E-Mail: SuperNova@slayerworld.com
Rating: PG
Summery: Willow's dead, so is Angel, vague enough?
Disclaimer: I saw a shooting star last night, I wished that... well, they're still not mine. All BtVS and A:tS belong to Joss Whedon, WB and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringment intended.
Spoilers: After graduation 1&2.
Category: Angsty and short.
Feedback: What's that?!?!?!
Author's Notes: In this little world Angel and Willow became good friends during the third season. Just humor me ;o)
Angel looked around him, the empty graveyard making him feel even more nervous then he already was. If he was still human his heart would probably be pounding in his chest.
He knew Buffy wouldn't be around, it was too late- or, rather, early- even for the slayer. But he kept sending glances to his sides, kept staring at trees, rocks or one of the numerous headstones around.
Anything but the one before him.
When he finely did he had to fight the heavy lump that was threatening to form in his throat down, his gut clenching. He forced himself to read the words that were carved into it, to except what he couldn't.
At first it all seemed like something out of a nightmare. Now that he saw it though, it seemed all too real. He read the words aloud, each stinging him with a vengeance, his voice trembling slightly.
"Here lies Willow Denial Rosenberg, beloved daughter, best friend and cherished sister to us all, may she rest in peace".
He loved her since the moment he met her. First as a friend, the one person who excepted him despite what he was. When he came back from hell he never thought any of Buffy's friends would even consider talking to him, he should have known better.
After the entire 'glove of midegon' ordeal, after he had saved her life, she came to visit him. At first she stopped by the mansion once every week. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Buffy.
They would talk for hours, about everything and anything. About Oz, Buffy, her life before Buffy came into it, his life before he became a vampire.
As months passed her visits became more frequent, and his love for her intensified. No more did he love her the way one loves one's friend, she was all he could think about, all he could see. He lived for their time together, though he never told her, or anyone.
She loved Oz.he could hear it in the way she spoke about him, could see it in the way she smiled at him when they met. Angel wanted her to smile at him that way. he wanted *her*.
But now it too late, he could never possess her the way he wanted to. the way his demon screamed for him to do whenever he was in her company.
When the vampires attacked during the mayor's ascension he should have been next to her, he should have protected her, but the realization of the intimate relationship she now shared with Oz had clouded his mind. he took all of his anger out on the vampires without even noticing she had been taken.
It was then that he realized he couldn't live without her. he felt lost, hollow.
Kneeling to touch the ground above her he waited. He sat that way for several minutes, gently caressing the dirt that was meant to cover her last resting place as if it was one of her rosy cheeks.
As her pale hand broke through the surface he grabbed it, holding firmly and pulling, helping her. Yellow eyes bore into his brown ones and he lifted his hand to move his fingers across the contours of her vampiric visage, his other hand still holding on to hers.
Willow's face returned to the features he remembered all too well, and her emerald green eyes looked at him curiously. For a moment it was as if the old Willow was there, he knew she was not completely gone, but she was still a demon, a killer, and he still loved her more then anything.
Holding her closer to him he offered her his wrist, understanding the power of the hunger which possesses every newly made vampire, their eyes still locked in an intense gaze as she fed from him.
Gently detaching his hands from her demanding mouth he kissed her softly, tasting his blood on her lips, and his demon roared within him.
Fighting it was useless, seemed useless, as he knew he would be spending eternity with his love, his obsession. No remorse, no mercy, just Willow, *his* Willow.
His light, his strength, his forever, and that was more then enough.
The End