My Little Runaway Interlude
Author:  Noellerin
Title:  My Little Runaway Interlude.
Rating: G
Disclaimer:  I own nothing.  Not the song, or the characters.  Happy Girl was written by Annie Roboff and Beth Neilson Chapman.
Author's Note:  This takes place sometime between parts 2 & 3.  Very short.  Lyrics are in ( ).  Most of this occurs in Willow's mind so
thoughts are not really marked.

Willow smiled as she looked out their hotel window, watching the sun
begin to set.  She turned around and smiled at Angelus, he truly was
an enigma.  She was amazed at how dramatically her life had changed
because of his influence.  At his insistence, she was taking some
college courses on the 'Net and doing very well.  Of course, it helped
when she had help from someone who'd lived through some of the things
she was studying.  She giggled as she thought about her teachers
reactions to some of her work.

( I used to live in a darkened room  /  Had a face of stone  /  And a
heart of gloom )

She sighed, resting her head on her hands.  With his approval, she'd
written to Jenny to let her know that she was fine and found out that
Buffy had defeated the Judge.  Angelus had just laughed when she'd
shared that little detail with him.  His expression seemed to say,
'Well, of course she did.  I may not like her but I do recognize her
slayer abilities.'   Ms. Calendar had also told her that she regretted
not telling Willow the truth about Xander and Cordelia.

( Lost my hope, I was so far gone  /  Cryin' all my tears  /  With the
curtains drawn )

It had surprised her to find out that Jenny had known that Angelus was
free.  Willow shook her head in regret, she had told Jenny everything.
She also remembered how she had told her to run from him as fast as
she could, he was dangerous and would show his true colors.  He was
obviously using her for revenge on them all.  If Willow would just
return, they'd find a way to bring Angel back.  That was the only
thing she had kept from Angelus, but she had written to Ms. Calendar
and told her that she could take that idea and shove it.

( I didn't know until my soul broke free  /  I've got these angels
watching over me )

Like I would do that to the only one who's ever been there for me, she
fumed.  She knew what he was, he never hid his true nature from her.
But, other than a few lowlifes and those who made the mistake of
attacking her, he never killed anyone.  And he was very good to her.
She glanced down at herself and smiled.  He's also good for me, Willow
thought.  Who would have ever thought that this was possible?

( Oh, watch me go  /  I'm a happy girl  /  Everybody knows  /  That
the sweetest thing you'll ever see )

He wouldn't let her brood, said it was too much like "Angel" for his
taste.  Besides, Xander wasn't worth all this trouble.  She snickered,
wondering if he realized that he shared the same opinion about her
childhood friend as his hated soul did.  Wonder if I should tell him?
She shook her head, nah, I'll let him figure it out for himself.

(In the whole wide world  /  Is a happy girl  )

Angelus stirred behind her, then settled once more.  It was
fascinating to discover how much they had in common.  One of the
things she liked learning about most was that he liked to sleep as
much as she did.  She also learned that he never said anything he
didn't mean, he did enjoy her babbling.  And they were able to talk
about so many different things, though he was very careful about their
debate subjects.  She understood his reasons and didn't mind, too

( I used to hide in a party crowd  /  Bottled up inside  /  Feeling so
left out )

Angelus enjoyed going out and showing her off, as she teasingly called
it.  But he never left her to fend for herself.  She chuckled,
remembering the only time that had happened.  He'd been dragged off by
an officious host who'd been completely over the moon that he had
actually come.  She had just faded into a corner, trying to blend into
the woodwork.

( Standing in a corner wearing concrete shoes  /  With my frozen smile
/   And my lighted fuse )

It would have been like the old days-except for the fact that some of
the fellows there had a taste for shy redheads.  When a slow song had
started, she'd been pulled onto the dance floor over her strenuous
refusals.  Luckily, Angelus had come back before it all got out of
control.  She frowned, her dress had been torn and he'd lost it.
After that, their hosts had always made sure that she was watched by
those Angelus would approve of.

( Now every time I start to feel like that  /  I roll out my heart
like a welcome mat )

At first, it had irritated her to no end.  But she realized that he
couldn't always be with her.  So she decided to make the most of the
situation and became friends with her 'baby-sitters'.  Willow
chuckled, that was sometimes not the best of ideas considering how
much trouble they'd gotten her into with their ideas of 'innocent'

( Laugh when I feel like it  /  Cry when I feel like it )

"What's so funny, kitten?"  A sleepy voice asked from behind her, a
pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into a light
embrace, nuzzling her ear.

( That's just how my life is  /  That's how it goes )

"Just thinking about how different my life is now."  She answered,
blushing as she realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt.  "I didn't
mean to wake you."

( Oh, watch me go  /  I'm a happy girl  )

"You didn't."  They watched the sun sink into the horizon.   "Are you
unhappy with the way things are?"

( And I've come to know   /  That the world won't change )

"No.  I'm very pleased."  But why does it matter to you?

( Just 'cause I complain  /  Let the axis twirl  /  I'm a happy girl )

"Good.  Let's get something to eat."  He let her go to finish getting
dressed before they walked out the door.
