Title: New Years Interlude (Sequel to: A Christmas Blessing)
Author: ~*Mystra*~
E-Mail: yanira_vazquez@h...
Disclaimer: BtVS and AtS belong to Joss and a whole bunch of other
people with a lot more money than me. I'm just borrowing them.
Distribution: Just ask please. I'll say yes, really.
Category: W/A
Rating: NC-17 Alert!!!!!! I'm not kidding.  Basically PWP.
Dedications: To the Candy Orgy, you know who you are. *waves*
Spoilers: new seasons for both shows
Summary: Willow gives Angel celebrate New Years. (Like the last, fic
is set 5 years in the future).


The hazy fog of sleep slowly lifted.  Angel wasn't sure at first what
had awoken him, until he smelled his witch's lovely scent.  Abruptly
he opened his eyes hoping to catch her by surprise.  Instead he found
himself looking into Willow's smiling, mischievous face.

A wave of tenderness welled up in the vampire's chest, and he moved
to hug his lovely fiancée.  To his consternation Angel found that he
couldn't move.  His arms were tied above his head to the bed's solid
wood headboard with red silk scarves, his ankles had received similar
treatment.  They were tied to the baseboard.

Angel smirked, sure that he could easily free himself if he so
chose.  His smile faltered as Willow slowly and languorously kissed a
trail up from his chest to his neck and finally to his ear.

"I don't think so my love", the red witch murmured in amusement.  She
had known what Angel was thinking.

Moving to face her lover once again, Willow's lips curved cunningly.
A short incantation of latin words Angel didn't quite catch burst
from the lovely redhead's lips.

The silk scarves holding the dark vampire in place hardened and
became cool.

Angel looked up at his wrists, and down at his ankles.  Chains.
Willow had chained him.  He couldn't believe it.  He groaned in
arousal.  Images of the things Willow could do to him in this state
poured through his fevered mind.

Still grinning like the proverbial cheshire cat, the lithe cyber
witch trailed a single finger down Angel's smooth, hard chest.

Dark chocolate eyes glittered dangerously.

"You want to play, don't you Little One?", Angel growled.

Willow's eyes widened at this words, the gorgeous vampire watched as
they darkened perceptibly.  Angel felt his cock surge to hard life.
Her finger, however, did not falter as she continued her trip down
his body.

Angel swallowed convulsively as her digit skimmed the length of his
manhood, causing it to twitch.  But the contact was momentary and
completely unsatisfying, as Willow's finger continued onward.  It
went down his muscled thigh and calve, and then stopped.

Confused, Angel opened his eyes.  He hadn't even been aware that he'd
closed them.

Willow sat perched on the end of the bed.  He watched perplexed as
she popped what looked like a hard, white candy into her mouth.

"Willow, what are you doing?", Angel asked.

"You'll see", she replied mysteriously as she continued to suck and
chew on the mentholated cough drop.

When the lozenge had finally dissolved in her mouth, Willow picked up
where she left off.  Only this time, her mouth followed the trail her
finger had mapped out earlier.  Slowly, she traveled up his leg,
kissing and licking his sensitized flesh.

Angel jerked, eyes widening.  "What in the hell?", he choked out.
Her mouth was freezing cold, but the cold, wet tracks she left on his
body would suddenly become warm, almost hot.

The redhead stifled the urge to giggle in triumph.  Angel hated the
cold.  All vampires did.  The were undead creatures with no body
temperature of their own.  They reflected whatever environment they
were in. The cold/hot feeling she knew the mentholated cough drop was
creating was a subtle, torturous feeling for her lover.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph!", Angel gasped as Willow's tongue licked an
icy, yet hot trail up the length of his cock.

The spellcaster suckled the broad tip before wrapping her tongue
around the underside.  Her mouth continued its downward descent.

The dark haired vampire bucked.  He felt like a bow string.  His hard
body was taught with sensual tension.  He moaned.  This was torture
of the very best kind.

His eyes closed of their own volition, as Willow's talented mouth
closed around one of his testicles.  Gently the wiccan suckled and
rolled it around in her mouth.  She released it abruptly, allowing
the air to caress the moist flesh.  The incongruous feeling of cold
heat raced up Angel's spine.

The groan that escaped the vampire's mouth became a growl as Willow
quickly engulfed his entire cock.

"Oh God", he gasped, "Willow your killing me...."

In response, the redhead bobbed her head enthusiastically up and down
Angel's member.  She sucked hard, her cheeks sinking in with the
effort.  Through lowered lashes, Willow watched the play of emotions
and sensations on her ensouled vampire's face.

Angel was lost in a world of tactile feeling.  The cold, the heat,
the actions of Willow's mouth, were rapidly pushing him towards
orgasm.  The dark vampire's last shred of control fell away.  Pulling
on the chains, Angel managed to meet every downward plunge of his
witch's mouth with an upward thrust.

"WillooooOOW!", he shouted as his orgasm overtook him.

Contentedly, Willow continued to suck on her fiancé's spasming cock.
She swallowed all she could of his salty, slightly bitter essence.

Angel stilled, his body completely relaxed.  He felt completely
boneless, a mass of gelatin.

Willow crawled up her fiancé's body and snuggled on his chest, a self-
satisfied smirk affixed to her lovely face.  Remembering the chains,
the cyber witch murmured the counterspell and watched as the chains
once again became scarves.

She untied her lover and sighed happily as his strong arms wrapped
about her body.

The dark haired vampire kissed his witch's forehead.  "That was
incredible.  You're incredible."  Curious, Angel asked Willow where
she'd learned that trick.

Willow's emerald eyes twinkled, she shook her head and
giggled.  "Nope not telling."

Growling in mock fury, Angel rolled the beauty underneath him.
Lazily, he nipped at Willow's earlobe.  His lips curved slightly as
her heartbeat quickened.

"I could make you tell me", he purred into her ear.

"You could try", Willow challenged.

"Oh I will my love."

Then Angel's mouth descended on Willow's, and no one spoke for a very
long time.


A phone rang in a Sunnydale apartment.

"Don't answer that luv", an accented voice said.

"Shut up Spike", Tara growled allowing the cat o'nine tails she held
in her hand to trail up her boyfriend's pale, sculpted chest.

Spike swallowed heavily, and groaned.  His arousal was becoming
painful.  He was currently tied to a chair, his lovely witch
straddled on his lap.

"If you're a good boy, I'll play with you", Tara whispered, lightly
flicking him with the multi-strand whip.  Rising gracefully from
Spike's lap, Tara grabbed the still ringing appliance from its place
on the wall.

"I'm always good luv", the blond vampire said cockily admiring Tara's
swaying hips as she walked the room with the phone at her ear.  He
was proud of her.  His witch had grown, become confident,
powerful.  "Damn, she turns me on", Spike thought.

Tara rolled her eyes at Spike's comment and spoke into the
phone.  "Hello."

"Hey Wills."  The blond wiccan grinned.  "I told you he'd love it.
I've tried and tested that trick."  There was a pause and then Tara
laughed.  "No problem Willow, no thanks are necessary."

Spike licked his lips and watched as his witch walked toward him in
his favorite little leather dress.

Angel waited for the shower to go on before he ran to Willow's
bureau.  He opened three drawers before he found what he was looking

Grinning, the dark haired vampire read the small, rectangular
packet.  It read 'Halls Mentholated Cough Drops'.

"Thank you Spike", Angel thought gratefully as he pocketed the item
which he had learned had nearly driven him insane with pleasure the
night before.

He couldn't wait til Cordelia's party ended later on that night, so
he could celebrate the New Year privately with his redhead.

Angel moved quickly to the closet as the sound of the shower ceased.
Hungrily he watched as Willow walked into the room wrapped in nothing
but a black, fluffy towel.

Willow glanced at her love suspiciously.  He was up to something, she
could tell.  He had that certain look in his eyes.

Still smiling, Angel whistled a little tune and grabbed the shirt he
was going to wear from a hanger.  His smug grin faded as he turned
back to his witch.  The dark vampire's mouth dropped open as he found
Willow in nothing but a black thong, attaching garters to her silk

Angel's trousers felt suddenly extremely uncomfortable.  Stalking
forward silently, the vampire shrugged mentally.  He'd probably have
to grovel for days, but he knew Cordelia would eventually forgive him
for being really late to her New Year's bash.

Willow squealed as she felt herself being lifted by a pair of strong

"Angel", she laughed, "we're going to be late."

"I know."

The End