If I Cry

AUTHOR: Samantha McCullah

E-MAIL: saintangelus@yahoo.com

DISTRIBUTION: If you have the first part, go ahead and archive this one. Anyone else, please ask.

SPOILERS: The Freshmen and City of...


CONTENT: Willow/Angel, songfic, kinda sappy

SUMMARY: Willow and Angel have a little talk

DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Joss's. The song is owned by Alison Krauss and Union Station.

NOTE: sequel to Never Came Down.


"So..." Angel began, staring at anything in the elevator but the redhead standing next to him.

"So..." Willow replied, also refusing to look at the vampire beside her. Uncomfortable silence descended on the pair as the elevator continued its drop. As the elevator reached its destination, Angel finally looked over at his companion. She caught him staring at her and flashed him an embarrassed smile; he pulled the gate open and ushered her inside.

"This place is....wow," Willow commented, awed at the sheer size of his underground apartment.

"You haven't seen the bedroom yet," he replied absently; Willow's head shot around and met his eyes. The realization of what he'd said dawned on him. "You'll see it on the tour. Which I'm going to give you," he explained lamely; she nodded slightly. "Would you like something to drink? I have tea a-and more tea."

"Tea's good," she replied, sitting uncomfortably on the couch.

"Milk? Sugar?" he asked as he set the kettle on the stove to boil.

"Both if you don't mind," she replied and managed to conceal her shock when Angel actually pulled the milk from the refrigerator and the sugar from the cupboard. He looked up at her and grinned sheepishly.

"Cordelia went shopping for me," he explained; Willow smiled at the mention of a familiar name.

"How is she?"

"Good," he replied, moving over to sit across from her. "She keeps saying I need to get out out more. You know, stop brooding and date more."

"Oh," Willow replied, refusing to meet his eyes and trying to keep jealousy and disappointment out of her voice.

** It doesn't matter what I want
It doesn't matter what I need
It doesn't matter if I cry
Don't matter if I bleed
You've been on a road
Don't know where it goes or where it leads **

"H-Have you? Dated, I mean," she asked.

"No," he shook his head, smiling sadly. "I've, uh, still got issues to deal with." He looked up and captured her eyes with his. Uncomfortable silence descended on them again. "Willow?" Angel finally asked after several long seconds. "Why did you come here?"

"I, uh," she smiled weakly. "Missed you." Angel's head snapped up.

"Y-You missed me?" he asked, meeting her eyes. She nodded faintly, blush creeping up her cheeks. Angel continued to stare at her, his insides screaming for him to run over and claim her.

"Um, Angel?" Willow asked; he nodded for her to continue. "Kettle's boiling." He jumped to his feet and hurried over to the kitchen, happy to finally have something to do with his hands.

"How's Buffy?" he asked, trying to act like the lovesick vampire everyone assumed he was.

** It doesn't matter what I want
It doesn't matter what I need
If you've made up your mind to go
I won't beg you to stay
You've been in a cage
Throw you to the wind you fly away **

<Of course he'd ask about Buffy,> Willow thought sadly.

"She's...she's good," she replied, "Still not completely over you," Willow smiled faintly, trying to put up a brave face.

"That's...." Angel trailed off, not sure how to respond. He poured the boiling water into two cups and placed tea bags in them before heading over to Willow. He set the tray on the coffee table between them. "And Oz?" he asked; at Willow's startled expression, he explained. "He's good?"

"Yeah," she nodded, accepting the cup from him.

"Xander?" Angel continued, hating himself for not telling her. Willow raised an eyebrow at his question. "Pretend I care."

"He too is of the good," she replied. "He never took his road trip, ended up working in a strip club," she laughed softly.

"Xander in a strip club?" Angel asked visibly shuddering, earning another laugh from Willow. "You're beautiful when you laugh," he stated seriously before he could stop himself. Willow eyes widened.

"Angel?" she asked, softly.

"Willow," he stated.

"I...." She trailed off, certain she'd misinterpreted his statement. "Tea's good," she finished lamely.

"Willow?" he asked, reaching out and touching the back of her hand. Willow felt her breath catch at the brief touch. "I need to tell you something." He opened his mouth prepared to let the words of love spill forth, but nothing came out. He looked away and stood up. "You should really go. Before it gets dark." Angel turned away from her so she wouldn't see the pain in his eyes and thereby missed the pain that flared in hers.

They rode up the elevator in silence, each lost in their own pain. Angel pulled the gate open as the elevator rolled to a stop, and he walked Willow to the front door.

"It was good to see you," he stated, smiling softly.

"I know," she smiled, "Imean it was good to see you too." Willow pulled the door open and stepped into the sunlight.

"Willow!" Angel called out, halting her. "I--" he cut himself off convinced that he was doing the right thing by not telling her. "Tell Buffy...."

"Don't worry I will," she smiled sadly and turned away from him. Angel slammed the door shut behind her.

** It doesn't matter what I want
It doesn't matter what I need
It doesn't matter if I cry
Doesn't matter if I bleed
Feel the sting of tears
Falling on this face you've loved for years **

Angel growled softly, stalking away from the door and over to one of the office windoiws. With a cry of rage, he slammed his fist through the glass; he collapsed to the floor, cradling his bloody fist to his chest.

"I love her," he sobbed.


Willow turned back to the building before she reached the curb.

"I love you," she whispered, her own tears streaming down her face.

The End
