~Part 41~

Angel settled his precious burden down on the large leather couch before the dark fire place, he studied her face for a moment trying to gauge her
reactions. Willow's eyes were wide, but strangely he didn't think she was really seeing what was in front of her. The only thing that assured the
vampire that she was even marginally aware, had been her refusal to loosen her hold on him until they had reached the safety of the apartment.

He went about starting a fire in the dark fire place, more for the warmth of spirit it gave, than actual heat. It was something he knew Willow adored. She enjoyed sitting for hours in front of a warm blaze. The vampire realized that her gaze had turned towards him. The wiccan watched his every movement, terror visiting her gaze whenever he strayed too far.

After the task was done, Angel turned once more to the quiet woman on the couch. Kneeling before her, he lifted her right foot and slowly pulled the shoe from it, casually tossing it to the side. He smiled up at her while pulling the white crew cuff sock off and chucking it in the same basic
direction. Unable to help himself, he brushed his fingers lightly over the instep, and chuckled when the redhead squirmed, a smile cracking her lips in
spite of herself.

He quickly did the same to the other foot before settling on the couch next to her, and coaxing her to turn so that she was resting back against him. They stayed like that for a moment, each drinking in the reality of the other, before Angel shifted. Realistically, the vampire knew Willow should
be getting cleaned up and getting some rest. Still, a part of him could think of much more interesting ways to spend the evening, then sleep.
Although, he couldn't say that giving his witch a bath didn't stand pretty high on the fantasy list. 'Sharing the bath would be even better', he
thought, a quick smirk flitting across his handsome features .

He stymied the naughty thought. He knew she'd enjoy a hot bath. In fact, she'd thoroughly investigated the large bathroom the first day they  arrived. And while he knew she thought about using the luxurious sunken tub, she had always opted for the shower. The witch thought she would never get anything done if she actually relaxed in it. "I'll be there for days Angel!", she'd exclaimed.

Coming to a decision, Angel whispered his intentions softly in Willow's ear. Cloudy green eyes widened, she paused a moment pondering, and then nodded in agreement. He smiled, dark eyes twinkling, and moved to stand. Willow caught his arm, and clung to it for a moment, causing the vampire to grin wolfishly at her, flashing a little bit of fang as his eyes flashed gold. She giggled.

"You know if you want that bath drawn m'lady, your going to have to let me go at least as far as the bathroom."

Willow nodded slowly, as if what he said made sense, before shrugging delicately and grabbing his shoulders. She pulled him down to her eye level,
her lips seeking his. Angel groaned softly under the onslaught of pleasure, as her warm mouth opened under his and her moist tongue brushed against the seam of his lips before slipping between. He buried his fingers in her crimson locks as if trying to push their mouths closer together.

She let him go after a moment, her hands falling to her sides, as if unsure of what to do with them. The dark-haired vampire smirked in purely masculine pleasure, as he noticed the slight tremble that shook her form. The scent of her arousal filled the air, assuring him that the shivers were not due to remembered fear, but the memory of what she had seen so recently, caused him to pull away.

He disappeared for a long moment and Willow shivered in the absence of Angel's touch, remembering the horror of what she'd witnessed. She knew that none of them had ever seen anything like that. While outwardly it had appeared to just be blood, the cries of those trapped within had been
deafening on a physic level, leaving her shaken and horrified. Especially because no demon had done this, at least no demon that had not been called by man's own free will.

Willow swallowed heavily, shaking her head sadly before heading the way Angel had gone. She was simply not able to deal with being alone right now. Trembling fingers fought with the buttons on her shirt, as she tried to undo them, and failing miserably. She entered the bathroom, not surprised when she found the vampire there.

Angel turned to face her from the counter.

"Willow?", he whispered, noting her nervous fidgeting and coming forward to embrace her. His pressed against hers in a tender kiss.

"What's wrong?", Angel asked. The hacker wrapped her arms around the souled vampire, her eyes bright with self possession.

"Every time I close my eyes--", she choked out voice failing her. Large emerald eyes searched his face. "Make me forget Angel?", the redhead asked
plaintively. She wanted, need Angel's touch. It had an annoyingly wonderful way of making the world simply disappear, until there was nothing else but him...

*** *** ***

"Are you sure about this?", he asked gruffly.

Willow squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. 'Don't make me beg', she thought, before trying to find the words to make him understand how much she needed him. She needed him so much, and nothing else would help her-- could help her right now. Not like making love to him would. Maybe it was wrong, but Angel had been her solace for so long, the witch honestly didn't know how not go to him for comfort and love.

Angel stepped back for a moment, his eyes unreadable. Still, somehow Willow knew she'd won. She glanced at him from beneath lowered lashed, a pixie-ish grin on her face.

He debated with himself, but when he finally looked at Willow, really looked at her, he realized the decision was already made. She wanted him. Angel saw it in her eyes; the air was filled with the sweet, musky scent of her hunger.

Reaching forward, his hand trembled slightly as he cupped her cheek. He allowed his fingers to brush lightly along her jaw before urging her closer,
his mouth capturing hers passionately.

He swept her up in his arms, carrying her back toward the living room. Without her saying a word, the dark haired vampire knew exactly what his
witch wanted. The comforting warmth of the firelight and him.  Carefully, Angel lowered her from his hold.

Willow sighed when he set her back on her feet before the roaring fire. Lifting herself on her toes she met his lips halfway, as he leaned down to
capture her own.  She couldn't get enough of him, her need and longing infused the kiss, and it was then Angel's turn to moan in pleasure.

'Gods', he thought, 'she tasted like honey and some sweet spice he couldn't name.'

The dark vampire's hand settled on her slender waist. Greedily, he pulled her against him, enjoying the feeling of their entire bodies in contact. His
tongue brushed gently against hers before he lifted his mouth a hairs' breadth from hers, allowing her to take in much needed oxygen.

Angel studied verdant eyes the shade of evergreens, in the golden glow of the fire's warm flame. He smiled a little at the feel of her small hands
moving to the front of his shirt, and slowly undoing the buttons, a groan falling from his lips as her fingers brushed over a flat, male nipple. Willow's eyes flew to meet his as though she wasn't sure if the sound was good or bad.

Offering her a strained smile he captured her lips again. It amazed him that while she was driving him mad with want, the little hacker cum witch seemed a little uncertain of exactly what she was or should be doing.  Angel gathered his willpower, forcing himself to remember that while she was not a virgin, she might a well have been.

His lips moved hotly over hers, before sliding from her mouth over the curve of her jaw and down the column of her throat. Ending the caress for a
moment, Angel offered Willow an encouraging smile,  before lifting his fingers to the buttons that held her blouse together. Although a feral, base
part of him was tempted to simply yank the delicate material, scattering buttons around the room.  The souled vampire really didn't think that would go over well. Those things might work in the movies and on tv, but this was real. Patient fingers slipped beneath the fabric as he loosened each button, until he could easily push the garment from her slender shoulders.

Speechless, he stared at her in a strange kind of awe that brought a blush to the hacker's milky white skin.

"You're so beautiful", he whispered, his hand brushing lightly over the swell of flesh, above the satin bra she wore. Willow smiled up at him a bit
tremulously, before stepping closer, and reaching for the remaining buttons on his shirt. Angel chuckled, nuzzling against her neck as she did so.

"A shirt for a shirt", the hacker muttered, as she brushed her mouth against his skin pale skin. Willow's eyes feasted on the hard expanse of his chest, taking in his form avidly.

The vampire was amazed to find himself feeling a bit nervous. He'd been told he was attractive, but it had been almost two hundred years since he'd last seen himself.

"Will?", he murmured.

She looked up, pupils dilated. The sight sent a thrill of need through him.

Cupping the back of her head, he drew her mouth against his own. He knew that he would never get enough of the taste of her, the feel of her pressed against him.

"Willow", he gasped, as her fingers strayed to his cloth-covered erection.

She blushed softly, but didn't falter, her fingers moving over the straining flesh and cloth. Her eyes held his, as she slowly caressed him. It was as
though she were seeking to understand his reactions, trying to gauge right and wrong, and if he liked what she was doing. And he did...very much so. Had been nothing between them, he would have loved it.

Willow's eyes widened slightly, and Angel was struck once more with the idea that she was somehow aware of his thoughts.

He groaned under nonexistent breath, as her fingers pulled at the belt that held his trousers in place. It was torturous... her fingers brushing his
arousal as she released the button and then lowered the zipper. Her hand trembled against his now freed erection. It took every ounce of strength he had, but Angel managed to draw back from her long enough to free himself from the remnants of his clothes. He chuckled when her eyes roved over him, only to widen slightly as they strayed past his waist.  The vampire could hardly believe this was actually happening, the entire thing seemed almost surreal.

Now it was his turn.  Moving closer, he slid his hands along the waist of her jeans. "Fair is fair", he whispered gruffly, before capturing her lips even as he made short work of their fastenings. Willow's fingers clutched reflexively at his arms, as he pushed the jeans down over her slender hips.

Seeing this as her opportunity, the witch pushed at his shoulders, using his position against him.  Angel chuckled after the initial shock faded. They
had landed with a complete lack of grace on the rug before the fireplace in a pleasant heap of limbs. Willow smiled impishly before initiating another
kiss, from her postion above him.  She blushed slightly as though she only just realized what she'd done, but she didn't stop.  This was what she

She allowed Angel to settle her however he wished, on his lean, muscled form, as they continued to kiss heatedly. The witch's hands moved over his silky skin, enjoying the feel of hard muscle beneath impossibly smooth skin. Searching fingers brushed over his nipple drawing a gasp from him, and he arched into the touch, apparently enjoying the feel of her nail catching against the slightly protruding bud.  Willow filed that knowledge away, playing lightly with one and then the other, before wiggling down his form, her hand splaying over his abs.

She pressed her lips to the tight flesh their her hand sliding lower to brush over his straining erection. The vampire caught her hands in his own
she met his gaze question in her own.

"I want....", she finally managed to say breathlessly.

"I do to, sweetling, but not like that.  At least, not this time", Angel replied.

Willow groaned in disapointment, her eyes sliding over his form with unashamed hunger.

Angel swallowed heavily, the look in her eyes fanning the flames of his own desire. 'My turn', he thought, pulling her down next to him a wicked smile on his handsome face.

She tried to speak.  "Ang--".  His name was never finished as her lips fell open under the assault of his mouth. The vampire's hands were everywhere suddenly. Touching, caressing.... slipping behind her back to unclasp the bra she wore, and gently pulling the formfitting material from her skin. The move was done with such finesse, a startled gasp was forced from her throat as his fingers slid lightly over the aureole of one breast.  Barely giving her a chance to recover, Angel's head soon lowered to cover the turged bud with his lips.

Strangled, breathy noises fell from her lips.  Willow was reduced to whimpering, his name while her hands clutched his dark head to her.  The continuos string of sounds she made, were music to his ears, bathing him in her pleasure. Pleased with himself, Angel slipped one hand gently down the slope of her hip before slipping beneath the edge of her satin panties.

Willow gasped, stiffening for a moment under the intimate caress, before relaxing into his touch as his hand gently brushed through the curls at the
apex of her thighs, fingers carefully parting tender, warm folds. She arched against him, moving against his hand and crying out her pleasure as his
thumb brushed against the sensitive bundle of nerves there.

"Angel," she moaned, and dragging closer.

Her hands moved over the cool alabaster smoothness of Angel's skin, her fingers learning every contour and line.

Meanwhile, his mouth was on hers again, his lips moving slowly down her jaw and then to the tender flesh where he'd sunk his fangs only the night
before. He pressed a gently kiss, to the already fading mark, and then slid lower, placing wet kisses and gentle nips as he went. The witch writhed
beneath him, her breath falling from between parted lips as she desperately tried to catch her breath.

Angel moved slowly, his every touch delieberate and sure, as his fingers dipped into her wet warmth again. Her heartbeat quickened, causing him to
smile against her flesh.  His teeth nipped at the curve of her stomach as his thumb flicked against her clit, drawing high-pitched keening sounds from his witch.

He kissed the inside of Willow's thigh.  The redhead tensed slightly, and Angel paused gauging her reaction. His attunement to her exaggerating the
momentary surprise she'd felt, at the new sensation.


'Please...', she thought.  She frantic for something to give. She couldn't go on this way, her body felt as though it was a bow pulled too tighty. As thought he'd heard her, the dark haired vampire suddenly surrounded her sensitive clit with his lips. The sensation of Angel's mouth on her, made
her cry out sharply.

"Aaaaangel!!!", she screamed, as the vampire pushed her over ecstasy's razor edge.

Willow had no idea how long that pleasure continued.  It felt endless, mindless, amazing. Slowly, very slowly her breathing finally returned to
normal. Awed emerald eyes met those of the vampire that now lay on his side next to her, one hand moving lightly over her skin.  The sensation was both calming and a spark, rekindling her desire. She felt wonderfully at ease, her eyes roving lingeringly over his form, enjoying his purely male beauty.  He made her breath catch in her throat.

'Goddess, how she needed him, wanted him', she thought, before pushing the souled vampire over onto his back, her mouth connecting with the flesh of his neck.

Angel gasped in surprise, arching into her touch, his body already hyper-aware of her nearness. Gods how he wanted to lose himself in her.

'Then do', the words seemed to resonate in his head, strangely very much like her voice.

"Willow...", he moaned aloud, as her mouth pressed soft, wet kisses over his skin. The vampire sighed, enjoying the warmth of her touch, only to gasp sharply at the feel of sharp, wicked little teeth. A growl rumbled deep from his throat, and the young woman smiled, clearly pleased with his reaction.

The dark vampire tangled his hands, into those luxurious long, red locks before and easily moving her beneath him. Their eyes met.

'I just can't wait any more', Angel thought, as he settled himself over her.

Willow moaned softly, feeling him brush against her, and planted her feet on the rug, just as Angel's body slowly merged with her own. Heedlessly, her nails dug into his shoulders, as her breath was force from her lungs. The intensity that she was feeling-- this-- Goddess-- nothing she'd felt, heard or read, had prepared her for the feelings rushing through her at this moment. She was gratified by the look on his face.  If it was any
indication, Angel felt it as well.

A sense of deep cosmic right, filled her as their bodies strained together, moving to a symphony of sounds only they could hear. Their mouths played hungrily against one anothers.

Angel groaned, continuing to move against and inside Willow's body, his lips on hers. Slipping his hands down her form, he paused to worry a hard-tipped breast, before moving lower, his hands clasping her hips. The sensations rushing through him, were already nearly too much.

Their movements became more frenzied. His lips moved against her neck, when a soft cry of pleasure and the stiffening of the hacker's form, forced him over the edge with her.  The pleasure was immediate and all consuming, prompting his fangs to sink once more into the soft flesh of her neck. He growled darkly, his demon coming to the fore as he drew her hot, passion-drugged blood into his mouth.

"I love you", Willow whispered, as he lifted his mouth from her neck. The witch drew Angel's bloodied lips down to hers and kissed him passionately.
He sighed, something within him shifting as they lay, he still joined with her.

He lifted his hand to the curve of his neck, drawing a nail sharply over his skin. Blood welled, looking impossibly red against his pale skin. Willow's
eyes locked on the crimson drops, without hesitation her lips covered them before the drops had a chance to fall.

The vampire roared, his delight, his body hardening within hers once more. He began to move again, causing her to murmur against his skin. They moved together powerfully, this mating, primal and nearly violent in its culmination.

Afterwards, the redheaded witch lay beneath him, her breathing slowly returning to normal. Angel kissed her, softly lapping the last traces of his
blood from her lips. Tasting himself on her tongue sent a thrill of possessive pleasure through him. Willow was truely his now.

'Mine', he thought.

"I love you Willow", Angel whispered returning her earlier offered words. She smiled up at her lover, her fingers tangling into his hair as she pulled
him down against her once again.

He realized only after a moment that the witch was more then willing to allow sleep to clam her as long as she was in his arms. Reluctantly, Angel
withdrew from her warmth, lifting her in his arms, and carrying her back through the apartment and towards their bed. He laid her down gently and
crawled in after her, pleased when she wrapped herself around him. A sigh of contentment fell from her lips as she nuzzled his neck.

Never had he felt more at peace.  It was like coming home, or finding a piece of himself he'd never known he'd been missing. With this final
thought, the souled vampire allowed sleep to claim him after pressing one more kiss to Willow's bee stung lips.  He never noticed the slight glow that encompassed their forms.

~Part 42~

"Please luv, please wake up."

The sound was fuzzy-sounding yet familiar.  The pleasant cadence and timbre of the voice was seductive.  Oh, if she could only reach it. Tara fought the gray haze that enwrapped her senses.  She felt like she was wrapped in cotton, like her senses were blunted, and she wanted so desperately to reach that voice.

"Come on witch, you're beginning to worry me.  What if people find that out? Do you have any idea what that would do to my reputation?", Spike purred into the silent girl's ear, hoping for a reaction, some movement.  Hell, if she would just blink...

The bleached blond backed away from the young woman.  She lay nude, in a warm bubble bath.  It had been pure agony for him to strip her of her
clothing.  Here he was finally privy to her beauty, and it was in less than optimal circumstances.  Although he drank it all in, after all he wasn't
stupid or blind, innuendo was the last thing on his mind.  All Spike could think of was getting her warm, of finding a way for her mind to release her
from the protective cocoon it had wrapped her in.  She'd been so bloody cold; a hot bath was the only thing he could think of.

"Yeah, my reputation's already probably ruined beyond repair", he sighed melodramatically, as he continued rubbing the soft sea sponge over Tara's
pale, wet flesh.

"What with hanging around some goody goody blond witch, and actually having to partner up with my poofy, broody Grandsire...", Spike paused looking up into Tara's face.  He blinked.  Was she smiling?  He grinned.  Yep, that looked like a definite little smile.

'Finally, some progress', he thought. 'Better keep it up.'

"Bloody 'effin hell", he continued out loud, "I'm sure I'm a laughing stock in all the best vampire circles by now."

He frowned, realizing what he'd just said.  The chipped vampire had never really thought about it, but he bet it was true.

"Bugger!", he swore under his breath.  All that time, building up a rep as his own vamp, as a master vampire, up in smoke. And for what?  His movements stopped, the sea sponge fell from limp fingers as Tara's eyes slowly blinked open and closed.

In that moment Spike felt as if his undead heart actually managed to beat and promptly forgot his train of thought.  It wasn't like it had been
important anyhow.

"Tara! Pet! That's it.  Come back to me witch", he said, his voice rising in excitement, as he bent over her pressing kisses on her forehead, cheeks and eyelids.

"Mmmm...", Tara moaned.  She could hear him through the fog.  She struggled forward through it.  It felt like she was walking through molasses.  She focused on Spike's voice.

"Come back to me witch", his voice echoed.

'I'm trying', her mind replied.  After a moment of concentration, the screams and cries of the dead finally lessened to some extent.  She could hear him so much more clearly now, but she still couldn't find her way back.   It was all so confusing, so painful and frustrating.

The horror of the blood pool rose in her mind's eye once more.  Those poor souls.  'SPiiiiKE! HELP ME!'

Spike flinched as the faint smile on Tara's face disappeared. Her mouth opened in a silent scream.  Something was wrong, terribly wrong.  She had to come out of it.  It was hurting her.

"Damn it!", he roared, his demon rising to the fore with possessive rage. He grabbed her face, raking her unresponsive features with golden orbs.
"You can't have her!! She's mine!"

Grabbing the Daybreaker's shoulders, the vampire jerked her forward roughly, his mouth descending on her's.

The witch blinked in startled confusion as the fog began to disappear.  Even the agony filled screams dwindled.  Everything was changing around her. Suddenly she could feel something warm and liquid lap at her skin.  She felt warm and safe and--

"Spike", Tara gasped against the vampire's mouth, eyes snapping open in an instant.

The bleached blonde's mouth jerked away.  "Tara", he murmured in relief, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead on the young woman's.

She smiled wearily.  The ridges on his brow felt interesting against her skin, and she realized that he must have been upset.  Spike didn't make a
habit of running around with his true face, he prided himself on his control, truth be told.  Gently, the blond ran her hand against his jaw, enjoying the purring sound the caress elicited.

"You're purring."

"You're okay."

They had spoken at the same time.

The vampire's true face disappeared, melting away as if it had never existed.  Icy blue eyes twinkled as Spike arched an eyebrow.  "I'm not a
friggin' cat.  I do not purr."

Tara giggled, until with dawning comprehension she realized where they were and her state of dress-- or rather undress.  She looked down at herself. Naked, but for a rapidly dwindling amount of bubbles.

"Ahh...Spike?", she squeaked, a hot flush suffusing her skin, and turning her a rosy shade of pink.

The chipped vampire leered playfully.  "Mmmm, wouldn't mind seeing if that went all the way to your toes luv..."

Valiantly ignoring him, Tara glared at him.  "Why am I naked, in the bathroom?"

"'Cause I couldn't very well bathe you or get you warm, fully dressed in the middle of the living room, now could I?", Spike said smugly.

The blond witch's eyes dropped.  "The last thing I remember we were in the sewers.  The blood--"

Spike's jovial mood evaporated.  He shifted closer to the tub's edge, running his hands through Tara's damp hair.  "Shhhh... "

"It was awful", she whispered.  "Such pain."

"Don't think about it!", Spike ordered harshly.

"I can't stop", the stung witch replied, turning large, moist eyes back towards the vampire.

"Try, I can't have you falling back into that wretched quagmire", he hissed. His voice softened abruptly, "I don't think I can take that again, luv."


"That's all you can bloody well say?"

Tara blushed again.

Spike sighed, and stood, tearing his eyes and himself away from the tempting sight she presented.

"Wait", she cried.  "Where are you going?"

"To give you some privacy Tara-pet.  You've had a shock, and although I'm an evil bastard, I'm not an evil bastard who takes advantage of women."

"Don't go", she whispered, panic tingeing her voice.


"Please, I don't want to be alone."

The chipped vampire returned to her side.  Kneeling, he kissed the top of her forehead.  "I won't go anywhere, luv.  I promise.  I just thought I was
making you uncomfortable."

"No", she murmured, taking his face in her hands, and pressing a warm kiss to his lips.

He let her explore him to her heart's content, enjoying the tentative, yet thrilling feeling of her lips and tongue.  Spike groaned deep in his throat.

Pressing a last, chaste kiss to his mouth, Tara looked into his eyes. "S-SS-Stay.  Here please."

Confused for an instant by her request, the British vampire pondered the tub silently. As if reaching a decision, he smiled a Cheshire cat's grin.
Without a word, he stripped out of his black tee shirt, and then reached for the button and zipper of his black jeans.  He chuckled when Tara glanced away, pretty color suffusing her cheeks.

Still looking anywhere but at the very virile, very naked man, the witch moved forward in the warm, almost hot water, to give him room to step

She shivered when the waterlevel began to rise, extremely aware of what it meant.


His voice came from right by her ear, and she felt his feet by her hips.

"No", Tara said shyly, looking over her shoulder, "I'm not cold, I'm with you."

Spike's eyes widened, words failed him.  He cleared his throat.  "Sit back, against me."

"O-o-ookay", she stammered, hastening to do as he bid, a bit nervously. "Spike, I--"

A finger covered her lips.  "Don't worry my love.  I know, and it's okay." He groaned internally.  He couldn't bloody well believe, he'd just said that.

Tara leaned back and settled firmly against the platinum haired vampire's chest, his longer legs stretched out alongside hers.  The contact of skin
against skin was novel for her.  Frissions of electricity danced up her spine, along with the certainty that she was loved.

She sighed happily, as his arms wrapped around her waist.  It was perhaps one of the greatest ironies of all time, that despite all she knew, had seen or heard, she felt safest with a one hundred eighty year old master vampire who'd probably killed more people than she'd ever met in her entire life.

When the vampire once known as William the Bloody, tenderly settled his head on her shoulder, the Daybreaker smiled.

"I love you Spike."

"Good to hear", he responded cheekily. "Bloody good thing I love you too, isn't it?"  Blue eyes flickered downwards.  "Hmmm.  Nice view."  Rolling her
eyes, Tara saw that the bubble bath was gone.

"How old are you again?", the witch asked tongue in cheek.

"Are you implying that I'm immature?"

"Of course not", Tara teased.  She snuggled in closer, finally able in the comfort of Spike's arms, to forget the horror that had so recently tried to
steal her senses.  She reveled in this new intimacy and looked forward to the time when she would be ready to move this forward.  The witch was
certain of two things; that when she was ready, that time would be with her beloved vampire, and that, it would be soon.

~Part 43~

Buffy walked home silently, her senses on alert. It was early evening, and she could just make out the moon rising on the horizon. The color of the sky was deepening, and something inside the Slayer unfurled and stretched comfortably in reaction to the approaching night.

Someone had once told her that the Slayer's power was rooted in darkness. Although she knew he'd meant to be figural, the blond felt it was more than that. It was both literal and figurative as far as she was concerned. By day, she was for the most part, safe. Things were simpler. Being Buffy the Vampire Slayer was pushed aside. She was just Coach Summers and Buffy Summer's, soon to be wife of Xander Harris. She took comfort in the day. However, she was never, ever comfortable. Something inside her slept during the day. At least, that's what it felt like.

That all changed when night fell. Night brought all of her alive. Everything was so much more vivid; sound, scents.... The Slayer instincts were brought to life by the darkness; the instinct to protect, the instinct to kill, the need to take all she could of life, to suck the very marrow from its bones. Buffy was well aware that she was the longest-lived Slayer ever, and everyday she could feel the tick, tick, ticking of the clock. So far she'd beat the odds, but the clock kept ticking.

Her pace quickened with the morbidity of her thoughts. She needed to see Xander. When she'd emerged from the sewer tunnels, Giles had told her of the other Daybreaker's arrival in the store, and how he'd sent her fiancé over in the hopes that maybe he would find something out.

The golden Slayer was a bit concerned upon learning that her Zeppo had left with the stranger. Although he'd definitely learned from the mistakes of his youth, occasionally Xander would do something that would absolutely drive her crazy with its foolishness.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, and the sudden need to see her love became overwhelming. Breaking out into a run, she cut across the park, barely pausing at all as she jumped over the seven-foot wrought iron fence which enclosed the back end. Two streets later, Buffy got her key off of the necklace around her neck. She opened the door and jogged up the four flights, not bothering with the elevator.

She skidded to a stop in front of their apartment door. It took her a moment of fumbling to get the key in the lock.

"Xander", she called.

"Xander, are you here?"

"Over here Buff. In the kitchen."

The petite woman headed for the kitchen and spotted Xander at the stove, a wooden spoon in his hand. He dipped the spoon in something and brought it to his mouth.


"Whatcha' making", Buffy asked, leaning over to kiss her fiancé on the cheek.

"Spaghetti. What do you think of the sauce?", he asked her, bringing the spoon up to her lips.

Buffy grinned and slurped a taste. "Yummy. So glad I found a man who can cook."

"Good thing too. Otherwise you'd starve to death if you had to depend on your own cooking skills. Although my cooking skills are more along the lines of. Look on shelf, grab Prego, go home, open jar, pour, heat and stir."

The Slayer chuckled, jumping up to sit on the countertop, before grabbing a sliver of carrot and popping it into her mouth.

"How'd it go?", Xander asked. "Giles told me you guys had a lead on this whole ritual murder thing."

"We found the sight of the sacrifices. Well actually Spike did", Buffy rambled on quickly. "It was crazy. Blood everywhere in this pool. Absolutely
ick. Willow and Tara flipped. I think they could see stuff we couldn't." She paused, realizing suddenly that he was staring at her.

"Spike?! Spike?! Psychotic Spike who kidnapped Willow and I in high school? That Spike?! Sid Vicious wanna-be Spike?! Oh jeez, tell me you're kidding... Tell me this is just some bad joke and you didn't just go somewhere with Spike", Xander said angrily, slamming the spoon down on the stove.

Buffy flinched.

"What happened? Did Spike, grow a soul? 'Cause last time I checked they didn't exactly grown on trees. What? Is he a good guy now? I mean, the last time I checked you were the Vampire Slayer. You're not supposed to make nice nice with the demons Buffy, you're supposed to kill them!", he shouted.

The construction worker yanked the apron ties at his back and pulled it off, tossing the item angrily in the corner.

"Xander. Xander calm down."

"What do you mean calm down? I already have to put up with Angel. Your long lost love, who despite being a vampire, and despite killing Ms. Calendar and cutting a swath of violence through Europe the size of some countries, is somehow a good guy... and now you're telling me I need to put up with his nutso Childe too."

"Actually, Spike's his Grandchilde...", Buffy interjected, earning herself another glare from the angry, dark haired male.

"Explain this to me Buffy."

She shook her head sadly. "It’s hard. Believe me, I reacted the same way too. I even tried to stake him when he showed up... but Tara wouldn't let

"What do you mean?"

"Its not important...", the Slayer amended glossing over the fact that the blond witch had tossed her about like a rag doll. "Anyhow, it turns out
Spike's been with Tara for months now. Even before she showed up in SunnyD. He's got some kind of chip in his head, and it doesn't let him hurt humans. He helps her."

Xander snorted.

"No seriously, its true", the petite blond said seriously, her hazel eyes searching his face.

"Did Angel know?"

"Yeah, so did Willow. Apparently, Angel and Spike ran across each other a few days after Wills and Angel came back. It wasn't exactly a happy family reunion from what I gathered", she quipped sarcastically.

Xander turned away, muttering under his breath.

"Look Xan. It'll be okay", Buffy said soothingly, placing a hand on his arm.

He shrugged her hand off, and walked back to the stove. He gave the sauce one more stir, before grabbing a plate and piling the spaghetti and sauce on it. The dark haired man handed the first plate to his love, before serving himself.

"Come on, lets eat", Xander said finally, heading toward the table, the salad he'd prepared already waiting for them.

Buffy sat down, and watched him. She'd often thought of herself as the most stubborn person in the world. The Slayer who broke the rules, the Slayer who wouldn't die... Hell, she even knew that she wasn't the most forgiving person in the world. She had a hard time believing that people changed, that things changed. It was the way she was. But somewhere along the line, she'd realized that her stubborn streak was no match for that of her fiancé and best friend.

Xander did not forgive and forget. He did not make exceptions. Once he made up his mind on something or someone, that was it. One strike and you were out. It was bad enough that he had never liked Angel, had in fact been jealous of Angel, but compound that with the fact, that Angel was a vampire, and Xander's hatred had grown tenfold. Buffy supposed she could sort of understand that. After all, he had had to stake his own best friend. He had had to accept that the Jesse he'd known and loved was no more, and that in its place stood a fiend, a demon. The only way his dusting of Jesse made any sense to him was because he had been taught that vampires were creatures that animated dead bodies. Therefore, he hadn't really killed Jesse, a demon already had.

For Xander, vampires were by definition, evil. They had no conscience, no soul; they killed with impunity and lived like parasites from human blood.
It had always upset Xander's worldview to accept Angel.... to accept Spike was probably just another slap in the face for him.

Buffy sighed, blinking down at her empty plate. Wow, she didn't even remember eating any of it.

"All done?", he asked.

"Yeah. Thanks, it was delicious", she said politely, fully aware she'd barely tasted her meal.

Xander just frowned, before picking up her plate and bringing it over to the sink.

"So, uh", Buffy began, trying to start a new conversation, "Giles told me you talked to that weird guy who came into the store."

The construction worker, nodded, continuing to wash the dishes with his back to her. "I took him for coffee. It was kind of cool to actually talk to
another guy who knows about the stuff that goes bump in the night. You know, a guy my age..."

"Cool. So you liked him."

"I guess", Xander said dismissively. "It was just interesting to get a normal guy's view on this."

Buffy cocked her head and looked at her fiancé curiously. "I wouldn't say normal. He's a Daybreaker. According to Giles that means he's probably a
really powerful witch. Like Tara, she's one too, I did mention that didn't I?"

"Nope, guess it slipped your mind."

"I'm sorry…", she whispered quietly, “about everything…”

Xander's face softened. "I know honey. Its not your fault, I know that."

"So you're not mad?"

"Of course not", he said, enfolding his tiny beloved in his arms and capturing her lips with his own. "I love you."

The Slayer's hazel eyes sparkled. "I love you too."

"Okay, I'll finish cleaning up, and you get ready for patrol. I'm coming with you tonight."

"Xander, I really don't--"

"Buff, please.... Humor me, okay? I just feel better when I'm with you."

Buffy smiled. He really was the absolute greatest guy. "Okay, I'll be right back", the blond said disappearing into the bedroom.

Xander stared at the doorway for a moment before wiping his hands onto his jeans. He walked over to the wall mounted phone, and took a deep breath before shoving a hand into his back pocket and fishing out a piece of paper. He opened it: 'Liam #555-9012'.

He picked up the phone, and was just about to dial when--

"Who're you calling?"

Startled, Xander laughed and hung up the receiver. "No one hon. You ready?"

The tiny blond looked at him quizzically before nodding. Together, the couple headed off into the Sunnydale night.

~Part 44~

Willow turned her head, her eyes wandering over the pale flesh of the man lying beside her. 'Or rather, vampire', she thought, noting the way his
chest did not raise and fall with breath. Goddess he was beautiful... and he was hers.

Her eyes widened slightly as the full impact of what she had just thought, what they had just done, struck her sleep fogged brain. They had made love.

'The bond, had this changed the bond?' Her mind moved frantically in circles, categorizing the strange occurrences that had happened over the
past few days. Especially what she had experienced during the physical demonstration of their feelings. The way she seemed to be both herself and
him with they'd made love. She had been both aware of the wonderful sensation of his body moving over and within hers, and the foreign, yet
beautiful sensation of being surrounded in velvety warmth. Willow sighed realizing that she had also seemed to be able to feel his complete bliss.

It hadn't been like two sets of emotions. Instead it was like having one complimenting set.

Turning over, the witch snuggled along Angel's cool form.

The vampire murmured in his sleep, slipping his arms around her. It all seemed so normal... the way his fingers glided over skin no longer separated
by cloth.

"Mmmmm", Willow sighed in pleasure as she felt the soft brush of his sensual lips press against her skin.

'Angel?', she whispered his name in her head, wondering if she'd imagined the seeming nonverbal part of their lovemaking.

"Yes love?", the vampire responded, his voice resounding in her head and aloud, as his dark brown gaze fluttered and then fixed on her pale face.

"Oh my goddess!", she gasped, pulling back from his arms. The shattered look on his face, made Willow realize immediately that he hadn't realized what was wrong, and that he'd misunderstood her.

"No", she said aloud, reaching for him. She wanted to stop the hurt that threatened, before it had a chance to enter this strange new facet of their
bond. Lunging forward, the spell caster captured the souled vampire's lips in a desperate kiss.

Confused, Angel tried to pull away for a second before willingly sinking down into the whirlwind of love that whispered up through the bond.

"I love you Angel", Willow murmured, remembering that he'd uttered those same words to her last night. She pulled back from her lover's arms.

'Lover.' The redhead smiled inwardly, completely giddy with the fact that he was hers to call just that. She gazed into his face, trying to gauge the
myriad of emotions he seemed to be feeling.

'Angel, don't you understand?' Intentionally, the wiccan made sure his eyes were on her face when she thought the words. Abruptly, she watched as his eyes widened in understanding.

"How did?-- When did?-- You didn't tell me you'd learned to use mind speech", he managed finally.

Angel pulled his witch into his arms once more, his mind on decidedly recreational things they could be doing. Willow blushed hotly, her mind
filling with all the lovely, decadent things her beloved wanted to share with her. Her fair skin warmed to his touch, causing the dark vampire to

"Oh no, no... not fair. I just saw every thing you thought," she whispered, her face flaming as she buried it in the coolness of his chest.

Angel chuckled softly before her words finally sunk in. "Wait... You can hear this?"


"Oh Gods... Why? How?", he asked brokenly.

"Its the link", she said. "I think you taking my blood the other night changed it. Maybe even sending the last bit of it into motion. Then, uh... us. We, uh, well, we made love, and I think it sort of cemented all this", Willow hypothesized, her green eyes intent on his gaze.

He was upset, she could feel it.

"I'm sorry," the witch whispered softly, feeling the turmoil and chaos that was boiling over from her companion as he tried to get used to the idea of
her inside his head. He shook his head and touched her face gently, a soft, sad smile on his lips.

"It's just that there are parts of myself I don't want you to see", Angel admitted gruffly. "Parts of myself that will make you hate me."

"I could never hate you. I know your darkness Angel. When I restored your soul, I touched the essence of you. I know you, and when the Hellmouth's backlash bonded us, all those years ago I saw everything all at once. Why do you think it took so long for us both to fully recover?" Her small hands traveled up his sinewy, muscled arm.

"There is nothing in you or about you I don't know. I love you. All of you. Even the shadows", Willow whispered capturing his lips again.

Angel's eyes closed in relief, his fears washing away to be replaced by the sensual pleasure of his lover's kiss. "So this is just another facet or our
bond?", he murmured against her mouth.

"Yes", she whispered, choosing for the moment to allow them to ignore the true implications of such a change. She smiled warmly and kissed him again, her emerald eyes holding a teasing glint.

"Now I believe you had some interesting ways to spend the next few hours?"

Angel's husky agreement followed Willow into ecstasy.


Quickly, Buffy pulled a navy sweatshirt over her a-line sports bra, before grabbing a hair tie off of the doorknob and putting her hair in her usual
work ponytail.

She hoped she wasn't late, but after a long night of patrolling, sleep had been the last thing on her mind once she and Xander had finally gotten home.

Glancing over at her love, she almost chuckled aloud at the sight of the goofy grin which still graced his features even in sleep. Unable to ignore
how adorable he looked, the Slayer jogged quickly over to the bed's side and planted a warm, moist kiss on Xander's lips.

"I love you Xander", she whispered, before turning and exiting the room.

A minute after the front door's bolt was heard sliding into place, the construction worker's eyes snapped open.

Striding towards his discarded jeans from last night, Xander searched the back pocket until he found what he was looking for. Finding the scrap of
paper after a moment, he sat on the side of the bed and stared at it unseeingly.

"I love you too Buffy", he told himself aloud. "That's why I have to do this. I'm going to put things right." He closed his eyes. He had to. The whole world was screwy. Willow was with Angel. Spike was helping them. This was wrong. With a final sigh, Xander dialed the number.

After a full minute of rings, the construction worker found himself mildly surprised when he got no answer at Liam's hotel room. He left a message with the clerk at the front desk for the other man to contact him, and hung up. 'Whatever had gotten the Daybreaker up so early must've been important', Xander thought. 'It was way too early to be up and around otherwise.'

~Part 45~

Tara rang up the purchase carefully, she'd already given two different customers incorrect change back, and overcharged another for musk scented
incense, and the store had only been open for two hours.  She couldn't concentrate. The visit from a fellow Daybreaker, the scene at the blood
pool, and even her burgeoning relationship with Spike, had left her completely on edge, her mind whirling.

What if Liam had known what Spike was?  What if he told the Circle?  How could she stop what was happening in Sunnydale?  Could she find happiness with a vampire?  What if...

'Oh Goddess', she prayed silently, quieting the voices in her head.  'Guide me Great Lady, I know this must be your desire.  But can't I even get a
hint?'  The sound of light, tinkling laughter echoed somewhere far off in Tara's mind.

The blond witch sighed.  All she could do was continue her work, and hope Liam stayed out of the way.  He could jeopardize the tentative relationships she'd developed with her Sunnydale allies, and get her kicked out of the Circle Daybreak if he found out about her cigarette smoking, fun-loving, platinum haired, undead, soon-to-be lover.

The thought made Tara blush, remembering the intimacy she and Spike had shared the night before.  It had felt so good, so right, just the feeling of
being safe and held in his arms as the warm water lapped at their flesh.

She smiled.  He was the first man to ever see fully unclothed.  She wondered if he sensed that.  'He would be her first in many ways', she thought
suddenly, wickedly. 'Oh and Goddess, how she wanted that. How she wanted the blue-eyed vampire to be her first, her only, to take her and make her his.' Tara closed her eyes picturing him above her, slaking the intense fires that had begun to burn in the pit of her womb whenever he was near.  She groaned.


"Huh", startled, the witch turned around.  She closed her eyes in embarassed relief. It was only Giles.

"Hello Giles."

The former watcher peered up at her his eyes looking down at her from above his glasses.  "Are you quite all right?"

Caught while in the midst of the vivid fantasy, the blond found herself flushing once again, heat settling in her cheeks.  "I'm fine", she squeaked,

"I wanted to let you know that that other Daybreaker fellow showed up here after you and the others left yesterday."

"What did he want?  Did he say anything?", she asked, panic welling in her breast.

"No, he was quite, well, he was quite difficult to read", the Englishman admitted.  "Of course I didn't say a word, and he really only asked about

Tara shook her head.  Great, just great.

Giles stared for a moment at the young woman.  "I think things will work out dear, I really do.  Don't borrow trouble."  Sighing, the ex-Watcher glanced down at the clipboard in his hands and changed the subject. "Later on could you make sure we have a proper count on the herbs on the back bookcase. Some of them seem to be selling extremely well."

She nodded mutely, still mortified at having been caught in the middle of a sexual fantasy at work and by Giles, no less.  The older man's lips
twitched, almost as if he had an idea what she'd been thinking, before walking away.

"Oh Goddess!", the young woman moaned, elbows on the counter top, her face hidden in her hands.

The bell to the shop jingled.

Tara looked up.  She smiled when a familiar titian headed girl walked in.

"Willow, how are you?"

Willow smiled warmly.  She practically glowed with happiness and good health.  "I'm of the good, how about you?"

Tara shrugged.  "I think I'm still trying to figure that out actually."

The hacker nodded in understanding.  "Vamp issues?", she whispered to the other girl.

The blond girl sighed.  "Yeah, I guess.  On top of Daybreaker issues.  On top of crazy murdering cult issues... I swear Willow the pressure's starting
to get to me."

"Would it really be so bad if you were kicked out of the Daybreakers?", the redhead asked quietly.

Tara blanched at the other witch's question.  "If I get kicked out, I'll essentially lose the only family I've ever known, my only real ties.  I'll
be alone again", she murmured in a rush, before taking a deep breath.

"And what if they try to hurt Spike?", Willow asked decisively, her green eyes searching the taller girl's face.

Without hesitation Tara's eyes hardened.  "That I will not allow.  I can't lose him Willow..."  Realization seemed to strike the Daybreaker like a
thunderbolt.  "Oh Goddess, I'd give them up for him... I really would.  This IS love."  A look of wonderous awe settled over Tara's features, and she
grinned at Willow.  "I love Spike!"

The redhead's eyes glittered.  "I know."

The shopgirl blinked.  "You know."

Willow shrugged.  "It was obvious, I mean the two of you together are like... wow."

It was Tara's turn to smile.  "Oh like you and a certain tall, dark vampire...."

The shorter girl blushed, her skin was almost brighter than her hair.  She cleared her throat, her thoughts automatically thrown back to replay her
time in Angel's arms.  His mouth on her throat, his--

"Uhh.. I thought we were talking about you?", Willow asked meekly, forcing her mind back to the matters at hand.  Shyly, the redhead looked down and pulled at a thread hanging from her white, eyelet peasant-style blouse.

Willow took a deep breath.  "So tell me about this new Daybreaker guy?  You didn't get to before."

Tara pondered the question, trying to remember all the man had told her during his visit to her apartment.

The inquisitive hacker's questions continued.  "Do you know anything about him?  What's his name?"

"Forgotten me so soon, Willow dear?", a deep male voice stated from behind her.

The red witch's expressive eyes widened in horror.  She turned.

"Liam!", she spat, spotting her ex.

"Hello Willow", the dark haired man said serenely.
