
Author: Ruby

E-mail: ruby_113@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Joss owns all, but I'm not sure he'll want them after this!

Summary: Ya ain't gettin' one!!

Notes: This is Charity's fault!!! She said something about sweet vampires, and well...it doesn't take much to motivate me!:-)


"Honey?" Willow said.

Angel's eyes widened as he turned to look at her, "What did you say?"

"I said, honey. Want some?" she wiggled the little plastic bear-shaped squeeze bottle in his face. "It's great on toast, with cinnamon."

Angel's gaze drifted to her lips as she bit into the toast. He moved his chair closer to hers and leaned toward her.

"Honey's good on all kinds of things," he told her as he watched her tongue lick the sticky substance from her lips.

"Really? Like what?" she asked.

He took her hand and licked the sweet liquid from one of her fingers.

"Like these," he answered.

She looked at him anxiously.

"And these," he said as he brought his mouth to hers and sucked at her lips.

"Angel," she said nervously.

"And this," he continued as his mouth traveled to the pulse point below her left ear.

Willow jumped up out of the chair, "What are you doing?"

He reached out and took the container of honey from her hand and flipped open the yellow lid.

"Angel!" she shrieked.

He chuckled and stood. Willow backed away, until the kitchen counter met her hips, impeding her retreat. He stepped closer to her.

"Where's Buffy?" she asked.

Angel grinned, "Who cares? Did you know she doesn't like honey?"

"She doesn't?"

"Not a bit, but it makes me absolutely ravenous," he told her.

"It does?" she gulped.

He sat the honey on the counter and lifted the redhead by the waist, placing her on the counter beside the container. He took the little bear and placed one golden dollop on her right knee. He bent and trailed his tongue along it and up her thigh, pushing her skirt up out of the way.

Willow trembled and placed her hands on his shoulders. He pulled her toward him and slipped both hands under her skirt to remove her panties.

"Angel," her protest was a mere whisper.

He looked into her eyes as his fingers made quick work of the buttons on her blouse. He drew it away from her and unclasped her bra, tossing it casually over his shoulder.

Willow's thoughts jumbled about in her brain as Angel placed a line of honey from the hollow of her throat down between the mounds of her breasts. She moaned as his cold tongue made contact with her flesh and followed the line down her body.

Her fingers wove themselves through his hair as he licked her clean. His lips sought out one perfect nipple, and he drew it between his teeth, sucking and nipping at it.

Angel toed off his shoes and unfastened his pants. He stepped out of them. Willow's cheeks reddened at the sight of his hard shaft. He pulled her to the edge of the counter and thrust into her.

His lips captured hers as he began a frantic pace inside her slick channel. One hand tortured her breasts, kneading them and pinching the nipples, as his other hand rubbed against her clit.

Willow's legs wrapped around Angel's waist as he pistoned into her. She gripped his arms as she climaxed. Her walls clamped around his throbbing shaft, and he growled as his cold seed shot into her.

He pulled her tightly against him, crushing her breasts against his chest.

"Mmmm," he whispered against her ear. "Sweeter than honey."

The End
