The Calling

Tuesday..... One Month Later

<One Month. I can't believe it has been four weeks since Angel and I
became mates> Willow thought as she sunk deeper into her tub
relaxing. She had promised to meet up with Buffy, Riley and Xander at
the bronze at 7:00 which left her half an hour to get herself all
pretty. It was just a shame that Angel would not be around to
appreciate her effort.

It had been a hard month but they did everything humanly possible to
keep their relationship going. They were together every weekend and
they talked almost every night. Willow had forgotten about the spell
and its weird side effects since she was pretty sure that they had
been together for a month and yet there was no deep sexual urge that
had to be fulfilled. It was almost the end of the 'supposed' cycle
and yet she did not feel any different. Angel was still in LA and she
knew that if he felt the monthly urge he would have called her.

Willow moaned in contentment as she closed her eyes and drifted off
into her favorite Angel daydream. She was so lost in her fantasies
that it took her a few minutes to notice the strange unsettled
feeling in her stomach. She tried to will her fear away, yet her body
tensed as she felt the exact same heat flow through her  as it had a
month ago. <No no no no no this can't be happening not now> she
thought as she jumped out of the tub grabbed a towel and dried off
quickly. She went into her room and quickly picked up the phone and
dialed Buffy's number.

"Hello," Buffy's chirpy voice greeted her from the other end of the

"Buffy it's Willow. I'm sorry but I can't meet you and Xander at the
bronze tonight. I don't feel very well. It's probably that 24 hour
cold I sometimes get.  I'm going to unplug the phone and take some
cold tablets, they should knock me out for the night so I can get
plenty of sleep," she once again lied to her best friend.

"Ok. Do you want me to come over before I go to the bronze."

"No you, Riley and Xander have fun and I will talk to you tomorrow. I
want a gossip report. All the details missy"

Willow was relieved to hear Buffy laugh and that made her feel a
little less guilty about her lack of honesty.

Yes ma'am. All the gory details you can handle. See you tomorrow
Will. Hope you feel better."

" Thanks Buff I will. Bye"


Willow hung up the phone and ran around the room looking for
something to put on.
<ohmygod, ohmygod Angel is coming, Ok Will bad choice of words . Oh
no...mental picture. Ok focus Willow.  Angel. Beautiful. Soft hair.
Sweet smile. Chocolate eyes. Naked. No! Chiseled chest. Yikes!  Great
tight butt. Argh!! This is hopeless. Angel is probably going to come
looking for me> her mind flashed frantically. She had to remain in
control. If she could break this monthly urge then it would be
fantastic. No more curse. Ok, she decided that it would be best if
she just left and spent the night safely tucked away in a hotel,
where Angel could not find her. That way the spell would be broken.

She dressed quickly in the most unattractive outfit she could find in
her closet, swept her hair into a hat and packed a small bag. As she
was racing around her room, Willow had to stop and sit for a moment.
She could feel her body temperature rising as she felt the heat surge
through her body.  She was already in desperate need of a release.
<Can't think about sex. Can't think about sex> She replayed that
message in her mind over and over again.

She moaned trying not to think about her naked Angel but felt herself
growing wetter by the second. <Not now> she pleaded while her body
continued its betrayal. She noticed that the sun had finally set and
she grabbed her coat and bag, racing downstairs, eager to get away.

Willow was about to grab the doorknob but before she got the chance
she was startled when someone began knocking on the outside front
door. She jumped back and began to back away, when she stopped
suddenly. <There is no way Angel could of made it here in thirty-
minutes> her mind pointed out logically.  She relaxed and opened the
door expecting to see Xander, only to go into complete shock. There
standing on her front porch stood a demon eyed Angel in full game

She jumped back slightly, fully aroused by the sight of him and
demanded  "Angel what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in LA?"

He cocked his head to the side and smiled crookedly as a mischievous
grin played across his face." Why Willow" he answered with mock
hurt "Not happy to see me. Lover," he purred the last word out, as he
walked in slamming the door shut behind him.

"Oh, yes.  I'm happy to see you I just didn't expect you to be here
tonight..... being Tuesday and all," she told him taking one step
back for every step he took towards her. <You can fight this Willow>
she thought. Both of them never knowing a need like this.

"I came here last night after we destroyed the demon but I got
trapped at my old apartment. I didn't have a phone so I couldn't call
you. I was going to surprise you tonight by coming over. But I see
you made other plans. Going somewhere Willow?" his eyes locked firmly
with hers.

Willow knew that if she didn't get out of the house right at that
moment, Angel was going to devour her and she would have absolutely
no choice in the matter. She gulped and fidgeted under his
penetrating stare. " I was going to stay with
know like a girls sleepover" she mumbled.

Angel studied her closely and smirked "You never were much of a liar
Lover. I'm going to have to punish you for even trying that with me"
She blushed and felt the heat radiate between them. She also noted
his cock straining against his pants. <Breathe Willow you can talk to
him and he will listen>

"Angel I can ex..." she stopped when she noticed that he stalking
towards her.

He advanced upon her until her back was up against the wall.

"Not trying to get away from me, are you kitten? If I didn't know any
better I would feel like you didn't want me here," he growled out as
he grabbed her around the waist pulling her against his aching

She moaned at the contact. He bent down and began licking her throat,
tracing it with his cool tongue down from her neck and across her
collarbone. Growing wetter by the second she pulled back and tried to
explain, "Angel we need to talk. You don't want me as bad as you
think you do. I should have told you this before but if you fight
this urge things will be better tomorrow I promise."

"I don't want to talk. I want you now," he growled at her as he
reached up and tore her shirt from her body with one swipe of  his

She was able to push him back a little only to have him grab her
again, this time he grabbed the button on her skirt and  tore it off
while yanking the skirt down from  her waist.  Willow tried once more
to make him listen but  her own urges began to respond to his
touch. "Angel you're not listening to me."

"So stop talking."

"Angel you don't know what you want, the need is too strong, we can't
do this tonight. Please wait until tomorrow."

"Don't want to wait. I want you," his voice was barely a whisper, a
breathless husky whisper. The mere sound of it made her skin prickle
and her breath come out in shallow gasps.

He growled and tore her panties at the crotch pushing her against the
wall. "You don't want to wait either Willow." Pushing two fingers
into her tightness. "Your soaking wet."

Willow was beyond fighting now, moaning she wrapped her legs around
his waist. He pulled his fingers out and freed himself from his
pants. Not able to hold off any longer he grabbed her and eased her
down on his over denied cock. They both hissed from the contact.
Angel braced his hand on the wall as he brutally took her up and
pressed her firmly into the wall.

He clutched her to him, as she buried her face in the muscles of his
throat feeling her orgasm nearing. "Oh God  Angel," she moaned out as
her orgasm started. He snarled out and bit into her neck feeding her
orgasm as she milked him of his.

He retracted his fangs and began to nuzzle the already healing wound
on her neck. With the blood gone and her neck completely clean he let
her down and tucked himself back into his pants. She looked at him
and said, "Now you've gone and done it."

"What?" he asked as he finally changed back to his human face.

"The spell that I did…never mind I won't get a chance to tell you
anyway," she grumbled, feeling the urge to ravish him again taking
over her and she knew that he felt the same urge as his eyes
flickered between gold and brown.

He grabbed Willow again "Up stairs now." Pulling her up to her room.
Stripping out of his clothes and the remainder of hers.  Before she
had a chance to respond he pushed her down onto the bed, the weight
of him was cooler but a welcome contradiction to the heat. He eased
his thigh into the apex of her own, the sensation once again taking
her breath away. Angel's mouth covered her own, kissing her fiercely.

"I can't help it Willow.  I need you again."

He kissed her breast before taking one plucked nipple into his mouth.
He sucked on it until it couldn't get any harder then lavished the
other with the same attention.

He kissed his way down her body until he reached her red curls. Angel
bent and licked her clit and growled low in the back of his throat as
if tasting her for the first time.

Willow moaned, reveling in the feeling. She threw her head back and
arched her body begging for his continued attention.

"Mmm, so you liked that?" he said languorously.

"Yes," she hissed out.

"Do you still want me to stop?"

He bit down softly on her sensitive lips. "No," she hissed out.

He continued to kiss and suck until Willow was gasping for breath,
unable to hold herself still.

"Oh God!" she exclaimed as the pleasure of it became increasingly

Angel kept Willow right on the edge of an orgasm not letting her fall

"Bastard," she hissed out.

He lifted his head and smiled, kissing his way back up her
body, "That I am but you love me anyway. And I seem to recall my
promise of punishing you"

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, firmly wedging
his muscular thigh between her legs. Running his hand down her back,
he grabbed her bottom. Holding her firmly, he adjusted his thighs so
that his cock pressed tightly against her heat.  He moved against
her, making the friction sensation between them as punishing slow as
he could, without losing control. The more he moved against her the
more she craved him. He took his cock in his hand and positioned it
at her entrance, teasing her.


"Please what Willow?"

"Fuck me."

He smiled and sunk slowly into her warmth. When he was finally buried
inside of her, there was a sense of rightness and the sensation of
being whole. He began to move in and out of her at an increasingly
rapid pace.

He grabbed her by the inside of her knees and raised her legs higher
in the air so that he could bury himself more solidly within her.

Her heart beat rapidly and her breathing increased indicating to him
that she was close.

Only when her climax began did he allow his own release. They came
together in an endless, hot ravishing orgasm that left then both damp
with sweat and very fulfilled.

Letting her catch her breath, he whispered, "You're mine forever, for
all eternity."

"Always," she told him as she lay under him, still breathless and

Feeling the spell working over and over again they ended up making
love that entire night and the next day, only managing an hour or so
of sleep. Even then, they only really ended up sleeping half of that
hour. Both wanted to see if they could break their previous record.
Eleven times.

The End.
