TITLE: Break On Through (5/5)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss is letting me play in his sandbox!!! (Well, OK... he never said I couldn't, though...*teehee*)

RATING: NC-17... for slightly violent sexual content...

PAIRINGS: Aus/W; S/D/Darla (mentioned)

SPOILERS: Pretty much everything through 'Reunion' for Angel, and 'Into the Woods' for Buffy...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have anything I write for 'Bite Me... Please?'... If I told you yes for something else, you can take this one, too... anyone else, just ask...(I'll say yes...)

FEEDBACK: gets you a dedication, and yes, I DO know that's bribery...*giggle*

DEDICATIONS: To: Kimberley, Vampie, Ali, Sandra D, Jewelus, and Kim... thanks for reading it, loves... and for letting me know you liked it!!!

NOTES: So after watching 'Reunion', I started wondering just *what* (or maybe *who*) it was that had the King of Brood acting like the Scourge of Europe... this story is what my sick and freakish mind came up with!!!

MORE NOTES: This is the last part of this story!!! There may be a sequel at some point, but I'm not sure yet... depends on whether there's any interest in one... Oh, and * *= emphasis...


Spike groaned as he opened his eyes. He had been waylaid by his Grand Sire who was now his... niece?... and Druscilla just a few minutes after Willow had put her grand plan into action, and then he'd been just... *laid*, repeatedly! And even though he'd enjoyed himself, he wasn't really happy with how *sore* his entire body was! Of course, it had been a long while since he'd been with another vampire, but *still*... he'd been shagging the *Slayer*, hadn't he? He should have been used to that sort of strength by now... He sat up, smiling as he recalled the few nights he'd spent 'educating' the little blonde slut in his dank, dirty old crypt... the girl hadn't even *tried* to be in control... maybe that was why just an hour with the two beautiful vampires had made such an impact on him. Yeah, he decided, as he pulled his clothes back on, that *had* to be it! He chuckled slightly as he left the office that had served as their 'love shack', as Dru had put it, and headed for the security office. He just *had* to see what had happened with Red and the Poof...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Willow sat back on her heels on the edge of the bed, and stared fixedly at the vampire who was finally beginning to stir. She'd heard him scream long and hard in the night, and *really* hoped that meant what she *thought* it did... that that pansy Angel was gone, and her Angelus was back... to stay, this time... She watched, a curious look on her face, as his dark, coffee-coloured eyes opened to meet hers. "A... Angel?" she said timidly, just in case she'd been wrong, "A...are you... *alright*?" She held her breath, waiting for his reply.

He gazed searchingly at the sweet and innocent little redhead who was looking at him so solemnly, and he couldn't help it. He laughed! "Of *course* I'm all right, Willow!" he said silkily, "How could I be anything *but*?" He tugged at his chains, making them rattle slightly before continuing. "I mean, OK, still chained to the bed, but..." his eyes softened as a slight smile twitched at the corners of his lips, "You *love* me! And you made love *to* me last night, little girl!" He grinned, feeling himself growing hard, and glanced down at his groin for a moment before catching her eyes again. "Care to do it again? I mean, I'd rather not have these *chains* to deal with, but you know what they say about beggars and choosers..." He grinned wickedly, just wanting to feel the good, pure little redhead impaled on his cock again... he'd let her ride him long and hard, and when he'd gotten his satisfaction... well, *that's* when he'd tell her who he *really* was. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she found out that she'd just fucked her worst enemy... and that she'd *enjoyed* it!

The redhead pulled her eyes from his, not wanting him to see the anger in them. Damn it! She was going to have to fuck the bloody poof again! She growled slightly-- a habit she'd picked up from Spike-- hating the very thought until she came to an entirely different decision... she'd let him see exactly what she was, what she'd *become*, and *then* she'd fuck him again, but hard this time! She figured he'd be so mortified that he was buried deep inside a soul-less creature, and *loving* every *minute* of it, that maybe, just maybe, the damned *soul* would recede long enough for her *real* lover to come out! And if he *did*... well, they'd just have to find a way to *keep* him out! She sighed deeply before meeting his eyes again, a broad smile on her face. "So I guess that would make you the beggar, and me the chooser? 'Cause I've got to tell you, Angel, I was really hoping that last night would rip that fucking soul right out of you, and honestly, given a
choice?..." she snarled softly at him as she crawled over to him, and up his body, all of her darkness now showing in her eyes, "I choose Angelus!" She straddled him suddenly, and slid herself down onto his rigid cock, not stopping until he was buried to the hilt in her tight, wet pussy. "Of course," she growled again, "This time I don't have to have your dick in my mouth, so things could be worse..." She laughed at the surprise in his eyes, and began grinding herself up and down on his throbbing member. "Now, just so you know, once you're gone, and Angelus is back, I'm gonna lick him and suck him until he cums a river, but that soul of yours just makes me... *sick*." She began to move faster on him as she leaned down and bit savagely into his nipple, lapping hungrily at the blood that welled up. "What's it gonna take to make you give it up, Angel?" she moaned, scared to discover that she was actually enjoying taking him. She hadn't felt this way the night before... and it frightened her. What if, instead of her taking his soul away, the very act of being with him was bringing hers back? She sobbed angrily, unable to stop moving on him.

His eyes had grown wide when the little 'sweet and innocent' witch said she wanted him... *him*! Not the souled wuss, but *him*! Angelus, the Scourge of Europe! His mind began to whirl when he saw the darkness in her eyes, and after looking a bit more closely into her, he suddenly understood... She *hated* the soul, almost entirely because she didn't have one of her own any longer! He listened to everything she was saying, the surprise apparently permanently stamped on his face. The witch... Willow... *wanted* him freed! He grinned slyly to himself. He'd wanted the girl since the first time he'd been set free, and he would have *had* her, too, if she hadn't gone and cursed him again! Of course, he decided, he couldn't really hold *that* against her, after all, she hadn't been the same girl she was now! He groaned loudly as she slid her tight heat down, enveloping his rock hard shaft, and almost laughed when she began to move... he wouldn't tell her that he was back
just yet, but when he did... Oh, when he did, he was going to hold her to the promise she'd made of making him cum a river... and he'd make sure she swallowed it all, too... His eyes rolled back, a shouted growl bursting from his mouth, as her teeth latched onto his nipple, biting hard enough to break skin. Oh, yeah, he thought, as he felt her warm little tongue licking at his blood, he was gonna fuck her *hard* when he got out of these chains... He was gonna fuck her hard, and let her suck him, and then... then he was going to take the only virginity she had left! He almost wished he knew where the fucking wolfling was, just so he could torture him, then kill him, for touching the girl in the first place! He frowned slightly, through the ecstacy of her movements, flashing suddenly on the surprise the damned soul had felt at her appearance the night before... someone had worked his girl... *Angelus'* *girl*!... over, and they hadn't done a half-assed job of it, either! Not that she
didn't look lovely, but the only one who should be beating her was *him*... *he* was the only one whose marks should be displayed on her milky white skin! He growled again, yanking at the chains... once he got out of here, he was going to find the rat bastard who thought that he could touch *his* property, and kill him... slowly... His eyes flew back to the girl riding him as he heard her asking what it would take for Angel to give up, and he was shocked to see her start sobbing on top of him, all the while still sliding herself up and down his raging hard-on. "Well," he finally moaned, for some reason not liking the sight or sound of her tears, "I guess it would take a completely evil little redhead coming in here and playing 'sweet little Willow', while looking all beat up to shit..." He smirked wickedly at her as her sobs died out, and her eyes focused completely on his. "And I suppose she'd have to...uhhh..." he groaned as she slammed herself down even harder on his aching cock, "She'd have to... *fuck* me so hard and *right* that I just couldn't bring myself to... uhhh... *stop* her!" He laughed wildly as the comprehension dawned in her eyes. "Of course, you did all of that last night, so..."

Willow's eyes narrowed as she finally understood exactly what he was telling her. "You... you *bastard*!" She cried, before screaming out loudly in release, her orgasm thundering through her body.

"Yeah, baby, I'm back..." Angelus groaned, barely able to keep himself from cumming as the strong muscles of her cunt tried to milk him for all he was worth. "So how about unlocking these chains, baby?" he purred, "Because as much as I love it when you ride me hard, *I'd* like to be in the... *driver's* seat for a while..." He smiled crookedly as she slid off his still hard cock and moved to the head of the bed.

The redhead grinned to herself and held her hands over the chains holding one of his wrists to the bedpost. She muttered a few words before moving on to the other wrist, then each of his ankles. "There, Angelus," she said wickedly, turning to face him once more, "You're *free*... so what are you gonna do now?" She shrieked happily as his hand darted out to hers faster than she could see, and pulled her down on top of him.

"Well, *first*," he said, in his most seductive tone, "I'm going to *eat* you... You have no idea," he said almost angrily, "Of what it's been like to lay here and *smell* you without being able to *taste* you! And then," he continued, rolling his large, hard body over her much smaller, softer one, "Then, you're going to give me that *head* you were talking about..." His hands held her arms pinned to the mattress beside her as his lips began to travel slowly down from her shoulder, stopping at her breasts to lick and suck first one, then the other, nipple into rosy peaks. "And after *that*... well, after that, I'm going to go where no man has gone before... Don't worry, Willow," he chuckled, feeling her start shaking in either fear... or anticipation, "I won't hurt you... *too* much... not right at first, anyway..." He grinned against her skin, hearing her moans, and let his true face out, spearing one peaked nipple with a sharp fang. His cock jumped as he heard her groan of both pain and
pleasure, and he moved back to the other breast, treating it to the same action before slipping further down her body.

She almost screamed as his tongue delved harshly into her navel, and did let out a low shout as his teeth pierced the tender flesh of her belly, the shout becoming a whimper as he licked at the slowly seeping wound... she'd never felt anything like this... the things he was doing to her were... inspired! He was managing to mix in just the right amount of mind-numbing pain with the earth-shattering pleasure, and she didn't want him ever to stop... She stopped breathing for a moment as his mouth slipped even further down her body, coming to rest at the top of her red curls.

He finally released her arms, his hands roughly tearing her thighs apart, and he gazed tenderly at her sweetly dripping core for a moment before forcing her legs even farther apart, and diving into her with his tongue... He had been right, she didn't taste like anything he'd ever had before... she was sweet, and spicy, and just a touch bitter... the perfect combination... He drove his tongue deep inside her, tasting the pure essence of Willow mixed with just the slightest taste of himself from the night before, and earlier that morning, and slid one large finger deep inside her, coating it thoroughly with her juices before forcing it roughly into her tightly puckered ass. His other hand pressed down on her belly, fingers splayed, as she tried to move away. "Hush, love," he murmured against her weeping core, "It doesn't have to hurt so badly if you'll just *relax*..." He grinned again, one fang scraping her swollen clit as he slid another thick, long finger into her ass to join the first. He
pressed her more firmly into the bed, ignoring her pained whimpers as he began thrusting in and out of her, hard and fast, with his fingers, adding a third when she became accustomed to the first two. "There, love," he groaned over her pleading cries, "That's not so bad, is it?" He drove his tongue deep inside her dripping cunt again, knowing that he'd never get enough of the taste of her.

Willow was sobbing, and begging him to stop... not that she didn't still *want* him, she *did*! And it wasn't just from the pain, although there certainly was pain! No, she wanted him, any way he wanted her to have him, but... to take that huge cock in her ass, for the first time, in a room where they were being monitored... it was just too... humiliating! She moaned loudly, forgetting all about the hidden cameras, as his fangs bit deep into her inner thigh... damn, he was good! Her eyes began to flutter, while shivers spread out from the pit of her stomach, and she exploded as he nursed on the wounds he'd just inflicted, a loud shout of "Angelus!" torn from her lips.

He smirked wickedly, still pumping his fingers in and out of her ass as he felt and heard her cum hard from his feeding. Yes, she had certainly come to the right vamp... His cock was throbbing as he looked up along her body to her sweat-soaked face. Well, he thought, as he pulled his fingers from her and flipped her over, the blow job would have to wait for later... he was itching to be inside her, and *now*! He moved sinuously up her body, pressing a hard, wet kiss to the back of her neck before biting down just hard enough to draw blood. "That's it, Willow," he crooned to her as he pulled two of the pillows from the top of the bed, "Relax... just let go..." He moved back down between her legs, pulling them roughly apart again as he lifted her lower half and shoved the pillows beneath her pelvis. He sat back for a moment, admiring the view, before slathering her tight asshole with his tongue. He felt her shiver repeatedly before she finally calmed, and he moved back up
her body, driving his pulsating erection into her hot, wet pussy. He smiled slyly at her sigh of relief, and thrust himself in and out of her for a few minutes, supporting himself with his arms as he coated himself thoroughly with her slick wetness before pulling quickly out of her amazing cunt and slamming fully into her unbelievably tight ass.

Willow screamed as his enormous cock rammed deep into her virgin asshole, her voice echoing loudly from the cement walls of the room. It felt as though she was being torn apart, and she screamed again, louder, as he pulled back and plowed into her again, his heavy balls slapping against her twat. She could feel herself tearing, feel the small rivulets of blood trickling down her legs as he pulled back again, leaving only the head of his huge dick inside her before thrusting himself deep within her again. She tried to move away from him, but his bruising grip on her hips wouldn't let her... For a moment, she heard his earlier words again, and wondered exactly how much he *could* hurt her if he didn't consider this to be 'too much'... Her eyes rolled back in her head at his next particularly vicious thrust, and her screams died down to whimpers, and then... he changed rhythms. His harsh, almost angry thrusts became slow, sensual, his hands on her hips became
caressing, loving, tender, before one hand slipped around her, finding its way to her core, his fingers gently tugging and rubbing at her still swollen clit... She sighed, the tears slowing in their cascade from her eyes.

Angelus was crying, himself... he hadn't intended to treat his girl that way, but... she had been so *tight*, so... perfect... and her screams had been just... pure bliss! He'd been lost in the moment, forgetting that she'd never been taken that way before, forgetting that the sheer size of him was going to hurt her enough, even if he was sweet and gentle with her... and when he *had* realized what he was doing to her, it had been too late. He had forced himself to slow, even though his every instinct was screaming at him to go harder, pound deeper into the perfect tightness and heat that was his Willow... He could smell the blood. He'd made her *bleed*! Not that it was an unusual thing for him to make his partners bleed, but... this was *Willow*, the girl who'd forced herself to fuck the soul, just so she could have *him* back! He only hoped that he hadn't hurt her *too* badly... he was definitely going to turn her one day, but he really wanted a few more years of her delicious heat before he did... He continue to slide slowly in and out of her bleeding ass as he gently pinched and rolled her clit between his fingers, watching as his bloody tears fell upon her pale, flawless back. "I'm sorry, my love," he murmured softly, laying on top of her, and speaking into her ear, "I didn't mean to be like that with you... not yet, anyway..." He slowed his thrusts even more, listening to her sobs finally fading away. "You just... Oh, hell, Willow, you just felt so *good*, I... I lost control..."

Willow moaned, the sensations his fingers were causing over-riding the pain she still felt. She could feel another orgasm building in her belly, and wondered just how fucked up that made her... that she could even begin to cum after what he'd done... that a part of her was even now craving his violence, desiring the kind of pain she'd just received... She felt him still moving deep inside her bleeding ass, and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to feel his cold, dead seed shooting deep inside her torn and bloody hole. "Angelus," she moaned, wantonly. "Cum for me, love... cum for me..." She pushed back against him, wanting to rise to her hands and knees, but with his large body draped over hers, it was impossible. "Let me up..." she moaned, clarifying when she heard his despairing sigh, "All fours, love... *please*..."

His eyes widened, the gold almost glittering, as he wrapped one arm around her waist, the other pushing them up from their supine position. "Are you sure, love?" he asked tentatively, almost afraid to believe that she didn't hate him.

"Yeah," she said softly, prying his arm from around her as she settled herself on hands and knees, his cock still firmly planted deep inside her ass, "I'm sure... fuck me, baby... cum for me."

His eyes wide, he gently grasped her hips and began thrusting slowly into her again... he could feel his release coming, and tried desperately to keep his strokes slow and steady, but... He sped up a bit, his hands closing more tightly around his girl's gloriously bruised hips, and sped up even more when she began thrusting herself back against him... He could hear her grunts and moans as he slid hard and deep into her, and once again slid his hand around her, rubbing almost desperately at her clit, finally exploding deep inside her as she suddenly tightened around him and came, screaming his name.

She collapsed onto the bed, feeling his half-soft cock slip from her aching hole. She turned her face from his as he slowly laid down beside her. "Angelus?" she said softly, still not looking at him, "Will you do something for me?"

"Anything, baby," he said, smearing a finger through the partially dried blood on her thighs before bringing it to his lips and licking it clean, "Anything."

Willow sighed, and finally turned to face him. "I want you to turn me. Right here, right now."

"I..." he began, before starting again. "Why, baby? I mean, I was planning on turning you, but not for a while yet... why now?"

She smiled slightly at the confusion in his eyes. "Angelus... I have no soul, and I'm *human*... You have to admit that there's something... *wrong* with that!... and I... I want to be with you, but... not if it's gonna take me weeks to heal up between fucks, so..."

Angelus sighed, staring into her eyes. "I told you I'm sorry, baby... I won't lose control like that again..."

Willow shook her head. "You can't promise me that, and I don't *want* you to even try! It's a large part of who you are, and I want every single part of you for my own... and that includes the violence, and the hate, and the destruction... and if I'm a vampire, it won't matter how much you hurt me, because I'll *like* it... more than I already do, I mean!" She smiled again, her hands resting on his chest. "Even now, there's a part of me that's craving the kind of pain you just gave me, but... I'm human... and even though I was talking to Poofy, I meant what I said last night... I *don't* want to die!" She looked deep into his eyes, letting him see the resolve in her own. "If you don't want to do it, that's fine. I'm sure Spike will, or even Darla!" She smiled a bit more at his answering growl, "But I'd rather be *your* childe..."

He closed his eyes for a moment, considering everything she'd just said, and a few things she hadn't... as *his* childe, she'd outrank Darla, and somehow, he just knew that the blonde would be a problem, plus she'd have the advantage of his older blood... She would stay young and beautiful forever, no possibility of any accident or illness taking her from him... and if he turned her now, there would be no chance of her ever regaining that soul that she'd somehow lost... plus, that marvelous tightness would be preserved forever! He nodded slowly to himself, his decision made, as he opened his eyes. "And you *will* be, my love... but if I'm going to do this, you have to accept a few things." He pulled her tightly against him, his tongue sliding sensuously against her neck. "You'll be my childe... but you'll also be my *mate*," he informed her, "And that means that you will have no one but me, unless I say it's OK..."

"All right," Willow answered, almost lost in the feel of his mouth against her skin, "As long as it's understood that the same applies to *you*!"

He laughed out loud. Trust Willow to negotiate on something she thought he was doing as a favor to *her*! "All right, baby... I won't either... And you'll need to back me up when I ask you to..."

"Well, of *course*!" she said, as if speaking to a rather dim-witted child, "You'll be my *Sire*, after all!" She swallowed hard at the dangerous look in his eyes. "Uh... Mate... I mean *Mate*!" She giggled then as his eyes softened, and she felt his fangs at her neck. "Angelus?" she asked softly, a begging tone in her voice as she felt her life's blood draining away, "Can we make *Hell*... here?"

"Oh, yes, my love," he murmured, staring into her eyes as he slashed a manicured nail across his chest. He pulled her limp, almost lifeless body onto him, sighing happily as her mouth latched onto his self-inflicted wound and she began to drink. "And Hell *here* is only the beginning..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spike sighed in a combination of disappointment and optimism as he turned away from the security monitor. He should have known that there wouldn't be any way his Sire would share the little witch with him... she was to be Angelus' mate now. The disappointment faded as he thought about Dru and Darla... he had his hands full with just those two, anyway! "Besides," he said out loud, standing up from the chair he'd watched Angelus and Willow's little 'performance' from, "As evil as Red was as a soul-less human, just think about what she's gonna be like as a vampire!" He grinned wildly. "What do you think, mate?" he asked the figure in the chair by the other bank of monitors as he pulled the tape of his Sire's room from the machine and put it in his coat pocket. "Well?..." he laughed. He wasn't surprised when he got no answer... had to be hard for a fella to talk with his throat torn out... He grinned again before leaving the security room, whistling a jaunty tune as he went
to find his women.

End-- Pt 5

End Fic.
