TITLE: Baby Blue (6/6)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone you know from TV. Others are mine.

RATING: NC-17 (duh.)

PAIRINGS: A/W; S/Veronica

DISTRIBUTION: the usual suspects... also, MY site (when it's ready... oh, and Jeannette is a GODDESS!!! {I can't stress that enough... a GODDESS!!!})

FEEDBACK: please???

DEDICATIONS: to Jeannette and Nat (you know why...)... Also, to: Paula, Mystie, Caroline, NQDe, Kitti, Susi, DD, Nutty, Eva, Kimberley, Angel S., Ali, and Sabeth... thanks for the feedback!!!*VBG*

NOTES: A bit of a future thing... Willow's taken some 'lessons' to learn how to deal with some of what Angel considers to be his 'darker' urges... and * *= emphasis.

MORE NOTES: Okay, I know I said that this was going to end up being A/W/S, but it just didn't want to go that way, so... sorry if I've disappointed anyone. On the bright side, that IS one of my favourite groupings, so odds are there will be lots of those three in future!!!


He watched through the glass, his eyes half lidded as the truly tiny human Dom stroked him roughly, and his breath hissed from between his teeth while he gazed fixedly at the sight of his Sire-- fully naked-- acting in ways he hadn't seen for far too long. Of course, he and the souled prick hadn't been close in over a century, but still... Had he known that so much of the demon remained so close to the surface... Well, he might not have tried so hard to *kill* him! His enthralled stare was cut short, though, when he felt the point of the girl's hot tongue on the hooded tip of his cock. "Ronnie..." he moaned, eyes closing as his hips thrust forward slightly.

Veronica smiled just a bit before engulfing his cool shaft fully in the wet, warm cave of her mouth. For some reason, touching Spike this way didn't bother her; maybe because they'd both been bottoms to Angelus, but... whatever it was, she didn't much care. She *needed* this... needed to let herself just *enjoy* someone, with no thoughts of dominating; no fear of submitting; just a meeting of equals, and that was, indeed, what they were. Her fingers crept around his hips, coming to rest on his tense ass. She pulled back from him, moaning around his seeping head before sliding her lips once again to his base.

His hands rested lightly on her dark hair, and he groaned at the sensation of being buried deep in her throat, but... much as he loved her talented mouth... "Ronnie, luv," he insisted, pulling her from his turgid shaft, "I... I need..."

She smirked slightly before rising to her feet again. "I *know* what you need, William," she purred, one hand on his chest pushing him back to the couch, while the other encircled his throbbing cock once more. She pressed him hard into the cushions before releasing him and unlacing the side of her short skirt. "But do you know what *I* need?" she demanded, gasping when his hands were suddenly hard on her thighs.

He grinned a bit wickedly, and slid down on the sofa as he pulled her towards him, and he chuckled slightly as he pulled her legs apart and buried his nose in her coarse, dark curls. "Oh, I think so, pet," he said silkily before driving his pointed tongue deep into her weeping twat. She tasted better than he remembered; probably because she was with him by choice this time. Yes, he realized, as he lapped at her dripping core, that was the reason... She was with him because she *wanted* to be; not because she'd been *ordered* to by Angelus. And somehow, that thought was enough to make him even more desperate to be inside her. His tongue moved faster in her... on her... and he nipped softly at her swollen clit, and when she whimpered and would have fallen, he held her up. He straightened slightly and pulled her closer, groaning when her knees settled to either side of him and she impaled herself on his hungry cock. "Ronnie..."

Gods he was good. She'd forgotten-- or had refused to remember-- just how good he felt! But she was remembering now, because... for the first time in years, she had him inside her, and it was exactly what she needed, too! "Spike..." she whispered, raising herself slowly before descending again, just as slowly. He wouldn't let her draw things out too much, she knew, but... for the moment, he'd let her direct them, and that was all to the good. She repeated the motion, gasping when his hands on her hips urged her to move faster... harder.

He didn't think that he could take much more of the pace she'd set; couldn't handle feeling the slow rise and fall of her hot, wet center on his throbbing shaft. To feel each pulsing inch of him moving in and out of her heat, so slowly, was sheer torture! Of course, it was a very *sweet* sort of torment, but... His fingers clutched hard at her pale flesh, and he groaned against the leather corset she still wore when she allowed him to increase her pace. He groaned again, deeper, when she reached behind her and pulled the lace, letting her small, tender breasts free for him. "Pet," he breathed happily, his lips closing tightly over one small, budded nipple.

Her eyes rolled up, and she arched her back, when he started nibbling at her breast, and she moved faster upon him, her breaths coming short and ragged. She could feel her swollen clit grinding against his lightly haired skin, and she gasped wildly, moving harder; more demandingly. "William...!" she groaned harshly.

He was almost afraid to move in time with her, mostly because he was barely holding on as it was, but... she needed him to, so he did. His hands moved her hard upon him while he arched up into her; his mouth slipped from her breast, finding her lips, and he stabbed his tongue deep into her mouth, meeting hers and dancing dangerously with it. He could feel her hot, wet walls clutching rhythmically at him; smell the strained desire in the air, and when her entire body froze-- then quivered-- around him, he pulled her down *hard* upon him, thrusting repeatedly in short, hard bursts as he felt his balls draw up tight. He pulled her even more tightly against him, shouting breathlessly as he exploded deep within her shaking womb.

She hadn't cum so hard in years, and when she felt him filling her to overflowing with his cool, dead seed, she came again. Her eyes flew wide, and her nails dug deep into his shoulders as she quaked hard around him. "Gods..." she sighed, after a few minutes, "*Why* didn't we do that sooner...?"

"It... it wasn't *time*, pet..." Spike sighed against her soft, salty skin. "There was too much... history..."

"Yeah," she sighed softly, her lips against his neck, "I guess you could say that... *history*..." She chuckled slightly. "That's *one* way of putting it..." She stayed where she was for a few more minutes, feeling his long cock slowly becoming softer within her. It took her that long to remember why they'd been in the hidden room to begin with. Finally, she forced herself to pull away from Spike's chiseled form, and stood, plucking her skirt from the floor by the couch as she turned and gazed through the glass once more.

The blond watched her for a moment before standing as well, and he reached out with one cool hand, stopping her activity. "Wouldn't bother with *that*, luv," he murmured silkily, pulling the leather from her hands as he focused on what was happening in the Saffron Room. "Not likely to be wearing it for long, now... are you?" He dropped the skirt to the floor again, and pressed his naked body against her back as they watched his Sire and the witch at play.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She truly didn't know what to say, because... he wanted to know what she'd done? Why she needed to be *disciplined*? On the one hand, she really wanted to tell him the truth, but... he didn't *know* her, and she didn't *want* him to until she'd proven herself! On the other hand, of course, she hadn't really prepared herself with a feasible lie, so... she shook her head against the wooden table top, and arched her back against his throbbing shaft.

Angel wasn't sure of exactly what he was doing. He loved *Willow*, after all, and yet... here he was, hard as a rock and just *aching* to bury himself deep in the sweet little sub beneath him! His skin was almost burning from the heat of hers, and the sound of her heart racing madly was just... intoxicating! He almost groaned when she pressed up against him, but... she hadn't answered his question, he realized. In fact, she'd shaken her head in refusal! His eyes gleamed, and a slight anticipatory smile crossed his lips as he forced himself to stand. He stared down at her restrained body for a moment, and finally noticed the subtle streaks of slick moisture gracing her inner thighs. "Don't want to tell me, huh?" he purred dangerously, "That's all right... you *will*." He brushed one hand lightly over the leather straps criss-crossing her ass, and delighted in her shivers when he slid that same hand between her legs from behind.

Gods! He was touching her, after all this time! He was looming over her; she could hear the smirk in his voice, and... he was *touching* her! His long, rough fingers were tracing patterns in the wetness she'd been leaking since he'd bound her, and... Willow honestly thought she'd never been so excited in her life! She shook her head again, more decisively, and groaned when his big, hard hand smacked harshly down on her ass.

He was actually *glad* that she wasn't talking. That would have made things just a bit... not boring, exactly, but... less exciting, he supposed. And this girl was almost *perfect*. Her breathy moans and drawn out sighs were just what he needed. Of course, she would have been even better if she'd been a redhead, but... He shook his head; he wasn't going to think about Willow right now... wasn't going to imagine that this girl was she... wasn't going to think about how he'd feel if she were. No, that particular fantasy was reserved for the rare drunken moment when he could convince himself that the girl he loved would ever even *think* about doing this sort of thing. He shook his head again, pushing the thought from his mind as he strolled slowly across the room and rummaged quickly through Ronnie's toy box. "Can't have you being *stubborn*, now, can we, Baby?" he said, mostly to himself.

She knew he wasn't actually talking to her, but she chose to answer anyway. "No, Master Angelus," she said sweetly, eyes locked on his feet as he neared again, "And I'm *very* stubborn...." Her eyes closed for a moment as he continued moving, and she sighed silently when he was behind her once more.

He almost laughed aloud at the thinly veiled anticipation in her voice. Oh, yes, *this* one was *good*! Nearly good enough to disguise the slight tremors passing through her bound form. He slapped the paddle lightly against his palm a few times, testing its weight and hardness, before laying the first of many firm strokes across the leather straps covering a good portion of her butt. His cock throbbed even harder, a few drops of milky, viscous fluid leaking from its tip as he watched the flush of blood beneath her skin increase. "Will you answer me now, Baby?" he demanded, slowing his slaps.

Willow shook her head slowly, every nerve in her body singing loudly from his attentions. "No, Master Angelus..." she said softly, unwilling to take the chance that he might stop if she did. She heard his slow steps again on the wooden floor, and moaned loudly, moments later, when he returned to her and began unfastening the buckles down the side of her harness. "Master..." she sighed, more of a plea than anything else.

Angel's smirk seemed to have acquired a life of its own, because he couldn't seem to make it leave his lips. But that was all right, he told himself. Even as he unfastened the straps of leather and peeled them back, exposing her rounded, reddened ass to his hungry eyes, he kept telling himself it was all right. And it *was*... especially when he struck harshly at her tender flesh with the small whip from the toy box. Her soft whimpers and moans were becoming louder, and she was writhing almost desperately, her feet actually lifting from the floor, and... He nearly couldn't take any more of this! His eyes closed briefly, and he struck her heated ass once more, only to stare down at her in horror when he actually *smelled* her blood and heard her cry out loudly.

The little whip he was using on her was almost enough to make her cum, and the soft purrs she could just barely hear were making her hotter than she'd ever been. It wasn't until she felt the braided leather actually parting her skin that she exploded, though, and it wasn't from any *pain*, either! No, it was the fact that she'd actually made him lose control enough to make her bleed! It really wasn't his way, after all. She might not have acted as sub for him before, but... she knew Angel. She was absolutely certain that-- regardless of whatever games he got up to at the club on a regular basis-- he was never vicious. No, he'd slipped, and it entirely due to *her*! It was a powerful feeling. And that feeling was, ultimately, what had her rocking her hips hard against the edge of the table while she shouted out her orgasm. "Master..." she moaned softly, when he stopped and just *stood* there.

He'd made her bleed. Even as the smell of it raced through his aching body, that was the one thought running circles in his head. He'd made this girl *bleed*! And granted, not much-- the mark was really no more than the equivalent of a scratch, but still! He might have stood there for hours had she not moaned out to him. He could scent her full arousal, as well as her completion, in the very air, though, and as much as it made him uncomfortable, he found that a large part of him was wondering why he was so bothered, when she had so obviously enjoyed it. His eyes focused again, and he realized that she was still moving herself against the table. He reached out a hand to the small cut on her cheek, and was completely unsurprised to see the trembling in his fingers. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, lightly caressing her hot, red skin, "I didn't mean to hit you that hard..." His breath caught in an echo of her own indrawn breath, and he moved closer, dropping the whip as his other hand joined the first.

Oh, gods, his hands were on her ass! His cool, strong fingers were trailing soothingly over her heated flesh, and she could feel him there, so close she almost wanted to scream in frustration! The apparently seeping tip of his cock was brushing against her tight skin, and she wanted to have him so badly! But had he just... apologized? Was he *sorry* about the things they'd been doing? Her brow furrowed in thought for an instant or two before smoothing in shock as the fingers of one pale, elegant hand slipped between her legs. "M... Master... Angelus...?" she forced out, shakily.

He couldn't *think* any more, and honestly, he didn't *want* to. No, he wanted to... He closed his eyes again, and stopped fighting his desires. He wanted to do all the things he'd looked down on his own kind for doing at the club. He wanted to *have* this girl, in every way possible, and... he could smell her blood, taste her excitement in the air! One hand slipped quickly from her rounded cheek and moved down between her thighs as he leaned over and slowly licked her spine, tasting the leather straps that still crossed her back. "What do you want, Baby?" he growled quietly against her skin while he thrust two long, thick fingers deep into her dripping twat. His other hand rose from her ass to finish unfastening the buckles up her side, and when he pulled back he saw the small smear of dried blood on his fingers. "What do you *want*?" he said again, even as he raised his hand to his lips. His tongue flicked out, sweeping quickly at the dark spot, and his eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hairline as shock held him entirely motionless for a moment. His eyes raked swiftly over the girl's body once more, and he shook his head slowly, although not in denial, because... his eyes could be deceived, but his sense of *taste*? Never! His mind whirled madly, and his expression traveled swiftly through disbelief, amusement, curiosity, and anger before settling to one of pure wicked speculation. He wasn't sure of just what she thought she was doing... whether she was *testing* him, or maybe herself, but one thing was for absolute certain. He wasn't worried any longer that whatever he might do with this girl would be a betrayal of his sweet Willow, because regardless of what she *looked* like... blood didn't lie! He leaned forward over her, rubbing his cock slowly along the hot tight skin of her ass.

Her eyes were closed tightly, and it was all she could do not to scream in desire and frustration, because.... he was driving her *crazy*! And yet... Veronica had told her that he never had any kind of sex with his subs, and... she wanted him so badly! What did she want?, he'd asked her... What a question! She almost wanted to repeat the words she'd answered Spike with when *he'd* asked her that, but... this was *Angel*, and he was... *touching* her... his long, thick cock was brushing firmly across her naked ass, and... "I want *you*, Master...." she finally moaned, "I want you... any way I can have you..." She almost moaned in despair when he pulled away from her, and she did sigh unhappily when she felt his cool fingers unfastening the straps binding her to the table. "Master?" she said softly, eyes opening as he pulled her to stand before him. She stared dejectedly at his feet, her hands clasped behind her.

If he'd actually needed to breathe, he would have been completely out of luck, because... she was standing there in front of him, looking so... *right*, and just the smell of her was making him throb harder than ever before. He wasn't sure of exactly how she'd managed to change her scent, but he assumed that it was some sort of a spell. She'd either been unable to do the same with her blood, or she'd forgotten, but... that was all to the good, because *this* was *Willow*, and he was going to have her, in every sense of the word, and then...? And then he was going to carry the girl back to the Hotel and never let her leave it again! He had a feeling that he wouldn't be visiting the club looking for a good sub again, but... who cared about that? *He* didn't. His eyes roved ceaselessly over the girl's truly small body, and he stepped closer to her, one hand closing gently on her shoulder. "Any way you can have me?" he repeated her words, rhetorically, "Well, then... *Baby*... Knees!" he ordered, his hand pushing her to the floor before sliding into her hair and directing her lips to his turgid shaft.

If Willow had said that she was shocked, it would have been an understatement, but she opened up and took the seeping tip of him into the hot, wet cavern of her mouth. She'd *wanted* this, she reminded herself... she still *did*! But still... she was surprised, after the things he'd said to her when she was being Mistress Blue. But she was finally tasting him again... His fingers were clenched hard in her hair, and his hips were thrusting slightly, and his thick, beautiful cock was sliding in and out of her mouth, and she was getting even wetter than she'd already been! She moaned softly around his shaft, and slipped her lips to the base of him, breathing softly against his short, coarse curls as she swallowed gently.

His eyes were rolled completely back in his head, and he truly thought that if she stopped now, he'd have to kill something. But she *wasn't* stopping... she was siding her hot mouth faster and harder on him, and he could feel just the barest scrape of teeth against the vein on the underside of him, and her breath was warm on his skin, and... she was *perfect*! He could feel his balls drawing up; his sac tightening, and... his fingers tightened even more in her light brown hair as he pulled her tight against him and came hard in her willing throat, a deep growl flying from his lips as his true face emerged.

She swallowed repeatedly, her eyes tearing slightly as he came. Not that she was unhappy, or in pain, but... she wasn't exactly sure of *why* she wanted to cry. The impulse was removed a moment later, though, when he pulled her swiftly to her feet and lifted her into his arms. "Ang..." she began, before stopping herself. "Master Angelus...?" she made herself say softly, as he positioned her on the long, hard table once more.

"Quiet, *Baby*," Angel demanded, moving her about until her butt was just at the table's edge. He pulled her legs apart and stepped up between them, gazing lustfully at her small, firm breasts as he positioned the tip of his hooded, still-throbbing cock at her entry. He rested his hands on the wood beside her, and loomed over her as he pressed himself deep into her hot, slick passage. He paused for a moment then, fully within her, and released one slow, deep breath as he began to move.

Her eyes were wide, and her mouth, too, because... he was *fucking* her! Not making love to, or having sex with, but... *fucking*! He was leaning over her, and slamming deep and hard into her, and he was somehow making sure that he never even *brushed* her tender nub! His hips were pistoning hard into her, and she could hear the slight grunts increasing, and Gods help her, she wanted him to cum, but... she *really* wanted him to let *her*! "Master..." she pleaded, somehow sure that her moans were falling on deaf ears. At least, she thought so until he stopped suddenly, his golden eyes catching and holding hers.

He knew what she wanted... knew what she *needed*, as well, but... The more she let him do to her, the more pissed off he was getting, because it hadn't really occurred to him at first, what with the shock of discovering that Baby was actually the girl he loved more than anything, but... Wherever she'd gone once she'd left him... *Somebody* had been *training* her! She'd gone to someone *else* to learn all the things she'd been doing! Some *other* vampire had been touching her... feeling her... teaching her! And she'd *allowed* it! Hell, if the way she was acting was any indication, she'd not only allowed it, but *enjoyed* it, as well! And while that was something he could ultimately forgive, he was for *damned* sure going to punish her for it! He glared coldly into her hot violet eyes, and pulled his pulsing shaft from her hot cunt before pushing her legs farther apart and driving harshly into her tightly clenched anus.

Willow couldn't help herself, she shrieked, loud and long. Not that she wasn't perfectly willing to have him this way, but... it was so sudden! She'd had no warning at all, and... he was driving hard and deep into her smallest, tightest hole, and it *hurt*! She forced herself to relax as much as was possible, and she watched his demon's features as his face tightened and relaxed in time with his... angry...? thrusts. Somehow-- obviously-- she'd managed to upset him, but she didn't know how or when! Still, he was the Master, and it was her job to take whatever he thought she deserved, so she relaxed even further, and after a few moments, moaned out loud. "Master... Angelus..."

It was primarily the fact that she was pretending to enjoy his actions that brought him back to himself... the fact that she was trying to disguise the pain in her voice that made him realize what he was actually doing. His mind turned over what had happened, even as he slowed his harsh thrusts, and he almost moaned aloud, because... Wherever she'd gone when she'd left him... whoever she'd found to teach her... The very fact that she was *here*, at this club, meant that... it had been all for *him*! She'd somehow discovered what he was; what he *needed*, and in classic Willow fashion, she'd set out to become that! He closed his eyes for a moment, even as he continued his slow, tender thrusts. He reviewed her appearance in his mind, and nearly groaned again, because... she hadn't been bitten, not even *once*, which told him that... The one who had trained her didn't... never had, and never would... own her. Whatever vampire she'd found might have made her call him Master, but... he'd never actually *been* that to her, or at least not in any way that mattered. No, the girl was here because she *loved* *him*! And it was that thought that truly made him feel horrible. He opened his once again brown eyes, and met her wide, violet ones with shame.

His eyes met hers, and she almost cried at the expression on his face, because... Okay, he'd been a bit harsh, but... he wasn't being *now*, and... Gods, he felt good inside her since he'd slowed his force and speed. She could tell, just by looking at him, that he was about to end this... just pull away from her, and probably apologize while he did! But that wasn't what she wanted to have happen, and she shifted her hips, raising her ass up to meet his almost nonexistent thrust. Her hands moved to cover his on the table beside her, and she whimpered softly, "More, Master..." and "Master Angelus..." when she saw the shock enter his eyes.

He honestly thought that he could have died just from the tone of her voice, but... she wanted this? Apparently, she *did*! But still, it threw him for a moment, until he realized... he loved her, even more than he had before, and... whatever she wanted...? He'd give it to her, without a thought or a hesitation. "Angel," he said quietly, into her ear, "Call me Angel, love..." He lowered his chest until it was pressed lightly to hers, and turned his head to her, taking her lips in a soft, gentle kiss as he continued to move within her.

"Angel..." she sighed, into his mouth, her arms creeping around his broad back.

Gods, she was everything he could ever want! And the way she was moving beneath him was beyond good. Just knowing how much she had to care to have done this was... exhilarating, and more exciting than he'd ever have thought! But still... he wanted to make love to her. A slightly wicked smile crossed his lips, even as his tongue moved languidly through the wet cavern of her mouth, and he pulled his thick cock from her tight ass, sliding it slowly and smoothly into her sweet, grasping twat. His eyes rolled back again, and he moaned, deep and loud. "Love you, Will..."

She was so gone in the sensation of him that it took her a good minute to realize what he'd said, and when she *did*, her eyes flew wide. "A... Angel?" she demanded breathlessly, her fingers clenching hard against his skin, "Angel... what...?" Words failed her, however, when he started moving slightly faster... stroking deeper into her. His thick, coarse hairs were brushing hard against her clit, and the tip of his enormous cock was pressing repeatedly against her cervix, and his hands... His hands were clasped in her hair while he supported himself on his elbows. She locked her legs around his strong waist, the very action urging him deeper while she began to shudder deeply and exploded almost unexpectedly around his perfect cock.

"The blood doesn't lie, my love..." he somehow managed to say, before the steady, rhythmic clutching of her tight, inner muscles robbed him of speech. His head fell to the crook of her neck, and he sucked in deep, unnecessary breaths as his body moved faster, desperate to fill his woman with his cool, dead seed, and when she shrieked softly against him, her sweet, hot pussy clenching hard around him, he... *shifted*, and his now-sharp teeth sank deep into that juncture, even as he emptied himself deep into her womb with a muffled growl.

She held him tightly to her while he drank, the small sharp pain of his fangs going unremarked. She had wanted this so badly... wanted his mark on her... and she had a feeling that this first time would be repeated many more, and *soon*! She could feel him softening slightly inside her, and as much as she wanted him again, and right *then*, she wanted him to take her home even more. "Angel..." she sighed softly, her fingers playing in the short hair at the nape of his neck, "*My* Angel...?"

He forced himself to pull away from the seeping wound he'd given her, and turned his head, meeting her violet eyes. "Just as you're my Willow..." he murmured, his human face coming back out. He pushed himself from her, and lifted her from the table. "Speaking of which," he said softly, still staring into her eyes, "Would you mind *looking* like my girl? Not that this doesn't *work* for you, but... I really love the redheaded version best..."

Willow smirked slightly, and spoke one word. "You'd *better* love the redhead best," she said harshly, wearing the face of Mistress Blue, "Especially after all the things you said!" It was less than a moment later that she spoke the final word, and stared at him from her own green eyes. "I wanted to be everything for you, Angel," she explained to the stunned vampire.

It took him a good three minutes to fully understand what had just happened, but when he did, an enormous smile spread over his face, and he swung his girl up and around, laughing happily. "You already *were* everything, Will," he finally said, after setting her down again, "I just didn't know it... But believe me when I say that I know it now, and..." His voice became softer, and he glanced hopefully at her from beneath his lashes. "I'm not going to let you go, Will. Not ever... okay?"

The redhead gazed consideringly at him for a moment before nodding slowly. "So, you won't mind," she said softly, taking his big hand in her own smaller one, "If I come home...?"

"Home?" he said quietly, voice thick with emotion, "Is it... is it still home to you?"

Willow stepped forward, her arms wrapping tightly around his waist. "Of course it is, Angel, if you're there..." she said against his smooth, cool skin, "After all, home is where the heart is."

His own arms closed tightly around her, and his eyes flew to the ceiling as he reveled in the sensation of finally having his girl back where she belonged. Of course, he *still* wanted to know where she'd been, and who she'd gone to for training, but... that wasn't nearly as important as the fact that she was *his* again... and she always *would* be! "Then I guess *I'm* home, too," he finally replied, just before taking her lips in a deep, searing kiss.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So..." Veronica said softly, tying the lace of her skirt tight, "Are you gonna be okay? With her and Angel, I mean..." She couldn't quite bring herself to look at him right then, afraid of what she might see in his expression.

Spike thought about it for a minute or so as he pulled his jeans back on and tucked himself inside them. "Yeah," he finally said, almost surprised to find that it was true, "They belong together. She's a good girl, a regular peach... I think they'll be happy." He sat on the couch and pulled his boots on. "Of course, he probably won't be coming back *here* any time soon, if at all... Is... is that going to bother you?" He stared fixedly at his bootlaces as he tightened and tied them, waiting for an answer.

"No." she said quickly, watching through the glass as a clothed Angel and Willow left the Saffron Room. "Angel is... a friend, and I didn't mind having him as a client, but..." She shrugged lightly. "There's too much history there. I'm sure I'll see him again, and Willow, too, but... not in a professional capacity, and that's fine. It's *more* than fine, actually. No, I'm happy for them." She turned around, and leaned against the one-way mirror behind her. "I'm kind of concerned about what he's gonna do when he finds out who trained her, though..."

The vampire nodded shortly. "Yeah," he answered, "Been thinking about that a bit, myself." He raised his blue eyes to the small woman standing before him, and smiled a little half-smile at her. "I haven't been to Europe in a while, though, so..." he shrugged himself, "I'm thinking maybe a bit of a vacation is in order. Y'know... see how things have changed and whatnot."

Veronica smiled sadly into his eyes. "Sounds like a good idea. Give him a little time to get over it once he figures it out... You'll... keep in touch?"

Spike's half-smile spread wide, until he was grinning like a maniac. "Oh, I'll keep in *touch*, pet..." He stepped closer to her, finally placing one hand against the glass at either side of her. He lowered his lips to her ear and murmured softly, "Shouldn't be too hard, since I'm planning on having you there *with* me... You can get some time off, right?"

She barely managed to hold in a relieved laugh, and she reached up, one hand tangling in his hair as she pulled him against her. "So when do we leave?"

He smirked slightly, his lips dropping to the point of her shoulder as he dragged her back to the couch. "Oh, I think it'll be at *least* a couple of hours, Ronnie..."

Veronica's smirk matched his as she stared into his eyes. "At *least*," she echoed in agreement.

