
Author: Nocturnal Willow

E-Mail: crimsonjennifer@yahoo.com

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Buffy, Angel, Willow, Giles, Faith, or any of the characters portrayed here, nope ..They are the property of The WB, Fox Studios, possibly the UPN, Joss and many others I don’t know. I own the plot thought.

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Angel

Location: My website, Tarnished Halo

Author’s notes: A challenge to Forbidden. Begins the next morning.


~Part: 1~

Willow woke up feeling very confused. Her head was hurting, reminding her of the mystical hangover she was feeling. She decided that keeping her eyes closed wouldn't hurt. She then concentrated on her breathing and let sleep come her way. Angel on the other hand was content in his slumber. He dreamt he wasn't alone anymore. He felt warm all over, as if he had lain in the sun for a long time. He could almost hear the rhythm of the water pounding against the shore. His head perked up, he heard a rhythm. It wasn't an ocean. He opened his eyes and saw the source in his bed. He knew he was supposed to be alone. He saw the tangled red hair and blood droplets on the pillow. He inhaled. The scent was familiar. He heard a soft whimper and he knew just what he had done. His mind was racing. He licked his lips and tasted her blood. He listened to the rhythmic pounding of her heart. He had no clue what to say to her. How could he explain what happened when the details were fuzzy to him?

He had never looked at Willow like that, but he took her last night. He could smell himself all over her. He closed his eyes and the image of taking her in the lobby entered his mind. He shook his head trying to remember the shy girl who wasn’t allowed to have boys in her room. She turned in her slumber and he saw the deep mark he put into her smooth neck. That thought alone got him hard. She then moaned deeply. He inhaled and smelled her arousal. Willow found the dream to be so nice, feeling contented, actually feeling whole again. She fought the waking process, but she knew she had to surrender. When she opened her eyes she looked around. She knew this wasn't home. She rubbed her head, wanting to remember what happened. She knew something happened last night, but the power was fogging her head up.

She then sat up in bed and winced. She was sore. Something about this place was familiar. She turned her head and saw Angel looking at her. She wished she could figure out his expression. She turned bright red and gasped, yanking the sheet to cover herself. "Angel??"

"It's me. Well the not evil me."

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"You are the one in my bed Little One." He said with a smirk. He watched her blush creep over her skin.

"But... you have your soul… I can feel it. What the hell happened?"

"I have a few ideas about some of last nights events." Angel said.

"Oh ... I know about your ideas…" Willow said. She then wondered what that taste was in her mouth.

"I just never expected you to be so wild." Angel said.

"You... hush… damn vampire… you seduced me." Willow said.

"What I did went beyond that. I marked you." Angel said. He was thirsty. He was having difficulty controlling the urge to feed off her. He decided to get out of bed. Willow's jaw hung open as he got out of bed, fully naked and fully erect.

"Damn now I know why I am sore." She whispered. She blushed yet again when she saw his smile, knowing he heard her. She watched him walk into a closet a fish out a robe. He held it out for her, but kept it out of her reach. He noticed the gleam in her eyes as she leaned to reach it, letting her sheet fall a little bit lower. He wanted her like he never wanted any other creature. She was what he had been searching for. She got up and took the robe from his hand. He let his eyes rest on the slight bruising he left her with. He then slipped on some pj bottoms. He had to leave the room, she was throwing him.

Willow walked into the bathroom. She splashed the cold water on her face. She saw the deep bite he put into her neck. She touched it tentatively. She moaned as she felt herself getting turned on. Willow wondered what would happen now? How would she tell her friends? Dawn was still mad that Tara left, all because of her actions. Now Willow did the ultimate bad thing, she slept with Angel, she closed her eyes then felt worse when she remembered all four times they had sex. Buffy would be so angry. Buffy was already angry about being pulled out of heaven, now this. Willow just let herself slump onto the bathroom floor and cried.

Angel was making tea when the feeling washed over him. He went upstairs and found her curled on the floor crying. He went to her side at once. "It'll be ok."

"No it won't." She said and returned to crying.

"We will make it all right." He said. He pulled her close to him. He held her as she sobbed away in his arms. He was in his own dilemma. Being with Willow like this made him realize he was on the wrong path. He needed to get back to what he was doing. He also knew that what happened between them needed to stay between then. His heart was still torn up about Buffy and his most recent run-in with Darla hadn't helped either. He was taken from his mental wanderings when Willow stopped crying. "So now what?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." He said to her. He admitted he hadn't really given her a whole lot of thought. Right now, all he could think about was her. Angel wanted to be inside her one more time, to feel her warmth as he drowned in it. He knew it couldn't help. He brought her downstairs and made her some tea. She drank it quietly. "Angel, where are my clothes?"

"You will need new ones." He said, remembering how he cut them off of her to look at her creamy flesh.

"What happened to them?"

"I cut them off of you last night." Angel said, trying to look guilty instead of smiling at the memory of how the knife gleamed against her skin.

"Did I like it?" Willow asked.

"You licked your lips." He said.

"I can't go home like this." Willow said.

"It would raise questions, seeing you showing up in my robe. I must admit; you wear it well."

"Do I reek of you?" Willow asked.

"You do carry my scent and my mark. Why do you ask?"

"Spike." Willow said.

"He still hanging around?" Angel asked.

"Yep.. He and Buffy have a thing." Angel growled which startled Willow. He still loved her. Willow wished she understood why that had hurt. Willow tried to hide her hurt and went to take a shower. She knew they still cared for each other, but now where does that leave her? Angel took away the turmoil Willow always seemed to find herself in. She let the hot water hit her aching muscles. Her body was still sore from him. Willow chuckled as she saw just how big he was. She knew he buried that monster deep in her, more than once. She called Giles and let him know she was taking a break from the hellmouth and its pull on her. He understood and didn't even ask where she was. When Willow got out of the shower, she found a pile of new clothes waiting for her. She then got dressed, grabbed a pair of sunglasses and went for a walk.

~Part: 2~

What happens now? She was bound to him. She found an occult bookstore and walked inside. She began to sift out a few titles. The man looked strangely at her, but she said nothing and paid for the books. She stopped at a café and began to read. What had she gotten herself into? He drank from her. But she drank from him, she sucked his blood into her system like a dying man in the dessert. What effect would the blood exchange have on her? She read on about how they created a bond. She figured that part already. Ever since she cursed him in that hospital bed, she always felt him in her mind, exchanging blood only amplified the bond. She read on until it got dark. She then found a different hotel and checked in.

She went to the bathtub and poured herself a hot bubble bath. She closed her eyes and saw him. He was fighting vampires and winning. He was angry, she felt that coming off of him. She also saw the familiar face of a certain blonde vampire. She saw how Darla talked to him. She wasn't sure who he was anymore. He seemed so angry or lost. She just backed herself away from the scene. When she woke up the water was cold. She gasped as she saw him standing above her. He held out his hand and she hesitantly took it. He pulled her close to him and kissed her deep, not caring that she was soaking wet. He then dragged her to the bed. Willow wasn't sure what was happening. She tried to move away. "You are mine, little girl."

She froze. "I felt you earlier spying on me. It wasn’t' very nice."


"I know you've missed me. I can smell your sweet need from here."

"Angel… stop it.."

"I can't. Neither can you, after all, your eyes glued to my neck." Angel said. He began to undress. Willow froze as he stripped for her. He then walked toward her. "See what you are doing to me?" He said as he put her hand on his rock hard cock.

"I didn't mean to." Willow said but kept her fingers moving on his cock.

"Take me in you mouth." He told her. Willow then got on her knees. She took her time caressing his head, loving the smooth texture of it. She heard his moan, knowing he was enjoying this. She let her hand touch his heavy sac. She took her time licking him all over. She felt his hands on the back of her head, pressing him deeper into her mouth. She relaxed a little continued to work him. She heard him groan and felt his twitching. His hands held her head in place and she swallowed his seed.

He then helped her up. "You have such a pretty mouth. So talented." He said and then he kissed her. Willow let herself get lost in his kiss. No matter what circumstances or consequences existed, he brought peace to the chaos she was in. He kissed her tenderly and carried her to the bed. She expected him to simply plop her on the bed, but instead he laid her down gently. He wanted her to explore his body, to become familiar with it like he was about to do with hers. Willow looked nervous as his eyes traveled her body. She still had some residual bruising. His fingers lightly touched the bruise on her hip. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I understand."

"No, you don't. As a vampire, my senses are heightened. I was shutting myself off, didn't want to feel anything because everything hurt. But you, you made me feel again. I got so caught up in the moment; I hurt you. I should have better prepared you when I first entered you on the desk in the lobby. I didn't. I just wanted to feel warm, to feel something other that cold. But I didn't feel warm, I felt hot. And you were so hot, so good. I couldn't stop touching you."

"It's ok, Angel. I forgive you. I don't know what you know about what's been happening in Sunnydale, but I lost Oz. He left me, over another wolf. I loved him so much. Then I met a girl. She was kind, sweet, caring. She was into the magic and she made me feel special. I got into some dark power and she went away. It's all my fault. Its my fault that Tara left me. Plus, I brought Buffy back, to this place. She was in heaven… and I brought her back to hell on earth. I have beating myself up over everything. All the little insecurities I have, they are drowning me out. But you found me. When I'm with you, they go away."

"You have a good heart Willow, that is what matters." He said as he gently kissed her. Willow moaned as he placed himself on top of her. Willow adjusted her legs, in case he wanted inside of her. Instead Angel just kissed her tenderly. Willow moaned and moved against him, wanting to feel him inside her again. Angel then broke off the kiss. He moved to the side. His hands reached out to touch her neck, his thumb flickering over the mark in her neck. Willow moaned as she felt a surge of lust. His hand then traveled father south to her breasts. He took his time touching them, hardening her nipples fast.

Angel found comfort in the deep breathing Willow was doing as well as the increase in her heart rate as he touched her. He was surprised to find her so sensitive to his touch. He leaned in and licked each nipple. His tongue followed by a gentle breath. She moaned deeply.

Willow was trying to be still, to simply feel what he was doing to her. "Angel…"

"Your skin, so soft, so responsive. I want to feel you from the inside." Angel whispered in her ear.

"Need you…" Willow panted. Angel then lie on his back. Willow looked puzzled.

"I want to watch you ride me." Angel said.

"I've never done it that way before." Willow said. Angel smiled.

"It's a nice position, you control the speed and the depth. I get to watch my cock disappear into you. I can see you face as I stretch you." Angel told her. Angel then helped get her into position. Willow then slowly sank down on him. Both lovers groaned as they became joined. Willow loved the feeling of being on him, being able to touch him. His fingers were all over her, making her whimper. He created such sweet sensations within her. She soon felt her climax approaching. Angel began bucking underneath her, driving himself deeper into her. Willow screamed out his name and he bit into her breast, tasting her.

Willow then bit his shoulder. She pressed as hard as she could was able to draw blood from him. She felt the way his blood made her mouth tingle. She began moving on him quickly. He pressed himself faster against her. Soon the lovers climaxed together. Angel pulled her close to him. "Mine."

"Yours." She said. She got up off him slowly and shut the drapes. She then joined him in bed. "What happens now, Angel?"

"I wish I knew. I don't want to be too far away from you. That much I know."

"They won't understand. You might end up stuck with me." Willow said.

"They might not, but know this, with me, you always have a home. I mean that Willow. I have never claimed a human before, or vampire for that matter. I am protective over my family and you are a part of that."

"How did you find me?"

"The bond I have with you. I can feel you."

"In Sunnydale, they can't know." Willow said.

"I won't tell." Angel said. He then kissed her tenderly. His fingers found her sweet spot and Willow began to twitch. Angel loved how responsive she was to his touch. She also evoked a similar feeling in him. His mouth slipped under the covers and kissed her belly, running his tongue around her bellybutton. Willow moaned as his tongue continued farther south. He felt fingers in his hair, her nails digging into his scalp as his tongue worked its magic on her. Willow tried to postpone the inevitable, but his tongue was too good. She climaxed once more from him. He then slid back up the bed and kissed her. He held her close as they fell into a deep sleep.

~Part: 3~

Willow had to go back to Sunnydale. She told Angel she needed to go back there. He understood, since he had to get himself back on the right path. He accepted his involvement with her as a gift from the powers. Lorne had confirmed that his soul was permanent. Angel had told the gang everything, about his entire tailspin with Darla as well as his attachment to Willow. He called her everyday, but kept his distance, since being in the same room with him, gave way to incredible sex. She went with him and sang for Lorne as well. She was surprised that Cordy just hugged her. They were in the middle of talking when the vision came. Willow was by Cordy's side, concern evident in her face. Cordy held her head in pain as she barked out what the mission was. Willow closed her eyes and whispered. The gang didn't miss Willow's eyes turn a soft purple hue and her hands glowed. Cordy smiled as the pain went away from the vision. "That better?"

"Willow, teach that trick to Wes. Ok, let's kill this thing." With that, they group went and dispatched of the vampire nest. It felt good to Willow, to fight without using spells. She found herself loving how the sword felt in her hands. Even Angel noticed that she moved with unnoticed grace. When the last vampire fell, Willow dusted herself off. She saw the look Angel was giving her. She felt her knees get weak and her skin felt suddenly hotter under his gaze. Gunn finally spoke. "Impressive, Willow. Where did you learn that?"

"Not really sure. Beginner's luck?" Willow said with a grin. She held Angel's hand as they headed back to the Hyperion Hotel. Willow looked around, realizing she really didn't have clothes here. Cordy smiled and gave her something to wear. "I never thought you and Angel would hook up."

"Me neither. I still don't understand it." Willow said.

"I take it that Buffy doesn’t' know yet."

"No. I have no idea of how to tell her without her hating me." Willow said and began to cry. Cordy pulled the girl into a hug.

"I didn't mean to make you cry." Cordy said.

"I get that. It's all so new. I mean, ever since we cursed him, it's like I have felt him in my head. Even when the nightmares came, he was there. He even starred in some of them. Some how, by drinking him, I sealed us. Wes is looking at the text of his curse."

"He wouldn't know…"

"Wes might have been an ass when we fist met him, but he is not stupid. He might have answers. Giles had no clue that type of magic existed before. It's like when he's around me, everything else disappears and it's just us."

"Well he is bound to be all affectionate, since he can't …"

"He is affectionate. No one else ever made me feel this way. Not Oz, not even Xander or Tara, but he makes me feel so special. We are so damned." Willow said sadly. Cordelia gave her a knowing glance. The seer had remembered the way Buffy was when Angel was involved.

"Did my idiot boss let you know that you are welcome here? I mean since you both might be having damnation issues. We do help the hopeless and unfortunately the broke too." She said with a smile.

Willow chuckled. "Did I ever apologize for the whole Xander mess?" Willow asked.

"I forgive you, Willow. I forgave you a long time ago." Cordy said, hugging Willow again. Fred had even come into the room and the girls just talked. Willow needed that. Plus she needed time away from Angel. She knew vampires had a keen sense of smell and didn't want to risk Spike smelling Angel all over her. Plus, she had to figure out what her next move was. It was five days later that she returned to Sunnydale. She gave Angel a good-bye hug, but fought her need to feel him one more time. She needed to make sure Spike didn't smell him on her.

She came back to pull of the hellmouth. Everyday its negative energies taunted her. Willow began seriously patrolling. Wes theorized that since she was so intimately connected to Angel, she had acquired some of his skills. She also had watched on patrols more than once. Amy had came by a few times, trying to get her to practice some power. Willow told her that she wasn't interested. Anya was suspicious about this sudden turn around. She asked Willow if she ands Tara had gotten back together. Willow said they were rebuilding their friendship, which they were. Willow did tell Tara the truth. She asked Tara about the curse, the bond she now had and what should she do?

Tara had been very understanding. Willow felt on some level she had betrayed her Tara. Tara reminded her that they were no longer dating, so there was no betrayal. Tara confessed to doing a spell to see if Willow was the one. Tara did tell her she saw Angel and that helped her let go. "You love him."

"I don't know. It confuses me. Its like I melt around him. I can feel him, in my head and I can feel him in my soul, just like I know there is a part of me in his soul. Does that make sense?"

"It does. You have my support, you know that right." Tara said.

Things were getting back to normal. Spike gave her a look a couple of times, but never mentioned anything. She was seeing him nearly every weekend. It just worked out well that everyone was so self-involved, they never noticed. Willow was glad that Tara promised she would help them and look after them if Willow had to leave. Both of them knew that Buffy might not understand Willow's situation.

~Part: 4~

It had been three weeks since she touched him and she was going crazy. He called her to say he needed to see her that night. They made a rendezvous point for three hours later. Willow felt giddy. She went to the mansion on Crawford Street. She wanted to be there before him. She had been secretly having the place repaired. She put mystical barriers to keep the undead out. Angel of course was already invited. She put the black satin sheets on the bed, knowing they were his favorite. She then slid the deep green slip-dress on for him. She lit candle and waited. She didn't have to wait long as she heard his car approaching. She was thankful that the garage was repaired and his car safely hid with in. She didn't want any interruptions.

Angel had gotten his friends back. Lorne right away knew about Willow. He told her that he saved two souls and his was permanent, a gift from the powers. He needed her for over a week. She haunted his dreams as she willingly gave herself to him. He drove to Sunnydale like a madman. He also was glad that the house was put into Willow's name and she was having it repaired. He slipped into the garage. He could feel her in the house. He inhaled, smelling her scent. He slipped his coat off and headed to the bedroom where he knew he'd find her. He was not disappointed as he found her lying on the black satin sheets. He growled as the black contrasted so nicely with her legs, making them look long and sleek. He longed to feel those legs wrapped around his wait, pulling him farther into her. She smiled at him and crawled to the end of the bed. He eyes found themselves drawn to her cleavage as she leaned forward, letting him see how her nipples rubbed against the fabric.

Willow then swung her legs off the bed and walked over to him. She placed a soft kiss on his lips. Angel pulled her in for a deeper kiss. Willow responded as her fingers began pulling his shirt free from his pants. Angel knew she was riled up. He took his time touching her arms. He let one hand travel down her back and cup her ass. Willow moaned and pressed herself against the hard cock he was wearing. "MM. you always bring the best favors to the party." She said, giggling.

"I try. Gotta keep my girl happy." He said. He said nothing as she began unbuttoning his shirt. He knew she loved the feeling of skin-to-skin contact. He leaned against the wall as she began to touch him lightly. Her fingers were unbuttoning his shirt. Angel closed his eyes as her fingertips began to tease his nipples, making them hard with a slightest touch.

"God I love your chest."

"I love yours too."

"You like all my parts." Willow said with a grin.

"I do. I don't think I can pick a favorite part. I might need to re-examine you. It's been too damn long since I've had you." Angel said before grabbing her and deeply kissing her, conveying his urgency. Willow responded and began furiously taking his clothes off. She needed him. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He slipped her nightgown up to her waist, exposing her neither region. He dropped to the ground and began to use his tongue to make her writhe. He wasn't disappointed as Willow began to moan and shiver. Angel loved how he could touch her and make her move. Willow grinned and let her foot dangle. Her foot found his covered his erection. He began to tease him like he was teasing her. Willow groaned as his fingers began to explore. Willow gasped as she felt the gentle pressure against her backside. She writhed on his finger while his tongue caressed her sweet spot bringing her to a powerful orgasm. Willow looked up at him, his eyes black as hers turned amber.

Angel then disrobed in front of her, allowing his erection to burst free. Willow licked her lips and took him in her mouth. Angel moaned as she warmed him. He tried to keep still as she moved up and down his shaft, each time taking him just a little bit deeper. Angel's hands found her hair, and his thumb found itself flickering over her mark on her neck. He knew that was a sweet spot on her. Willow gasped as he broke her concentration. "I need to feel you from the inside." He told her.

Willow smiled at him and then turned around so she was on all fours, knowing he loved that position. His cock slowly slid into her, as not to hurt her. Willow's fingers slid down to her clit. She knew Angel would feel her touching herself, which she knew got him hot. He taught her how to tease and how to please. She loved those lessons, she thought to herself. Soon she felt his climax coming, he quickly flipped them so she was on him. Willow took the time to lick his cock, knowing just how sensitive he was. She purposefully kept him from coming, but she made him whimper. She then slammed him inside her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as he hit her spot. Angel's hands reached up to grab her breasts as the nipples were so swollen, begging for his touch. He bucked underneath her while his thumbs flickered across her nipples making her beg for him not to stop.

Angel groaned as she squeezed him. "So good, so hot..." He moaned. His hands then reached up to her neck. He then brought her mouth to his, wanting to steal a kiss from her lips. After he stole a deep kiss his mouth honed in on her neck. She gasped as he bit her, bringing on the orgasm. Willow reflexively bit Angel back. She tasted his blood, thus making her body tingle. Willow loved lying in the afterglow with him. He touched her always. The touches weren't meant to be erotic, just reassuring. Sometimes she wondered who exactly she was reassuring. She knew for him it meant the end of his isolation. For Willow is was the feeling of being owned, of being needed and of being cherished. This was new to Willow.

Angel pulled her closer to him. He wondered when she became an addiction. He loved the feel of her skin. No matter where he touched her, it was divine. He enjoyed teasing her, teaching her in the art of seduction. She was such an eager learned. She knew he had darker desires. She was willing to explore them, so see if she could enjoy the same things he could. Angel was glad she enjoyed hearing about his past sexual exploits. He was very surprised as he took her to the novelty store. He let her look at all sorts of toys. He got rock hard watching her stoke the riding crop. He imagined her using in on him, brining that sweet pain along with the intense pleasure she always gave him. Willow also found some interesting toys, but loved the whips. She became aware of his hands resting on her ass. She smiled and leaned into it. That night he spanked her and she came so hard.

Willow knew he was aroused again. "I bet I know what's on your mind."

"You are, my lover, you are." He whispered.

"I wish we could stay like this." Willow said.

"Leave with me." He told her. Every time they were together, he asked her to go with him Willow knew it was getting harder and harder to say no. He was giving her the time and space she needed to figure things out. She knew that he would one day grow tired of this arrangement. His kisses were becoming more frantic, his need to be near her was getting stronger. His passions were becoming more aggressive. And, God help her, she felt the same way. The double life was killing her. Her sessions with Angel were tiring her out. She needed extra time to recover from him. He looked at the clock, knowing that spending the night here, with her body next to his, in this town, was risky. Willow also looked at the clock.

"I have to go." He said softly.

"I know." She said, regret in her voice.

"I could stay. But…" He left the rest of his thought unsaid. She knew what he meant. Willow got up on shaky legs. Her body was not happy that she had to move. She softly moaned as Angel began to dress her. "I could get used to this." Angel said as he clasped the bra closed.

"Me too. Soon, I promise." Willow said.

"I am trying to be patient with you, my love, I really am. This is killing me, knowing you are so close to me, yet so far at the same time. But I don't envy you either, I came clean with my friends months ago. You have yet to do that. Bt you have me, you always have me." He whispered in her ear.

Willow smiled at him and kissed him. He then took her hand and led her down the stairs. He took her in his arms and gave her one last passion filled kiss. Willow responded by maneuvering herself against the railing, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. Angel used one hand to hold her to him, the other hand was sliding up to cup her breast. Willow moaned as his thumb lazily flickered over her nipple, making it get very hard. Willow moaned, as the kiss got more frenzied. Angel broke off the kiss to allow her to breath, but his mouth found itself attached to her neck. Willow's hand was buried in is spiky hair, holding him close to the sweet nectar her neck had to offer.

"Now that is a Kodak moment." The British voice said.

~Part: 5~

Both heads snapped up, Angel's in his vampire face. Willow looked at Spike nervously. "What do you want?" Willow asked.

"Not really sure. I want this dammed chip out of my head; I want a good spot of violence and some wild shagging. Oh hell, throw in a picket fence while you are at it."

"Leave Spike."

"I'd love to Angelus. But really, shouldn't you be offering me a bribe to not tell the slayer about this."

"I'm tired Spike, what do you want?"

"Well, I have to wonder. I never figured Red for the type of girl who gets off on getting bitten."

"She is off limits." Angel said, menacingly.

"Just a little nibble, maybe a nice little tumble. I won't hurt the pretty thing. Can't mess her up." Spike said.

"You will not have her."

"I could be persuaded to not tell the slayer about the two of you. What do you say, Red? We could have such fun. Hell, I might even be able to show you a few tricks." Spike said, cockily.

"I am not giving myself to you." Willow said.

"All right then, I'm off." He said. He slowly turned away.

"Spike, …wait…" Willow stopped. She saw the nervous expression in her lover's eyes. He was giving her the control she needed.

"What?" The blonde vampire said acting annoyed.

"I just want to make sure you get your story straight." Willow said. She looked at Spike in the eyes. Her hands unzipped Angel's pants and freed his hard cock. Willow sank to her knees and took her time teasing her lover. Angel groaned, as Willow's mouth was one of his favorite places. She had been a natural cocksucker. Spike stood by unmoving as he watched Willow working his sire. Angel even held her hair out of the way to give him a good show. Willow moaned for effect, forgetting Spike was watching her. She truly loved doing this to Angel, the fact that she could bring him this type of pleasure made her feel powerful. She heard Angel's purr and felt the beginning twitches. She knew he was getting ready to come. She took him deeper into her mouth. Her hands gently touched his sac. Angel came hard as soon as she touched him. Willow then looked up at him, her eyes heavy with lust. He deeply kissed her.

"That was hot." Spike said.

"Go away, Spike." Willow said.

"I'll meet you later, at the slayer's place." Spike said and walked away.

Angel looked at her with a new sense of pride. He had let her take control of the situation. Then she did it to him. She went down on him, with Spike watching. He never expected her to do that. He knew Spike was hard and Spike truly enjoyed getting a blowjob. Angel then imaged he and his child, both buried deep within her. He though Willow might be into that, but monogamy was a human trait, vampires didn't always feel that way. He saw the playful smirk Willow had. He kissed her. She told him to go to LA. She would handle Spike. "Are you sure?"

"Spike can't hurt me. He has a chip."

"He can hurt you, more than you think. I admit William wasn't a great strategist. But that chip has made him plan more. He will hurt you with his words. He will play you all against each other. Be careful around him. If you need me, I'll be there." Angel said.

"I know. I love you." Willow said. She gently kissed him. She watched as he drove away. She then walked to the Summers' house. She wondered if Spike had told them already. She had been slowly moving her things to LA any way. Tara had become part of the team. She knew that Tara would help keep them safe. Plus, Tara would keep Willow updated. Tara did tell Willow that sooner or later she would need to be near him. That was where her heart was. Willow hugged her. It meant so much to her to have Tara's blessing. .

~Part: 6~

It had been two weeks since that night. Willow was getting tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Spike had began his own form of torment to her. He would touch her when no one was looking. His hand would lightly touch her behind, her waist, brush against her breast. He even played with her hair a few times. He always used soft subtle touches. She knew that he wanted her. She also knew the only reason was because she was his sire's. She was really debating on killing him. He was always respectful towards her. Willow had swatted him away, she told him she was Angel's. "I could make this stop." Spike whispered in her ear.

Willow turned around and smiled at him. "So can I. But you might not like what I could do. Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." She then walked away. Part of her couldn't believe she was playing Spike this way. Spike went on to have a little hissy fit, which only made Willow laugh. He reminded her of a bratty child. She wasn't even paying attention when the powder hit her face. Everyone heard the sound of glass shattering. Spike had a wicked smile on his face. "Willow… my god what happened?" Buffy said.

"I don't know. Why?"

"Your neck, it wasn't bitten this morning." Anya said. Willow went over to the mirror. Sure enough, her glamour spell to hide her lover's brand was shattered. Buffy's concern for her friend doubled as Willow was examining her neck. "Who did this to you?"

"A vamp."

"Any vamp we know?" Spike asked. Willow tried to ignore the smug expression on his face.

"Don't push me Spike." Willow threatened. She growled at him and in the process displayed newly acquired fangs

"Whoa.. Teeth Wills." Xander said. Willow looked puzzled. Sure enough in the mirror, she had fangs now. Willow grabbed her cell phone and dialed. She called Wesley, frantic. He told her he would look into it right away. Willow was in full throttle freak outmode. "Changes… " She muttered.

"Willow, what the hell is going on?" Giles demanded.

"I have fangs now." Willow said.

"I can see that. What type of spell were you using?"

"Spike." Willow said growling. She marched over to him and threw him into the training area. He went into game face.

"What did you do to me?" Willow snarled, feeling rage like never before.

"You wanted to end it. I did. I am quite impressed." Spike said with a cocky swagger.

"I'll kill you." Willow said.

"You might try."

"If I fail, he will succeed."

"Really? You've been stringing the poor boy along for months now. Promising to return to his bed, yet he goes home all alone. Think he doesn't tire of it. I know I would."

Willow attacked Spike, punching and kicking him. The Scooby gang just watched, stunned as Willow was attacking Spike. Spike rather enjoyed getting her all worked up; he wanted her. Spike had pinned Willow against the wall. "We could have such fun together pet, you, Daddy and me. He liked to share with me."

"You couldn't handle me Spike." Willow said, as she broke free from his grasp. She tossed Spike to the floor. She then mounted him. "I warned you." She then broke his nose. She got up and went to the bathroom. Her head was spinning. He was near. She also realized that she had an audience that had lots of questions. She heard further commotion in the shop. She exited the bathroom and saw him there.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I will be. I broke Spike's nose." She said with a grin. Her fangs were evident.

"Wes found some things out." Angel said.

The gang decided to head to the training area again, at Anya's insistence. She reminded them that it cost money to fix broken things. The cellar was built for that type of thing. Giles looked the door and followed the group downstairs. Giles had met the LA gang a few times and rather liked them. Buffy however hated them. She had no use for Wesley or Cordelia. She also knew that she was about to get some really bad news. She saw the way Angel was looking at Willow. She also heard Spike's comment about her and "Daddy"

~Part: 7~

Willow looked nervous. Angel was by her side, as he promised. "How did you know?"

"Cordy had a vision. She said you were in trouble. And she told my to get my undead crabby ass over to you." Angel said. They both shared a soft chuckle. Spike on the other hand, was quite amused.

"So Angel, why do I have fangs?"

"I have been researching the bond, using the text of the course as a reference." Wes started.

"What bond?" Buffy asked.

"When I cursed him, with his soul. I have always been able to sense him, when he's near. That is why he was never able to sneak up on me." Willow simply said.

"You are quite correct Willow. That was the first step. When blood was exchanged in deepened the bond."

"Blood exchanged?" Giles questioned.

"Yes. When I went LA, that first time to get away. I was jones-ing so bad. I needed to be away from Rac. He was killing me. I went to a club; I just wanted to be free, for a little while. Angel found me that night."

"She was in a demon bar. She was high on magic. I was in my own dark place. I saw her. On some level she was mine. She was a part of me. I saw a few other vampires looking to make a meal of her. I brought her to my hotel. We ended up tasting each other's blood. I claimed her."

"For a claim to be set in.." Giles left off.

"We mated. Several times." Angel said, his eyes glued to the mark on her neck.

"You what?" Buffy said.

"With Willow's blood given freely, she anchored his soul. But in the process they are meshing." Wesley said.


"Human and vampire traits. Angel can tolerate direct sunlight for short periods of time. Willow has fangs and she moves like a hunter. This will intensify over time. The physical distance between them is causing the process to hasten." Wesley continued.

"You fucked Angel." Buffy said coldly.

"I did." Willow said.

"I thought you were my friend." Buffy said.

"I still am."

"I don't know who you are." Buffy said.

"Good thing I do then." Willow said.

"You betrayed me."

"No, I didn't. You and Angel were through long before this."

"Spike, care to tell her how you tried to blackmail me?"

"You knew about this?" Buffy glared at Spike.

"I suspected." He said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Buffy demanded.

"You said yourself he was your past." Spike said.

"You disgust me." Buffy said.

"You weren't too disgusted with me last night." Spike said. With that Spike left. He didn't have to walk too far to see a familiar face.


"Darla. You look well."

"I am doing rather well. I can hear them from around the corner." She said with a smile.

"Panic, chaos and disorder, my work is done there. I am famished." Spike said.

Darla let her true face come out. "Let's eat." And with that they walk down the street, killing everyone that they met.

~Part: 8~

It had been three days since the confrontation. Tara had been gracious enough, with the help of Wesley to remove all of Willow's things from the house. Willow was lying in bed with Angel. He had been making love to her almost every few hours. Their bodies were both spent. Giles and Anya had been by to visit. They did make sure to phone ahead. Giles had brought vitamins by for Willow, as well as food. Anya had asked how good the sex was. Giles just smirked. Buffy had been very rude and refused to even let you speak her name or his with her presence. Giles wanted Willow for himself for sometime. But he didn't hate her. Angel had saved her from the addiction to dark power. Giles saw how Willow was slipping then she was better. He honed his watcher skills on her. Willow was recovering completely. She stopped using magic unless it was really needed. She began training with him. She found her confidence that way. Even though on one hand, Angel had killed the woman he loved, Angel saved the other one he loved as well.

Giles and Angel had a long talk. Willow was glad that some of her friends back on Sunnydale were being supportive. Buffy and Xander were not. Neither one of them had called or anything. Even Anya was surprised by her lover's lack of understanding. He belittled Angel at every chance. Anya had told him it was not right. Then Xander shouted back, what the hell did she know. She left him the next morning and was living in the spare room at Giles' house.

Willow took everything in stride. She had gone to the Magic Box to help with a computer problem. Giles smiled as she walked in. He saw how no longer looked tired. She smiled brightly. The two watchers were talking amongst themselves. "You look radiant today." Wesley said.

"Thanks. I slept pretty good." Willow said.

"Any luck on finding the sidewalk killer?"

"Yes, security cam showed two blondes. Police have no idea of they are, but we think they are named Spike and Darla."

"Spike's chip?" Willow questioned.

"Apparently, he no longer has a chip." Giles said.

"That's not good. " Willow went to setting up the network that would link the Magic Box computer to the PC at Angel Investigations. The watchers and Anya went to lunch, closing the shop. Willow said she would be done in about an hour. Willow was just finishing up when she felt she wasn't alone. She looked up to see her former best friend glaring at her. "What can I help you with?" Willow asked.

"Why did it have to be him?" Buffy coldly asked.

"Excuse me." Willow asked.

"Angel. You had to destroy him too." Buffy harshly accused

"I didn't destroy him. OR you for that matter."

"I was in heaven. I was happy. I was with my family again. You ruined it." Buffy said, raising the gun in hand.

"And killing me will make this better?" Willow asked.

"It might dull the pain. I've had to be strong for so long. I can't ever be normal. I can't do this anymore. I am dry." Buffy sobbed.

"You don't have to do this alone." Willow said.

"I won't. I wonder if they'll miss you." Buffy asked her.

"You kill me, then you will really be in hell. It doesn't have to be this way. You need help."

"No, I don't. I need to die." With that Willow watched horrified as Buffy raised the gun to her head and fired. Willow screamed and ran to the phone calling 911. She could hear the weakening heartbeat of her former best friend. Giles and Wesley came running in when the gunshot was heard and the sirens were blazing. The police came and Willow answered all their questions. Giles and Anya held Willow as she cried. Anya went to notify Angel about what happened. She knew that Willow would be taken to the police station to answer questions. Angel took it calmly as he waited at the police station. He held Willow as she cried. The detectives told Willow she was free to go.

Willow left Sunnydale that night. She needed to get away from that place. Giles had officially closed the Magic Shoppe. Being there only reminded him of what was lost. It took him over an hour to scrub the lines drawn where the body fell. Tara went with Giles to help pack up the store. Wesley also insisted on helping. "What happens now Giles?" Tara asked.

"I don't know." He said, dejectedly.

"You are welcome to come with us." Wesley said.

"I need time." Giles said.

"Promise me, you will take care of yourself." Tara looked at him. Giles had become a father figure to her. He was someone who she loved. "I will be alright Tara."

"The offer is extended to you Tara and Anya if they wish."

"I think I'd like that." Tara said with a smile.

~Part: 9~

It had been exactly one year ago, to the day. The sound of the gun going off still haunted Willow's dreams, causing her to wake up screaming. Angel was nervous, as this would be their first time back to Sunnydale since Buffy took her life. The streets still looked the same as it did when they left. It made Willow's chest ache to see a shoe shop set up where the Magic Box had once been. After all, Buffy was infamous for her love of shoes. Willow held Angel's hand tightly as they arrived on Crawford Street. Angel knew Willow took comfort in the deepened friendships with Xander and Giles. The original Scooby gang had gone to see their fallen idol. The vampire had understood that there was a special bond between the three of them. While Buffy left a mess in her wake, quite literally, Willow, Xander and Giles had went to her grave together. They went to pay homage to their fallen hero. Angel had hugged her before she left, telling her to pay homage to the girl who saved the day, not the bitter woman she ended up being in the end.

Angel would make his visit to her grave as well, once the sun had set. Just because they had fallen out of love, he still cared about her. Willow knew and understood that. Angel wasn't in love with Buffy the way he once was; the temporary loss of his soul killed that. He knew that she would never look at him the same way again. . Willow became the light in his world. Angel was thankful that they came to her after the wake and had been there since. Angel stayed behind with Wesley, Dawn and Tara. Angel was glad to see the romance blossom between Wes and Tara. It had made him happy when Willow set them up. Angel knew the blonde witch held a special place in her heart, but it was Willow's way of letting her go. Dawn and Xander's engagement took them all by surprise. A part of Angel was angry at Buffy for the way she left her friends. The vampire knew each person felt responsible for letting her slip through his or her grasp. They knew there would never be a single clear cut reason for what Buffy did, they still loved her. Many nights they talked about the reasons why. Each person blamed himself or herself.

Angel was taken from his thoughts when she walked into the room. Willow embraced him at once. He gently kissed her, loving how the fangs she had grown felt. Dawn emerged from the kitchen with tea for everyone, the exception being a can of Mountain Dew for her lover. "I can't believe it's been a year already." Willow sadly said. Angel knew she missed her best friend. He understood how his lover was changing and how she missed her best friend and with each change. Giles had begun researching slayers. He was able to read the first journals of watchers and slayers. The watcher sipped his tea and remarked. "I should have never left." "Giles, we have been over this." Willow said. "I've been researching. I should have been able to spot the pattern by now. I am such a blind fool." Giles said. "You know if Anya were here, she would tell you to stop this." Willow said. "After she raided the shoe sale." Xander added, earning a gentle swat to the back of his head from Dawn. "There is a definite trend in slayer instability. I am trying to work of the typology of it." Giles said.

"I just wish I knew when she was broken." Willow said. "Maybe I could have helped her." "Wills, we all wonder what about the what-ifs. I know that she was never the same after we brought her back." Xander said. "If I had known, I would have not let you." "Xander, she jumped into that vortex to what we thought was a hell dimension. If I knew she was in heaven, I would have let her rest in peace." Tara said.

"Spike probably spun her head full of god knows what. I've been researching him a lot more. It seems he found pleasure in that kind of torment. He had given victims, out of lack of a better term, the Drusilla treatment. Also, many slayers had taken their own lives. That is a common phenomenon. We can speculate for years as to why she did it." Giles added.

"The Drusilla treatment?" Dawn asked. "Angel made Drusilla insane, not Spike." Xander countered.

"Xander, I taught Spike how to be a vampire. As ashamed as I am to say this, we loved the games. The so-named Drusilla treatment was one of them." Angel said. He had rarely talked about the days he walked the earth, without his soul. It unnerved him and them. "I think Giles has a valid point. Spike was a manipulator. He watched how I handled Dru. There were some people we did that too."

"I think when he was chipped, his skills got even better. He loved hurting things. When he couldn't do it physically, he was just forced to relearn the rules. If I were an evil vampire, I would have filled her head with lies. When she came back, she clung to Spike. He probably started it then. Just kept building up to a grand finale." Tara said, earning a rather quizzical look from Wes.

"You can't be sure." Wes suggested.

"She just wanted to make me pay." Willow said. "She blamed me for bringing her back and taking Angel from her." "Don't beat yourself up over this. If I had to choose between having you or her on this planet, I would take you. I won't lie and say I wouldn't miss her. I still do. You have always been there for me Willow, no matter what. Through everything we have been through, you were my rock. I will always love you, Willow, always. " Xander said and held her hand. "And what about me?" She teased her fiancée. Dawn smiled as swatted Xander on the back of the head. "But Dawn, I love you for your mind, pure and simple." Xander said. "Plus you are such a cutie." He added with a wink. Willow smiled as Xander gave Dawn a soft kiss. Willow knew that in Buffy's heart, Buffy would want Dawn to end up with a nice guy, like Xander.

"She did it to hurt you. I am so sorry she did." Angel said, pulling her close to him. The vampire also gave Willow a quick kiss. Giles had also given Willow a reassuring smile.

"I know. I still wish I understood why." Willow said.

"Willow, the human psyche can only stand so much. She simply lost it." Dawn said, pulling her best friend into a hug. "Take it from me, I got all A's in psychology."

"But seriously, I know, I mean I get that. But we should have seen it coming, that she was unstable. That something was wrong…" Xander said. "I mean… sometimes I saw her the same way I did back then…"

Dawn's eyes misted over. She knew the Buffy's death left a huge hole in all their lives. "I keep thinking that day we were all tied up in basement and Tara saved us. That should have been a warning." Dawn said.

"Thank you guys…. This means so much..." Willow said as she broke down crying. Angel pulled her close to him and rubbed her back as she sobbed. He understood the dynamics of guilt. But guilt made her come here, to the place she said she never wanted to see again.

"We will never know what happened in her mind. We can only pray she found the solace she needed." Wesley said. He still had a hard time accepting the events of the previous year. He had grown closer to Willow, Giles and Tara, as well as Angel. He still mourned for the slayer he nearly had at one time. He had read about what she had been through at the hands of his friend's soulless alter ego. Plus, the loss of her mother and as well the loss of her human lover had added to the misery she had endured. She had been betrayed by fate. He prayed for her soul, for all her sins, she still saved the world, a lot. He hoped she was in heaven with those she had once known.

He felt her hand on his shoulder. He smiled at Tara. He was thankful that he was able to find incredible happiness. He and Tara had fallen head over heels in love. Everyone thought it was cute. Tara had been very supportive and insisted that everyone leave Sunnydale behind. The two wiccans were powerful enough to close the hellmouth permanently. He pulled her into a tight embrace. "So what happens next?" Tara asked.

"I wish I knew." Angel said.

"Well I know that it is sundown. I have a visit to make. Did you want to go with me?" Angel asked Dawn.

Dawn then went to grab a jacket for the unseasonably cold night . She had to grin as Angel was primping himself in the mirror. The way her friends, mostly Willow and Angel, were changing made her happy. While the fangs Willow had grown never went away, it was Angel's reflection that made her happy. Plus, she loved teasing him about him being so girly all of a sudden.

"Can we go now? Really, Angel the hair is fine. " Dawn said,. Angel gave her a smirk and followed her out the door. After Buffy's death, they had grown very close. Angel had made his amends with both Xander and Dawn. His past sins were forgiven. Angel had not expected them to do so. Angel kept an eye on Dawn. She was thinking. He had recognized the wheels turning in her mind. Dawn had not even seen the stone since she went to her sister's first funeral. She was going to go earlier, but she couldn't do it. Plus, she understood that there would always be a special dynamic between Giles, Willow and Xander. She let them go alone. They had walked in silence to the graveyard.

"Angel?" Dawn asked.


"So you think Spike did this to her?" Dawn asked. Everyone knew Dawn was semi-protective of Spike.

"I think he might have twisted things around a bit, but I don't think he wanted her dead. He loved her. With Spike, I never really knew what he was thinking."

"Then why twist her?" Dawn asked.

"Spike has a demon within him. He has had to deal with a chip in his head that made him weak that made him defenseless. I am sure Buffy threw it in his face."

"So he lied to us?" Dawn asked.

"It's possible. I wish I had the answer for you Dawn. I don't."

"I just wish I knew why. Why didn't she come to me?" Dawn asked, hurt in her voice.

"I don't know." Angel dejectedly said.

"It's because I am some key. I'm not really her sister. She died for me once." Dawn said and started to cry. Angel pulled her close.

"Dawn, she died protecting you. She could have easily killed you to save the world." Angel told her. "Looking back, I can see it so clearly." Dawn said.

"We all could. Dawn, I could tell you why she killed herself, but its only speculation. We won't ever know. One day, on the other side of whatever white light you will see her and she will be able to tell you. "

"I know. It's a human thing. We tend to want answers. How is Willow coping?" Dawn asked, anxious to change the subject.

"Same, the nightmares come and go."

"I meant with her new look." Dawn corrected Angel, grinning.

"Well, I like the look on her. But I already loved the fangs, so now the little temper face, like I have. I think the look is rather sexy on her." Angel said.

"I wonder if she will one day be all... Grrr"

"I am not sure. But it is really cute on her." Angel said.

"But what is even funnier is that you love mirrors more than Cordy." Dawn said, unable to control the fit of giggles.

Angel chuckled along with her. "Dawn, when it's been two hundred plus years since you've seen your reflection, you will get a little bit happier to see yourself in the mirror."

The End
