TITLE: Knight Takes Pawn (1/?)

SERIES: Nobility (#2)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Anyone you know from TV belongs to Joss. All others are either mine or their own.

RATING: NC-17 over all.

PAIRINGS: Dawn/Spike, W/A, Anya/Ben...

DISTRIBUTION: Jen:) can have it, as can anyone else I've said yes to; otherwise, just ask.

FEEDBACK: is kinda the point.

DEDICATIONS: Di, Mystra, Nat, and Salice, of course... for getting me started and thinking about it. Also to: Lesley, Angel S, Caroline, Ali, and Kim... for telling me they liked 'Knightsfall'... thanks, luvs...

NOTES: A bit in the future. Slutty's dead (as usual *giggle*), the Hellmouth is closed for good, and pretty much everyone's left Sunnyhell. This takes place in New Orleans, and if you haven't read 'Knightsfall', this might be a bit hard to follow, so... :: shrug:: Oh, and * *= emphasis.


Charles Gunn watched from his spot on the couch as Dawny stumbled through the front door, a dark-haired man in tow. He wasn't sure, but... he thought that the guy seemed familiar. Oh, it wasn't anyone he'd ever *seen* before, but... the sharp cheekbones he could see even in the almost non-existent light from the street struck something of a chord with him. Oh, well, he told himself sleepily, maybe he was someone the girl had mentioned in passing before, and *that* was why. Whatever, he thought, as he turned his head back towards the back of the couch, and fell asleep once more. He didn't notice-- any more than he would have had he actually been awake-- the currents in the air shifting as a God watched and rubbed its hands in glee.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It had been all he could do not to push the girl back on the seat of the cab, and have at her again, and it had only been the knowledge that she was a *lady*, in every sense of the word, that had restrained him. Well, that and the knowledge that the back seat of a car, with a driver there and watching, wasn't the place to shag *any* woman towards whom he had honourable intentions! And his intentions were just that, strictly honourable. Not, he reminded himself, as she preceded him up the walk to her house, that he had any plans to stop having her, but... She wasn't a toy, or even a way to pass the time for him. No, whatever it was that was happening between them... whatever it was that was *growing* here, he was sure of one thing. It was serious, and he was glad. He followed her up the front steps and into the house, catching her when she stumbled over the edge of the rug in the hallway. "Careful, pet," he whispered, afraid of waking the Watcher and his wife. He smelled the man on the couch before he saw him, but... he figured that if the guy was a threat, he wouldn't have been sleeping, so he put it from his mind. He moved closer to the blonde girl, his hands resting lightly on her hips as he let her lead him to the room she'd given him, and when she entered, and closed the door behind them, he didn't even bother to hide his sigh of relief.

Dawn smiled slightly at the emotions she could feel flowing through their bond, and turned to face him. "Look," she said quietly, finally saying what she'd thought through during their cab ride home, "I know what I said earlier, and... I meant it, Spike." Her fingers trailed lightly over his leather-covered arms, and she stared fixedly at a spot just in the center of his chest. "I don't know what's happening here, I don't know why, and... I don't know if this is even a good idea, but... I *like* you. I like being with you, and talking to you, and being your best friend. I really *don't* want to lose that, but..." She shrugged, pulling away from him and staring at the covered window. "I don't know how to stop these *feelings*, Spike! I don't know how to stop *wanting* you, especially now that I've *had* you! And I don't..."

He was listening to her closely. Of course, when she pulled away, he was *also* locking the door and removing his coat, and by the time she got to the part about still wanting him, he was wearing nothing but the velvet jeans she'd given him. He would have been wearing less, but he just couldn't let her over talk this; couldn't let her convince herself that what they felt, what they *wanted*, was wrong, and... He stepped up behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist while his other hand slipped over her warm, soft lips, cutting off her words. "I almost took you in the cab, luv," he whispered seductively in her ear, "*Would* have, if that damned driver hadn't been so nosy." He groaned almost silently when she pressed herself back against him, and a small moan *did* slip out when her lips moved slowly against his palm. He could almost swear that he was being manipulated from without, but oddly enough, he couldn't seem to care, because... Her hands slid up the sides of his legs before slipping behind him and pressing his hips hard against her lower back, and he pushed her away for just long enough to spin her around. "Now, pet," he murmured silkily against her lips, "I don't want to stop wanting you... don't want to stop *having* you, either..." His hands moved to her shoulders, pushing the long leather coat down her slim arms, and when it lay in a discarded heap behind her, he drove his cool tongue into the wet, hot cavern of her mouth.

She moaned deeply into his mouth, her fingers traveling restlessly over the naked skin of his back. He just felt so... *right* pressed against her... so *true* in her arms. And his lips, his tongue, his teeth... his hands, moving down her back, the hard evidence of his arousal pressed into her belly... it was all just too... *right*, and she didn't know that she could *stand* it! But as his mouth slipped down the side of her neck, and his fingers tugged the hem of her dress up, she couldn't seem to make herself object. Her hands moved to his waist, plucking tentatively at the velvet jeans he wore, and she moaned softly when he pulled back just enough for her to reach the button and zip.

If he'd needed breath, he knew he'd have been in trouble, because... somehow, the fact that this time wasn't a spur of the moment thing, that they'd be completely naked together, flesh to flesh and skin to skin, was making him hotter than he'd ever thought to be. He could feel the fire racing through his blood, sense the heat stirring within him, and while a small part of him was frightened by the unfamiliar sensation, the majority of him was caught up in just the *feel* of her! He felt her quick, clever fingers unfastening his pants, felt those same fingers pushing the fabric down over his hips, and as he stepped out of them, he groaned and pulled her dress off over her head. He stepped back then, reveling in the sight of her, naked but for the stockings, garter belt, and boots. "Dawn..." he growled, his cock throbbing harder than he'd ever imagined was possible.

She could feel the blush starting in her cheeks, and she almost wanted to turn away; to hide from his so-hungry gaze, but... there was a large part of her that was just... enjoying the *hell* out of the way his eyes were raking over her flesh, and... he just looked so damned *good*! She allowed her own eyes to travel up and down the length of his tight body, her heart beating faster when she saw his hard shaft twitch. She took a step back, then another, and when she felt the edge of the bed against the backs of her knees, she sat, reaching for her boot laces.

"No, pet," Spike breathed, falling to his knees before her, "Let me do that..." His fingers moved gently but swiftly over the double-knotted ties, and he pulled first one, then the other, boot from her feet, tossing them over his shoulder in turn, his eyes locked on hers. His fingers slid up her calves, over her knees, and finally stopped halfway up her thighs. "I want you, Dawny," he almost purred, his hands smoothly spreading her legs wide. He smirked just a bit when she swallowed hard, and when she closed her eyes, he took the opportunity to taste her as he hadn't had the chance to do earlier.

Her eyes had closed in anticipation, and they stayed closed when she felt his cool tongue sliding over her wetness. "Spike..." she whispered, her fingers tangling in his short black locks, and "Spike..." again, more of a moan this time, when he drove deep into her with one long, elegant finger. Gods, the man was good with his hands! And his mouth! She could feel herself starting to tremble slightly, and knew it was because of *him*, and she moaned a bit louder, falling back against the mattress.

His own eyes were closed, too, because... she tasted amazing. He could only imagine what it was going to be like to be inside her again, without the need to rush on, and finish quickly. He lapped almost delicately at the swelling nub at the apex of her perfect twat, adding a second finger to the first one, and continuing to pump them gently within her. He felt her fingers tightening in his hair, and her strong muscles trying repeatedly to grasp and hold his digits, and... he wanted to hear her scream his name again. That thought in mind, her pulled his fingers from within her wet heat, replacing them with the long, thick muscle of his tongue. He moaned into her sweet channel when she whimpered slightly, and moved his thumb to her tight, hot clit.

Gods! He was fucking her with his tongue, and he was rubbing her, and... if she hadn't already had him inside her once, she wouldn't have believed that there could ever be anything better than just his mouth and hands! But she *had*, and she could barely wait to feel him there again. She would actually feel the entire, cool, fully naked length of him pounding her into the bed... feel his long, hard shaft thrusting deep into her again and again... And just thinking about it was enough to send her flying. She reached out, snatching a pillow from the head of the bed, and pressed it to her own mouth as she shrieked out her release.

Spike smirked his satisfaction as she convulsed hard around his tongue, and he remained where he was for a few moments, enjoying the flowing taste of her. He'd heard her scream, even through the pillow, and he couldn't remember ever being so satisfied with himself. He slowly raised himself from his position on the floor and crawled sinuously up her body, and when he reached the fluffy pillow still over her face, he pulled it away to stare in wonder at her lust-glazed, sweating face.

Dawn met his bright blue eyes, her own still slightly out of focus, and when she felt him rubbing the head of his beautiful cock against the coarse brown-ish curls between her legs, she almost groaned, but... "Let me taste you," she demanded, still breathing hard.

His knee slipped between hers, and moments later, his other one joined it. "Later, Dawny," he said, a touch wickedly, as he slipped himself deep into her tight, wet heat.

Her eyes flew wide, and her hands flew to his back, her fingers clenching hard against his skin. He felt so... different now than he had down by the river! And maybe that was because he wasn't constrained by his clothing this time, but, whatever it was, she *liked* it! He was laying almost fully on top of her, most of his weight held by his elbows, and he was... staring deep into her eyes as he thrust himself, slowly and deeply, in and out of her, and... he was almost *too* big, too *long*, but, Gods! It felt so *good*! His tight little nipples were rubbing against hers, and his short, fast breaths were gusting against her neck, and each time he slid fully into her, he let loose the cutest little moan, and... "Gods!" she cried softly, when he sped his movements.

He wanted, more than anything, to take this slow; make it sweet and tender for her, but... she was so tight, and so wet, and so *hot* around him, and... Her hands on his back, her lovely eyes staring deep into him, her ankles, locked at the small of his back... He couldn't help himself. His hips began moving faster and harder, his back bowing and flexing more harshly, and... she was whimpering beneath him, yearning clear in her tone, and... This would be over soon, he realized, and that just wasn't acceptable! He stopped, buried to the hilt within her, and pressed his lips hard against hers as he rolled, taking her with him. His tongue swept through her mouth, his head spinning at the sensation of being inside her in two different places, and when he pulled away, he smiled dazedly up into her surprised eyes. "Let's make this time about *you*, pet..." he said breathlessly, his eyes rolling back as she began to move.

Her eyes were closed, her fingers gripping his upper arms tightly, as she slowly slid herself up his long, hard cock, and when only the thick, throbbing head was still inside her, she slammed herself down hard on him, her eyes flying wide, and a small "oh" of surprise escaping her lips. His hands were suddenly on her hips, his fingers clutching her tightly, and she almost cried out again when his hot eyes met hers. "Spike..." she moaned deeply, repeating her movement and gasping as his face shifted swiftly to true. She leaned down quickly, spearing her tongue between his fangs, and rotated her hips upon him, almost giggling when he growled against her mouth, but... he was inside her, and letting her have control, and... Somehow, *laughing* just didn't seem *right*, especially when his fingers tightened even more on her hips, and he began thrusting himself up into her. She sat up on him again, her eyes almost closing in sheer delight as his added motions forced him even deeper inside her, but his almost angry growl convinced her to keep them open, and locked on the amber of his while she continued to move.

He hadn't planned on letting his demon show, but... she was riding him hard and fast, and her hot, tight little body just felt too... *perfect*, and he hadn't been able to help it! At first he'd been a bit afraid of how she'd react, but... she'd leaned down and thrust her tongue between his suddenly jagged teeth, and... His fingers were clamped hard on her hips, and he *knew* she'd bear the marks of this night for days to come, but if she didn't care, then why should he? Besides, he was a demon, after all, and... he *liked* the idea that he'd leave some sign on her of his... He almost gasped aloud then, as he realized that he was considering her to be *his*, but... Damn it, he told himself, still arching beneath her, she *was* his! And if she didn't know it yet, she would *soon*! He growled again, his eyes locking on hers, and when he saw her pupils dilating slightly, he held her tight upon him, slamming himself frenetically up into her until she suddenly clamped hard around him and screamed his name once more. Of course, he chuckled to himself then, she didn't have a *pillow* to muffle her cries this time, and... That was the thing that pushed him over his own edge. The knowledge that everyone in the house, even the strange man on the couch, knew she was *his*... that they'd all know that it had been him-- his hands, his mouth, his cock-- that had made her scream, and... he sat up beneath her, pressing his mouth to her sweet, sweating breast as he came with a guttural roar.

She was gulping great lungfulls of air, and her eyes were still squeezed shut from the force of her orgasm, when the loud knock came at the door. She heard the familiar deep, rough voice asking if she was okay, and replied swiftly, even as she turned bright red from sheer embarrassment. "I'm fine, Gunn," she called back, mortified, "I was just, umm..." She glared at the laughing vampire still planted firmly within her now-aching core, the glare becoming a soft smile when his face shifted back to human, and he tenderly licked her neck. "I'm *fine*!" she said again, relaxing when she heard his feet moving away from the door. "Oh, Gods," she moaned, as Spike fell back against the bed, his arms still tight around her, "This is *not* good!"

The black-haired vampire smirked slightly, and stroked her hair for a moment. "We'd have been found out sooner or later, pet," he pointed out logically, "Because I'm not planning on acting like nothing's changed." He smiled softly into her eyes when she rose up slightly to stare at him. "I haven't been *happy* for a *very* long time, luv," he told her honestly, "And *you* make me happy, Dawny. I can't analyze it, can't break it down into whys or becauses, and frankly I don't *want* to, but... I'm not *ashamed* of us being... whatever it is we are now." He waited until she nodded her understanding, and pulled her tight against his chest once more. "I won't pretend that we're just friends, luv. I *can't*."

Dawn nodded again. She couldn't really argue the point, seeing as he'd only spoken the truth, but... She had no idea of how Giles and Gabby were going to react; in fact, she was surprised they hadn't broken down her door already, but... she supposed she should count her blessings. She moved tentatively, and was surprised when Spike loosened his hold enough for her to slip from atop his cool form, although he *did* sigh a bit when his softened cock slid from her center. But she figured he wasn't *too* upset, because he sighed again, happily, when she curled up against his side. "G'night, Spike," she murmured against his cool, pale skin, a slight smile curling the corners of her lips at his response.

"That it was, pet," Spike purred silkily, "That it *was*..." He stroked her back lightly until her breathing and heartbeat were slow and steady, and pulling her closer, he followed her down into a deep, dreamless sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gunn sat motionless on the couch for almost an hour after he returned to it. He'd heard Dawny's cries, heard the answering sounds from the guy she'd brought home, and more importantly, he'd heard exactly what name she'd called out. And that was why the guy had seemed so familiar, he realized. He'd seen the drawings Angel had done of his childe during the 'Angelus Days'. He should have recognized the vampire immediately, but... in all the sketches he'd seen, and the descriptions he'd heard from Willow and Anya, Spike had been a bottle-blond. It had only been shortly after Buffy's death that the blond had dyed his hair black, and... He was making excuses. The problem was, he wasn't buying them *himself*, so he was fairly certain that *Angel* wouldn't, either.

He was actually kind of surprised that Giles hadn't come running, but he supposed the older man was still sleeping off his encounter with Mr. Daniels... *Jack* Daniels... and that was a good thing, he figured, because... Angel was going to be bad enough! He *really* didn't want to deal with an irate *father*, too-- adoptive or *not*!

He pulled the card from his wallet, and dialed the number, asking for the Rosenberg's suite, and waited while the phone rang through. "Angel, man," he said quickly, cutting off the sleepy, but still slightly angry voice, "I think you'd better get over here... Well, *Dawn's* home, for one, and she's not alone! She's with *Spike*, and I *do* mean *with*!" He yanked the phone away from his ear, not willing to be deafened this early in the morning, and when the loud voice finally quieted, "Look, dude. She's a grown woman! I just thought you should know, what with the prophecy and everything." He rolled his eyes as the vampire on the other end of the line started repeating what they all knew already, and when he heard a key turning in the front door lock, he sighed in relief. "Look, Angel, I gotta go. I think Gabriella's home." He hung up and stood, crossing to the archway, and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of a very bedraggled and tired looking Mrs. Rupert Giles. Apparently there was more going on here than even *Angel* knew, and he wondered for a moment if he should try to wake the former Watcher, but... No, he decided, better to let the man sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Giles was *not* asleep, much as he wished that he were. He had a raging headache, his mouth felt like he'd been eating dirty cotton balls, his *wife* was gone for Gods knew *how* long, and as if that wasn't enough? He'd been treated to the unwelcome sounds of Dawn-- his adopted *daughter*-- having loud, apparently *very* good sex with *Spike*-- the vampire she'd been bound to by a *God*!

A very large part of him wanted nothing more than to go down there and stake the bastard for taking advantage of the girl that way, but... He *knew* Dawn, and-- filial love aside-- it was just as likely that *she* was the one taking advantage! It could be either way, he knew, seeing as some of Gabriella's sensibilities had rubbed off on the girl in the last few years, and there was nothing *wrong* with that, but... a vampire! He shuddered slightly, partly from the very idea, and partly from the traces of alcohol still ravaging his system.

Besides, he reminded himself, he'd promised Gabby that he wouldn't interfere with Dawn and Spike's relationship, and if he'd learned nothing else since moving to New Orleans, it was that one didn't lightly break their word to a voudoun priestess... especially one who was regularly ridden by the Gods, and the more so when that priestess was your *wife*.

End-- Pt 1

