TITLE: New & Renewing (1/1)
SERIES: Passing Time (#21)
AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue
E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com
DISCLAIMER: Joss owns everyone you know from TV, and I am still not Joss.
RATING: NC-17, baby!!!
DISTRIBUTION: as usual, and MY site (YAY!!!)
FEEDBACK: would be nice.
DEDICATIONS: to Jeannette and Nat (for the usual reasons), and to: Eva, Nutty, Paula, and Jeannette (again), for the feedback!!!
NOTES: it's 2007, and Slutty's been dead for a while. Willow lives at the Hyperion with Angel and Liam (alternate timeline Angel), and the three of them are Mates. Spike's there, too, now, and he's with Cordy. The Powers have been messing with our favourite witch, and she's passed their latest test. What they want from her will be revealed in future parts; THIS part is basically just a big bunch of porn with the pairings. Oh, and * *= emphasis.


She watched them while they watched her, and she almost laughed at the impatience in their expressions, but... *they* were the ones who'd insisted that she eat something, even though she'd *told* them she wasn't hungry. For *food*, anyway. But they'd been right; she just hadn't known it right away. In fact, she hadn't noticed how hungry she really *was* until they'd left the room and come back with the bowl of soup she was finishing. And the small amount of time they'd been gone had been just long enough for her to indulge in a much needed personal maintenance session. She's taken a quick shower and brushed her teeth, and felt *much* better than she had at first. She swallowed the last spoonful, and set the empty bowl on the bedside table, her eyes flashing back and forth between the tense, strong forms of her two Mates. A sly smile gathered on her lips, and she rose to her knees on the large mattress, pulling the shirt she'd put on earlier over her head. "Well?" she said teasingly, laying back against the sheets, "Are you guys gonna make me start without you?" She chuckled delightedly when their clothes flew from their bodies in a storm of cotton and silk.

Finally! Angel thought. Finally, after three entire days, he was back where he belonged. With *both* his Mates. And they were both conscious! He'd almost despaired of ever feeling this sense of completion ever again, especially when it had looked like Willow might die, but... No. He shook his head silently. That hadn't happened. She was alive, and in their bed, and as he stretched himself out beside her, one big, cool hand lightly traveling over her soft, warm skin, he met his other Mate's eyes, smiling in satisfaction at what he saw there. They'd keep her safe, the two of them... or as safe as they *could*. But, he told himself, lips pressing needily to his redhead's own, that was a thought for another time. Right then... well, right then, he had a *witch* to ravish. "Willow..." he sighed, driving his tongue deep into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth.

Liam grinned happily, watching his vampire-self thoroughly devour their Mate's mouth. Willow was awake, and coherent, and she was where she was *supposed* to be-- stretched out between him and Angel-- and she was moaning softly, and they were just getting *started*! His grin turned a touch wicked, and he shifted on the bed, his lips closing gently over one tight, pink nipple while his fingers plucked gently at the other. He groaned against her sweet flesh when she arched towards him, and took even more of her pert breast into his mouth. He loved her so much, and three days might not sound like much, he realized, but it was definitely *too* long, as far as *he* was concerned! His fingers slid from her nipple, and moved swiftly down her tight, hot skin, and he moaned deeply when he reached the juncture of her thighs and found her already thoroughly wet. "Will..." he groaned, slipping two warm, thick fingers deep inside her perfect core.

Her eyes were closed, and she didn't care, because... there was just no way she could keep them open. The time she'd spent in the gray world had felt like months to her-- or years, even-- and it had been far too long since she'd known the bliss of her Mates' attentions. And now that she was with them again, and Angel's wonderfully cool tongue was deep in her mouth, while Liam nipped and sucked at her breast while his fingers moved deep inside her, and *Angel's* hand was caressing the breast Liam had abandoned for her center? Her entire body was on sensual, sensory overload. It was all she could do to writhe and moan beneath their tender assaults. Her own hands finally rose, though, fingers wrapping almost desperately in their hair as she pulled their lovely mouths harder against her, and she whimpered slightly when she felt her Angel's features shift. She drove her tongue deeper into his mouth, scraping it softly against one jagged tooth, and she sighed internally when she felt the slight pain of an opening gash on that flexible muscle.

He growled softly, pressing his throbbing cock against her warm, soft hip as he sucked gently at the wound she'd just acquired. His wide golden eyes flicked down at the top of his other Mate's head at her breast, and... Gods, he didn't know if he could stand much more of this. His hand moved from her tight nipple, and met hers in Liam's soft dark hair, and he slowly pulled the other man's mouth from her perfect breast. He raised one brow at his human-self, communicating his wants without words, and closing his eyes in relief at Liam's nod of understanding.

Liam was almost at the end of his own rope when Angel signaled him, and he drew his fingers from Willow's perfect core, groaning silently as he lay on his back, pulling their witch over him once Angel released her mouth. For a moment, he thought he might have to direct her, and he almost shouted when it proved to be unnecessary, as she quickly slid her hot, tight depths down on his long, thick hardness. His hands moved to her hips, and he groaned deep in his chest when she started to move on him.

Thank the Gods!, she thought, when she was finally firmly impaled on Liam's pulsating member. Their mouths had been driving her *insane*! Just having them with her-- the way they were *supposed* to be-- had had her *more* than ready, and if she'd had to withstand any more foreplay, she thought she might have *died*! But Liam was deep inside her now, and... it felt like *almost* enough. Her breath caught as she slid slowly up his thick cock, and caught again when she slammed herself down fully on him. Gods, it was almost like he was deep inside her *chest*, he was so big! But still... "Angel..." she moaned, laying flat against Liam's hard chest, one hand stretched out behind her.

Watching them was sheer torture. *Hearing* them was a kind of torment he'd never even imagined. The only thing that kept him from growling and tearing them apart was the knowledge that they were *his*. So when his witch laid herself down on his human's tanned chest and moaned his name, reaching out for him, he was *more* than happy to move in behind her. His fingers spread wide over her pale, tense ass cheeks, and he gently pried them even farther apart before leaning forward and driving the tip of his cool, wet tongue into her tiny, pink hole. He heard her moaning, felt her trying to hold still against his almost rough action, and he grinned at the need he sensed in her. He pulled back only for a moment, fumbling in the drawer of the bedside table, and returned to her once he'd found what he needed.

Liam's eyes were clenched shut, and he was breathing in hard, fast gasps, just from the sensation of his Willow's cunt twitching hard around him. He was fairly sure that his other Mate had had his tongue deep inside her other hole, mostly because what he'd felt against his cock hadn't felt like a finger. It was almost enough to make him lose what little self control he'd managed to retain, but... No, he ordered himself, coming now would be *bad*. Of course, he was well aware that once Angel was inside their witch as well, it wouldn't be long for *any* of them, but he'd be *damned* if he was going to be the first! He swallowed a loud whimper when he felt his vampire's fingers against his cock through the small, slick layer of witch.

She sighed deeply against Liam's hot skin, arching back onto the two gel-slicked fingers Angel had just slipped into her ass, and she honestly thought she'd scream if he didn't stop teasing her. "Angel," she moaned, feeling another finger entering her, "Angel, *please*!" She took a deep breath, and held it, when he pulled his hand from her tightest hole and replaced his fingers with the well-lubed, thick head of his wonderful cock. "Angel!" she cried as he pressed forward into her.

His eyes were closed, and his entire body was humming, when he felt his head suddenly pierce the tight ring of muscle. His hands moved to the mattress, and he propped himself up as he forced himself to move slowly into her ass, not stopping until his balls rested against Liam's. "Gods, baby..." he groaned, twisting his hips slightly, "Missed you..." He pulled back-- almost all the way out of her-- before sliding deep within her once more. "Missed you so much..." He could feel his other Mate's thick, long shaft against his, and he groaned again.

He barely kept himself from yelling loudly when he felt Angel fully inside their girl, and he *did* let out one long, strained whimper when the vampire pulled back and slid against him again. His fingers fastened on their witch's hips, and when Angel pulled back again, he moved the girl back, and then forward onto his own cock, moaning. He arched against her, grinding his coarse, thick hair against her clit, and grinned slightly when she gasped in reaction. "Cum for me, Will," he begged, "Cum for *us*..."

She could barely manage to breathe, much less *speak*! Her body was operating almost automatically, in response to the movements of her Mates, and she could feel an almost frightening orgasm looming over her head, and Liam's hands were tight on her hips, and Angel's long, hard cock was plunging ever harder into her tender ass, and it all felt so *good*! She could feel Liam struggling to hold out beneath her; hear Angel's harsh grunting moans from above her, and... Gods, her clit was mashing hard against Liam's pelvis, and... she was almost there! "Angel!" she cried, raising herself as much as she could and tossing her hair over her shoulder with one swift shake of her head. She arched her neck to the side, and when she felt his sharp, jagged teeth piercing her too-tight skin, she screamed loudly, the racking shudders of release racing through her body.

The change in angle would have been enough to do him in, and when her hot, sweet blood was added to the mix, he couldn't hold himself back any longer! He pulled his teeth from her neck even as he rammed deep into her hot ass, and he howled like a rabid dog while he filled her tightest hole with his cool, viscous seed.

He felt her clench hard around him, her tight silken walls grasping hungrily at his throbbing cock, and he felt his other Mate's final thrust against his cock. And that was what did it for him. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he arched against her even harder than he'd been doing, and he groaned out loud, his tight balls relaxing as he shot stream after stream of hot cum deep into her pulsing core. He finally released her already bruising hips, and he wrapped his arms tightly around both his Mates, holding them to him as though afraid they might disappear otherwise. "Love you guys..." he breathed out between gasps, sighing happily when they responded in kind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spike smiled in almost pure contentment while he finished peeling his girl's clothes from her tight, lush body. "You know, pet," he smirked, dragging the skirt down her legs, "I think this might take longer than I *thought*..." He glanced up into her eyes, his fingers slipping gently beneath the sides of her panties before suddenly tearing the thin fabric. "Ooops..." he said teasingly, tossing the useless scrap of material over his shoulder, "Sorry about that."

A small chuckle flew from her lips, even through the intense arousal she was filled with, and her breath caught when his cool hands pulled her legs apart. "Spike," she moaned softly, "I can't..."

"You *can*," he murmured, still kneeling before her. His fingers stroked lightly at her inner thighs, and he leaned forward, the pointed tip of his tongue parting her outer lips almost delicately. He grinned again when she shook slightly, and pulled back, glancing up into her eyes. "And when you *can't* anymore," he elaborated, "I'll hold you up myself." He dragged his eyes from hers without waiting for a response, and his hands slid around, cupping her ass, as he drove his tongue deep into her hot, wet center.

Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and her hands were suddenly on his head, and *fuck*! He was slamming his tongue into her so perfectly! She leaned back into his cool, elegant hands, spreading her legs just a bit wider, and she moaned deep and hard when she felt the tip of his fine nose nudging at her clit. "Spike*!" she cried, absolutely certain that she couldn't manage this while standing. But he was holding her tight to his mouth, and his fingers were digging deep into her ass, and... that small bit of pain was making her hotter than she ever would have *dreamed*! Her fingers tightened in his hair, and she arched against him, groaning deeply as his movements became faster... harder... more intense. She could feel her knees starting to shake; feel the tightness gathering in her belly, and the fact that he was still fully clothed-- except for the duster-- made her feel like a Goddess being worshipped by an incredibly ardent supplicant, and... "Spike!" she cried again, the orgasm catching her almost unawares.

He was barely managing to hold in his deep, needy growls, and when her fingers tightened hard in his hair, he redoubled his efforts, his tongue lashing fast, hard circles within her. He moved his head from side to side, working her swollen clit with his nose, and when he felt her tightening around his flexible muscle, his eyes closed in sheer delight, and he made a point of gathering as much of her gushing fluids as was possible into his mouth. He was throbbing harder in his jeans than he'd ever done, and when her heartbeat started slowing slightly, he surged to his feet, pulling her tightly against his hard, hungry body. "Want you, love," he said quickly, stating the obvious.

"Good," she sighed, even as he lifted her in his strong arms and carried her to his bed, "'Cause you for damned sure *have* me..." She shifted against the sheets, a sly smile splitting her lips when he groaned. "But I think you're wearing *way* too many clothes..." Her smile stayed in place while he pulled the t-shirt over his head, but when his wonderful fingers moved to the button on his jeans, she stopped him. "Let me," she ordered, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed. She made quick work of the button and zip, and her nimble fingers had the jeans down around his ankles in a matter of seconds. "I want you, too," she told him, eyes fixed on his long, pale shaft. She took one slow breath, and laughed breathlessly when she exhaled and his cock jumped. Her tongue slid out, licking her lips, as she leaned forward and took the seeping tip of his twitching erection into her mouth.

It was, Spike figured, *his* turn to be breathless. But her mouth was hot and wet around him, and her tongue was sweeping along his shaft in long, unhurried strokes, and his hands were suddenly in her thick, long hair. Her fingers were grasping tightly at his hips, and... Hell, she had him in her throat! He could feel his hooded tip sliding deep inside her, *feel* her tightening her throat muscles around him, and it was almost too much. "Cordelia..." he groaned, fingers flexing against her scalp, "Pet, that's just too..."

Her lips tried to twitch into a smile at the strangled restraint in his voice, but her mouth was entirely too full. Still, she appreciated the warning, but she had no intention of stopping. She pulled her lips back, holding just the head of his long shaft between her lips, and she flicked her tongue swiftly against his seeping tip. She chuckled silently when he groaned, and sucked him fully into her mouth yet again, her hands sliding around his body to knead at his tense ass.

She *knew* what he'd been trying to say; he was *sure* of it. And the fact that she'd chosen to intensify her efforts was indication enough for *him*. Of course, her long, tanned fingers digging into his ass made it even clearer, and he closed his eyes, moaning softly when she took him deep into her throat once more. He could feel her teeth scraping lightly against the underside of his tense cock; feel his sac drawing up tight against his body, and when she pulled back again, sucking hard, the sensation proved to be too much for him, and he held her head still as he rocked his hips swiftly, driving himself in and out of her hot, wet mouth just twice before he exploded hard, his almost strangled shout echoing from the walls.

Cordelia smiled to herself, even as she savoured the taste of him, and when he finally stopped shooting his thick, cool seed into her willing mouth, she pulled away, licking her lips with pure enjoyment. "You taste..." she began, meeting his gold-flecked eyes, "Amazing..." Her own eyes widened at the wicked heat in his, and she slowly moved away, to the center of the bed. One hand stretched out, almost on its own, and she beckoned to him pleadingly. "Join me..." she demanded quietly, smiling when he was suddenly there beside her.

He didn't know what he'd ever done to deserve this, but he was for damned sure going to keep on as he *had* been, if it meant he got to *keep* her! He reached out, slowly running his fingers over one of her heavy, round breasts, a small growl springing from his throat when she arched into his palm. He lowered his mouth to her other taut nipple, nibbling gently at the tense bud until she whimpered. "You're *perfect*, love," he murmured before returning to his task, and he grinned against her skin when she tried to press herself even closer to him. "Soon," he whispered, his now hard-again cock laying against her leg.

Fuck! He was driving her crazy! His mouth and his fingers were tormenting her more than she thought she could *stand*, and she could feel his cool, ready shaft against her thigh, and she'd be *damned* if she was going to let him draw this out any longer! He hand slid down his chest, and she gripped his turgid maleness firmly, her fingers squeezing him rhythmically. "Enough," she told him, softly but seriously, "Enough with the foreplay, Spike. I *want* you. *Now*!"

He could feel his true face emerging from beneath the human mask, and he didn't care. Every part of him was more than happy to give in to her demand, and he locked his golden eyes on her brown ones as he rose over her. He growled low and deep in his chest when he felt her long, sleek legs wrapping around his waist, and he quickly positioned himself at her moisture-slicked entry. "Whatever you want, Cordy," he groaned, sliding deep into her welcoming heat. He paused a moment, staring into her soul, almost, and the heat and need in her own expression goaded him into moving.

Her head ground back into his pillow, and all she could do was hold on to him, meeting him thrust for thrust. No one had *ever* been so perfect for her, and she *knew* it! He filled her completely, and in every possible way... heart, mind, body, and soul. And, she'd come to realize, *that* was why none of her other relationships had worked out. None of her other lovers had been *Spike*. But he was on her now, and in her, and she suddenly knew she'd never let him go. It wouldn't even be *possible*! Her hands slipped from his back then, finding their way to his head, and she kissed him hard before pulling his sharp-tooth mouth to her neck. She felt him becoming still within her, and when he pulled his face from her skin, she let him, and met his eyes.

He almost didn't know what to do, because... the way she'd pulled his fangs to her made it seem like she wanted... "Cordelia...?" he demanded breathlessly, "Love, what are you..."

She smiled hopefully, her fingers trailing lightly over the peaks and valleys of his forehead. "I *want* this, Spike," she said softly, hoping he could see the sincerity in her eyes. "I want this, and... I'm pretty sure it won't hurt you, 'cause I'm *asking*, and I know you won't hurt me, so..." Her fingers slid into the hair on the back of his head, and she smiled again. "Please...?" Her eyes fell closed then, as he began moving within her once more.

He was more excited than he thought he'd *ever* been-- and he was counting his human years, too-- because... she'd obviously given this a lot of thought, and... she *wanted* it! Wanted *him*! She truly accepted everything about his nature, and while that shouldn't have surprised him, it *did*! He thrust himself slowly and deeply into her silken depths, grunting slightly at the way she was tightening around him, and when she pulled him to her sweet, soft neck again...? He didn't hesitate even slightly. His eyes flew wide as his jagged teeth pierced her skin, and he was suddenly moving faster... harder. He felt her convulsing wildly beneath him, her slick, tight walls grasping at his hungry cock with a force he'd never encountered before, and if this hadn't been the first time he'd drank from her, it would have been enough right then and there! It almost was, anyway, but... he forced himself to hold off; to hold back. He was going to make this experience as memorable for her as it would be for him.

Oh, Gods! He was moving so hard and fast inside her now, and... She screamed out loudly in pure satisfaction when his hard fangs drove deeply into her neck. She'd thought there might be a little bit of pain involved, but hell!, there wasn't *any*! She could feel the waves of pleasure flowing through her body, coming from the two places he was buried deep within her, and when those waves overlapped? She screamed again, her entire body shaking as she came, harder than ever before! And he was still moving in her; she could feel the broad tip of his long cock battering hard against her womb, and his hands were suddenly hard on her shoulders as he pulled her into his harsh thrusts, and... "Oh, Gods!" she cried, a second orgasm crashing over her before the first had even finished. Her fingers made fists in his short blond hair, and she tried to press his fangs even deeper, her entire body singing with the sense of him.

Oh bloody *fucking* hell! She kept writhing beneath him, and her hands were damned close to tearing his hair from his head, and she was arching into him, both body and neck, and... Shit, she tasted like... nothing he could even *begin* to define, but whatever it was, he *needed* it now, the way *she* needed *air*! His hips pistoned even faster as he tried desperately to keep control, but he already knew it was useless, and when he heard her cry out for the third time, her tight, hot pussy pulsing around him yet again, he couldn't help himself! He pulled away from her neck, back arching hard, and he roared her name in a cry of animalistic bliss as he filled her completely, spilling his cool, dead seed deep within her tender womb.

Her gasping breaths were finally slowing, and she was finally able to open her eyes to stare wonderingly at the blond head resting on her shoulder. She let her fingers untangle from his hair, and slowly stroked his back while he tried to regain his senses. Nothing had ever moved her the way *he* did, and in that moment, she was entirely sure. A small smile crossed her lips, and she turned her head, her mouth fastening lightly on his slightly salty shoulder. She caressed his skin for a moment with her tongue before lightly biting at him.

"Don't do that unless you *mean* it, love," he mumbled into her neck, finally finding his voice. "I *want* you to, but... only when you're *sure*..." He could barely manage to formulate the words, he was so completely satisfied. His entire body was still vibrating with the taste of her, and he wondered for a moment if it was possible to be drunk from drinking a *sober* human, but... She was Cordelia, after all, and he'd *always* found her intoxicating. One short, unnecessary breath caught in his throat when she bit a touch harder at him, and he raised his head, meeting her eyes. "There's no going back once you taste me," he said softly. "You won't be able to change your mind. Not *ever*."

Cordelia nodded slowly. "I know that, Spike." Her hand rose to cup his cheek, and she smiled. "But I love you. I'm not gonna change my mind." Her smile grew wider at the joy dancing in his eyes, and she kissed him softly before pulling back again. "I love you," she repeated, her eyes once again boring into his. "And I'm sure." She somehow wasn't surprised to find herself suddenly looking down at him, and her eyes sparkled when she leaned down to kiss him again, her legs tight against his sides. "You got a *problem* with that?"

If his heart had been beating, Spike knew it would have just stopped, because... She'd said it. She loved him. And she was going to be his-- officially, and in a way that any other demon would recognize instantly! She was going to be his claimed; his *Mate*! He'd have to start looking into that souling thing soon, he knew, because... There was just no way he'd be able to leave her human for more than a few more years. "No, pet," he smirked slyly, slicing at the side of his neck with one sharp-edged nail, "No problem at *all*..." He slid a hand into her hair, and pulled her unresisting mouth to the wound. "Drink me, love," he demanded, sighing in pure happiness when she did. Oh, yes... he was going to keep her around for eternity, and even *that* might not be long enough.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They were amazing to her-- her Mates. Both so strong, and beautiful, and perfect for her! She was completely astonished, still, that they wanted her; *loved* her, but she'd be damned if she was going to complain. Especially now, when she was on her hands and knees, with Liam behind her, pounding into her tender pussy, and Angel in front of her groaning deeply while she sucked him hard and fast. She could feel Liam's fingers sliding around her; feel him pinching at her clit-- lightly at first, but increasing the pressure the closer he got to cumming. She moved her mouth even more quickly, balancing herself on one hand while her other rose to roll his heavy balls in her fingers. Yes, they were right together, and they would never be apart if *she* could help it!

Angel's eyes were closed over his golden eyes, and he was barely managing to hold back a growl, because *damn*, his Willow's mouth was amazing. Just as good as Liam's was! And she was sucking him harder than she'd ever done before, and he was *loving* it! The way her soft lips were stretched around his thrusting cock, and the hot wetness of her tongue, and the way her bottom teeth scraped hard against the large vein on the underside of him... She was making him crazy! His fingers were tight in her hair, and every time he was deep in her throat, she'd moan, and... it was almost too much. But then her hot little hand, with its warm, soft fingers, was clutching gently at his tight, heavy sac, and... that was it! He couldn't take any more! He groaned out loud, his eyes flying wide as he arched into her hot mouth and exploded for what felt like *hours*.

Watching Angel cum in their girl's mouth had pretty much been the final straw for Liam. He rolled Willow's throbbing clit between his fingers, and when he felt her shudder and clamp tight around his turgid shaft, he hollered her name loudly and pulled her back against him, holding her still as he filled her grasping cunt with his hot, thick seed. He fell forward onto her back riding out his orgasm, and her own, still buried deep inside her hot, slick channel. He felt her shuddering beneath him; felt his softening cock slipping from her silken core, and he sighed softly, moving to her side. His hand stroked gently at her back, and he almost moaned when his other Mate lay down behind him, the vampire's still-hard cock pressing against his back. "You okay, baby?" he whispered to his witch, even as he felt Angel's now heavily-lubed fingers probing at his crack.

"Oh, I'm *great*," Willow sighed wearily. "I think I need a *nap*, though..." She turned her head and smiled a bit wickedly when she saw the look on Liam's face, and she glanced over her shoulder, meeting Angel's eyes as he thrust into the human between them. "Doesn't look like I'm gonna *get* one, though..."

Angel grinned back at his little witch and pulled back from his human's ass before sheathing himself fully once again. "No," he said, voice breaking slightly at the tightness of his human-self, "I wouldn't think *so*..."

Oh, well, she thought as she slid down lower on the bed and took Liam's half-soft cock between her lips, she'd been asleep for three days, after all... and she didn't need a nap *that* badly...

