Home Not So Sweet Home

Author: Raven

Email: snake_angel@fastmail.fm

Rating: PG

Pairing: Willow/Angel

Spoilers: small ones for Season 4 of Buffy and Season 1 of Angel

Distribution: If you want it, take and let me know where.

Disclaimer: Everything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.

Summary: Willow's back, but she doesn't want to be.

Feedback: Please.


Willow sighed as she dropped her suitcase by the door of her dorm. She wasn't surprised to see Buffy gone, probably off with Riley again.

She found herself missing Angel already. He had offered to let her stay, but responsibilities made her go back. She knew she would feel bad walking out on Giles and the others needed her help, even though they never realized how much she actually did.

That was one thing she liked about LA, her contributions were recognized, but she wasn't just used for what she could do. She shook her head thinking about the fact that she thought that she wouldn't enjoy the month. Everyone was different than what she remembered, and she grinned thinking about how much Angel had changed.

If she hadn't witnessed his change, she would not have believed that he could have changed that much. He was still working for redemption as she had thought, but was much more lighthearted and playful.

She still felt hot every time she thought about him kissing her. She enjoyed it, and wished it could have gone further. But of course Cordelia had to get a vision right then and completely ruin the mood.

She promised herself that if things got too bad, that she would take Angel up on his offer and move to LA.

The End
