TITLE: Falling and Adored (1/1)

SERIES: Passing Time (#5)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: The almighty Joss owns everyone you know from TV, and I am not Joss.

RATING: NC-17 really soon... R-ish for the moment.


DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it; Jen:) also... list archives are fine, and anyone else just needs to ask so that I can say yes...

FEEDBACK: is the whole point of this, because how do I know if you like it if you don't tell me???

DEDICATIONS: to Di, of course, for the challenge... also to: Ali, Caroline, Nutmeg, Angel S, Katie, Barbara, and Kim... thanks for the feedback, luvs! You totally rock!!!

NOTES: 2007. Slutty's dead. Willow's living in LA and working with Angel and the rest of the LA crew. Liam's been sent-- to help in the fight-- from an alternate timeline where the evil actually won!!! (To those of you who asked-- Yes this DOES mean that he won't be going back... he's here to STAY!!!) Oh, and * *= emphasis.


Liam gazed at the vampire, almost smiling at the look in his other self's eyes. "And what is it about Willow that we need to talk about? That she's smart, and funny, and probably the most beautiful thing that's ever existed?" He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Thanks, but I already *know* all that." He chuckled slightly then before continuing, "What I can't figure out is how *you* didn't."

Angel almost couldn't believe how... blunt the human was being, and he felt a good bit of his happy mood starting to slip, but... he didn't want that. "This is a different world, Liam. You can't expect things to work in whatever twisted way they did where *you're* from." He shook his head, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "You can't just look at a girl and decide that she's yours. Not here, and not Willow... *especially* not Willow! And I know what you're like, but she's not the kind of girl to believe in love at first sight, so I don't think you're going to get too far with *that* tactic."

The human blinked slow eyes at the man across the desk, thinking. "I think," he finally said sadly, "That you're suffering from some sort of misunderstanding here. You *don't* know what I'm like. You know what *you're* like. You don't even know me; you don't know anything *about* me, except for whatever it was the Oracles told you. But... just because I *look* like you, well that doesn't mean I *am* like you." One corner of his mouth twitched up in a half-smile, and he stared into the vampire's surprised eyes. "And just so we're *clear*, I don't think she's mine... I *know* she is. Or she *was*, anyway, in *my* world. And yes, this *isn't* my world, but..." He sighed then, running the fingers of one hand through his short dark hair. "Look, Angel," he finally went on, speaking into the stunned silence, "Maybe that means that she should have been yours here, too, but... in all the time you've known her, you apparently haven't made any kind of a move to get closer to her. I don't know if that's because of what you are, or because you're afraid of the way she makes you feel, but... I do know *one* thing. You love her. And you want her so badly it makes your insides hurt, and..." He shrugged. "I guess I just don't understand."

The vampire knew his eyes were wide; knew that he was most likely wearing an expression that would have looked more at home on a stunned fish, but... He stared at this other version of himself raptly. Liam... had had a *Willow*? "You..." he began, his voice breathless, "You left her behind..." He couldn't even begin to imagine how that was possible. It was hard enough for *him* to even go out hunting the badness, knowing that *his* Willow would be all alone in the dusty old hotel, but... to leave an entire world, and without her? He shook his head in disbelief. "I... I don't believe you. You couldn't."

Liam nodded quickly, still meeting the vampire's stare. "You're right. And I didn't. *She* left *me*." His eyes fell to the wooden floor in front of him and he obsessively followed the grain in an effort not to cry in front of this harder, more self-contained version of himself. "Five years ago. But maybe I'll see her again," he said softly, mostly to himself, "In the Summerland..."

Angel could feel his heart going out to this strangely unfamiliar man. He'd had a Willow of his own, and he'd lost her to death? He didn't know how that would feel, and he sincerely hoped never to find out. A small part of him almost wanted to step back and let the human have the Willow in *this* world... *almost*. "I'm sorry," he said softly, honestly meaning it, "But this Willow isn't *your* Willow. You can't have her."

The human laughed just a touch bitterly. "That's funny, because I don't remember putting you in charge, and... shouldn't that be up to *her*? I mean, even if she's *not* my Willow, can you really say that she's *yours*?" He smirked when the vampire remained silent. "That's what I thought. You've known her *how* long? I mean, when I met *my* Willow... it was as if the entire *world* ceased to exist! I loved her completely and immediately, just as she loved me. But obviously that didn't happen here, so..." He shook his head and folded his arms again. "I know she's different. I know that she's grown in different directions than my Willow ever did, and... I want to know about every bit of it. I want to know which things weren't the same, and which were. I want to know everything about her!"

The vampire nodded slowly. "I can understand that. And I don't blame you. But Liam," he said, smirking slightly, "You said it yourself... I've known her for years. And all right-- not in the way you knew *your* Willow, but..." Angel's smirk became just a bit more wicked, "I know how she thinks... what makes her tick. I know her in ways that you can't even begin to understand. And don't think that I won't use every bit of that knowledge to keep her for myself. I may be a Warrior for the Powers That Be, but I'm not stupid, and I'm not going to let her go without one *hell* of a fight!"

Liam just looked at the man for a moment before nodding his understanding. "So the lines are drawn, then," he said smoothly, a slight smile causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle. "Good. Rules?"

Angel shook his head. "Not really, just... This is between us. We let *her* choose, based upon what she feels."

"Fine," Liam said, meeting the vampire's eyes. "So we don't say anything bad about each other. We each court her in our own ways, and it's up to her." He smiled again, leaning forward in his chair. "Time limit?"

He thought about it for a moment, index fingers lightly grazing his top lip. "I don't know. I mean, you just got here, so... What seems fair to *you*? Three months? Maybe four?"

The human Warrior shook his head, his own smirk appearing on his lips. "No... let's say a month. Lunar." After all, he figured, in his world it had taken all of a moment, so... twenty-eight days should be *more* than enough.

Angel slowly nodded, wondering just what this other him thought he had up his sleeve. "All right," he finally said, "Twenty-eight days. But if she hasn't chosen you by then..." He raised one eyebrow, waiting for the man's response.

"Then I step back, and... leave her to you." He stood then and reached across the wide mahogany desk.

Angel rose, and took Liam's extended hand, shaking it firmly, and he smiled to himself as the man left his office. It looked like they had a deal... or at least an understanding. And as much as he hated the thought of Willow spending time with *anyone* other than him, he just might enjoy this... it had been so long, after all, since he'd had anything *like* a challenge. But he would win in the end... mostly because he knew her so well. It almost felt like he was cheating, what with the sheer amount he knew about his redhead's likes and preferences, but then again... it wasn't really a stacked deck if your opponent knew about it, was it? And that was the only thought that caused him any concern at all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cordelia sighed silently as her redheaded friend insisted upon being oblivious to the clear-as-day signals the vampire *and* his human counterpart had been sending out. She couldn't understand why the little witch didn't just admit that both men were completely gone over her. Of course, she could almost understand the girl's reluctance where Liam was concerned, especially if he *had* had a Willow of his own like her friend had been telling her, but... Still, he was a damned fine looking man, and if she'd been the redhead, she probably would have thrown him down and ridden him hard by now. Then again, maybe not... because what the *hell* would *Angel* do? And that was the *other* thing that was bothering her. Her boss. He wasn't exactly known for being the most patient sort, and yet... he'd waited *years* to start acting like he was interested in the girl, and... She just didn't get it. And, okay, *she'd* known that Angel had had a big old yen for Willow since well before Buffy had died, but would the blasted broody-one admit it? Oh, *hell*, no! No, instead-- he'd invited the girl to move in to that big old hotel with him, and he'd done... exactly *nothing*! He'd been her friend, and spent just about every waking moment with her, but... that was *all*!

Which had been, she was forced to admit, a smart move in the beginning, what with that bitch of a clause attached to him, but... His soul had been firmly connected to him for almost four years now, and he *still* hadn't made any kind of a move. Or at least he hadn't until earlier that afternoon in the lobby, when he'd kissed the redhead's cheek! And what the hell kind of a move was *that*, anyway? After more than *six* *years* of lusting after the girl, he'd watched his human-self pretty much examine her tonsils with his tongue, and then he'd... kissed her *cheek*? She shook her head slowly. No... Seer or not, she just didn't *get* it! And she probably never would, she told herself as she focused her attention on her rambling redheaded friend... or she wouldn't if she didn't actually *listen*! "I told you so!" she chortled, when the girl tried to swiftly gloss over the shirt she'd had Liam try on, "I told you, and you didn't believe me! Bet you do now, though!"

Willow could feel herself turning a particularly bright shade of red, and stared at her entwined fingers on the table top. "But... it doesn't necessarily mean what you say it does, Cordy! I mean, he's *new* here! He's taking my word for what 'normal' clothing is in this world, and..."

The brunette giggled again, smiling broadly. "I don't care *what* world he's from, Will. There's just no *way* that any man would ever be willing to be seen in a lilac coloured shirt with orange and green lightning on it!" She shuddered at the picture the description had put in her mind. "Not unless he's blind, stupid, or completely ga-ga over the girl who picked it out, anyway, and..." she shrugged, "We know there's nothing wrong with his eyes... *or* his mind, so... I told you!" She stared at her friend until the girl finally nodded her reluctant agreement. "Now all you have to do is choose. Liam... or Angel?"

The redhead's shocked eyes flew to the brunette's wide brown gaze. "Wha... what?" she stuttered, "Cordy... Okay, I'll admit that maybe Liam's got a bit of a... thing for me, but... Angel?" She rolled her jade green eyes. "Sorry, Cord, but you're *way* off on that one! I mean, I've known him for... ever?" She shook her head quickly. "No, if Angel was even a little bit interested, he would have said so by now..." She released a small, sad sigh, and looked down at the table once more.

The Seer's brow furrowed as she tried to figure out just how she could make her friend see what was so obvious to *her*. "Fine," she said softly, rolling her own eyes, "But if he *was* interested... would *you* be?" She already knew the answer to that, but she really wanted to see what the girl would say.

Willow sighed again, fiddling restlessly with the handle of the coffee mug in front of her. "I... I don't know..." she finally said slowly. "I mean, I've had a little bit of a crush on him for a while now.."

Cordelia snorted her disbelief, cutting the redhead's words off. "Oh, please! It's been *ten* *years*, Willow! That hardly counts as 'a little crush'!" She leaned over the table, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "You're in love with him, aren't you?" Her lips twitched into a small smirk, and she continued. "Well, guess what, Will? He loves you, too!"

The redhead laughed out loud then, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, come on, Cordelia!" she cried, still laughing, "You're being ridiculous! For one thing, he's only ever been my *friend*! He knows just about everything about me, and he's never even *seemed* like he cared any more than was appropriate! And for another..." Her laughter faded, and her eyes dimmed a bit, "For another thing... I'm not Buffy. I can never *be* Buffy. And that's who he loved... who he'll always love, I'm sure, so..." she shook her head, "You're wrong, Cord... you're just... *wrong*..." She closed her eyes for a moment, saddened by the truth she'd just spoken.

The brunette sighed deeply, and leaned even further over the table. "Then why does he get so... mad, when you go out-- even if it's only with me? Why does he discourage you from dating? Why has he watched that Titanic movie with you, like two hundred times?" She held in her smile when her friend looked at her again. "How did he know about your... appreciation... for the Three Stooges? Your love of the Smurfs?" She focused even more intently on the girl's slowly widening eyes. "Why does he get up at six o'clock every Saturday morning to watch cartoons with you, no matter how late he was up the night before? Why did he suddenly decide to learn how to use the cell phone I got him, after almost two years of refusing? And *why*," she asked, completely serious now, "Why is the picture he keeps on his desk not of *Buffy*, but of *you*... and *him*?" She smiled slightly and shook her head. "No... I'm sorry, Will, but... I think it's *you* that's wrong, 'cause I'm pretty sure he's in love with you..."

Willow knew her eyes were wide, but she couldn't help it, because... once Cordelia'd pointed those few examples out to her, she found herself re-evaluating just about everything Angel had said and done since she'd moved into the old hotel with him, and... While she wasn't quite willing to accept Cordy's conclusion, she *did* see that maybe, just *maybe*... Angel was interested? And in *her*! The only thing that was puzzling her, though, was... "Why now, Cord?" she asked in a small voice, "I mean, if he's felt like that all along, why are you just now telling me?" She tried to keep the hurt from her expression, but knew she'd failed when her friend reached across the table and grasped her hand.

"Honestly, Will," Cordelia said softly, "I kinda thought you *knew*! It was so obvious to the rest of us, and I guess I thought you were... waiting for him to say something, or make some kind of a move! But you obviously had no idea, so..." She sighed, gripping the redhead's hand more tightly. "But he *did* make a move when he kissed you tonight, although I'll admit it wasn't *much* of one. A kiss on the cheek after Liam's little display of passion?" She rolled her eyes again, "Please!"

The redhead giggled at the purely 'Cordelia' tone of her friend's voice. On anyone else, it would have seemed bitchy, but on Cordelia? She giggled again, on *Cordelia* it was just a sign that all was well in the universe. Of course, her laughs faded when she thought about what her friend had just said, and she sighed. "Okay," she finally said, scarcely above a whisper, "Maybe Angel does... like me, but..." Her eyes flew to the girl's brown ones, "What do I do about *Liam*, then? I mean, I'm pretty much the only friend he's got, and..." she shrugged.

The Seer shook her head, wondering how Willow, who was the sweetest, kindest person she'd ever known, somehow managed to get herself into these fixes. "I don't know, Will. I mean, okay, I *know* you've been pining after Broody for years now, but... you seemed to be... enjoying...? Yes, *enjoying*... Liam's attentions, and..." She grinned just a touch wickedly. "*I* say you keep them *both*!"

"Cordelia!" the witch cried, almost as amused as she was shocked, "How can you *say* that?"

Cordelia chuckled softly for a moment before she continued. "Look, for all intents and purposes, Liam *is* Angel, only... human! So, considering the way I know you feel about the King of Pain, I can't help wondering... How do you really feel about the human version of him?" She held her breath for a moment, wondering if the girl would actually answer her, and she started breathing again when her friend appeared to be thinking it over.

"I... I *like* him," the redhead began, "A *lot*, I suppose. I mean, he's kind of like Angel in a lot of ways, but he's also... not." She wrapped her fingers around her coffee mug, not noticing that her eyes were becoming unfocused as she continued to speak. "He's just as smart," she said softly, tracing the rim of the mug with her index finger, "And of course he's equally beautiful... He's funny, too, but... not in the same way Angel is. Liam goes more for the obvious humour; the physical, even. With Angel, it's more about... a carefully chosen word here; a sardonically tilted eyebrow there... Angel's less overt. But Liam..." She sighed then, a soft smile crossing her lips. "There's... something about him, I don't know what. But... it's like he draws me to him, just by virtue of being who he is. It's almost like when I first started getting to know Angel. Not quite as intense, and I don't love him quite yet, but... It's similar, and it feels... *good*..." She was drawn from her bout of spoken introspection by the surprised gasp coming from her friend. "Cordelia?" she said, confused, "What's wrong?"

The brunette shook her head quickly, eyes still wide. "N... nothing, Willow... I'm just... surprised, that's all... I... give me a minute, okay?" She was relieved when her friend nodded, because... it had *sounded* like Willow was saying that she'd loved Angel pretty much from the moment she'd met him, and... She wondered if the girl knew that she'd said she didn't love Liam *yet*. Apparently, the situation was much more complicated than she'd originally thought, but... She grinned again, the tinge of innate Cordelia Chase wickedness coming to the fore again. "You have to date them *both*," she announced authoritatively. "No, Will, hear me out!" she demanded when the redhead tried to object. "You have a unique opportunity here, Willow," she continued, warming to the idea even more as she spoke, "You have two different men, with different sides to them, who both want you more than, oh... anything! One of them you know you love, and the other... you know you *could* love. You have the chance to see what its like to be pursued by two versions of the same guy, Will, and... if you don't go for it, I may just never speak to you again!" The slight twinkle she knew was in her eye belied the threat, but she really hoped her friend wouldn't see that.

For her part, Willow was intrigued by the notion. She'd be able to spend time with Angel... hopefully more intimately than they'd been to this point, and she could also see Liam; maybe even discover what it was about him that called to her so much. She knew that Cordelia's threat wasn't serious, but... Gods help her, she *wanted* to do this! She wanted, just for a little while, to be the kind of girl who was desired by the two most handsome men she'd ever met, and... she *would*! She nodded slowly, her eyes locked with the brunette's. "You're *right*, Cordy," she finally said, just a touch of her own wickedness coming out in her small smirk, "Now we just have to convince *them* of it!"

Cordelia met her friend's smirk with one of her own as she stood, tossing a few bills on the table. "Somehow," she almost purred, as she walked from the coffee shop, the redhead right behind her, "I don't think that's gonna be a problem."

End-- pt 5
