
Author: Musicat


Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: Willow has finished college. Angel never left, and Willow was never gay. Buffy and Spike are a couple.

Pairings: Willow/Angel

Summary: Willow gets sick and doesn't deal with her condition well.

Author's Note: Forsaken means: to give up something formerly held dear.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement intended.



It had been eight months since Willow had decided to move out of the Summer's house and into her own place. She loved Dawn and Buffy but she also wanted her independence. Her apartment was only a few blocks from Buffy's house, so her leaving hadn't really been a huge upset. Willow still spent many days with the rest of the Scooby Gang at the house.

It was 8:30 in the evening and Willow was busy working on a research project on her laptop computer. Her work was interrupted by the phone ringing. She got up from the desk and went over to the phone which resided on her night stand.

"Hello?" she answered. "Yes this is Willow Rosenberg. Yes." As she listened to the man on the phone, the color quickly drained from her face. "Yes I understand," she continued to listen. She took a deep breath. "How much time do I have?" she questioned trying to fight back the tears. "Thank you," she finished and hung up the phone.

Willow set the phone down and slowly sank to her bed. Her face was pale as a ghost and frozen as she stared blankly at the wall in front of her. She sat on the edge of the bed just staring for several minutes. It was only the sound of the phone ringing again that made her take a deep breath and finally move. She sat for a moment before hesitantly answering the phone.

"Hello," she said softly.

"Hi Will," the familiar voice greeted.

"Oh hi Buffy," she replied.

"So Spike, Xander, Anya, and I are going to hit the Bronze tonight. You and Angel want to join us?" Buffy invited.

"Ah, I think I am going to pass. I have this huge headache," she fibbed. "I was actually just heading off to bed," she answered.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to come over?" Buffy asked worriedly.

"No that's okay. I'll be fine. I just need some sleep," Willow replied.

"Ok. Feel better, Will," Buffy departed and hung up.

Willow placed the phone on the receiver and headed back to her desk. She stared blankly at the computer for a moment before finally shutting it down. Willow then proceeded to her closet to change for bed.

She slowly removed her pink tank top and tossed it to the floor. She opened the closet door and stood before her full length mirror. She stared at herself blankly as she slowly unclasped her bra. She let that too fall to the floor. She stood there and her eyes glanced down to the reflection of her breasts. She stopped at the mark on her right breast. She brought her hand up to trace the two tiny puncture marks. She let her mind wander back to the night that Angel had given her that mark; the night they first made love; the night he claimed her as his forever. She remembered the feeling of him entering her for the first time. The feeling of his arms wrapped around her tightly.

Willow was quickly brought out of her thoughts as she heard a noise behind her. She turned to find Angel standing in her bedroom staring at her with a huge smile on his face.

"Angel! You surprised me."

"I'm sorry my love," he apologized and placed a small kiss on her lips.

He then placed a soft kiss over the puncture marks on her breast. Willow pulled away from him slightly, which took him by surprise. He released her and she quickly put on her night shirt.

"Willow? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied.

"Then why did you just pull away from me?"

"It's nothing," she wanted to tell him but she couldn't. She didn't want anyone to know. Especially not him. "I'm sorry Angel I just. have a headache. I really need to get some sleep."

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked concerned about his love.

"No that's okay. I just need to sleep. You should go and join the others at the Bronze," she told him.

"I don't want to go without you," he replied.

"Angel, I'll be fine. Go have a good time. I'll see you tomorrow," she told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Now go," she told him with a sweet smile.

"I'll let you get your rest," he agreed and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied.

"Goodnight," he whispered and then disappeared out the door.

As soon as Angel left, Willow almost immediately collapsed onto the bed.


It had been three months since Willow had cast the spell that permanently anchored Angel's soul. Since that day, the two had been best friends and were almost inseparable.

As the time passed, they began to develop feelings for one another.

The night Willow graduated from Sunnydale University, Angel took her out for a romantic evening. He brought her to a jazz club in a neighboring town. They spent the night laughing, talking, and dancing. As they danced, Willow felt a freedom like nothing she had ever known before. His arms held her tight and in that moment she knew she was loved.

Later that night, Angel took her back to the mansion. Spike had gone out with Buffy for the evening, so the place was all theirs.

"Wait here," Angel whispered and then disappeared into his bedroom.

Willow waited in the hall for only a minute before Angel returned to her. He took her hands in his and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Close your eyes Rua," he whispered.

Willow did as she was told. Angel smiled and then slowly began walking Willow toward his bedroom. Once he got her to the room and locked the door behind them, he dropped her hands.

"Ok, open your eyes," he whispered.

Willow slowly opened her eyes and was awe struck by the sight before her. The room was illuminated by dozens of candles scattered throughout the room. Also encompassed within the candles, where several vases containing roses of red, pink, and violet.

"Angel," she replied as a small tear escaped her eye.

She knew that this evening had been leading up to this point. She wasn't afraid or nervous. She had wanted him for so long, but he had wanted to take things slow. He had said he wanted it to be special.

"Willow, I am so proud of you, and I am so grateful to be able to share your special day with you," Angel started.

"There is no one else I would rather have beside me," she replied with a smile.

"I have something for you," he replied and walked over to the nightstand. Angel removed a small box and walked back to Willow.

"Angel, you didn't have to get me anything," she replied.

"I wanted to," he replied handing her the box. "Open it."

Willow slowly opened the white box with excitement in her heart.

"Angel, it's beautiful," she replied as her eyes gazed upon the necklace. It was a circular cut emerald about the size of a dime, encircled in a silver Celtic knot wreath. She removed it from the box and took a closer look at her wonderful gift with a bright smile.

"May I?" Angel asked holding out his hand.

She nodded and placed the necklace in his hand. She lifted her hair off her neck and Angel came behind her, fastening the chain around her neck. The chain was silver and hung on her neck just slightly higher than her neckline.

"I love it Angel," she told him as his eyes met with hers.

"And I love you Willow," he replied with a glow in his eyes.

"You love me?" she replied.

"Yes, I do. With all of my being," he answered, cupping her chin in his hands.

"Oh Angel, I love you too," she replied with a bright smile and tears in her eyes.

Angel smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He moved closer to her as he deepened the kiss slightly. She wrapped her arms around him and drew him closer to her. His tongue gently traced her lower lip, and her mouth opened to allow him entrance. His tongue began to explore her mouth but was stopped as her tongue began massaging his. Only when it was clear that Willow needed to take a breath, did he break the kiss.

"I want to make love to you," he whispered as he looked into her eyes, waiting for a reply.

Willow replied by placing a searing kiss on his lips before walking toward the bed, taking him with her.

Willow stood at the edge of the bed and slowly ran her hands across Angel's broad chest. His eyes fell closed as he savored the sensations awakening under her touch. Willow brought her hands to his waist and slowly removed his shirt over his head. She then returned her hands to his chest, taking in the feeling of his bare skin. Angel moaned softly as she lowered her mouth to his nipple. Her tongue darted out to lick the area around his nipple before taking it into her mouth. Willow gently sucked his nipple as her hands continued to caress his muscles. Angel brought his hands to her buttocks and gently pulled her into him, allowing her to feel his arousal. Willow brought her eyes to meet his, and saw the desire burning within them. He brought one hand up to the back of her head and crushed his lips to hers. Once again, his tongue invading her mouth. Angel's kiss was both gentle and passionate. Loving and hungry. Willow pulled away from his kiss slightly and she moved to place a kiss just under his ear.

"I want you," she whispered before licking his earlobe.

Angel picked Willow up into his arms and placed a strong kiss on her lips before gently lowering her onto the bed. Angel slowly removed Willow's shoes, followed by his own. Next he climbed up over her body and slowly removed her blouse. His eyes grew darker as he gazed upon her black lace covered breasts. He noticed that the clasp was in the front and quickly unfastened it. Willow sat up and discarded the fabric to the floor. He took a moment to gaze at the beautiful woman lying before him, before lowering his head to capture her right breast. He took the nipple into his mouth and sucked it gently at first but gradually picking up speed as he rolled her other nipple between his fingers. Willow moaned and arched her back toward him as the feelings washed over her. Her fingers entangled in his hair and she held his head to her breast. Angel released her stimulated nipple and looked into her desire filled eyes.

"I want to taste you," he whispered.

She removed her hands from his head and he sat up next to her. He slowly brought his hands to her waist and began to lower her skirt down her legs. Willow lifted herself off the bed slightly, allowing him to completely remove her skirt. He was surprised to find that she was wearing high cut panties that had matched her black lace bra. He slowly ran his hands up the inside of her thigh until he was almost at the apex. He removed his hand and repeated the same action on her other thigh. Willow whimpered softly in frustration. He was purposely avoiding the place she desperately wanted him to touch.

Angel smiled and brought his hands slowly to the edges of her panties. He looked into her eyes once again before slowly lowering the fabric from her nest of curls. After removing her panties he kissed her stomach and settled himself between her legs. He lowered his head and took in the heady scent that was all Willow. He placed his hands gently on her thighs and moved her legs further apart. His fingers gently parted her folds and revealed her small bundle of nerves. He teased her with his fingers, making sure to avoid her sensitive spot.

"Angel?" Willow pleaded.

"Patience Rua," he replied before inserting a single finger into her core.

Willow moaned with pleasure at his invasion. Angel smiled and touched his tongue to her clit. She jumped at the cool contact on her heated skin. His tongue began to circle her clit as he added a second finger inside her. He slowly began pumping in and out of her, stretching her as he moved. He sped up his ministrations as he added a third finger. Willow arched closer to him and threaded her fingers in his hair, holding him to her. Angel felt her convulsing around his fingers and he continued his movements, prolonging her orgasm. As he felt her coming down, he removed his fingers and lapped at the juices flowing from her core.

After Willow was relaxed again, he brought his head up to meet hers. He gazed into her eyes and waited. She pulled his head to her and gave him a bruising kiss, tasting herself on his lips.

"That was amazing," she whispered with a smile.

"You're welcome," he replied.

She again captured his lips and this time her tongue invaded his mouth. As she kissed him passionately, she slowly maneuvered them so that she was on top. She then broke the kiss and climbed off of him.

"Where are you going?" he asked in confusion.

"No where. I just wanted to return the favor," she replied as she found his waist and unbuttoned his pants.

"You don't have to," he told her.

"I know. I want to," she replied with a seductive tone in her voice.

He smiled and she worked to remove his pants and boxers. Willow was pleasantly surprised by the sight before her. She had guessed that Angel was well endowed, but he was even larger than she had imagined. He was an incredibly beautiful man which made her smile because she knew that he was all hers. Angel moaned as Willow brought her small hands up to capture his throbbing shaft. Her warm touch felt incredible against his cool skin. She slowly began to move her hands up and down his hard shaft earning her a groan from deep in his chest. When he thought her touch couldn't get any better, he felt her take all of him into her mouth. The warmth alone was almost enough to push him over the edge. He tried to keep calm as she began to trace her tongue around his shaft.

"Oh God, Rua," he moaned in delight. Willow continued her motions, gradually getting faster. Soon Angel knew he was getting close.

"Willow please stop," he called out as he tried to remove her mouth from him.

"What's wrong?" she asked in panic.

"Nothing," he replied. "It's just. I want to be inside you when I."

She understood and climbed on top of him. Angel immediately captured her lips in a searing kiss. He rolled her over so that he was once again on top of her, his shaft waiting at her entrance.

"Are you sure? We can stop if you're not ready," he asked lovingly.

"I love you Angel. I need you," she replied.

Angel placed a soft kiss on her lips and slowly entered her, filling her to the hilt. Both moaned as the new sensations washed over them. Angel waited a moment for her to adjust to his size.

"Your size fills me completely," she whispered as she broke the kiss.

"Is it too much?" he asked concerned that he might be hurting her.

"No. You feel so good," she replied pulling him into another kiss. Willow rocked her hips into his and he followed her rhythm as he slowly began pumping into her.

"Angel," she moaned.

"You are so amazing Rua," he moaned in return. Suddenly Willow whimpered as he pulled completely out of her.

"Angel?" she questioned, but was answered when he reentered her with a powerful thrust to the hilt. "Oh goddess," she moaned.

"Do you like that?" he asked with a sly smile.

"Yes," she breathed.

Angel smiled and repeated the same action again. He pulled out completely and reentered her even harder this time. Angel's game-face appeared as he thrust into her one more time and he sunk his fangs into her breast. "Angel!" she cried as her orgasm hit her hard and fast. Her quivering muscles sent Angel flying over the edge right behind her. He continued pumping into her as her blood flowed over his tongue and he split his cold seed into her womb.

After they came down from their pleasure, Angel's gold eyes met Willow's green ones. He looked at her and quickly changed to his human face.

"Oh god, Willow I am so sorry. I shouldn't have bitten you," he cried as he wiped the blood from his mouth. Willow brought her hand to cup his cheek.

"It's okay Angel. I am not angry. I knew that marking a lover was part of this," she explained. "I trust you. I love you."

Willow awoke with tears in her eyes. "Angel," she cried into her empty bedroom. "I don't want to leave you. It's too soon."

The next day

Willow walked into the Summer's house, which had served as Slayer Central since Buffy's death and resurrection. Willow was somewhat groggy after receiving little restful sleep during the night. She wore her old overalls and hello kitty t-shirt, an ensemble that had remained dormant since high school. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted by Buffy, Xander, Anya, Spike, Giles, and Dawn.

"Hey there sleepy head. Feeling any better?" Buffy greeted with a bright smile.

"Huh? Oh the headache, it's much better, thanks," Willow replied.

"That's a new look Willow," Dawn commented.

"An old one actually," Xander interjected.

"I haven't seen you wear that outfit since high school Will, what's the occasion?" Buffy asked.

"I just wanted to wear something comfortable today," she replied shyly.

"Well I don't see what is so comfortable about wearing a shirt with a cartoon cat on it," Anya objected. "I would find it somewhat of an embarrassment."

"You can always count on Anya to say whatever comes to mind without concern for how we might react," Xander offered.

"It's okay. She has the right to her own opinion Xander," Willow replied sadly.

"I'm sorry Willow I didn't mean to make you sad. Please don't turn me into anything," Anya pleaded.

"So what's on the agenda for the day? Any baddies on the horizon?" Willow asked, changing the subject.

"Things have actually been quiet as of late," Giles informed her.

"Yeah, which probably means something bad is going to happen," Buffy added.

"Why? Just because every time we have a break, something goes wrong?" Xander asked sarcastically.

"That and I just did my nails," Buffy replied with a smile.

"I suggest that we take the day off and enjoy whatever down time we may have," Giles suggested.

"Great!" Buffy jumped from the chair heading toward the door. "Anyone for the mall?"

"I'm in!" Dawn answered.

"Sure I could use a few things," Xander replied.

"I am going to go open the magic box," Anya answered.

"I would love to go, but wouldn't you know I was only there yesterday," Giles added sarcastically.

"Willow?" Dawn asked.

"I don't think so. I think I am just going to stay here and do the research thing," she answered.

"There's nothing to research," Xander informed her.

"I am sure I can find something that could use to be done," she told him.

"Come on Will," Buffy insisted.

"Next time I promise," she replied.

"Okay. I am going to hold you to that." Buffy and the others soon left the house, leaving Willow, Giles, and Spike alone in the kitchen.

"I am going to go the grocery store," Giles announced. "I'll be back in a while." Spike and Willow watched Giles leave.

"I guess it's just you and me ducks," Spike stated.

"Looks that way," Willow sighed.

"Missed you and Angel last night."

"He didn't go out with you guys?" she asked.

"Never showed. Buffy said you were ill?" he asked.

"What? Oh, right I had a headache," she told him.

"All better today then?"

"Sure. No problems here," Willow replied trying to be perky.

"Yeah well, that school girl act may work on the rest of the Scooby gang, but you can't fool me luv," Spike told her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Willow replied getting defensive.

"Something's different about you. I can't put my finger on it, but something's different," he told her.

"Like I said. I'm fine. Nothing's different," she replied. "If you'll excuse me, I am going to get to work."

"Sure ducks," Spike whispered as he watched her leave.


Willow spent the next several hours busily working on the computer in the dining room.  Spike slept a little and watched Passions in the afternoon. Giles returned from the store and spent the following few hours with his nose in a book.

Willow took her eyes off the computer for a minute and glanced around the room, taking in the familiar scenery. She got up from the table and walked to the window. As she held the curtain back, she looked out into the day and took in its beauty. She took a deep breath but it was caught by a hard cough. She began to choke and quickly made her way up the stairs to the bathroom.

As she ran into the bathroom, she locked the door and leaned over the sink. She coughed again and spit blood into the sink. She coughed a few more times before the fit had finally settled. Willow sat on the edge of the bathtub for a moment, collecting her strength. When she felt her energy return she stood and rinsed her mouth of the blood. She then cleaned out the sink. She was startled by a knock at the door.

"Are you okay ducks?" she heard Spike call to her.

"Yeah fine. I'll be out in a sec," she called out. She surveyed her appearance quickly before opening the door.

"Are you alright? I heard you coughing," Spike asked in concern.

"Yeah fine," she replied.

"I smell blood. Yours. Are you hurt?" he asked.

"No. Well it was stupid really. I bit my tongue chewing on my pen," she replied looking toward the floor.

"Well as long as you're okay," he replied, not totally sure if he believed her story.

"Yeah I'm fine," she told him. "I think I am going to head home for a while. Angel is supposed to be coming over after sunset." Willow began making her way down the stairs.

"Willow!" Spike called. She turned and looked back at him. "If you ever need to talk. About anything. I'm here," he told her sincerely.

"I know. Thanks," she replied with a smile. Willow turned and headed out the front door into the day. Spike watched her leave, feeling that there was more going on than she was sharing.


Willow walked into her apartment and tossed her keys to the floor by the door. She slowly walked herself into the bedroom and removed her jacket. Her dizziness was becoming worse and she had just barely made it to her bed when the blackness took her. She fell on her stomach spread across the bed.

Willow walked down a long dark hallway. She felt as if she were almost floating. The hallway led to a large open room, filled with candles. Suddenly she was standing in Angel's bedroom. He was waiting for her on the bed. He motioned to her and she approached him. He kissed her softly and pulled her onto his lap. He broke the kiss and his eyes turned to the gold of his demon. He sunk his fangs into Willow's breast and drank hungrily. Suddenly Willow was standing in a graveyard dressed in black. She looked down at the bodies before her. She took a closer look and discovered that the bodies were that of Xander and Dawn. She brought her hands to cover her face and that's when she noticed the ridges. Her shaking hand gazed the ridges on her forehead and then she brought them to her teeth. She was a vampire. She had killed two of her best friends. She tried to run away but she ran right into a grinning Angelus.

"Well done, my love," he whispered and pulled her in for a bruising kiss.

"No!" she yelled as she sprang awake in her bed. Angel had just entered her room when he heard her scream. He quickly ran to her side.

"Willow what's wrong?" he asked panicked.

"Angel?" she questioned.

"Yes it's me," he replied taking her in his arms.

"I dreamt that." she started but could bear to finish the sentence.

"What did you dream?" he asked.

"I dreamt that.Angelus was back." she cried into his chest.

"It's okay. Angelus isn't coming back. He can't, remember? You made sure of that," he assured her. "I know but."

"But nothing. You're stuck with me forever," he told her, lifting her face to look at his. He saw the tears in her eyes. "Please don't cry Rua," he whispered, wiping the tears away.

He placed a soft kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around him tightly and held on to him like her life depended on it. She climbed up further in his lap and straddled his body.

"I need you Angel," she whispered in his ear.

"You have me until eternity Rua," he replied.

"I need you inside me Angel. Please I need you," she pleaded as she quickly attempted to unbutton his pants.

Angel could feel her urgency as she rocked her hips into his growing erection. He unbuckled her overalls and let the straps fall behind her. He next began to lift her shirt off of her. She grabbed a hold of his hand.

"No. Leave it please. Not this time," this was her way of asking him not to bite her.

"Okay," he replied releasing her shirt.

He picked her up off of his lap and removed his pants and boxers. He then removed Willow's overalls and panties, leaving her breasts covered.

"Take me hard," she begged. "Fuck me Angel, please?"

Without another word, Angel lifted her up off the ground and she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her slightly and placed her over his erection. She pulled her legs tight around him and impaled herself on his hard shaft. Angel let out a growl as he was suddenly surrounded by her warmth. He walked them over to the door and pushed her back up against it. He kissed her hard before thrusting into her forcefully.

"Yes!" she cried as he slammed her against the door. Angel took this as his cue that his power was okay and he thrust into her again with equal force.

"Harder!" she cried.

He gripped her ass tightly and pulled her into him. His game face appeared but he looked away, trying to resist the urge to bite her.

At this point, Willow was flying high from adrenaline. She felt truly alive as he slammed into her again and again. She watched as Angel's game face appeared. She also watched as he looked away, not wanting to bite her against her wishes. She knew her release was near and she needed him to come with her. She ripped off her shirt and grabbed his head and forced him to look at her as he continued to thrust.

"Drink!" she demanded.

With that, she forced his head to her breast. He bit into her hard and drank her sweet nectar greedily. Her orgasm hit her like never before. It was violent and powerful. Her strong muscles tightened around Angel's cock and her blood pushed him over the edge. As his climax raged through his body, his knees weakened and he sank to the floor, taking a spent Willow with him. They lay on the floor for several minutes with him still buried deep within her. Finally when Angel had regained his composer, he needed a question answered.

"Willow you asked me not to bite you. But then while we were.why did you make me bite you?" Angel asked as he brought her up off the floor.

"I just. I don't know. You were amazing. You gave me exactly what I needed. I guess I needed to give you what you needed," she replied.

"I didn't need to drink to be satisfied. Being with you is enough," he replied brushing his hand against her cheek.

"I know," she replied placing her head on his chest.

She closed her eyes and fell into darkness. He felt her fall into sleep and picked her up and placed her on the bed. He grabbed a blanket to place over them and joined her in sleep.

Angel walked down a long dark hallway. He felt as if he was walking in a memory. A memory that was not of his mind. The hallway led to a large open room, filled with candles. Suddenly he was standing in his bedroom in the mansion. He noticed Willow lying on the bed waiting for him. She motioned to him and he was immediately at her side. He kissed her softly and she pulled him onto her. He soon broke the kiss and his eyes turned to the gold of his demon. He sank his fangs into Willow's breast and drank hungrily.

Suddenly he was standing in a graveyard looking at Willow standing before him. She was completely dressed in black. He watched as she looked over two bodies at her feet. The bodies were that of Xander and Dawn. After a moment, he watched as she brought her hands to her face. Then she turned to look at him, but was looking through yellow eyes. Willow was a vampire and she had killed two of her best friends. Willow ran right toward him and he spoke to her. As he spoke, he realized he was not Angel. He was Angelus.

"No!" Angel yelled as he sprang from his sleep. He looked over at his Willow and found that his scream had not awoken her. She was still sleeping soundly. He looked at her peaceful face and noticed a small drop of blood on her lips. Did I kiss her with her blood on my lips? I don't remember kissing her after. his thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Willow stirring.

"Willow?" he asked as she opened her eyes.


"Yes it's me, Rua," he whispered and ran his finger along her lip to wipe off the blood. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you with your blood on my lips," he told her as he licked the blood from his finger.

"You didn't.ah I mean.don't worry about it," she told him realizing that he hadn't kissed her since he had bitten her. "I'll be right back," she told him as she got up off the bed. Angel laid his head back as he thought about his strange dream.

As soon as Willow had closed the door, she began coughing and fell to the floor. Blood fell from her lips and she felt her weakness return. After a moment, she pulled herself off the floor and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was pale and her lips were stained with her blood. She quickly rinsed out her mouth and brushed her teeth.

"What am I going to do?" she whispered to the reflection in the mirror. "He loves me so much. My death will kill him," with her words, her eyes filled with tears.

Willow sat down on the tub and tried to figure out what she was going to do. After several hard minutes, she came to a conclusion. I must send him away from me. He can't see me die. Maybe if I make him believe that I don't love him.

Willow returned to her room with a heavy heart. She looked upon the love of her life lying asleep on her bed. She stood there and took in his beauty. Angel however was not really asleep he was just thinking and he knew the moment she had reentered the room.

"Are you going to stand there all evening or are you going to come join me," Angel stated, surprising Willow.

"I thought you were asleep," she replied.

"Come here," he asked as he opened his eyes to look at her.

"Angel, I.I have a lot of work to do," she told him walking toward the desk.

"You are done with school. What work could be that important?"

"It's for Giles. It's important," she told him with her back turned away from him.

"Oh," he replied with sadness. "Well then I guess I will let you work. Will I see you at the Bronze later?"

"I might drop by," she replied as she began typing on her computer.

"Ok," he replied and sadly walked out of the room and out of the house.

As soon as Angel left the house, Willow broke down into tears. I hope one day you will forgive me for this Angel.


Angel walked down the quiet street running the evening's events over in his head. First she said she had a dream that Angelus was back. Then she asks me not to bite her. We have mind blowing sex and she forces me to drink from her. Then I have a dream that Angelus returned and turned Willow. Then she practically throws me out. I don't understand what is going on. I didn't do anything that she didn't ask me to.

Angel continued to walk back to the mansion with a heavy heart.


"So have a good time with Red?" Spike asked as Angel entered the mansion.

"I don't know," he replied vaguely.

"You don't know if you had a good time? I would have to say that my nose says you had a very good time. I can smell her all over you Angel," Spike insisted.

"I don't want to talk about it," Angel replied.

"You didn't hurt her did you? Cause if you did I will have to hurt you," Spike told him.

"I don't know if I hurt her," Angel answered sadly.

"Sit down Mate," Spike insisted.

Angel really didn't want to talk to Spike but it looked like he really had no choice in the matter.

"I went to see her. When I got to her place she was asleep. I was going to leave when I heard her scream. I ran in and she said she had had a nightmare. She said that she dreamt that Angelus had returned," he began. "I assured her that that could never happen and then."

"And then what?" Spike insisted.

"And then she asked me to."

"Fuck her?" Spike interjected.

"Yeah. This was very strange for Willow. She usually likes it gentle," he answered trying not to blush. "So we started and then she asked me not to bite her. I agreed and then we.against the door. She was incredible, I have never before let myself go that much. The harder I was, the more she wanted it. My demon came forth but I refused to drink her. But then Willow changed her mind and forced me to drink her," Angel explained.

"Sounds like a great time to me. What's the problem?" Spike asked.

"Afterwards, I also had a dream that Angelus had returned and that he had turned Willow. After we woke up, she left for the bathroom. I thought I heard her cough for a moment but then it stopped. She came back and she acted very cold. She told me she had a lot of work to do for Giles. What has he got you guys doing that's so important that I wasn't informed?"

"Nothing. Giles says everything has been slow. He gave us the whole day off. Although Willow spent the entire day on the computer working on God knows what. I heard her coughing too. She insisted she was fine. Maybe she is getting the flu or something," Spike told him.

"Maybe. I still don't understand why she was so cold to me," Angel told him.

"Women are fickle creatures. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they totally change into something else. I wouldn't worry too much Mate. I'm sure things will blow over," Spike assured him.

"I hope so."

"I am heading to the Bronze to meet Buffy. Come with me. I think the kid and the demon will be there as well," Spike offered.

"Why the hell not. Willow did say she might drop by," Angel told him and followed him out of the mansion.


The Bronze was crowded this evening but Spike and Angel easily spotted Buffy, Xander, and Anya at a corner table as they entered.

"Got room for a couple of old guys?" Spike joked as he sat down beside Buffy and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"Get a room guys," Xander interrupted.

"Sorry Mate. I just couldn't resist," Spike replied with a smirk.

"Hey where's Willow?" Buffy asked Angel.

"She said she was probably going to make it." Angel started but was distracted as he caught a hold of her scent.

His eyes surveyed the room in search of his love. His eyes caught a sight of her and he drew in an unneeded breath as he took in her appearance. Willow was wearing a short black skirt, a red corset top, and black high heels. She spotted Angel and her friends and took in a deep breath before approaching them.

"Wow Willow, love the look," Xander commented. Anya gave him a hard stare.

"I guess someone is feeling better," Buffy commented.

"Nice digs."

"You look," Angel stuttered.

"Thanks," she replied casually. "What do you say we dance? Come on guys we are supposed to be having fun."

The gang looked at each other and then at her and followed her to the dance floor. Soon the three couples were dancing happily to the upbeat music being played by the band on stage. Willow was dancing in a seductive manner which was driving Angel wild. Angel tried to reach out to her but she moved away from him. As Willow continued to dance she began to turn about and dance further away from her friends. A young man was dancing in the crowd and soon approached Willow. Willow began dancing with him and soon brought her hands to his chest. She began grinding closer to the young man, while her friends looked on in shock. Angel was shocked and hurt by her display. He walked over to her and pulled her off of the boy.

"Willow what are you doing?" he asked in anger.

"I believe the lady was dancing with me," the boy jumped in.

"Beat it!" Angel growled. The boy got the message and took off in a hurry.

"Angel let me go!" she yelled as she pulled her arm from his grasp.

"Willow what is going on? Why were you dancing like that with that boy?" he asked again.

"I wanted to that's why!" she shot back. "What's it to you? It's not like you own me or anything!"

"Willow you belong to me," he told her with sadness in his voice.

"I belong to no one!" she yelled and walked away from him. Angel started to go after her but Spike held him back.

"Let her go," Spike told him.

"I can't just let her go. I love her," Angel replied.

"I know you do mate, and I know that she loves you. Let her cool down before you confront her."

Neither Angel nor Spike noticed Buffy leave to go after Willow. Buffy entered the alley and caught up to Willow walking away from the Bronze.

"So what did evil Willow return or what?" Buffy started.

"Back off Buffy," Willow snapped.

"What is going on with you Willow?"

"Nothing!" she replied.

"Bull shit. Something is making you act this way," Buffy returned.

"Act like what?" Willow asked in anger.

"Like what? Like a complete bitch. What the hell was that in there? You throwing yourself all over another guy in front of Angel?" Buffy accused.

"I don't need this from you Buffy. Just back off," Willow walked away, leaving a confused Buffy in the alley.

As Willow hurried from the Bronze, her eyes filled with tears and her breathing became labored. She struggled but finally made it home. She closed the door behind her and fainted to the floor.


Angel, Spike, and Buffy entered the mansion in solace. The three sat in the sitting area and thought back on the evening and on Willow's behavior.

"What happened between you and Willow, Angel?" Buffy asked.

"I wish I knew. I mean things were different with her today but I don't know why she is acting this way. As far as I know I haven't done anything wrong," Angel answered.

"Tell her what you told me earlier Mate," Spike suggested.

"I.I." Angel couldn't say it.

"Okay so Angel said that Willow asked for it rough earlier tonight," Spike started. "She wanted it rough but she didn't want him to bite her." Angel listened and wanted to crawl into a hole. He felt bad enough having Buffy hearing about his sex life.

"Anyways, once they got into it, what was it? Against the door?" Spike asked with a smile. Angel nodded and sunk his head lower into his chest. "So where was I? Oh yes. While they were banging each other, she changed her mind and forced him to bite her."

"Willow likes it rough? Hmm. Never would have guessed that one," Buffy commented.

"That was the first time. Usually I.we are very gentle and caring," Angel added softly. "Before know. Willow had woken from a nightmare. She said that she dreamt that Angelus had returned. I told her it couldn't happen. After we made love, I dreamt that Angelus had returned as well and that he had turned Willow," Angel told her.

"It was just a dream. You probably just dreamt that because Willow had mentioned it," Buffy told him.

"Or maybe it's because of her blood," Spike added.

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked.

"When a vampire drinks from a human, we take in their essence and for a short time we absorb some of that person's memories," Spike explained.

"Really? Has that ever happened with me?" Buffy asked nervously.

"Of course pet. But don't worry, your secrets are safe with me," he smiled at her.

"So maybe I took in the memory of her dream?" Angel speculated.

"It's possible," Spike answered.

"But then that would mean that Willow also dreamt of Angelus turning her," Angel concluded.

"That could be enough to scare her," Buffy stated.

"But she knows that Angelus can never return. Besides, that still doesn't explain her other new behaviors," Angel told them.

"Maybe it's the new stress of graduating from college and not knowing what to do with the rest of her life," Buffy suggested.

"Maybe, but that doesn't explain why her behavior is so erratic," Spike countered.

"Maybe it does," Angel spoke up. Buffy and Spike looked at him in confusion. "Maybe, thinking about the rest of her life, made her realize that she needs more than what I can give her," Angel explained sadly.

"But she loves you Angel," Buffy told him.

"But I can't give her children, or a life in the sun. I can't grow old with her," he replied. All three sat in silence, realizing that he may be right. "If she needs me to go, I will," Angel added sadly as he got up and left the room.

"Spike we have to do something," Buffy told him.

"If Angel is right, about her needing more than a vampire's life, then there is nothing that we can do pet," Spike replied as he glanced in his lover's sad eyes.


The sun was shining throughout the room as Willow opened her sleepy eyes. She immediately realized that she was lying on the floor in her living room. All at once the memories of the previous evening came flooding back to her. Hearing Angel's angry words after she danced with that random guy at the Bronze.

"Oh Goddess, I'm so sorry Angel," she cried and placed her head back on the floor.

Willow was walking through one of the many graveyards in Sunnydale. The bright moonlight lit up the darkness. She heard sounds off in the distance and walked toward them. Willow noticed a man hunched over in front of a gravestone. As she got closer, she realized that the man was Angel and the tombstone he was staring at was her own. Willow felt the tears weld up in her eyes after reading her gravestone.

"Willow I've missed you so much," Angel cried. "Your love was like a fire in my soul. I can't live in this world without you. You left too soon."

Willow listened to his words and began weeping harder.

"Don't worry, my love. I will be with you soon," Angel cried and held up a stake.

"No!" Willow yelled and ran toward him. Before she reached him, he thrust the stake into his heart and he turned to a pile of dust.

"No!" Willow screamed as she sprang awake, again on the living room floor. Her eyes were filled with tears and she began coughing.

"I can't let him die for me," she cried between gasps for air.

She slowly picked herself up off the floor and slowly made her way toward the bathroom.

Willow turned the water on in the shower and slowly got herself undressed. She stepped into the warm water and stood under the spray. Her entire body went numb as she thought about her medical condition and her recent dreams. She hated pushing Angel away but she couldn't bear to have him watch her die. His love had to be forsaken.

After her shower, she entered her bedroom and glanced at the clock. "6:30? I can't believe I slept almost all day. The sun will be setting soon," she said to herself. She went over to her closet and let the towel around her fall to the floor. She opened the door and stared into the mirror. Her gaze once again fell to the bite mark on her breast. Her eyes once again filled with tears. "Please forgive me Angel." She picked out a simple sundress from the closet and placed it on the bed as she put on her bra and panties. She slipped the dress over her tired form and walked back to the closet.

Willow grabbed a large duffle bag from the shelf and placed it on the bed. She began packing it with various clothes and belongings. She walked to the dresser and picked up the emerald necklace that Angel had given her for graduation. She looked at it for a moment before fastening it around her neck. "Please find love again, my Angel," she whispered as she tucked the necklace under the neckline of her dress.

Willow heard a soft knock on her window but kept her back turned, as she realized it has past sunset. Angel slowly entered the room and stood near the wall.

"Willow?" he asked softly. She didn't answer him as she fought the urge to cry.

"Please Rua, talk to me. What's wrong? Did I do something to hurt you?" he asked as his heart was breaking at her silence.

"Please leave Angel," she whispered, still keeping her back turned. Angel noticed the packed bag on her bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Away," she answered.

"Were you going to leave without telling me?" she didn't reply. Angel walked to her and gently took her arm and brought her to face him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Her eyes were cold. There was no life in them at all. "Willow? Please talk to me. What's going on?" he begged.

"I'm leaving," she answered coldly.

"Why?" she tried to turn away from him but he held her fast.

"Just let me go Angel," she told him tiredly.

"I can't. I love you Rua. Please talk to me."

"No!" she said strongly and pulled away from his grasp.


"Angel, please leave," she asked again.

"I'm not going to let you go. I love you."

"Well I don't love you!" she yelled.

"What?" Angel asked as he felt as if his heart had just been ripped out.

"I said I don't love you," she whispered, taking a deep breath while desperately trying to fight the tears. She dropped her head toward the floor. She couldn't bear to look at the man who's heart she had just broken.

Without another word, Angel slipped out of the room and into the night. Willow collapsed to the floor and let the tears overtake her.


Angel walked down the silent street, trying to cope with what had just happened. He let the tears fall freely from his eyes. As he cried, Angel hadn't noticed the two figures approaching him from the sidewalk.

"Angel!" Buffy called to him. Angel stopped walking but didn't lift his head in response. Buffy and Spike met him in the street and they caught a glimpse of his face.

"What happened?" Buffy asked in concern.

"Willow." he whispered.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Buffy asked as fear filled her.

"She.she doesn't love me," he replied as more tears fell.

"Of course she does Mate," Spike told him.

"She said.that she didn't love me," he replied and sank to the ground. Buffy quickly wrapped her arms around her hurting friend.

"She's leaving. I love her so much Buffy," he cried.

"I know you do Angel," she replied. "I'm so sorry."

"She's leaving. I don't know where. I." he sobbed.

"Well let's go find out," Spike decided. "I think it is time the witch gives us some answers."

"I can't," Angel whispered as he got up and began walking away from his friends.

"Angel!" Buffy called to him.

"Let him go," Spike told her. "We'll get to the bottom of this," Spike wrapped his arm around her and they began walking to Willow's apartment.


Willow was busily trying to prepare for her departure. Her eyes were still filled with tears and she was breathing heavily as she made her way through her apartment. Willow was startled when she heard a knock at her door. She was going to ignore it but the knocking didn't stop. Willow stopped for a moment and tried to calm herself. She wiped the tears from her face before making her way to the door. She opened it and was surprised to find Buffy and Spike waiting for her.

"Hey Will. Can we come in?" Buffy asked calmly.

"Whatever," Willow replied and walked away from the door.

Buffy and Spike immediately noticed her travel bags sitting by the door.

"Where are you going Willow?" Buffy asked. Willow stood in the middle of the room with her back turned from Buffy and Spike.

"Away," she replied.

"Yeah got that much ducks. I think Buffy was looking for a little more clarity than you gave Angel when you ripped his heart out," Spike snapped.

"Spike!" Buffy snapped.

"Well she did," he replied with a shrug.

"Willow, please talk to us. We're your friends. What's going on?" Buffy asked.

"Nothing, just leave me alone," Willow replied.

"Not going to happen," Buffy returned.

"Fine. I'll go. Stay as long as you like," Willow snapped and headed toward the door.

"You are not leaving here until you explain yourself," Buffy demanded grabbing Willow's arm. Willow pulled away from her.

"Back off Buffy!" she yelled before coughing again.

"Willow this is not like you. First you act like a tramp at the club in front of Angel, and then you tell him you don't love him, now you're leaving and won't tell us why!" Buffy told her.

"You left without telling anyone Buffy. You have no right to tell me what to do!" Willow yelled her coughing becoming worse. Spike noticed Willow's appearance but Buffy was too angry to see what was happening. Spike reached for Buffy.

"Buffy, maybe we should calm down," Spike suggested.

"I'll calm down when Willow explains herself," she replied.

"I don't have time for this," Willow yelled and reached for her bags.

"You're not leaving!" Buffy yelled as she grabbed Willow's hand.

"Back off Buffy!" Willow screamed. Willow's coughing became worse and Buffy noticed blood falling from her lips. Buffy backed off.

"Willow what's wrong?" Buffy asked in concern for her friend.

"You were supposed to let me go," Willow whispered before fainting to the floor.

"Willow!" Buffy screamed and dropped to her friend. Buffy looked Willow over and then looked up at Spike. "Call 911!" she yelled to him. Spike ran to the phone and dialed.

"Hang on Will," Buffy cried.


Angel slowly entered the mansion and made his way to the living room. He fell as a broken man to the couch and closed his eyes.

Angel was unsure of why he was in the graveyard, but he kept walking, as if he knew where he was going. Angel froze as his eye caught something up ahead. He walked slowly until he was standing in front of a gravestone. `Here lies Willow Rosenberg. Beloved daughter and friend.' As Angel read the haunting words, he sank to the ground. His heart felt as if it had been shattered into a million pieces.

"No!" he screamed as he awoke. Angel felt blood fall from his lips. He brought his hand to wipe the blood from his chin. He tasted the blood and realized that it was not his own. It was Willow's. "Willow," he cried.

"Angel!" Spike yelled as he ran into the mansion. Angel didn't pick up his head. "Angel, there you are. You must come with me," Spike explained as he approached him. "It's Willow."

"I know," Angel answered as he looked up at Spike's worried face. "She's dying."

"How did you know?" Spike asked in surprise.

"I can taste it in her blood," Angel replied as a tear escaped his eye.

"She collapsed when Buffy and I confronted her," Spike explained. "She's at the hospital. She needs you Angel."

"She doesn't want me," Angel replied.

"The hell she doesn't," Spike replied picking Angel off the couch. "You are coming with me to the hospital." Angel didn't fight Spike. He just let him lead him out of the mansion.

Sunnydale General

Spike and Angel walked into the waiting room and were instantly met by Buffy, Giles, Dawn, Xander, and Anya. Buffy took Angel into her arms to comfort him.

"I'm so sorry Angel," she whispered. Buffy pulled away from him and led him to a chair.

"The doctors won't tell us what's wrong with Willow," Buffy told him.

"She's dying," Angel replied in a tearful breath.

"Dying? How do you know that?" Xander questioned. "Did she tell you something?"

"No. She didn't tell me anything," he replied.

"Then how?" Buffy asked.

"She was coughing up blood right?" Angel asked.

"Yes," Buffy replied.

"I had another dream tonight. I dreamt that she was dead," he started trying to keep his strength to continue. "I woke up and began coughing up blood. It was hers. I could taste it in her blood."

Everyone looked at Angel in confusion.

"When she forced you to drink, you must have taken in a bit of what was killing her," Spike offered.

"That's when the dreams started," Angel added. Before the gang could question Angel further, a doctor entered the waiting area.

"Excuse me? Is anyone here family of Willow Rosenberg?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," Giles stood up. "I am her uncle," he answered.

"Would you like to come with me and I can explain what is going on?" the doctor asked.

"No. Anything you can say to me, you can say to everyone. We're all family here," Giles insisted.

"Okay," the doctor agreed. "Miss Rosenberg is suffering from Consumptual," the doctor started.

"I have never heard of that before," Giles stated.

"It is an old form of Tuberculosis," the doctor explained. "It hasn't been seen since the early 1900's. Unfortunately, because her illness is so advanced, and because we have no idea how she contracted it, I am afraid there is nothing we can do for her."

"Is she going to die?" Xander asked on the verge of tears.

"I'm afraid that she is son," the doctor answered. The whole group fell silent at his words.

"You said her illness is too advanced. Does that mean that she has had it for a while?" Giles inquired.

"Yes. She was diagnosed only about a week ago. But she has had it for quite a while. The symptoms didn't present themselves until recently and she waited several months before seeking help," he told them. "If there is nothing else? I must get back to my patients."

"May we see her?" Giles asked.

"One at a time and only family for now," he answered.

"Angel, you should go first," Giles suggested. "Ah, he's her fiancé," he added to the doctor.

Buffy helped Angel to stand. "She loves you," she whispered before releasing his arm. Reluctantly, Angel followed the doctor into the hallway.

"She knew she was dying and she never said anything. We could have helped her," Xander started.

"I think that was why she was pushing us away. She didn't want our help. She wanted to protect us," Buffy explained.

"Protect us from what!" Xander yelled getting angry.

"From the grief of her death," Spike answered. "I guess that was why she was trying to leave, so that we wouldn't have to see her die."

"There must be something we can do. We can fight this," Dawn offered.

"We fight demons. Even magic can't cure mortal diseases," Giles explained.

"There must be something we can do," she replied softly.

"We can be with her," Buffy said, taking her sister into her arms.


Angel stopped outside the door the doctor had directed him to. He stared at the numbers on the door, trying to find the courage to face what he was going to find in that room. His love, his mate. Dying.

Angel placed his hand on the door and slowly pushed it open. He stepped into the room and glanced upon his precious Willow. She was lying in the bed, hooked up to several different machines. Even without the monitor, he could hear her heartbeat. It was weak, but it was still there. He walked over to the bed and pulled a chair close to the side. He sat down in the chair and took Willow's tiny hand in his own. Willow opened her eyes at his touch.

"Angel?" she spoke in a very weak voice.

"I'm here Rua," he replied softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I.didn't want you to die because of me," she answered.

"Why would you think that?" he asked in confusion.

"I dreamt that I died and then you staked yourself. I can't let you die Angel. This world needs you," she cried.

"Is that why you said you didn't love me?" he asked nervously.

"Yes. I thought that if you thought I didn't love you, my death would be easier for you," she replied. "I'd rather you hate me, then for you to die because of your love."

"Willow." Angel didn't know how to respond.

"I'm sorry Angel. I didn't want you to see me like this."

"Willow you should have said something," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "Angel? Please promise me that after I die, that you'll go on. I want you to find love again."

"I." Angel couldn't fight the tears anymore. He pressed his head to her stomach and cried. Willow placed her hands on his head to comfort him.

"Please don't cry Angel," Willow begged. He lifted his head and looked into her watery eyes.

"You can't leave me," he told her.

"I'm dying Angel. Nothing can change that," she told him.

"Do you love me?" Angel asked nervously.

"Yes I do Angel. I love you with all my heart and soul," she cried.

"Let me turn you," he said just over a whisper.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"Let me turn you Willow. Be with me forever," Angel repeated.

"Angel. I can't. If I become a vampire, my friends will die," she cried.


"I dreamt that I had turned and I killed my friends."

"I won't let that happen," Angel told her.

"But you were Angelus. He would let it happen," she cried.

"Willow. Angelus is gone. He is never coming back," he assured her.

"But the dream."

"I know Willow. I had the same dream after I drank your blood," Angel told her.

"I don't want to be evil Angel," she whispered.

"Giles will restore your soul," he replied.

"Giles? He would never allow you to turn me."

"Giles doesn't want to see you die either. Please Rua. I need you. I don't want to go through eternity without you," Angel pleaded. "Please?"

Angel then placed a soft kiss on Willow's lips. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in to deepen the kiss. His lips felt so good against hers and she knew that she couldn't bear to be without him either. She broke the kiss as she felt her coughing return. Angel pulled away from her and watched helplessly as she coughed. He held her hand tightly as he watched his love suffering. After her coughing fit ended, she looked up at Angel once again.

"Angel, if you're going to do this, you should hurry. I don't think I have much time left," she told him.

"You mean it?" he asked with a smile.

"Get the spell together," she replied. Angel placed a passionate kiss on her lips in response to her decision. Angel got up and began to head out of the room.

"Angel?" Willow called to him.

"Yes Rua?"

"Take me home before." she requested.

"Sure I'll bring you to your own bed," he replied.

"No. Take me home. To the mansion," she clarified.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I mean if that's okay?" she questioned.

"Of course it's okay," he replied. "I am going to get the others and then I'll ask the doctor to release you," he told her and left the room.

Angel walked into the waiting area and the group stood up to met him.

"How is she?" Giles asked.

"She's going to be fine, but we don't have a lot of time," Angel answered.

"What do you mean?" Xander asked.

"We need to get some supplies from the Magic Box and we'll need Willow's spell book," Angel explained quickly.

"What spell do you think is going to help her?" Giles questioned.

"I need the Soul Restoration Spell," he told them quickly.

"What? I don't understand. I thought Angelus was gone for good," Xander asked in confusion.

"It's not for me," he answered.

"You're going to turn Willow," Buffy stated.

"What!" Xander yelled. "You are not going to turn her into a blood sucker!"

"It's either that or we let her die," Angel replied.

"Giles, you can't allow this," Xander exclaimed.

"Does she want this?" Giles asked Angel.

"Yes," Angel replied.

"Well then we best get started," Giles replied.

"What!" Xander was outraged.

"That's enough Xander. We are not going to let Willow die!" Buffy scolded.

Xander sat down in a chair and remained quiet.

"Ok. We can't do this here. We need to get her home," Giles started.

"I am going to bring her to the mansion. The doctor is working on her release as we speak," Angel informed him.

"Ok the rest of us will go to the house and get set up. You will call us's done," Giles continued.

"I will," Angel agreed.

"You can't let her leave the mansion, until we have restored her soul," Buffy added.

"The chains are in the trunk," Spike informed him.

"Thanks," Angel replied.

"Alright, let's go everyone," Giles told them. They all began to leave.

"Buffy?" Angel called to her. Buffy walked to him. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Angel asked.

"No. But I'd rather a vampire Willow than no Willow at all," she answered with a brave smile. Angel pulled her in for a hug.

"I'll protect her, I promise," Angel whispered.

"I know you will," Buffy replied before leaving him.

Angel watched Buffy walk out and then returned to take Willow home.

Back at the Mansion

Angel entered the mansion carrying a weak Willow in his arms. He carried her into the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. He left the room and found the chest in the hall and removed the chains. Angel returned to the room and placed the chains on the floor by the bed. Angel sat on the bed next to his beloved Willow. He took her hand in his so he could explain what was going to happen.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Angel asked.

"I want to be with you for eternity," she answered.

"Ok," he smiled. "I will have to drain you. When you are near death, I will stop and you will drink my blood. Your body will die and you will remain unconscious for a while afterwards," he explained.

"How long?" she asked.

"I don't know. It varies. Maybe an hour, maybe ten," he replied. "While you are asleep, I will put these chains on your wrists. I can't let you free until the spell takes hold."

"I understand," she replied with a soft voice.

"Are you scared?" Angel asked.

"A little," she answered honestly. "But at least I'll wake up afterwards."

"And we'll be together forever Rua," Angel smiled.


"Yes my love?"

"Make love to me," she requested.

"Are you strong enough? I don't want to hurt you," Angel told her.

"I need you Angel. I'll be okay," she replied.

Angel placed a soft kiss on her lips in reply. Angel slowly removed the nightgown from her body. He noticed the emerald necklace around her neck and picked it up in his hand with a sad smile. He let go of the necklace and traced his hand to her stomach. He gently caressed her as he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on the mark on her breast.

Willow laced her fingers through his hair as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. She moaned as the feelings began to wash over her. Willow froze as she felt her chest tighten a bit.

"Willow what's wrong," Angel asked in worry.

"We don't have much time Angel," she whispered. "I need you in me now."

"Okay," he replied.

He got up off the bed and removed his shirt, pants, and boxers. He then removed Willow's panties. He looked at his love one more time before he slowly climbed onto the bed. He brought himself above her, balancing his weight on his forearms, being careful to not place too much pressure on her.

"Are you ready?" he asked, waiting at her entrance.

"I'm ready," she replied.

"You're forever mine Rua," he whispered.

"And you are mine," she whispered in return.

Angel placed a passionate kiss on her lips and entered her slowly. Willow took a moment to adjust to his invasion before rocking her hips into his. Angel took her cue and began moving in her slowly. Willow wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her deeper. He moaned as her warmth burned him from within. A tear came to his eye as he realized that this was the last time he would feel her warmth. Willow saw his tear and understood his pain.

"I know my love," she whispered, bringing his lips to hers.

She kissed him with all the strength that she possessed. Angel slowly sped up his thrusts and her moans grew louder as she savored the last human pleasure she would ever know. Angel knew his orgasm was close and that she was running out of time. He reached his hand between their bodies and pinched her clit as he continued to thrust into her. He knew she was close so he lifted his head to look at her one last time.

"Forever my love," he whispered before sinking his fangs into her neck.

Willow felt his bite and it pushed her over the edge. Her muscles quivered around Angel's cock and that was enough to bring him over the edge with her. As he continued to thrust, prolonging their orgasms, he began to drain her with a burning hunger. As he drank, she felt her body weaken and she knew she was near death. Angel released her from his bite and looked into her eyes, his face returning to its human form.

"I love you Willow," he whispered before biting into his wrist. "Drink."

He placed his wrist to her mouth and she began to take his blood into her mouth. As she drank, she tightened her muscles against his shaft which was still buried deep within her. He moaned as the sensations brought him to orgasm once again. After he came down, he removed his wrist from her mouth and pulled out of her.

Willow looked up at Angel as she felt her body dying. Angel placed a soft kiss on her lips and took her hand in his. She squeezed his hand tightly as her body died. Angel could hear her heartbeat slow, and finally stop. He let a tear fall as he felt her body go limp. Angel held her hand for a moment before releasing it. He got up and put on his pants. He then picked up the chains and brought them to the bed. He took one of her small hands and placed the chain cuff around her wrist. He anchored the chains firmly to the bed before attaching the other cuff to her wrist. Angel then placed a blanket over Willow's naked form, before picking up the phone and dialing.

"It's Angel. It's done. I'll call when she wakes up," Angel stated coldly and then hung up the phone. Angel then climbed into the bed. He laid his head on Willow's stomach, and cried himself to sleep.


Angel was awakened by a soft growl beneath his ear. He lifted his head and his eyes were met with Willow's gold ones. Angel sat up and stared at his love beside him.

"Are you okay Willow?" Angel asked.

"I'm hungry," she growled.

"Stay right there," he told her, getting off the bed. Willow struggled against the chains but couldn't budge them.

Angel hurried out of the room and soon returned with two blood bags. He opened one and handed it to her. She drank it hungrily. When she had finished with the first one, he offered her the second which she greedily accepted. Angel reached for the phone and dialed once again.

"It's Angel. She's awake. Begin the spell," then he hung up the phone.

"What's going on? Let me go so we can play," Willow asked seductively.

"Soon my love," he answered. She reached for him and he backed away, out of her reach.

Angel watched helplessly as Willow fought against her chains.

"Come on Giles," Angel whispered. Willow stopped when she heard Angel speak.

"Giles? Can we eat him?" Willow asked.

"No we can't eat him," he replied, trying to hold back a chuckle.

"You're no fun," she pouted.

Suddenly Willow let out a large gasp and Angel watched her eyes flash. Willow's body sank to the bed and she stopped moving. Angel ran to the bed.

"Willow?" Angel whispered. Willow looked up at him and smiled.

"Angel," she greeted.

"Hello my love," he smiled. He could sense her soul. The spell had worked. "How do you feel?"

"Different," she replied. "Am I different?" she asked.

"If you mean, are you more beautiful? I would have to say yes," Angel smiled.

"It worked didn't it?" Willow asked.

"Yes it did," he replied placing his hand on her face. He could feel the coolness of her skin. He sighed slightly.

"Angel?" Willow asked seeing the sadness of his eyes. "Are you sorry you turned me?"

"No Willow. I am just going to miss your humanity. I am not sorry that I still have you with me," he replied.

"I love you Angel," she whispered.

"I love you too Rua," he replied and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Willow tried to pull him toward her but realized that she was still chained up.

"Um, darling? Do you think you could unchain me now?" she asked sweetly.

"Of course," he smiled and proceeded to remove the chains.

After he released her, he tossed the chains to the floor. He leaned in to kiss Willow and he was surprised when she grabbed him and flipped him onto his back.

"Willow?" he asked in surprise.

"Maybe I can make you forget my humanity," she grinned slyly before straddling his chest.

She placed a hard kiss on his lips and forced her tongue into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her and met her tongue with his own in a timeless duel. Just as Angel thought he couldn't take anymore, she ripped her mouth from his and sprang off of him.

"Where are you going my love?" he asked.

"No where," she replied. He groaned as she released his throbbing cock from his pants.

She lowered his pants off his legs and then wrapped her hands firmly around his large shaft.

"Willow!" he moaned as she took all of him into her mouth. She sucked him hard and fast and before he could stop her, he was spilling his seed into her throat. She milked him of every drop before releasing him.

"Wow," Angel replied taking an unneeded breath.

"A thank you for saving me," she replied.

"Can I return the favor?" Angel asked.

"Maybe another time," she grinned.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I want you to show me what real vampire sex is like," she said boldly.

Angel smiled and pulled her to him. He crushed his lips to hers and invaded her mouth with his tongue as she had done earlier. He grabbed one of her breasts in his hand and squeezed hard. She moaned and rubbed her curls against his growing erection. He growled at her touch and let his demon face come forth. Willow growled and let her demon face appear as well. Angel growled again and entered her in one powerful thrust. She screamed as he filled her. Angel began thrusting hard and fast. He could feel his climax quickly approaching. He rolled them so that she was on top of him. He grabbed her hips and continued to slam into her. He could feel her tightening around him so he grabbed her head and brought her face to his neck. He felt her bite hard and soon felt her muscles tightening around him. He sank his fangs into her neck and continued to thrust into her as they both were overcome with their combined climax. Angel released her from his bite and pulled her in for a searing kiss. After a moment, Willow pulled away and her face returned to its human form.

"Wow, a girl could get use to that," she commented with a smile. Angel returned the smile and let his face return to his handsome facade.

"Good, because I intend to do that with you everyday for the rest of eternity," he commented pulling her into a hug.

"Only once a day?" she questioned slyly looking into his eyes again. Angel smiled and pulled her in for another earth-shattering kiss.

The End.  
