Rating: PG-13 right now...NC-17 eventually
Email: nalia98@yahoo.com
Summary: Angel finds Willow in LA...& all is not what it seems....
Disclaimer: All the Buffy & Angel characters, are, unfortunately for me, the sole property of Joss Whedon and WB and whoever else owns 'em.
Author Note: this takes place after 'Life of the Party'
Feedback: I NEED IT!!!! Thank you!!!
~Part: 1~
After everyone had either left or passed out, Angel went for a quick walk. To clear his head. About Eve. And what she was up to. Grabbing his coat, he walked out in to the night…already relaxing from the hectic evening.
`God, I can't believe that I was having sex with Eve! Of all people…or whatever she is…thank god we got Lorne's sleep back where it belongs…in him!'
Angel pondered these thoughts as he walked. Soon he realized that he needed to head back to his home. As he retraced his steps, he noticed something he hadn't earlier. Off to the right of the path he was on, there looked to a body lying, shielded by some shrubs. He walked over to investigate and would have stopped breathing if he had been the breathing kinda guy. Before him was the very nude body of one Willow Rosenberg of Sunnydale. After Angel got his motor functions back, he immediately picked up the obviously unconscious girl and took her to his place. Once there, he went in search of Fred, hoping she wasn't too hung over to help him. Locating Fred wasn't really hard….she was snoring like a horse in his office.
"Fred, wake up….wake up….FRED!" Angel yelled, shaking the girl. Fred jumped up and reflexively kicked Angel in the groin…and then punched him in the face. Needless to say, the poor girl fell right back asleep, leaving Angel to cry in pain on the floor. When Angel was able to stand again, he went back to check on Willow. As he entered his apartment, he looked to his bed where he had left her, to see that was not there anymore. He was a little alarmed until he heard the water running in the bathroom.
"Willow, are you in there?" Angel called out.
"Uh, yeah, is that you Angel?" Willow asked, uncertainly.
"Yes, it is me, are you almost done in there?"
"Yeah, just gimme a sec.," Willow replied. She finished drying her hands and wrapped a towel around her self. She opened the door, dreading the conversation that was about to take place.
"Look, Angel, I don't know what happened, and well, it won't ever happen again, and all and by morning, you won't remember…ever and well, it seems I misplaced my clothes, and well, I kinda need them, so if you could just help me find them and oh, also the drink was completely harmless, well, you may feel a little dizzy in the morning, but nothing major….oh, I wish I would have noticed that it was you, hey why did you bring me here?? I thought you lived somewhere else," Willow concluded her babble and quickly moved towards the door….not that she was scared or anything….she just really wanted to leave.
"Willow, calm down, you need to back up first….I found you in a park, naked and unconscious. I don't know about any drinks or whatever you were doing this evening. But you can help me understand….Willow do you realize how lucky you are that I found you?" Angel told her, his temper slowly rising.
"What?! You aren't the one that I left with? Oh, man. That means he probably is really angry right now…Angel, why didn't you just leave me there?! I can't believe this!" Willow nearly yelled at Angel, before plopping down on the couch. Angel was getting more confused by the minute….And his confusion grew as Willow disappeared right before his very eyes.
`What is going on?!' Angel thought before he went the phone to call good ole Giles to find out about Willow and her strange behavior.
~Part: 2~
"Giles, this is Angel. I want to know what is going on with Willow. She just disappeared!! I want to know right now!" Angel growled into the phone.
"Angel, what are you talking about? What is wrong with Willow? She is in the bathroom right now," Giles told him.
"Huh?! She is in YOUR bathroom? Is she acting strange?" Angel could tell this was going to be more complicated than he had first thought.
"Well, she has been fine, as I can tell. She has not told me anything has been out the ordinary. And I am positive I would have picked up on it if anything was going on," Giles said, looking at Willow as she came into the room. "Now, Angel, I need to go.I need to get back to research." Giles told the vampire as he hung up the phone.
"Whew, thanks, Giles. I know that he really wasn't buying your story. Sorry I had to ask you to lie for me.it's just that I don't want him to worry, and it's bad enough that you all worry about me and well, you know, I can take care of myself and all.."Willow babbled, sitting on the couch.
"Willow, I won't say that I am happy about this, but I know that you feel you need to do this. But you are really putting yourself in more and more danger. What if Angel hadn't found you and it had been some demon? You could have been killed! Now I know that you think that the demon that killed Samantha is somewhere in LA, but seriously, how are you going to find it this way? Willow, you are like my own daughter and if something happened to you." Giles said, stopping to remove his glasses and pinch his nose.
"I know, Giles, but I can't seem to stop. I can't sleep anymore, I can't eat, the only time I feel alive is when I am hunting this thing. And, I.. I am, uh, losing control..I think, Giles, I mean, I was unconscious and I really can't remember how I got there..Oh, Goddess, Giles, I need some help, I am sorry," Willow cried into her hands. Giles walked over and drew her into a hug that he wished would make everything better. "I mean, with Buffy's death, and then Dawn's, and then Xander leaving to go with Anya to Goddess knows where, I just.I..Giles, I can't go on." Willow sobbed into his chest.
"Shhhh, Willow, I know that it has been hard, but you are the strongest person I know and I know that you will make it through this. But you have got to get it together. And going after some demon is no the way to go. And I know that I am not much, but I fear that I would be totally lost with you in my life," Giles said, raising her face to look her in the eyes.
"I know, you are important to me too, Giles. You are all I have left. I just, sometimes I wish, I could go back and fix everything and then I wouldn't hurt anymore. Everything just hurts..I am so tired of hurting, Giles. And then Angel, what is up with him? Why is he now in a posh penthouse?? I thought he was working out that hotel place.." Willow asked, wiping her eyes.
"Well, I am not sure. We only spoke of you and disappearing act. I do believe he is genuinely concerned about you.maybe you should talk to him," Giles suggested, hoping she would talk to the souled vampire and maybe HE could get through to her.
"Um, Giles, Angel and I aren't that close and besides, I am sure he is busy helping the helpless.I doubt he is even thinking about me at all," Willow said, trying to keep her voice even.
Back in LA. "I can't believe this. Giles knows something; why won't he tell me? Why won't Willow tell me?" Angel asked what he thought was an empty office.
"Maybe because the last time she dealt with you, you were a soulless evil demon, mate," Spike said, leaning against the doorframe.
"Spike, get out. I really don't feel like dealing with you today," Angel yelled, throwing a picture frame at the blonde vamp, which passed right through his ghostly body.
"Fine. Just making a passing observation. So, you've talked to Willow..did she ask about me? Oh, wait she probably doesn't know I am a bloody ghost..is she near here, maybe I could pop in on her?" Spike asked, hoping that the hacker was close enough that he could go visit her. Of all the gang in Sunnydale, she was the only one that seemed to care about him, even after all his attempts to kill.nice girl.
"Spike, I ..arg.no, Willow is not here, she is at this very moment in England with Giles..something is going on with her though, and I intend to find out. So, if you will excuse me, I need to get to work. Go haunt Harmony, if she's even awake by now." Angel said, turning to his computer and attempting to ignore Spike's mutterings about Harmony's "personality" flaws.
~Part: 3~
Willow was quietly doing her Tai Chi when she sensed a presence directly behind her. Immediately, she spun, kicked, and punched, bringing her would-be attacker to his knees. Unfortunately, it wasn't an attacker, only Angel. "Oh, Goddess! Angel, I am so sorry! If I had known..oh, I am so sorry," Willow babbled, trying to help the souled vamp to his feet and over to a chair.
"No, Willow, it's ok, I should have knocked or something. Ouch!" Angel yelped as he sat, widening his legs to accommodate the burning in his groin.
"Here, let me go get you some ice," Willow said, running out the room and getting 2 ice packs. Willow placed one on his groin and the other went to his jaw.
"Thank you," Angel told her, looking her in the eyes. Willow quickly tore her gaze from his and sat on the couch across from him.
"So, Angel, what brings you to England? Giles is out at the moment but he should be back soon.do you want something to drink, or, um, not that we have blood here, but we have tea, and water, do you drink tea? Or water? Or both? Or, um, I guess I'll shut up now and you talk." Willow babbled again. She hadn't babbled this much in years; it was like she was 16 again.arg!
"Well, I can and do actually drink tea, however I don't need any right now. As for what brings me to England, well, that would be you. Now, I know that you and I are not exactly buds or anything but I still consider you one of my few friends. I just want to help you, that's all. And not just because you are Buffy's best friend, but because you are my friend. At least I consider you my friend; after all that you've done for me, it's only right that I help you. Now, Willow will you please tell me what's going on? And by the way, does Buffy stay here too? I mean, will she be here anytime soon?" Angel asked, his hopefulness evident in his voice.
"Angel, I am afraid that I again have to be the bearer of bad news. I guess I should start at the beginning..back to when we were all back in Sunnydale together.after I went all end-of-the- world postal." Willow paused at the amazed look on Angel's face. "Oh, you remember.I delved into to the black magics and tried to end the world, Angelus-style, only without the Acthala. Anyway, after that and Xander saved the world and me, literally, I had to work really hard and eventually the gang forgave me. Then there was this demon.this really easy to kill, run-of-the-mill, ordinary demon. We should have killed it the first night it was in Sunnydale, but it seemed to block and evade everything we threw at it. And that happened to be the night that Dawn got upset with Buffy and stormed out. And that stupid demon killed Dawn, and Buffy lost it. Any and every demon that she came across was as good as dead. I mean, I never saw her so angry, and she shut both Xander and me out. It was so hard. Finally, Giles gave up on trying to make her see reason, and that was when we got the prophecy. There was this hell beast that was going to once more try to, you know, the world. And by this point, Buffy was beyond research, her new motto was kill now, ask questions later. Well, Giles told her not go looking for the Kalaen demon until we had found the best way to kill it. But did she listen, no! She just went and well, it stabbed her just as she cut off its head, killing it and infecting her. She only lasted about 2 days. We all spent those last days together; we never left her side. But those days, well, they are all I have now. All that keeps me going, all that, I." Willow, stopped and ducked her head to hide the tears she could no longer hold at bay. Through her whole speech, Angel had sat there and while he knew that Buffy would ultimately die, he just liked to delude himself with the notion that she wouldn't die before him. How could all this have happened and why didn't anyone tell him? Just as he was about to ask that question, he heard a muffled sob come from the redhead and pushed his question aside and tried to comfort her, the only way he could. Willow felt Angel's arms go around her and for a moment, she lost herself in his embrace. For once, she felt safe and not so alone in the world. Then she realized she was crying all over him like a baby and she pulled away.
"Um, anyway, after she was gone, and Giles had finally convinced me that I couldn't bring her back, Xander couldn't stand to be in Sunnydale anymore and he and Anya took off to see the world.they send Giles and me a postcard every few months, just Xander's way of trying to apologize for leaving. Giles decided that he also didn't want to stay in Sunnydale and I decided that I really wouldn't make it on my own, and so we ended up here in England. And then, um," Willow paused; now she was getting to the part that she really didn't want to tell Angel. She didn't need to hear from him how childish she was chasing a phantom. And about that time, Giles walked into room.
"Angel, what a surprise!" Giles exclaimed, truly surprised to see the vampire. Then he noticed Willow, who appeared to have been crying. "Willow, what is the matter? Tell me, what's happened?" Giles said in a rush. He was at her side in an instant and proceeded to gather the girl into a bear hug.
"Uh, Giles, kinda need to breathe now," Willow gasped, struggling to breathe.
"Um, Giles, I sort of asked Willow what's been going on and she told me.about Buffy," Angel said, going back to his seat. He quietly observed how Giles and Willow interacted, like a father and his daughter.
"Yeah, I just told about that stuff and well, I am really tired, and Angel, if you don't mind, I'd like to get some rest." Willow said, her eyes once again filling with tears.
"That's fine. I am sure that Giles and I can keep ourselves occupied. Go get some sleep, Willow," Angel replied, giving her a small, rare smile.
"Ok, and Giles, there is a message to call Mella. Something about you not really liking her teacakes? I just don't know about that woman," Willow told the ex-watcher. Giles and Angel watched amused as Willow continued to mutter about the woman and her damn teacakes.
~Part: 4~
"Well, Angel, I am not sure what all Willow told you," Giles started as soon as Willow was out of the room.
"Oh, she mostly told me how the love of my unlife died" Angel said quietly, trying to keep his anger out of his voice.
"Angel, you have every right to be upset. We were so shocked by the whole thing; you must understand, in a matter of days, she was...gone," Giles said, taking his glasses off. He had hoped that he wouldn't cry, but now that he was talking about it, tears were already forming.
"Giles, don't get me wrong. I know that I am probably last person that you would want to even talk to, but a phone call...a simple phone call, that's all," Angel told him. Truth was, Angel was more upset about not being informed, than the fact that Buffy was gone. The all-consuming love that he had felt for the slayer was no more; now it was as if he had lost a dear friend. And this was enough to bring a full-on brood.
"Look, I truly am sorry that you weren't told. I think that Willow had attempted to call you, but the number she tried was disconnected," Giles stated, openly wiping his eyes. He no longer cared if Angel saw him cry or not.
"Well, ah, yeah about that, I guess I should have given you the new number. The crew and I are now working at a place called Wolfram & Hart. It's an evil law firm, only now we're in charge and I'd like to think that we are doing some major good, you know like the destroy-evil-from-the-inside-out kinda good," Angel said in a rush. For some reason, he felt he needed Giles' approval. Not like he really thought he'd get it from the ex-watcher, whose tortured he had once committed.
"Ah, I see. That does seem like a logical approach, I would imagine. I guess that would explain why Willow couldn't get you and why you have a plush new apartment. I do vaguely remember something about the Wolfram & Hart firm. I assume that the Powers that Be know this and appear to be okay with it. You are still on the redemption path, I take it?" Giles asked. He was shocked, but at the same time, admired the vampire for his optimistic thinking. Giles only hoped that being around such evil didn't bring a repeat Angelus performance.
"Yes, I am still trying to redeem myself, and as for the Powers knowing, I am going to go with a yes. I mean, I have a feeling that they would have told me by now if it were a bad idea. I had doubts, well, still have a few, but like I said, it would appear that we are still helping getting rid of evil," Angel replied.
"Yes, um, back to Willow. Did she tell you why she ended up in the park?" Giles asked. Giles could only hope that Willow had told Angel.
"Actually, she stopped at the part about Xander deserting her," Angel growled.
"Ok, then. I will finish up then. And no, Xander didn't desert her. He just couldn't handle things. Had he stayed, I fear things would be worse than they are now. At least now there is only one person out for revenge instead of two. Look, Angel, the demon that killed Buffy was killed. Willow killed it the day after Buffy had been hurt with a spell and a dangerous one at that. Basically, she disintegrated the body, however, she didn't know that its spirit would then be free to move from host to host at will, taking on any form it chooses. Now that only way to kill the damn thing is for her to have it and herself drink a substance that will force the spirit into her body. Once in her body, she has to recite a spell and it will force the spirit out and into this medallion that has been prepared for it. And since she did the original spell, she has had a link to the spirit, gets like a faint trace on it, if you will letting her feel where it is and that is when she goes to where she thinks it is. However, she says that once she gets where she felt it was, she can't seem to pinpoint whom it is. It is like it lures her there and then vanishes. And only she can perform the spell to stop it since she is the one that freed it. Now, before you say anything, I can't stand what she is doing to herself, but I can't convince her not to do it. I have tried, but to no avail. I never thought I'd say this, but Angel, I am hoping that, well, that you can talk to her, anything, I just don't think I could stand to lose her as well" Giles said, his silent tears falling down his tired face. Angel didn't know whether to be in awe of Willow's power or angry at her lack of care for herself.
"Wow. That's why I found her in the park. I take it the substance has a few side effects, like sleeping like the dead," Angel stated.
"Yes, once ingested, Willow has 25 to 30 minutes to say the spell and trap the spirit, after that, she's out like a light. And while I don't know exactly what goes on once the substance is in the system, Willow says it acts almost like an aphro, aphrodisiac," Giles stuttered out.
"What the?" Angel asked, raising both his voice and his eyebrows.
"Angel, as I have told you, I have tried to stop her, but she refuses. I have tried every spell I can find to keep her here, but next thing I know, she is gone. Sometimes, one, two days at a time. I don't even know if she knows how many 'things'she has thought was the damn demon. But apparently, she doesn't care and won't stop until she has finally gotten it. I just..." Giles said, choking up on the rest of his sentence. He was truly at his wits end. He had always thought of himself as a strong man, but now, with so much lost, he didn't know.
"I promise you, Giles, I will do everything I can to protect Willow...from this thing and herself. In fact, I'll get everyone back home on it right now. Where's your phone?" Angel asked, getting up.
"It's right over here," Giles told him, walking over to the desk. It was then that he saw the message Willow had left for him from Mella. That awful, obnoxious woman. "I am going to go check on Willow. I pray she is in her room," Giles said, walking out of the room.
"Thanks," Angel called out to his retreating form. Angel could have used his cell, but he hated the reception and this was way too important to have the cell phone cut in and out.
Giles stood in front of Willow's door, hoping against hope that Willow would be on the other side. More often than not, she wasn't. So when he opened door and saw her lying on her bed, he was more than relieved. As he turned and closed the door, he never saw her open her eyes or hear her whisper the few words in Latin that swept her out of the room.
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