
"Willow," Buffy waved her hand in front of Willow's face. "Earth to Willow,
come in, Willow."

"Wha-?" Willow shook her head. She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Where were you, Will?" Xander asked. "Where have you been for the last
couple of days? You've been so spacey lately. "

"I've had a lot on my mind," she shrugged.

What an understatement. For the last week, her life had been a blur. She
only felt safe leaving her house during the day. She managed to rush home
before sunset every day. Luckily with Angelus otherwise occupied, the
Hellmouth was pretty quiet so she wasn't needed at the library for
But it was getting difficult coming up with excuses as to why she couldn't
go out at night.

But staying in wasn't all that unpleasant. Spike was making sure of that.
Every night he would sneak out of the mansion and go to Willow's while
Angelus roamed the streets, taking his frustration out on the unfortunate
creatures that crossed his path. He would slide into her bed and wake her
with kisses. Though lately it was getting harder and harder for her to
pretend she was asleep. They hadn't made love yet. They were both so afraid
that Angelus would be able to smell Willow on Spike, or vice versa if he
ever caught up to Willow. But it was wonderful just laying together in bed
and talking. Spike reduced her giggling tears when he told her stories
his early days with Angelus. Especially the story about Angelus pulling a
hooker into an alley, ripping off her wig and getting kicked in the nuts
his trouble.

"She was a man, baby!" Spike grinned as Willow howled. Every morning he
would sneak back through the tunnels and Willow would wake to find an empty
and another gift from Angelus on her balcony- flowers, volumes of poetry,
more sketches. It unnerved Spike completely. So she installed thick
over the windows to protect Spike from sunlight and Angelus' gaze.

She took a sip of soda and watched as a pair of vampires she recognized as
Angelus' minions turned not so subtly to look at her again. She rolled her
eyes. She couldn't believe she let Buffy talk her into this. How the hell
was she going to get home? Xander grabbed her hands and pulled her onto the
dance floor. She laughed despite herself.  Xander did  his "funky Xand-man
dance" to the pulsating beat of Macy Gray's "Caligula."


Buffy followed them and wrapped her arm around Xander from behind. She
wriggled her eyebrows at her redheaded friend. Xander's jaw dropped.


Xander's face was reddening as he struggled to keep dancing between his
friends. He didn't want to admit it but this particular arrangement had the
been the subject of his fantasies for the last few years. Willow worsened
the situation by grabbing his lapels and grinding down the length of his
body. Xander's eyes almost popped out of his skull.

"You-you girls are just EVIL!" he sputtered as he scrambled off the floor,
his hands covering the embarassing pup-tent in his crotch.

Buffy grinned and continued dancing until a blond college guy wrapped his
arm around her and pulled her into a dance. Willow laughed, she simply let
herself melt into the crowd as part of the its collective groove. She let
herself go for just a few seconds. She felt a pair of hands at her waist.

She turned. Not Angelus. Her jaw dropped. It was Spike, but not Spike. He
was wearing a slate-gray turtleneck sweater, blue jeans and wire-rim
glasses. And his hair was…. Brown. .

"Just call me William," he whispered against her ear.

She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her. She raised her arms over her
head and writhed against him. She looked over her shoulder, Angelus'
looked a little irritated that they would have to report this back to their
master, but didn't seem to recognize Spike.

Her hands wound around his body, pulling his ass towards her. He grinned,
grinding her body against her. He pulled her from the floor, the crowd
swallowing them and shielding them from the minions' gaze. He pulled her
behind the soda fountain and claimed her mouth, exploring its warm depths

"Missed you, pet," he said. "All day."

"Your hair," she whispered, stroking the newly dyed strands.

"Worth being able to see you in public," he grinned. "It'll be blond again
before I go home, so enjoy it while you can."

"You're going home?" she asked. "Right now?"

He nodded. "Angelus is getting suspicious. He wants to play chess with me
tonight, which is not a good sign."

"Why not?"

"In the old days, chess usually rested on a bet," he said.

"What kind of bet?'

"Well, whoever won was the dominant," he said, looking at the floor.

"The dominant what- oh." She winced. "Can't you refuse?"

"He's my sire, if he wants me back in his bed, I should be honored."

"Are you?" she asked stroking his cheek.

He shrugged. "Part of me, I've missed the old Angelus and every part of my
old relationship with hm, except of course his habit of shagging the women
love. The other part just wants to stake him."

"But why would he want you back in his bed when he's supposedly so lovesick
over me?"

"Ouch, pet."

"You know what I mean!" she slugged his shoulder.

"I don't know," he said. "I just wanted to tell you why I couldn't be at
your place tonight and to give you one of these."

He kissed her again.

"That's more than one," Willow giggled.

"Call me an overachiever," he kissed her again.

"'Night, pet." He pulled away from her.

He headed into the crowd. "Spike?"

He turned.

She grinned wickedly. "Beat the pants off him."

Willow stepped through her front door. Getting home had been a lot easier
than she had expected. She and Xander had had to dust two vamps at the end
of her street, but other than that it was pretty quiet.

She flipped on the living room light. Strange. She thought she left that
light on.

She heard a creaking floorboard behind her. And then she felt a dull thud
the base of her skull and stars filled her vision.

She slumped to the floor as she remembered what Spike had told her.

Angelus wasn't above hiring humans. Humans who could sneak into her house,
invited or not.

"You were supposed to subdue her and bring her here, not harm her!" Willow
could hear Angelus' angry voice through the fog over her brain.

She squinted. Angelus was standing in the living room of the mansion
with some swarthy human. Apparently the one who hit her over the head.

"Look, dude, you said to get her here, you didn't say how, now can I get
what you owe me or not?" the hapless man demanded. He had no idea who he
dealing with.

"What I owe you?" Angelus smirked. "Of course."

His game face emerged and he ripped the grunt's throat out, draining him
dry. Willow licked the walls of her dry mouth. She sat up slowly. He
his human mask slipping back into place.

"Willow," he grinned, licking the blood from his lips. "So nice of you drop

"I was in the neighborhood," she grumbled. He knelt before her.

"You're back where you belong," he said, stroking her face. Suddenly his
grip tightened.

"You're hurting me," she said softly. He loosened his iron grip on her

"I thought I was going to have to make a stupid mistake before you caught
to me." She snorted.

"Coming into your house alone at night without escort, sounds stupid to

She growled.

"Why did you leave me?" he demanded.

"I don't appreciate being drowned," she said.

"I told you," he kissed her cheeks. "Dru will never hurt you again. She's
been severely punished."

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Never mind, I don't want to know."

He grinned. "So you're staying?"

"Do I have a choice?"

He shook his head. "Not really, you're mine."

"Look," Willow rolled her eyes. "This can only lead to me running away
again, there have to be a few rules here."

"You want to make rules? That's cute."

"You want to spend another week leaving presents on my balcony?"

"Fine," he sat back, pulling her roughly into her lap. "What rules?"

"First, you can't keep me here, I choose to be here. I can choose to


"Have you ever thought maybe I don't want to be here because you've given
choice?" she demanded. "Maybe I would stick around if it wasn't an order?"

He grimaced.

"As long as it's understood that I will eventually come back, I can leave
whenever I want, got it?" she asked.

He nodded hesitantly.

"Good." She kissed him briefly, pulling away before he could deepen. He
grunted in frustration.

"Second I choose where I sleep, whether it's at my home or here."

"No, absolutely not." He growled. "You belong in my bed- wait a minute,
you're using the same 'maybe I'll stay if it's my choice' principal aren’t

"Maybe," she rolled her eyes again.


"Good," she kissed him again, a little longer this time. "Then I'm back,

"Good," he lifted her from the couch and started upstairs.

"Where are we going?" she asked coyly.

"Time to start your punishment," he said.

"Yes, yes, punish me. I've been a very bad girl." She snuggled against his

He carried her to his bedroom. The door swung open. Spike was tied to a
chair in the corner of the room, gagged.

"SPIKE!" she cried. Angelus chuckled and set her on her feet. "Angelus,
have you done?"

"He lost at chess."

Spike looked like he had been worked over pretty good. Bood was drying at
the edge of already healing wounds. She rushed over to him. His eyes, they
were oddly at peace. He had expected this. Willow turned on Angelus.

"Bastard," she spat.

"Oh, sweetheart, when I found out that not only was my childe walking and
not telling me about it but sneaking over to my lifemate's house at night
play snugglebunnies, what could I do? Like any good father I had to
discipline him."

She swallowed a lump of anger forming in her throat. Angelus swaggered over
to her.

"Though Spike was VERY accommodating," Angelus winked at his childe. "He
wouldn't give me any details about what you allowed him to do to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, sweet Willow," he wrapped his fingers in her hair and jerked her head
back. He licked the length of her throat. "I could smell you for days after
you left, and for the longest time I thought it was just my imagination,
the scent grew stronger and stronger and it was coming from Spike's room.
The very essence of you was trapped in his clothes. Did you really think I
wouldn't find out?"

She remained silent.

"Willlloow," he whispered. "Tell me what he did to you."

He threw her on the bed. Spike watched as Angelus ripped through her shirt.

"Did he kiss your throat?" Angelus asked, nipping her jugular. Willow
gasped, nodding. Angelus tossed the scrap of her bra at the bound vampire.

"Did he touch your breasts?" he asked, twisting her aching nipple as he
laved the other with his tongue.

"Yes!" she hissed.

"Did you like it?" he asked.

She groaned, nodding. Angelus unzipped her jeans, roughly slipping a digit
in her dripping core.

"Did he fill you like this?"

She nodded, bucking into his palm. She thrust her hips up to meet him,
searching for release. He knelt between her thighs, licking at her gently.

"Did he taste you?"

"Mmmhmmm," she moaned.

He nipped her clit. She cried out. He flipped her over and bent her over
bed, facing Spike. He pulled his pants open. He cupped her ass, sending one
finger her at a time. Spike's face clouded over with a mixture of lust and

"Did you let him fuck you?" Angelus hissed into her ear as he entered her
roughly. "Did he feel how hot and tight you are?"

She shook her head, panting. She tried to buck back for much-needed
friction, but Angelus kept her immobile.  She kept her eyes on Spike's the
whole time. She smirked slightly. Despite everything, having him watch her
was a turn-on.  "Never."

Angelus seemed taken aback. "Why?"

"He wouldn't do it." Willow grunted. Spike's eyes glowed with admiration
gratitude. "Out of respect for you."

"Never?" Angelus grinned over her at Spike. Spike shook his head.

"You don't know what you're missing, Spikey old boy." Angelus allowed
two quick strokes. She cried out, slumping against the mattress.

"Please, Angelus," she demanded.

"What do you want, Willow?"

"Make me cum, now."

"Why should I?" he asked. "This is your punishment. You won't cum until I
say so."

Her head snapped up. She shot Spike a defiant look. She tightened her
muscles around Angelus, just once quickly. He groaned. Spike grinned behind
the scarf gagging him. She did it again, clamping down on him for a moment
longer. He wrapped himself around her pulling her body against him. She
leaned forward milking him again.

"Stop it, Willow," Angelus grunted.

"Stop?" she asked squeezing him. "Do you really want me to?"

"No," he said, his voice choked. He moved inside her, he slid into her
fully. She rocked against him, her muscles milking him as she hit her first
orgasm. He screamed her name as he shot his seed into her.

"Well done, pet," Spike's eyes told her. She wriggled her eyebrows.

Angelus took a few minutes to recover and sat up. He kissed Willow's neck.
"Not bedtime yet, sweet. Your night has just begun.

"Mmm?" she lifted her bed from the pillow. Angelus got out of bed and
a very confused Spike. He shoved Spike on the bed and sat down in his

"I don't understand," Willow said.

"If my childe and my mate are going to be together, I might as well enjoy
it," he said smugly. He leaned forward, kissing her roughly. Then he
Spike's mouth. Willow watched with fascination as their tongues dueled for
dominance. She never imagined watching two men kissing would be so erotic.
"You are not to be together unless I'm here, understand? There is no you
without me."

"Understood," Willow nodded.

Spike nodded, his fingers wrapped around hers under the sheets.
"Now Spike, show Willow what daddy taught you."
