The Lesson 2: Further Education

Author: ~*Mystra*~


Disclaimer: This is a work of love and done for fun, not profit. BtVS and
AtS are properties of the god also known as Joss. I'm poor, don't sue me.

Distribution: My archive and the Willangel list's archive.  Everyone else
must ask first.

Feedback: YES PLEASE!

Category: W/A

Rating: R, for now.

Spoilers: None. I'm taking BtVS' past into a new direction. Although some
things will fit with canon, a lot won't. Think AU people!!

Summary: Year's later Angel's 'Lesson' with Willow pays off in some
education of his own.

Author's Note: Previous parts can be found at my archive. The address can be
found in my signature below.


~Part: 1~

Willow watched Kennedy slowly walk up the boarding ramp with what she hoped
was a believable smile.  It was hard saying good-bye, even though they both
knew it was had to happen.

The newly empowered Slayer turned slightly, her eyes meeting those of the
redhead for a split second before pulling away, and entering the long
hallway which connected the airplane to the terminal.

Willow shifted, and glanced down at her feet for a moment, uncertain as to
what to do now.

Sighing, she started off in the direction they had come, sure that she'd
seen a Starbucks.  Some ruminating over fragrant coffee, sounded very good
to her right around now.

Finding the Starbucks near another terminal, the witch ordered a caramel
macchiato.  After the longest five minutes ever, she trotted over to a table
with her drink in hand.  She sat and drank her coffee, as hoards of people
of all kinds walked briskly or slowly through L.A.X.  It was relaxing.  For
the first time in a long time, Willow felt completely relaxed.

She knew that she definitely had Kennedy to thank for part of that.  The new
Slayer had been exactly the catalyst she needed in order to face the
culpability and guilt she'd felt over Tara's death and the events that
surrounded it.  She had also forcibly chipped away at her resistance to ever
allowing her heart to love again.  It was a revelation to realize that it
was not a betrayal to allow herself to feel again, and doing so would not
cause her to forget Tara.

Willow knew that Tara would always be in her heart.  She would remember her
and cherish her memories, the same way she cherished the sweet puppy-love
she'd shared with Oz, or even--

The redhead's thoughts skidded to a halt.  Her breath caught as her heart
began to race.  She closed her eyes.  "Angel", she breathed.

How long had it been since she'd allowed herself to think of that night?
The night that had changed everything.  The night that she fully realized
the power of her sexuality; the power of being a woman.

Only one night.  Yet, Angel had taught her so much.  He'd shown her worlds
of possibility with his words, his hands, his mouth.

Willow groaned softly, her eyes opening slowly.  Amazing... and they hadn't
even had sex.  It was only after the haze of desire had lifted and she'd
lain in Oz's arms in the bed Angel had vacated, that she'd realized that the
night hadn't been about sex.  It had been about her.  It had been about him.
  It had been about passion, connection, comfort.  Poor Oz had been a
witness, but not a participant.  Not physically, and definitely not

Sometimes she wondered if his awareness of the bond that had been created
that night had been a factor in what had happened with Veruca.  Taking a
last sip of her rapidly cooling coffee, Willow stood and deposited the
remnants of her drink in the trash.

She walked quickly through the terminal heading for an exit, her steps and
demeanor belying the fact that she had purpose.  She hadn't seen Angel since
she'd resouled him months ago, and they certainly hadn't had time to talk.
Not that they talked very often or even at all...  Willow frowned at the
discovery that perhaps subconsciously they'd both kept their distance from
one another.

Well she was going to do something about that now.  It was her turn.  She
had learned a lot since they'd been together that one night years ago, and
that small part of her heart that had belonged to him from that moment ached
to show him just how much.

