E-Mail: katariina23@yahoo.com
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The characters are owned by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I own the poems, though Joss wants them real bad. lol.
Pairing: Angelus/vamp Willow
Feedback: Please, feed me!
Note: This is part 3 in The Love Letters Series.
< > indicate thoughts.
Darkness had once again fallen upon the city of Sunnydale and all the vampires had left their lairs for a night of fun and games, except one. Angelus was on his way to his mate's bedroom. He had something, tied with a blood red ribbon, in his hand.
Angelus was about to put his little gift onto Willow's bed, when he noticed something in the very spot he was going to put it; there lying on the bed was a letter.
Curious as always, Angelus took the letter from the bed and burst out laughing after looking at it. "I know you were watching me sleep," he read out loud. Red had caught him this time. She had known he wouldn't be able to resist reading the letter and she knew he'd been watching her.
Yes, he had watched. Red always looked so sexy, when she slept completely still in his bed; no beating heart, no rising of the chest and her skin, contrasted with the black silk sheets and the fiery color of her hair, looking so pale and marvelous.
Almost excited now, Angelus quickly looked what the letter had inside.
I wonder what
it is you see
Your gaze is
burning a hole in me
I know, that
you sense I'm awake
But opening my
eyes would be a mistake
I start to move
my hands around
And I'm not making
any sound
You wonder how
much I dare
To do for your
hungry stare
Oh, I'm going
to show you everything
Just because
your eyes are following
And baby, when
I am done
It'll be your
turn to come
That night, when Willow got back from hunting, she looked at her bed and a knowing smile spread on her face. < Angelus. >
On her bed was a
roll of paper tied with a blood red ribbon. She took it in her hands, opened
the ribbon and found exactly what she expected - a picture of her sleeping.
The End