In the Heart of a Watcher

Sequel to: "All Giddy Inside"

Author: Mistress Vamp


Pairing: Main: W/Aus, S/F, C/G, D/L; But they will all be paired together in various different pairings

Feedback: I'm not too proud to beg!!!!!

Disclaimer: MINE! MINE! MINE! *Returns from Fantasy Island* Joss is God! Joss owns all! *lucky bastard*

Season Spoilers: Season 2 of 'AtS'/Season 5 of 'BtVS'

Rating: NC17!!!!!!! *Oh come on! Like you didn't expect it???? PUH-LEASE!!!*

Summary: Anyone remember Giles???

Dedication to: BloodRain *You know who you are*

Authorette's Notes: Anyone been wondering if there was going to be a sequel? LOL...I got inspiration to write sequels to fics and to finish up the PPF series

Authorette's Notes 2: Drusilla is Spike's Sire

Authorette's Notes 3: Two years after the original fic. Be *WARNED!!!* Character death of some of the beloved characters we all cherish...

Authorette's Notes 4: The bytch is back and she's ready to play ...








~Los Angelas, CA: 2007~

The man walked off of the plane with one thing on his mind: revenge. He stood in the airport lobby and waited patiently for his ride to arrive. He looked around and grew very disgusted by the site that was before him. He had gotten word that the death of his slayer five years before was not accidental. That her death had been planned all along and not just by anyone, but by her best friend. The thought of seeing this group disgusted him, but he knew what he had to do. He had to prevent this group from total destruction of the city and he had to do it fast. It was now his duty to perform this right of justice over the one who had killed his slayer. He would get his revenge on the redheaded witch and if it meant taking down the entire group to do so, and it meant his life, he was willing to do both.


She moaned against his touch as his mouth tasted her sweaty skin. His tongue moved out of his mouth slowly and he licked her navel to neck, torturing her slowly. Her eyes fluttered open and shut in a matter of seconds, arching against him as he continued to torture her with his beloved tongue. Her eyes opened slightly as she looked on at her torturer. His eyes gazed into hers as he suckled slightly on a breast, nipping at the nipple slowly. His hand moved up and gripped the other one painfully, but lovingly. She arched against him and moved to wrap her legs around his waist. He crawled up her body slowly and positioned himself at her entrance. He kissed her sweaty neck and moved into her cold depths slowly, savoring every minute that they were together.

She arched her back as he slid into her, moving her hips toward him to take him deeper. She rested her hands on his arms as he slowly began to move. They both panted for unneeded breaths as he began to pick up his speed. He bent down and claimed her mouth as he moved into her faster and deeper. She met his movements thrust for thrust, moaning he moved his mouth from hers and claimed a breast into his mouth, sucking on it roughly. He turned away from that breast and attacked the other one in the same manner. He thrusted inside of her harder, feeling that they were both close to their orgasms. He released her breasts as he balanced himself on his hands, only to move one down in between their bodies and pinching her hard on her sensitive nub. She threw her head back and screamed out his name as he bent down, biting into her neck roughly, sending his cold seed deep into her womb.

He fell on top of her body as they both panted for air. She stroked his hair with one hand and rubbed his back with the other, keeping her legs tightly around his waist. He licked at her wound with a small purring sound and she closed her eyes as she smiled. He pulled away from the bite mark and looked her into her eyes deeply, and when she reopened them, she knew it was time. He bent down and gave her one final kiss before pulling himself from her, and climbing out of bed. They each grabbed their respective clothing, only going to each other in the middle of the room and embracing each other with a gentle touch.

"Wha time does his plane arrive?" he asked softly.

She looked up at him and touched his face gently. "I would presume he's already here."

Angelus nodded. "Then we shouldn't keep him waiting," she nodded in agreement. "Do you think he knows about you, baby?" Willow laughed and smiled. "Oh yeah. I think he knows all about lil ole me," she said with an amused look. {Oh the fun is *really* about to begin} she thought as she pulled out of his embrace and leading him out of the hotel. {I sure do hope he doesn't mind be vampire's food.} Willow looked over at her mate as he entered the car and started it up, laughing silently at the carnage that was about to take place.

~Part: 1~

He looked around the airport lobby area, making sure there were no others around. His special guests were about about to arrive any moment and he was sure that nothing was going to ruin his moment. This was something he had been waiting for nearly five years now. Not only was he going to get revenge for his slayer, but he was going to get the revenge that he never received upon the vampire whom killed his beloved Jenny Calendar. Once he knew the area was secure, he began to set up his zone. {Tonight} he thought. {Tonight will be my revenge.}


The night air blew slowly past the couple as they proudly drove to their destination. The top was down on the car and they both felt as if nothing bad could ever happen again. Their love had defied all. Nothing could stand in their way. Tonight was their night.


Whimpers, cries, and screams filled the room as he once again brung his beloved to the brinks of ecstasy. She shook and shivered under his cool touch, longing for more once he had stopped. His tongue danced acrossed her skin, working miracles she had never thought. Tonight would never end.


She tossed and turned as visions danced in her head. Something bad was about to happen to her perfect little tree and she couldn't stop her pain. She opened her eyes in a panic and stood from her bed, her nightshirt falling just below below her waist. She grabbed her little dolly and hugged her tight. Her mummy and daddy were about to be hurt. Tonight, her family was going to be destroyed.


The seer screamed loudly as she jumped from her bed as the vision hit her hard. Her beloved jumped up and immediately had her in his arms. Her whole body wrecked with sobs as she looked at him with tear filled golden eyes. She closed her eyes as she moved away from him and went to the phone. She picked it up the receiver with shaky hands and dialed the phone number. They had to stop tonight's events because if they didn't, all would be destroyed.


As they got closer to the airport, her eyes looked around slowly. There was something in the air that she didn't like too well. Something deep down in the pits of her stomach told her that tonight was going to end her and her family. As her eyes searched the darkness, she slowly put a hand up on the top of the windshield as her other hand rested on the back of her seat. She kneeled on one leg as she stood on the other. Her head tilted to the side as she took in her surroundings. Her ears picked up sounds that she had never heard before. Her unbeating heart picked up a heartache that she knew was about to form. Her stomach turned as visions started to dance through her head. No matter the feelings that she had, she knew tonight was her end.


He watched as his mate searched the premises of the grounds, her actions somewhat confusing him. He knew her eyes were searching for something, but what, he wasn't sure. By the movements that her body now took, he knew there was something not right. Almost as if something sinnister was about to happen to his beloved Queen of the Damned. His eyes never left the darkness as he slowly brought the car to a slow and steady stop. Before he knew what was happening, his beloved opened the car door and followed her senses, her eyes never leaving her surroundings. He moved from his side of the car and walked after her, but she disappeared from sight right before his very eyes.


The six vampires all gathered around their leader's beloved home, knowing that whatever was about to happen, was going to take place very soon. Two of the vampire's already had a sense of the destruction that was about to take place because they both had special visions. Brown eyes met blue as they knew their beloved of over a 100 years was about to be destroyed. They each took the hands of their respected mates and headed toward the destination they all knew would take them to their fight. Tonight would *not* be the destruction of their family. Not if they had anything to do with it.


He followed his beloved for as long as he possibly could, his eyes unable to see her. His hearing and his senses told him that she was close, but still not in vision's sight. He rounded a corner and his eyes widen at the sight that now stood before him. He growled and ran to his beloved, but was instead met by a powerful force field that blocked him from his love. He called out to her as loudly as he possibly could, but his screams were silenced as the man stood from the shadows, showing red eyes at the vampire's beloved. His eyes slowly moved from her until he met those of not one pair, but seven pairs of yellow demonic eyes. Once the elder knew of what was happening, his growled with hatred at the man that dared touch his mate. "Ripper."


Screams filled the building as the woman hugged herself tight, blood red tears falling from her eyes as the visions pounded into her mind. So many faces, so many screams, so much blood that she couldn't keep everything straight. Her whole body shook as the visions came harder and stronger with each passing moment, reminding her of the hell she has caused since that unfaithful night five years before. The death of her friend danced in the front of her mind as if there was no other vision beyond that one. Her screams filled the minds of the once powerful Mistress, her soul reminding her that she was no longer guilt free. She was no longer the vampire, but now the victim.


Angelus growled as his yellow demonic eyes glared hate straight through the soul of the once former watcher. His eyes never left his as he watched his beloved redhead scream in pain as her visions hit her hard. He knew what what had happened the moment he saw his beloved on the ground hugging herself tight. He had been in the same position just merely close to 90 years before and knew the heartache of seeing all those you have killed. He knew the pain that her body was nowing going through and all he longed to do was grab her, and tell her everything would be all right.

Unfortunately for Angelus and his family, they all knew this was something they could not stop. Angelus knew deep down inside that he was about to lose his mate, but once he did, he was going to rip the watcher from limb to limb and then make him beg for his pathetic life. His eyes softened as his beloved's body stopped shaking from the tears that had overtaken her and stood slowly to face them. That was when he noticed it. Her tears had stopped and her eyes were now cold as ice. He tilted his head slightly and wondered what the hell was happening, but the moment he felt a hand on his shoulder, he knew what it had meant. His beloved Willow was gone.

(Willow's POV)

I am not really sure as to what is happening to me, but for some reason, I feel though I have nothing left to give. I have no feelings, no hope, no love, no hate, no sadness, no memory...I have nothing within me anymore. What has happened to me to cause such a feeling and why do I get the urge to run to the brown haired man that now looks at me? My eyes leave his as I look at the others that now stand with him. Five sets of brown eyes and two sets of blue all stare at me as if I had a second head. They all look at me with great concern and I slowly move my eyes from their's as I turn my body slowly. I move my eyes to look into the face of the man that I know is now responsible, but I dare not defy him. He is calling to me and I dare not make a move. For in his eyes, I see the guidance that I seek. In him, I have found my master.

Ripper's red eyes slowly moved away from his captive's and bored through the eyes of the blue eyed lawyer. As blue met red, he felt himself hypnotized by the watcher's eyes. He slowly moved away from his mate and walked through the forcefield, only to find himself being thrown against the wall. His body hit the concrete so hard that once his body made contact, he was knocked unconscious. His mate screamed and vamped, trying to get through the shield. The red eyes picked up the restless body and set it on fire before their very eyes. She screamed as she felt herself being torn from her beloved Lindsey as Ripper made one small move with his hand and ripped the vampire's head off his shoulder's.

Drusilla screamed loudly as she felt her mate disappear from her body, but her pain didn't last long. His eyes shot directly into her very soul that she did not have as he too made her walk through the shield. Once she stepped through, tears fell from her eyes as visions of her turning came back to her. She turned her eyes toward Angelus and looked at him with wide, brown eyes as she too soon joined her mate in hell.

Willow's eyes went wide as she watched two of the vampires die right in front of her. She shook her head slowly and backed away. Ripper raised a hand and she was now frozen in her spot. His eyes then moved to that of the man that stood beside Angelus, knowing that he was a strong warrior for this group of killers. His eyes looked into the mind of the warrior and he too walked through the shield. Willow's panicked eyes watched in horror as Ripper made this man raise a knife and stab himself in the heart, turning to dust before his entire family.

The seer screamed and fell to her knees for her fallen mate. This was the vision that she had woken up from earlier and had plagued her mind. She knew that her destruction was next and as soon as her body stood from the tears, she closed her eyes tight knowing it was now time. She opened determined eyes as she too walked through the shield. She walked slowly, keeping her head up high as she turned her eyes toward her sire. She tilted her head to the side and her eyes bore through the very soul of the redheaded vampire. Within a matter of seconds, her mind seemed to run wild as she suddenly knew what was happening to her.

Her head turned to the eyes of Ripper and their eyes met in a sea of hate. Without realizing what she was doing, her eyes became a cold black and she turned around quickly, delivering a very hard and destructive spinkick to his head. She watched as his body flew through the air and landed 50 feet away from her. She growled low and dangerously as she stalked toward him, her black eyes never leaving his form. He stood up slowly, his eyes going back to the seer that now stood before the shield. He lifted his hand and just as Willow backhanded him into the wall, her childe had turned to dust. Willow growled very loud as she felt her childe die and to never be reborn again. Her eyes bore into the soul of the man that had caused such deaths amongst her loved ones.

Willow grabbed him by the throat and looked at him with her black demonic eyes, and slammed him repeatedly into the wall. Each time she hit, the more she mourned the death of her beloved Cordelia. Blood red tears fell from her eyes once again, knowing that each time she threw him into the wall, it was taking back a little piece of her. Each time she heard the bones in his body crack, her smile became wider even though her red tears continued to fall. She looked into his eyes as they became their original color, panting and pleading with her for his life. Willow kept a hold of his throat as she glared into his eyes. One simple little word made him realize that he was doomed to hell for all of eternity. "No."

No. That one word was what made his bones shiver as he looked into her eyes. He knew this was his death because he knew this was what was meant to be. This was what he had wanted when he had allowed this little game to begin. He allowed his eyes to look into the one's of the demon's and he looked at her to admit his defeat. But what the demon did not know was that this was what he had had planned. He had done destroyed four of her family members and there were still three left to defeat. He closed his eyes briefly as he allowed his fake tears to wash over him as if he was really going to admit his own downfall. He started to beg and plea with her for his life, but he knew he was going to die. He had no fear.

Willow watched as the ex-watcher shut his eyes in defeat. She had won the battle, no matter how much he wanted to prove his power over her. He had done too much death as it was and she wasn't about to let anymore harm come to her family. She moved her face to his neck and took a deep breath, relishing in the fear that his body was giving off. She smiled and looked at him with her demonic eyes, but was greeted with his very own demonic smile. He raised a slowly and sent a fireball past the shield, dusting the rest of her loved ones before she had time to react. She dropped him as she screamed and ran to the spot that her mate had stood moments before, collapsing to her knees as she no longer felt him near. A loud, almost screaming sob left her as she cried for the ones she loved most. She hugged herself tight as the red tears flowed from her swollen eyes. She shut her eyes tight as she again pictured the screams of her victims in her mind. Now, however, she not only saw the faces of her victims, but now the faces of her family. She heard their cries, their beggings of her to come to them. She reached a hand out as she saw her beloved Angelus reach for her, but was met with nothing but air.

She wiped her violent tears away as she stood up on shaky legs. She turned her body slowly and looked into the eyes of Ripper as her tears streamed down her face more. Her confused and pain-filled eyes looked into his and silently begged him for answers. Her body was frozen as he stalked toward her slowly, no longer afraid. She looked at him with wide eyes and knew that she too was about to meet her doom. She slowly closed her eyes and allowed nothing to overtake her body. She held no fear, no pain, and she no longer held tears. She smiled a small smile as she reached for the hands of her family as she too joined them all in hell.

The End
