Title: Harem Dreams (FINALE) or finally as some would put it.
Rating (R)
Disclaimer: I am but a grateful devotee of Joss Whedon, I own the rights to nothing. Please don't sue me.
Feedback: Need it like air.
If I'm doing this right, I will finally have finished Harem Dreams, so all of you can just get off my back! : ) Seriously.Life has kept me away from writing, but I'm hoping to make a steadier return, I've missed you guys.
So without further ado...
Angel woke up, the muted sunlight shining behind thick red curtains in his bedroom window. What a beautiful dream.
He'd been warm. And loved. Willow had come to him in his real bed and she'd been even better than in his dreams. They'd loved throughout the day and night, every possible way, sometimes slow and tender, at other time wild and animal in their passion. But every time, she'd been his Willow. The woman of his dreams.
He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply just for the pleasure of it. Her sweet spicy scent still clung to his brain. He sniffed again.
And his sheets.
He rolled over to find her, dressed in one of his shirts, watching him as he slept. She grinned sheepishly.
"Good morning."
He smiled back. "It is now."
"You're not mad?"
"Oh, yes, shame on you for sneaking into my bed and giving me hours of pleasure," he took her hand and kissed her inner wrist, accentuating each smack with "no no no."
She shrugged, chewing on her swollen bottom lip. "I just thought, you might have been under the influence... of the dreams last night and things would look at little different in the light of day."
"Willow, everything looks differently in the light of day for me," he said. "Mostly because I'm on fire."
She giggled. He was glad to see her relax a little. She seemed so afraid. as if he were going to toss her out at any minute. Hadn't he shown her only last night how much he wanted her? He may just have to spend the rest of the day reiterating his point. His loins quickened at the idea.
"So," he said. "what are we going to do now?"
She eased out from under the sheets and began to pull on her jeans. "I thought maybe we'd do a little research, try to figure out what's causing the dreams."
He reched out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back into the bed. "I was thinking more along the lines of breakfast."
"Breakfast?" she said, her eyebrows rising.
"Pancakes, shaped like little smiley faces, bacon, toast, orange juice..." he said. "You can make all that stuff, right?"
"Angel!" she shouted, smacking him with a pillow. He chuckled, dodged her repeated blows and kissed her until she dropped the pillow and melted against him. That was more like it.
"I was just kidding, I'll cook." he said, nuzzling her. "Besides, I didn't have any dreams last night," he said, kissing her once more.
"Me neither." she said. "Maybe they were just an expression of our inner minds' desire to be together. We just both wanted it so badly, that our souls found each other on the dream plane.
Angel shrugged. It made as much sense as anything else he'd thought of, including his theory that was all Xander's fault, somehow. "They say a dream is a wish your heart makes."
Willow arched an eyebrow. "Didn't Walt Disney say that?"
"Oh, please, Disney?" Angel laughed. "Big time demon."
"Walt Disney?!" Willow screeched.
"What other than a demon would create 'The Aristocats?" Angel asked, shuddering. "Eeewww."
"You've got a point there," she said. She toyed with the sheets, trying to find the right words. "So now that we've been together-"
"And will continue to be together, if I have anything to say about it."
She grinned brightly and kissed him."Now that we've been together, do you rhink the dreams will stop?"
"Probably," he nodded. "But I may not be able to wait long to see you in another gauzy halter top thingy." He held his sheet up to his cheeks doing a heck of an impression of harem girl eyes.
She giggled. "Well, I guess there's only one way to find out..."
"What's that?" he asked, looking intrigued.
"We're going to have sex over and over and over again until we go to sleep and if we don't have dreams we're just going to have to do it all over again until we find out for sure. I mean it, Angel, I'm committed to seeing this through."
"I admire your committment," he said solemnly.
"Thank you," she said, stripping out of his shirt. "Now, some over here and I'll show you your future."