Guardian Angel

Author: A. Price


Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel & Co. belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN and the WB Network. No copyright infringement intended.

Summery: It's several years in the future. Angel left years ago so that Buffy could have a normal life, she and her friends believe he is dead. But Willow finds out differently!


Willow was working late at the computer business, she and her husband Oz ran together in downtown Sunnydale. They had been married six years and had a beautiful two year old boy named Jessie. Willow was happily pregnant with her second child.

Willow sent Oz home early to pick up Jessie. She was going to stay late and catch up some work. Oz didn't really want to leave her but she put on her "resolve face" and he new he couldn't talk her out of it.

Willow sat down to finish her work, she was feeling tired but she didn't want Oz to worry. While working at her desk she felt a little twinge, the baby wasn't due for a couple of weeks, she felt another twinge and decided it was time to go home.

On the way to the car Willow began to feel dizzy and she felt something sticky on her leg, feeling more dizzy she collapsed on the parking lot. Willow had not been alone on the parking lot, an old friend had been watching her. Angel was at Willow's side in an instant.

Angel shook Willow gently. "Willow, Willow," he said softly. He bent down to pick her up and noticed the blood on her legs, he realized he had to get her to the hospital quickly.

Willow seemed to wake up a little when he lifted, she tried to focus her eyes on who was holding her. "Angel," she asked groggily "Is it really you?"

Angel nodded his head yes and said, "Don't worry Willow, I am getting you to the hospital." He took the keys from her hand she was still clasping them.

"Okay" said Willow in a weak voice, she felt safe and secure, she knew Angel would take care of her, she closed her eyes again.

Angel made it to the hospital in record time, but he felt like it had taken forever. He pulled up to the ER entance and used Willows cell phone to call ER and tell them Willow was on the parking lot. He knew he couldn't go in, he couldn't let everyone know he was alive. He thought that Willow was so out of it, she possibly wouldn't remember it was him. Thoughts of Buffy came to mind, but he knew he had done the right thing by leaving. Buffy and Xander were happily married and he hoped that Buffy only had the pleasant memories of their relationship now. He carried those memories, just like he carried his neverending love for Buffy. Through her, he had also learned to care about her friends like the unselfish, beautiful Willow.

Angel watched from behind the dumpster as the doctors came out to get Willow. They had her purse, so he knew they could get in contact with Oz. Oz showed uopup shortly, Buffy and Xander were not far behind.

Willow was taken to a labor room, she was in premature labor, but she was close enough to her due date, that the doctors let her deliver. They got the bleeding under control and Willow delivered a beautiful little girl with auburn hair.

Oz was so happy to see his wife okay, and so proud of his beautiful daughter. He had to ask though"Willow,how did you get to the hospital?"

Willow's memory was a little fuzzy, she was sure it had been Angel that had helped her, but she was afraid to say anything. "I'm not sure, I just remember being on the parking lot and then here at the ER. I guess I had a guardian angel looking after me" she said with a smile.

Buffy and Xander came in to the room. Buffy was gushing" We'll only stay aminute Will. She is beautiful. I am so glad you are okay" and she hugged her dearest friend.

Xander and Buffy left the hospital laughing and talking about the new baby. Angel listened to their conversation from his hiding place. "Thank goodness Willow is okay" he said to himself.

It was getting close to sunrise and Angel knew he should leave, but there was something he just had to do. He crept into the hospital and found the nursery, there was a tiny auburn haired baby in a bassinet, Willow's baby. Angel had to smile when he saw her name- Angelia Hope.

Angel went by Willow's room as he left the hospital, she was sleeping peacefully. Oz was beside her asleep in the chair her hand in his.

Angel left the hospital with a little lift in his walk, whistling a happy tune. The next day Willow got a big bouquet of roses at the hospital, the card simply read "Glad you are okay" it was signed "a friend."

The End

read the sequal 'To Friendship'
