Author: Orilon
Rating: PG, PG-13 at most
Pairing: Willow/Angel (implied)
Spoilers: small ones for Seasons 2 and 4 of Buffy and small ones for Hero, Season 1 of Angel
Distribution: If you want it, take it and let me know where.
Disclaimer: Everything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Summary: Willow's thoughts on the way to LA
Feedback: Please. This is my first try at Willow/Angel specifically and Het in general.

Willow was glad to get out of Sunnydale for a month. She needed a break, and going to LA was a nice vacation. She really was getting tired of the
Buffy/Riley PDAs and Buffy rubbing her face in the fact that she didn't have anyone to love.

So what if she wasn't noticed.  There was only one person, err vampire, that she wanted anyway and it wasn't very likely that he would notice.  Angel could have anyone he wanted, and she was most likely not on any lists of females that he would want.

What everyone didn't know was the happiness clause wasn't in effect anymore.  The original curse didn't have the clause and that was what was on Jenny's disk. The gypsy who cursed him the first time added the clause orally, to make the revenge worse, but it was never written down.  She could feel the difference whenever she was around him. That was one thing she would tell him when she got there.

Angel was psychosomatic; he thought the clause was still there, so his actions reflected that.  He believed that everything was exactly the same, so he was haunted by past events.  Willow knew that he would still want to pay for his sins, but she hoped that he would want to find someone to love.  He deserved it.

Willow wished she were the one that he would find it with, but why would he want her? Plain, shy and smart.  All the guys seemed to go for the dumb, outgoing, knockout blondes.  Like Buffy, or Harmony.  She chuckled and wondered what Spike was thinking getting involved with that ditz.

She was dreading seeing Cordelia in LA. They never had been friends and four weeks around the ex-cheerleader had the potential of not being very fun. She wished she could have met Doyle, Angel's Irish friend, but instead she had to deal with Wesley again. Great.

Other than Angel, she wasn't sure she was going to like the company for the four weeks. Almost made her wish she had stayed in Sunnydale. Almost.  She did like the thought of getting away from Buffy for a month.

read the sequal 'Midnight Thoughts'
