Author: ~*Mystra*~
Disclaimer: BtVS and AtS belong to Joss and a whole bunch of other people with a lot more money than me. I'm just borrowing them.
Distribution:  Just ask please.  I'll say yes, really.
Category: W/A, they make perfect sense
Rating: (NC-17)
Spoilers: new seasons for both shows
Summary: Someone from Angel's past wants to destroy his new life.
Feedback is always appreciated.



Angel walked in to the new offices of Angel Investigations.  The old hotel was really coming along.  Walls had been patched up and painted.  New carpet had been laid down and four desks sat in different areas, of what had once been the hotel's lobby.

The dark vampire looked around in satisfaction.  The satisfaction gave way to a small frown, when he realized his mate was no where to be seen.

Forcing air into his dead lungs, he breathed in the smell of burning herbs, and his love's raspberry scented lotion.  Allowing a rare grin to spread across his face, the ensouled vampire ran up the lobby stairs.  He hoped to catch his red witch in the middle of one her rituals.

He walked quietly down the hall, thinking.  Angel grinned again, the vampire had begun to find the Wiccan religion much more interesting since he discovered, quite by accident, that many rituals had to be done 'skyclad' as Willow called it.  He just knew it meant she was naked.

He reached the room Willow had chosen as her private space, quickly. Ironically, it was one of the few rooms in the old Hyperion hotel that didn't have physical violence attached to it's past.  Angel knew that somehow Willow had sensed that.  The redhead had wanted a 'clean' space to study and cast spells.

Deciding to surprise her, the dark haired vampire took off his leather jacket, shoes and shirt.  Angel left them by the door and crept silently inside.

The glow of candles was the only illumination, and he was not surprised to find Willow nude.  He smirked and watched as she ritually cleansed her new ceremonial knife, dedicating it to her Goddess.  Angel was careful not to enter of disturb her pentagram. What she was doing was important.

He watched silently, admiring the way her body glowed in the candlelight, the flickering flames making her appear almost pearlescent.  Her hair shimmered, seeming to be flame itself.  The dark haired vampire noticed that it had grown a bit while she had lived with him, now just about reaching her shoulders.  He loved her hair, its arresting color and silky texture.  Angel's thoughts turned wistfully to the night before.  He remembered how her hair had trailed down his chest, as she had slowly kissed and nipped her way down his body.

Willow dedicated the athame, and presented it to the four prime directions and their elements. The dark haired vampire admired her long slender legs.  His eyes traveled from Willow's delicate ankles, to the cinnamon curls as the apex of her thighs.  His eyes paused momentarily marveling at his mate's beauty.  Angel licked his lips. Then his eyes continued their journey, traveling from her slightly rounded womb to her flat, toned belly.  He paused again upon reaching her firm, peach tipped breasts.

Angel's body hardened with need.  He thanked the Goddess right along with Willow, when he realized she was finishing.  Silently, he kicked off his black slacks.  Naked, the vampire strode over to where his witch was putting the athame away in a small, velvet lined wooden box.  The witch's back was to him, and he pressed his large, hard male body up against her smaller feminine form.

Willow gasped at the contact and leaned into Angel's embrace.  She had known he was there of course, but allowed him to think he had surprised her.  The spellcaster knew her vampire was inordinately proud of his stealthy skills, and didn't want to hurt his ego. Willow smiled, an indulgent, purely feminine smile.  "Mmm... Angel", she whispered.

Angel loved these moments, unplanned as they were.  He wrapped his arms around the redhead and closed his eyes in ecstasy, absorbing her
warmth.  Willow's arousal perfumed the air, the dark vampire breathed in deeply, knowing somehow that she wanted him to take her right there on the floor.  His witch had told him often enough that the Goddess approved wholeheartedly of love, and its physical manifestation.  In fact, she'd informed him once, sex was often used to help cast difficult, powerful spells.

Still holding her in his arms, Angel allowed one of his hands to brush against Willow's breast.  He palmed the firm flesh, while his thumb traced her right nipple.  The vampire smirked, enjoying the sound of Willow's suddenly harsh breathing and the loud beating of her heart.  Then, his hand continued downwards, traveling lightly over the redhead's quivering stomach as his fingers traced random patterns on her sensitive skin.

The little hacker was going mad with desire.  She wiggled in Angel's grasp, desperately trying to induce him to caress her center.  Willow whimpered in pleasure and frustration, bucking her lower body against him.  She felt his erection against her lower back, and gasped as his grip tightened, effectively trapping her in this maddening position. Willow sighed in relief as his fingers finally tangled in the curls which guarded her femininity.

The dark haired vampire enjoyed teasing his beloved, she was so responsive and passionate.  Angel traced her moist slit with a finger, avoiding the small bundle of nerves, he knew she so desperately wanted him to touch.  The woman in his arms moaned again.

"Please Angel, please touch me", Willow whispered.

At her words, Angel plunged a single finger into Willow's core.  Her velvet muscles grasped at his finger.  "Yes", the witch hissed.

Angel began a slow rhythm, making sure his finger rubbed against his redhead's clit.

Much to Willow's dismay, Angel pulled his hand away.  She growled at him, realizing dimly that Angel was enjoying her reactions.

The vampire led her slowly through the room.  When they reached the pentagram painted onto the floor, Angel's voiced purred sensually.  "Lay down my love".

The Wiccan smiled, before lying down on the cool, wooden floor.

Angel followed her to the floor quickly, desperate to taste the honey flowing from her core.  Impatient now, he spread her legs quickly, placing her legs over his shoulders.  His head dipped to Willow's aching cunt.

The pleasure was intense and all consuming.  Willow couldn't think, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move.  Angel's tongue and teeth were
redefining her whole world, all else cease to be.  "More", she gasped weakly.

In response, the vampire again plunged a finger into her depths.  He matched its rhythm to that of his tongue, as he flicked and licked at her clit.

"She tasted so damned good", Angel thought.  He couldn't get enough, more than happy to lose himself in the warmth and taste of his mate. He added a second finger, plunging into Willow's core fiercely. Small flutters of her inner muscles signaled her imminent release.

Willow was so close.  Her body was stretched taught with tension. And that's when she felt Angel scrape her sensitive clit with one of his sharp fangs.  The sudden pleasure/pain caused her body to explode.  Her scream of release echoed through the room.  Angel helped her ride out her climax, eagerly lapping up more of her heady juices.

He placed a final kiss on her inner thigh and moved over Willow's still quivering body.  Dark eyes met bright green.  "I love you Willow".

And then his mouth bent to hers.  His tongue entering her mouth, as his cock simultaneously filled her.

The sudden move left Willow breathless.  Dimly, through the haze of pleasure she heard her vampire growl.  The red witch smiled happily, meeting his every thrust with a roll of her hips.

Angel set a hard, punishing pace.  His every thrust pounded Willow into the floor.  He could just make out Willow's voice as she whispered, "AngelAngelAngelAngelfuckfuckfuckfuck".  Grunting now, Angel felt her silken muscles twitch as she came again, her spasming muscles causing his own release.  The vampire roared his pleasure and his human features were replaced by those of his demon.  Lunging Angel bit into his mate's neck.  Willow's delicious essence burst into his mouth, the exquisite flavor of her blood exploding on his tongue.  He pulled away, licking away any escaping drops.

Exhausted, the lovers rested, a sweaty heap on the floor.  Willow felt the vampire lick at her small wounds.  Angel's purring sounded loudly in the room.  Willow doubted he even knew he was doing it. She smiled, content.


Willow smiled and threaded her delicate fingers through Angel's dark, spiky hair.


"Hmm?", the vampire replied, still contentedly lapping at the small, slightly oozing wounds on Willow's neck.

"Floor hard, vampire big.  I'm getting some serious Willow owies here", Willow joked.

Realizing sheepishly that he was still fully lying on his small mate, Angel rolled off Willow.  He stood up and surveyed the beauty at his feet.  Willow's porcelain skin contrasting starkly with the dark hard wood floor, her ruby hair spread out like a halo about her face. Reaching down, Angel took Willow's proffered hand, and helped her up.

He didn't deserve her he knew, but he loved her and she loved him. That was more than enough.

Bending slightly, the dark haired vampire grazed the delicate skin of her hand with his lips.  The couple stared into each other's eyes.

Passion flared between them again, and they each took a step towards one another.  Angel fully intended to take Willow to a bed this time, that is, until a loud voice was heard.  The ensouled vampire groaned.

Willow closed her eyes and sighed.  "Oh well, it was nice while it lasted".

"Angel, Willow", Cordelia's shrill cry deflated their libido's.

Silently, Willow collected her clothes from the chair she had placed them in earlier.  She watched as Angel did the same.  "It was a damned shame he couldn't just walk around naked", she mused.  "Although then that would be bad, too many people stared at him fully clothed".  Shaking her head, the red head decided that introducing some color into his wardrobe would be a fair compromise.

Finally clothed, the witch and the vampire, made their way downstairs.  Angel forced air into his dead lungs and sighed melodramatically.  "Cordelia, this better be good", he singsonged. Willow giggled.

They found the tall brunette sitting in one of the hotel lounge's plush burgundy couches.  Cordelia sat, slowly rubbing her temples, her eyes closed.

Willow and Angel immediately recognized the signs. "Delia, you had a vision".  Willow ran forward and hugged her friend.  "Do you feel okay?"

"No.  My head's pounding, Willow, could you--",

"Oh", Willow interrupted, "of course".  Smiling, the redhead began the now familiar spell.  A short stream of latin words burst forth from her lips as she asked the Goddess to bless her friend with peace.  Leaning forward, the witch kissed Cordelia's clammy forehead, completing the ritual.

The Seer breathed a sigh of relief, finding the pain gone.  She grabbed Willow's arm hand thanked her.  The red head nodded, glad that she could help.

Angel watched in silence, he had seen Willow do this for Cordelia a few times and each time he was struck by a sense of 'rightness' about his relationship with the young hacker.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Willow asked Cordelia what the vision was about.

Sighing unhappily, Cordelia tried to put what she saw into words.  "Well, Angel told you about how Wolfram and Hart brought something back from hell in that box....", she trailed off.  Willow nodded, encouraging her friend.  The brunette continued, "we don't know exactly what it was, but I saw Born Again Boy in the vision. He's up to something".

Angel snorted.  "Lindsey's always up to something".

Cordelia glared at her boss.  "Anyway, he was talking to some blond chick.  That woman Lilah was there too".  Turning to the handsome vampire, Cordelia found her eyes tearing.  "Angel, their up to something, something big and they want to hurt Willow."  The Seer, sniffed, upset by the thought of someone trying to hurt the friend who she now considered a part of her 'family'.

At her words, Angel took in a harsh unneeded breath.  His dark eyes turning golden, a growl sounding low in his throat.  He spoke gruffly, "No one is going to touch Willow!"

Disturbed and yet unafraid, Willow leaned forward hugging the distraught Seer.


The next night, Angel found himself walking along a beach.  The moon reflected brightly on a tranquil ocean.  He looked over the water, enjoying the soothing sound of the waves lapping against the shore. The dark haired vampire looked down and was slightly surprised to find himself in dark blue board shorts.  He was barefoot.

Angel flexed his foot, enjoying the novel sensation of sand between his toes.  He grinned, enjoying what he knew had to be a dream.  A voice called to him. Lifting his head, he could see a female figure off in the distance.  Still smiling, he sat down in a plastic beach chair which he knew hadn't been there before.  He sighed happily, and waited for Willow to reach him.

Since the little red witch had come into his life, his dreams had become much more pleasant.  No longer were did his dreams consist solely of bloody nightmares in which Angelus' victims screamed and pleaded.  Now, he had an equal chance of having pleasant Willow dreams.  This was definitely one of those he decided.  He smirked.

A pair of long legs appeared in front of him.  His eyes trailed slowly upwards.  Willow was wearing a lavender two piece bathing suit.  Angel blinked, "Blond hair?"  To his shock, it was not his mate who stood in front of him.  It was his Sire.  It was Darla.

The blond woman grinned crookedly.  "My darling boy, I've missed you".


Angel jerked awake.  Despite not needing to breathe, his chest heaved.

A warm body was pressed intimately against his side.  Red hair lay spread across his arm.  "Willow", he whispered.

Finally shaking off the strange dream, Angel hugged Willow to him and tried to go back to sleep.


Cordelia finished typing up the last expense sheet and smiled brightly.  Now, she could send it to Mrs. Rogers and expect an actual check in the mail.  She hit enter and set the report to print.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs behind her.  "Hey Delia", Willow said sprightly, bounding down the stairs.

The ex-cheerleader snatched the sheet out of the printer.  "Look Wills, hot off the presses. We may actually get paid."

"Gee Delia, listen to you, someone might actually make the mistake of thinking you're in the save the world business for the money", Willow

Willow moved toward her desk and switched on her computer.  She was working on putting together a much more complete demon database.  In
addition, she'd decided to compile a database for spells listed under their various uses and components.  So far Willow thought she had gathered a pretty complete list of protection spells.  There were quite a few demon banishing spells as well.

The door to Angel Investigations opened with a bang.  Charles Gunn strode in wearing his usual baggy homeboy wear.  "Hey Barbie", he said, greeting Cordelia in his usual way.  The tall brunette snorted disdainfully trying to ignore the handsome youth.

Gunn continued on through the room and looked over Willow's shoulder.  "Hi Red", he said flirtatiously.  "So when are you leaving that sun allergic sometimes boss of mine and giving me a try?"

A deep male voice answered.  "Ummm.... I believe that would be, never, Gunn".  The black youth smiled and looked up.  "Hey Angel, you can't blame a guy for trying."

The dark haired vampire rolled his eyes and ran a large hand through his spiky hair.

Willow found the entire exchange hilarious.  She knew Gunn had a crush on Cordelia.  As far as Willow could tell, the feeling was actually mutual.  The redhead shook her head, wondering why her two friends were so stubborn.

Angel walked over to his mate and hugged Willow tightly.

Willow grabbed the dark vampire's head and kissed him passionately. Angel growled deepening the kiss.

A cough broke the silence.  "Uh, excuse me, but there are like two hundred rooms you could be using", Cordelia chided.

The witch and the vampire broke apart sheepishly.

"Where's Wesley?", Angel asked.

Cordelia looked over at her boss.  "He called, he stopped to get coffee and donuts for everybody."


The day passed quietly.  Both women tapping away on computers as Wesley and Angel argued over the meaning of some obscure word in the
scroll of Auberjean.  Gunn had gotten bored and left hours ago.

Since Cordelia had not had a vision since the one about Wolfram and Hart the day before, Angel went on routine patrol.  Willow and Wesley came along.

Originally, Angel hadn't wanted Willow to get involved in this end of what he did on a daily basis, but he realized quickly she wasn't just going to sit home and wait for him.  The redhead had stared him, a 249 year old vampire, down with her patented 'resolve face'.

They ended up this night in one of L.A.'s many large cemeteries dusting vampires.

A burly male fledgling charged Willow.  Wesley gasped in alarm.  The ex-watcher knew he could not get to the red haired witch in time.  So as he ducked a punch and brought a stake down into the heart of the vampire he had been fighting, Wesley yelled a warning.  "Miss Rosen-- Willow, watch out!"

Willow had already seen the large vampire coming.  She smiled darkly remembering fondly all the times she had been patrolling with Buffy. The smile vanished as she thought of how the bleached blond Slayer had cut all ties to her when Willow and Angel had started their relationship.  Even Xander hadn't really kept his word, he had said he'd support her and be her friend, despite not condoning their relationship.  Willow had tried calling and e-mailing, but her oldest friend had avoided her.

The hacker pushed away the bad memories and focused on the here and now.  Quickly, she sidestepped the burly vamp sending a quick roundhouse kick towards his back with the steel toed boots Angel had insisted she needed. She almost giggled as she felt and heard the satisfying thud when she connected with his spine.

The large vampire howled in pain before stumbling to the ground, a look of surprise on his face as Willow introduced a stake to his heart.

Meanwhile, Angel was trying to hold his own against three fledglings.  Ordinarily, he could have killed them easily, but for some reason, his heart wasn't into the fight.  The dark haired vampire felt exhausted.

Angel had seen the burly vampire charge after his mate, and although he had wanted to intervene, five months with Willow had taught him that she was quite adept at taking care of herself.  Occasionally, he even sparred with her, teaching her new moves.

Lunging, the 249 year old vampire grabbed one of the vamps and snapped his neck with a satisfying crack.  Angel smirked before a kick to the head sent him reeling.

Willow and Wesley watched in disbelief as their Master Vampire appeared to be losing a fight to two fledglings.  Willow herself had taken three out and Wesley two.  Angel had been trading blows with these same vamps since the fight began.

Angel's arms felt like lead, he could barely muster the strength to defend himself now.  He flinched, when a fist connected with his long dead kidney.

Willow growled, drawing upon the bond she had with her mate.  She could feel Angelus' anger and strength enter her body.  Snarling, she entered the fray.  The red haired witch tossed one the young vampires aside like a rag doll.  She snapped her leg forward connecting solidly with the leg of the remaining vampire.  Willow watched coldly as he fell, he leg broken.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw as Wesley staked the one she had thrown.  She grew concerned when she noticed her mate was still lying unmoving on the hard ground.

The Wiccan dug a stake out of the pocket of the leather jacket she was wearing.  She strode over to the cowering young fledgling, and staked him quickly, her mind on Angel.

Wesley had gotten there first, and she watched as Angel brushed off the ex-watcher's concern and stood up.

Still using the bond, Willow growled at her mate, trying to convey her worry.  She grabbed Angel's dark hair and brought his head down to her own.  Letting go of the demon they sometimes shared, green eyes stared into dark brown.

Angel shied away from his mate's stare, she saw so much and he was ashamed.  The strange dream he'd had with his Sire was praying heavily on his mind.

Willow reacted as if slapped, Angel had never turned away from her gaze before.  The young woman let go of her lover's dark hair and stepped back in shock.  Tears welled up in the witch's eyes.  She realized that she'd felt more than simply Angelus' anger when she'd reached through the bond, strangely she had also felt a strange lethargy.  A sort of complacency, as if the demon were trying to submit to something or someone.  Something had happened to Angel, and he wasn't telling her for some reason.  Willow walked out of the cemetery and to her mate's black convertible.  As she climbed into the backseat, Willow let the silent tears fall.

Wesley was angry.  The ex-watcher had watched his newest friend walk off in tears, and he did not have a clue as to why.  "What the hell is going on Angel?"

"Leave it alone Wesley, this doesn't concern you", Angel snarled, his eyes flashing yellow.

The bespectacled man, didn't even flinch.  "Don't bloody try that with me Angel.  The hell this doesn't concern me.  First, you barely held your own against those three newly risen vampires.  Secondly, somehow, you've reduced the love of your life to tears.  Let me reiterate my earlier question.  What the hell is going on?"

The dark haired vampire blinked.  "Willow was crying?", he wondered. Angel wished he knew how to answer his friend's question.  But the truth was, he didn't know what was happening to him.


The drive home was done in silence.  Angel had dropped Wesley off at his apartment and instead of getting into the now vacant passenger seat, Willow remained in the back.  The red head hadn't spoken a word since the incident in the cemetary.  She hadn't even glanced in his direction, Angel was starting to feel panicked.

Angel parked in front of the Hyperion Hotel.  The hacker and the vampire climbed out of the vehicle.  Willow practically ran into the building, leaving her mate behind.  She was angry and she was determined.  Whatever was affecting Angel, was going to have a fight on its hands.

She ran up the stairs, to the room she shared with Angel, and quickly chanted a cleansing spell to rid the room of negative energy as she stripped herself of her clothing.  Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves Willow lit all the candles in the room with a gesture.  She could hear the sound of Angel's heavy footfalls in the hall.


Angel reluctantly opened the door, unsure of what he would find.  The vampire was terrified Willow would leave him, but he didn't want to explain to Willow that he'd dreamed of Darla.  He was already ashamed.  The dark vampire loved his witch.  Willow made him complete, she was his other half.  He was angry at himself for dreaming of his bitch of a Sire.

As he walked into their room, a small warm, naked body impacted forcefully with his own.  Angel felt himself get shoved up against the wall.  Small hands tore at his jacket and shirt.  The vampire could hear small pinging sounds, as the buttons of his shirt hit the hard wood floor.

Angel lifted his drooping head and found himself staring into the eerily golden eyes of his mate.  He started in surprise, Willow hardly ever used the bond in this manner, drawing the part of his demon that she shared into herself.  Tonight, however, she had done it twice.  Instinctively, Angel growled at the lithe red head.

Willow shoved him hard against the wall again in response.  The witch raked her razor sharp nails down Angel's smooth chest.  She smiled wickedly as blood welled from the wounds.  Although she was not a vampire and did not desire or need blood, Willow knew its significance and importance to vampires.  The red head leaned down and licked the oozing blood from the wounds she had inflicted on her mate.  "You are mine!", Willow snarled, "I'll be damned before I let you pull away from me."

Angel groaned, incredibly aroused by Willow's possessiveness.  She was reclaiming him in the most primitive vampiric way.  He thrilled to her touch.

The dark haired vampire's arousal strained at his pants.  Willow growled low in her throat satisfied with her mate's reaction.  She traced his hard length through the cloth.

Angel bucked against Willow's hands.  "Please", he whispered.

"Please what?", Willow smirked.  The witch latched onto one of his small, pebbled nipples and bit down, enjoying Angel's whimpers as he allowed himself to be dominated.  "Make me yours", Angel groaned.

The red head thrilled as a surge of power that flooded her system at his words.  Willow could feel herself grow wet with anticipation. Moisture trickled down her slim thighs.

She grabbed the zipper of his slacks, allowing the pants to fall around the dark vampire's ankles.  Willow clawed at his boxers, shredding the silk and freeing Angel's cock.

Willow's warm hands grabbed Angel's hard length, pulling him towards the bed.


Darla watched in anger, as the small slip of a girl dominated her favorite childe.  The urge to kill the witch was an all consuming obsession.  When she had come the night before and blown the dreaming dust on the couple, it had taken all her control not to kill the redheaded witch as she slept, drugged and helpless.  She hadn't of course.  Darla had known that such a move would have been foolhardy and ruined her plans.  She needed to slowly corrupt and manipulate her childe.  Killing Willow would only have served to warn him that someone could get into his home.  And although Darla would never admit it to herself a part of her knew that unless she could tear at the bond Angel and Willow had, it was possible her favorite childe would kill himself.  The blonde could not stand the knowledge that this witch had surpassed her and even the stupid Slayer, in Angel's

Angel's Sire watched as the red head pushed the handsome vampire forcefully on his back, on the bed.  Darla saw as the beautiful girl sunk onto her childe's impressive erection, and rode him expertly.


Willow thrust herself onto Angel, taking all of his cock inside herself with one downward motion.  She rode him hard, grinding her clit against the coarse dark hair at his groin.  The hacker snarled as she came, the muscles of her vagina rippling around the ensouled vampire's shaft.

Angel growled and gave himself over to the power of their mating, as he too climaxed powerfully.  And that's when Angel felt Willow's fangs slip into his neck.  The dark haired vampire closed his eyes in ecstasy.  He was hers.  She was his.  It was that simple.

Willow tasted her mate's blood.  She took only a sip, simply wanting to pleasure Angel and strenghthen their bond while cementing their joining.  As she released Angel's neck, Willow started in alarm.  She could feel another presence in the room.  "Someone was here!", her heightened senses screamed.  The Wiccan's eyes searched the room.


Darla's eyes widened as the redhead lifted her head.  She was shocked to see that Willow's face was transformed into a vampiric visage. All her information said that the girl was a human witch and hacker.  "What in the world?", the blond wondered angrily.  Concerned now, Darla watched as the witch's yellow eyes searched the room, blood dripped from Willow's mouth.

Somehow, the witch knew she was there.  Darla fled, knowing that the spell masking her presence had failed.  Either that, or the red head was more powerful than any of them suspected.  Darla sniffed disdainfully at the thought.  The blue eyed blond fumed silently, "one thing was certain, heads would roll at that damned law firm, she would make sure of it".


Immediately, Willow relaxed, whoever had been here was gone.  The witch allowed herself to lay limp and satiated on Angel's body.

"Angel, someone was here".

The dark vampire growled in anger, but he heard nothing, nor did he smell anything.  "Are you sure?", Angel asked quietly.

Willow looked down at her mate and stared into his dark chocolate eyes.  He did not turn away.  She smiled.  She knew that things were still not 'right' between them, but this was a step in the right direction.  The red head nodded.  "They were masking their presence", she told him, "I can feel the magic now".

Someone had invaded their home.  Angel was angry.  This place was his refuge.  The vampire knew that if Willow was certain, then someone had in fact been here.  Angel understood that Willow was powerful, probably more powerful than even she remotely suspected.  Sometimes he could feel it, radiating out of her small body in enormous waves. Angel trusted his mate's intuition.

The dark haired vampire got up and locked the door.  "Are we safe here tonight Willow?"

The witch cocked her head, as if listening to a voice only she could hear.  "Yes, whoever it was won't be back tonight".

Angel got back into bed.  He knew sleep was going to be impossible. The vampire smirked, remembering the ecstasy that was his mate, taking him.  Angel could feel himself harden again.

Willow noticed and grinned.  She opened her arms wide to her lover, and welcomed him home repeatedly.

It was a long time before they went to sleep.  But that night, Angel slept dreamlessly.


It had been 2 weeks since Angel's dream and the incident where Willow had sensed someone in their home.

Things between Angel and Willow had pretty much settled back to normal.  Their relationship seemed stable, yet, Angel would sometimes find his witch staring at him sadly.  He knew that she sensed he was holding something back.  Still, he could not bring himself to tell her of the dream.

Cordelia and Gunn stared at their two friends.  They seemed fine, but something was off.

The Seer waved Gunn over to her desk.  "Is it just me or is something up with those two?"

The handsome man shook his head.  "No its not just you.  Even Wesley's noticed that something's changed somehow.  You don't think they're going to break up, do you?"

The former May Queen took a shuddering breath.  "God, I hope not, they are so perfect for one another and so in love".  Cordelia remembered what Wesley had told her about the fight in the cemetery two weeks earlier.  How Angel had been unable to meet Willow's eyes and how the redheaded witch had walked away in tears.  Cordelia shook her head sadly.  "Gunn this is terrible they're all the family I've got".

Having grown up on the streets with only his sister, Gunn understood.  The demon hunter placed a comforting hand on Cordelia's arm.

Cordelia was startled, Gunn never touched her.  It felt nice.  She looked up into his face and noticed the compassion and understanding there.  The Seer smiled.


From his desk, Wesley watched the interactions of the four other people in the room.  He pushed his glasses further up his nose and returned his attentions to the text in front of him.  Both he and Willow were trying to find any mention of a spell which would mask someone's presence.  The dark haired man had had some success and it seemed to be a pretty difficult and little known spell.  It involved some exceedingly rare ingredients as well.  Frankly, the only people Wesley could think of with the kind of resources to cast such a spell were Wolfram and Hart.

Wesley muttered an obscenity under his breath, and rising from his desk, told the others.


That night while Wesley, Cordelia, Gunn and Angel left to battle a ring of drug dealing demons who had invaded Gunn's neighborhood, Willow began casting spells.  For the past two weeks, the young woman had tried to cast protection spells and magical booby traps in the Hyperion, to try to protect her home from invasion.  Willow wasn't sure if they'd been effective, but so far there had been no uninvited guests, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Darla watched through the window as the lithe redhead walked through the hotel lobby carrying a small bundle of smoldering herbs.  The young woman waved the smoke throughout the room while chanting.  It looked like a cleansing or protection spell to Darla, but the blond wasn't sure.  Magic had never been her cup of tea.  Murder and mayhem had.  Darla smiled a small, smug smile and waved to the man behind her. It was the signal for him to go ahead.  She watched as the thug Lindsey had hired snuck around to the other side of the building, where she lost sight of him.

The blond sat back and tried to find a more comfortable position at the window.  She didn't want to miss it when the young Miss Rosenburg died tragically, the victim of a random burglary attempt, now did she?


Willow finished the first spell, and had just started up the stairs to continue, when she heard it.  The unmistakable, tinkling and crash of breaking glass brought the red head up short.

Fear rushed through the hacker's veins.  She shrugged off the urge to run and instead walked quietly towards the sound.  It seemed to have
come from the kitchen.

Calling to mind a few defensive spells in preparation, Willow peered around the doorway.  A man in a black ski mask and jeans stood in the center of the kitchen.  A large, jagged knife was held in his right hand.  Willow could also see a roll of duct tape shoved into his back pocket.

In horror, Willow tried to back away silently from where she stood by the doorway.  Unadulterated terror almost kept her rooted to the spot.  The witch knew the individual had to be human.  Vampires and your run of the mill demon didn't need weapons.  Her quiet retreat was foiled when the hacker tripped over a book Wesley had left by his desk.  Suddenly unbalanced, Willow fell to the ground with a startled squeak.  Her mind screaming for her mate.


Wesley had just speared the last demon with his sword when Cordelia screamed.  He was shocked to discover upon turning around, that both
Cordelia and Angel had fallen to the floor clutching their heads in apparent agony.

Gunn held the Seer in his arms, trying to soothe her through her vision, when an unearthly scream burst not only from her lips, but from Angel's as well.  "Willow!!"

Angel struggled to his feet.  His mate was calling to him and she was terrified.  He snatched Cordelia from Gunn's arms and started running towards his car.  Gunn and Wesley followed.  Wesley had barely managed to jump into the backseat of the convertible, when Angel peeled rubber and shot out into the street barely missing another vehicle.


Willow crawled across the floor, hoping the man hadn't heard her fall.  She had just hidden behind the hotel's large reception desk, when she heard heavy footsteps run into the room.  Shivering, Willow made herself as small as possible, curling up behind the desk.  She had fought vampires and other demons since she was 16, and killed many a baddie.  But, the witch did not know if she could bring herself to kill a human being.  She didn't want to be a murderer.

Suddenly Willow screamed as something grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her upwards.  The man held on to her hair and pulled with all his might.  Pain exploded in Willow's head, as she felt some of her hair pull and tear away from her scalp.  Using the momentum of the thug's powerful yank on her head, Willow jumped upwards so she could clear the desk, allowing herself to be dragged across it.

The redhead found herself looking up at her assailant.  Through the slits of his ski mask, Willow could see the man's blue eyes glitter coldly.  Unexpectedly Willow kicked up, towards his head.  The angle was all wrong and she knew hitting him was a long shot, but if she could just startle him enough to let go of her, she could roll of the desk and run.

The attacker released her hair and stepped back, as Willow's foot came upwards forcefully towards his face.  Suddenly free, the woman rolled off the desk, keeping it in between her and her assailant. Gathering her will, the witch shouted an incantation and gestured with her hand, expecting the man to get thrown across the room. Instead, it was as if a strong wind burst through the room.  Papers flew off Cordelia's desk.  The man was unaffected.

Willow couldn't believe her spell hadn't worked.  And here she had thought, she'd gotten so much better.  She swallowed heavily, feeling her throat close up.  The man ran forward, trying to grab her. Willow darted beneath his flaying arms, feeling the small gust of wind as his knife whistled past her ear.

The red head ran out from behind the desk and fell into a fighting stance, as she'd seen Buffy do so often in the past.

The assailant turned, chuckling darkly as he saw the slender woman prepare to fight him.  He had over 100 pounds and 7 inches over her. He cocked his head.  She was cute, maybe he'd have a little fun with her before he completed the contract.

Willow bristled at the man's laugh.  She hated it when people laughed at her.  The cyber witch vowed to make him eat that laughter.

Unexpectedly, the attacker ran forward attempting to grab her in a hold.  Willow jumped back and spun.  She sent a hard roundhouse kick towards his face making sure the heel of her boot connected squarely with his jaw.  The man's head snapped painfully to the side.  Taking the offensive now, the redhead darted forward and kicked the large knife out of the man's hand.  The knife flew out of the killer's hand, but two beefy arms wrapped around Willow's waist.  The man squeezed until she was breathless.  Then he threw her aside as if she weighed nothing.

Willow landed painfully on her back.  She knew she was running purely on adrenalin now.  Taking a deep breath she muttered another spell. It was supposed to an illusion.  If it had worked, he would have seen a demon or some other creature where she lay, and hopefully the attacker would have run away.  But the man stood his ground.  Nothing had happened.

The young woman got to her feet shakily, and was unprepared when a fist shot out catching her on the side of the face.  Her ears rang painfully and her eyes swam with tears.  She was desperate now.  Her magic wasn't working and she didn't want to kill him.  The Wiccan knew that if she tried to use the bond, the demon she shared with Angel would delight in killing the man.  Both because he was human and because the demon considered her to be his property.  Willow racked her brain for a solution, but came up short.  It was the kick to her ribs that ended it.  Willow felt like she'd been hit by a truck.  She crumpled to the ground.


The man stood over her, his blue eyes raked Willow's slender form. He reached for his belt buckle.

Willow's green eyes opened wide in understanding. "Oh Goddess, help me. I don't want to be raped, I don't want to die", she thought. The witch thought of Angel, her mate. She knew he was on his way. Willow was sure the terror she was feeling was probably being transmitted quite powerfully through their bond. The redhead sobbed, realising the vampire would not be long for this world if she died. Although Wesley had theorised that because Willow shared Angel's demon, she was immortal, it was just a theory. And even if it were true, it certainly didn't mean she couldn't be killed.

The man moved to unzip his pants, a voice came unbidden into her mind. It whispered, "My daughter, you must remember. Remember, my daughter." At that moment, Willow's knew her decision was made. She would kill this man, or she would die.

Willow kicked, sweeping the man's leg out from under him. He fell with a thud. Rapidly Willow crawled away. She stopped by her desk and reached into her right boot. The redheaded witch hoped it was still there, and hadn't fallen out of her boot during the fight. She had forgotten that she'd placed the object there that morning, but the voice had reminded her. Willow never carried it with her; it was for casting difficult spells. Today, however, she had just felt the need to have it on her person for some reason.

The man got up and snarled, clearly angry his quarry just didn't roll over and take it like she should.

The hacker waited, she knew somehow that her target had to be a little closer. Suddenly, her hand shot out, her wrist flicking expertly. Willow watched with a mixture of horror and awe as her athame swung end over end through the air, and then buried itself expertly in the attacker's throat. He gurgled and gasped before collapsing.

Startled noises sounded from the doorway. There stood her family: Wesley, Gunn, Cordelia and Angel. Willow tried to stand, but found that she could not. She knew the man was dead. Sobs shook her frame. The arms of her mate held her tightly, as she cried.


Darla abruptly left her perch by the window. The witch was harder to kill than she thought.


Gunn surveyed the scene, outwardly stoic. He walked over to the fallen assassin and kicked him hard in the side. Wesley sighed, "He's quite dead Gunn".

"I know", the youth barked. His mind whirled. "What if this had happened to his guardian angel? What if some man had broken in here and tried to hurt Cordelia?" Gunn swore, looking over at where Cordelia was now trying to calm Willow. He had to tell Delia what he felt, he knew now. Their lives were too dangerous and uncertain for him not to.

Angel was on the phone. "Probably talking to the police", Gunn thought.

The dark-haired vampire looked calm and collected, but Charles Gunn knew that was bullshit. Gunn noticed the slight trembling of the vampire's hand, and the grim line Angel's mouth became when he spotted the hair and blood in front of the desk.

Angel closed his eyes, tired of listening to Kate rant and rave. "Look Kate, there is a dead body in the lobby of my hotel. A man tried to kill my mate. I'm not in the mood to deal with your attitude. Just get your ass over here", he growled. Angry now, Angel slammed the phone down.

The tall vampire walked slowly around the desk, his eyes riveted on the ruby hair and blood matted to the floor. Turning, he walked purposely towards Willow.

Cordelia lifted her head from Willow's shoulder tears staining her cheeks, and watched as Angel came towards them. The Seer held her sobbing friend tightly.

Willow could feel her mate's nearing presence and flung herself into his arms. The redhead clung to her vampire.

Angel had tried to be strong; he wanted Willow to be able to depend on him. But once Willow was in his arms again, Angel felt all his pent up emotions crash through his being.

"Oh God sweetheart. I could have lost you. I was so scared, I could feel your terror and I just felt so damned helpless." Angel buried his face in Willow's hair reveling in the clean scent of her herbal shampoo and ...blood. The dark vampire snarled, and turned the young woman around in his arms. Blood and broken strands of her beautiful hair clung to the right side of her head. There was a small bald spot where the hair had been ripped away from her scalp. Angel winced. "Does it hurt?"

The red witch shook her head. "No", she said, "But I'm sure it will once the adrenaline clears out of my system". Willow looked over at the body of the man on the ground, she saw that Wesley was now standing over it. "I had to kill him, didn't I Angel?"

"Yes, you did, and if you hadn't I would have." Angel growled, his game face replacing his human features. "Lindsey's going to pay for this".


Ten minutes later, a voice sounded from the doorway. "Why lookie here. Why am I not surprised that there's a dead body in Angel's new home? Hmmm…that's right, because he's a part of the demonic darkness that threatens my city." A tall blue eyed blond stood in the doorway. The woman's eyes traveled over every occupant of the room, and settled on the one unfamiliar person, Willow.

Cordelia wanted to rip the bitch's eyes out. She couldn't believe the woman's nerve. Her friend had almost been killed and here she was trying to turn this around on Angel again. "Joy", the ex-cheerleader said sarcastically, "look everyone its supercop Kate".

Gunn sat down in silence and crossed his arms.

Kate strode over to the red head. Arrogantly she looked the younger woman up and down. So this was Angel's mate. "Pretty", she thought, "big green eyes, porcelain skin, hair as red as blood...". Kate shuddered at the turn of her thoughts.

Willow's eyes were slit. She had heard quite a lot about Kate from Cordelia. The redhead had been prepared to take Delia's words with a grain of salt, but the police detective already rubbed Willow the wrong way.

"So who killed him?" Kate wanted answers; she stared at the dark haired vampire expectantly.

"I did." Willow said quietly.

Surprised, Kate asked, "Why?"

The hacker stared at the blue eyed blond before answering. "Because he broke in here and tried to kill me. I think that would be obvious. I would also think that you'd have noticed that his belt buckle is undone and his zipper is down."

Cordelia gasped. The Seer was horrified. "That freak was going to rape you!" She exclaimed.


Angel remained mute. He had noticed that fact, but knew that the man hadn't gotten the chance. If he had, the dark vampire would have gladly used a few of Angelus' favorite tortures on the bastard before killing him slowly. Visions of hot pokers and razor blades filled his head. Angel grinned darkly, and wondered whether Willow would let him give Lindsey a little visit instead. His fists clenched and unclenched. The vampire's nails dug painfully into his palms. He relished the pain, knowing he had to focus. All he could suddenly think about was locking himself away with Willow, making love to her repeatedly and never leaving her alone again. Besides which, Kate was really getting on his last nerve. Never had the urge to break the bitter detective's neck been greater. Angel never noticed when a growl began to rumble, deep and low in his throat.


Kate stared at the redheaded woman, and continued her questioning, ignoring Cordelia's statement. "Why would someone want to kill you?"

"Because I am the lover and mate of one of the most powerful and feared vampire's in history. And because his reformed ways have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. By killing me they get to him." Willow responded.

Kate snorted. "Reformed", she muttered, "right".

Willow's eyes flashed green fire. Her anger was palpable to everyone in the room. Kate took a nervous step backwards.

Angel smirked, his mate was magnificent. Wesley adjusted his glasses trying to hide his smile behind the movement. While Cordelia and Gunn openly grinned in amusement.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Kate pointed to the knife in the dead assailant's throat with her pencil. "So then how exactly did that happen?"

"I threw it at him", the cyber witch said simply.

Kate gaped at the shorter woman.

Willow continued, "When I realised my spells weren't working on him, I had to resort to desperate measures."

The blond detective pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly. "You're a witch? Like with warty noses and pointed hats?" Kate joked.

Exhausted and frustrated with the blond's attitude, Willow whispered a spell under her breath and reached out, her arm outstretched. Kate's pencil flew into Willow's open hand.

Kate took another step back, her eyes glared at the young woman suspiciously. "But if you could do that, why did you kill him? You could have just moved him or incapacitated him in some way."

The red head took a shaky breath. "I tried but I'm obviously a failure as a witch. Nothing I did worked on him."

Wesley shook his head. "No, that's not true." The dark-haired ex- watcher still stood over the body. He pointed to a large ring on the dead man's left hand. "That ring is a powerful talisman. It protects the wearer from magical attacks."

Gunn nodded in sudden understanding. "Damn man, that means that not only did someone send this guy here to kill Red, but that they knew enough about her to prepare themselves against her magic."

"So is this what that vision I had with Born Again Boy was about?" Cordelia asked.

"Perhaps", Wesley said, "but we still don't know the identity of the blond woman you saw. We only know that Wolfram and Hart are endeavouring to hurt Willow." Sighing tiredly, Wesley ran a hand through his short locks. "What's much worse is that this particular talisman is specifically targeted to ward off good magic. It is constructed by sacrificing five innocents to the Horned God".

Kate was revolted. She had wanted to ask about Cordelia's visions, and find out more about this Willow character, but she decided she'd already wasted too much time. If she didn't call the death in soon, she'd bring suspicion on herself. Kate walked to the phone and watched with hard eyes as Angel's dark head swooped down, placing a tender kiss on Willow's lips.


Later that night after the police had finally vacated the Hyperion Hotel, and taken the body with them, the six friends reconvened at Cordelia's apartment.  No one wanted Willow or Angel to spend another night there until the situation was resolved.

Willow had a headache, four hours of answering questions and coming up with non-freaky answers, had left her physically spent.  She sat comfortably on her vampire's lap.  Angel's head was buried in her neck.  Her hair hid his actions, but Willow could feel the ridges of his true face and the quiet rumble of his purring, as he nibbled on her neck.  The redhead sighed in happiness.

Cordelia sat on the couch in between Gunn and Wesley.  A coffee cup was clutched in the Seer's elegant hands.  "I want you guys to stay here with me.  This entire situation has got me completely wigged, and I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to either of you", the brunette said.

Wesley patted Cordelia's knee absently.  He was in complete agreement with the young receptionist.  These people were his family, more precious to him than his own blue blooded relatives.

Angel finally lifted his head, he nodded at Cordelia.  Facing his mate, he asked her about what had been bothering him.  "How did you kill him?  We all saw you throw your ceremonial dagger, but I know you've never thrown a knife before."

The witch's eyes appeared to glaze over in remembrance.  She shook her head.  "It was strange.... A voice sounded in my head.  It was a woman's voice; warm and somehow familiar.  She said I had to remember something.  Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had placed the athame
in my boot", Willow said frowning thoughtfully.  "I don't usually carry it around with me.  I just felt compelled to today. Personally, I believe I heard the voice of the Goddess."

The dark haired vampire nodded.  He trusted Willow's judgment on such matter, and felt that she was special to her Goddess.  Hell, she was special to him.  In fact, she was just special, period.  It seemed to Angel that Willow had some greater purpose.  Closing his eyes, Angel sent a heartfelt thanks to the greater power that had helped save his mate's life.


After Wesley and Gunn had left, Willow and Angel decided that showering together and 'conserving water' was a good idea.  Cordelia stood at her window, staring out into the street.  Vaguely she heard the sounds of her friends' playing in the shower.  The Seer smiled glad that the two had found a moment alone.

Idly, Cordelia wondered about Gunn.  Ever since the incident at the hotel, he'd given her such strange looks.

Cordelia closed her eyes, shutting out the laughter and squeals coming from her bathroom.  She shivered and suddenly found her shoulders covered by one of her sweaters.  "Thanks Dennis", Cordelia said, smiling slightly.

The Seer knew she was falling for the tough demon hunter.  He was courageous, no nonsense and gorgeous.  It frightened her though.  She had already lost one love to the life they led.  The brunette fiddled with the ends of her long hair and thought of Angel.  He'd been alone for so long before Willow.  Maybe she didn't have to be alone either.  Cordelia clung to that hope.

That night, Angel and Willow slept on Cordelia's fold out couch.  The next morning, the couple headed to the park.  They held hands and walked the sundappled paths.  The dark haired vampire loved these moments.  He stared at his lovely mate, enjoying how the sun turned her mane into a fiery blaze.  He frowned slightly at the sight of the large bruise marring her face.  He sighed and turned away, finding some shade beneath a tree.  Although their bond allowed him time in the sun, he still did not feel completely comfortable being directly exposed to it for long periods of time.

Willow turned and snuggled into Angel's side.  "Look", she said pointing gleefully at a sidewalk vendor, "ice cream."

Angel smiled, something that was still rather rare for him.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of red.  The vampire turned.  A blond woman in a red sweater set and slim fitting black slacks was walking rapidly on another path behind where he stood.  She seemed familiar.  Quickly, Angel began to follow the blond.  The sun shone brightly on her golden hair.  "It couldn't be", he thought.  "Darla was dead, he knew that."

Now the woman was crossing the street.  Angel moved to follow, oblivious to everything except the apparition he was seeing.  The sound of a car horn sounding loudly to his left, snapped him out of his trance.  Startled, Angel stepped back onto the sidewalk.  The blond woman had by this time, reached the other side of the street. Taking a chance, Angel called out.  "Darla!"

Upon reaching the other side, the woman turned.  "No!", he thought, "it can't be..."

Darla smirked, pleased by her Childe's reaction to her appearance.

"Angel", Willow called, "Angel, where are you?"

Panicked, the dark haired vampire turned.  His red haired mate was coming down the path, a vanilla cone in her hand.

By the time Angel looked back to the street, the blond woman was gone.  Was he going mad?

The look in her mate's eyes was scaring Willow.  "What's wrong?", she asked.

"Nothing my love", Angel replied, "let's go back."

Dissatisfied with his answer and concerned by his sudden change of mood, Willow found herself looking at the vanilla cone in disgust. Striding toward the nearest waste basket, the witch tossed it in. She watched with a heavy heart as flies landed on the sweet confection.


Charles Gunn hovered nervously in front of Cordelia's apartment.  He brought up he hand to knock but slowly lowered it.  Looking down at the ground, the demon hunter swore softly and kicked a pebble from Cordelia's small stoop. "She's so out of your league dawg", his mind whispered.

Getting a hold of himself, the young man straightened.  He would never know unless he told her. Gunn knew he would never forgive himself if something happened to her and he hadn't told Cordelia Chase he loved her.

Determined, Gunn knocked sharply on Cordelia's front door.  The tall Seer opened the door and smiled brightly.  "Hi Gunn, I was wondering how long you were going to stand there."

Gunn swallowed and ducked his head momentarily.  He was suddenly damned glad he didn't blush like Red did.  Gunn looked up at Cordelia through lowered lashes and smiled flirtatiously.  "Looking good there Delia".  And she did look good.  The ex-cheerleader wore jeans and a loose purple sweater.  Her long hair was pulled haphazardly into a pony tail.  She wore no makeup. Gunn didn't think he'd ever seen her look more beautiful.

"Can we talk?", Gunn asked seriously.

"Sure", Cordelia nodded, her face thoughtful.

The demon hunter stepped inside, realizing he hadn't been invited, but knowing somehow it was her own little way of keeping vamps out.

The Seer stared at Gunn's broad back as he walked into her living room.  She closed the door slowly, resting her hot forehead on the cool wood.  "What a hunk of salty goodness", she thought.  Cordelia just wished his clothes weren't always so baggy.  The man had as ass to die for.

She followed the handsome man into her living room and asked him if he wanted something to drink.  "Water would be good actually", Gunn  responded, smirking.  Cordelia's heart began to pound.

Trying to compose herself, the Seer walked into the kitchen and added ice to two glasses.  The brunette poured water for herself and her guest.

Cordelia walked around the sofa where Gunn sat.  She placed her glass on the table and offered the other to Gunn.  The movement brought their hands into contact.  Electricity seemed to course through Cordelia's body.  She gasped in surprise, her dark eyes searching out Gunn's.

"Delia", Gunn murmured, "my guardian angel".  Taking the glass from her numb fingers, he pulled Cordelia on to his lap.

"Gunn, I--" "Delia, I--", they both began.  Awkwardly, the two laughed. Brown eyes met again.  The laughter died away, and suddenly the demon hunter found himself in heaven.  The woman of his dreams was kissing him.

The kiss was tentative and sweet.  The kiss told him a lot about Cordelia Chase.

Cordelia's body trembled, every nerve alive with sensation.

Gunn lifted his head, he searched the eyes of the woman on his lap, for some kind of answer.  When none was forthcoming, he summoned his courage. "Delia, I've fallen in love with you", he said haltingly.

Startled, but happy, the Seer flung her arms around Gunn's neck.  "Oh, thank God.  I love you too".


Silently, Wesley retraced his steps and shut Cordelia's front door.  He closed his eyes.  The ex-watcher was happy for his friends.  However, deep
in his heart he had harbored a hope that he and Cordelia's friendship would have developed into something more.  "I suppose it just wasn't meant to be", he thought.  Shakily, Wesley started walking home.


Smiling, Cordelia snuggled into Gunn's embrace.

"So, do you want to hang out?", Cordelia asked a little shyly.

"Love to, Delia", Gunn responded.

The couple turned on the TV and they relaxed.  They didn't actually watch the television very much.  It was more a marathon make-out/talk session which culminated with them napping in each others arms.

Glad that Cordelia had found someone, Dennis made the young people comfortable.  A blanket floated from Cordelia's bedroom and was tucked
around them.


The Seer and the demon hunter, did not get to sleep long.  They were soon awakened by the slamming of Cordelia's front door, and the sounds of a heated argument.

"Damn it Angel, I've tried to be patient.  I've waited and waited for you to tell me what it is you've been keeping from me!", Willow shouted.

The red head glared up at the tall vampire.  Her eyes shining with unshed tears.

Angel didn't know what to say.  He knew Willow was right.  "Willow I'm sorry--"

"Sorry, I don't want you to be sorry.  I want you to tell me what's going on", the witch interrupted harshly.

Angel ducked his head and set his jaw stubbornly.

"You... you, stubborn vampire!", Willow screamed in frustration. "Grrr!"

"Please Willow, can't you just trust me right now?  I love you", Angel replied.  Reaching out, he placed his hand on his mate's shoulder.

In anger, Willow shook his hand off of her.  Angel recoiled.  "Willow, please".

"Look Angel, I love you and I know you love me.  Damn it!  I even know that you need me", the redheaded wiccan said much more quietly.  Willow closed her eyes, remembering the circumstances surrounding the start of her relationship with the handsome vampire.  "But right now I need you to trust me".

Angel groaned, "Willow, God, you know I trust you.  You're my mate, my soul, my love.  Willow, you are my reason for being".

"Then tell me", Willow sobbed.

Angel's throat closed up with shame.

Sobbing, Willow ran down the hall and locked herself in the bathroom.

Angel stared at the spot where Willow had stood, he didn't sense Cordelia and Gunn's approach.

Concerned, the Seer asked Angel what happened.

"Delia, I've made such a mess of things and I don't know how to fix it", the dark haired vampire began, his voice gruff.

"Oh, Angel, I'm sorry".  The tall brunette hugged her undead friend, and then grimaced as he seemed to sniff her.

The dark vampire's eyebrow quirked upwards, a question shining in his chocolate eyes.  Cordelia shrugged eloquently, knowing Angel probably
smelled Gunn all over her.

Angel looked at the handsome black man standing by his Seer.  "You'd better take care of her Gunn.  If you hurt her, I'll hurt you."

Startled, Gunn swallowed and nodded.  He believed Angel would.

Drawing out of Cordelia's hug.  Angel headed to the door.  "Delia tell Willow, if she asks, that I'll be at the hotel.  I need time to think."

"Time to brood you mean", Cordelia bit out.  "Don't run from this Angel".

Without responding, the tall vampire left.


Twenty minutes later, a red eyed Willow emerged from the bathroom.

"He left didn't he?", the witch asked Gunn.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Red.  He went into brood mode and told us he'd be at the Hyperion", the demon hunter responded.

Cordelia came out of the kitchen and handed Willow a cup of chamomile tea. Willow accepted the cup with a nod and stared unseeingly into the hot liquid.  Sighing heavily, the Seer hugged Gunn tightly.  In return, Gunn kissed her forehead.

Willow watched with interest.  She cleared her throat.  "So you two...?"

"Yup", Cordelia said cheerfully.

Willow rolled her eyes in mock exasperation.  "Finally!", she exclaimed.

Her happiness was short lived.  Hot tears rolled down Willow's face. Quietly she sipped her tea.


Night had fallen.  Angel walked around his home.  The silence was deafening.  He missed his mate.  He missed her chatter, her smile, her warmth.  When had things gone wrong?  They'd been so happy. Willow knew and accepted all he was and loved him just the same.  In turn he loved her, supported her in all her endeavors and interests. Before his eyes she had blossomed.

Willow was a confident, strong, beautiful woman.  Of course, Angel had always known that, but in the past the lithe wiccan had kept all this hidden inside herself.

"Why did I leave?", Angel asked himself for the millionth time.  He should have told Willow about his dream and what had happened in the park today immediately, he realized in a moment of sudden clarity. He had closed his mate out of his troubles and Angel knew that was wrong.  "How did that saying go?", he wondered, "oh yes, hindsight is 20/20".

Still, Angel knew how he'd acted had been a knee-jerk reaction.  His years of loneliness had ingrained in him two things:  the urge to retreat within himself when things went wrong, and the need to protect the few he allowed himself to get close to.  And there was no one closer to him than Willow.

The dark haired vampire resolved to break the vicious cycle.  If he didn't stop trying to hide parts of himself from his mate because he feared losing her, he knew it wouldd only end with his fear being realized.

As he got ready for bed, alone, he decided to tell Willow in the morning.  Angel glanced at the clock on the bedside table.  It was 3 in the morning.  He couldn't go back to Cordelia's place now.  Angel sighed.

Still, after making that decision, he felt a little better. Angel put on his favorite pajama bottoms and a white tank top.  The pajama bottoms were blue silk.  Electric blue, actually.  They were a gift from his beautiful redhead.  Willow couldn't get him to break his black habit in public, but in private, it was a different story.  The vampire was acquiring quite a collection of bright pajamas.  They were as much for his benefit as for Willow's.  She liked to wear the tops as nightshirts.  They usually didn't stay on for long though. Angel grinned at the thought and tried to sleep.

The faster he got to sleep, the faster morning would be here and the faster he could talk to Willow.  He hoped to God he could fix the disaster he'd made of the most precious thing to him in the world; his relationship with his redheaded witch.


Darla waited until Angel was asleep and came out of hiding.  She was sure in the knowledge that Angel couldn't sense her.  Her presence was once again masked by a spell.  The blond smirked wickedly, her eyes hungrily moving over her childe's large, muscular form.  Angel was alone.  The witchling was no where to be seen.  Darla smiled gleefully.  "Apparently, all wasn't well in paradise", she thought.


Angel found himself in a large, airy room.  Gauzy, white curtains hung from large french windows.  They billowed as if caught in an ever present breeze.  Lit candles seemed to fill every available surface, and a huge mound of multi-colored satin and velvet pillows sat in the center of the room.

The light raspberry scent Angel associated with Willow whispered to his senses.  The dark haired vampire groaned with sudden arousal.  A very clear image of making love to his beautiful mate on the bed of pillows rose in his mind.

Unable to help himself, Angel moved towards the pillows and laid down.  They were surprisingly comfortable.  The vampire's eyes closed, and the scent of raspberries became stronger.

Small, hot hands traveled up Angel's silk clad legs.  "Willow", he moaned, opening his eyes.

Angel jerked in surprise and disgust.  It wasn't his mate who touched him.  "Darla!", he growled.

Angry, Angel tried to buck the woman off of him.  The scent of her blood and the sound of her heart, beating loudly in his undead ears.  "Human", he thought, "why in the world would Darla be human in his dream?  What the hell?"

The dark vampire tried to move, and discovered that he could not. Suddenly, he found himself restrained on the bed of pillows.  Sparing a glance at his wrists, Angel found that he was shackled

Darla smirked.  She ran her hands up her childe's muscled chest.  The blond tweaked Angel's nipples as she straddled his body.  "Hello my Angel".

Angel squirmed beneath his Sire.  "I will never be your Angel", he bit out.  His head snapped to the right as Darla struck him.  The vampire kept trying to free himself, but could not.  He tried not to panic.  It was only a dream, only a dream, he reassured himself. Angel closed his eyes and tried to will himself awake.


Large emerald eyes opened abruptly.  Black pupils were widely dilated.  Willow swiveled her head, searching in the darkness, but Cordelia's apartment was silent.

Something had awakened her, Willow knew.  Waves of panic seemed to travel through her body from some external source.  "Angel", the redhead whispered.  The lithe wiccan bolted out of Cordelia's fold out couch.

Moving quickly, Willow tugged her jeans on over the silk boxers she had slept in, and pulled a long sleeved tee the Seer had let her borrow over her head.

The red witch opened the apartment door and closed it quietly behind her.  She could hear as Dennis turned the lock.  The young woman looked out into the street and cursed.  "How the hell am I going to get to Angel?", she mentally berated herself, neither she nor Delia had a car.  The hacker took a deep, calming breath and found her knees almost buckling under an overwhelming wave of helpless anger. The feeling came crashing through Willow's bond with her mate.

Rage filled Willow's body, Angel was in trouble.  Reflexively, she drew upon the bond and allowed the demon she shared with her mate to fill her body with new strength and purpose.

Willow broke into a run, her red hair streaming behind her.  The hotel was 3 miles away.  Her sneakers made no noise as Willow's feet pounded the pavement.  She was moving much faster than was humanly possible.

The redhead's breath came in gasps.  She could feel her mate's struggles and his anger.  "Ten more blocks", she thought.

"Willow", Angel's voice sounded in Willow's mind.

The witch's eyes took on a yellowish cast as she continued to draw upon the demon.  However, even Angelus could not keep up this pace for much longer.  Snarling in frustration at the pain in her muscles, Willow began to pray to the Goddess.  She called upon some of her deity's incarnations.  Diana, Hecate, Hel, Isis, Selene, Freya. Renewed vitality began to flow through her weary body.  Willow thanked the Goddess and kept running.

Suddenly, the hotel loomed across the street. Not breaking her stride Willow chanted a spell and pointed to the door.  It unlocked and swung open silently.

The slender redhead did not pause as she ran across the lounge and past the desks.  Her feet were a blur as she galloped up the stairs.

The door to her bedroom with Angel stood open.  Finally slowing, Willow took a deep breath and strode quickly inside.  A blonde woman sat astride her mate.  Willow could only see her back, and noted that the woman's silk nightgown had ridden up quite far.

In horror, Willow recoiled.  Old fears and uncertainties reared their ugly heads.  "Was Angel cheating on her?"

As soon as the thought entered her mind, it was discarded.  Willow knew better.

Without a second thought, Willow chanted a spell.  The blond woman was propelled off of Angel's body, with a flick of the cyber witch's hand.  The woman hit the wall.  Hard.

Willow ran to her mate.  To her shock, he was asleep.  "Angel", she shouted.  "Angel, wake up".

Harshly Willow slapped the handsome vampire.  There was no reaction, only the slight movement of his eyes beneath his lids.  "Was he drugged?  Was it a spell?", Willow wondered silently.  Her mate appeared to be dreaming.

Still using the bond, the wiccan's heightened senses picked up the sound of movement.  The blond woman on the ground was beginning to stir.  Willow's demon raged.  For some reason Willow felt that the demon Angelus somehow knew the bitch who'd been on top of her mate.

Darla moaned.  Her eyes fluttered open as she tried to remember what had happened.  Suddenly, she did.  "The witch was here!", her mind
screamed.  Straightening, Darla moved to stand, only to find her throat in a very strong grasp.  Gasping for breath, Darla found herself looking into the golden eyes and ridged visage of a very pissed off Willow Ann Rosenburg.

"Darla", Willow hissed in surprise.  Impossible, Angel's Sire was dead Willow knew.  Angel had staked her himself, years earlier.  Yet, here she was.  Willow stared at the blond.  She could never forget the face of the vampire who had introduced her to the realities of living on the Hellmouth, and heralded the death of one of her oldest friends.  Jesse hadn't deserved that.

Willow's nimble mind mulled the problem over quickly.  "Of course, Wolfram and Hart", the redhead growled.  "You're what those bastards brought back from the depths of hell".  The sound of Darla's rapid heartbeat filled the witch's ears.

The redhead cocked her head and smirked.  "You're human again too. Seems like poetic justice. My, my how the mighty have fallen", Willow said snidely.  Grinning, the wiccan let go of Darla's throat and watched as Angel's Sire slid to the ground.

In surprise, Willow watched as Darla's blue eyes seemed to seek help from her mate's still form.  Searching the bond, Willow knew Angel was still asleep and somehow still trapped in whatever nightmare Darla had placed him.

"Poor little ex-vampire", the redhead taunted.  "Angel is mine.  He won't help you.  My mate despises you".

"No!", Darla shouted, "he is mine, forever".

Willow simply smiled serenely.  Whispering a short, latin incantation, Willow watched as Darla appeared to hover in the air before being slammed into the wall.  The blue eyed blond was held there, immobile.

Darla struggled futilely against whatever held her.  Her mouth opened to shout obscenities, but no sound came forth.  Darla found herself trying to identify the emotion which filled her body.  It had been so long since she'd last felt fear, but suddenly the ex-master vampire knew that fear was exactly what she was experiencing.

Unconcerned with Darla, who she knew would for now no longer be a problem, Willow began to strip.  She needed to get Angel out of the dreamscape he was in, and if in the process she gave Darla a little mental anguish, all the better.  The redhead smiled, her face returned to normal.  Naked, Willow walked confidently to her mate's slumbering form.  Reaching through the bond, Willow calmed Angel with her presence and lay down beside him on the bed.  "Help me Mother", Willow called to her Goddess.


Angel looked around, startled.  He still lay on the bed of multi- colored pillows, but Darla was suddenly no where to be seen.  His restraints were gone.

"Angel", a voice whispered.  "Angel, I'm here.  Darla can no longer haunt you".

"Willow!", Angel exclaimed. The dark haired vampire watched as Willow's form seemed to shimmer and appear in front of him.  "Is it really you?", he asked.

Struggling to his feet, Angel moved to engulf his mate's body in a hug.  This was his mate, there was no mistaking her.  The dark vampire grinned.

Certainty that this dream, was more than simply a nightmare, Angel felt the need to explain his actions to Willow.  "Willow, I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you everything.  At first, I thought I was going mad.  Darla is dead, I killed her.  When she appeared in my dream, I felt almost as if I'd been unfaithful to you somehow".

Still holding Willow close, Angel poured out his soul.  "Then I saw her in the park, when we were taking a walk.  I really thought I'd lost it.  I just couldn't bring myself to tell you.  I was so scared you'd hate me, and leave me.  I was so disgusted with myself".

Willow returned her vampire's embrace wholeheartedly.  She felt safe in his strong embrace.  "You should have told me immediately Angel. I love you.  I would never leave you."

Tears gathered in Willow's eyes.  The redhead looked up into Angel's dark eyes and smiled.  "Make love to me, my Angel".

"Always your Angel", the vampire responded, before moving to capture Willow's warm mouth with his own.  Gently, Angel laid Willow down on the bed of pillows.

The mate's came together passionately, reaffirming their bond in a manner as old as time.  As they lay satiated afterwards, the room seemed to shift and disolve.

The dreamscape disappeared.  Angel and Willow found themselves back in their room at the Hyperion Hotel.


Willow awoke from her trance state and looked over at her mate. Angel was awake. The dark haired vampire was sitting up in bed. He was naked and staring up at where Darla was immobilized against the wall. Tears streamed down the blond's face.

Smirking slightly, Angel turned to Willow. "Well apparently I'm not crazy". He hugged the slight redhead and placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Did you do that?", he asked quietly, gesturing with his eyes at the suspended form of his Sire.

"Yup, don't really know how, it just came to me", Willow replied. She shifted and felt a slight soreness between her thighs. Willow smiled knowing that her and Angel's lovemaking had not only occurred in the dreamscape, but in the real world in front of Darla. The cyber witch was sure the bitch had probably not enjoyed the voyeuristic experience.

Getting up, Willow put her discarded clothes back on. She stared at her mate's perfect backside and sighed when he found his silk pajama bottoms.

"What are we going to do with her Willow? As much as I would love to, I can't stake her, she's human now."

Shrugging Willow whispered a short spell and watched impassively as Angel's Sire fell to the floor.

Darla scrambled to her feet. Quickly, the blond ran forward and clung to her childe. "Angel... my boy", she breathed. "Please, I know you love me you always have." Darla looked up into Angel's cold, eyes. "I know my boy is in there", she said desperately. "You can't give me up for this girl. She can't even make you truly happy. I can, I know I can".

The ex-vampire grabbed Angel's head and tried to kiss him. To Darla's surprise she was quickly shoved away. She stumbled, trying to regain her balance.

"Happy", the ensouled vampire smirked. "Oh, Willow makes me very happy. Willow and I are mated, we are bonded. Willow can make me happy over and over and over. My soul is quite secure".

Silently, Willow stood by the bed and watched the confrontation.

"No!", Darla shouted. "That's not true. There was a time when I was your very definition of bliss. We can have that again, my Angelus".

Angel's dark laughter echoed throughout the room. "Darla you made me many things. You made me a demon. You made me a killer. You even made me immortal". Angel moved closer to his Sire, looming over her. The tall vampire glared into Darla's blue eyes. "But one thing you never made me, was happy".

Pain flared in Darla's heart. Lunging blindly, the blond ran out of Willow and Angel's bedroom.

Willow took off behind the blond.

"Willow", Angel shouted, following his mate. "What are you going to do?"

"You may not be able to hurt her Angel, but I can", the redhead remarked over her shoulder.

Darla was already down the stairs and moving rapidly towards the entrance.

"Oh no you don't", Willow thought. With a gesture, the door slammed shut and locked, halting Darla's progress.

The two women circled each other warily. Screaming, Darla launched herself at the redhead. Willow ducked the woman's wild punch pivoting quickly, her elbow connecting solidly with the Darla's back. The blond stumbled and then turned to face her once more.

Darla's face was a mask of fury. The angry blond snapped her leg forward. Willow gasped as the ex-vampire's heel smashed into her stomach.

Retaliating, the wiccan sent a hard back hand to Darla's face. Willow grinned in satisfaction as the bitch's head snapped to the side. The sound of flesh striking flesh was loud in the quiet room.

Willow was aware that Angel was watching. He did not interfere understanding why there were many reasons his mate felt the need to do this.

On the offensive now, the red witch surged forward following the blow to Darla's face with another to her stomach.

"Bitch!", the blond hissed, lobbing another punch. Willow reacted quickly, grabbing her hand and using the woman's own momentum to aid her in kneeing Darla in the gut.

"And proud of it", Willow replied quietly, catching Darla as she fell.

It was over. Darla was on the ground on her knees. Willow's arm was around the blue eyed blond's neck. "It would be so easy", the witch thought. Willow's arm tightened imperceptibly.

"Little One, no!", Angel yelled. "Don't kill her, not like this Willow. You will regret it."

Realizing her mate was right, Willow's hold on Darla's neck loosened. The wiccan allowed the woman to slip out of her grasp, onto the floor.

A voice sounded in Willow's mind. "Your mate is correct. Well done my daughter."

Angel watched as a faraway look entered Willow's eyes. His small mate's emerald eyes beginning to glow. In awe and confusion, the handsome vampire saw Willow's body defy the laws of gravity. He gasped. Willow was floating.

Darla looked on in fear. "What the hell was going on?", she wondered. Angel's sire cowered beneath the suspended body of the wiccan.

A voice which was not her own, poured from Willow's mouth as she began to speak. "Ah, Darla did you think you could escape your punishment? You are damned for eternity and that has not changed, irrespective of the audacity of that wretched law firm who plucked you out of the grasp of your demonic masters."

Although no windows were open, Angel noticed that Willow's crimson hair writhed about her head, as if whipped by a strong wind.

Slowly, Willow's arm moved upwards. She pointed at the blond crumpled at her feet.

Quietly Willow, or whatever force had taken over Willow, Angel amended mentally, began to chant.

"From whence you were spawned. From the hell you were born.", the husky female voice grew louder. "Return there demoness, despite your
mortal form. Begone!"

Darla whimpered, she could feel the as invisible heat began to lick at her body. "No!", the blond screamed. "Don't send me back, anything but that. Please!"

Stunned, Angel watched as flames began to consume Darla's body. The ex-vampire's silk nightgown flared to violent life. Behind his Sire a black, gaping hole began to form. The ensouled vampire could hear screams echoing from what he was sure was a gateway to hell. The dark, swirling void brought back memories the tall vampire had pushed away but never forgotten. He winced.

The hole grew larger until finally Darla was swallowed completely by it. The gate disappeared quickly, closing in on itself. Darla's screams stopped abruptly, leaving only eerie quiet in the void's wake.

"So mote it be", Willow gasped.

In horror, Angel watched as his mate started to fall. She resembled a marionette who's strings had suddenly been cut. With a burst of supernatural speed, the vampire caught his mate in midair, breaking her fall.


Angel sat by the bed. He clutched his mate's hand tightly. It had been three days since Darla had been returned to the demon dimension, and still, Willow had not awoken.

"Please come back to me Willow. I miss you so much", the dark haired vampire whispered brokenly. Moving from his seat, Angel lay beside his mate and took her into his arms. Sighing softly, the vampire allowed his mind to wander. He hoped Cordelia, Gunn and Wesley were alright. Angel hadn't been able to bring himself to leave Willow's side, even when Cordelia had had a vision earlier that evening. He felt guilty leaving the others to do what was technically his job, but he wasn't moving.

Tired, Angel snuggled closer to Willow's still form and slept.


Angel awoke with a start. A growl rumbled in his throat as he felt a hot mouth engulf his cock. "Willow", he croaked. Instead of responding, Willow hummed, "Mmmm hmmm".

"Oh God", Angel groaned, jerking as his mate swirled her tongue along his shaft.

"Willow, honey I need you. I want to be inside you", the dark vampire requested desperately.

The red haired witch allowed her mate's cock to escape the confines of her mouth. With infinite slowness Willow climbed atop her vampire. She licked and kissed her way up Angel's body, smiling contentedly at the sounds escaping him.

Unexpectedly, the redhead found herself underneath the large, hard body of her mate. Angel's mouth found Willow's breast. His lips closed over one of his witch's sensitive nipples. The vampire suckled and nipped.

"Oh, Goddess", Willow moaned. "Angel, please".

Reluctantly, Angel's mouth left Willow's breasts. The dark vampire's lips trailed up the lovely column of his mate's throat. His tongue lapped around the healed wounds on her throat. The wounds which proclaimed her as his.

With his knee, Angel nudged Willow's knees apart. Slowly, Angel pushed his length into the slick, warm depths of Willow's body.

"Yes!", Willow groaned. Impatient, the redhead thrust upwards taking in more of her lover's cock. Pleasure sped through her womb.

Angel moaned, his thrusts speeding up reflexively. He knew that he would never get used to the utter perfection that was making love to Willow. She was so tight, and felt so good.

Lunging forward, Angel kissed Willow passionately. Their mouths mimicked the movement of their lower bodies.

Blinding pleasure coursed through Willow's body as orgasm took her.

With one last thrust, Angel also erupted. He growled his release, and felt his face change. Carefully, Angel sunk his elongated canines into his witch's neck. "Mine!", his demon roared.

Willow moaned, the feeling of Angel drinking from her was intensely powerful. She screamed as yet another orgasm crashed through her body.

Disengaging from his mate's neck, Angel pulled Willow close, grateful that his mate was back where she belonged.


"Lets check on Angel and Willow", Cordelia said, walking into the offices of Angel Investigations. Wesley and Gunn nodded, both hoping their redheaded friend had woken up. The men trudged wearily up the hotel stairs after the Seer.

"Yes, lets", Wesley responded. "We can let Angel know our mission was successful". The ex-watcher suddenly grimaced distastefully, feeling the slime from the demon they had killed drip down his back.

Cordelia grinned and pushed open the door to Angel and Willow's room. The brunette took one look at the bed and backed away quickly, a flush rising in her cheeks. "Umm, I think its safe to say Willow woke up", Cordelia squeaked.

Gunn and Wesley's laughter echoed down the empty halls.


Lindsey MacDonald walked quickly towards his car.  He looked around, alert to any sound or people.  But there was nothing.  The young man was antsy tonight.  A feeling of expectation, of waiting for the other shoe to drop had grown steadily stronger since Darla disappeared.  It was driving him crazy.

The blue eyed man entered the dark parking garage.  For the millionth time he cursed his tendency to stay at work late.  Even though he knew it was partly that hard working streak which had gotten him where he was today.  Lindsey shook his head, he didn't really want to think of where exactly he was in his life.

Quickly he strode towards his black Mercedes.  Lindsey dug the keys out of his pocket and pressed the button to start the car and unlock the door.  It was then that he heard the footsteps.

He stopped and looked around.  Dropping the suitcase, the young man did a 360 degree turn.  He didn't see anything.  Not even when a figure dressed completely in black rose up seemingly from nowhere close behind him.

Fear prickled along Lindsey's spine.  The small hairs on his arm rose, and his prosthetic began to itch.

"Hello Lindsey", a voice whispered.  Lindsey froze, the voice came from right by his ear.

"Angel", the dark blond man began.  He was inordinately proud that his voice sounded normal.

"Actually, Lindsey, you might want to guess again", the dark haired vampire said snidely.

Slowly, Lindsey turned to face his nemesis.  He found that Angel was almost on top of him.  Unable to help himself, the dark blond took a step back.  His breath caught in his throat.  Angel was smiling. Angel never smiled.  The vampire's teeth glittered in the shadows.

Guessing now, Lindsey spoke more confidently, "Angelus, then.  Darla must have been successful.  Where is she?"

Stalking towards the lawyer, Angel began to laugh.  "Wrong again, Darla wasn't successful.  In fact, she screwed up bad.  So bad she ended up back where she started."

The vampire's deep laughter rumbled through the dark parking structure.  He was enjoying the scent of fear, Lindsey was giving off.

Lindsey continued to slowly move backwards.  The lawyer realized if Darla had failed then it was Angel he was dealing with, but a very different Angel.  "Then you are Angel", the young man, "what the hell are you playing at.  You're the good guy remember, you can't hurt me without a reason."  Suddenly Lindsey found he couldn't move, he was trapped between the PTB's Warrior, and somebody's Saab.

"I do have a reason Lindsey.  My mate.  You and my bitch of a Sire tried to kill my red witch.  And if there is something I will not allow, it is harm to come to Willow."  Angel cocked his head, allowing his false human features to fall away.  "You wanted Angelus, Lindsey, well now you've got him."

With one hand Angel picked the frightened lawyer by the collar of his shirt and tie, and tossed him aside like a sack of potatoes.  Lindsey landed hard on his own car.  He could feel the rumble of the vehicle's engine beneath him.  The air was knocked out of the young man, he gasped trying to take a breath.

Quickly, Lindsey searched his suit jacket pocket.  "Where the hell was his cross, he'd put it there this morning?"

"Looking for this?"

There in Angel's open palm, was the cross he'd been looking for.  It must have fallen out of his pocket when he was thrown.

Lindsey watched as the dark haired vampire closed his hand around the wooden cross.  The stench of burning flesh filled the lawyer's senses.  Smoke rose from Angel's flesh.

Sighing as if in boredom, Angel dropped the cross and grabbed the dark blond's prosthetic hand.

"Wow, Lindsey, this fake hand they gave you is pretty bad.  I mean, aren't you Wolfram and Hart's golden boy?  Couldn't they have done better?  I mean, it's not even the same color as your skin."  Angel smirked, his dark eyes glittering with menace.

Lindsey tensed, his fear giving way to his hatred of the vampire who had taken his hand.  The lawyer tried to snatch his arm away, but Angel's grip was like iron.  Struggling in earnest now, he swung a punch at the ensouled vampire.  The punch was true and Lindsey landed a fine blow to the vampire's face.  It had no effect.

Angel smiled again before pulling the lawyer bodily off his car with the prosthetic hand.  He twisted Lindsey around in one smooth movement forcing the arm up painfully behind the young man.  Lindsey couldn't contain the gasp of pain.  Cruelly, the dark haired vampire used the hold to propel the dark blond forward and ram him into the hood of the running vehicle.

Pain exploded in Lindsey's head.  Tears of rage and pain sprung into the dark blond's eyes.  Angrily he blinked them away.

"This is what you wanted isn't it Lindsey.  You wanted the cruelty, the viciousness of Angelus, didn't you?  Well let me tell you something.  He's in me, Lawyer Boy.  He's a part of me, and even with my soul he never goes away.  But I have learned control.  Control over the bloodlust, control over the thrill of the hunt, but there is one person I will never be able to control that part of me over. That person, is Willow", Angel snarled into Lindsey's ear.

The lawyer's heart pounded painfully in his chest.  He struggled against the tall vampire's hold, only to find himself once again rammed against the car.  This time, Lindsey could not withhold a cry of pain from escaping him.

Angel wrenched the young man's arm again painfully.  His years as a sadistic, torturer having taught the vampire just how far he could go without actually breaking the arm.

The dark haired vampire bent over the raggedly breathing man in his grip.  "If one bit of harm comes to my mate.  I don't care if she falls in the shower or gets a papercut, I'm coming straight to you. I will teach you the meaning of pain, Lawyer Boy.  I will teach you what it means to go up against the Scourge of Europe.  Do you understand me boy?"  Angel hissed into Lindsey's ear.

Lindsey's eyes grew wide, but he remained mute.

In anger, Angel leaned nearer, allowing his fangs to scrape the lawyer's throat.  The vampire was acutely aware of how easy it would be to kill the little creep, but remained in control.  "Do. You. Understand?", Angel repeated.

The dark blond gulped. "Y-y-yes, I understand", Lindsey squeaked.

Smirking darkly, Angel replied, "Good, we wouldn't want you to lose any more body parts would we?"

Without warning, the tall vampire released his hold on the lawyer.

Lindsey sagged against his car.  Its motor was still running smoothly as if nothing had happened.  Slowly he turned around.  Angel was gone as suddenly as he had come.

Fear and rage warred in the lawyer's sullied heart.  He walked slowly towards his briefcase.  The dark blond man picked the bag up and then
turned back to his car.  Quickly he climbed inside and pressed the button which automatically locked all the doors.

Lindsey sighed and leaned his pounding head against the steering wheel.


Two days later, a knock sounded on the door of Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. Bemused the ex-watcher checked his wristwatch and put the newspaper
he was reading down.  It was eight in the morning, much to early for visitors.  He sighed, he was due at the office around nine.

Cautiously, the raven haired man looked through his peephole and called out, "who is it?"

"Wes, it's me", a dull voice sounded.

"Whoever you are, move so that I can see you through the peep hole."

Wesley gasped.  It was Faith.  But that was impossible she still had another four years to serve on her sentence.  He had even visited her in jail a few times.

Rapidly the ex-watcher undid the locks and opened the door.

Faith stood there, leaning against his doorframe.  A dark bruise marred her pretty face, and she looked deathly pale.

"Faith, how did you get here?", Wesley asked.

"Damn Wes, Angel really pissed off somebody", the dark Slayer said.

She took an unsteady step in Wesley's direction before she slumped on the floor in a boneless heap.  It was then that Wesley saw the knife
sticking out her back.

read the sequal 'Every Breath You Take'
