Title: Realizations (1/?) (W/A (US))®
Author: Notorious Queen DE
Disclaimer: Josh is king I play in his castle.
Feedback: Please I'm sensitive if I hear nothing I throw the story away and don't write any more tell me if it is good or bad. Just tell me you read.
Also should I keep going?
Author's note* This is ® because of rape. Sorry I don't know where it came from I just sat down and started typing. Oh this is only beta read by my spell checker sorry.

Angelus woke up with Darla at his side.
"That's it babe let it go," Darla was shouting at his side.
He looked up at her in full vamp mode. She smiled at him in glee. "My Angelus
is back. I've waited so long for you baby."
Angelus looked at his sire and couldn't believe how pathetic she had become.
He knew her. He knew that she felt something for his pathetic soul. He looked
at her and laughed. Once he started he couldn't seem to stop he fell to the
floor with blood red tears falling from his eyes he laughed so hard. He
finally controlled himself enough to sit up.
Darla looked at him with a confused expression, but she still gushed on.
"Angelus, my darling I have waited so long for you. I want you I need you. I
gave you your moment of pure happiness so now we can roam the world together
just like old times my darling. Just like you always wanted." Darla smiled
her mind filled with plans of their future.
"Is that what you think, Darla, that I want you? Oh, little girl you are so
wrong. You are nothing I don't want to be in your presence. "Angelus couldn't
help laughing again. "Oh, Darla you didn't give my soul happiness it was the
release he hasn't even jacked off since Buffy out of fear that I would come
"Angelus! Don't speak to me like that. I'm still your sire and you will
respect me" Darla tried to get a handle on the situation. Tried to figure out
what had happened to her boy. Her boy loved her. This wasn't him.
"Darla you are no longer my sire. I killed my sire long ago. You my dear are
some pathetic thing Wolfram & Hart brought back. My sire was strong and sure.
You are weak and uncertain. You are nothing to me. Oh, wait your worse. You
are the weakling that my daughter sired so I have the control. You are my
Grandchilder." Angelus picked up a stake and tossed it to Darla. "Give in
Darla does both a favor and die. No one wants you. You are weak. Do you
really want to roam around a weakling? The Darla I knew would rather stake
Angelus watched dispassionately as Darla picked up the stake and plunged it
in her unbeating heart. "That proves it then you weren't my sire. My sire
would have never of wasted her life." Angelus muttered as he got up from his
seat on the floor wiping the dust off of him.
Angelus packed what he needed. He was going to Sunnydale to see about his
Willow. That was a real woman of strength. He wanted her and always had. Soul
boy made sure to stay away from her because of his attraction. Now was his
turn. He would have his Willow to himself the wolf and the witch did not
matter to him. He knew that Willow would challenge him on every level and
they would be the ultimate pair complementing each other. Each of them had
their own strengths. They would draw strength from each other. It would be
perfect. She had that delicious little mind of hers and not mention that
body. He had the experience with which he would teach her things she never
imagined. He just had to get to her, and claim her.

Willow knew somebody was following her. She could feel them so close to her.
She knew that all she had to do was to mask her fear and walk as if she
wasn't only a block from her house. She knew that vamps could smell people's
emotions. All she had to do was get to her house.  That's all she had to do.
Nothing could her hurt her once she got home and if worse came to worst she
had a stake and a little squirt gun filled with holy water. This vamp
obviously didn't know who he was messing with she wasn't a side kick any more
she was an independent person. She was Willow and she could take one little
minion. She was finally at her door. She was safe. She walked into her little
house and finally relaxed. She heard someone outside and she laughed knowing
the vamp could not come in unless invited. She knew the Vamp was prowling
around trying to get her to come out or something stupid but she wasn't
That's when she heard it the glass shattering to the window in the other
room.  She knew the stupid vamp must have thrown a rock in to make it seem
like he was coming in to make her go outside. She had better go check though
to make sure it didn't start a fire. Willow had just turned to get up when a
man. A man she recognized as the quiet but helpful neighbor across the street
from her house. He was always doing jobs that she didn't like to do like
chopping her wood for the fireplace. He was a white male between the ages of
22-30. He was plain looking. Brown hair, brown eye's, about 5'7 maybe 165
pounds he didn't stand out in a crowd.  Suddenly Willow knew to be afraid to
be very afraid. When she thought about it in her mind he was the definition
of serial killer/rapist.
He came towards her and she ran. She knew now that she was stupid. She was
always on guard for the demons in the darkness but she forgot about the
humans that were just as capable. She had laughed and thought she was the
prepared cautious one. He caught her at the door outside. He dragged her in
and threw her to the floor. He pushed her into the hardwood floor of the
entranceway. Blood blurred her vision but she blinked it out so she could see
again. Oh how she wished that she would have just left it there.  He pulled
out a little puny pocketknife. She had been faced with a lot worse weapons
but none had seemed more real than this knife that now slashed through her
clothing. He didn't talk he didn't mutter a word. He didn't even laugh
mechanical he just ripped her clothes off. He didn't hold her down when he
calmly got up to take off his pants he knew that she wouldn't run and if she
did he knew that he could catch her easily. He was back he was looking into
her eye's as he pounded into her. He didn't touch besides her womanhood. She
couldn't cry she just lied there unmoving. She always read that people closed
down while they were being raped or they blocked it out. She was waiting for
her mind to shut down but it wasn't. Tears pored out of her eyes she wondered
why she wasn't closing down. Why couldn't she close down? Why was she still
feeling?  All she wanted to do was break out of herself not be there. She
didn't want to see this happening to her. Please, please all she wanted was
to not be aware of what was happening to her. She felt the pain of his
intrusion and she rejoiced in it. Maybe if she concentrated on the pain, she
wouldn't think of what was happening.  He got off of her finally and she felt
the evidence of his release on her thighs. He turned to get the knife that he
had tossed aside and she knew he was going to kill her.  Willow saw the stake
that was still in the pocket of her shredded jeans. She took the stake out ad
plunged it in to his heart.  But he didn't evaporate in dust like the other
evil things. Blood just pored from his wound. And he fell on top of her
trapping her. She didn't know how long she laid there trapped. It could have
been hours or min. Then she heard the furious pounding on the door. It was
angel telling her to invite him in she did but he shook his head. She
understood it wasn't Angel she it was Angelus that she had to invite in.
"Come in, Angelus." Willow whispered.
He pushed open the door and the scent of death, her rape, and her fear
assaulted him. He pulled Willow out from under the dead man and simply held

