Title: Leaving Is Hard To Do (Part eight of The Surprise Series)
Author: Tequesta
Relationship: Angel/Willow
Overall Rating: NC-17
Rating:  PG (This Part)
Email: teewalkertq@aol.com
Summary: After Buffy finds out about Willow and Angel's relationship,
knowing how much this hurts the slayer they both decide to leave
Disclaimer: Willow, Angel, and the rest of them, are sole property of
Joss Whedon and Fox.
Feedback: Definitely.
Distribution: Just ask and you shall receive.

Leaving Is Hard To Do

"Willow girl I thought." Buffy's sentence was cut off by the identity
that were lost in their own love making haze.

Willow and Angel quickly separated both desperately pulling on the
bed sheet to cover their obvious nakedness.

They both looked at Buffy with the stricken expression of a child
that had just gotten caught with its hand in the cookie jar. They
both had their eyes glued to Buffy, who was standing in the doorway
with a stunned expression on her face.

"Angel," she lifted her eyebrow. "Willow," Buffy whispered her voice
laced with disbelief.

"Buffy I'm sorry," Willow began to try and explain but was cut short
by a very hurt slayer.

"Sorry. Is this what you have been doing every weekend for the past
couple of months. I've been worried about you and this whole time you
have been fucking my ex. Willow how could you do this to me!"

"It wasn't her fault," Angel interrupted, determent to come to the
defense of his girl.

Buffy held up her hand to him. "I don't want to hear one word out of

"Buffy..I didn't mean to....it happened so fast.." Willow looked down
tears forming in her eyes.

"Buffy why are you so mad? We had this discussion a while back, we
could never be together. You are now happy with Riley and Willow is
what makes me happy, we should have told you, but we were worried you
would react like this" Angel informed her tensely. <She always has to
make everything about her> he though angrily.

"Yeah I want you to be happy but you didn't have to go behind my back
and fuck my best friend," Buffy spat out at him as she turned to
leave, wanting to put as much distance between herself and those two
as humanly possible.

"Buffy where are you going?" Willow asked.

Hanging her head in defeat she spoke softly, "To get away from the
two of you. I don't think I can talk to you right now" she answered
in a tone that left no doubt that she meant every word.

Willow and Angel didn't move until they heard the front door slam
shut. He looked over at Willow and asked, "You alright baby?"

"Yeah. I just didn't expect or want her to find out  about us like

"I know but what's done is done. Now we can move on. We don't have to
hide and sneak around anymore."

"But she was so hurt Angel. I betrayed her. Once she tells the rest
of gang none of them....  may not ever speak to me again. Xander will
hate me, Giles will be furious and Buffy will never forgive me" she
finished, finally breaking down and crying on his shoulder.

"If you don't want to go through that, then come and live with me in
LA. Now. Tonight."

"I can't Angel," she told him almost in a panic.

"You can and you will. I will not leave you here to be hurt
especially since I cant stay here and face them with you. Just come
with me until they calm down a bit then *we* can come back and
explain everything to them. Now stop crying and get you things
together we are leaving Sunnydale tonight."

Willow only nodded mutely as she pulled back and looked into his
eyes. "I love you, Angel."

"I love you too Willow. Now get your things I'm going to get my car.
I want to leave here as soon as possible." He bent down and kissed
her softly on the lips, before pulling back and releasing her. Even
though he felt a little bad for Buffy, a part of him was delirious
with happiness....Finally she was going where she belonged. With him.
In his city. In his home. In his heart. And in his bed.

Willow got up and began to get dressed with Angel doing the same
thing. Once he was dressed he pulled her into his arms and began
stroking her back. "I promise you it will be ok." Buffy was just
shocked that's all and she will get over it. Now get ready, I will be
back in a couple of minutes," he informed her as he gave her another
quick kiss then released her and walked out of her bedroom and down
the stairs.
Once Willow heard the front door close she pulled herself together
and walked up to her closet, grabbed her suitcase and began packing
the basic essentials she was going to need.

<God I can't believe I'm going to leave with Angel. That's where I
belong. Damn it Willow what are you going to do about school>

Putting that thought to the back of her mind she grabbed her suitcase
and looked over her room, probably for the last time before turning
off the light and heading down stairs.

Placing her suitcase beside her she collapsed heavily onto the couch.
<It's going to be alright Willow> she tried to reassure herself.

She sat there alone and contemplated her situation for a couple of
minutes before she heard Angel walk back into the house.

"Are you ready sweetheart?"

"As ready as I ever will be."

She stood up grabbing her laptop while Angel grabbed her suitcase
following her outside.

Once they walked over to the car Angel placed her suitcase in the
trunk and looked over at her.  He saw her standing there looking at
the door of his car with a look of sheer terror and confusion. He
walked up to her and turned her to face him.

"Everything is going to be alright Willow. You are going with me to
our new home, where I will get to wake up with you every morning and
make passionate love to you every night. I will always be by your
side.  I will never leave you Willow. Never."

"I know," was all she said before he bent down and placed a demanding
kiss on her lips. The kiss was full of desire and proved his love and
need to her. She knew she belonged with him. Her lover. Her mate.

He pulled back seeing the trust and love in her eyes. "Lets get going

She nodded as he opened the door of the car for her and shut it once
she was inside. He walked to the other side and got in. He looked at
her and smiled giving her the impression that he was feeling
victorious about her leaving with him.  He started the car and pulled
 Both of them unaware of the lurking figure that watched their every

   As they drove through the empty streets Willow felt a deep
sadness. Sunnydale had been her home. As they continued their journey
Willows gaze locked onto a sign.

You are now leaving Sunnydale. Come back soon.

 Willow had a feeling she would not be back for a while as she turned
to study Angel. He was diverting his eyes between the road in front
of him and his mate next to him. She placed her head on his shoulder
and closed her eyes. They were finally going to start their lives
together. Right by each other's side.
