~Part 6~

Cordelia grinned and tapped her manicured fingernails a trifle impatiently against her small handbag, as Gunn went around his truck to open the door
for her.  Occasionally, her honey could be such a sweetie.  The long legged brunette moved to jump out, but the demon hunter was faster, plucking her from the seat of his truck's cab and placing her gently on her feet.

The Seer smiled, and pecked him on the cheek, before moving quickly towards her apartment door.  She looked over her shoulder and spotted Gunn just closing the truck door with a bang.  She frowned, her feet moving faster on the sidewalk.

She reached her door within moments.  "Dennis, its me, open up", she hissed. Glancing back, Cordelia spotted her boyfriend coming up the walk, a small scowl on his face.  He probably didn't like that she'd left him out there on the sidewalk that way.... but if this night went the way she wanted it to, she was sure he'd forgive her.

The sound of the lock turning and the chain being dragged, woke Cordelia from her reverie.  "Dennis!  Hurry up", she urged. "He's coming!"  Just
then, the front door swung open.  The momentum caused the brunette, who'd been leaning on the door, to fall inside.  The door slammed shut behind her, just as Gunn reached it.  He very nearly got his face rearranged.

"Delia?", Gunn stated in confusion.  "Delia?", he repeated.  "Uhh... is this a hint?  'Cause I can take a hint."  The youth groaned.  'Shoot, what'd he
do now?  His girl had a hell of a temper.... He couldn't think of a single thing he'd done wrong...'  He knocked on the door.

"Uhh, Dennis, let me in.  Please...", he sighed and lowered his head, shoving his fists into his jacket.  'He couldn't believe he was stooping so low', he thought right before he called out, "Cordelia, honey, whatever it is I did.  I'm really sorry.  Can we talk about this?"

As if he'd said the magic words, Gunn heard the lock turn.  Finally the apartment door swung open.  The sight before him, made his mouth fall open
in shock.  "Delia", he croaked, staring at the beauty before him, sensuously dressed in a long red silk gown.  "Whoa!"

"You like?"

He nodded dumbly, finally remembering to close his mouth.

Noticing with a smug grin, that her boyfriend had yet to come in, or close the apartment door, the Seer grabbed Gunn's arm and pulled him inside.  The door slammed and locked.  'God she loved Phantom Dennis.'

Reaching up, Cordelia pushed Gunn's jacket off his broad shoulders onto the floor.  He sighed her name, kissed her softly on her neck.  His quick, dark eyes took in the myriad of candles that lit every available surface, while his ears picked up the sound of cool, mellow jazz.  Realization struck.

"Ahh, so this is what you and Dennis were up to.  I thought I'd pissed you off somehow."

The tall young woman shook her head, pushing some silky dark strands behind her ear.  "No", she whispered, "I just wanted to let you know I was ready." The ex-cheerleader looked down suddenly nervous. "I just uhhh... I just wanted to makeourfirsttimespecial", she said in a rush.

"Delia, baby, all I need to make this special, is you.  And I got that.  I love you", Gunn replied, his hands gently trailing up Cordelia's arms.

The former cheerleader's face broke out into a happy grin.  "I know, and I love you too", she said, bringing her boyfriend's face down to her own.


Willow sniffed the night air that ruffled her hair, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of speed.  Angel drove fast, but always safely.  She
giggled and opened bright green eyes to the sights of L.A.  Shaking her head at the incongruity of it all.  'She, Willow Rosenberg in L.A., with Angel,
in a convertible with its top down at night.'  The redhead giggled again. She was beginning to love this car as much as her mate did.

The dark vampire by her side smirked, enjoying the slight young woman's exuberance.  He slowed down fractionally to take a corner before grabbing
his witch's much smaller hand.  Angel brought it up to his mouth, and kissed the delicate skin of Willow's wrist.

His smirk widened, when the move was rewarded by a soft, but definite moan.

"Any thoughts on how we can spend the rest of this night?", the vampire questioned, his voice husky.

"A few", Willow replied.  "We could always patrol--"

Angel's small growl halted her teasing words.

"Or", she continued, "we could..."  The witch crawled across the seat, and kneeling whispered in her mate's ear.  Angel's chocolate brown eyes widened. His foot pressed the accelerator into the floor.  The black convertible sped through the night and Willow's laughter was taken away with the wind.

~Part 7~

"Gunn", Cordelia moaned, as Angel's newest sometimes employee, nibbled and kissed her long neck.  She gasped as his tongue swirled along the base of her neck, teasing her pulse point.

The Seer wiggled in Gunn's lap.  "Delia", he groaned, before his mouth moved to claim hers once more.  "Bed", Cordelia gasped.

Easily, the street smart youth stood from the couch with Cordelia in his arms.  Laughing, Cordelia pointed down the hall, wrapping her legs around
Gunn's waist.

Gunn watched in surprise as a door swung open.  "I think Dennis approves", the ex-cheerleader said grinning.

"Oh yeah", the youth said.  "I almost forgot about him".  Gunn walked towards Cordelia's room and kicked the door closed behind him.  "Are you sure you're ready, my guardian angel?"

Cordelia nodded, she knew this was right.  Nothing had ever felt so right. Grabbing a fistful of Gunn's shirt, she pulled it upwards and off.  His chest gleamed in the candlelight, her ghost had so thoughtfully provided for them. The demon hunter's shoulders were broad, his chest muscular, but not
overly so.

"You're beautiful", she murmured.

Gunn smiled, pleased.  He leaned in to kiss the woman he loved, still in shock that this was actually happening.  As their tongues mated, he let his
hands move over the firm flesh of her backside, gathering the long silken gown she wore, up into one fist.  Gunn ended the kiss so that he could pull
the garment off.  He gazed at his Seer worshipfully before kissing each full, mauve tipped breast.

"Your beautiful, Delia".

Cordelia leaned into his mouth.  She was on fire.  Her body ached for him. Together, the soon to be lovers worked at the fastenings of his jeans and he kicked them off.

The Seer moved to remove her soaked panties, but Gunn stopped her.  "Let me", he whispered.  Cordelia shivered.

Gunn kneeled at her feet and kissed the ex-cheerleader's flat stomach. Slowly, his hands inched the fabric of her remaining undergarment downwards, until they rested at her feet.  His hands trailed up her smooth legs. Cordelia gasped when Gunn buried his face unexpectedly in her small nest of dark curls.

"Gunn?", she said uncertainly. Cordelia didn't know how to react.  Sure she'd had sex before, but not often.  No one had ever gone down on her

The youth lifted his head.  "Please let me Delia, I want to do this for you."

Cordelia's licked her lips nervously.  "Yes."

"Lay down for me Delia", Gunn said.

The Seer laid back on the bed, and the handsome man followed.  He shed his boxers as he went.  Gunn crawled up Cordelia's body, his erection bobbing against her stomach as he kissed her tenderly.

"Please", the former May Queen whispered, "I need... I--."

"I know baby", Gunn said interrupting her with another kiss, before beginning to kiss his way down her body.  He inhaled deeply, enjoying her scent, before lowering his mouth.  The demon hunter traced the moist folds of her femininity with his tongue.

Cordelia shuddered.  She had never felt anything like this before. "Oh God", she moaned as Gunn's tongue entered her.  Instinctively, the lovely brunette arched against her lover's mouth.  Her body was taught with tension as the pleasure built and coiled in her womb.

Gunn thrust his tongue into her body, enjoying his woman's taste and the noises she made as he pleasured her.  She was gasping and flushed, her
fingers digging into the bedding at her side.  Her skin became slick with sweat, and he knew she was close.  He could scarcely believe she was his
girl. What the hell had he done to get so lucky?

He groaned against her body, wanting so badly to be inside of her.  But, Gunn held off.  This time, this first time was completely for Cordelia.  He
wanted to make her feel good.  As his mind whirled with these thoughts, his tongue circled her clit.  He suckled and lapped at the sensitive bundle of nerves, unexpectedly trapping it between his lips. Gently, he bit.

Cordelia whimpered and thrashed beneath him as she came.  Gunn rode out her climax, continuing to lap at her steamy juices.  He slowed and finally
stopped when she stilled, and moved over her.

The Seer's eyes were wide and her hand shook, as she reached out and opened the drawer of her bedside table.  She handed the condom to Gunn, who nodded somewhat relieved.  He hadn't expected this to happen and hadn't come prepared.

Gunn ripped open the package, but found the condom being plucked out of his hands.  Cordelia proceeded to place the latex barrier on his cock causing the demon hunter to groan in pleasure. Her hands on him were driving him crazy.

The Seer stared with wide hazel eyes.  His erection was, to her inexperienced eyes, huge.  She rolled the condom down his shaft, enjoying the small movements it made as she touched him.

"Delia", Gunn gasped.

Cordelia leaned back and smiled shyly.  Gunn's head swooped downwards.  His kiss was passionate and urgent, his knee parting her thighs.

With infinite care, Gunn entered his Seer and made them one.  He gave Cordelia a moment to adjust to his body's intrusion, before he slowly began
to rock against her.

Cordelia moaned as Gunn's cock stretched and filled her.  She arched against him, needing more.

Gunn sped up his thrusts.  "Gunn, Gunn, Gunn", Cordelia whimpered.

"Open your eyes, baby", he said.

Cordelia's hazel eyes flew open.  The lovers' eyes locked.  The Seer's body thrummed with her impending release.

"Say my name baby", Gunn gasped.  He could feel the familiar tightening of his balls, and the fluttering of her internal muscles all around him.  In
response, he began to slam into Cordelia forcefully.

"Oh, oh...Charles!", Cordelia shouted as her orgasm crashed over her. "Delia", Gunn grunted as he too climaxed powerfully before collapsing atop
her in a boneless heap.

It took a few minutes, but eventually he rolled off of his love and gathered his lovely Seer to him.  Cordelia smiled and snuggled into Gunn's hard body. This night had been everything she'd wished for.  Well, except for the Faith getting out of jail thing but otherwise....

~Part 8~

"Are you alright, mo cridhe?", Angel asked softly, a small worried frown marring his brow as he watched his small mate.  "Come back to bed."

Willow turned from her place by the window, smiling faintly at the Gaelic endearment.  Her green gaze met that of her handsome mate, trying to reassure him with her eyes.

"I'm fine,  I was just... just thinking", the redhead murmured.  Angel rose from the bed and walked over to her, pressing his body against Willow's back.  Instinctively, the hacker cum witch leaned against his chest.

The vampire wrapped an arm around his lithe mate, bending slightly to kiss her forehead.

"Thinking about Faith?", he asked.

She nodded.  "This is going to be really hard for her.  Not to mention, it will change the dynamics around here.  I want her to be comfortable, but I want everyone else to be to."

Angel's lips curved slightly.  "You amaze me, you know that?"

"Huh?", Willow blinked. "Why?"

"Because I know you were never Faith's biggest fan, and yet here you are, worried about how she'll feel.  About whether she'll fit in and if she'll adjust."

The redhead's eyes lowered, watching her hands as they toyed with the hem of the nightshirt she wore.

"Things were different then...", Willow said hesitatingly.  "Faith came right after Buffy took off and you were . . . uh, well gone."  The wiccan flinched slightly, cringing at the thought of her love suffering in Hell.

The dark haired vampire's smoothed silky red hair from her face, purring soothingly.  "I'm here with you now Willow. That's the past."

"I know", she whispered, smiling up into Angel's face.  A thoughtful look came over her features, and the witch bit her lip, deciding to continue.

"Faith was just... she was just so different.  She was nothing like Buffy. She was outrageous, rebellious, sinful.  We all wanted Buffy back so badly that accepting Faith as the new Slayer just seemed...", Willow swallowed, "well, it just seemed wrong."

She sighed, pausing.  "Plus", she whispered, "I was jealous."  Willow blushed, her voice dropping even further.  "Because she was beautiful and strong, because with Buffy gone I thought Xander would notice me.  But instead, she came and suddenly Xander was panting after her."

Angel's arms tightened about Willow's slim figure.  He knew how difficult it was for the hacker to talk about the dark haired boy who'd been her best friend.  By Angel's count, it was now over seven months since the youth had told Willow he would stand by her despite not approving of her relationship with him.  Seven months... and after repeated e-mails and  phone calls, his mate had still not heard a single word from her closest childhood friend. She had finally given up when her last phone call to Xander's house had Mr. Harris shouting, "Alexander doesn't live here anymore!", into her ear.

"I'm sorry, my love", the ensouled vampire said, his lips brushing against the perfect shell of her ear.

The redhead gave him a watery smile before squeezing her eyes shut tightly. A single tear escaped the confines of her closed eyelids, trailing down a porcelain hued cheek.

"I'm sorry too", Willow managed, before her body shook with gaspy sobs.

Quickly, Angel bent and scooped the crying girl into his arms.  Striding to the bed, he carefully deposited her on the soft sheets before walking back and making sure the window was covered.

He was back at his witch's side in seconds.  Angel lay at her side, and held her in his arms, closing his own eyes at the enormity of the powerful grief he could feel coming off of her.  He tried to convey some sense of comfort as he held her trembling body against his own.  The dark vampire could feel the hot tears against his chest, and tried to tamp down the anger he felt at Xander Harris.  He didn't want Willow to sense it.

The young woman's sobs quieted after a time.  She remained quiet and still, and so, Angel said nothing.  His hands however, rubbed her back soothingly.

"Will?", he croaked uncertainly, when a small, warm mouth began placing open mouthed kisses along his chest.

The redhead eased away form the almost chiseled beauty of her mate's body, verdant eyes seeking Angel's gaze.

"I love you Angel.  I always will.  I miss my friendship with Xander, but I'm not sorry I'm here with you.  I belong with you", she paused to kiss Angel's pectoral muscle, grinning slightly when the flesh jumped at the touch of her lips.  "I'm just sad Xander wanted me to choose between you...", she whispered.

Angel blinked, greatly touched.  "I love you too Willow.  And the words are woefully inadequate, I know... but I love you so much", he murmured.

A warm smile stole over the hacker's lovely features.

"Make love to me Angel."

"Again?", he teased lightly, kissing the tip of her nose.

"Mmmmm hmmm....", Willow moaned as large hands traveled from her back down to the flesh of her ass, kneading gently.

Slowly, his hands strayed lower.  To the area where her slender thighs began, inching ever so slowly inward, closer to her center.  The witch arched against the vampire's body,  breathing harshly as they ground their lower bodies urgently against one another.

Angel growled, feeling his demon's desires surge in concert with his own, at the innocent, trusting way Willow gave herself over to him.  She was so responsive, so giving...  she made him hunger.

She arched against him wantonly, aching to feel him inside her again, to experience the passionate ecstasy only he could give her.  She rolled her hips, brushing forcefully against his rock hard length, before wrapping one leg over his hip and spreading herself wide for the questing fingers which were still inching towards her vagina.

"Angel", Willow sighed, her eyes fluttering closed as a single finger tested her wetness, barely touching her sensitive flesh.  She gasped in delight, as the digit was thrust inside of her heat.

The ensouled vampire moved the digit with infinite care, slowly ever so slowly withdrawing it before sliding it back forcefully into Willow's grasping depths.  He growled under his nonexistent breath.  She felt so amazing.

"You're so wet, Willow.... so wet", Angel muttured gruffly.

The redhead moaned in disappointment when her lover's finger was withdrawn. "Angel", she whimpered, "I need you."

A blush covered her cheeks as the dark haired vampire brought the finger to his lips, before licking and sucking it clean. He could taste Willow, and the remains of their earlier much more frenzied coupling.  "Delicious", his voice rumbled darkly.

Bending his head, the couple's lips met.  Although gentle at first, the kiss soon became passionate.  Their mouths giving and receiving pleasure as tongues tangled together.

Willow grinned silently in triumph as she captured her mate's tongue and suckled.  The move caused Angel's hips to buck against her.  Chocolate brown eyes glittered dangerously at her, as he pushed her onto her back.

Still staring into her eyes, the dark haired vampire tugged at her sleep shirt, arching an eyebrow in expectation.  Without missing a beat, the young woman tugged it off over her head, throwing it into a corner of the room.

Angel's mouth soon found, the beaded tip of one pert breast, and Willow's gaspy breaths rewarded him.  Her hands moved to his hips, pulling at the silk pajama bottoms he wore.  Giving a frustrated growl, the vampire reluctantly pulled his lips away from the delicious flesh he suckled, helping in the effort to rid himself of the annoying fabric hindrance.

Soon he was poised naked above her, his cock jutting forth proudly.

"Invite me in Willow", he breathed.

Emerald eyes .  "Bad Angel...", she muttered, "wants Willow to beg.  How about instead", her hand reached out and captured his distended flesh, "I make you beg?"

The vampire jerked in reaction.  "Willoooow", he groaned, eyes flashing their true golden hue.

The red witch grinned, and then whispered, "Come in Angel", her legs falling open.

Before the words were even completely out of her mouth, her mate had thrust himself inside of her in a smooth, powerful move.  Willow met his movements thrust for thrust.

Their mouths mated, an echo of the ancient rhythm their bodies performed.

Angel pulled away.  "So beautiful... so perfect....Willow", he murmured against the skin of her shoulder.  His powerful arms flexed and relaxed, as he held himself above and drove himself deeply inside her, causing the pleasure to build and grow inside them both.

He pulled out once more before thrusting home, hard.  Throwing back her head, Willow screamed his name giving herself over to the exqusite feeling he released in her.  Her body was still quaking when his powerful roar joined the last echoes of her cry, as he emptied himself inside her.

Willow smiled and hugged him close.  'Yes', she thought, 'he's where I'm supposed to be.'

~Part 9~

Sunlight was pouring through the window when Faith awoke from her long, dreamless sleep.  The young woman sighed happily, stretching languidly on her back before opening her eyes.  She looked around and frowned, momentarily confused by the lack of bars.

Her dark eyes widened as she remembered.  "I'm a free woman", she murmured. "Yes!"

She sobered suddenly, recalling the rest of the past evening.  'Did I really tell Angel and Willow that I would help them, and move into the hotel?', Faith thought a little panicked.   'Shit!  Well at least Cordelia and Wesley didn't look too upset about it... that was something at least.'

Slowly, the brunette tossed back the thin covers and walked slowly to the mirror above the bureau.

The rogue Slayer almost didn't recognize herself.  Someone had dressed her in a big rugby shirt.  She wondered idly if it had been Willow.  Staring into the reflective surface, Faith catalogued her appearance.  She was pale, very pale, with dark smudges under eyes that looked huge in her battered face.  Reaching up, she touched the bruise on her cheek carefully.  It was a strange shade of yellowish purple, already fading.  To her surprise, it didn't hurt very much at all.

Her arms were covered by shallow cuts that were already almost gone.  "Wow", she whispered aloud.  Whatever Willow had done to her, it was just amazing. She was pretty sure that she'd probably looked and been a hell of a lot worse when she'd first collapsed at Wesley's door.

Faith gasped, "Wesley...".

'Damn', she thought, 'I can't believe I almost forgot about him.'  She looked about the small, tidy bedroom.  'I guess he must've slept in the guestroom or something...'

Resisting the urge to snoop, the dark Slayer's gaze returned to the mirror and her own image.  A stray thought caused her to turn around.  She wondered what the stab wound looked like.  Taking a deep breath, Faith grabbed the hem of the shirt and rapidly lifted it over her head.

"Ow!", she hissed between clenched teeth, as pain shot through her shoulder. She shouldn't have done that.  Inhaling through her mouth, she rode out the pain, a determined frown on her face, before turning her head to look in the mirror.

The cut was still there.  It looked bruised and a bit swollen, but she could see where the skin had begun to knit together.  She frowned.  "Damn!"

"What happened?"

"Shit!  Wesley, don't sneak up on people that way."

"Did you hurt yourself", the former Watcher asked, coming closer and very carefully keeping his eyes on Faith's face.  The girl was almost nude and in his bedroom, wearing only scraps of...red lace.  'Damn it Wesley old boy, keep your eyes to yourself, you're a gentlemen, remember?'

Faith presented her back to the man.  She could feel his fingers probe gently at her wounded flesh.

"Well, it certainly looks much better than it did when you turned up on my doorstep", he paused frowning, "but it does look like you tore it back open."

His blue eyes met her dark orbs in the mirror.  Faith was suddenly acutely aware that she was standing there in only her underwear.  She swallowed nervously and lowered her eyes.

"Uh", Wesley stammered, "wait right here.  I shall be back in a moment.  I want to get my first aid kit."

"Sure Wes, no prob", Faith answered firmly.  The minute the former Watcher left the room, the young woman berated herself harshly, she couldn't believe she'd actually blushed, for Pete's sake.  It wasn't as if she was a virgin.... far from it actually.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  'She could do this.  It would only be for a bit longer.  She was feeling better and moving around, and as soon as possible, she'd just insist on going to the Hyperion.  Simple. Easy.  Then everything would be five by five.'

Wesley came back into the room carrying a small blue box with a latch, and once again Faith found herself blushing.

"Damn", she muttered.

~Part 10~

Wesley puttered around the kitchen, busying himself with making Faith something to eat.  The young woman was currently sitting on his sofa reading the newspaper.  She looked heartily bored, but she wasn't commenting on his lack of available entertainment.  In fact she'd been strangely quiet ever since he'd cleaned and dressed her knife wound.

He sighed quietly while trying to carefully flip the omelette he was making. His culinary skills were limited, but eggs were usually a safe bet. Honestly, if Angel could do it, why couldn't he?

The former watcher groaned in dismay as the omelette ripped apart. "Bugger!", he muttered under his breath.  In a fit of pique, Wesley chopped
what remained into little bits with the spatula.

"Did the eggs turn into runny, yellow demons or something?", the Slayer observed dryly.

"Uh, no, no, of course not.  I'm just making s-ss-scrambled eggs.  That's all."

Faith shrugged, and turned to the funnies.  He watched from the corner of his eye as a curiously unguarded, yet small smile appeared on her face.

Wesley grimaced.  'How could she be so calm?', he wondered.

Personally, he was tense and uncomfortable in her presence.  He wasn't entirely sure why.  All he knew was that he was much too aware of her.  As much as he would have liked to chalk it up to the fact that this was the woman who'd tortured him a year and a half ago, it wasn't the reason why. He'd forgiven her for that.  In fact, he'd forgiven Faith for that the moment he'd realized that everything that she was doing was simply to goad Angel into killing her.  She wanted her life to end, but she wanted it to end at the hands of another warrior.  Even if her life, hadn't exactly been honorable, she wanted her death to be.

It was at that moment, in the rain, that he'd stopped placing all the blame squarely at Faith's feet.  Sure she'd made some bad choices and lost her
way, but he hadn't exactly been a lot of help.  He hadn't been a model human being either.  He'd been entirely to full of his own importance when he came to Sunnydale.  A coward wanting to call all the shots from a safe distance. A failure, that's what he'd been.  Sometimes he wasn't completely sure he wasn't one still.  Afterall his father still thought he was.  Hell, he couldn't even do something simple like make an omelette correctly.

Wesley turned off the burner and grabbed a plate from he cupboard.  Placing it on the counter, he scraped the now scrambled eggs onto it before slamming the pan, a bit harder than he'd intended back onto the stove.  Taking a deep, calming breath, the dark haired man placed two pieces of lightly buttered toast on the plate as well.

Hearing a sigh behind him, the Englishman turned to find the raven haired beauty still reading the comics, a small grin on her face.

"Food's ready", Wesley stated.

Faith looked up, dark eyes shining with humor.  "Great!  Can't wait, my stomach is seriously kicking up a storm."

"Which one were you reading?", the former watcher asked curiously, gesturing with his chin toward the newspaper she'd just put down.

"Peanuts.  I love that strip.  They're re-running them all since Charles Schwartz died... Anyhow, I just think its so funny how Charlie Brown always
falls for Lucy's football trick", Faith said, as she walked around the couch and sat at the small table in the kitchen.  "I mean, its like he knows
better than to trust her, but always tries anyway...", her voice trailed off abruptly, as she just realized what she'd said.

"I see...", Wesley said lamely, before looking away.  "Would you like some tea?"

Faith wrinkled her nose.  "No offense Wes, but, ah I'll skip the boiled dry leaves and petals.  Do you have orange juice?"

The blue eyed man nodded, and grabbed a large tumbler from the shelf.  He opened the refridgerator, grabbed the Tropicana and poured the brunette a glass.

Placing it on the table, Wesley turned back around to pour water in his tea pot.  He could feel Faith's eyes boring holes in his back.

"So, uh, Wes.... The eggs, they're good."

Wesley flushed, clearing his throat.  "Oh well--"

"You know I'm feeling better and stuff.  When do you think I move in to Willow's and Angel's place?"

Inexplicably, his heart dropped.  Slowly placing the tea kettle on the stove, he lit the burner.

"I expect they'll let you move in whenever you're feeling up to it", Wesley stated quietly.

"Cool", the dark Slayer said, mouth full of eggs.  She closed her eyes in relief.  'Thank God... cause this is just way to domestic for me.'
