Transylvanian Concubine (2/?)
               Author: Midnight Girl
               Rating: NC-17
               Summary: Willow learns more
               Pairing: W/Aus (Eventually W/Aus/S)
               Thanks again to Inell, who inspires me to write naughty stuff. And to my
               girls on the third floor.


               Angelus led her through the door of a decrepit old Victorian house on the
               outskirts of a downtown.

               (I sort of expected an abandoned warehouse or something, Willow thought.
               What is it with vampires and decrepit old warehouses? she wondered. Aren't
               there any warehouses in the world that actually store something? What am I
               doing here?)

               He pulled her against his taut hard body as the door slammed behind them.
               His mouth pinned hers down, invading with his lashing tongue. She whimpered
               as he shoved her jacket from her shoulders and dropped it to the floor.
               Never breaking his possessive kiss, he led her to the stairs, pulling her
               up, one at a time. Her fingers trembled as she fumbled with the buttons of
               his shirt. He grinned against her lips.

               She was participating, wanting. That was good. His hand cupped  the naped of
               her neck, forcing her closer to his mouth.

               Shoving her against the wall, he grabbed her skirt at the slit in the knee
               and ripped it to her waist. He tossed the torn material to the floor. Her
               soaked panties followed, then her shirt and bra. He wrapped her legs around
               his waist relishing the feel of her hot, wet warmth pressing against his
               belly, his skin coated with her juices. HEr clever little tongue darted
               along the flesh of his throat, nipping at his jugular. He groaned, game face
               sliding into place. She grinned, pressing the sensitive flesh between her
               blunt teeth. He roared, fumbling with his belt, letting his pants dropped to
               his ankles. He kicked out of them as he carried her into the bedroom.

               He laid her over the maroon satin duvet and pinned her arms to the bed. He
               licked an icy trail from her throat to her aching breasts, he teased each
               nipple in turn with his tongue.  She gasped, arching up to meet his kiss. He
               traced her wet folds with the tip of his cock. She moaned, thrusting against
               him. He pulled away, filled with pridde at her lustful display.

               "What do you want, Willow?" he asked. "You have to make the choice."

               She grabbed at his hair, pulling his face to hers.

               "I want you inside of me," she hissed.

               Needing no further invitation, Angelus plunged into her, breaking her
               innocence. She shrieked at the twinge of agony  and then relaxed as he
               pumped gently into her. He moaned, she so hot and tight. Her muscles
               clenched around him as she adjusted to him. The ridges of his game face
               pressed into her breast as his climax neared. He grazed her throat with his
               fangs. She whimpered as tilted her head back, offering him her neck. He
               grinned, sinking his teeth into the tender flesh. She cried out, the pain
               and the sensation of him suckling from her bringing her to orgasm. She
               quaked from the inside out.

               He seized her mouth, letting her taste her blood on his lips. The coppery
               metallic tang filling her senses. His tongue flicked over a sharp fang,
               slicing the flesh. He offered it to her. Without thinking or hesitation, she
               sucked at it greedily. Licking crimson nectar from his mouth like honey. He
               exploded inside her, shooting his cold seed into her womb.

               He collapsed over her in a heap. He kissed her, not realizing she had
               already fallen fast asleep.

               He grinned. "Mine."

               Willow woke slowly. She registered few things except for the silky sheets
               wrapped around her body and the throbbing pain between her thighs. She

               What kind of fucked up dream was that?

               SHe could hear a soft scraping noise across the room. HEr eyes flew open.
               Angelus was lounging shirtless in a leather chair across the room,
               sketching. He looked up and winked.

               "Don't move," he said. "I haven't quite captured the lines of your back

               "What the hell!" she shouted, sitting up. She pressed the sheet to her
               breasts. "What have I done?"

               "Fucked me mercilessly," Angelus grinned, getting up from his chair and
               styretching out beside her. "And frankly, I'm rather hurt that you don't

               She moaned. "And now what? You turn me? Rip out my throat and leave my
               broken body on Buffy's doorstep?"

               "Nothing as vulgar as that," he shrugged, kissing her fingertips one by one.
               "I'm going to keep you."

               "For how long?" she asked, pulling her hands away.

               "Forever," he nodded.

               "WHAT!?" she shrieked, catapulting out of bed. "You can't! I won't!"

               "I can and you will." he insisted. "You're mine now, Willow. You fed from me
               as I took your virginity. As you did that, you became my consort. My
               concubine if you will."

               "But I didn't mean to!" she cried.

               "Doesn't matter," he grinned. He hadn't expected her to be all sunshine and
               roses about the prospect of losing the life she knew. "You did it and now
               you have to accept it. And it's really not a bad life. You have all the
               strengths of vampires without any of their weaknesses. You can go out into
               sunlight. You don't have to drink blood. You will live forever. You will
               never age. You will never die. Unless of course, I do, but that'll never
               happen. Your life force is tied to mine for eternity. You're mine."

               "But I..." her lips quivered. Stop whining, Willow. You're just irritating
               him. Go with it, figure out an escape later. "What exactly does being your
               concubine entail?"

               "You're my companion," he said, kissing her throat. "My confidante." He
               kissed her collarbone. "My plaything." He kissed the valley between her
               breasts. "My pet."  He raised his face to hers and kissed her roughly. "And
               best of all, my lover."

               He continued his gentle assault of her mouth. She whimpered. What had just
               happened to her universe? Her eyes searched frantically for anything she
               could use as a weapon. A heavy chrystal vase glittered on the nightstand.
               She raised it over his head and brought it crashing against the base of his
               skull. He slumped against her. She shoved him off her body and bolted for
               the door, clutching the sheet to her body as she went.

               She made it as far as the stairs before an arm wrapped her body in an iron
               grip. She shreiked, squirming against her captor. Stupid superhuman speed.

               "Angelus, let me go!"

               "Guess again, pet," a soft voice pressed against her nape.

               "Spike!" she gasped.
