: ankhet@cswnet.com
DISTRIBUTION: Fever of Fate, The New Place, UCSL, Willow's Guys,
anyone else please ask
SPOILERS: Beauty and the Beasts
CONTENT: Willow/Angel, smut, porn that ambitiously tries to have
a plot
SUMMARY: Willow and Angel make up
DISCLAIMER: If we fans just suddenly told Joss, "Hey! Why would
we want characters as lame as these?", do you think he'd give
'em to us? Joss owns them; I'm just playing in his sandbox.
NOTE: This is the seventh in the 'Beast Within' series.
You can find the first six at

True!---tender monitors!
I bend unto your laws:
This sweetest day for dalliance was born!
So, without more ado,
I'll feel my heaven anew,
For all the blushing of the hasty morn.
-- John Keats, Lines

Willow felt like her body was going to spontaneously combust
every time Angel touched her skin. The song had ended long ago,
but when no other song came out of the speakers, neither of
them made any attempt to remove themselves from the other's
embrace. She sighed, tightening her arms around him.

"Willow?" he asked, his voice low and betraying his desire.
"The ball's still in your court." She looked up and met his

"What?" she asked, not immediately recognizing her own words.
"Oh," she whispered, looking down. He crooked a finger and
placed it under her chin. He gently nudged her face up until
she met his eyes. She took a deep breath. < Carpe diem, > she
reasoned. "Angel? I need...I want--" He cut her off with a
kiss, his arms lifting her off the floor. She steadied herself
on his shoulders as he carried her over to the vinyl couch. He
placed her gently down on the couch and knelt on his knees
beside her.

Angel's eyes took in every inch of her, enjoying the way the
candlelight danced across her skin. He placed a finger at the
part of her hair and let it run down her body, following one
line of light. His finger gently traced the curve of her breast,
causing Willow's muscles to jump, and trailed down her stomach.
His entire hand soon joined in following the line of light, passing
over Willow's sex, lightly rubbing her through the silk before
continuing down her thighs. She arched into his hand and bit her

"Angel," she panted. "Faith o-or Oz might--" He placed a finger
to her lips.

"Door locks automatically," he whispered, kissing her jawline;
her hand moved up to his shoulder and pushed gently on the jacket.
He removed his hand from her to take the jacket off, and she let
out a little groan at the abandonment. He grinned, tossing the
jacket into the center of the room and placed his hand on her hip,
his thumbing caressing her gently through the silk. "Your move,"
he whispered.

Her hands shook as she gently touched the bow tie, tugging on
the end gently and causing it to untie. She pulled it from around
his neck and tossed it over to join his jacket.

"Your turn," she stated. His hands wound around her neck searching
for the clasp of her necklace; instead of throwing it over to join
the other accessories, he placed it gently on the coffee table. She
looked at him strangely.

"It's a gift, Willow," he whispered. "I don't want you to lose it."
She nodded as his fingers lightly traced the relief of her collar
bone. Her hands moved down his chest to the waist of his black pants;
her fingers reached for the belt buckle, occasionally touching the
bulge of his erection causing Angel to let out a strangled moan. She
quickly undid the belt and slid it out of the belt loops. "Good
choice," he groaned, kissing her nose softly.

His hands moved down her legs to her ankles where small straps held
her heels on her feet; with deft fingers he removed the shoes and set
them down next to the couch. He gently stroked the underside of her
foot, causing Willow to struggle briefly and stifle a giggle.

"Ticklish?" he asked with a grin. She shook her head, still smiling,
and rose to a sitting position; Angel placed his hands on her shoulders
trying to get her to lie back down, but she cocked an eyebrow at him
causing him to let go. Her fingers sought the buttons on his shirt,
and she slowly began unbuttoning them. She pulled the hem of the
shirt out of his pants as she finished unbuttoning it and pushed it
off his shoulders, revealing the strong expanse of his chest. She
ran her fingers lightly down his chest, and she watched as they danced
on the ridges of his muscles. Angel's hand moved to the slit in her
dress and stroked her upper thigh, his fingers seeking the silk of her
panties. He crooked a finger over the waistband and pulled down on
the panties. She shifted her hips to allow him to completely pull her
underwear off.

"Feels good," she muttered as cold silk touched her newly bared flesh.

"I'm glad," he whispered, his eyes raptly watching the wet spot form
on the silk as it rubbed against her arousal.

"Off," she ordered, indicating his shoes. He rose to his feet and
toed his shoes and socks off. "Come here," she whispered, holding
her arms out. He complied, and her hands found the button to his
pants. She undid the button and zipper, freeing his erection; she
glanced up at him and raised her eyebrows.

"Wishful thinking," he shrugged. She slowly began moving the pants
down his legs until he could step out of them. Willow glanced up at
him then placed a small kiss on the mound of muscles above his pubic
hair. She continued to kiss her way up his body, stopping briefly at
his navel to dip her tongue inside. Angel's stomach clenched as she
moved to his nipples; her teeth gently scraped them as he moaned and
his hands found her shoulders and the straps of the dress.

As Willow continued to move up his body, his hands moved the dress's
straps off her shoulders to slid down her arms causing the dress to
move downward to catch of the upraised tips of her breasts. Angel's
breath caught at the amazing picture she was.

"God," he breathed as the dress fell away from her body and pooled
on the floor. She stepped out of it and into his waiting arms.
"Beautiful," he muttered as he brought his lips down to her. He kissed
her gently at first ad then with growing passion as one hand cupped
the back of her head pulling her closer and the other cupped one of
her buttocks, making sure their lower bodies remained in contact.
Willow moaned into his mouth as she felt his cock rub against her
soaking entrance.

"I wanted this to be slow," he whispered, lifting her up; she wrapped
her legs around his waist.

"I don't," she replied, as he placed the head of his cock barely into
her. He groaned and turned around, allowing himself to fall back, and
landed in a seated position on the couch. Willow straddled his hips
and gently settled down on him, taking all of him into her. He groaned
as he felt her heat surround him. He kissed her neck gently as she began
moving on his cock, and his hands gripped her hips.

"Willow," he sighed against her neck as her muscles clenched around him.
His hand moved between their bodies, seeking her clit. The tiny bundle
of nerves stood ready for his fingers as he gently rubbed it. Willow
shuddered as she felt her orgasm rushing up on her. She arched her
back as Angel gently licked one of her nipples taking it into his
mouth. His mouth soon left her breast as his own orgasm neared, and
he moved to her neck. His finger never left her clit, and she screamed
his name as she hit her peak, arching her back and tossing her head

He moaned into her neck and let his fangs slid down; he bit down on
her neck in the same place as before, marking her again as he came.
He thrust into her a few more times as she nuzzled against his neck
and he nuzzled against hers.

"My mate?" he whispered, making it a question this time. He felt her

"Your mate," she acknowledged.

