Chapter 11

Dawn wasn't even breaking and the slayer was awake, replaying her foolish actions of the night before. She turned her head into the pillow, trying to hide from what she had done. Giles was going to be so mad...the understatement of the year. The watcher had forgiven her time and time again for her actions, but this time she had betrayed his privacy as well. As if that wasn't bad enough, she could have put the entire operation in jeopardy with her childishness, and she was ashamed. Turning over the choices of what to do, she finally decided not to mention to Giles what happened, hoping that Kaelin wouldn't tell the librarian.

Feeling relieved, her thoughts flew to what Angel and Willow would think when Kaelin told them, and she did not doubt the witch would. Her relationship with Angel had been tenuous before, and a fragile friendship had been formed before he left with Willow. She had been resigned to their relationship ending. Unfortunately, things did not get easier with him gone. She had been acting bratty and spiteful to Kaelin when she was here, alienating both Angel and Willow with her attitude. The lithe blonde wanted her lover and friend to make a decision...choose Buffy over Kaelin...a choice neither one could or was able to make. Although she realized that the world was depending on Kaelin, she despised the witch and blamed her for taking away two of the most important people in her life. Yes, she still had Xander and Giles, but without the vampire and hacker, a void was left unfilled. The slayer was a runaway freight train that had been held in check by both people, and now she ! was out of control, lashing out, hurt and angry. She was doing stupid things and acting irrationally. Both Angel and Willow would be returning to Sunnydale, and when they came back they needed to find an emotionally stable friend or she would alienate them forever. The young girl realized that she needed to resolve this obsession she had for Angel. Obsession was not love, she kept telling herself. She knew it was wrong. Whenever her thoughts turned to the gorgeous vampire, she became irrational, even though she knew deep down they were not mean to be together...their nature's would never allow it. Now if she could just move forward with her life, she would work around this problem. She was strong, and this strength would be needed for the upcoming battle. Her friend was putting her life on the line, and she would be there for her when she returned. If only she could put this plan into action.

"Did you get the pictures from Newark Airport Security?"

The man trembled as his superior asked him the question. "Yes, sir, I did," the man said, hoping his voice did not betray his fear. "I have faxed them to the various cells up and down the East Coast. We should have them located by tomorrow."

"Excellent. Bring me the information as soon as you get it no matter the time. I want to be able to move immediately." Turning around in his chair, the man effectively dismissed his underling.

Leaning over the redhead asleep in his arms, Angel looked at the clock and groaned. It was almost sunrise and he barely felt he had any sleep.

Hearing the erotic sounds of lovemaking coming from Ian and Kaelin's room, he could feel his erection become even harder, and he cursed his enhanced hearing. Vivid images of lovemaking filled his head, and his arousal became almost unbearable as the warmth and softness of Willow's body spooned against him made his desire skyrocket. Unable to help himself, he brought his hands up from her waist, grazing her naked breasts with a whisper touch, while rocking his hips against her cotton-clad backside, trying to gain the friction he needed to alleviate some of his desire. He couldn't help himself. He wanted to wake her, to make love to her, to possess her. The fact that this was not the best time did not factor at all into the vampire's thought process. Need was driving his actions, and he planned on seducing Willow.

Angel's actions were having the desired affect on the redhead. He could smell her desire, and her body was becoming restless as she came out of sleep. Rubbing her nipple between his fingers brought a moan from her, bringing a smile to the demon's lips. <Just a little more and she'll be awake.>

Willow was finally brought out of sleep, by not only the kisses and nips to the nape of her neck, but the grazing of his fangs and the suction of his lips as he drew her blood into his mouth. She could feel his erection pressing into her thighs more urgently as the minute drops of blood filled his mouth. <I never realized that his bite could be so erotic.> In response, she instinctively pushed back into him, alerting him to her wakefulness, and a deep growl emanated from behind her as he pulled his mouth away from her neck.

The blood that filled his mouth was sweet and delicious...he could never get enough of the green-eyed girl in his arms. Realizing she was now awake, he pushed forward with the seduction of the innocent girl in his bed.

Giles tossed and turned in his bed, restless since he had come home from the library. He had been worried about Willow and Angel since Kaelin had called. The watcher knew Kaelin could take care of herself, but Willow did not have her training. Although he knew the vampire would guard the young girl with his life, there was still the voice in the back of his mind insisting that they should not trust the demon with this young innocent.

He could not shake his dark thoughts no matter how he tried and decided to get out of bed and engage his mind on other things. Unfortunately, they only turned to his fellow watcher who had fallen in the line of duty...dead and unrecognized as a hero by the rest of the world. The librarian's thoughts turned to his conversations with Matthew when he was here in Sunnydale. Matthew was fully prepared to die in battle and was more than happy to give his life. <I could do it, but I don't want to die yet.> There would have been a time when he would have been happy to curl up and die, but now he realized that no matter how he hurt from the loss of Jenny, he did not want to give up his mortal existence The seemingly mild-mannered man was not ready to die. He was able to withstand the torture Angelus had put him through for the good of mankind, but he would have been unable to take his life like Matthew had. Even after that conversation with Matthew about carrying poison, he sti! ll refused it as an option. If he died in battle alongside his slayers, so be it, but he had his charges to think of, and he could not leave them in a moment of weakness, no matter how noble it might seem.

Worry about Willow he did, but his biggest worries lie with the blond slayer in his charge. Faith was adapting well, finally, and at times Giles thought Buffy was as well, but he realized they were all deluding themselves. He needed to expel his demons about Angelus and so did she.

Turning back to bed, he resolved to have a talk with her tomorrow about what was going on with her irrational behavior regarding Willow and Angel. There had been a lot of things unsaid and unresolved, and talking it out could help. Buffy needed him now more than ever, and he planned on being there for her in any way he could.

Ian and Kaelin were lying in the bed basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking when Ian broke the silence. "When do you plan on telling Angel and Willow all the details of our trip?"

Kaelin broke out of her reverie, and took a moment to answer. "Tomorrow when we're on the plane. Angel doesn't seem to be brooding since the spell I cast, but I don't want to give him any ammunition to moon over, until it's necessary. The plans have been set and there really is nothing that he can do or say to change them," the witch said matter-of-factly.

Ian nodded his head. He agreed with his lover, but he didn't think it fair to keep the two next door in the dark about their plans. "Are you sure you can trust this Whistler person? I mean, you never even met him," Ian asked, concern tingeing his voice. He wasn't afraid for his life, but the lives that rested in their hands.

"No, I never met him, but we have talked, and yes, I do trust him. He was responsible for pulling Angel out of the gutter and putting him on track, as well as putting Dieter to rights. The little demon is on the side of good, and he knows the score with Angel and Dieter," Kaelin said as she rolled onto her side and looked at Ian. "What I didn't know, and Angel failed to mention, was that he and Dieter were together when cursed by the gypsies. Dieter and Angel had been reeking havoc together for quite some time until they stumbled onto that band of gypsies. Whistler was called to pull them into service...get them back on track to help the good guys when possible."

Ian felt better about Whistler's credibility, but why Dieter? He could understand Angel, since he knew both Willow and Kaelin, but why this other ensouled vampire? Was there no other option available? Ian decided to voice his concerns. "What makes staying with Dieter our best, and what seems like, our only option?"

"Because of the privacy of his residence. His 'castle' has been used as a safehouse and training facility. With his enhanced strength and fighting prowess, combined with the living arrangements, the Council has used him on several occasions, and with only a few people aware of his existence, staying there seems a perfect fit. Ian, you realize we don't have many options and going to the Council directly was not one of them. We needed to stay somewhere in complete anonymity with someone we could trust. Dieter seemed to fit all the requirements. When I explained the situation to Whistler, he did not hesitate a moment when he mentioned Dieter. And from what Whistler told me when we last spoke, Dieter is anxious to help and is looking forward to seeing Angel again. Apparently he hasn't seen his cohort in mayhem since the curse was cast," Kaelin said, hoping to alleviate some of Ian's concerns. She wasn't in the least worried about Dieter or Whistler and the arrangements th! ey made. She was happy, though, that they were leaving the country and quickly, before the Cult could cut off any means of escape.

As Kaelin settled in to sleep, she resolved that after explaining the arrangements to Willow and Angel tomorrow, she would begin training Willow with some protection spells. Precautions for safety were needed to be taken...well, maybe right after Ian's initiation into the Mile High Club.

Willow could not believe what she was doing, pressing back into Angel’s erection, and wondered where this knowledge had come from. She had been asleep and just seemed to act on the feelings he was kindling. The young innocent was broken from her thoughts by the growl that came from the aroused vampire behind her.

Angel could take no more and rolled the young witch onto her back, and when he looked into her eyes, he could see the nervousness reflected there.

Although he delighted in her fear before, he did not want to panic the young woman in his bed. He wanted a willing partner…a partner begging him for his touch. “Do you trust me, Willow?” Angel asked, and the young girl nodded her head. “Then just let yourself go…just feel…enjoy,” the vampire said, taking her mouth in a kiss that left the inexperienced girl breathless. “I won’t hurt you. We can take it slow.”

As the young girl closed her eyes and settled into his embrace, the vampire took her lips again in a tender kiss, gently exploring her mouth with his tongue. When she broke from the kiss, gasping for air, he brushed his lips against the shell of her ear and whispered, “I promise to only give you pleasure, my beautiful witch.” The young girl could only shiver in anticipation of what his words promised.

The vampire chuckled at her response, as he began moving south down her body, kissing her neck and collarbone. Stealing a look at her face, he saw Willow’s eyes tightly shut in anticipation as his mouth moved over her body. Her reaction was electrifying him, and in an instant, his mouth latched onto her breast, causing the hacker to cry out and arch into him. Happily, he began to suck and bite at her nipples, opening small wounds which he delightedly lapped from as Willow’s hands moved into his hair. Her moans of pleasure were music to his ears as he alternated between her two breasts. Her cries of disappointment when he slowly moved downward only fueled his desire more.

Willow had been lost in the enjoyment his mouth was causing, but was suddenly jerked back to reality as his hand slid between her legs and cupped her. Green eyes popped open to look directly into dark, smoldering ones, almost daring her to stop him. The young girl realized he anticipated this reaction from her, almost expecting her to stop him. The vampire’s hand was still between her legs, not moving; it seemed as if he was waiting for some sort of sign that it was OK to continue. Looking into her eyes and seeing no reluctance, he slowly began to move his hand along her sex, gliding over her cotton panties, causing a delicious sensation to wash over her as the wetness began to flow. Her eyes slowly closed as she sunk into the new feeling his hand had elicited as his fingers brushed her clit. Angel took this as his OK and dropped his mouth to her breasts again, relentlessly assaulting them with his mouth, all the while continuing his slow movements over her panties.

Willow’s body was flushed and trembling from his touch, and all Angel could think about was bringing her over the edge. As his cock twitched with desire, he realized that her pleasure was paramount…his could wait just a little longer. He wanted to slowly worship her body, making this one of the most incredible experiences she would ever have. Pulling his mouth and hand from her body, the vampire smiled as Willow uttered a cry of disappointment at the loss of his touch. Bringing himself to a kneeling position, he slowly reached over and began to remove her cotton panties, slowly pulling them down her legs and off her body, all the while raking his eyes over her flat stomach and nest of amber curls.

<Remember, take it slow…oh God, but what I want to do to her!> His cock twitched again in response to his thoughts, and as he brought his eyes back to Willow’s, he realized she had been watching him, her eyes dark with desire, matching his. Tentatively, she reached out and took him into her hand, and with a tortuously gentle touch, she began to move her hand up and down him, from base to tip…slowly, languidly, tenuously. All Angel could do was close his eyes and moan at her innocent touch. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to bring her to orgasm first, but his desire was out of control, and he decided to give into the pleasure. He realized that she needed to touch him and give him pleasure, just as much as he wanted to do the same for her.

“Harder, Willow,” he moaned, as he began pumping faster into her little hand. Lost in a fog of pleasure, he never noticed her sit up and move her mouth closer to his pumping cock as her grip tightened, heightening his pleasure. Angel wasn’t prepared for her tongue to flick out across the tip of his erection as it pushed through her hand, and like an inexperienced teenager, he lost his control and drained semen all over her chest and hand.

Shocked, Willow let his flaccid penis drop from her hand and mutely watched as Angel slumped onto his back, completely spent. Not sexually experienced, the young girl did not know if what she did was right or wrong, good or bad, or if what she did was what Angel wanted. Suddenly she was embarrassed by her actions, and her nudity, and questioned exactly what she thought she was doing. <Who am I fooling? I have no idea what I’m doing. He probably won’t ever want me to touch him again.>

Trying to rectify the situation, the hacker began babbling. “I’m sorry, Angel…I shouldn’t have…I didn’t know…I screwed it all up,” she said, finally looking at his face.

Angel could not believe his ears. Willow was actually apologizing for what she did. <Didn’t she do this with Oz? Didn’t she say she did? Why is she blaming herself for me coming so early? Oh God, I am so embarrassed. She’s just confused because it was longer with Oz. What a joke I am! And here I am promising her pleasure and I can’t even control myself.>

Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself looking into her sorrow-ridden ones. “I’m the one who should be sorry…and embarrassed, Willow. God I feel like a teenager again, not a 240+ vampire. What you did was wonderful. So wonderful that I could not control my orgasm,” Angel admitted, as he looked at the young girl at his side. He could still see recrimination in her eyes.

He tried again to ease her discomfort and explain. “I’m sure…when you and Oz…he lasted longer,” embarrassment again washing over him he continued. “It was just so good, and when you touched me with your tongue I was not prepared for it and …” Angel stopped talking, seeing Willow’s confusion.

“What do you mean…with Oz?” the young girl asked, looking at him earnestly.

“Before…in New York, you said that you had touched Oz…remember?” the vampire asked, his face now a mask of confusion that matched hers.

Suddenly realizing what he was talking about, Willow blushed furiously then started giggling. Not realizing what she was laughing about, the vampire’s embarrassment turned to anger. Catching his mood change, the young witch quickly explained, somewhat embarrassed at what she had to say. “When we were…in New York…I was…and I didn’t know what you were talking about. I think I agreed to something that never happened…I was kind of…distracted.”

Finally catching on to what she was saying, Angel began laughing. “How far did you and Oz go?”

“Kissing,” was her one word answer, and suddenly Angel realized where the confusion came from. <She did say only kissing before. It’s not her fault my mind runs to the more perverted and she never actually said she touched or went down on Oz. What could she do to me with more experience and when the passion that burns in her eyes is awakened and unleashed?>

“What about with Xander? I know your relationship never got that far, but…?” Angel asked curiously.

“Some kissing and not all that frequently,” Willow said embarrassed at the lack of passion in her relationships. <Am I that undesirable?>

Angel could smell her nervousness mixed with desire. His eyes moved over her naked body, taking in her pert breasts and long legs and suddenly desire welled up again. Rolling over to his side, he pushed her down next to him and began to move his hands over her body as he spoke. “So, Oz never touched you here?” Angel said as his hands travel over her breasts, stopping to trace her aureole and gently squeeze her nipples between his fingers.

“No,” Willow gasped. “Only you,” she said as she closed her eyes again, melting with his touch.

“Open your eyes, Willow,” Angel commanded, and Willow obeyed immediately. Moving his mouth close to her left nipple, he slowly snaked out his tongue and flicked it, toying with it for a moment, making the rose-colored nub hard and sensitive, taking pleasure from her gasps. “Did Xander do that, Willow?” he asked, his voice husky with desire.

“No,” the young girl said in a whisper. “Only your mouth has ever touched me,” she added, realizing how turned on the vampire was getting from this conversation as his erection pressed into her thigh.

Angel’s eyes darkened even more at her response, and he moved his hands down her stomach and through the patch of curls between her thighs. Cupping her like before, he asked, “And has Oz ever touched you here, Willow?”

“No,” she said again, before moaning uncontrollably. The vampire was moving his hand back and forth like before, but now against her bare lips, tantalizing her clit by brushing his fingers across them with a whisper-soft touch. Wanting to arouse him more, she fought the fog that threatened to take over her brain, searching for another answer to drive his desire higher. She was quickly learning his game and how to please him. <If it’s all this easy…> “Only your hands have stroked my body and brought me pleasure,” she said, bringing her lips to his.

Taking control of the game from him, she reached out and took his erection into her hand and whispered against his mouth, “These hands have only stroked you,” and flicking her tongue against his lips added, “and this tongue has only tasted you.”

Totally losing it, Angel flipped the unsuspecting girl onto her back and captured her mouth in a searing kiss, only breaking it when he realized he needed to. Never stopping his ministrations, he moved down her body, nipping and kissing. Willow was both shocked and pleased at her success. <Way to go, Rosenberg! You did something right. He totally lost it…twice!> She was gloating over the new found power she had discovered, when his tongue swirling around her belly button caused her to lose all thought patterns.

Angel was beside himself with desire for the little witch beneath him.

Chapter 12

~~Indicates flashbacks~~

As Angel folded Willow into his arms and nuzzled her neck as they sat on the chartered plane, Willow was transported back to only a few hours before when they were at the motel. Even now as they snuggled against each other, she could still feel the sensations his touch evoked, and the memories started rushing back. <Definitely nymphomania. He just touches me and…>

Willow remembered how her confidence had quickly turned to nervousness, a little fear and a lot of desire, when he had flipped her on her back in the motel room. She had felt powerful taking over the game. She reveled in the thought that she was getting to the vampire, turning him on, bringing him to the edge of control. Then he had made his move and she realized how inexperienced she was, and how little she really knew about what she had started. If it had been anyone else, she could have been in big trouble.

Looking over at the vampire beside her, she found herself staring at those beautiful lips and remembering the feelings those lips and tongue brought forth. Was it only a few hours ago, in the motel room when he…

~~ Willow was completely lost in sensation until she felt his tongue at her belly button and she realized where he was headed. As his mouth reached her nest of curls, she unconsciously began to close her legs, but the vampire managed to get his hands between them before she had totally closed them to his touch. Sensing her momentary discomfort, he changed tactics and moved his mouth further down her legs as he began lavishing wet kisses on her thighs and knees.

She had been totally oblivious to his movements and it didn't even register when he removed his hands from the confinement of her thighs to her breasts, and began stroking them lightly, teasing them with the occasional pinch. So lost was she that when his lips firmly settled over her clit in an open-mouthed kiss, she thought she would die from the sensations bombarding her senses. She couldn't deny him anything at that point…she was his to do whatever he wanted…putty in his hands.

She couldn't imagine anything feeling better than his mouth and tongue until he moved his hand from her breasts. Moving his fingers slowly back and forth but not entering her, Angel stroked her, teased her, relaxing her to his touch. He purred his pleasure, as he greedily lapped at her juices as they began to run down her legs. Using one hand to hold her down, he moved his tongue back to her clit and slowly slipped his finger into her tight channel only up to his first knuckle, never stopping the magic his tongue was working.

Willow blushed as she remembered how she grabbed his head in her hands, trying to get the pressure her body instinctively craved from his tongue and fingers. When his finger entered her fully, the young girl completely lost all control as her orgasm hit. Angel never missed a beat as he brought her down slowly with his fingers and tongue, using her moans and gasps as his guide. She realized then how gentle and loving he had been, how he kissed her and enveloped her in his arms until her shaking stopped and she was brought back to reality.

As nervousness began to creep back into her being as she realized what would naturally come next, he surprised her by pulling her out of bed and insisting they get dressed and watch the sunrise together. ~~

She hazarded a look at Angel to see that his eyes were still closed, and Willow began to hope that he did not realize how aroused she was. She did not want to be forced to explain that the memories alone of his touch were getting her wet. <God, I hardly know myself anymore!>

The young girl shifted uncomfortably in her chair as her discomfort rose, and she realized that she was looking forward to getting to their destination not for the safety factor, but what Angel had promised in the motel room. She had been a little confused, and a lot insecure, that he did not want to take things further until he explained why. The vampire told her that although he really did want to see the sunrise again, especially with her, he really did not want to rush things, especially in the dingy motel room. She would lose her virginity only once, and he wanted it to be special. He wanted to worship her body, bring her to heights of pleasure she never realized possible, and make love to her not once, but again and again. He wanted to wake up in her arms and do it all again, not rush to an airplane for a destination unknown, but savor her and indulge in her sweetness until she could take no more.

She could still hear his velvety voice as he spoke those words to her, and instead of giving her satisfaction, they only brought more unresolved tension – sexual tension. Something she never thought she would feel – something she thought was only a myth. The young innocent closed her eyes and tried to will away the images her mind had invoked of her and Angel writhing on the bed naked in the motel room. She tried to close her eyes and will away the images her mind was conjuring up of what would happen when they finally settled down and he made good on his promises. She found herself moaning out her frustration and snuggling into his embrace, hoping for some respite, some relief of this ache burning through her body. The hacker was disappointed that his body next to hers was only adding to the problem.

Willow finally decided that she needed to distract herself and tried to disentangle herself from his arms. <Maybe a walk around the cabin would do the trick.> The redhead was stopped dead in her tracks as the gorgeous vampire pulled her even closer and spoke into the delicate shell of her ear. "I can smell your arousal, Little One, and it is driving me crazy. It's been hard enough keeping my hands to myself, but your excitement is fueling mine, and I am at the end of my rope," the vampire said, his sultry voice washing over the young girl's senses. "But I know just what to do about it," Angel said. Sliding out of his seat, he proceeded to alleviate both their frustrations.

* * *

Kaelin had been very secretive about where they were going and refused to answer Angel and Willow's questions. She had ushered them onto the chartered plane and disappeared with Ian to a separate area away from the main cabin. The witch had sworn to them that she would answer all their questions before they landed. Her parting comment to the two was that unless they were crashing, she was not to be disturbed.

As she looked at the two very different expressions on their faces – Angel's knowing and Willow's confused – she wondered what exactly the hacker and vampire had been doing in New York and at the motel room. Some sort of intimacy had developed between them, but she did not think they had made love, yet, and she was surprised. Kaelin realized that her surprise was caused by the times and what was normally expected in a relationship now. She realized that she had forgotten the man Angel was before being a vampire…the incurable romantic he was, the gentleman, the warm, considerate person he had been. Although he was a vampire and had vampiric needs, she wondered if he was being ruled by those emotions now. The ones that stemmed back to a different time when men treated women a lot differently.

As she closed the door and felt Ian's hand on her back, all thoughts of Willow and Angel fled her mind.

* * *

The man stepped into the room and waited for acknowledgement of his presence. He wasn't afraid of anything except this man. This man, the Master's right-hand man, had the power of life and death and did not hesitate to use it. No one knew his name, no one ever questioned it, and no one dared to rock the boat for fear of his reprisal.

"What is it, John?" the man said without looking up from the papers he was reading.

"I received a call from Peter in Teaneck. He recognized the picture of the woman called Kaelin that we faxed to everyone. He has been working at the Teaneck Marriott and has seen her in the bar a number of times. Peter confirmed with the reception desk that she has not yet checked out and has the room reserved for another two nights," the man said, waiting for instructions on how to proceed. He almost forgot himself and made a suggestion…he did not want to overstep his boundaries.

"Did you find out anything about the other two?" the Master's right-hand man asked.

"No, sir. We did not."

"Do not do anything yet. Kaelin isn't going anywhere far, but put a tail on her. Have Peter speak with other people at the hotel discreetly about any meetings she might have had there or if someone has been picking her up at the hotel. And get on the identification and location of the other two. I want this situation under control tomorrow," the Master's right-hand man said, looking back down at his papers, effectively dismissing the underling.

* * *

Giles was at the checkout desk when Buffy arrived for her training. He had already worked out with Faith separately, something he had arranged without Buffy's knowledge. The watcher had decided that he wanted to talk with Buffy today and not train with her. Although they all needed to be in top shape, he thought that talking things out together would help more than the physical workout. She needed to squash her demons and so did he. At this point in the battle, this was the most important hurdle they had to face. They both needed to be emotionally stable.

Looking into her haunted eyes he knew he had made the right choice – she was at the end of her rope. "Buffy, we need to talk," her watcher said, directing her into a chair by the large conference table. He knew she was getting worse, and the dark circles proved it, but he was surprised as her shoulders sagged as she took a seat.

"I know what's coming, Giles. I'm so sorry," the slayer said, as she dropped her head into her hands and began sobbing. "I am so sorry."

Her watcher stared at her, not fully understanding what drove his slayer to tears, not knowing the guilt she carried and how it was making her crumble until its weight.

* * * Willow could not believe what was happening. One second he was right beside her and then the next, he was kneeling between her outstretched legs, slowly running his hands up and down them, inching closer and closer to her sex. The young girl was wet before, but she was beside herself with need now. She realized what she wanted but didn't know how to get it. Angel seemed to be teasing her, tantalizing her with his touch, waiting for some sign from her to continue. She was lost…confused about what to do. She had been flying by the seat of her pants at the motel room, but his actions there had helped guide her on what to do. She was almost reacting, not acting.

Angel was beside himself with desire for his red-headed siren. Slowly caressing her legs, he moved his hands further and further under her skirt, slowly teasing her, waiting for her to tell him what she wanted. He knew she was inexperienced, but he wanted her to vocalize what she needed. He wanted her out of this shell. The vampire knew that Willow liked when he licked her and stroked her…he would wait for her to ask him to do it, though. Seeing her eyes close, he moved his attention from her legs to her stomach. Lifting her shirt, he slipped a hand underneath the fabric and traced ever-widening circles there, slowly moving higher and higher until he was lightly stroking her breasts. He took her mouth in a searing kiss, invading her with his tongue, ruthlessly plundering it until she could not breathe. Whispering in her ear, he asked, "What do you want, Willow?"

"You," she moaned. "I want you."

"I want you, too, but not now. Tell me what you want me to do, Willow. What do you want?" the vampire said huskily, his desire escalating as he smelled her arousal and her fear. Her nervousness was almost as palatable as her fear, but he was not going to let her off the hook.

"I want…I want you to…touch me, Angel," she gasped out as the vampire gently suckled her neck and tweaked her nipples.

"Touch you where, Willow?" he said. "I'm touching your nipples. Is that what you wanted? Do you want me to touch you someplace else?" Angel said, pushing her more.

"Yes. I like that," she panted. Her embarrassment escalated as she realized she would get no satisfaction from him until she vocalized exactly what she wanted. <Can I do this? If I don't…argh!>

"Yes. I want…I want you to touch me…touch me like you did before," she managed to say before his mouth descended on her nipple, taking it into his mouth and rolling it around before nipping it with blunt teeth.

"I touched you a lot of places, baby. Tell me where…show me where," he said as his hand moved back to her legs, and his mouth began kissing her stomach.

Willow was out of her mind with need, and his touch was driving her there. This is exactly what he wanted, and she had to play his game again to get satisfaction. Although she was self-conscious about it, she knew it would bring her pleasure. <I can do this. I want this. I want him to touch me – to make me come. I swear though, when we finally get settled and I can connect to a few sites on-line, Angel will rue the day he thought he could best me. He wants games, then I will give him a game that will knock his socks off.>

Gathering up her courage, she opened her eyes and looked into his. "I want you to stroke me here," Willow said, as she guided his hand over her cotton-clad sex.

As he complied with her request, he asked, "Like this, Willow? Is that all you want?"

She had hoped that was enough to get him to touch her, but she realized he wanted more. "That feels so good, but I want more," the young girl said, garnering the courage to move his hand inside her panties. Then an idea hit her, one that she knew he would enjoy. "Take off my panties with your teeth."

She saw his eyes flash with yellow as the words registered with him. Happily grabbing the edge of the material with his teeth and using his hands to lift her hips, he pulled the panties off her body slowly, never taking his eyes from hers.

"Is that all you wanted, Willow?" he said, his mouth hovering so close to her clitoris that she could feel the breathe he was forcing from his dead lungs to rush over her, teasing her.

"No," she said, taking his head in her hands. "I want you to kiss me here. I want you to lick me, stroke me, finger me until I come. Can you do this?" she said, guiding his head down and onto her clit, challenging him. <Goddess, where did that come from?>

Gladly complying, he silently set about fulfilling her wishes. The last thing she remembered hearing, besides her own moans, was the sound of his zipper coming down as he reached inside his pants to stroke himself as he pleasured her body.

* * *

Kaelin moved into the main cabin of the chartered plane and found Willow and Angel napping in their seats. <Boy, they sure were anxious for answers before and now I find them off in lala land.>

"Hey guys, rise and shine," she said as she watched both vampire and hacker groggily rouse themselves from their sleep-induced haze.

"Just a few minutes more, Mom," the hacker said, not yet realizing where she was.

Angel's laugh brought Willow out of her fog quickly, and she hastily pulled herself into a sitting position and checked the arrangement of her clothes.

Kaelin smiled at the young girl; she had not missed her charge's check of her clothes. "I know you both have a lot of questions that need answering, and it was selfish on my part not to answer them immediately. I realize that I have kept you both in the dark long enough. Just realize that I did it for your safety first and foremost. I had this irrational need to be in the air and on our way before adressing this with you both," she said, raising her hands to silence the two whose mouths were already opening with questions. "Let me tell you what is going on and then I can answer your questions after."

Getting agreement from them both, she continued her narrative. "When I found out Matthew was murdered, all our plans were literally shot to Hell. Sorry, Angel," she said, addressing the vampire who had just nodded his head.

"There was no way we could continue to Ireland and the plans that we had previously made. I assume, and only assume, that he poisoned himself before divulging any of our plans. This was a chance, though, that we could not take. Even if Matthew did not tell them anything, our covers may have been blown. Once they learned our identities, they would naturally search out the most obvious places we would go, and eventually it would lead them to my house in Ireland, which was part of the plan originally.

"Ian and I were at our wits end about where to go, when I decided to contact Whistler," again Kaelin had to hold up her hand to silence the vampire's questions. "Please, Angel, let me finish. Then you can ask all the questions you like." When he nodded his head, she continued.

"Whistler was the one who set up the plane, the motel, everything. I dread to think what would have happened to us were we to stay any longer in the United States. We needed to be on the move and quickly, and he provided us with a reasonable and safe, alternative place to train. As you know, Angel, Whistler has contacts all over the world that he could tap into, and once I outlined our problem to him, his solution was quick and without hesitation. He immediately came up with a name and place that was the perfect solution."

Kaelin looked at the vampire and waited for the inevitable question. Realizing she was done with what she had to say, he said, "And who is the most obvious choice?"

"Dieter von Sidow," she said, waiting for the explosive reaction she had been dreading.

"Dieter!" the vampire bellowed as he jumped up from his seat. If Kaelin had questioned why she did not tell Angel and Willow before they got on the plane, the vampire's reaction now proved her right.

Willow saw Angel's consternation and looked at the witch who was to be her mentor and friend. The vampire was up out of his chair and pacing, lost in thought and not paying attention to either woman. "Who is this Dieter, Kaelin?"

"He is Angel's vampiric brother…Darla's other childe…another vampire with a soul." Seeing the incredulous look on Willow's face, she continued explaining, "Angel wasn't alone when he killed the gypsy girl...the Romanis cursed two vampires that night...Dieter is that other vampire."

Chapter 13

Angel was barely aware of the conversation between Willow and Kaelin as he paced back and forth in the open area of the main cabin. He should have known Kaelin was holding something back. She had been evasive in the car last night when he asked about where they were heading and basically led them to believe they were going to be on the run in Europe, not heading anywhere specifically. He had learned a long time ago not to underestimate Kaelin, but apparently he forgot how devious she could be.

The last person Angel expected or wanted to see was Dieter, and the last person he wanted exposed to Dieter was Willow. The more he thought about the situation the more his ire was raised. <Damn Whistler. He could have come up with another solution!>

Reigning in his anger, Angel turned his questions to Kaelin. "Why Dieter? There was no other solution?"

"No, especially in the timeframe we had. Whistler contacted Dieter, and he was more than happy to help. He is actually looking forward to seeing you," she added.

"I bet he is," the vampire mumbled under his breath. "How much has Dieter been told?"

Kaelin could feel the bad vibes coming off in waves from the vampire in front of her. She realized that Angel was not thrilled about trusting Dieter and wondered how much his distrust went back to their fledging days as vampires.

"Dieter has been filled in by Whistler and is aware of the importance of Willow's well-being," Kaelin said, hoping that she was alleviating whatever fears he had been harboring. "He is looking forward to helping her and has even offered to help you with her training. From what Whistler said, Dieter told him there are things he could help her with that you couldn't," she added, hoping to make him feel better.

Kaelin was totally perplexed when all her comment elicited was a growl and Angel started pacing again. Trying to understand his discomfort with the situation, she just said what came to her mind first.

"What is it about seeing Dieter that is bothering you?" Not getting an answer, she continued her questioning, "What do you know about Dieter that Whistler and I don't? What is it that should stop us from trusting him? If there isn't a single reason you can come up with…" the witch stopped her interrogation at the look on the vampire's face.

Angel had stopped pacing as his mind digested Kaelin's questions. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became about his feelings toward Dieter, Willow's safety there, and primarily Whistler's reasons for steering the group together. He was under no illusions that Whistler definitely had a plan in mind for Dieter and Angel…one that included them working together.

"No, Kae, I don't have any specific reasons. I am just concerned for Willow's safety. The last time I saw Dieter, he wasn't exactly the person I would trust Willow's life to. And yes I realize neither was I then either, but I know my motivations now; what are his?" the vampire asked calmly.

"I don't know, Angel. We just have to trust Whistler's judgement here. I said it before – we really don't have a choice in the matter," the witch said resolutely. "I know you care about Willow, but remember I only have her safety in mind, too. Whatever misgivings you have with Dieter, or whatever problems you have had with him in the past will have to be put aside. Willow's training and safety is first priority." With no further questions from either Willow or Angel, Kaelin left the two alone to discuss this new development.

"I understand," the simple comment from the redhead brought Angel back to his seat.

"I bet you really do," he said with amazement as he looked into her green eyes.

"I do. The way I see it, you really don't want the past thrown back in your face. You just left Sunnydale, hoping to recover from your last bout as Angelus, but now find out that not only do you have that to contend with, plus protecting me, but also you now have to deal with someone who knew you only as Angelus. This person is a constant reminder of that past. I bet there was a lot between you and Dieter that you would like to forget," the hacker said as she saw his eyes widen in amazement. She knew she hit the mark, especially with that last comment.

"You have no idea, Little One, what is between Dieter and I. Not even the half of it," he said grimly. "I don't know what to expect from him when we get there, but I do know one thing…I don't want you alone with him," he said as he looked at her seriously.

Willow couldn't help but laugh at his comment. "What could he do to me with you and Kaelin around?"

<The question is what wouldn't he want to do to you.> "I don't know what he's like now, Willow, just what he was. And although I know that's not fair, and I more than anyone should be more objective, I can't help but be a little reticent. Just promise me that until we prove otherwise, you will keep contact with him to a minimum…a safe distance at least," he said seriously. When she nodded her head reluctantly, he tried to explain his reasons. "Willow, he will be drawn to the same things I am--your beauty, your intelligence, your innocence, and that bright aura that encircles you. The power you give off is intoxicaating. I can barely restrain myself…I can only imagine Dieter's reaction to you. Willow, I don't want you hurt by him or anyone else," the vampire said, taking Willow's face in his hands. <Besides your mine.>

"You are so sweet, Angel. Let's not talk about what will 'not' happen OK? Why don't you tell me about Dieter and what he was like," the young girl asked, wanting to change the subject. Seeing his face cloud over, she added hastily, "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine. I was just curious about him and…I guess about you too," she added shyly. "You never told Buffy about what happened when you were a vampire. I mean…we did see what Angelus was like…and we know about the night you were embraced…but I guess what I am asking is, what was your 'home life' like with the other vampires, including Dieter. Were you one big happy family?" Willow asked innocently.

Now it was Angel's turn to laugh. "Oh no, Willow, it was not one big, happy family," he said with a wry smile. As the seconds ticked by and he hesitated on what he should tell her, he could see her animated face literally shutting down, the light dying in her eyes and withdrawing. He heard her murmured apologies for prying as she looked away, and he resolved that he didn't have to get too graphic, but maybe it was time to share…to trust. He knew she would accept him, had accepted him unconditionally. It wasn't like he would be going out on a limb with someone he didn't know. And God, she had trusted him…with her life, her body, her passion, and her heart. His inability to trust was the only thing standing in the way. Willow was infinitely loving and accepting. If he couldn't do this with her, he would never be able to do it with anyone.

Taking her chin in his hand, he turned her face so that he could see her eyes. The hurt he saw there made his heart ache, and he resolved to push past his insecurities and trust in her. "I'm sorry, Willow. I've built so many walls around myself that the inability to trust is ingrained. Please believe me when I say that I trust you. You know old habits are hard to break," he said with a smile, getting one back from her. "Please realize though, that sometimes I might not answer you as quickly as you are used to. I have spent centuries thinking before speaking…measuring what I say. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just my way, something that would be impossible to change after a quarter millennia."

"I do have to warn you though, some of the things I tell you will be a little…shocking…to say the least. Please let me add this disclaimer too – I was without my soul. Remember the conversation I had with you in New York about vampire intimacy?" Willow nodded her head. "Well, some of the things I will tell you may disgust you, or they may take time for you to truly understand. I do admit though, even with my soul, there are some things I have done that I do not regret. All I ask is that you keep an open mind as I relate to you the debauched life I led." Angel laughed as her green eyes widened.

Breaking away from the vampire, Willow assured him. "I understand what you told me, and I did read a lot of stuff about demons, but I want to hear from you what it was like. It will give me an opportunity to understand you and…" her voice trailed off, suddenly embarrassed about what she was going to say.

"Willow?" Angel questioned his voice rife with meaning.

If he was to trust her, she had to trust him. "Maybe I'll learn some of the things… I mean…vampire things…you like," she looked at him, hoping he understood what she meant as she felt her face flame a bright red.

A slow smile spread across his face and he took her into his arms. "I understand what you mean." Pulling her away enough to look at her, he said, "So you want all the dirt, huh?" his answer was her bright smile. His eyes darkened in desire as he thought about some of the things, the vampire things, she wanted to know about, and the vampire wickedly told her, "Believe me, Willow. What I don't tell you, I will show you…again and again."

His voice, soft and sultry, assaulted her senses and her stomach flip-flopped and her arousal grew along with her embarrassment as he chuckled at her reaction. Ducking her head behind the curtain of hair, she hid herself.

"You are so sweet, Willow. I can never get enough of you," the vampire said lovingly. Trying to ease her embarrassment, he continued, "If Ok with you, I'll just tell you a little about Dieter now, since I don't think we have much time before we land. What you want to know could take a lifetime alone to recount."

The drive from Frankfurt Airport had been a long one, and Willow was thrilled to be out of the car and stretching her legs. As she took in her surroundings, the young girl was left speechless as she gazed at the incredible house that loomed before her. If that was not enough, the property stretched as far as the eye could see, and she foung herself hoping that between the training with Kaelin and the two vampires, she would have time to walk and explore the grounds.

As the driver ushered the group up the steps, she felt Angel's hand tighten in hers. She could well imagine his nervousness. He had not seen Dieter in over eighty years and had no idea what to expect. She had a feeling that he wanted to believe that Dieter was on their side, that he would have someone to commiserate with, but a part of him was afraid of the disappointment if that were not the case.

They were led into the foyer, and Willow was shocked at its size. Momentarily forgetting the vampire at her side, she let his hand go and spun in amazement as she took in her surroundings. As she came back around, she caught the figure slowing moving towards the group and her breath caught as he stepped in front of Angel. <Dieter.> Not knowing what else to do, the hacker just stared at the two vampires.

He was the same size as Angel, and seemed to have the same type of build…tall and muscular. His hair was long, shiny and black, pulled back into a ponytail that hung low down his back. As she looked at his face, she found herself looking at the greenest eyes she had ever seen…cat eyes…a predator that would enjoy playing with his food. <Cut it out! You're projecting just because of what Angel told you.> Willow could not believe that one woman could master these two magnificent creatures, and Darla did master them both. From what Angel had said, Darla had the upper hand when it came to them, at least for a few decades until they 'spread their wings' and moved on. Even then, the vampiress still had the power to control them, pit them against each other as they fought for favorite childe status. Angel laughed as he told her this, but she could well imagine the competition had been fierce, and as she looked at the two before her, brutal, as well.

Angel begrudgingly told Willow that the two vampires were in a constant battle, vying for their sire's attention. It would be a personal victory for each vampire when Darla would want just the one to go with her hunting, which in turn included an invitation into her bed, while the other childe was left to his own devices. It was on many occasions that Darla would not chose between her childe, but take them both with her. Even though neither vampire liked to share their sire's attention, neither would complain about the situation. Instead, each would try to gain her favor with a kill or by pleasuring her in their bed. Angel told her that it took Dieter and Angel years to finally realize that it was to Darla's benefit that they were in constant competition. Because of it, she did not have to work hard for her kills and her pleasures were endless. Once they realized this, they formed an uneasy truce, of course never allowing their sire to notice. No matter what, she was still their sire, and they had to respect her accordingly. It was just that over the years, a friendship unknown to Darla had begun to grow, culminating just before being cursed with an almost brother-like bond.

Breaking out of her thoughts, the young girl noticed that Dieter's face was as devoid of emotion as Angel's was, and the two seemed to square off…each daring the other to make the first move. As she continued her study of the other vampire, she couldn't help but admire Dieter's face…angular, masculine, chiseled…not exactly like Spike's, but close. The two beautiful men before her mesmerized Willow, and she could understand why Darla chose them both and why the blond vampiress was distraught when she lost them.

Willow did not know what each vampire finally saw in the other, what they saw in each other's eyes, but something broke the standoff and they pulled each other tight into a crushing hug. Willow let out the breath she did not realize she was holding, and as she looked at Kaelin, she realized that everyone felt the same way. The tension that permeated the immense foyer was lifted and everyone seemed to relax.

As the two ensouled vampires pulled out of their hug, Dieter turned to the group as Angel began the introductions. The green-eyed vampire was charming and flirtatious and practically drooled over Kaelin's hand as he kissed it, and the witch's reaction did not help the matter either. <Poor, Ian. He looks miserable.> Dieter, the gracious host, did not snub Ian, but rather pumped his hand enthusiastically and told him he was glad to have him there and was looking forward to working with him.

As Angel introduced Willow, she could see Angel tense in preparation to what Dieter might do, and the young witch was relieved when Dieter smiled, took her hand and kissed it gently and reverently, without the fanfare of Kaelin's introduction. The hacker almost laughed as she could see Angel relax. <Hmm, very possessive. Not really a surprise though.>

"I am sure you are hungry and tired from the flight. Dinner will be ready shortly. In the meantime, why don't I show you to your rooms where you can take time to freshen up and relax before then," the vampire said as he led them up the staircase. "After dinner, I will take you around the rest of the house and show you the rooms I have set up for training," Dieter said. Turning to Kaelin, he continued, "Whistler gave me the list of the materials you will need and they are already in the room you and Willow will be using. Please look them over tonight and let me know if there is something I have forgotten or if there is something else you require. The room was picked according to the specifications you requested, but if it is not acceptable, there are plenty more to chose from."

When they reached the top of the stairs, Dieter took them left down another corridor. "I have prepared three bedrooms, all next to each other. If any of you do not like the rooms you are in, let me know. Remember that you will be here for a while and I want you happy and comfortable. My feelings will not be hurt if you do not like my choices." Turning to Angel, he said, "I have given you your old room. This will not be a problem?" he asked.

"No, it is not a problem at all. As I remember, it suited my needs just fine. There is one thing…Willow will be staying with me. The third room will not be needed, and her bags should be sent to our room," Angel told Dieter. Willow could feel the blood rush to her face in embarrassment as the green-eyed vampire turned to her and his eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"Fine," Dieter told his friend without emotion. Looking at his watch, he said, "Dinner will be ready in an hour in the dining room. Any of the servants can direct you there should you not find it easily," he said, taking his leave as his guests turned to enter their rooms.

As Angel began to guide Willow into their room, the vampire's progress was halted by Dieter's request. "Angel, could I speak to you in the library, now. There is much we need to discuss about the situation at hand, as well as what has happened…" he said, waving his hand, but not elaborating further.

Angel stopped and hesitated, not sure what he should do. Although he wanted to talk to Dieter, there were other things he would rather be doing, and talking to Dieter was not tops on the list. Sighing unnecessarily, he realized that what he had planned to do could wait until later. Plus, he thought Willow was probably tired and could use the rest…she sure wouldn't get any later.

Angel reluctantly nodded his consent. He really did not want to get into the past right now, but he knew he would have to face it eventually. <Maybe now would be best.> A part of Angel hated the fact that they were in Dieter's house, in what seemed like Dieter's control. <He's already dictating what he wants me to do and we've been here only a few minutes!> It brought the vampire back to the past when Dieter thought that since he was older, wiser and a little stronger than Angel, he could boss him around. Angel just tried to remember that this was all for Willow's safety and the future of the world.

The vampire turned to Willow who smiled shyly up at him and told her, "I will be back before dinner to escort you to the dining room," he said and kissed her. She watched as he followed Dieter down the hall before she entered the room and took stock of her surroundings. She found that in the main bedroom area there was a bed and the usual furniture, along with a small sitting area and telephone. Behind one door she discovered a large closet and behind another she found a spacious bathroom. Satisfied with her discoveries, she began to put her plan into action.

Moving quickly, Willow pulled out her laptop from the backpack she carried, and quickly washed her face, combed her hair and freshened her make-up as the computer booted up and connected to the Internet. She laughed at Dieter's comment about resting and relaxing before dinner. Apparently he had no idea that the hacker could go on practically no sleep…training she received from all night research sessions in Sunnydale. The vampire had no idea that her life was crammed with research, slaying and school.

As she looked at her watch, the hacker realized that an hour left her little time to get onto the net and get the information she was looking for. In no time at all, the vampire would be back to collect her, and although she was looking forward to eating, she really wanted to check out some sites she had previously bookmarked. Taking one last look into the mirror satisfied that she looked presentable, she went back into the bedroom's sitting area and her computer.

Angel looked around the familiar library, and memories from times long forgotten flooded his memory. The room had been a refuge where the two vampires could talk without interruption from the problems of the minions or their irksome children. It was a comfortable room and perfect for the talk they were about to have, or so Angel thought. Angel leaned back into the chair that was always 'his' and sipped the blood Dieter handed him. The vampire was taken completely by surprise Dieter's diatribe.

"What are you planning, Angelus?" the vampire said, meeting the confused gaze of his vampire counterpart. Dieter continued, "That young girl is an innocent…a virgin! I'll not have you ruining her. I thought things were different now…" Dieter said, anger tingeing his voice. "I've sworn to Whistler that I'd protect Willow, and if that includes saving her from you, so be it. I don't know what you've told her, or what she thinks she's getting into, but I'll not have you using my house as a sanctuary where you could seduce her now that she's away from her friends and family. " Getting out of the chair he was perched on, Dieter began moving around the room, swinging his arms wildly. "I see an inexperienced young girl with stars in her eyes. Someone dazzled by an older man who's experienced and worldly and dangerous," Dieter said as he stopped pacing to stand before Angel. "We both know what you are capable of…what we are capable of…does she?"

Angel reigned in the anger he was feeling towards Dieter. He reminded himself that Dieter was responsible for Willow as well, thanks to Whistler, and did need to be assured of Willow's safety. But Dieter did not understand what was going on between them, or what happened between him and Willow in the past. Dieter did not know the relationship he and Willow forged and how much Angel cared for the young girl. <I'll be damned if he thinks he can step between us. I don't need his or anyone else's approval. What Willow and I do is our business, and Dieter best stop acting like a protective big brother or I will knock him on his ass!>

"Yes, Dieter, Willow does know what I am capable of. She has seen me at my worst…without my soul. Whether you believe it or not, she's not as naïve as you think she is. Apparently Whistler did not fill you in all that well," Angel said, meeting Dieter's insistent gaze. "You have no idea what Willow has seen and what she has dealt with. You have no idea of the person that is Willow Rosenberg, but I do. She has lived in Sunnydale on the Hellmouth her entire life. Every night for the last 3 years she has put her life on the line, researching with the resident Watcher and Slayer, slaying demons and vampires, and battling innumerable end-of-the-world disasters. Sometimes I wonder if she hasn't seen as much evil in the world as I have," the vampire said sadly. "She has been kidnapped by Spike and survived. Hell, she even survived me without my soul, with an invitation into her house and my hands around her neck," Angel said to Dieter.

Standing up and speaking eye to eye, Angel continued, "She's restored my soul and brought me back from Hell. She's been my friend and confidante when no one else would. I'm not a vampire to her or a demon; I'm a person who matters. I have infinite respect for her as a person. Her intelligence and compassion staggers me at times, and I forget there can be such good in the world, especially from someone who has seen such evil," the vampire said, getting closer to Dieter, emphasizing each comment with a finger to the other's chest. "She is all that is good and right in the world. She has made my world better, and if you think you can come between us, just try it. I did not tell you all of this to try to justify my relationship with her or gain your approval. You may not understand our relationship or you may have formed the wrong idea, but frankly I don't care what you think about it. If that is all you wanted to talk about, I believe we are finished," with that said, Angel turned on his heel and left a stunned vampire in his wake.

Willow squealed in delight as she found the bookmark she had been looking for. When she had stumbled upon the site in Sunnydale months before, she did not have the time or motivation to go into it but decided that maybe it would be good to have for future use. As she scrolled through the site index, she hit upon a topic she decided to tackle first: 'The Pleasures of Oral Sex--What You Need to Know for a Mind-Blowing Experience'.

Willow smiled as she accessed the information. <Just what I was looking for.> The young girl wanted to please Angel, and although she knew the basics of oral sex, she realized there was more to it than just putting it in your mouth. She realized that Angel would be more than happy to help her, guide her in what he wanted, but he had brought her such pleasure that she wanted to do the same for surprise him. As she read the text before her and absorbed the 'tips and tricks', the young girl knew that there were things that could not be learned from words… just felt…experienced...and she planned on doing just that.

Alone in her room, Willow could actually admit to herself that the sexual games Angel played inflamed both her passion and her ire. She liked them and vowed that once she read through the oral sex topic, she would move onto 'Bondage for Trusting Adults' next. <Wouldn't he just be surprised with that one!>

Chapter 14

Every bit of hatred that Angel had felt for Dieter all those years they competed for Darla came boiling to the surface and threatened to overtake him. He could feel his demon screaming for release…wanting to destroy Dieter for his impudence…to rip out his throat. As he leaned against the wall in the hallway outside the library, it took every calming technique he had ever learned to squelch the demon. When some semblance of control was achieved, he pushed himself off the wall and headed up to his and Willow's room.

<If Whistler were here, I would strangle him for putting me in this position!> The angry vampire stomped up the stairs, his demon in control, but still seething from the conversation. <Like he has to tell me what is right and wrong! Him no less! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Argh.>

Angel knew that the pigheaded vampire would never just accept what Angel had told him. The other vampire would ambush Willow as soon as he could, probably after dinner. Not wanting her to walk into the situation blind, Angel decided he would take the half-hour they had before dinner to tell her what had happened.

Opening the door, he found Willow at the computer. At the sight of him, she quickly turned it off and put it away. As silly as it seemed, he could swear she looked guilty, but dismissing it, he immediately began filling her in about their host.

* * * Angel happily escorted Willow to the dining room, and to his chagrin, Dieter promptly removed the young girl from his arm and led her to a seat next to him. Angel was relegated to the other side of the table.

Dinner was a little strained due to the fact that Dieter and Angel were glaring at each other whenever they caught each other's eye, but basically the conversation was lively among the five gathered.

After coffee, Dieter took the group on the tour he had promised, spending more time on the rooms they would be using for training. In an effort to make sure the preparations were done and the materials needed were present, more time was spent in those rooms than the others.

As the group moved through the house, Dieter tried to answer as many of their questions as possible. Willow found it quite interesting that for most of his time as a vampire, Dieter spent little time at the house. It was only months before the two vampires were cursed that they finally came to his house in Germany. Darla had met their host in London when he had been traveling with friends. His parents had recently died and as their only child, he was the sole heir. Deciding to see the world, he left with friends for a short holiday that turned into more than a century-long exile. It wasn't until his soul was returned that he realized how much he missed his family's estate and so he decided to remain there permanently.

As the tour wound down, Ian and Kaelin excused themselves, and as Angel moved to do the same, Dieter intervened by taking hold of Willow's arm.

Although Dieter's actions were not unexpected, Angel growled at Dieter, showing his displeasure at the vampire's arm restraining his Willow.

Dieter was undeterred. "Willow, could I talk to you?" Nodding her head in agreement, he directed her towards the library with Angel following close behind. As Willow entered the room, the green-eyed vampire stepped in front of Angel, effectively blocking his entrance into the room, and told Angel that he wanted to talk to Willow in private. Catching Willow's eye over Dieter's shoulder and seeing her nod of acceptance, Angel agreed to leave.

"I'm going back to 'our' room to shower, baby. I'll be there if you need me," the vampire said. Before leaving, he gave Dieter a threatening look and left them alone to talk.

Buffy watched as Giles' car moved down the street. The slayer made her way up the porch and into the empty house. She never felt more alone.

The 'talk' she and Giles just had was what they both needed. Actually, they cried, they screamed, and finally they talked. It took more than two hours, but when they were done they were closer than they had ever been before. No matter what, they now knew that they could always depend on each other.

It wasn't until half way through their conversation that Dieter had finally acknowledged to himself that he had been wrong about Willow. She was neither stupid nor gullible. The more they talked, the more he realized that she was very intelligent and very knowledgeable about all forms of demonology, especially vampires. But no matter what she thought she knew, Dieter did not feel comfortable knowing that Willow was entering into a relationship with Angelus and the ramifications of their union.

"Willow, I realize that I've misjudged you. You're not the fragile girl I thought you were…," Seeing the young girl's face darken at that comment, he decided to change tactics. "I have a lot of respect for who you are and what you've done. I realize that you can take care of yourself, but you're not impervious to the charms of an expert in seduction, like Angelus." Seeing her face darken even more in anger, he spoken again quickly, "I'm not saying you're gullible, it's just…I know what he's like…I've seen him in action."

"I bet you have," the young hacker said snidely. Rising to her feet, she prepared to leave the library without any further discussion, but Dieter physically stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"I have and it's not pretty," the vampire said, letting her arm go when she made no move to leave. "Granted, both of us were different then…soulless…but no matter what, Willow, Angelus is still a vampire. He has…needs that you could not understand."

"And what might they be?" Willow asked innocently, her eyes widening in exaggeration of her innocence. "You mean…he might want to drink my blood…he might want to…oh my…have sex with me?" she gasped again, irking the vampire with her sarcasm.

"Knock it off, Willow, sarcasm does not become you," Dieter growled out. "I'm not saying that you can't give him what he needs, just that you don't know what those needs are yet. Maybe you should explore this further before you just jump into bed with the devil? Once you get that far, there will be no turning back…no more 'just friends'."

"Good God, Dieter. How naïve do you think I am? I live in the twentieth century on a Hellmouth, not the eighteenth century in London society," Willow said, not expecting an answer. "Do you think that I don't know that he enjoys rough sex…or blood…or the fear that rushes through my body when he has me pinned to the bed and he grazes his fangs along my jugular? Do you think because I don't know all the kinky things he has done with you and Darla and countless numbers of other lovers, that I am unable to make a decision about a relationship with him?" Willow said, noticing his eyes widen in shock.

"Well, if you think so, then you are wrong. I don't know it all, or pretend to know it all, but I do know one thing. Angel would never hurt me…physically or emotionally. Besides, he already gave me this speech," Willow said, smiling as she saw Dieter's astonishment. "Yes, Angel already tried to warn me away from his dark side. He's not been hiding anything from me, trying to get me into his bed through lies and deception. We made that decision together. There is a lot between us, Dieter, that you will not understand…no one will ever understand, only us. I realize that it won't be easy or even normal, but frankly I don't care. What you don't realize is that I have lived on the Hellmouth for so long that nothing is ever normal. Did you know my last boyfriend was a werewolf?"

Dieter was truly astounded, especially about her dating a werewolf. There were many facets under her façade of innocence. Although it was not the same as dating a vampire, danger still existed. One bite… <Am I living in the past?> Willow just seemed so young that he immediately wanted to take her under his wing and protect her. <Was this how Angelus felt? Could Angelus even feel that way? He was always so cruel and heartless…uncaring and unloving.> The young girl was a modern teenager not shocked by sex of any kind...straight, kinky, homosexual. The little bit of fear she had felt from Angelus' bite was nothing compared to some of the things he and Angelus had enjoyed in the past.

As much as Dieter wanted their relationship to end, he had no right or claim on either of them to forbid it. All he could do was sit back and hope it all worked out…that Angelus was not the monster he had been before. Dieter resolved that no matter what, he would reassure Willow of his continued support.

Conceding defeat, Dieter nodded his head. "Just realize this, Willow, in any case, I will be there if you need me. My job is to protect you, first and foremost. There will never be any 'I told you so's'."

"I really appreciate that everyone has only my best interests at heart…I really do. I will not forget your kindness and your offer, but please as a favor to me, please give Angel a chance."

At the vampire's puzzled look, she continued, "You are judging him on what he was, not who he is now. Just as he's judging you. If you both would just take the time to get to know each other again, you might find you like the new, improved vampires you've become." She smiled shyly at him and said, "Although you were both different then…I'm sure you were…close…but you need each other now more than ever. You both have come a long way and dealt with issues no one else could ever understand. Believe me when I say your trust in Angel is not misplaced."

With that said, Willow left Dieter to his thoughts. <Angelus was always one lucky bastard.>

It had been 45 minutes since Angel had left Willow to talk with their host, and he was now putting a hole in the carpet with his pacing. As he told her he would do, he came up and showered, and then unpacked…both their stuff. Finding nothing else to do but pace and worry, the vampire worked himself into a vile mood. Finally deciding to take matters into his own hands, Angel grabbed his shirt off the bed, and not bothering to stop and button it, he headed towards the door and the library.

The man sat in his chair, eyes closed, waiting for his subordinate to speak.

"Sir, Kaelin has not come back to her room. It's believed she received word about Matthew's death and took flight," the man said cringing, waiting for the explosion and hoping he would not be a casualty. "The Master has asked me for a progress report…I don't know what to tell him," the man added, taking in his surroundings. He noticed the open book on the desk and the preparations for a ritual laid out, and wondered if he had interrupted the man.

"I will talk to the Master about this," he said shortly. "Just make sure that I am not disturbed for the next hour."

The man nodded, taking his leave quickly and not looking back or taking his chances.

As she opened the door, the young girl was knocked to the ground by the half-dressed vampire. As Willow lay prostrate from the uncontrollable laughter, she couldn't muster the energy to pull herself up.

"So you think my worrying is funny," the vampire said as he pulled her up and into his arms and gave her a tender kiss. Pulling her away slightly to look into her eyes, he asked with some trepidation, "Is everything OK, Little One?" Although he knew her mind before she talked to Dieter, he still worried that she might be swayed against being with him.

"Everything is just fine," Willow said as she took his face in her hands. "I have assured your friend that I am capable of handling myself if need be, and that whatever happens between you and I, I fully understand the ramifications of my actions," she added.

Angel snorted. "I doubt it was that simple. Dieter is quite persistent. Once he gets an idea, he never lets it go."

Willow smiled at the vampire before her. "I didn't say it was easy, just that he finally conceded that he might not be right," Willow said, deciding to bring up the conversation she had with Dieter. "You know, he's not that bad. Actually very sweet," Willow said as Angel rolled his eyes. "You know you might actually like him if you gave him a chance. "

Angel smiled. "Do you really think so, Little One?" Willow nodded. "You really are amazing, Willow. Here you are, away from your family, fearing for your life, embroiled in another prophecy, and all you worry about is Dieter and I and rekindling our friendship. Do you ever worry about yourself?"

Willow ducked her head behind her hair in embarrassment, but Angel brought it back up to look into his eyes. "I'm serious, Willow. You worry about everyone else, do you ever consider your needs?"

As he said those words, a silly grin worked its way across her face as she considered her needs and how he had already helped in getting them met.

"Well, I haven't until recently. And I have you to thank for that. You have made me realize I have needs and that they need taking care of," the young girl said as she pulled his face down to hers and into a passionate kiss.

As the kisses became more urgent and animalistic, the young girl moved her hands down to his bare chest where she began to massage his flesh slowly in small circles until they moved over the darkened flesh of his nipples. When her hands reached his nipples, she broke the kiss and moved her lips over his neck and down to his collarbone, never once breaking contact with his skin as she tasted him with her tongue and bite him with her teeth. Reaching his nipples, she treated him to the same attention he had previously lavished on hers. She knew she was doing something right as he moaned his pleasure.

Not stopping her mouth's ministrations, she reached her hands up to his shoulders and slid his shirt down his arms and off. Mustering all the nerve she could, she brought her hands to his waist, then slowly to the front of his pants. Hearing his gasp as he anticipated her next move, she reached down and cupped him in her hand and squeezed lightly. His groans of pleasure were music to her ears, and it gave her the confidence she needed.

Stroking him through his pants, she dropped to her knees and put her mouth over the bulge in his pants. In an attempt to drive him totally mad with desire, she took a deep breath and exhaled, forcing hot air over his covered erection. Hearing the moan that came out of the vampire, she stole a glance upwards and saw him, his eyes closed tight and his head thrown back. The only rational thought that was going through his mind was getting his pants off and quickly.

As Angel began to undo the buttons, Willow pulled her mouth away, and his erection popped free. Slowly, deliberately, she licked him from tip to base, occasionally taking the head into her mouth and sucking. Moving her hands to cup his balls, the young girl did as she read earlier. She massaged them gently but firmly, all the while licking and sucking. As his moans grew louder and his hips were thrusting slightly, she began to take more and more of him into her mouth and added her other hand to stroke him as her lips moved further and further down.

Deciding to go for broke, the young innocent decided to try the last bit of information she read before he had come into the room. Not stopping the movement of her other hand and mouth, Willow slowly moved her hand from his balls back to his anus. Stealing another glance at the vampire, this time she found his eyes wide open and dark with desire. Not knowing if she was doing right or wrong, she halted the movement until he urged her on. "More, Willow. Don't stop," he begged.

Feeling the power rush through again, she picked up the pace of her hand and mouth and slowly began to work a finger into his puckered opening. Once she had it inserted, she synchronized the movements of both hands and inserted a second finger. So engrossed in bringing him pleasure she never noticed his hips thrusting faster and faster until they became almost frantic.

"I'm gonna...oh God, Willow..." he said as he began pulling her mouth away. Relieved because she wasn't sure if she wanted him to come in her mouth, Willow continued stroking him through his orgasm. Too weak to stand, he dropped to his knees and leaned his head on her shoulder.

Because of the way he reacted to her actions, Willow couldn't help but feel very sexy and very powerful. Giggling at her thoughts, she said, "I feel like David bringing Goliath to his knees."

Lifting his head from her shoulder, he said in all seriousness, "Well, David, why don't you tell Goliath where you picked that up, hmm?"

Buffy made her way to the refrigerator for some comfort food. The tears of self-pity had finally stopped, and she tried to pull herself together. She really wished her mother was home. The slayer wanted to be treated like the little girl her mother always wanted...pulled into her mother's arms and comforted. Coddled until the world and its problems just disappeared...until there was just the two of them with hot chocolate and little marshmallows.

Sighing, she unconsciously started to the telephone to call Willow before she realized what she was doing, and the tears started anew. The Watcher's Council would have told her that this was the way it should have been from the start. Just the slayer and her watcher, but Buffy did not know what that was like. She realized that her strength and her abilities lay partly in the fact that no matter what, she had her friends and even her mother to support her. These people made her life somewhat normal and helped her function in both worlds. Dropping her head to the kitchen counter as the sadness overwhelmed her, she never heard the first knock on the kitchen door. It finally took the frantic pounding to pull her from her own private hell. Moving to the door, her physical and mental exhaustion seemed to lift as she saw Xander looking worried on her porch.

With a whoop of joy, she pulled him into the house and into a bear hug. Using all of her strength, she tightened her hold on him and sought the comfort she so desperately needed. As the hug became inadequate, things turned more heated as her hands began to roam all over his body. Xander, totally confused but not caring, let the slayer direct their actions. As his fantasy came to life, his hands matched hers, feverishly grabbing and groping, pulling at each other clothes. As the urge became more animalistic and their needs increased, their mouths met in frenzied kisses. As the two sought momentary comfort, neither considered the consequences of their actions as they fell to the floor.

Somewhere in New York City, a man chanted, burned his herbs, and used a long forgotten spell. In another part of the world, a man tossed in his sleep, plagued by voices and visions. Slowly his soul was taken over by the darkness that had been implanted before they left the United States. No one had realized that these seeds had been planted and that their friend would now be their enemy as the evil permeated the man and bent him to its will.

Chapter 15

As Willow's mind reeled at Angel's question, her first thought was flight…avoidance.

Distancing herself from the felled vampire, Willow moved slowly towards the bed. She could barely think when he touched her, and she was really embarrassed that she went into those sites for the information. He was older and experienced, and she was worried that he would laugh at her. The last thing she wanted was to remind him of her innocence and inexperience.

She kept moving until the back of her knees hit the bed, causing Willow to fall back into a reclining position. As she recovered her balance and sat up, she saw the vampire making his way over as well and lost all control of speech. It would have been exciting enough seeing the naked man moving towards her, but the way he moved… The vampire was on his hands and knees, and like the predator he was, he was slowly making his way towards Willow. She could only stare transfixed as she watched the muscles in his lean, hard body ripple as he moved each appendage, exuding an animalistic sexuality as he moved closer to her perch on the bed.

Willow could only stare at him, her mouth agape and her excitement rising. When he reached the bed and her legs, he began to lick and kiss her feet, slowly moving up her calves, grazing her shins with his blunt teeth. Willow could only moan at the eroticism of his actions.

Reaching her knee, he looked up into her eyes and said mischievously, "I think I know where you could have gotten information like that," he said, cutting off her stuttering words. "And I really don't care. I just can't wait for whatever other surprises you have in store for me." Kissing her knees and slowly nudging them further apart with his chin, he said, "Because you know what? I have some in store for you."

Willow groaned as his hands slid up her thighs, and when he added his lips and tongue to the seduction, it drove her into a frenzy of loud wails. Falling onto her back on the bed, Willow relaxed into the sensations his mouth and hands were creating. <Why fight it, Rosenberg?>

With a sensual ease, he crawled up onto the young girl now lying prone on the bed. The vampire moved with sensuality, bringing one hand up then the other, and finally his legs as he covered her with his sumptuous body. Capturing her lips in a heated kiss, the hacker ardently responded, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her hands in his hair.

He broke away from her mouth to give her a moment to breathe and moved down to her neck, laving his tongue along her jugular. Tempted by the sweet taste of her blood, he allowed his fangs to elongate, and he made a shallow wound. Lapping up the delicious nectar that was Willow, he couldn't help himself from grinding his pelvis into the young girl below him. Willow cried out in ecstasy, arching up mindlessly to meet him.

Needing to get closer, desperately wanting to feel her skin next to his, Angel pulled out of their embrace. Leaning back on his legs, he straddled the young girl, positioned perfectly for the task at hand. Willow lay beneath him, her eyes hooded with desire, and he stoked the fire burning below the surface as he slowly ran his hands up and underneath her T-shirt. Barely grazing her skin, he tentatively grazed the hardened peaks of her breasts. Smiling seductively at her as she moaned, he moved from underneath her shirt and with a quick tug, removed it from her body, quickly followed by the cotton bra. Bared to his eyes, her nipples hardened and goose bumps formed all over her body as the cool air touched her skin.

Angel wanted to ravish the beauty before him, but forced himself to slow down as he took her hardened nipple into his mouth and rolled it around on his tongue. He was pleased when Willow arched into him, begging for more. Nipping her lightly, pleasure-filled sounds told him she was lost to his touch.

Looking up into her eyes, he said quietly, "I want to taste you again, Willow." Not caring what he did at this point, Willow could only groan incoherently.

Taking that as a yes, he smiled as he shifted his legs so that he could easily slide down her body. When he reached the waistband of her skirt, he made short work of removing it, and was pleased when Willow raised her hips slightly making it easier to pull her panties off with it.

As she lay before him totally bare, he marveled at her beauty and her trust in him. Desiring only to do what she wanted, he slowly spread her legs apart, widening the space for him to move into, waiting for any sign that this was not what she wanted.

Lowering his mouth down, he slowly tasted the juices that were weeping from her body. Dragging his tongue slowly across her sex, he lapped at her again and again, occasionally swirling her clit in his mouth. Never giving her what she craved, he brought her to the edge and back again. Then, taking her completely by surprise, he slipped a finger into her heat and crying out his name, she bucked wildly as he brought her to climax.

Angel, quite pleased with her reaction, slowly moved back up her body, tenderly kissing the young witch's lips. As the kiss deepened, Willow became aware of his arousal as he rocked his hips, and his erection thrust into her thighs.

As she felt him move against her, Willow gasped at the sensations that coursed through her body. Involuntarily she gasped as her mind overrode her bodies needs, and fear spread through her body as she thought about his erection actually breaking her maidenhead...the thought of the pain it would cause, overriding the pleasure she would feel.

Feeling her body tense, Angel stopped his rocking and looked questioningly at the girl beneath him.

Seeing the unasked question in his eyes, Willow softly said, "I don't want you to stop…I want you so much." In a typical nervous Willow babble she continued, "It's just that I don't know how it'll fit. I mean…I know it will fit…but it's gonna hurt…but I know that it'll feel good too." As fear was replaced with embarrassment she said, "You must think me so…silly."

"I don't think you are silly," Angel said, taking her chin in his hands and bringing it around so that she looked back into his eyes. "You are the sweetest, most adorable woman I have ever met."

Willow lowered her lids, still mortified at her anxiousness and unwilling to look into his eyes and see his disappointment. She was doing so well, surprising him with all she learned on the Internet…bringing him real pleasure. It was still hard to believe that she, timid little Willow Rosenberg, brought Angel pleasure. But now she realized she was only kidding herself. <Dieter was right. Who was I kidding looking up information about sex on the Internet and playing the seductress? I am way out of my league here.>

Realizing he was not getting through to her, the vampire continued, "Look at me, Willow." The young girl looked into his eyes and found not the disappointment she expected, but understanding.

"Oh, Angel, I just feel so silly…you must think me such a child."

"Oh, Willow, you 'are' young and innocent, and it is so incredibly enticing," he said, and Willow saw a flash of yellow in his eyes. "I understand your nervousness. But I know you want me as much as I want you. Just relax and it'll be all right. Please?" he asked the young girl, and she nodded her consent. "I'll take it slow and gentle…this time," he added, and it sent a shiver through her body. "Just feel," he whispered seductively.

Willow closed her eyes as his lips moved over her eyes, her cheeks and her throat. She settled into the mattress, and he slowly began stroking her body lightly, trying to relax her and bring her back to the state of desire she was at before they stopped. As his hands moved over her, stroking her…stoking her desire, the redhead could feel the wetness form between her legs.

By the time his hands reached her thighs, she was aching for his touch…arching into his hands…trying to get the pressure her body craved. The young girl was beside herself with longing and when his lips closed on her pert nipple, she couldn't contain the half-moan, half-scream that erupted from her mouth. Her need for him had grown exponentially, and she didn't want to wait any longer.

Opening her eyes and looking into his lust-filled brown ones, she realized he was right; she wanted him as much as he wanted her. As she looked into his eyes, any remaining doubt dissipated. She knew he would never intentionally hurt her…but there would be some…discomfort. The young girl realized that this was inevitable, but the way he made her feel, she knew that he would bring her more pleasure than the pain he caused.

As Angel stared into her eyes he could see the desire raging, and as his hands moved between her legs, he could feel her sopping wet with readiness. As much as he wanted to bury himself into her, he fought back his desire, letting Willow take control. When she was ready, he would continue. Fortunately for him, he did not have to wait long.

As Buffy awoke and looked at the body next to her on the bed, she groaned as she realized what had happened last night. They had fell into each others arms, kissing and groping each other without a thought about what they were doing. Slowly they made their way up to her room and as they began to undress, something clicked. A voice inside her head told her that this was wrong. As she looked at Xander, desire burning in his eyes, she hated herself for stopping. Putting on the brakes was the hardest thing she had to do, and she couldn't even tell him why at that point. Her emotions were running the gamut…going from happy to sad in seconds…and with the lack of control all she could do was cry. He held her in his arms as she bawled uncontrollably, comforted her until she fell asleep and apparently held her through the night. She wasn't looking forward to talking with him.

She wasn't looking forward to seeing his disappointment and hurt. The slayer did not want to lose him…his friendship and his love were very important to her. <How can I make him understand?> Burying her head in the pillow, she never realized that her companion was awake.

Tenderly touching her bare shoulder, Xander softly said, "Buffy, talk to me."

"Oh, Xander. I don't deserve you," she wailed. "I am so sorry for leading you on and then…."

"It wasn't only you. It took two of us and we were both 'of the need'. It wasn't something I didn't want," he said. Not wanting to ask the next question, but needing to know anyway, he said, "Was it me? Did you stop because you realized it was me and not him?" Xander couldn't even say Angel's name.

"No. It's me. I knew it wouldn't be fair to you…fair to us. I don't want to start a relationship off like that. I care about you too much. Do you understand?" the slayer said.

Xander thought for a moment and said honestly, "No."

Taking his head in her hands, she said, "I am so screwed up emotionally. I don't know which end is up right now. Everything happened so fast with Willow and Angel, and I did things that I don't really like. I feel like I don't know myself anymore," Buffy said sitting up. "How can I start something when I don't even know what's going on with me anymore? I need you so much, Xander. I can't screw this up with you. Please, let's take this slow," she said, her voice pleading for his understanding.

"Are you saying that you are willing to try a relationship with me?" Xander asked incredulously.

"Yes. I care about you more than I ever realized. Just, please, let's take this slow," she asked with some trepidation.

"As long as I'm not a replacement for Angel, I can deal with slow," he told her brutally.

"You couldn't replace him," she said, realizing how it sounded as he eyes flashed his pain.

Quickly explaining, she said, "You are the opposite of him in every way possible. I like you Xander, because of who you are. I don't want another Angel. Actually, I don't know what I want, but I'm willing, if you are, to see what could happen if we take our friendship to the next level."

As understanding seeped into his consciousness, Xander understood what she was saying. He thought he wanted Cordelia, and then the whole fiasco with Willow happened when she was kidnapped and whatever he had with Cordelia was destroyed. The young teenager wasn't crushed at the loss because he thought he wanted Willow then. Willow was eager for a relationship but content to let him set the pace. Having her seemed to be the right thing, but something nagged at him, and he could never really commit to his best friend. He couldn't understand his lack of commitment to Willow, and he realized that Willow was hurt by it. Now as he lay here in Buffy's bed, understanding finally came. No matter what, he had always hoped that something could happen between him and Buffy. He had tried at something with Faith, hoping that maybe it was a slayer thing, but even that fell short too. Being honest with himself, he finally realized it was only Buffy that he wanted. Buffy that he was waiting for. Everything else was just filler until this. If she wanted to go slow, so did he. He wanted to make sure he was happy too. They both deserved this.

With a smile that did a lot to reassure the girl next to him, he told her, "I would like that. I really would like that. Slow is good." Kissing her lightly he asked, "So you want to Bronze it tonight?"

The young girl was writhing beneath him, trying to get the pressure she needed, the pressure her body instinctively craved. Reaching down between them, she took him in her hands and began stroking him, pumping him before she placed him at her entrance. Her body was pulsating with need.

Moaning at the feeling of her warmth and wetness, Angel responded to both their desire and slowly entered her warm, tight channel. Using a reserve he didn't realize he had, he gently, slowly began moving further into her, a little at a time. Using slow deliberate movements, he would move forward, and then back out. Each stroke moving his erection into Willow a little further. Looking down at Willow with her eyes tightly shut, he swore he could feel emotions other than desire passing through the two of them.

"Open your eyes, Willow," he whispered in her ear, slowly rocking his hips, causing him to enter her a little deeper. When she opened them, the vampire was surprised by the wild desire he saw there. Pushing a little further, he encountered her maidenhead, and the eyes that were hooded with desire suddenly opened wide.

Realizing that he would have to distract her from the upcoming pain, he continued to move in and out of her without going deeper. Controlling himself and his desire for gratification, he moved his mouth down to her breasts and began to suckle her nipples. Hearing her moans increase at the added stimuli, he pulled his hips back and thrust hard, breaking through her hymen. He could barely control himself as he smelled her newly shed blood and the feeling of her muscles clenching around him. Angel lay there wrestling with his emotions, reigning in the demon that wanted to plunder the innocent below him…wanting to take the blood that pulsed through her veins as he pounded into her. He looked down and was not surprised to see Willow's eyes tightly closed and her head thrown back. He nuzzled his face into her neck, the tension radiating off her in waves, and he waited for some sign that she wanted to continue.

Willow's pain was slowly subsiding, and she was adjusting to Angel's intrusion. She could feel her desire begin to build again, feeling his body on top of hers only fueling it more. With her mouth resting at his neck, she couldn't resist placing light kisses there, moving slowly until she settled at the base of his throat on his jugular. Slowly swirling her tongue around it, she began to gently kiss and nip the area. With her hunger for more escalating, her light ministrations became rougher, and she violently bit into his neck, evoking an animalistic cry from the vampire atop her.

Angel rocked against her, and Willow could feel only pleasure course through her body as the base of his erection rubbed against her clit with each downward thrust. Moving with innate knowledge, Willow met him thrust for thrust until they became frenzied and uncontrolled, and she could not match him anymore.

He had wanted to take it slow and gentle. The vampire wanted to savor her, and bring her to the edge of ecstasy time and time again before finally bringing them over the edge. He wanted to worship her body with his, hear her cry his name out in need as she begged him for more. Instead he found himself out of control, he himself thrown for a loop by her actions yet again. Her bite brought out the demon that hovered so close to the surface, the animal that was ruthlessly pounding the young girl into the mattress. Totally dominating Willow, he grabbed her wrists in his hand and pulled them over her head, effectively pinning her there, rendering the young girl unable to move or break free.

His control was precarious, and each stroke became more frenzied…harder and more desperate, and the young woman beneath him rocked with each downward stroke of his hips.

She was initially frightened, but the waves of pleasure crashing through her body with each thrust of his erection only left her panting…her body on fire, glistening with perspiration. She could feel her channel contracting as her orgasm began, and apparently so did Angel.

Reaching down between them, he harshly pinched her clitoris, causing Willow to scream in both agony and rhapsody as a violent orgasm ripped through her body, leaving her breathless and unable to move. As he buried his head into the crook of her neck, she felt the ridges on his forehead and knew he had morphed into game face. Seeking his release, elongated fangs bit into her jugular roughly as he loudly began slurping her blood, taking his pleasure.

Willow was rocked again with an orgasm unlike any he had previously coaxed from her body. She didn't know if she could speak…she knew she didn't have the energy to move.

Apparently neither did Angel, for he just collapsed on her, crushing her beneath his solid, muscular body. Taking a minute to regenerate, he finally found a reserve of energy and pulled himself off of her.

"Oh, Little One, are you OK?" Angel asked as he peered down at the young girl below him and slowly stroked her cheek.

Her eyes fluttered open and although no words came out, he could read her mouthed reply, "Wow."

His fears were lifted a little, but he was still worried. He worried that he had been a little too rough with her, especially for her first time. Smiling down at her he said, "Yeah, wow."

"Did I hurt you, Willow?" he asked, still worried. When Willow nodded her head still unable to speak, he relaxed a little and began to speak his mind. "I'm sorry, baby." At her confused look, he continued. "I am sorry for being so rough with you. I really wanted it to be gentle, a lot slower and a lot less…vampiric."

She looked at him still baffled by his words. Finding a voice as her thought process returned, Willow said, "But I thought you said that you did not want to deny your true nature. Remember? In New York?" Angel nodded his head. "Then I don't understand why you are apologizing. I mean, I know it got a little rough…" Willow said as Angel laughed.

"Rough!" he said. "It was animalistic. I pounded into you with little regard for your well-being. What a great first time," he said, his face clouded over with remorse.

Willow moved from confusion to anger. "I don't know what you want. You tell me in New York that you don't want to deny your true nature and then you show your true nature and now your remorseful," she said, sitting up in the bed and pushing him away. "I enjoyed it, Angel. It was a little rough, and I am sure I will be sore tomorrow, but I liked it. I liked having you pound into my body, your weight and hands holding me down. And when you bit me…"

"Oh, Willow. I am sorry for confusing you. I don't want to deny my nature, but I can be gentle, and that is what I wanted, especially the first time. I wanted to take it slow. Make gentle love to you. To take our time and enjoy it. Being gentle is not exactly denying my vampiric temperament. Vampires can be gentle. Believe me, if I were denying it, I would never have continued, least of all bit you," he said, pulling her back down on the bed with him. "And what got into you biting me like that? It sent me right over the edge!"

Smiling slyly, Willow shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't really know. It wasn't planned…it was impulsive…but it just seemed right...was it?"

"You have no idea what you do to me, do you?" the vampire asked her incredulously, and she just shook her head. "You reduced me to jelly before with those incredible things you did with you mouth and fingers. Then you bring me over the edge with that bite. You, my dear not-so-innocent Willow, are a tiger. One I can't get enough of," Angel said as he pulled the young girl into his arms.

Their gentle kisses became more urgent as the passion began to crest, carrying them with it. Willow giggled as he moved over her and then gasped as she realized he was hard again.

"How is that possible?" she asked. "I didn't think…" her words were cut off as his mouth descended on hers, effectively silencing her questions.

Kaelin didn't know what woke her up, but as she lay in the bed next to Ian, she began to realize that he was having a violent nightmare. <Odd. He's never had them before.>

As he thrashed and moaned, the woman became more and more concerned as the man next to her became even more agitated. Not knowing what else to do, she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, hoping to wake him up. When he failed to respond, she rose from the bed to grab the jug of water. As the witch moved to get the water and turned away from the bed, she never saw the blue light flicker in his eyes as they opened. Slowly they took on their normal coloring, and when she turned to try to rouse him from his sleep, she found herself looking into the eyes of her lover. Gratefully, she sunk down on the bed and took him into her arms.

"Are you OK? You were having a horrible nightmare," she said to Ian.

She could see the surprise on his face. "I'm fine. I don't remember the dream. The only thing I remember is you coming at me with the water."

Happy that he was Ok, she snuggled next to him, and she slipped off into sleep as he lay there wondering what just happened.

"I can't believe you," she said to the vampire. She couldn't move, and he was taking advantage of it.

Looking up from between her legs, he gave her a wicked smile. "You have blood all over you. Why let it go to waste?" he said as he licked up the blood from her broken hymen that was smeared all over her legs and sex.

Sighing, she said, "You are incorrigible."

"But you love it," he responded roguishly as he heard her moans of pleasure as his tongue brushed over her clitoris.

"I do love it," she said blushing, "but I don't think I could do it again, Angel," the young girl said wearily. "You wore me out."

Moving from between her legs, he lay next to her and said, "Are you going to be one of those women that roll over and want to go to sleep after they had their way with me?" Willow found enough energy to smack his shoulder. "You think you're so smart, don't you?" Willow asked the smug vampire. "Well if you want to talk…," she said, drifting off in thought, "why don't you tell me about your first time." She grinned as he groaned at her choice of subjects. "What's the matter? You agreed to tell me about your life...and you know about my first...will you share your experience with me?" the young girl babbled, but the last comment prompted his answer.

If Angel could have blushed he would have. His first time was not exactly a shining moment in his long, prestigious career as a womanizer. "It was my seventeenth birthday, and I had been out with a few of my friends drinking and celebrating. At the end of the night we decided to go to a brothel," he said, looking up at her gauging her reaction.

"And?" she prompted him, expecting more of an answer.

He could only laugh at the expectant look on her face. He had hoped to squeak by with that, but it was not to be. "Well, I had sex with a prostitute."

"And that's it. That's all you're going to tell me," she growled at him. "You were my first time. You know what it felt like for me, and you can't tell me about yours?"

Angel had the grace to be apologetic. "Sorry. I guess I'm a little embarrassed."

She smiled warmly at him. "I understand…about the prostitute."

"Well...umm...I guess I'm embarrassed because it was really nothing special," he explained, looking into her eyes. "I was drunk, I was inexperienced and it was so quick. The only thing I was concerned with was getting my own satisfaction." With a derisive laugh, he continued. "I can still see the shocked look on her face as I basically entered her and then…lost it."

Willow's gaze clouded as she thought about what he said. " do...umm...I know how guys, and even girls learn about sex now. I mean...there are ways to find out about...pleasuring your partner...umm...that are easy to obtain. How did you learn going back to the brothel?" she said, her face a bright red in embarrassment.

Laughing at her embarrassment, especially after all they did together, he said, "Well, I did go back to the brothel a couple of times after my birthday, and it was basically the same thing again and again. I got off and that's all that really mattered. Men, when I was human, were not really concerned with pleasing their wives or their lovers, and women just had to go along with it. You see, I know what you like, because you let me know with your ooh and ahs. Or you direct me with your body and your words. In my time, that was taboo. It wasn't like that with hookers. You pay, you take your own pleasure, their pleasure is not important unless that is what you wanted. I didn't care if they got pleasure or not," he said, shaking his head at the memories. "It was actually Darla that taught me how to please a woman," he said, staring off into space. "It was one of the first things I learned as a vampire."

Willow's eyes widened as she thought about what he had said, especially about it being the first thing he learned. Gathering up her courage, she asked him another question, hoping he didn't get angry. "What do you remember about first waking up as a vampire? I mean...I'm sure you don't want to tell me," and with his continued silence, the redhead became more nervous. "I'm sorry for prying too deep. I'm sure it's something you don't want to talk about," the young girl said, trying to take him off the hook of answering her question.

Shushing her, the vampire said, "It's Ok, Willow. I told you we could talk about my past, and this is part of it." Taking a minute to gather his thoughts together, he continued, "Well, I remember being disoriented and hungry. I was lying on a cold floor and next to me was an unconscious girl. Acting on pure instinct, I did not hesitate to drain her," Angel said, sadness creeping into his voice, but he continued anyway. "With the blood, came some focus, and I remember hearing a woman's moans coming for across the room. Realizing I was not alone in the room, I rose to my feet and scanned it for any possible threats. I remember being shocked that the woman I had met the night before in the alley, whom I did not think was a prostitute was in bed with a man I had never seen before, and he was doing something to her that was making her moan. I couldn't understand why he was wasting his time...I actually thought that maybe he couldn't perform..." he laughed, more at himself than at what he remembered.

Pulling himself up to lean against the headboard, he pulled Willow into his arms and continued his story. "I was cocky even then. If the man wasn't going to 'take' the woman, then I was. Taking Dieter by complete surprise, I easily pulled him off of Darla and began taking my pants down, planning on having sex with her right then and there. Boy was I surprised when she backhanded me. To say the least, she put me in my place and continued with Dieter. I was basically forced to watch him please her and then have sex with her. When she was done with him, I thought I was next. I really had a lot to learn," the vampire said, a snort like sound coming from him. "My sire had her fill. She told me, in no uncertain terms, that I would learn my place and I would learn it quickly or I would be destroyed. As she swept from the room, I realized that I would not be getting pleasure, only giving it...and not to Darla. She was forcing me already to tow the line. Asserting her dominance, by having me do something I sure didn't want to do...please Dieter."

The words blurted out of Willow's mouth. "You had sex with Dieter?" she asked, her voice an octave higher than normal.

Pulling her closer to his body, he said, "No. I did not have sex with Dieter. He had sex with me and only after I was forced to…please him. I was forced into submitting to him, and he asserted his dominance over me happily."

Her curiosity getting the better of her, she asked innocently, "Then Darla came back and you had sex with her?"

"No, Willow. It's all about dominance. Vampires use sex for pleasure and for dominance. I interrupted their pleasure, and I was going to pay by submitting to their dominance. When Darla came into the room, she told me what she wanted me to do and I did it. I still expected to have sex with her after bringing her to an orgasm, but she was teaching me a lesson. I was hard and aching…I wasn't even allowed to take care of it myself. The next day she allowed me to bring myself off, but only after taking care of her and Dieter."

"So, basically you were always forced to submit to Dieter. That is why you don't really like him?" Willow asked innocently. Her normal embarrassment at asking such questions were thrown aside as her thirst for information pushed her on.

"No, I was not always forced to submit to Dieter. Darla was just getting her point across to me. Once she was satisfied that I learned my place, she forced Dieter to get me off. Payback was a bitch," the vampire said with vehemence.

"Now, I'm lost," Willow said, frustrated at her confusion.

"Well, you see, Dieter was getting too cocky. Forcing me to submit to him gave him too much power, and Darla was using me to put him back in his place. It's all a game of dominance. By having him submit to me, it put us back on a more equal footing, and insured our submission to her."

She nodded her head in understanding and just sat there absorbing it all in. <Angel and Dieter!> It's not like she didn't know that vampires were bisexual, she just never had considered Angel and another male vampire... <What about Spike? I'm sure…I mean Angel was his sire and Spike is gorgeous. Oh Goddess, what am I thinking!>

Angel was concerned. He did not know what Willow was thinking, and her silence was not helping. He knew she was shocked, although he knew she realized that vampires had sex with anyone, male or female. He was just concerned she was repulsed by the idea of him submitting to another male. But before he could try to find out the cause of her silence, she asked another question that took him completely by surprise.

"Who was Darla's sire? Willow asked, the question coming out of the blue.

"You know him as the Master Buffy defeated at the Harvest," Angel answered her.

"That makes sense then how you knew him," she reasoned out loud.

Angel understood her question now. She was trying to get a mental picture of his twisted vampiric family. She understood about Darla and Dieter, now she was moving up higher in the vampire hierarchy, trying to understand Angel and his life better.

More confident of her acceptance of him and his life, he tried to clarify further for her how things were. "The Master was never really around all that much. By the time I was embraced by Darla, she had broken off on her own with minions that followed her. It wasn't until Spike and Dru were embraced that the Master began spending more time with Darla again."

Nodding her head again, Willow asked, "Even though she was a master herself, did he still dominate her when he was around?"

"Oh, yes. A master will always exert his dominance over his childe. Kind of like a reinforcement of the rules. Although it wasn't always unpleasant, it was still 'understood'."

Shyly, Willow asked, "Did he dominate you and Dieter, too?"

"Yes. And Dru and Spike and Heather."

"Heather?" Willow asked, confused again.

"Sorry. Heather was Dieter's childe. Vampires are always reinforcing their position in a clan. Dieter would try to exert his dominance over me by having sex with Dru and Spike. I in turn would have sex with Heather. It shouldn't have been allowed, especially without the sire's permission, but Darla really enjoyed having Dieter and I at each other's throats. Definitely not a happy family," he said.

Angel continued with his narrative. "Actually, there was no love lost between anyone. Darla hated Dru for pulling away my attention for her. In retaliation, Darla would take Spike out hunting and have sex with him and then rub it in both my face and Dru's. My sire would not leave it there either, at one point she was so angry with Dru, that she shipped her off to the Master for a short visit. Darla claimed that the Master wanted Dru there to please him, but I still don't believe it. Actually, I believe he called for Darla, but instead of leaving us all alone to our own devices, she effectively took away my distraction. Then, again, I was her favorite child, so I could understand her reluctance."

Angel was hurt at Willow's laughter. "What are you laughing at, Little One?" he asked, turning her in his arms to look at him.

"Just your 'cocky' attitude," she said, kissing him, trying to placate the ruffled vampire's ego. "Why don't I think Dieter would agree with you?"

Dieter loved walking along the grounds of his estate in the moonlight…he loved the peace and solitude that it provided.

Tonight, though, it was another reason that brought him out for his walk. The vampire was trying to gain some emotional equilibrium…away from his house full of guests. As he strolled through the gardens, he thought about his 'talk' with Angel and the conversation he had with Willow.

Dieter really liked Willow. There was just something about her that made him smile. He was looking forward to spending time with her, training and talking when they had an opportunity. He realized that he wanted to get to know her better, and if with Willow's friendship came Angelus', then that could only be a plus.

In actuality, he knew he would enjoy the company of the four guests currently in house. But there was something…a foreboding…a feeling he couldn't quite describe. At first, he thought it was his emotional confusion over Willow and Angel, but in retrospect he realized it was something else that was bothering him.

Dieter trusted Whistler, and he was sure all was OK with Kaelin. But who was this Ian? He seemed a likeable chap and Kaelin was more than willing to vouch for him. <She would know if something was not quite right.>

Making his way back to the house, he heard Willow's cry of ecstasy and shook his head sadly. His solitary life had been self-imposed. Now he wondered if that is what he really wanted.

As he entered his room, he resolved, for his own peace of mind, that he would call Whistler and have him check into Ian. In the meantime, he would keep an eye on the warlock, especially when he was with Willow.
