SERIES: Nobility #3
AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue
DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Joss (if you know them from TV), themselves (for those that exist in real life), or me (the rest of them)...
RATING: NC-17 for the series.
PAIRINGS: Dawn/S; W/A; others, as well.
DISTRIBUTION: anyone with the earlier parts of this, and my own site, of course!!!
FEEDBACK: would be nice.
DEDICATIONS: Jeannette and Nat (as usual)... also Poppy, Nutty,
NOTES: it's 2007, and the Hellmouth has been closed for a while. Everyone left (except for the oh-so-brilliant Xander). Giles adopted Dawn and they moved to New Orleans where he met and married a voudoun priestess. Spike showed up all cursed and stinky, and he's with Dawn now. The AI gang is visiting from LA, because of a rather... interesting prophecy, and something rather unlikely has happened to Dawn and Willow... Oh, and * *= emphasis.
It had taken a good half hour to rouse the stunned-unconscious black-haired vampire, and Angel had been chuckling the entire time. Not that Dawn blamed him, particularly. She supposed that the sight of his bad-ass childe all passed out *was* funny, especially when added to his *very* obvious delight at finding out that he and Willow would have a child of a *different* sort. And Willow looked pleased about it, too, she admitted to herself, which was... so *nice* for *her*! Unfortunately, it was incredibly obvious that Spike didn't share his Sire's joy at the news that he would be a Daddy soon as well. If he *did*, she figured he wouldn't have gone and *fainted* like that. "Are you alright?" she asked listlessly when his blue eyes opened and met her gaze. "Good," she said when he nodded. She stood quickly and left the room as fast as she could, hoping she'd be able to make it to the upstairs bathroom before breaking down in tears.
"Dawny...?" Spike muttered, still a bit confused. His eyes tracked her departure, a slight frown creasing his brow as he sat up fully from his slumped position. "What...?" He turned his concerned eyes to his Sire. "What...?" he said again, then "Where'd that DeLanei woman go?" when he saw she wasn't in the room any longer.
Angel shook his head slowly, still thrilled at the notion that he and his Mate had created new life. "She took off right after you passed out," he responded, "But she'll be back later on tonight..."
"Passed out!" the black-haired vamp cried, "I don't... *pass* *out*! I'm a *vampire*; it's not in my *nature* to 'pass out'!"
Willow giggled softly, just loud enough for Angel to hear. "Well, you *did*, Spike, and don't think it wasn't funny, either!" A slight sigh slipped from her, and she sat down beside the formerly blond man. "It's entirely understandable, you know," she told him quietly, taking his hand in her own. "I mean, I'm sure you weren't expecting to hear that you're... expecting, I suppose."
Spike groaned out loud as he remembered what had led to his non-vampy behaviour, and his eyes flew again to the door his Mate had vanished through. "Oh, *bloody* hell," he moaned miserably, "And Dawny's obviously not *happy* about it..." He sighed deeply, completely lost as to what to do next.
"I don't think Dawn knows *what* she's feeling right now," the witch said, squeezing his hand comfortingly. "She's only twenty, after all, and... Look, she's just Mated to a vampire, which is a *huge* change in her life, and now...?" She shook her head. "Now she finds out that she's most likely growing a child in her that *all* of us would have thought was *impossible* before today! It can't be *easy* for her, Spike! Especially when *your* reaction to the news was to go catatonic!" She smiled as her Mate shifted closer to her and wrapped his long arm firmly around her shoulders. "But... all that aside, how do *you* feel about this? Now that you're *awake*, I mean," she teased lightly.
He actually took the time to think about it. He closed his eyes and pictured what the future might be like, and he almost found himself smiling, but... "I couldn't do any of the traditional 'Daddy' stuff, could I?" he asked softly. "No bloody baseball games, or school plays, or *any* of that rot. And could the kid even *go* to school? I mean, it'll be half *vampire*! What if it gets that lovely sensitivity to sunlight? And if it *can* go, then what happens when its teachers want to meet with the parents, huh? What *then*? Because it'll *happen*, you know. No child of mine will *ever* be all good and quiet; I'm sure of *that* much!"
Angel grinned into his Mate's equally amused eyes. Spike wanted a child, all right; it was clear just from the way he was talking about it! Of course, it was just as clear that he was going to have to talk to the lad until he admitted it to himself. He nodded slightly at the sense of 'I'm going' Willow was sending him, and when she let go of Spike's hand, he allowed his arm to drop. "She's just going to check on Dawn," he told his childe when the black-haired vampire finally noticed her leaving.
Spike sighed unhappily. "I just don't know what to do here, Peaches," he said, staring at the floor. "This isn't something I've ever... And why are *you* so calm, anyway?" he demanded, "It's not like *your* Mate isn't all knocked up, too!"
The once broody vampire laughed out loud. "Honestly, Spike," he finally said, "It's not something I was *expecting*, but the only thing I've *truly* regretted was that I couldn't give Will the family she deserved to have. Not that she ever held it against me. I mean, she knew about the whole 'no kids' thing before she ever got involved with me, but..." His voice became softer as he spoke on. "I'd see her watching people with their children sometimes, when we'd be out at night, and I could tell that even though she wasn't *regretting* being with me, she still... *wished*. I didn't realize how much I wanted that, too, until tonight, but," He shrugged, yet another joyful smile crossing his lips. "Hearing that it wasn't only *possible*, but was most likely already *done*? It's amazing to me-- but a blessing, none the less. You know?"
He sighed again, this time at the truth of his Sire's words. "Well, at least you know this is something Red wants, then. I- I don't think Dawn *does*. Hell, I doubt she's even *thought* about it, and..." he shook his head. "I don't want to *lose* her, Angel. Not because of *this*; not because of *anything*!"
Angel nodded his understanding of Spike's concerns-- even though he was completely sure that Dawn's reticence was due more to the fact that she didn't know how *he* felt than anything else-- and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "Tell her that, Spike. Tell her that it's her decision to make, and that you'll be there for her whatever she decides. Besides," he said smugly, wanting the boy to admit just how much he *did* want this child, "It's not like you'd be a very good father, anyway. I mean, what could you teach your kid? How to maim and torture? How to hunt? No." He carefully hid his grin at Spike's barely-heard growl. "No, I think you're right. You shouldn't have a child, especially since you don't *want* one."
It was the last part of the mighty pouf's statement that drove him from the couch, true face firmly showing. "Hey! I'll be just as good a Dad as *you* will, you sodding git! At least *my* kid won't think of... sitting alone in the *dark* as the best way to deal with its problems!" He snarled slightly at the very notion, and turned to glare at the big ponce. "*And* it'll have the *Key* for its Mum! Not just some little *witch*-- powerful as she may be-- but the bloody *Key*, mate!" He smirked around another growl. "And maiming and torturing are valuable skills to have. So's *hunting* if you think about it." Completely unawares, a small, tender smile had appeared on his lips, and his voice dropped until he was speaking more to himself than to Angel. "I'll be a bloody *great* Dad; just see if I won't!"
Angel smirked slightly, amazed by how easy it had been. "So you *do* want this, then," he intruded gently, hiding his smile when his boy's human seeming descended over his true face. "In fact," he continued, meeting his childe's wide eyes, "I'd say you want this more than you've ever wanted *anything*."
Spike sighed and sat back down in the closest chair. "I- I guess so, Peaches. I mean, I don't want a kid as much as I want my girl, but I guess it's not a *bad* thing, right?" Another smile crossed his lips before suddenly fading. "But that doesn't change anything. Whatever *I* might want, I don't think *Dawn* wants this." His head fell forward into his hands. "She didn't sign on for this, mate. I'm a *vampire*! I'm sure she never even *considered* the notion that we could..." He sighed again, shaking his head sadly. "I just don't know what to do."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Dawn," Willow said softly from the hallway outside the bathroom door, "Let me in, sweetie..." She sighed at the lack of response from the girl. "Dawn," she said again, more loudly, "Don't make me have to use magic. We need to *talk* about this!" She forced herself not to show her relief when she heard the lock disengage and saw the door open a crack. "All right, honey," she said smoothly, taking the quietly sobbing girl in her arms, "What's wrong? Are you... do you not want Spike's child? Talk to me, sweetheart, or I can't *help* you."
The gentle hug and soft sympathetic voice only made her cry harder. She *knew* she was acting like an idiot, but, "I don't *know*!" she finally cried, hating the whine in her own voice. She pushed away from the red-haired witch and stood there, arms crossed over her waist. "I don't know what's going on, and I don't know what I want, and," It was as though the initial words had opened a flood-gate. "I don't even know what *Spike* wants! I mean, sure, he wanted me to be his Mate, but *kids*? He's a vampire, Willow! If he'd wanted kids, he wouldn't ever have become a *demon*, right? And he *fainted*! *Angel* didn't *faint*! And, and I'm twenty years old, and I'm the fucking *Key*, and Spike's still *cursed*, and Hell, Willow," she almost screamed, "I *kill* vampires! It's what I *do*! And now...? *Now*, I'm not only *Mated* to one, but I'm supposed to have his *kid*?" Her entire body was shaking, and she forced herself to sit down on the edge of the bathtub before she fell over. "I don't *know*!" she wailed again, rocking slowly.
Her green eyes were wide as she knelt in front of the girl who was like a little sister to her, and she reached out, one hand resting lightly on the confused head of blonde hair. "You're questioning your entire *life*," she said softly, finally seeing the problem. "But you don't *have* *to*, Dawny." A small smile quirked at her lips when the girl's eyes warily met hers. "Look," she went on, figuring it out as she went, "You kill vampires. Yes. But you're not the Slayer, sweetie. There's no 'calling' that's being betrayed by you being with your Mate. You *love* him, and... if it was *wrong*, do you really think Gabby's God would have bound you together? Plus, there's that prophecy to consider. It sounds like you and Spike were *meant* to be, so I don't think there's any problem with *that*." She smiled again, a bit more broadly this time, when she saw that Dawn was actually thinking about what she was saying. "Now," she continued, "As for *Spike*? He didn't exactly 'decide' to be a demon, did he? I mean, there wasn't an actual *choice* involved, you know?" She chuckled softly. "In fact, I'm sure that-- if he hadn't run into a certain tall, dark, and *evil* bastard who was entirely too handsome for his own good or anyone else's, *William* would have eventually married and had a big *bucket* of children. So maybe you should talk to *him* about that." She laughed again at the sheepish look on the girl's face and stood, pulling her to her feet, as well.
She felt like a complete and utter moron, especially considering the fact that everything Willow had just said was entirely true. Still, "I- I don't know if I'm ready for this, Will," she said softly, "I mean, a kid?" Apprehension warred with a wary sense of anticipation within her, and her eyes widened in surprise when the redheaded witch laughed yet again.
"Of *course* you're not ready, Dawny," Willow told her honestly. "Hell, *I'm* not ready for it myself, but," she shrugged, "It's the way things are. We'll deal. Now let's go find our Mates, hmmm...?" One arm went around the much older yet much younger girl's shoulders, and they headed down the stairs to do just that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The tall redhead sighed tiredly and collapsed onto the couch in her hotel room. She'd really hated to leave the two vampires and their women when she had, but the pure fear and misery radiating from the blonde girl-- Dawn, she reminded herself; the *Key*!-- had been more than she could bear. Too tempting, as well. She'd *had* to get out.
Normal humans didn't affect her terribly much, but *that* girl...? She had more power wrapped up in her smallish body than any *fifty* 'regular' humans, and...
No, Hortense promised herself, she wasn't going to end up like her thrice-be-damned *sister*! She wouldn't let herself turn out like Agatha had. No matter *what*.
Slowly toeing off her boots, she rested her heels on the coffee table in front of her and closed her eyes. With any luck, the black-haired vampire would have straightened things out with his Mate by the time she went back later that night. She hoped so.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rupert Giles groaned when Angel finally finished telling him and Gabby about the rest of the prophecy. He groaned again when he realized that the vampire looked completely *thrilled* about it all. "How can you possibly be so *calm* about this?" he demanded. "You don't even know what these children will *be*! Will they need to drink *blood*?" He paled as yet another thought occurred to him. "Oh, God! Will they even *look* human? And how do the girls feel about this?" His voice rose as he became more and more incensed. "How could you and Spike *do* this to them? I mean, really, Angel, do you think this is a good idea?" He stopped himself suddenly, when he realized the vampire was trying not to laugh out loud. "This isn't *funny*, damn it! You and that childe of yours are both old enough to know better! What the *hell* were you *thinking*?"
Angel was doing his best not to laugh in the former watcher's face; he really *was*! He might have succeeded, too, if he hadn't made the mistake of looking at Gabriella. The woman was just as obviously fighting her own battle with the God of Mirth, and just that scant instant of eye contact was enough to send them *both* into peals of laughter.
Finally, after almost five minutes-- during which time they'd start to calm down, then glance at each other and promptly lose it again-- he managed to at least *slow* his loud chuckles. "Sorry, Giles," he gasped, eyes still tearing from the laugh-fest, "But mostly, I was thinking-- I'm a *vampire*! We're not exactly known for knocking up our lovers, now *are* we?" He wiped quickly at the corners of his eyes with the cuff of his sleeve, deliberately not looking at the brunette woman sitting beside the Englishman. "Believe me," he continued in a slightly conciliatory tone, "I'd *love* to take credit for this, but it wasn't my idea. Apparently the Gods-- or the Powers-- decided to just jump in and do whatever they wanted, and honestly?" A small, soft smile crossed his lips as his gaze became just a touch misty. "Will and I couldn't be happier. And I don't know what our child will be, what with the whole vampire/ witch thing, but," he shrugged contentedly. "Whatever it is, we'll manage. And if that means that my kid has to take a thermos of blood to school every day? Then so be it."
Giles sighed deeply, knowing Angel was right. "And how does your childe feel about this, then?" he queried. "Is he as gung-ho about the prospect as *you* are? Because Dawn is still very young, and... What?" he demanded, when Angel suddenly stopped looking so pleased. "What is it? He hasn't *left* her, has he? I'll *kill* him!" It was only his wife's hand, tight around his wrist, that kept him from leaping up and finding a stake, or maybe one of Dawn's pistols.
"Calm down, cher," Gabby ordered, "He wouldn't do that. Spike *loves* Dawny." Her eyes moved to the vampire's, and she raised one brow in question. "Well?"
Angel shook his head slowly. "Spike is... Well, if I said he was shocked to hear what the prophecy meant, it would be a *severe* understatement, and I don't think Dawn really knew *what* to make of his reaction." He sighed at the demanding look he was receiving from *both* the Giles', and hoped that his troubled and troublesome childe would forgive him for telling them. "He fainted." he announced, cringing when they both chuckled. "In any case," he rushed on, "Dawn locked herself in the bathroom, but Willow talked to her, and with any luck, Spike won't screw this up."
Giles nodded after a minute or two, a hard look falling over his face. "He'd better not *hurt* her," was all he said, absolutely certain that Angel could hear the threat to the black-haired vampire in his voice.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So," Spike said carefully as his Mate entered their room, "How are you feeling, pet?" He was almost afraid to even look at her, what with the fear racing through his body. He'd meant what he'd said to his Sire, after all. Dawn *hadn't* signed on to be somebody's Mum, regardless of how things had turned out. She had to be going through an enormous amount of stress, and he wasn't sure of how, or if, he could make it better. Her complete silence finally drew his eyes to her face, and his heart sank when he saw the tears on her cheeks. "I'm sorry, love," he murmured, moving to her and taking her gently in his arms, "I- I never wanted to make you unhappy."
She let him hold her, silently wondering if this would be the last time. The tears slipped slowly from her eyes and into the shoulder of his shirt. "You can go," she finally told him quietly, her eyes closed against him, "I mean, I know this is... weird for you." She didn't notice his sudden stillness as she went on. "This shouldn't have happened, but it *did*, and," she swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, too, Spike."
"*Go*?" he demanded, all other emotions drowned by the sudden wave of betrayal and anger raging through his blood. He pushed her away, flinging her onto the bed. "I can *go*?" His true face descended quickly over his human features, and he growled as he stalked towards her. "Bullshit! You knew what you were getting into when you Mated to me, damn it! I *told* you there was no going back! 'Only if you're sure', I said, plain as day, and you *agreed*, Dawn! You *drank* me! Well, nothing's changed. You're *mine*! And just because you've decided that you don't want this anymore, that doesn't mean I'm going *anywhere*!"
Dawn swallowed again, staring up at the looming form of her Mate. "Spike," she began, only to be cut off.
"No!" he hissed, glaring into her eyes. "This doesn't *end*; *we* don't *end*! You're mine, just as much as I'm yours, and I refuse to let you go, you got that, love?" He growled again, more deeply this time, and lowered himself over her, one hand on either side of her body as he slammed his mouth forcefully onto hers. His tongue thrust deep into her mouth, and he sought out every hidden recess until she moaned.
She was stunned completely by the way he was acting, but he was still Spike; still her mate, and when his cool, strong tongue plundered her mouth, she couldn't help but respond. Her hands moved from the mattress, one sliding into his hair while the other clutched wildly at his back, and she moaned deeply against his lips. She couldn't quite manage to voice her protest when he pulled his mouth from hers.
"I'm not going anywhere," he insisted, still furious that she'd even suggested such a thing, "Especially not when you're carrying my child, Dawn. You may not like me much right now, but damn it, you're still my Mate; my *heart*! And you can kick me out of your house, and even refuse to see me, but I *will* still be around, and I won't stop loving you. I can't!" He frowned slightly and moved to the side, collapsing on the bed. "I can't." he said again, sadly this time. His eyes closed, and he reconciled himself to being alone again, only this time would be so much worse. This time, he'd know what he was missing.
Her mind was reeling, she knew, and not just from the swiftly changing emotions Spike had gone through. No, it was that he'd mentioned the child, and he hadn't sounded the way she'd feared. He hadn't sounded resentful, or even unhappy about it; in fact, there had been a certain sort of... guarded joy?... in his voice. Which only made her wonder how *she* really felt. She hadn't expected to ever have children, and especially not once she'd realized that Spike was the one for her, forever. Still, the fact that she'd been willing to let him go had to mean something. She closed her eyes and thought hard about it, coming to the realization-- after only minutes-- that she *did* want this. She wanted Spike, and she wanted their child, whatever it might end up being, and that knowledge, in and of itself, made her feel free. She moved onto her side, even as a few happy tears slid down her cheeks, and her fingers moved lightly to his neck before rising to the prominent ridges of his brow. "Don't, then," she murmured softly, a small smile crossing her lips when his eyes opened.
He hadn't been sure he'd be able to do it, regardless of what he'd said; hadn't known whether he'd be able to let go of her if she *did* put him out. She was too much a part of him already. Still, he promised himself that he'd try. His mind traced sadly through the emptiness he was going to feel, but then? Then he'd felt her soft, warm fingers on his skin, and heard her words, and it took him a good minute to remember what she was responding to. 'I won't stop loving you', he'd said, and 'I can't'. "Don't?" he repeated, wondering if he'd somehow fallen into a dream.
"Don't stop loving me," she elaborated, "Don't leave me."
His eyes widened to their limits, and he opened himself to her completely, allowing their link to fly wide. A wild, thrilled sigh flew from him when he felt her respond, followed quickly by an almost disbelieving laugh. "Never, pet," he moaned, pulling her over him. "Never. You're stuck with me-- you *and* the little nipper." His fingers tangled hard in her long hair, and he pulled her mouth to his, moaning against her tongue.
Gods, she'd almost been afraid that she'd never feel this again; never feel him hard beneath her, his body straining ever closer. But she was feeling it, all right. Her hands slid down his chest, gripping tightly at his sides, and she sighed in pure satisfaction as he rolled them. "Spike," she moaned, when his cool, soft lips moved to her neck, "Just try it?" A small laugh built in her chest when he pulled back and stared at her, but she forced it to stay right where it was. "I know you've got that chip," she explained, "But I'm your Mate, right? So biting me won't be doing me harm." She touched his cheek lightly, fingertips moving in small, slow circles. "I want you to," she went on quietly. "I want your mark on me, okay?"
He wanted that, himself; wanted to know that anyone looking at her would know she was his. And her reasoning made sense, after all, so he nodded slowly, his cock throbbing hard against his zipper. "I- I'll try, Dawny," he swore, kissing her warm, full lips again. He groaned softly as her hands slid down his sides, and raised his hips until she could work at the fastenings of his pants. "Dawn," he sighed, when she pushed the fabric down over his hips. He forced himself to stand, and swiftly removed the rest of his clothes before helping her with her own by pulling her pants from her so-warm flesh, and when she tossed her shirt across the room, he returned to her sweet form. "I love you, pet," he said simply, the hooded tip of his shaft prodding lightly at the juncture of her thighs.
Just looking at him while he undressed had almost been more than she could stand, and she knew she'd never tire of that sight. But the sensation of his long, perfect hardness teasing her was beyond too much. Her legs spread wide, and she nearly cried as she took him deep into her willing core. "Love you, too, baby," she moaned, her fingers digging harshly into his back as he began to move.
He'd been so afraid, but she was there with him, letting him make love to her, and she wanted him to mark her! She was so tight, and hot, and perfect beneath him, and she was everything he could ever want, including the mother of his child-to-be. He moved slowly, cautiously, fully within her, not sure of whether they should even be doing this, what with her condition, but he couldn't stop. His eyes closed slowly, and he gasped as she tightened her sweet, velvet muscles around his throbbing cock. "Dawny," he groaned, reveling in the sensation of her short nails piercing his skin. His lips slid slowly up and down her neck, his sharp teeth nipping gently at her, and when she became even wetter, he groaned again and let his jagged fangs slide deep. His eyes flew wide, and he moved faster within her, his concerns forgotten as he loved his Mate long and hard.
Her entire body was vibrating with the sense of him, and the feel of his teeth in her skin was unlike anything she ever could have imagined. The fact that he was finally taking her hard only added to the sheer perfection of the moment. Her fingers trailed wantonly through the blood seeping from the small punctures she'd left in his back, and she moaned loudly as her womb began tingling. She could feel him drawing the blood from her veins; feel every sensation passing through him, and she deliberately pressed her gasping mouth to his shoulder, biting down hard on his skin.
He roared against her neck as he felt her teeth drawing blood, and again when she began sucking at the wound. He'd never really thought about what it would be like if she bit him; it was good. *Too* good, actually. He slammed himself deep and hard into her perfect center, his eyes opening wide as she clamped down hard on him. He could taste the orgasm racing through her body, just as he could feel it through their bond, and he thrust fully into her one more time, pulling his lips from her skin as he screamed and exploded deep within her grasping core.
Tasting him was what truly did her in. As his cool, thick blood flowed over her tongue, and her clit slammed against his coarse, dark curls one more time, her entire body convulsed wildly. A shriek burst from her throat, making large bubbles in the blood she was drinking, and when she felt him filling her completely with what seemed like a river of cool seed, she came again. Her lips remained locked to his skin, and she moaned softly against him when she felt his tongue return to the bite he'd finally given her. This was the way they were meant to be, she realized.
Bloody hell, she was perfect! His eyes were almost completely closed, and his entire body was filled with a relaxed peace that he'd never known before that moment. He'd never let this end, he knew. Whatever it took, he was going to find some way for them to have eternity together. The *three* of them. Him, his Mate, and their child. Of course, first they'd have to deal with that bloody prophecy, and the sodding curse on him, plus he still had to get Dawn to agree to stop slaying vampires and whatnot, but... He smiled softly against her skin. Things were definitely looking up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Angel smiled wickedly at his Mate before turning his eyes to the very red face of Rupert Giles. "Well," he said, after a moment, "I think it's safe to say that they've made up..."
Willow grinned, too, her fingers moving swiftly up and down her Mate's spine. "Stop it, Angel," she ordered, "Can't you see Giles is embarrassed?"
The watcher groaned softly, and lowered his head to his desk. "I really have to see about getting them their own place," he muttered, to no-one in particular.
End-- pt 1