Series: Immortal Willow

                Title: Lessons
                Author: Slvr Fyre
                Email: LadySlvrFyre@a...
                Rating: PG: 13
                Classification: Crossover, Willow/Angel
                Summary: Willow gets introduced to the other people that live in the Keep.
                I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to start the next installment in the   series. I've been very busy in school and other things.
                Also add to that   finals.

                Part 1

                "I hope you like this room it's going to be yours." Kaisean said as Willow   looked around the room that she had waken up in.
                Kaisean watched in pleasure   as Willow's face lighted up with delight.

                "Really it's beautiful! And huge!" Willow exclaimed as she looked around the   room for the first time. They were in a large bedroom
                easily 4 times the size   of her bedroom at her parents house. The bed that Willow was sitting on was   king size and was covered
                in soft black silk sheets. The walls were white and   the carpet was a rich blue. Heavy black drapes framed large windows.
                Outside   was a hint of light of the approaching dawn. A large entertainment center   stood opposite the bed, on both sides was
                a door. <They probably lead into   the closet and the bathroom.> Willow thought.

                "Come on Fox. Everyone is waiting to meet you. Some of them are Immortal so   you'll be able to sense them. I have to warn you
                though the feeling that   overcomes newly made Immortals when they first sense another Immortal can be   overwhelming."
                Kaisean said as she walked to the door leading into the   bedroom. Willow followed her friend out of the room and down a hallway.

                When they halfway down the hallway, Willow doubled over in pain as a sudden   buzz resonated through her head. "That's the
                presence of another Immortal?!"   Willow gasped as she put her hands on her knees in an effort to steady   herself.

                "Yeah it is." Kaisean sympathetically said. "Come on the sensation should   stop when you come within eye contact with another
                Immortal." Willow slowly   straightened as she got more used to the sensation.

                Willow grabbed Kai's hand in reassurance, as they entered a very large room.   Kaisean gave Willow a reassuring smile. Several
                people were lounging against   large cushions scattered all over the raised seating area.

                Kaisean gently urged Willow to follow her and the nervous Immortal obeyed.   Willow became lost as she openly gawked at
                everyone seated. They all seemed   to be extremely attractive and young. Most of them were wearing long coats.   She could
                feel that something was different about them. *They must be   Immortal.* Willow thought. She felt Kai tug on her hand and
                looked up, then   down as she realized she had been off in space for some time. Kaisean eyes   twinkled as she smiled. Willow
                abruptly sat down next to her friend.

                "Ok guys. I want you meet Willow Rosenberg, my online friend." Kaisean   announced to the group that surrounded herself and
                Willow. She turned to the   newly made Immortal, "Willow this is Tenshi Menard." Kaisean touched the knee   of the   casually
                dressed young man with sparkling green eyes and short curly   black hair. Tenshi's lips lifted as he gazed warmly at Willow and
                held out   his hand. Willow put her hand in his and shook it. "Tenshi is my brother."

                "Really." Willow returned his smile and said "Tenshi is an interesting name.   What language is it in?" Tenshi looked at his sister
                who nodded.

                "Tenshi is Japanese, it means Angel." Kai answered, Willow froze at that.

                "Angel…." She murmured her voice full of longing, she shook herself. "It's   nice to meet you Tenshi."

                Kai watched Willow carefully and concluded that the topic of Angel and most   likely anything that concerned Sunnydale should
                not be broached at the   moment. The man beside Tenshi slipped an around his waist as Tenshi sat back.   "My name is Jimmy
                Damond, but I go by Demon."

                "Demon!?" Willow exclaimed as she leaned forward. He had brown blonde tipped   spiked hair and dark eyes, piercings ran up both
                ears. He was wore a leather   jacket and torn and ripped jeans.

                "We really don't want to go into how he got that name." Tenshi grinned at   Demon who smiled back as he hugged Tenshi close
                making him practically sit in   his lap. Willow watched all of this with a look of confusion on her face as   she wondered how close
                they were. Then she realized how Demon might have   gotten his name and blushed *Oh goddess. They're gay!* She thought.
                Willow   blushed even more as Kai snickered beside her.

                "It's not funny Kai!" Willow shouted as she looked at her friend accusingly.   "Why didn't you tell me?"

                "Hey it's worth seeing the look on you face girl." Kai said through her   laughter.

                "It's not that I'm not against homosexuals or anything. I just didn't see   that coming. I mean I know guys back in Sunnydale that
                are gay. My vamp self   was bisexual. In fact all vampires I've come across seem to be bisexual. So   who am I to judge. Willow
                babbled as she kept on blushing, finally she   stopped and smacked Kai's arm. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" A look   of mock
                anger crossed her face.

                Kaisean watched in amusement as Willow started to babble, then yelped as the   other redhead smacked Kai. "Hey!" She
                exclaimed. The others watched grinning.

                "Ok, Willow it's time for the rest of introductions." Kai said as she poked   at the man dressed in a dark sweater and jeans
                sprawled out beside her. He   had black softly spiked hair, and golden hazel eyes. His large nose seemed   dominate his face until
                Willow looked closer into his eyes. In them she saw   the pain and joy of one who had seen many things in their lifetime. He had
                the look that she sometimes saw in Angel except that is was more intense.   *Whoever this was he has to be Immortal, and old,
                very old.* Willow thought   as she shivered. In a flash the look vanished, leaving a seemingly naïve   looking graduate student
                in it's pace.

                "This is Adam Pierson." Kaisean said. //Do you want me tell her the rest, my   love?// Kai sent to Methos. Wordless affirmative
                was sent back. "He's the   oldest Immortal."

                "Really?" Willow asked, she was almost afraid at how old her friend would say   Adam was. *The oldest Immortal. * She asked
                anyway somehow needing to know.   "How old exactly?"

                Methos licked his lips and said in a British accent, "I'm actually not sure   how old I am exactly. The time before my first
                Quickening is blurry. In fact   I'm around 5,000 years old."

                Willow looked at Methos and straightened almost jumping to her feet. "Your   kidding me! Five Thousand!" She looked
                incredulously at Methos then at Kai. She closed her eyes as she   tried to absorb that the man sitting by her friend was probably
                one of the   oldest living being in the world. Willow took a deep breath and opened her   eyes then she thought of what he said.
                "So *Adam* is a play of words right. "

                "Exactly. I don't go by my real name, which is Methos, of course. I would be   suicidal if I did and living as long as I have instills
                some very strong   survival instincts." Methos ran a hand though his hear as he took a sip of a   bottle of beer.

                Willow looked confused at his remark and asked "Why would it be suicidal?"

                "Look at it in the way of an Immortal Willow. Age in the Game means power,   and as the oldest Immortal Methos has an
                incredibly powerful Quickening." Kai   said, a look of understanding dawned on Willow's face. "No one wants to even   consider an
                Immortal taking his Quickening. The thought of it is just too   scary." Willow nodded in agreement.

                "Now there's only one other people to introduce so bear with me." Kaisean   pointed at the young man with curly reddish brown
                hair and dark eyes. He   smiled and said "I'm Richie Ryan. I'm Immortal and relatively young compared   to other Immortals." He
                looked at Methos as he said this.

                "And how old are you?" Willow raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

                "I've only been an Immortal for five years. I died when I was 19." Richie   answered amused.

                "So that's it Willow. There are other people to introduce, but they don't   live in the Keep." Kai grinned.

                "You mentioned the Keep before Kai. What exactly is it?" Willow asked puzzled   as she looked at her friend.

                "Oh. I didn't tell you what the Keep is?" Willow shook her head at Kai's   surprised question. "The Keep is this entire place."
                Kaisean gestured around   them. "We, meaning Methos, Tenshi and I, converted this place from a   warehouse into our home. It's
                very large. One thing about Immortality is that   it's easy to acquire money. I mean you simply but thing that in your time   cost
                cheap, wait a couple of decades or centuries and sell it as antiques."

                "Really sounds cool. You will show me around right." Willow asked as she   looked her surrounding again. She started blushing as
                her stomach rumbled.

                "Maybe we should show her the kitchen first sis." Tenshi laughed. Kai reached   forward with her mind and pushed her brother off
                his lover's lap. She smirked   as she got up and led Willow out of the room. Willow was blushing and   laughing an interesting
                combination as she whispered into Kai's ear. Demon   helped Tenshi up, they could hear Kaisean's familiar laughter.

                "I wonder what they're plotting." Richie rose up with the others.

                "I don't want to know." Methos said as he looked at Kai. He wondered how she   would cope with another female in the Keep.

                Part 2

                "This is an example of one of Methos many alternate identities." Kai pointed
                toward the computer screen. She was sitting beside behind Willow. Both were
                in front of a computer in a large library on the first floor of the Keep.
                Books lined the shelves, large armchairs were placed all over and another
                seating area platform was in the corner. A group of tables were near the
                entrance and near one of the large windows.

                "Ok. I'm taking a guess here that you want me to create an identity for
                myself, right?" Willow asked as she looked over personal information of
                William Stanton. * William.* Willow absently snorted as she read the name.

                Kaisean heard Willow and kept silent as she smiled. "Yes. All Immortals
                usually learn how to create an identity for themselves, either that of they
                hire someone to do it for them. I'll be helping you out with it."

                "Ok." Willow took a deep breath restlessly picked at her sweats. "Why are you
                helping me out with it though? I mean your not Immortal."

                Kai looked down at her lap before looking back at her friend. "Because of my
                expertise with expertise with computers." She replied simply. "I mean Methos
                could help out also, but I thought it would be best if you had someone more
                familiar, well relatively, to help you."

                "So what should I start with?"

                "A name." Kai simply answered.

                Willow thought for several moments before her eyes brightened. "The name I
                wish to take is Aspen. I can't think of a last name though."

                "A name based on a tree." Kaisean stated looking at her friend who Willow
                nodded. "I think I understand why. Do you want me to help you out with the

                Willow looked relieved, "Would you?" Kai nodded and turned away from her
                friend to think.

                "How about Davenport?" Kaisean asked, looking back at Willow. Willow gazed
                thoughtfully at the computer. <Davenport. Aspen Davenport.>

                "I like it." Willow smiled. They spent the rest of the hour creating an
                background. Kaisean helped set Willow up with money, something to help the
                new Immortal start out.

                Several hours later, Willow had fallen asleep at the keyboard. Kai smiled
                slightly at the sight and teleported the exhausted Immortal to her bed. She
                read over the history that Willow had just made up, checking the birth
                certificate and other important documents to make sure that everything was in
                order. When she was done Kai turned of the computer and went to the kitchen
                to get some breakfast.

                Soft satin sheets moved beneath Willow as she languorously woke up. She
                opened her eyes to see sunlight streaming through the windows, long drapes
                gathered to the side. The light played across on Willow's body warming her.
                She looked up into the clock next to the bed and saw that it was a little
                past noon.

                Willow pulled her knees to her chin. The past day had been very sudden and
                confusing. Becoming Immortal, finding out that her love for Angel was
                reciprocated. Now Willow had a new identity. She wondered how being Immortal
                would change her. <Oh Goddess. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back
                to Sunnydale.> Willow's thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the

                "Willow, lunch ready." Kaisean said softly, her voice somehow echoing through
                the room. Willow bit her lip as her stomach tightened. <Ugh, I just ate!> She
                thought. "Kai, where can I get some clothes?"

                "Top drawer of the armoire. I put in some of my clothes there, they should
                fit you." Kai replied, she waited a second then asked, "Can I come in?"

                "Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry." Willow replied pulling a shirt over her head. The door
                opened and Kai entered the room. <That's weird. She looks like a cat when she
                walks. > Willow thought. "What are we doing after lunch?"

                "Shopping. We need to get you clothes. I can't go on lending you clothes
               forever. Then we get you personal stuff." Kai touched the clothes in the open
                drawer and turned to look at Willow. "This room has nothing personal to it.
                You know what I mean, it's like a guest room."

                Willow nodded in agreement as she brushed out her hair. They walked out of
                the room, again Willow felt the presence of other Immortal and dealt with it
                much better than the last time. It felt muted however. "How come it feel
                less…. Powerful?" Willow asked.

                "Adam's not in." Kai noticed Willow's questioning look at the name. "Aspen
                you better get used to calling people by more than one name and answering to
                Aspen. You don't want to slip up. It can be disastrous. Which is why everyone
                else will be calling you Aspen at any time."

                "Ok. I think I can deal with that. Where's Adam then?"

                "Adam's went to pick up some stuff from Oakland. He'll be back tonight."

                The smell of Chinese food greeted Willow's starving senses. She moved a
                little more quickly opening the door. Kaisean stepped though behind Willow.
                Demon was sitting on the counter while Tenshi leaned against him. They looked
                up when the two redheads entered the kitchen. Richie was busy piling food
                into dishes and flashed a grin at them. Willow stepped forward to help.

                "I think that was the best Chinese food I've ever had. Wherever did you order
                it?" Willow leaned back into her chair with a sigh of satisfaction.

                "Actually they made it." Demon pointed to Tenshi and Kaisean who laughed at
                the shocked look on Willow's face.

                "Silver! Where the hell did you learn to make such delicious Chinese food?"
                Willow asked.

                "From our mother." Kaisean replied her face becoming momentarily shadowed.
                Beside her, Tenshi reached forward to hold her hand, Kai smiled at her
                brother gratefully.

                "Our mother died five years ago." Tenshi said softly.

                Willow drew her breath in sharply ."I'm sorry Kai."

                The other girl sighed and said. "It's alright Willow. Tenshi and I dealt with
                their deaths sometime ago. It doesn't hurt anymore, but we still remember."

                Richie stood up saying "Ok guys. Time to clean up. I'm supposed to be driving

                "Yes, Richie, I remember." Kai shook her head as she and Willow shared a
                smile. They cleaned up quickly.

                "See you later Tenshi-niisan, Demon. I figure that we'll be home by six.
                Slane ayd!" Kai waved her hand as she got into the black Jaguar.

                "What does, slane ayd mean?" Willow asked as she settled into the back.

                "It means good-bye in Irish Gaelic." Kai absently replied as she opened the
                garage door. Half an hour later they arrived in front of a large mall.
                Kaisean and Willow got out of the car.

                "Call me when your ready to leave." Richie told the girls.

                "Where too first?" Willow asked glancing around. Since it was the middle of
                the week and in the afternoon the mall wasn't that crowded.

                "Clothes, computer, books, then everything else in that order." They grinned
                at each other a little madly and raced for the first store.

                Part 3

                The Next Morning

                Willow opened her eyes as a familiar voice said beside her, "Wake up." Willow   turned her head and glared at Kaisean. "Goddess
                Kai, its-" She checked the   clock, "6:00 in the 'morning'!"

                "You think this is early try getting up at five." Kai smirked. "Get up, it's   time for your lessons. Wear something comfortable." She
                disappeared. Willow   took out the black sweats and white shirt. Quickly dressing, she washed and   left her room. Kai was
                waiting just outside her room.

                "So what first, Silver?" Willow asked.

                "We run, Adam figures we should start you off very easy with a slow jog.   Adam, and I will be teaching you martial arts, the
                others will help out also.   Then we'll start teaching you other styles. Later today we'll begin your   magic lessons."

                "Wait, magic lessons? And how do you know martial arts?"

                "Yeah. It'll be mostly Adam and I on this. Tenshi has been taught magic but   just the basics. Adam considering his age is very
                knowledgeable in magic. As   for martial arts my mother trained both myself and Tenshi in various schools.   Then Methos took
                over my training." Kai replied as they walked downstairs.   Willow was a little startled to see Tenshi and Demon standing by the
                elevator. The other two Immortals were dressed in sweats and tanks, in their   hands were CD walkmans. Willow glanced at Kai
                with her eyebrow cocked.

                "We usually run every day together." Kai answered Willow's silent question.   "We'll be heading to the park and back."


                "Ugh. How much do you run every day usually?" Willow asked as she sat down   heavily on a cushion. Even though they had
                barely done two miles at a slow   jog, Willow could feel her leg muscles aching.   Willow thought, she looked at   Kaisean
                enviously. <She looks fresh, barely breathing at all.> Tenshi and   Demon were sitting across from them.

                "About five miles in the morning." Kai unpinned her hair and pulled it back   again in a tighter loop and bun. "My training was-is
                very thorough. We're   going pretty easy on you at the moment." Willow looked at Kai in disbelief,   Kai just gave her a shrug.

                "So what next?" Willow stretched and was shocked to find that once aching   muscles were now feeling fine.   She thought

                Kai led Willow to the basement where the gym and practice room took up most   of the floor. <Goddess this is huge!> Willow
                thought as she wandered across   the room to where Kai stood on a mat. The walls were lined with weapons. In   one corner
                there was a gym, weight lifting equipment and free weights were   set up in one section of the room. Seconds later Willow could
                feel the now   familiar sensation of another Immortal's coming down the stairs. Richie   jumped the last couple of steps. "Good
                morning Aspen! Sean, your friend   Shervin called earlier on line 4. He said he has all of the paper documents   ready."

                "Thanks." Kai turned to Willow. "Shervin's the guy I got to make all of your   papers."

                Willow nodded her head absently as she looked around. The Presence of another   Immortal could be felt, this one much more
                powerful and painful to Willow.   She grimaced and asked "Will I ever get used to that?"

                "No not really." Methos answered as he walked to the small group and sat   down. "Tenshi and Kai will be giving a demonstration
                of your some of the   styles you will be learning."

                Willow sat on the mat beside Methos and watched as Kai and Tenshi bowed to   the two Immortals on the floor. Their moves
                matched as they lifted up an arm   and moved a leg forward gracefully. The movement struck a familiar chord in   Willow as she
                recognized it as a move Angel had performed.

                ****Flashback to the night after Emily Post appeared****

                Willow stepped forward quietly through the double doors that were the   entrance to Angel's home. The stones echoed around
                her as she walked further   into the mansion to catch a movement. Willow's eyes widened as she saw a   shirtless Angel shift his
                body forward into the light. <He's so beautiful.>   She thought as her breath catching as she watched him move. Angel's head
                turned slightly at hearing the noise.

                "It's me." Willow said as she moved closer to Angel.

                Angel slowed to a stop he turned around face Willow. The expression on his   face was unreadable. "Willow is there something

                Willow shook her head and stepped closer to the vampire. "I just wanted to   say thank you for saving me yesterday." Willow felt
                that her body was going   to freeze as she asked softly, "What were you doing?"

                "I was practicing Tai Chi. It's a form of martial   arts, it is very slow, and   meditative." Angel walked toward a shirt draped over
                one of the stone benches   set up against the walls of the garden. He put it on with careless grace and   gestured Willow to
                enter the main room.

                Willow walked ahead of him, she could feel his presence behind her. As usual   whenever she was in the presence of Angel she
                had to push down the feeling of   almost unbearable longing, and awareness. One of the reasons why the hacker   had started
                dating Oz in the first place was because she knew that Angel was   with Buffy. Her feelings for Oz, were those of intense caring,
                nothing like   the feelings she felt for Angel. And when Angel lost his soul, Willow had   been amazed at the changes. One thing
                that was good about Angelus was his   wardrobe. As Angelus he had a look of vitality, one of wickedness, totally   awash in
                sensualistic splendor. She could still remember that time at the   school right after Angel lost his soul. The way he had pressed up
                against   her. Willow shivered and was brought out of her wandering as a Angel's voice   interrupted her.

                "Willow, what's wrong?" She could the feel blood rise in her face, she   laughed weakly and said, "Nothing." She said. "I was
                uh…thinking." Willow   shook her head sending a cascade of hair forward, to cover her flushed face.   She looked up startled as
                a hand brushed back some of her hair. Dark   concerned eyes peered back into her…through her. <Goddess the way Angel can
                look at a person….How does he do it.> Willow felt penetrated, as if Angel   were reading her very soul. "Nothings wrong Angel,
                thank you for asking   though." She managed to say, before turning and running out of the mansion.

                ****End Flashback****

                Willow felt a hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her. She looked up with   startled eyes slightly hazy, into Kaisean's concerned

                "Your first flashback…. May I ask what triggered it?" Kai asked as she took her hand from Willow's shoulder.

                "Your opening move…. Angel knows Tai Chi. I watched him practice one time."   Willow said as she smiled softly. "Flashback?"
                she reminded her friend.

                "Sorry, I forgot to tell you about flashbacks, didn't I?" Kai looked a little   sheepish at Willow's nod. "Flashbacks usually happen
                when something in a   situations sets off a memory nerve, you see in your mind what happened. They   can happen at just about
                anytime and you tend to be out of it when they do   happen."

                Willow nodded in understanding at Kaisean's explanation. Kaisean and Tenshi   resumed their demonstration of Tai Chi. Judo,
                Aikido, Jujitsu quickly   followed. Demon and Methos would take turns in demonstrations also and   finished last.

                After that Demon and Tenshi sparred while Kai and Methos taught Willow   several moves. All defense for now.

                Willow would watch Kaisean perform the move at a fraction of the speed the   move would be done in. Methos guided Willow as
                she followed Kai's movement's.   Willow concentrated on the move and felt her way through it. It took her   several minutes to
                get down the move, according to Methos' exacting   standards. At the end of two hours, Willow had learned over several
                defensive   moves, and could do them all at nearly full speed.

                "Adam I don't understand how this block is supposed to work. I mean I have it   down, and I can do it with my eyes closed now."
                Willow wryly said as she   pushed back a strand of sweat soaked hair.

                Kai looked questioningly at Methos who nodded, the girl quickly attacked   Willow. The Immortal did the natural defense for the
                move, that she was just   complaining about.

                Willow looked shocked at Kai who grinned. "Woah. I get it now!" Willow said   as the adrenalin coursed through her body.

                ***Several hours later***

                "No Willow. Your supposed to hold your elbow a little higher when you   strike." A strong hand positioned Willow's elbow to the
                correct position. "Ok   there." Methos stepped back from his student and watched carefully as she   repeated the move again.
                "Good." Methos nodded approvingly as he stepped back   to observe Willow practicing the move she had been taught. Methos
                walked back   over to Kai and sat beside her.

                "She will do very well." Methos murmured into Kai's ear as they watched the   other redhead.

                "Yes, I think so too. Should we move into weapons soon?" Kai asked without   taking her eyes from Willow.

                Methos nodded then looked at one of the walls as he thought. "Do you think we   should introduce her to the other's yet? There's
                a party going tomorrow   night. A Masque. We've pretty much isolated her from that part of our lives   for the past two days."

                Kai considered Methos question for a moment then nodded slowly. "I think   she's ready. Willow's likely not going to freak,
                considering her history in   Sunnydale. We should let her meet them now, before something happens." With   those words they
                turned back their attention fully to Willow.

                Part 4

               Willow had finished her lessons in martial arts. Methos had told the   Immortal, tomorrow they would start sword aspect. She felt
                tired still, but   was quickly regaining her energy.

                "What's going on Kai?" Willow asked as her pre-Immortal friend led her to an   unfamiliar room. "Is this your room?" she asked Kai,
                looking around. The   walls were white, dark fabrics draped from the walls, and framed the tall   windows. A king sized be with silk
                sheets and numerous pillow was set up   against one wall. Opposite the bed was a large entertainment center. In one   corner
                near the door the floor went up several steps. Dark cushions were   scattered across the seating area. Book shelves lined on part
                of the wall,   partially hidden by a drape. The room was dark yet projected a light feeling.

                "Yes. It is. We're going out tomorrow to a party, we as in Adam, Tenshi,   Demon, Richie and I. We were wondering if you would
                like to come with us."   Kai said non-committed as she sat on her bed.

                "Really, I can go out with you guys? To a party? Alright!" Willow exclaimed,   falling back against the bed then turning so that she
                was leaning on her   elbow. "What kind of party?"

                "Just a regular party. I think that you'll have fun, there will be…. people   there that you've never met before. Some of our
                friends from Paris, Toronto,   New Orleans, and Cairo are coming in. There will be quite a bit of Immortals   also." Kai explained as
                she went to her closet.

                "That's a lot of places." Willow solemnly said her eyes twinkling. "Do you   think we could visit Europe one time?" Willow asked
                wistfully picking at the   her sweats.

                "Yes a matter of fact we will. You'll find out that being Immortal can give   you a lot of opportunity to go places that you've
                never been to. Learn and   meet people that you never thought about."

                "I already have my outfit laid out. I have some clothes that you can borrow   if you don't have anything you want to wear."
                Kaisean's voice was clear   despite the fact she was deep into her closet. "It's around six now so we'll   have dinner first, a light
                one, then we dress." Shuffling noises came from   the closet, Willow eyed the open door as Kai murmured, "Ahhh…. Here it is."

                Kaisean walked back out and into the room. She was holding a white covered   bag, which she laid onto the bed beside Willow.
                "This is based on a Medieval   pattern. Its design is very simple but well done. It's the best I could do on   such a short notice."
                Kai zipped the bag open and gestured for Willow to look.

                The dress was long with an empire waist, long flowing sleeves, and square   neck. The colors consisted of a dark blue done in
                velvet. Silver ribbons   bordered the dress, and created a V at the waist.

                "It's beautiful." Willow said in awe as she softly touched it. "It's… it's   too much Kai. I don't think I can wear this." She shook
                her head as she   straightened.

                Kaisean just looked as her, then nodded slowly. "Ok, I'll put it away but if   you want to wear it just ask, ok?" Willow nodded and

                "Can I look through your closet though, I'll probably find something to wear.   When we went shopping it was just basics so…."
                Willow trailed off, looking at   her friend hopefully.

                "Of course, but I have to tell you now that my taste in clothing is very   eclectic. Most of it is dark." Kai laughed. "And some of it
                is made out of   fabrics that vampires usually wear."

                "Leather?" Willow smiled as she asked.


                "Ok, I'm going. I have some stuff to do, feel free to go look for some   clothes. Just don't chose the stuff hanging behind the
                curtain bordered in   red. You can look at it though." Kaisean told Willow as she left the room.

                Willow stood up from the bed and walked to the open door. She reached a hand   inside and turned on the lights. "Oh Goddess."
                She whispered, "Cordelia would   be so jealous she would kill for this." Clothing hung on rod set into the   wall. From Versaci to
                Gucci and dozens of other designer labels. She ran a   hand across one of the pants and was surprised that instead of the denim
                she   felt incredibly soft leather dyed a dark blue.

                "Beautiful." Willow whispered, she looked closer at the fabric and was amazed   to see that instead of a zipper there were laces.
                She pulled on them   experimentally and they came apart. "Damn where the hell did Kai get these   made, Angel would love
                these." Willow realized what she had just said.

                "Angel…" Willow sat on one of the padded bench set against the wall. She   leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. "Goddess
                I miss you Angel." She   whispered, pulling up a leg to lean her cheek against her knee. Tears ran   silently down her face, as she
                silently cried. Angel's face came up in her   mind, the love that was in every movement of his body, in his eyes, his   smile, his
                tears. Willow recognized now that Angel had loved her all along.   Memories of his face as he watched her. Then she remembered
                the look on his   face as she was dying. Tears ran even faster down her face as she silently   sobbed, the full impact of what
                happened impacting the new Immortal.

                <What do you think he would want you to do if he died?> A voice whispered in   her mind. "I-I don't know. Maybe….. I think he
                would want me to move on.   I   don't think he would want me to mope." Willow whispered.

                <Then do so mon ami. Live life to it's fullest, you will see him again soon.>   Willow's tears slowed down then stopped altogether
                as she considered those   words.   Willow replied silently as she straightened up determinedly, her   famous resolved face settling.
                "May I ask who are you?" <I'm a friend. You   will find out soon.> She thanked the voice, who sent back a silent welcome.

                Kaisean rested back against the wall and smiled gently. <I'm so glad I could   help Willow.> A lone tear trailed down her face, as
                she turned to look at   Methos.

                "It is done." Methos stated, sweeping the tear away with his thumb. Kai   leaned into the touch and kissed his palm lightly. He
                cupped her cheek in his   hand.

                "It is done." Kai agreed, her tone slightly husky. She was happy that she had   been able to help Willow out, yet sad at the same
                time. In order to help   Willow the way she had, Kai had to open up her mind to her friend. She had   felt everything that Willow
                had. <A love like theirs is oh so rare.> Kai   thought.

                <It is rare, inamorata, not for us however.> Methos sent gently. He could not   help but hear her thoughts, the bond between
                the two was so strong, they   could never fully shield each other out. Clasping her hand in his he tilted   her head up to look into
                her eyes.

                <But we truly have eternity.> Kaisean reminded Methos.

                Methos leaned his forehead against hers briefly before stepping back. He entered the room beside hers. Kaisean headed resolutely
                for the first floor where Richie was sparring.

Part 5

                On the way to the party

                Willow shifted in the seat as she smoothed out her skirt. "Just where did you   say this party is again?" She whispered into Kai's
                ear. < I don't know why   I'm so nervous, I guess it's because the others are acting so secretive. I   haven't even gotten a look
                at Kai's outfit yet, she has that huge cloak on. >   Willow looked her friend over, the black cloak was voluminous and almost hid
                Kai's face within it.

                "At a mansion one of our friends owns." Kai chuckled lightly at her friend as   she saw Willow fidget once again in her seat. "Chill
                out, Fox. Trust us girl,   we won't put you into danger. Just… Don't freak out."

                "Why? From the way you said that you're implying that there is something to   freak out over." Willow asked, narrowing her eyes
                as an innocent smile   crossed Kai's face. Suspicion grew in Willow as she asked again in a low   voice, "Why?"

                "Please Willow." Kai asked softly, the smile disappearing from her face as   she placed a hand on Willow's knee. "Trust us?"

                "Of course I trust you Kai." Willow whispered back, squeezing Kai's hand, and   smiling brilliantly at her friend. < I don't know why
                the hell I do though.   Every thing has happened so fast. I'm just cruising on auto-pilot. >Willow   shook her head as she realized
                she knew next to nothing about Kai. < Ok think   this through. What do I know of Kaisean Menard? Well she knows how to fight.
                She's protective of her brother, but is at ease with his relationship with   Demon. And just how did Demon get his name? His aura
                doesn't feel evil.   Although there are dark overtones to it. And thinking about aura's, why   haven't I looked at Kai's? Or Methos?
                I know next to nothing about these   people, and geez I even babble in my thoughts. > Willow rolled her eyes.

                < Ok back to the point. What do I know of Silver…. >

                **Flashback to first meeting of Silver**

                It all started with Willow's question in her online persona…

                NightFx: Hey guys does anyone here know anything about dealing with the demon   Thalkrash? I mean any texts on it?

                SlvrDragon: I do, but it all depends on what you want to know.

                Willow had grown excited that she had finally found someone. She was slightly   wary though since she had come up against
                many dead ends for the last week   that she had been researching for information on the demon. The newest threat   to
                Sunnydale that had recently come up in a prophecy that Giles had found.

                Inviting the other person into a private chat room, Willow began to question   SlvrDragon using information she already knew,
                trying to see if SlvrDragon   could be a reliable source. The replies that she received amazed her in how   clear and detailed they
                were. Willow spent the next several hours questioning   SlvrDragon. When she finally was done, getting all the information Giles
                needed she said goodbye to SlvrDragon, printing out everything, Willow then   went to sleep.

                **End Flashback**

                That was the first night, of many that Willow would ask Kai for information.   Eventually SlvrDragon asked Willow to shorten her
                name down to Slvr, Willow   did the same, asking her new online friend to call her Fx. They did become   friends, though they had
                never met each other in real life, Willow and Kai   could talk to each other easily. They emailed each other regularly and would
                get worried if the other didn't respond within a couple days.

                Willow came to trust Kai with secrets that she hadn't even told her friends   in Sunnydale. It was Kai whom Willow had asked to
                help her get Angel out of   Hell when Willow's friend had found the ritual. Kai had risked her life and   mind to get the vampire out
                of Hell. Willow had to trust that Kai knew what   she was doing despite the distance that separated them. She remembered
                racing   to the mansion right after Slvr had said that it was done, seeing Angel   appear on the floor, curled up in pain. The relief
                she felt as she fled   hearing someone else approach and seeing that it was Buffy.

                She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, Willow looked up into Kai's eyes and   sighed. < Whatever happens… Remember what Kai
                has done for you. Oh Goddess,   the way that Kai is acting though whatever it is it's going to be pretty   harsh. > Willow shook
                here head coming out of her thoughts as she felt a hand   carefully brush her shoulder. She looked up into Kai's eyes and smiled

                The car stopped several moments later. Kai ginned at Willow as the doors   opened, Richie held open Willow's while Methos
                opened Kai's. Richie grinned   mischievously at Willow and held out his hand to the new Immortal. Willow   placed her hand in
                Richie's, stepping out of the car. Kaisean looked up into   Methos' eyes and smiled, slightly sad. Kai knew that tonight would
                have   repercussion for them all. She sighed slightly hugging Methos briefly before   standing up straight. Methos smiled
                reassuringly at Kai, hooking her arm into   his with long practiced ease.

                Willow looked over Richie, a bit astonished at his clothing. He wore black   pants with a deep blue dress shirt. "Richie! Who knew
                that you could clean up   so well?" She said teasingly looking the other Immortal over. Richie frowned   mockingly, looking himself
                over and then gave her a "I'll get you later!"   look. Willow chuckled deeply and curved her arm into his.

                "You look beautiful Aspen." Richie commented, running an appreciative glance   over the red head. Willow blushed and murmured
                "Thanks Richie, you look good   also." She smoothed down the long red velvet skirt she wore and the white   silk blouse that hung
                loosely across her upper body. Willow felt decadent,   luxuriating in the feel of the materials. She heard the car being driven off
                and looked up with a sense of trepidation. Willow felt the presence of other   Immortals as they approached the large mansion.
                Lights shone from the   windows. A veritable palace sitting in San Francisco.

                < Oh Goddess this place is beautiful… > She saw movement in the trees,   someone approached the group of Immortals. It was
                a tall man, dressed in a   clothing that looked like it was off the set of the Musketeers, with long   black hair with dark green
                eyes. He bowed toward them. "Hello Kaisean, Adam.   It is good to see the two of you again. I understand that you all have a
                new   student?" He smoothly asked, a hint of a Russian accent appearing in his   voice.

                Kaisean curtsied gracefully despite the large cloak she work and held out a   gloved hand toward the man. Something about the
                new arrival bugged Willow.   The man smiled, flashing fangs < Fangs!! > as he kissed Kai's hand then   turned it over, brushing his
                lips against her glowed wrist.

                < Oh Goddess, are those real? I mean he's have to be in game face if he was   doing that… > "Demitri, 'tis good to see you
                again also cherie." Kai said in   rich tone, then turned to face other red-head at her side. "Willow I want you   to meet Dmitri
                Karman… Daishin leader of San Francisco."

                "Daishin? Is that another name for vampire?" Willow asked a touch of anger in   her voice. Her eyes were slit as she looked at
                Kaisean. < If this is the   beginning… I don't know how much of this I can take. Kaisean and Methos seem   to be friends with
                vampires?! How the hell did this happen? When did it   happen? >

                "Yes another word for a vampires, but a different type that your use to. No   demons in them for one." Kai turned her head
                sharply around to stare at   Willow challengingly.

                "This is the beginning isn't it? There's even more that is to be revealed   isn't there." Willow asked sighing as her anger was
                abruptly drained from her   body. She didn't understand why this was all happening. < But Goddess this is   all to scary. Another
                type of vampire? Next she'll tell me they can go out in   the daylight of something… >

                < Did I just think a moment ago that things couldn't get even more weirder?   Or something along those lines involving sunlight?
                This is just to *fucking*   creepy for words. > Willow had just been entered the mansion and stood beside   Kai nervously looking
                around at the multitude of people that drifted around.   Some seemed to have a purpose while others flitted from person to
                person,   group to group.

                She saw Kai unhook the cloak that shrouded her. Black leather pants with a   long line of flesh seen on the sides of her legs. A
                deep red scarf that was   wrapped around Kai, tying in the back and the black-red leather gauntlets. A   cameo choker decorated
                Kai's throat. Willow gasped upon seeing the tattoo on   Kaisean's lower back. A beautiful design that decorated most of her
                lower   back. Willow moved closer hesitantly, bringing up her hand to touch the   tattoo. "It's beautiful…" She murmured.

                Kai turned around catching Willow's hand in hers. "Thanks Fox. If you want   one ask Demon, he's the one that did the deed." She
                looked at Methos briefly   who was just ahead of them, talking to Cash's familiar form. "Come on Aspen,   I want you to meet
                some friends, they hold great power in San Francisco.   Power over the third type of vampires out there."

                Methos turned around to grin at Willow as Kai dragged her friend over.   "Actually you know that they prefer to call themselves
                Kindred, Kai." He   admonished gently. The man beside him was dressed in a black leather biker   jacket and tight black jeans with
                a blue dress shirt that contrasted slightly   with the over all look that he seemed to project. He looked as if he had just   been
                shoved out of bed and told to dress up. Dark brown eyes with hints of   gold looked Willow over appraisingly, shaggy blond-brown
                hair falling into   his eyes, as he turned to say something into Methos' ear briefly.

                Willow shivered at the intense look, she saw the shift of… something within   the man's eyes. Like a demon coming out to the
                fore, but it wasn't truly   evil, but more like it just simply… was. She knew immediately that this was   the third type of vampire
                that Methos and Kai were talking about. The   Kindred. Methos laid his hand on Willow's shoulder, she turned to look up at   him.
                "Willow this is Cash, Gangrel Primogen of the Kindred."

                Part 6

                "Ok guys you will be explaining to me what the hell you mean by all this   right?" Willow asked in a sweetly venomous tone,
                shaking herself out of the   shock she felt from all of the sudden information. < What is a Gangrel? Or a   Primogen for that
                matter? I'm getting *way* confused… I mean all that I can   tell about them is that Gangrel must be a type of Clan, with
                Primogen being a   title… At least from the way he said it. >

                "Of course." Methos nodded slowly releasing Willow's shoulder as he glanced   amusedly at Kai, before turning back to introduce
                the new Immortal to the   small group that had gathered beside Cash. < Damn we have so many people to   intro. Add to the fact
                that most of the Pack is gathered here and we're in   deep- >

                \ Methos!! \ Kai snarled mentally at the ancient Immortal. \ Now is not the   bloody time to be woolgathering old man! \ Her eyes
                darkened slightly as she   looked at him. He nodded almost imperceptibly in response, his eyes lighting   up in amusement.

                "May we explain all of this later Willow? There is much to explain, simply   make a list of all your questions, we will give you the
                highlights of   everyone here however." Methos smoothly went on to say, Kai's mental berate   taking place within the blink of an

                Willow nodded curtly, wrapping her hands around her chest unconsciously as   she shifted to the side of the group. Tenshi winced
                as he watched, closing   his eyes both physically and psychically off to the anguish that went through   Kai at that movement
                from Willow. Demon settled his head on Tenshi's   shoulder, sliding his arm along his waist, and drawing his lover in close. //   I
                know how it hurts love. //

                // She's my twin!! // Tenshi shouted mentally at Demon. // Of course it   fucking hurts! We've been bound together for so bloody
                long I don't know what   it's like without her in my mind… Not that I ever did. // Tenshi's anger   deflated as suddenly as it had
                swelled. He tugged on Demon's arms asking   without words to be released. // She's comforted though if not by me then by
                Methos. //

                Methos, Kai and Cash walked side by side, leading the small group behind them   to follow. Richie looked at Willow with
                compassion, knowing how harsh it was   to learn something so knew, understanding the pain and distrust she must be   feeling
                toward her teachers. To them all in fact.

                Willow shook her head in disbelief. < I'm going to fucking kill Kai and   Methos. I can't believe that they didn't mention any of this
                before! > She   looked up almost running into someone, Willow stepped back in shock bumping   into Richie. The man before her
                looked much like the Master without the   prominent ridges and ugly teeth. "Uh - uh Kai…? Who is - is this?"

                "Daedaleus! Good to see you again." Kaisean smiled in greeting at the   Nosferatu who nodded kissing the back of the hand that
                Kai offered to the   Kindred.

                "Kaisean, it is a pleasure to see you again. I have some books that might   interest you and Adam as well at very informative CD
                on Elementals." Daedalus   said releasing Kai's hand as he looked at her inquisitively.

                "Thank you." Kai smiled again and stepped back letting Methos introduce the   red head that stood back by Richie,   look of shock
                on her face still.   "Daedalus, this is Willow Rosenberg. Her alias is Aspen Davenport."

                "A pleasure to meet you Willow. I assume you wish to be called Aspen   however?" His was very clear and had a faint accent
                which Willow couldn't   identify as she was urged by the hand on her back forward.

                "Yeah. At least in public from what Kai and Methos tell me." Willow managed   to answer without stuttering. < This is getting
                freakier and freakier!! > She   was already mentally tallying up all of her questions in her mind.

                "And this Willow is Daedalus, Primogen of the Nosferatu Clan." Kai said   softly her eyes on the tall man approaching them. His
                black hair was slicked   back, dark brown eyes gleamed in the light as he nodded at Kai and Methos. He   smiled at Tenshi who

                To Willow the newest person looked a bit like all of those Mob   Bosses in all   the mafia films. She started to chuckle at the
                thought, < A vampire mob boss.   Oh Gods that's hilarious. > Little did she know that what she thought was a   bit true in a way.

                "I am Julian Luna, Prince of San Francisco and the Primogen of the Ventrue."   He introduced himself, smiling warmly at Willow.

                < Ok the amount of questions I have just suddenly shot up very high…. >   Willow thought apprehensively as she bowed
                gracefully. She debated whether or   not to curtsy but didn't want to make a fool of herself if she fell. < I can   tell this is going
                to be a looonng night. Ok girl just shove all the negative   thoughts regarding Kai and Methos to the back of your head. Save it
                for   later. For now just survive. Learn whatever you can and get though this…. >

                The next hour passed as a blur to Willow. Faces of Kindred, Daishin, witches,   mages, and other beings were introduced to her.
                Finally she was led to   through a long hallway to a library where many people were scattered   comfortably around the room.
                Willow knew that she hadn't been introduced to   them yet, but she had seen them in the background. Often coming up to
                Kaisean   and Methos pulling them away to speak with them briefly in hushed tones. They   had a way about them that Willow
                couldn't place at the moment, a familiarity   with Kai and Methos which her two friends returned. More so than the   awareness
                between them and the other people she had already met that night.   It made Willow wonder just what was different about the
                group gathered in the   room.

                Willow looked around, the nervous energy that had been with her returned. It   had disappeared in the rush of introductions, her
                mind filing away faces with   names and the brief descriptions tagged onto them by Kai and Methos, with   Tenshi, Demon, and
                Richie adding their own comments. That along with her   mental list of questions occupying her mind.

                She noticed then that the Cash and Daedalus had left them. The two Kindred   had come with them as they walked around
                meeting everyone. Willow stood   beside Kai and Methos, her tense frame matching her shifting eyes as she   looked around
                quickly. Everyone around her seemed to be beautiful and   powerful, almost projecting an aura eerily reminiscent of her memories
                of   Angelus. < Oh Goddess Angel! I haven't thought about you since earlier this   evening. I wish you were here. You would have
                probably been pissed off about   Kai and Methos deception. > Willow grinned at the thought of Angel and Kai   meeting. < Though
                there's still a lot more I don't know about her, I have a   feeling that she and Methos are slowly letting me learn more about
                them. >   Willow shook her head abruptly and looked at Kai.

                "Willow this is the final group of people that we'll be introducing to you   tonight. You'll probably meet them a lot more that you'll
                meet the other   people." Kai nervously tucked loose hair behind her ears as she moved to   stand on the other side of Willow. <
                Ok I have a really weird feeling about   this. If Kai's nervous how will I react to whatever is going to happen next?   And what did
                Kai mean by that? >

                "You probably know that there is a lot that we haven't told you. This is one   of them. Willow Rosenberg, this is the Clan Falleen."
                Methos formally said,   attempting to hide his grin at the laugh that erupted from both Tenshi and   Demon at his solemnity.

                "Well most of it at least. We got some more members around the world, three   of them are up in Toronto in fact…" Kai
                interjected her eyes glowing slightly   as she looked off into the distance. \ That's wicked Kai! I think that the   more evil aspects
                of your past is surfacing. That's something I would do! \

                \ I know why do you think I did it? \ Kai replied in an arch tone.
