
Author: Morgan R


Disclaimer: Joss owns all. Even you. Grr Argh

Summary: You know how when you think, you sometimes have two levels of thoughts, one that is the main level, and sometimes the second reprimands you for the primary thoughts you are thinking? if you can make sense of that, this is kind of like that.

Rating: Oh, G

Feedback: Why not- but be nice.


...and here we sit. She huddles in my lap, trembling

Buffy never trembled

She has rescued and accepted me so many times, that it seems right that just once, she should need me. But she shouldn't need me- no one should need me- I am a risk. Yet she doesn't fear what might happen to her because of me. Somehow, I allay her fear

Buffy never feared

The tremors that disturb her frail form are no longer from the cold night. While the danger had been present, she hadn't betrayed any distress. She had faced them with a graceful courage, but once they were gone, she had almost collapsed as I held her up. It wasn't physical weakness, but mental and emotional turmoil

Buffy never needed comforting

She certainly doesn't know how long she has sat here, wrapped around me and clinging to me

Buffy never clung

She fits into the curve of my neck and hides there. I can see the purple flashes in her red hair, and I can smell its softness. She is so lost in her fear, that she is almost unaware that either of us is here

Buffy never forgot herself

I had not known she would let me bring her here, where I could watch over her

Buffy never capitulated

Her trembling has lessened now, and suddenly I realize she is asleep. She trusts me enough to know that I will keep her safe

Buffy never let her guard down

Her sleep is helping, and as she dreams, she smiles. She whispers my name in her dream, and I am surprised that her subconscious would let me in. Her dream is replenishing her spirit

Buffy never let me heal her

Her breath is on my neck

I love Buffy

Buffy never depended on me

Willow is waking up

The End
