Swords, Blood and Magic
Author:  ~*Mystra*~
E-mail:  yanira_vazquez@hotmail.com
Disclaimer:  All of the characters in this fic are borrowed without permission.  No infringement is intended, and no money is to be made.
Distribution:  If anyone wants, just e-mail me.
Category:  A/o, S/o, and all is subject to change.  Also, this is kind of a crossover fic, think Highlander everybody.
Rating:  R
Spoilers:  BtVS5, AtS2
Summary:  Angel and Spike run across a whole different race of Immortals.

This is written for my sister the LAgoddess aka Witchy.  Enjoy girlfriend.

~Chapter 1~

Music reverberated through her body. Mystra twirled, her long dark hair swirling about her. The club's lights making the black streaks and red highlights sparkle in her brown hair. The Immortal's dark eyes flashed as she ground her body into that of her dance partner. She grinned when she felt this body's reaction. "Hmm", she thought, "maybe this night won't be a waste after all". The young man she was dancing with was cute, much taller than own 5'5" frame. Mystra licked her lips and turned her back to her anonymous partner. Her eyes searched the club for her sister. "Where the hell was Witchy?"

Without a word, the Immortal walked away from the dance floor, stalking off with predatory grace. Witchy had told her she was going to head for the bathroom. That had been 20 minutes ago. Mystra sighed thoughtfully. "If she knew her sister, she was probably getting into all sorts of trouble".


Angel looked up at the bright neon sign which proclaimed the club's name. It stated 'Hellfire'. He groaned. He really didn't want to be here, but Cordelia's vision had shown that some kind of supernatural fight was going to be occurring here. Apparently two dark haired women, were going to need his help.

The vampire ran a large hand through his dark, spiky locks and stepped into the club. Angel's eyes adjusted immediately to the dark, smoky atmosphere. The smell of cigarette smoke and sweat assailed his nostrils. He started in surprise as he caught a hint of something else. "Oh, please, God no", he thought, closing his eyes. "I can't deal with this right now". He sniffed again. "Damn it!", he growled. Spike was here somewhere.

Angel pushed through the crowd. He ignored the hot, sweaty bodies. He reached through the bond trying to pinpoint his wayward blond childe's whereabouts.


Mystra pushed through the crowd. She allowed the tingling buzz which signaled another Immortal's presence, to lead her to her sibling. She found Witchy in a dark room near the women's restroom. Moan and cries of pleasure met her ears. The dark haired Immortal sighed and pushed the door open, completely unsurprised to find Witchy with her pants around her ankles and a blond male head in between her thighs. Mystra wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or jealous. She hadn't been with a man in months.

Witchy screamed in pleasure as an orgasm crashed through her body. The blond between her legs grinned. Her eyes opened, seeing not only the blond, whose name she had learned was Spike, but also the curvy silhouette of her sister in the doorway. Witchy smiled at Mystra and grinned. "Hey sis".

Spike who had been taking off his pants, stopped. He looked over his shoulder and noticed another woman in the room. She looked remarkably like the one he'd just eaten out. There were differences of course. Witchy had dark, hazel eyes, while her sister's were a dark, smoldering brown. Spike was suddenly reminded of his sire. A low growl thrummed in his throat.

Witchy noticed the growl, and grabbed Spike's head turning him to look back at her. "Don't you even try Mr. Vampire, or my sister and I will fry you". Her hazel eyes flashed fire, and Spike was suddenly a little afraid. Afraid and very turned on.

The blond vampire's own eyes flashed gold. "Not to worry luv. I've sworn off people".

Witchy laughed. "Then I suggest you continue. I want me some sex".

Mystra leaned back against the wall and grinned. She was content to watch. She could feel moisture pool between her thighs, as the blond vampire proceeded to shove his long, hard cock into her fellow Immortal.

The door to the dark room opened abruptly. A tall, dark figure burst into the room. He stopped suddenly, obviously not expecting to see two people having loud, raucous sex.

Mystra pegged him immediately for another vampire. She looked him over, and licked her lips. "Damn, the man (or whatever) was sure fine", she thought. This vampire was different somehow. The dark haired Immortal frowned and cocked her head. She switched over to 'The Sight'. She gasped, causing the gorgeous vampire in front of her to turn in surprise. He glowed, he had an aura, she couldn't believe it.

"You have a soul", she whispered. "But, how?" The Immortal stalked towards the dark haired vampire and slowly walked around him.

Too say Angel was surprised was an understatement. His childe was over there knocking boots with one dark haired beauty, while another seemed to be stalking him like prey. He eyed the woman, noting the long dark hair, black satin pants and red halter top. She was curvy, filling out her clothes in all the right places, he noticed with masculine appreciation.

Snapping out of his trance Angel walked over to the wall and leaned back against it. He watched as the mysterious woman did the same. In silence, they watched with interest as the blond vampire ignored them and continued to slam into the other woman. Her moans filled the room.

Angel turned to the woman next to him and smirked. "So how did you know? About my ensouled vampire status, I mean".

Licking her lips, Mystra turned to the gorgeous vampire. "I'm Mystra by the way". Then nodding towards her climaxing sister, she smirked, "and that's my sister Witchy. I guess you could say we're witches. We can spot vampires for some reason. But I only knew about your soul because of your aura. Only souls give off auras."

The vampire nodded. "I'm Angel and that's my childe, Spike".

Mystra listened in disbelief as her sister orgasmed again. Was it just her, or was it getting hot in here? She gulped. Moisture seeped from her core again.

Angel sniffed appreciatively. He groaned. He'd been fighting his own arousal since he'd walked into the room and found Spike pounding into Witchy. Now Mystra's arousal was driving him mad.

In an uncharacteristic move brought upon by raging hormones and long denied need, Angel grabbed Mystra's hand.

In response, the Immortal woman almost jumped into his arms. She claimed his mouth in a harsh kiss.

~Chapter 2~

Spike disengaged from the woman in his arms. His spent cock was withdrawn with a hiss. "Bloody hell, luv", he remarked, "you almost killed me".

Witchy smirked, "Too late".

Spike's laughter echoed throughout the room. This human was fun. Suddenly a powerful growl echoed throughout the room. Spike's head snapped upwards. "Sire?"

Witchy rearranged her clothing, pulling down her white baby tee and pulling her red leather pants back over her hips. Her panties were gone. Spike had ripped the thong off of her body. She was very glad she'd run into the fine specimen of manhood as she'd left the bathroom. That was the best lay she'd had in years. "Who was she kidding", she thought, "that had to be the best fuck ever".

In the meantime, Spike had settled by Witchy and lit a cigarette. He watched with interest as the other dark haired woman gave his Sire what looked to be an expert blowjob. Witchy reached over, snatching the cigarette from his grasp. She took a deep puff, allowing the smoke to permeate her lungs. "Its not like the stupid thing could hurt her", she thought.


Angel couldn't believe this was happening. He pulled Mystra from her ministrations on his manhood. He should stop, he knew. But when her lips trailed up his neck and her blunt teeth bit into his neck, he knew, that he couldn't. Pleasure flooded his brain. "Mystra", he growled.

The Immortal witch smiled. "Don't worry", she whispered, "its just sex, your soul is safe". Mystra didn't know how she knew that, but the moment she had said it, she knew it to be true. He loved another she knew.

The next thing she knew, she was being pushed up against the wall, her pants pulled down around her ankles. She toed off a boot and pulled the pant leg completely off one leg. She knew she needed mobility for what was going to happen.

Mystra watched as Angel pushed his black trousers down his legs. His cock came into view. It was a dark, dusky color and huge; thick and long. Mystra moaned and grabbed the vampire close.

Angel grabbed the dark haired witch's legs and pulled them around his waist, entering her in one smooth movement. He growled in response to her breathy whimpers.


Spike sat, watching. He stroked his hard length with one hand and smirked. "Damn Angelus, didn't know you still had it in you".

The smirk disappeared into a surprised o, as a warm mouth descended on his shaft.


Mystra came. Hard. She screamed, "Angel". Her silken muscles grasping and pulling at Angel's dick as growled his own release, flooding her with his dead seed.

The dark haired vampire had just pulled out of her and kneeled down to lap at her pussy, when she felt it.

Turning her head rapidly, Mystra saw as Witchy's head snapped upward, interrupting Spike's blowjob. Mystra knew Witchy had felt it too.

Witchy gasped, "Immortals."

Confused Spike was a little upset that the dark haired woman had stopped. "What is it luv?", he asked.

Mystra pulled away from Angel reluctantly. She pulled on her pants and rearranged herself. She bent down to put on her boot.

Witchy got off the couch and walked towards the woman who was her teacher, the woman she had considered a sister for over 30 years.

The two dark haired women moved toward each other. The similarities between the two were plainly obvious. Both olive skinned, although Witchy was darker. Mystra was slightly shorter, her eyes larger and darker. They were both beautiful and slightly exotic.

"We have to go", the older Immortal spoke. Mystra turned to the ensouled vampire. She got on her tippy toes and whispered in Angel's ear. "Thank you".

"Later Spikey", Witchy murmured, blowing the blond vampire a kiss.

Together both women left the room.


"What the hell just happened?", Spike asked turning towards his Sire who was busy pulling up his zipper.

"I have no idea, but we're going to find out", the elder vampire all but growled.

In silence, the two men followed the scents of the women they'd just been intimate with. The scents led them through the club and out the front door.

The sound of clashing metal could be heard by the two vampires. Angel recognized the sound. "Shit! Someone's having a swordfight".

Spike looked at his Sire in amusement. "You're daft, man".

"Shut up Spike, come on". The two vampires ran down the street.

The sounds led them to an abandoned lot at the end of the street. The vampire's watched in confusion as Witchy and Mystra expertly wielded swords against two larger male opponents.

Spike surged forward, wanting to help Witchy. He didn't know what the hell was going on, but he was going to stop it. It was Angel's arm that stopped the blond.

"No!", the elder vampire hissed. "We can't interfere. They're Immortals".

Spike sniffed in disbelief, "that's a myth mate".

Angel quirked an eyebrow and looked down at his childe, his eyes flashing gold. "We're supposed to myths too."


Witchy surged forward, thrusting her saber through Jurgan's defense and stabbing him in the side. She chanted quickly and silently under her breath. It helped her focus. She was aware that Angel and Spike were watching, but knew it couldn't be helped.

Witchy danced away from Jurgan's sword as the large blond man slashed downwards, haphazardly trying to disarm her.

The young Immortal kicked outwards, catching Jurgan in the face. The male Immortal grunted in pain and anger, as he fell backwards. Witchy moved in for the kill.


Mystra swung her kitana from side to side in a fast figure eight. Light flashed off the well cared for sword. She continued swinging, aware that the sword and her magic, were confusing her opponent.

Manolo, a Spaniard she'd met over eighty years ago, was a bastard she would do well to get rid of. The Earth would be a much safer place.

The witch grinned and continued to chant under her breath.

Suddenly she lashed out with the kitana, catching Manolo in the shoulder. The Spaniards dark eye's flashed as he felt the pain.

Their swords clashed over and over.


To Spike and Angel, it all looked like a choreographed dance. A deadly dance, but still beautiful somehow.

Angel growled when he was the dark haired man lunge and cut Mystra's arm. It was taking all of his control, not to get involved. The cut was small but seemed deep. Blood dripped from the wound.

Mystra hissed in anger. She changed tactics and dropped to the floor, sweeping Manolo's legs out from under him. She leaped up quickly and stabbed him through the heart. The Immortal witch clenched her teeth, knowing this was the only way. In a rapid movement, she slashed the kitana forward. Salty sweat dripped into her eyes, making them burn. "There can be only one", she yelled.

Across the lot, she could hear as Witchy also shouted. "There can be only one."

Trembling, the women rushed towards each other and hugged. They clung to each other fiercely, glad to have survived together again.

Angel and Spike moved towards the women. The two beauties turned, and screamed. "No! Stay away and wait".

Suddenly a wind blew through the lot. White mists seemed to rise from the two fallen male Immortals. Blue charges of electricity seemed to travel the ground towards the two hugging women. Tendrils of blue reaching towards them, slowly licking at their feet. And then suddenly, the electricity was slamming into the two women as the white mists converged over them.

Mystra and Witchy clung to each as their bodies jerked in ecstasy and pain.

As suddenly, as it had begun, it was over. The double quickening was too much for both Immortals and both women slumped to the ground, unconscious.

~Chapter 3~

Mystra came to first. Groggily, she opened her eyes expecting to see the starry sky. Instead, she found herself staring at a white ceiling. She was on a bed. The Immortal's eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. She noticed green and gold wallpaper and dark walnut furniture. Groaning at the slight pounding at her temples, Mystra turned her head. Witchy was sprawled out next to her, still out like a light. Glancing around again, Mystra noticed that the room, although lovely, was kind of impersonal. It reminded her of a fancy hotel room.

The door to the room opened suddenly. In surprise, Mystra looked around searching for any possible weapons to defend them.

"Hey you're awake".

"Angel", the dark haired woman gasped.

Dark eyes met. Mystra sighed in relief. "What happened?", she asked.

The vampire looked over the women in the bed. Although he had personally witnessed both of them get cut multiple times, he now saw that neither had a scratch on them.

"When that electrical storm thing ended, you and Witchy passed out. Spike and I carried you to my car. This is where I live".

Mystra nodded. "Thanks Angel".

"So", the dark haired vampire began awkwardly. "She's not really your sister is she? I read Immortals can't have families".

"Well you read right. Still, she's my sister in all the ways that matter. She's all the family I have and has been with me for the past 30 years".

Spike entered the room silently. His ice blue eyes strayed to Witchy's face. "The chit hasn't woken up yet, huh".

As if she had heard him, the younger Immortal began to stir. Witchy awoke moments later. "Spike, Angel, hi. Hmmm... a bed, two gorgeous men, can life get any better? What a way to wake up."

Spike chuckled and Mystra grinned, used to her sister's strange sense of humor. Angel remained silent.

Witchy stared at the dark haired vampire. "Geez buddy, you need to loosen up?"

Angel ducked his head. He bypassed Witchy's comment. "You're Immortals, I didn't think you existed".

Mystra's eyebrow quirked upwards and she smiled toothily. Angel smirked at the irony of his statement. He was aware he had just essentially described his own existence.

"Well to continue with what I was telling you about Immortals; that wasn't an electrical storm per se", Mystra said. "Its what happens when Immortals lose their head. All their power and all the power of any Immortal they've ever killed, leaves their body to enter the nearest Immortal around. Usually that ends up being the one who killed them".

Angel glared at Mystra, slightly upset by the cool, callous way she talked about killing.

Witchy noticed Angel's stare and spoke up in their defense. "Look Broody, we don't look for the fights, we're not headhunters. We fight in self defense. Its either kill or be killed, okay?" An awkward silence filled the room.

Finally looking around, Witchy grinned. "So is this a hotel?" Her question broke the ice.

"Yeah, I bought it a little over a year ago", the dark haired vampire said, straightening in his chair.

"So Blondie", Witchy began, "wanna go exploring?"

Spike stopped rocking back in his chair with a loud bang. He was bored. The vampire looked over Witchy and licked his lips. "Oh yeah", he muttered.

Wordlessly, the blond vampire and the young Immortal got up and left the room.


Angel watched his childe leave with Witchy. He looked over at Mystra, who was rising from the bed. The dark haired vampire watched in surprise and the woman began to systematically strip.

Mystra tugged the tight black satin pants off her body and unlaced the back of her red halter top. She noticed idly that the clothing was ruined. Cuts and dried blood were everywhere. "I am filthy", she thought. Sighing, Mystra threw the clothes into Angel's garbage can.

The dark haired Immortal turned to the quiet vampire still sitting in the corner. "So is that the bathroom?", she asked innocently, pointing to a door in the other corner.

Angel nodded mutely, unable to say anything in the face of Mystra's unabashed nudity. The woman turned, swinging her long hair over her shoulder. Mystra tried to work out some of knots with her fingers while slowly making her way to the bathroom, hips swinging.

Silently, Angel got up and followed, leaving his black coat on the floor behind him. By the time he reached the bathroom, he was quite naked as well.


Witchy ran along the hotel corridor, squealing with laughter. She ran to the end of the hall and through an open doorway. Looking behind her shoulder, she saw Spike duck hurriedly into a doorway. He was attempting to be stealthy.

Grinning, Witchy ran into the next room. It was a guest room. Laughing she bounced on the bed and waited for her gorgeous blond vampire.

Snarling and in game face, Spike almost ran through the room to the next without seeing the dark haired beauty lying on the bed.

He skidded to a stop and turned, his demon's features melting away and leaving his handsome human features.

Growling, Spike began to rip his clothes off. Witchy moaned as his perfect marble chest came into view. Sitting up, Witchy also began to strip. Her baby tee was thrown into a corner as were her leather pants.

~Chapter 4~

Angel stepped into the steamy bathroom. He could see Mystra's silhouette through the shower curtain. He knew it was impossible, but his erection seemed to harden even more.

The dark vampire pushed the curtain aside and stepped in behind the woman. Angel eyed the long line of Mystra's back. He noticed that her left shoulder blade was decorated by a tattoo. It was a tribal dragon done in black ink. The dragon was drawn in profile and a little larger than a deck of cards. Angel's artistic eye admired the fine work.

Leaning forward Angel kissed the tattoo, allowing his tongue to trace it. He felt Mystra shudder and smirked.

Mystra moaned as Angel's mouth moved lower. His tongue tracing her spine and causing the Immortal to jerk in reaction. She turned around, allowing the vampire access to her front. Angel latched on to the sensitive peak of one breast.

"Please", Mystra whispered, "I need you". Roughly, Angel turned the dark haired witch around. He plunged into her core from behind. The vampire groaned. "You're so tight". Angel held onto her hips as she bent and leaned against the wall. Slowly, he thrust into the Immortal.

They neared their climaxes quickly, both starved for more.

Angel grinned. "So, do you think we'll actually make it to a bed the next time?"

Mystra's laughter echoed off the bathroom walls.


Witchy hummed loudly. The vibrations of which were driving Spike insane. She had her mouth around his cock while she did it, and Spike could feel the vibrations travel pleasurably up his spine and explode in his head.

He came forcefully. Witchy smiled in satisfaction, swallowing all he had to give quite happily. "Yummy", she quipped.

Laughter and screams of pleasure echoed throughout the Hyperion Hotel long through the night.


The next morning, Mystra met a subdued Witchy in the lounge of the hotel. She had found out the night before that it doubled as Angel's detective agency. Witchy chomped distractedly on a jelly donut the dark haired vampire's friend Wesley, had brought in.

Mystra put down her kitana and Witchy's saber, leaving them on Cordelia's desk. The brunette Seer paused in her actions momentarily. Then shaking her head, continued to file her nails.

Mystra had found the blades in Angel's closet. She had felt instantly better, her kitana had been a part of her for over 180 years. She felt bereft without it.

"They're still asleep aren't they?", Witchy asked.

"Yes, daytime hours aren't exactly normal for them", Mystra replied. "And besides, we didn't exactly let them get very much sleep."

Cordelia's mouth dropped open in shock. She could hear Wesley's startled gasp. "Oh God!", the Seer screamed, "did one of you sleep with Angel?"

Mystra nodded. "Don't worry he's still Angel. I know about the soul and I'm no threat to it."

"What do you mean by that?", Wesley asked, crossing his arms stiffly in front of himself.

"Just that he loves another, it is only with her that he can feel the total happiness that is a threat", Mystra said huskily. She turned away suddenly finding that her eyes were welling up with moisture. The Immortal witch rubbed them with her fist, thinking she must have gotten something in them.

Cordelia noticed the gesture and smiled sadly. "Oh you must mean annoying, blond CryBuffy."

Mystra looked at the seated woman in surprise. "Blond?", she queried confused. "No, I don't think so, he thinks of someone with bright red hair".

Cordelia gasped, immediately thinking of her friend Willow. In an uncharacteristic move, she remained silent.

~Chapter 5~

Willow checked her e-mail for the forth time that day. She was starting to get worried. Myst usually e-mailed at least once a week, but usually more. It had been 4 days.

The two women had been in contact for over three years, ever since Ms. Calendar's death. Willow had taken it upon herself to try and get a hold of all of Jenny's technopagan contacts, upon the teacher's death. Willow and Myst had struck up an odd friendship.

Myst never asked questions when Willow needed spells to vanquish various demons, and she was an open minded person who never judged the red haired witch. In return, Willow never questioned Myst's constant requests for new protection or defensive spells.

Willow sighed unhappily. She hoped nothing had happened to her friend. It was funny, they had never met, but Willow truly valued the other witch's support and help. One day she hoped to meet her mysterious friend.


Mystra and Witchy left Angel Investigations before either Spike or Angel awoke. Both Immortals had simply felt that it was easier that way. Neither woman had wanted to say goodbye.

The two sisters piled out of the taxi. Mystra pulled the hotel room key out of her boot. But when they walked to the door of their room, she found the key was unnecessary. The lock had been broken.

"Goddamnit!!", Witchy snarled. They young Immortal jerked open the duffel Cordelia had given them to carry their swords in. The brunette receptionist hadn't even blinked at the request.

Witchy snatched up her saber and handed Mystra her kitana. Neither felt any other Immortals but they didn't know if anyone else was still in the room.

The two women cautiously entered the room. It was a shambles. The room had been ransacked. Mystra prayed they hadn't found what they had been looking for.

Witchy ran to the bureau. She found that a few of her CD's had survived. She whooped with joy that her favorite, 'Chupacabra' by Imani Coppola, hadn't been destroyed. The brunette threw the survivors into the duffel along with some underwear. Witchy turned, hearing her sister curse a blue streak. "What happened?", she asked.

"The bitch took my laptop!", Mystra screamed. "Fuck!" The dark haired witch kicked the desk. She had just gotten that thing. It was her pride and joy, so high tech she hadn't even had time to learn all it did yet.

Witchy shook her head. "I'm gonna make sure they didn't get what they came for". She strode to the bathroom. Makeup and bottles were strewn all over the floor. Witchy waded through the mess, and grabbed the heavy ceramic lid of the toilet tank. The Immortal witch stuck her hand in the cold water and groped along the bottom. "Yes!", Witchy gasped, and she felt a small item wrapped in plastic.

"Great, they didn't get the disk", Mystra said relieved. "But now we're going to need help".

"I guess that means we're headed back to Angel's huh?", Witchy asked.

Mystra remained silent and nodded slowly.


Angel sat in his office chair and stared out the window. The dark vampire was brooding. He was good at it. He wondered why the Immortal witch he'd bedded hadn't bothered to say goodbye. Perhaps the encounters meant nothing to her, but he'd found comfort in her arms, a short respite from his loneliness. Sighing, Angel found himself wondering what his love was doing at that moment. He missed Willow's presence and quiet friendship in his life.

Spike walked in without knocking, interrupting Angel's dark musings.

"I see our manners are still impeccable boy", the elder vampire said quietly.

The blond growled and sat down. "And I see your still practicing to win Brood Boy of the year".

"Angel!", Cordelia's voice was shrill. The tall Seer walked into her boss' office. The brunette paused and looked at Spike. Cordelia's eyes widened. Shaking her head, the young woman turned to look at the dark haired vampire. "Angel, those two women are back".

Spike leered at the long legged beauty. "The cheerleader was certainly a tasty dish", he thought. And then quick as lightning, his mind was on Witchy. He left the room, his playmate was back.

Spike smirked.

~Chapter 6~

Mystra groaned. Spike and Witchy had disappeared up the hotel stairs, moments after the two women had returned to the Hyperion Hotel. The Immortal witch didn't need a crystal ball to know what they were doing. The blond vampire hadn't asked them any questions about their abrupt departure, seemingly content simply with the fact that Witchy had returned.

Mystra herself hadn't been so lucky. Angel was giving her the cold shoulder. Apparently, her leaving without saying goodbye, had bothered him a lot more that she had assumed it would.

Pinching the bridge of her nose tiredly, Mystra looked around. She spotted Cordelia's IMac computer immediately. "Cordelia, can I use this for a minute? I'd like to e-mail someone."

"Sure", the Seer responded vaguely, her interest completely captured by some vapid fashion magazine.

Mystra logged on to the internet quickly. She pulled up her account on distant corners and noticed the four e-mails from Flame. The raven haired woman sighed. Her friend was probably worried sick about her.

'Flame', she wrote, 'sorry about disappearing on you. Things have been really hectic. I need you help babe. How do you feel about coming to L.A.? I really need some of your "special" skills. Plus, I would love to finally meet you. Call this number to get a hold of me. 555-1517. Thanks, Myst'

She sent her message and logged off. Mystra fervently hoped Flame would say yes. She really thought her cyber witch pal would have better luck hacking into the damned disc than she'd had. The stupid thing was important. Important enough to have Immortals from all over the world going after Mystra's and Witchy's heads.

"Thanks Cordelia."

"No problem", the receptionist replied.

"Well I guess its time to face the music", Mystra murmured to no one in particular. The Immortal stood and walked slowly to Angel's office. The room was dark and the door was closed. The dark haired woman raised her arm and knocked decisively on the dark walnut wood. Not waiting for an answer, Mystra entered.

"Hello Angel."

Silence met her greeting.

"Angel, I'm sorry", Mystra began.

The vampire swiveled his leather chair to face the woman who had so recently shared his bed. "Why did you come back? I know it wasn't what you wanted to do", Angel asked, his voice harsh.

Mystra winced. "No, I didn't. I didn't want to involve you or your family in Witchy and my problems."

Unfolding his tall form from his chair, Angel stood.

The dark vampire kept his distance. He had found warmth and comfort in this woman's arms and it had meant a lot to him. Angel had thought that it had had meaning for Mystra as well. Her serious demeanor and dark eyes hinted at a loneliness with mirrored his own. Angel sighed, apparently he'd been mistaken.


Sweaty and shuddering after an amazing climax, Witchy collapsed atop Spike. The bleached blond vampire growled, wrapping his arms around the Immortal witch.

"So what brought you and your sister back here, pet? You were both in such a hurry to leave neither of you even said goodbye", Spike said, allowing his hands to trail down Witchy's back.

Witchy groaned, and rolled over onto the bed.

"Its a long story Spike. We've been running for a while. Immortals are popping out of the woodwork trying to take our heads. We have something somebody wants really badly. Mystra and I didn't want to get anybody else involved in this."

Spike propped himself on an elbow, and looked down at the dark haired beauty.

"Getting involved in saving lives is what my Poof of a Sire does. I may have run into you be an incredible stroke of luck in that club, but Peaches didn't. That receptionist of his is a Seer, she had a vision which led him to you two."

The Immortal processed that information in silence. "Maybe this is where we're supposed to be", Witchy thought.

~Chapter 7~

Cordelia flipped listlessly through the pages of her magazine. The ringing of the phone startled the young woman and it was with reluctance, that the brunette picked up the telephone.

"Angel Investigations, we help the hopeless. How may I help you?", Cordelia sing-songed brightly.

Willow stared at the phone in her hand, blankly.

"Hello", Cordelia stated, "hello...."

Harrumphing in annoyance, Cordelia slammed the phone down.

Willow stared at the screen of her computer, re-reading Myst's e-mail. She'd dialed the right number. How in the hell did she get Angel's detective agency?

Squaring her shoulders with determination, Willow dialed again.

"Angel Investigation, we help the hopeless", Cordelia's voice chimed through the receiver.

"Cordy, its Willow. This may sound strange but I just got an e-mail to call this number. Is someone named Myst there?", the redhead asked quickly.

The Seer blinked. "Willow, hi. Umm.... hold on."

Putting the phone down, Cordelia walked to Angel's office and knocked on the door. Opening the door cautiously, Cordelia peeked inside. She was quite happy to find that her friend and the Immortal woman were both fully clothed.

"Mystra, someone's on the phone for you", the brunette said.

Smiling her thanks, Mystra ran through the lobby. "It has to be Flame", the woman thought.

"Angel you should come too. You'll never believe who it was who just called asking for Mystra", Cordelia squealed.

The dark haired vampire shrugged. "Someone we know, I take it. Come on, Delia, I don't have time to play twenty questions."

The brunette pouted and debated telling her broody boss, that if there was one thing he did have, it was time. Instead she shouted, "It was Willow"."

"Willow?", the ensouled vampire repeated in disbelief. "My Will--, I mean our Willow."

"Yes!", the former May Queen replied. She'd caught Angel's slip of the tongue and grinned.

Hastily, the Seer and the vampire walked through the lobby. Mystra was already handing up.

"Wow", the Immortal witch said. "Small world, huh. I can't believe you guys know Flame."

"Flame?", Cordelia queried. "Oh, you mean Willow. Yeah, I went to high school with her. We used to the whole demon/vamp fighting thing back in Sunnydale. Angel, Spike and Wesley know her too. Willow's great."

Angel nodded mutely.

"Well, she's going to be here tomorrow morning to help with our problem. I'm finally going to meet her. We've been writing each other for over 3 years." Mystra smiled.

"Why do you need Willow's help?", Angel asked finally, snapping out of his memories.

"Well Flame's one of the best hackers around. I need her skills."

Mystra stared at the dark vampire, her smile slipping a little. Images of red hair and emerald green eyes filled the witch's mind.

Angel paused, closing his eyes momentarily. He wasn't prepared to see Willow. He was in love with the lovely, giving redhead. The ensouled vampire had been since his return from hell. Willow was the only one who had not given up on him. She had returned his soul. On the other hand, his so-called soul mate had not only sent him to hell unnecessarily, but treated him, like a bomb she expected to go off at any moment. Buffy had never fully trusted him once she'd found out he was a vampire. Perhaps is was Slayer's instinct, Angel didn't know, and frankly he didn't care anymore.

Since he had moved to L.A. to escape the power of Willow's emerald gaze, Angel had managed, for the most part, to avoid the wiccan.

Mystra watched as Angel seemed to disappear inside himself. Placing a hand on the handsome vampire's arm, Mystra looked up into Angel's chocolate brown eyes. "Are you okay Angel? Will you be able to deal with Willow's presence here?"

"What do you mean?", the vampire asked gruffly, shoving thoughts of the red haired witch from his mind.

"Its hard to explain, but I knew from the moment we met, that your heart belonged to someone. That was actually the reason I felt certain our physical relationship was safe", Mystra stated seriously. "I had no idea my Flame, was the redhead in your thoughts. I had no idea my Flame, was your Willow."

Cordelia's mouth gaped open.

Angel rubbed a large hand through his spiky locks and sighed. The secret was out.

~Chapter 8~

"Wow, Angel so you've got the hots for Wills? Cool, she's so much better than Buffy. I mean, Wills is cute and smart, she's got substance. I mean for a while there I was really disappointed in you, thinking you'd let yourself get blinded by all that fake blond hair." Cordelia continued to babble, asking questions that Angel would rather not answer.

Frustrated, Angel ignored Cordelia's queries and stalked up the stairs toward his room. Vampire's didn't get headaches, but if he didn't know better, that's what that pain at his temples felt like.

"Angel", Myst shouted, running to catch up with the tall male. Upon reaching him, she lowered her voice. "You have to understand, I didn't use you. I just knew, I could never really have you."

The ensouled vampire stopped in his tracks. He did not turn around to face the Immortal. Shaking his head as if to clear it, Angel ignored Mystra and continued to his room, leaving a distraught witch at his back.

The slamming of his door was clearly heard by the Seer and the Immortal witch downstairs.

Mystra bit back a sob, swallowing the bitter tears which threatened to spill from her eyes.


Some time later, Spike and Witchy made their way down the main stairway of the Hyperion Hotel down to the lobby/offices.

The blond vampire could feel that his Sire was not in the lobby. Idly Spike wondered if the Poof had come to his senses and was getting a bit of the old slap and tickle with Mystra.

The couple spotted Wesley and Cordelia huddled in a corner. The former watcher and dark haired Seer were speaking animatedly in hushed tones.

"What's going on?", Witchy asked. Her sister was nowhere to be seen. She knew the older Immortal was still in the building because the familiar buzz signaling her presence still sounded reassuringly in her mind.

"Ahhh, yes... Witchy", Wesley stammered quietly. Looking quickly at the former cheerleader he turned back towards the Immortal, "Cordelia and I were just discussing the uhh... specifics of a case."

The lovely Seer nodded quickly in affirmation. "Yeah, its old news. Really. Nothing you two should know." Cordelia smiled brightly.

Spike's scarred eyebrow rose in amusement. He turned to his lover and rolled his eyes. It was obvious to both that the cheerleader and the bespectacled man were hiding something.

The blond vampire was sure of one thing. That it probably had something to do with Paingel.

Witchy grimaced and sighed sadly, betting that things were not going well with Myst and Angel.

~Chapter 9~

Mystra paced around her room. She was antsy and angry. In fact, she was working herself up into a fine fury. She's been up here for hours trying to work through her feelings for Angel, and all she was getting was sadder, and therefore, angrier. Viciously she kicked the wicker paperbasket by the desk. The innocent object caved in with the force of the blow, never to recover.

"I can't believe I just did that", she thought staring at the dented trash can. "I'm going crazy, I have to get out of here."

The dark haired woman glanced at the slim watch on her wrist. It was 11:35. She gasped in disbelief. Where had the time gone?

Still, maybe she could get some action now. The Immortal needed an escape. Things with Angel had rapidly spiraled out of control.

"Why did I have to fall in love with him", she whispered aloud. "Dammit!"

The woman walked toward the mirror above the bureau and resolutely tied her long hair up into a high pony tail. She stared at her reflection. Nothing had changed. Dark eyes flashed, and hair shone in the light. The only difference were the startling fire engine red streaks in her hair and the clothes she wore. It still surprised her after all these years to not be in homespun cotton dresses. These days pants were her usual wear, jeans her preferred mode of dressing. That is unless she was going out somewhere.

She looked about 22 in her tight, dark blue jeans, small white tee shirt and ponytail. "Looks were deceiving", she thought bitterly staring at her reflection. Sighing, Mystra grabbed her leather jacket. Nothing had changed and nothing ever would. At least not until someone took her head.

Whirling away from the bureau, she walked to the closet and grabbed her sword. Once the kitana was securely strapped to her back, the Immortal witch, shrugged into her jacket and left the room.

Preoccupied with her thoughts, she ran down the stairs and walked through the darkened lobby. She left the hotel without a second glance.

Minutes later, Spike casually walked down the Hyperion's main stairwell. His cigarette glowed in the gloom.

The blond vampire stared at the door Mystra had just used to leave. He turned slightly and stared into the shadows around Cordelia's desk.

"So are you going after her Peaches? Or should I wake up Witchy?"

Without responding, Angel moved gracefully through the darkness. The sound of the door slamming shaking Spike out of his reverie.

Annoyed, the British vampire flung what remained of his fag on the carpeted stairs and headed towards the kitchen for snack. Idly, he wondered if the effin' Poof had cable.


Upstairs, Witchy awoke with a start. She could feel her sister's absence. Giving up on the idea of sleep, the young Immortal decided to meditate. Murmuring a word of power, a candle on her bedside table flickered to life. Sitting up and arranging herself Indian style on the bed, Witchy stared into the flames, hoping for some peace of mind.


Mystra walked confidently through the night. She had no set destination, but found herself nearing Caritas.

The urge to go inside pulled at her, but she decided against it. The witch knew she'd only end up drunk and singing some sad, pathetic song with her heart on her sleeve. The Host would see too much, he always did.

The Immortal woman groaned and forced herself to continue walking.

Angel followed Mystra at a distance. He was well aware that if he strayed too near, the witch would probably be able to sense him.

The dark haired vampire paused at Caritas, slightly surprised Mystra knew of its existence. He knew he shouldn't have been, the beautiful Immortal was full of surprises.

Angel continued walking and then stopped abruptly, staring down the empty street. "Where had she gone?", he wondered anxiously.

The sound of thuds and grunts lured him to a nearby alley.


Mystra smiled ferally as she backhanded the ugly vampire who had accosted her. His friend was already a pile of dust. She hadn't been able to have fun with that one. Her reactions had been too instinctual and well honed, too ingrained. She had summoned a fire elemental with a harshly muttered spell and set the vampire aflame, before she'd even been consciously aware of doing so.

The remaining vampire growled angrily when a low, sharp kick connected with his stomach. Wrestling himself back into an amateurish fighting stance, the vampire charged the dark haired female, grabbing her by the shoulder and propelling her harshly into a brick wall.

"Shit", Mystra grumbled. That had hurt.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she prepared to break the vamp's hold. Instead, she ended up starting in surprise when her opponent disappeared in a flurry of dust.

A familiar dark figure became visible as the dust settled.


Angel growled angrily, grabbing the Immortal woman up by the collar of her jacket.

"Do you feel better?!", Angel shouted.

Mystra shrugged the handsome vampire's arm off of her person brusquely.

"I'd be better if you would have let me finish beating the crud out of that guy. I can take care of myself Angel I've been doing it for years."

She turned to leave, and suddenly found herself thrust against the brick wall once again, Angel's muscular body pressed hard against her softer form.

Mystra squirmed angrily. Her body betrayed her, reacting to the ensouled vampire's presence the way it had since the moment she had met him two days before.

Her breasts swelled, and her nipples hardened into hard points against Angel's chest. Myst bit back a moan. And disgusted with herself, she continued to struggle to get free.

Angel closed his eyes momentarily, breathing in the spicy, citrus scent of the woman in his arms. "Stop it", he rasped against her neck. He was aware of her arousal and his own body was reacting in kind.

"No, damn it. Let me go", she said suddenly calmer.

The dark vampire stepped back abruptly, ashamed of the desire that coursed through his body.

Deciding he had to know, Angel asked, "Did last night mean anything to you?"

Moisture gathered in the Immortal's eyes. She blinked tears away furiously.

"Yes, but it shouldn't have."

"Why?", Angel asked shortly, his ego bruised.

"Because falling in love with you is the stupidest thing I have ever done", the witch shouted, before running off into the night.

Angel stared blankly at the ground.

Snarling suddenly, the ensouled vampire punched the wall, bloodying his knuckles.

He cared about Myst. She was a lover and a warrior, he respected her abilities and intelligence. Even though a part of him ached to be by her side and taste the companionship her presence offered, his heart belonged to another. It belonged to a mortal witch he could never have.

Disgusted with himself and knowing Mystra could take care of herself, Angel headed back towards his home.


~Same moment, Hyperion Hotel~

The flame flickered abruptly, and went out. Witchy blinked, and stretched her body and heart sore. Her heart ached for her sister and the broody vampire.

"Would happiness forever escape their grasp?", she wondered.

Rising from her the bed, Witchy decided to send e-mails to her friends Salice, Nutmeg and Tisienne. Maybe one of the girls in the coven would have an idea of how to help.

~Chapter 10~

Bright and early the next morning, Willow gathered her courage and walked into the offices of Angel Investigations. The first person she saw was her ex-arch nemesis, Cordelia Chase.

Cordelia looked up at the sound of the door opening. "Oh my God, Willow!", she squealed. "I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but wow, you look good." The brunette jumped up from her chair and around her desk, running to give the smaller redhead a hug.

Willow blinked in surprise. Hugging the Seer back a little awkwardly.

Wesley watched the reunion with amusement. Pushing back his chair and standing, he greeted the young woman. "Hello, Miss Rosenburg."

"Wesley, Cordy, hi!. Wow. How are you guys?"

"We're quite well", the ex-watcher replied. He stared at the redheaded hacker somewhat surprised. She had matured into a lovely young woman. "Perhaps what Cordelia discovered about Angel's feelings towards Miss Rosenburg weren't poppycock as I had assumed.", Wesley thought.

Willow stared in awe at the refurbished hotel. "This place is beautiful. I love it." Turning back towards Cordelia, the cyber witch's eyes were brimming with curiosity. "So how did you guys end up here? What's the what?"

Cordelia grinned. "Girl, the stories I have to tell you."


Witchy and Mystra were heading down the upstairs hallway towards the main staircase when they felt it. A buzz, the telltale tingle signaling the presence of another Immortal.

"Fuck", Witchy grimaced. "They've sent another one after us."

Frightened at the prospect of what could be occurring downstairs, both Immortal women took off running, drawing their swords from the custom sheaths at their backs.


Willow listened in amazement to Cordy's tale of how Angel came to own the hotel. "So you're telling me your old offices were blown up?"

Cordelia nodded, "Yeah, can you believe it. It almost blew Wesley up too."

The ex-watcher shuddered, he remembered nothing of the explosion itself, but the painful time in the hospital was an all too clear memory.

The redhead was impressed as she listened to Cordy speak. The tall brunette seemed to have really changed. Apparently Angel was a great influence. Even Wesley seemed less... well, annoying and banal.

It was her high school classmate's frightened gasp, which alerted Willow that there was a problem. The receptionist's hazel eyes widened in apprehension, and stared at something over Willow's shoulder.

"What the hell are you two doing?", Cordelia asked tartly.

The red witch turned around cautiously. Her breath hitched. Two dark haired women stood steps from her, swords drawn. And they were looking at her.

"Ummm... hi", Willow squeaked, backing up a step. Silence met her greeting.

A loud growl broke the tense moment. "There had better be a damned good explanation for why you two are brandishing swords at Willow", Angel snarled angrily, striding quickly to step between the two Immortals and the lithe wiccan.

Witchy stared at the attractive redhead and lowered her sword. "Oh Goddess", she gasped in surprise.

Mystra glanced at Angel, and then at the young woman who stood awkwardly behind him. Her brain tried to decipher the information it had just received. The redhead with a buzz was Willow, Angel's Willow and her Flame.

Something about Willow's buzz was different. When Mystra realized suddenly what it was, shock colored her features and she too lowered her sword. The hacker felt just like Witchy had thirty years ago, before her first death. The flame haired witch was a pre-Immortal.

Starting towards the hacker, Mystra ignored Angel's low growl, but was dismayed to see Willow step back and Angel step forward protectively.

"Flame, I'm so sorry", Mystra began. "You felt like a....", looking at the floor abruptly, the as she trailed off. The elder Immortal didn't want to tell the redhead about her pre-Immortal status. It could change the way Willow lived her life. The possibility the she would take more chances with her life, put herself in danger, loomed large in the dark haired woman's mind. Willow already did enough of that.

Angel had caught Mystra's slip. She was going to say something about what Willow had felt like to her. He bit back a groan and closed his eyes. "God, I hope I'm wrong", he thought.

He knew he'd have to talk to Myst later. In private. He hoped his suspicion was wrong.
