SERIES: Bedtime Stories (#5)
AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue
DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone you know from TV, but Katie and Patrick are mine...
DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, as usual, also Vampie if she wants... anyone else? I'll say yes if you ask... unless I already did, in which case, have at it...
FEEDBACK: is my friend... and gets you a dedication!!! (Oh, yes, I firmly believe in bribery...*G*)
DEDICATIONS: To: Kim, Lian, Ryan (hope you're feeling better???), Charity, Lea, Kitty, Monica, Silver, Jesmin, Katie, Nutmeg!!!, Ariel, Beth Ann, Susie, and Angel... thanks so much for the feedback!!! You are all of the rockin' good!!!
NOTES: Angel became human, and married a certain little redheaded witch. They are living quite happily in Sunnydale, and have two children: Katie (8), and Patrick (2)... Angel and Will rarely go out, but when they do, they get one of their friends to babysit...
Anya Harris rolled her eyes at her husband as she heard, yet again,
the soft giggles coming from the stairs. "Katie," she said loudly, for
what had to be the sixth time, at least, "Get your behind back in bed!"
She listened closely, finally standing with a sigh when she didn't hear
the sound of any movement. "Fine," she muttered to herself as Xander laid
down on the couch and laughed, "I can handle this... I used to be a demon,
after all, and she's just one small human girl! I'm the one in charge here,
damn it, and she's going to do as I say, even if it kills me." Her brow
furrowed for a moment. For some reason, that just hadn't sounded right...
oh, well. She moved quickly towards the stairs, and caught the girl still
sitting there. She glared her very best 'I'm a former demon' glare, pointing
past the girl and up the steps, smiling slightly when the girl pouted a
bit and trudged unhappily up towards her bedroom. Anya followed, determined
that this time, the girl was going to stay
in bed. "All right," she said, seeing the little girl already underneath
the covers, "Sleep... now!"
Katie hid her small grin behind a fake yawn. "But, Anya..." she whined, "I'm not tired! Tell me a story!" she demanded.
Anya sighed. She'd been warned, many a time, about the girl's penchant for bedtime stories, and she had really tried to come up with one just in case she needed it. Unfortunately, her human self seemed to have a problem with creativity, and she hadn't been able to make up anything good. "No." she refused, flatly. "Now, sleep!" She felt herself becoming tense as the girl's face screwed up, and relented immediately, afraid that if the girl started screaming or crying, the other child would wake up, and Patrick was almost impossible to get back to sleep. "All right, all right!" She heaved a huge sigh of relief as the girl's face assumed its usual happy expression, and sat herself down beside the small child. "I hope you appreciate this, Katie..." she began...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and this is what she said~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A long time ago, before there were telephones, and radios, and even cars, there was a girl who lived on the other side of a great big ocean. She was smart... and funny... and really quite pretty. She was also a witch! She grew up out in a very rural area... rural means country-ish, I think... anyway, she grew up there, and her family was OK, not too good, not too bad... just kind of average! So things were going pretty well for this girl, we'll call her... Sanka. So, Sanka was doing all right, started dating this boy from a nearby village, and actually thought that she might even marry him if he'd just get around to asking her, so you can imagine her surprise when she found out that not only was he dating her, but he was also dating three or four other girls, and he had no intention of marrying any of them! Well, needless to say, Sanka wasn't too happy, and she decided that he needed to be punished! Being a witch, that was easier than you might think, and so she gathered together all the things she needed, and did a spell to give him pustulent sores on his, uh... boy parts! So obviously, he never toyed with anyone's affections again. I mean, how could he, when every girl in the entire country knew just what a loser he was? Now, things might have ended there, had Sanka's little spell not caught the attention of a supernatural guy named... B'Bufferin! He went to Sanka and told her that he had a job for her, if she wanted it. She would become the scary, veiny good fairy, and grant wishes for other girls! Well, Sanka, not being stupid, leapt at the chance to escape the boring, humdrum little life that she'd been planning on leading, and she told B'Bufferin that of course she'd take the job!
There followed a long period of training in her new 'good fairy' duties, but most of that's just boring, so we'll skip it.
So, Sanka had finished all of her training, and one day, B'Bufferin told her that it was time to go out and start granting wishes! Sanka was happy, because she was getting kind of bored with just sitting around, twiddling her... thumbs. So, off she went.
As it turned out, Sanka was really good at her job, and soon she was known by girls far and wide as the only one who could truly get them reven... um, really really happy. Sanka was so good at what she did that she kept doing it for a really long time. She loved her job! Too bad for her that it wasn't going to last.
One day, Sanka was summoned to a little kingdom called... (What in the hell rhymes with Sunnydale? Anya wondered. Oh, OH, I've got it!) Funnyvale! There was this girl there, uh... Aurelia! And Aurelia had a little problem. It seems that this girl, Aurelia, had been dating this boy, um... Candor, and he'd ended up hurting her feelings by spending too much 'alone time' with his best friend, uh... Ivy. So Aurelia had sent out a call for Sanka to come and grant her a wish. Now, usually, girls' wishes were kind of dull and uninteresting, but Aurelia's was... different! What Aurelia ended up wishing for was that a certain blonde, uh, campfire weigher had never come to Funnyvale!
Honestly, Sanka couldn't blame Aurelia for that wish... after all, the blonde weigher... we'll just call her Stuffy, was very full of herself, and not terribly nice, even on a good day... and let me tell you, Sanka had reason to find out that Stuffy's good days were few and far between, but I'm getting ahead of the story, so... Where was I? Oh, yeah, Stuffy was a... well, she just wasn't very nice. But, Aurelia hadn't known that at first, and when she started spending time with Stuffy, Aurelia found herself drawn to Candor. And why not? He was funny, and fairly good looking, and much smarter than he let on...
So, when Candor hurt Aurelia's feelings, she blamed Stuffy for the fact that she'd gotten to know him well enough to like him, and she made her wish.
Suddenly, everything was different! Aurelia was in a Funnyvale with no Stuffy! Unfortunately, Funnyvale without Stuffy was pretty much like... a boo-boo with no band-aid! Basically, kind of gross. So, a lot of things happened. Some people got hurt, but in the end, Aurelia's wish was reversed, and the better version of Funnyvale was back! There was one problem for Sanka, though... she lost her good fairy job when the wish was canceled, and she was suddenly the same human girl she'd been to begin with!
Of course, with Sanka being just a mere mortal once again, she had to look around for someone to blame for losing her job, and she chose... Candor! So she spent some time with him, even letting him take her to the big, fancy ball with him! He had a great time, too, no matter what he says now... Anyway, before that, Sanka decided to try to get her job back, and talked Ivy into helping her. Things didn't go quite the way she'd planned, though, and the girls ended up with a nastier, meaner version of Ivy for a while before they could send her back where she came from, but Sanka learned something from the experience. She learned that Ivy was a force to be reckoned with!
So, anyway, they all finished up their learning, and there was a big, school-shaped bonfire, but... Sanka wasn't there for that part... She had gone away for a little while, so...
OK, so a few months later, Sanka went back to Funnyvale, and promptly fell in lus... um, in love with Candor, and they started dating. Only problem was that Stuffy didn't want Candor spending all his time with Sanka! Oh, no, Stuffy wanted Candor to be at her beck and call at all times, and went kind of... nuts... when Candor refused to give Sanka up! Finally Stuffy agreed to a 'compromise'. So, pity poor Sanka, she had to spend time with the campfire weigher almost every day if she wanted to see Candor at all! So, things went on this way for a while, and then one day, Stuffy's old boyfriend came back to town. He'd heard that Stuffy was going to have a problem, and he showed up to fix it. Sanka was surprised when she met him, because she could tell by the look in the guy... um, Cherub... Cherub's eyes, that he wasn't in love with Stuffy at all... he actually had a thing for Ivy! But since Sanka didn't like to interfere, she didn't say anything about it. So, Stuffy's big problem got fixed, and Cherub went away again.
Sanka and Candor continued to date, and then one night, Candor told Sanka that he loved her, and she was so happy, she told him that she loved him, too! So, after a while, they got a nice little place together, and were quite happy, or at least they thought they were...
Sanka and Ivy, meanwhile, had become better friends than they had been to start with, and when Stuffy's old boyfriend Cherub suddenly came back to town wanting to date Ivy, Sanka was the one who told the girl to go for it! Of course, Ivy didn't want to listen to her, so it took almost an entire year... well, OK, six months, for Cherub to convince Ivy that he was serious! Of course, he could have convinced her sooner if Stuffy hadn't been hanging all over him ninety percent of the time... But finally, Cherub convinced the girl that he loved her, and they decided to date! Well, that made Stuffy really angry, and finally she demanded that they stop dating so that she could have Cherub back.
Cherub, not being an idiot, despite the fact that he'd dated Stuffy in the first place, told the nasty little blonde girl to go to he... um, to go home, and Stuffy ran off and married some big, stupid guy who was from a kingdom fairly far away. Cherub, though, was actually happy, and not in a large and glower-y kind of way. He was still large, but he was kind of glow-y instead, and a few weeks later, he took Ivy to another kingdom, and married her in front of all of her friends.
Sanka was at the wedding, and she was happy for Ivy and Cherub. They were a good match, and she knew they'd be having lots of org... oreos together! So as she and Candor turned to leave, Candor surprised her by asking her to marry him. She was thrilled, of course, and said yes right away, and about a minute later, they had their first fight as engaged people. Candor actually thought that they would get married right then and there! He figured that if it was good enough for Cherub and Ivy, it was good enough for them. Sanka disagreed, of course, and eventually got her way by with-holding... oreos, and they got married almost a year later, in one of the many, many churches in Funnyvale. They were married for almost eight years before they found out that they were going to have a baby of their own, but that was OK... after all, they watched their friends Ivy and Cherub's kids all the time, so they were ready for a little one of their own!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ she stopped speaking~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anya looked down at the little girl who was obviously faking sleep. "Sorry, Katie," she said shortly, lightly rubbing her hand over her expanded waist as she turned off the light in the girl's room, "I'm just not creative that way... Sue me." She left the room, closing the door on Katie's relieved sigh, and went back downstairs to sit with her now sleeping husband.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Willow waved again as Xander and Anya drove away, before turning her eyes to her husband. "I can't believe you fell asleep at Joyce's inauguration as Mayor!" she said, half amused. "And as if that wasn't bad enough," she continued to her shamefaced husband as they started up the stairs, "You just had to wake up shouting 'Gods, Willow, Gods, Willow, YES!'"
Angel tried, but he just couldn't help laughing. "I... I'm sorry, love... but if you'd seen what I was dreaming, you'd understand... Of course, you were there... in the dream, I mean..." he said seductively, his hands closing gently on her waist as he pulled her to him.
Willow giggled, rubbing herself against him. "You do realize that we'll never be able to show our faces in this town again without being pointed at, don't you?"
Angel just smirked, a bit wickedly, and pulled her more tightly against him. "All the more reason to stay in, my love..." He lowered his head to hers, sighing happily as her tongue swept into his mouth... he so loved it when she got all aggressive... "So," he murmured against her lips, "Don't you want to know what we were doing in my dream?"
Willow wrapped her hands in his hair, pulling his mouth hard against hers for a long moment. Finally, she pulled away slightly. "Oh, hell... why don't you just show me..." Her words became giggles as he flung her over his shoulder and raced to their bedroom.
He put her down on the bed and turned to close and lock the door. When he turned back, he was completely unsurprised to see her already down to her underthings. His grin took on a slightly dangerous look as he approached the bed, shedding his own clothes on the way. "Show you, my dear?" he said silkily, as he slowly removed her bra and panties, "Oh, I think I can show you, alright..." His breath caught in his throat as he felt her strong little hands delving into his boxer shorts. "What the hell... I may have to show you more than once!" He grinned even more wickedly as he covered her small body with his own, and he heard her anticipatory whimpers start... Gods, how he loved his wife!