TITLE: Hearts and Minds (1/1)

SERIES: Passing Time (#8)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: I am not Joss, and hence have no legal rights to any of the characters portrayed herein. I am merely using said characters for my own purposes, and promise to return them when I'm through... maybe...

RATING: NC-17 (quell surprise...)

PAIRINGS: W/A; W/Liam; A/W/Liam...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, as can Jen:)... anyone else, please ask.

FEEDBACK: Please... ::puppy eyes::

DEDICATIONS: to Di, for the challenge... also to: Ali, Vampie, Susi, Charity (:: Tis waves to charibob::), Nutmeg, and Diana (again... can't help it!!!*BG*)... for the feedback, you all rock!!!

NOTES: 2007. Slutty's dead. Liam (alt. timeline Angel, but non-vamp) has been sent to this LA to help in the fight, and... shocker!!! He's got a thing for sweet Will... Of course, so does her *lover*... Angel!!! Oh, and * *= emphasis.


She watched raptly from her spot on the edge of his bed as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, his movements fluid, and in time with the song playing on the radio. The shirt he was slowly divesting himself of was the one she'd liked best from their little shopping expedition, and she wondered for a moment whether that was why he'd chosen to wear it that day. But no, she told herself, eyes fixed on the ever increasing triangle of flesh he was revealing, she'd never told him how much she'd liked that shade of red against his tanned skin. She'd said, in the restaurant, that she wouldn't pretend he was his other-self, and she'd meant it, but she'd actually been a bit worried that she wouldn't be able to help it, what with them looking so much alike, but... Once he'd kissed her, she'd known she wouldn't have any trouble distinguishing between Liam and her Angel. Liam was... *warm*, and... his touch was completely different. Smoother, more certain. He had none of the self-doubt in him that her lover possessed in such large quantities... her *other* lover, she reminded herself, her breath catching in her throat when he finally, slowly, slid the shirt from his defined shoulders.

He smiled a slightly wicked little smile at her hitched breath, and trailed his fingers slowly down his own arm from his shoulder, his grin becoming just a touch wilder when she licked her lips. It had been so long since he'd done anything like this-- used undressing as a form of seduction-- that he'd been concerned at first that he might not remember how, but... judging by her erratic breathing, and wide eyes, he hadn't lost the way of it, and... he was glad. He'd only have one chance to make love to her for the first time, and he wanted it to be everything they both could ever want. His hands passed lightly across his own abdomen, his eyes narrowing as he imagined they were hers, and he slowly, ever so slowly, slid his fingers to the waistband of his pants. A large part of him wanted nothing more than to just... rip the cloth from both their bodies, and take her right then, but... She was special, and... she deserved more than that... *better* than that, so he continued to move slowly, his hips rocking from side to side with the music.

Her heart was beating fast, and her palms were starting to sweat, and when he stared to gyrate to the song that was playing, she found that she could barely breathe. "Liam," she whispered, so softly she knew he wouldn't hear her. No, warm skin and tanned body aside, she could *never* confuse this man with Angel. They might look almost exactly alike, but... they were as different as night and day! She almost giggled at that particular thought, but found that the impulse disappeared quickly, because... his fingers had slipped the button on his jeans through the hole, and... he was slowly drawing the zipper down. She added one more thing to the list of similarities between him and his double then, however, because apparently, neither of them enjoyed the sensation of boxers... *or* briefs, and she felt herself growing even wetter when he pushed his pants to his ankles and stepped out of them before strutting casually towards her.

His heart was beating faster than he ever could have imagined, and it was all because of this girl sitting before him, still fully clothed! The weight of her eyes on his too-warm skin was making him almost crazy, and when she glanced up into his eyes, he could have screamed in sheer delight at the desire and fascination he saw in hers. She was so... *different* from the Willow he'd known and loved, and yet still so similar, and a part of him-- a *small* part-- felt like being with her was a betrayal of everything he'd shared with his love. The rest of him, however, was telling him that his Willow wouldn't want him to be alone-- and *lonely*-- for the rest of his days, and that was the part he chose to listen to, because... he'd never expected to find anyone who would suit him, not again, and while this Willow might *look* like his dead lover, she was really a completely different person, and... he would have wanted her even if she didn't share the features of the one he'd loved. He smiled softly as he approached her, his hands coming to rest lightly on her shoulders. "I'm not going to stop," he said silkily, still staring into her eyes, "Not now..." He grinned when her only response was a raised eyebrow, and gasped when she darted forward, taking his long, thick cock between her lips.

She wasn't sure of exactly why she'd done it, but... the head of his beautiful shaft was just inches from her face, and maybe that was reason enough, because... she parted her lips slightly and swooped in, taking his hot, hooded tip into her mouth. She heard him moan, and smiled to herself as she slid her lips quickly to his base, not stopping until her nose was buried in the short, coarse curls nested there. Her hands slid swiftly around him, her fingers gripping hard at his ass as she pulled back, her cheeks caving in from the force she was sucking him with, and a small moan slipped past his turgid member when she felt his fingers sliding the straps of her tank top down over her shoulders. She pulled her hands from him, his cock once again nestled deep in her throat, and pulled her arms from the tight loops, leaving herself topless, with her shirt around her waist while she pulled back from him once again, her eyes closed in sheer enjoyment of his flavour.

He almost thought that he'd died and gone to that 'Heaven' the Christians were so adamant about, because... her mouth on him was pure bliss. And when her shirt was down around her waist, and his hands were able to play freely with her small, perfect breasts, he was *sure* of it! He groaned loudly while she continued to move closer, then further away, his groans becoming more moan-like every time he felt the incredible suction he'd never even *dreamed* about. "Willow..." he moaned deeply, his hands in her hair, "Will... please, that's just too.." He groaned again, more harshly, when he felt her lightly skim the underside of his throbbing cock with her bottom teeth, and he pulled her away from him, drawing her to her feet and pressing her tight little body against his own hot, much larger one. His sensitive head was pressed tightly against her abdomen, and he could feel the waistband of her skirt, and the soft, warm skin just above it, and when her wonderful, wet tongue slid slowly across his chest, he groaned, thrusting against the warmth of her belly. His hands slipped from her hair, roving forcefully down her back, and he pushed the fabric of her skirt harshly down her legs along with the shirt that had been at her waist, and moaned loudly when he realized that she'd had nothing beneath it all day long. Just the thought that she'd been only feet away from him for hours that afternoon, and that she'd been completely naked, aside from the two scraps of fabric he'd already removed, was... almost tortuous, and he pulled her even more tightly to him, his lips crashing down hard on hers.

She moaned into his warm, wet mouth, her eyes closed tightly. His tongue was dancing with hers, his hands were locked firmly to her flesh, and... she wanted him so *much*! She moaned again when he thrust against her belly once more, and fell back against the mattress, pulling him with her.

He hadn't expected her to fall back the way she had, but he wasn't going to complain, because... this was exactly where he'd wanted her. She was laid out beneath him, and her warm, sweet flesh was fairly screaming out for his deep touch, and... he wanted to give that to her, and... he *would*! But first, he smirked, staring deep into her hot, now-open eyes, *first* he was going to return the favour she'd already done him. His smirk became just a touch more wicked, and he licked gently at the point of her chin, chuckling when her eyes closed again in reaction.

His body, pressing onto hers, was so *hot*... she could feel the slight slick of sweat on his skin, and he was so... *hot*! It almost seemed odd to her, after the nights she'd spent with... but no, she wasn't going to even *think* about *him*. Not when Liam was on her, not when his warm, soft lips, and strong, wet tongue were moving down her neck, and over her skin, and *definitely* not when he latched on to one tight, peaked nipple! Her fingers slid quickly into his hair, and her back arched as she tried to force her breast even further into his hot, wet mouth. She groaned in disappointment when he continued to control his own actions, and hers, her groan becoming a deep moan as his mouth slid to her other breast.

Her skin tasted divine. Her hands on his head, and her tight, hard nipple between his lips felt... like too much perfection for *any* one man to be allowed. Of course, he reminded himself, a touch angrily, he *wasn't* the only man who had been granted access to her. But he was the only one there now, and... he could make that work for him! He licked fiercely at her, a slight chuckle escaping him when she moaned deeply and arched against his mouth, and when she wrapped her long legs around his waist, he groaned himself, abandoning her sweet breasts to move further down her body. He skimmed light, soft kisses over her slightly salty skin, and moaned softly when she tightened her legs around him, pressing his navel against her hot, wet core. "Willow," he groaned, sighing his satisfaction when she released him, her legs falling to either side of his body. His eyes darkened just a bit as he slid his tongue around her belly button, dipping for a moment into that sweet, perfect indentation. But, he realized, as his cock began throbbing more strongly, he'd had almost enough of foreplay, and he swiftly shifted himself downwards still more, until he was breathing in the heady heat and smell of her, and... His eyes drifted shut as his tongue crept out and swept slowly... lingeringly... over her perfect wetness.

She clenched her fingers hard against his scalp, and a small shriek flew from her lips, when she felt his mouth... his lips... his tongue, beginning to play at her center, and she shrieked again when he slipped one long, calloused finger deep inside her. He was touching her, and thrusting his hand against her, and his teeth were... nibbling around the edges of her most private place, and... Gods help her, it wasn't *enough*! "Liam..." she moaned breathlessly, a small grunt escaping her when he slipped another finger inside her to join the first, and "Liam!" again, almost shocked this time, when that second finger pulled out of her and slid deep into her tight ass. Her eyes were wide, and she was panting almost harshly, because... she'd never really considered that something like *that* could feel... *good*. But it did, and she... *liked* it! "Liam..." she groaned again, her fingers tightening even more on his hair as he started sliding in and out of her, one finger deep in her ass, the other in her throbbing twat, while he continued nipping at her clit. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to a truly amazing release, and he eyes slammed shut when he thrust his tongue into her sopping pussy to join his finger. "Oh, Gods!" she cried out loudly, her head grinding into the pillow as she arched even harder into his touch, and... her entire world flew apart.

He was moaning himself, just from the feel of her clenching hard around his fingers and tongue, and when he felt her arching into him, he barely kept himself from following her wild release with his own, but... he wasn't going to let himself cum just yet. No, he smirked slightly, pulling himself from her, when he came, it was going to be because he was on her... *in* her... It was going to be because there was no other possible choice, and... even if she'd begged him to stop right at that moment, there was no way that he would, and he *knew* it! He moved quickly up her body, grinning to himself when he realized that she was still caught up in the tail-ends of her orgasm, and he positioned himself firmly at her entrance, thrusting deep and hard until he was fully sheathed within her tight wetness. "Will..." he groaned, pulling back slightly before slipping himself deep within her again.

Her eyes flew open when she felt his large, thick cock entering her fully, and if she'd had any breath to spare, she would have objected, because... He was *human*! And so was *she*, and... she'd just assumed that there would be some kind of protection involved! It wasn't the same as it was with her other lover... he was dead, after all, and... nothing could ever come of their unions, but Liam? The thought, however, flew from her mind when his big, warm shaft slammed into her again, thrusting hard against her cervix. She'd worry about it later, she decided, and lost herself in the sensations of his so-familiar body, and its un-familiar behaviour. "Liam...?" she finally managed to breathe out in shock, when he swiftly rolled them, holding her tight upon his pulsating member.

She was so wet... and tight... and just... *hot* around him, and he knew that if he stayed in control of their actions, this night would be over in just a few more minutes... and he didn't want *that*! No, he wanted to feel her surrounding his sensitive flesh for as long as was humanly possible, so he shifted them, smiling slightly, even through his desire, at the shocked look in her eyes. "Take what you will, dear-heart," he sighed, his hands holding her firmly upon him, "I want you to be happy..." He moaned, his fingers flexing on her soft, smooth hips when she rocked demandingly against him, and his palms slid upward, gently grasping her waist as she began to move upon him... up and down, up and down, her own sweet, soft hands pressed against his chest. "Willow..." he sighed happily, his fingers barely grazing her skin as they traveled up her form and began toying with her nipples. He heard her gasps, and grunted a bit when her motions became faster... harder... He sat up beneath her, his lips finding their way to one small peak, and he groaned deeply when she stopped moving. "Willow...?" he begged, pulling his hungry mouth from her, "Willow, what's wrong...?"

Willow could barely focus, but... she could feel every single hard, hot inch of his turgid cock deep inside her, and she wanted, almost more than anything, to feel him cum... to feel him explode within her willing depths, but... that niggling little concern was still there, in the back of her mind, and... "This..." she finally managed, after a moment, "This may not be such a good idea..." She groaned silently then, at the dark and angry look in his eyes. "Wait!" she demanded, not sure of what he was about to do, but knowing it was *something*. She tipped her chin slightly and pressed her mouth hard against his, her tongue forcing its way between his lips. "I just..." she began, her hot eyes meeting his, "I don't want anything to happen that we're not... *prepared* for..."

It was taking every drop of willpower he had not to just... roll again, and plunge himself repeatedly into her hot depths, but she seemed to be worried about something, and it wasn't until he really thought about what she was saying that he finally understood. "Oh..." he said softly, his hands on her hips again, "You want to be sure you won't get pregnant..." He smirked wickedly when she nodded, and his hands clutched harder at her as he lifted her, then slid her back down his throbbing cock, *hard*. "Not something we need to worry about, Will," he said smugly, continuing to direct her movements, "I gave up... uhhhnnnghhh... certain...*thingssss*..." His eyes rolled back in his head, and he lay back, propped up on his elbows, as she moved harder while still listening to his words. "To be... uhhhnnnghhh... *eternal*..." He fell flat against the mattress, his hands finding her knees, and he groaned again as he felt her tightening around him. "That was one of... ahhh... one of them..." He heard her loud, rapid gasps coming hard, and rose beneath her once again, his cock throbbing harder than he ever remembered feeling, and when she began to keen, high and sweet, he rolled them again, pounding deeper and deeper, harder and harder into her, until he finally came with a shout so loud, he'd be amazed if he had a voice left. His back arched hard, and he felt himself filling her almost to overflowing, and his eyes closed yet again at the passion he saw in hers.

She didn't understand it, but... somehow, the fact that he was being harsher, more violent, in his lovemaking than the demon she'd been with repeatedly, was just... too exciting, and when he'd flipped them, and started slamming into her like some sort of a wild thing, well... that had been *it*! Her fingers clenched hard in his back as her cunt clamped down on him, and she screamed out her fulfillment as his hot, thick seed pumped deep into her womb. She smiled softly, still breathing hard, as he collapsed upon her, his cock twitching within her as it spewed its last shot. Her hands roamed soothingly over his back, trying to ease the shudders of reaction she felt in him, and it wasn't until she felt the hot drops against her neck that she realized... he was *crying*! "Liam...?" she said, softly and tentatively, "Liam... what is it, dearest...? What's wrong...?" Her own eyes started to tear up then, and she wondered if it was... "Is it... is it *me*...? Did I do something..."

He shook his head slowly against her skin, more tears falling as he did so. "No..." he said quietly, his voice thick, "It's... I..." He shook his head again, and swallowed hard. "It's just been... so long, and... Gods, Will, I just..." He shrugged then, holding her even tighter. "I don't want to lose you..."

Her eyes widened a bit, and one hand slid over his skin until her fingers were once again buried in his hair. "Oh..." she replied, equally quietly. She slipped her other hand between their bodies, and pushed lightly at his chest, rolling with him until they were face-to-face on their sides, still joined. Her leg hooked over his hips, pulling him closer... deeper, and she stared into his eyes. "I... I don't know what's going to happen, Liam," she began, "But... I know that I *love* this. Being with you, having you in me, feeling your arms around me after..." She blushed, but forced herself to keep gazing into his eyes. "But," she continued, hating to destroy the fragile hope she could see in his expression, "I... I love those things with Angel, too... and I don't want to choose. I don't want to have to decide between you." Her leg tightened around his hips when he would have pulled away, and she kissed him swiftly before sighing. "I've known him for years, and... I *love* him. I don't think I could stop, even if I wanted to... But I feel something for you, too, and..." she shrugged, "I don't want to lose you, either."

Liam thought about what she'd said for a moment before nodding slightly. "So..." he said, deliberately echoing her words from the restaurant, "What happens now?" His smile faded as he became completely serious, and he stared deep into her eyes, letting her see the truth of his next words. "I don't mind sharing you, Will. I mean, I *like* Angel, in an odd sort of way, and... I thought I'd *hate* it that you might want to be with both of us, but... I *don't*!" He raised one hand, the tips of his fingers trailing lightly across her cheek bone. "In fact, it kind of... arousing, in a way... knowing that your other lover is... me, but *not*." His eyes drifted closed in pure delight when she pressed herself harder against him, the action forcing his softened cock deeper into her wet heat. "In fact," he murmured, unaware that he was speaking aloud, "I wouldn't mind being a *part* of that..." He gasped softly when he heard her swiftly indrawn breath and felt her strong internal muscles twitch around him. "What...?" he asked, feeling himself becoming hard once more.

Willow almost couldn't believe what she'd just heard Liam say... he'd be willing to take her *and* Angel to bed? She *also* couldn't believe just how... *excited* the idea was making her, but... To be with them *both*...? And at the same *time*? It was truly the most... erotic thing she'd ever considered, and... She wondered, for a moment, if that made her incredibly perverted, but... it would be *Angel* and *Liam* with her, and... they were, more or less, the same person... okay, rather less than more, but still... Her mind was buzzing with the entire concept when she felt Liam's suddenly hard-again cock start to move within her once again, and she groaned as his arms held her tightly.

"What?" he said again, a good bit of a moan in his voice as he slowly, tenderly, slipped himself in and out of her tight, wet center. Her leg was still thrown over his hips, and from this position he couldn't get much leverage, but... it didn't matter. He was still inside her, and she was still moving against him, and... he groaned deeply when she replied, her answer making him even harder than he already was.

She gasped again, loving the way his hot cock felt in her pulsing channel. "You... and me... and *Angel..." she managed to force out as he made slow, gentle love to her. "I... I think I want that..." She moaned deeply when he sped up his shallow thrusts, his coarse nest of curls brushing against hr swollen nub, and cried out after only a few moments, spiraling into a slow, sweet orgasm that held her tightly as she felt him cum-- gently this time-- within her. She stared deep into his eyes as his pupils slowly shrank back to normal, and this time, when he tried to pull himself from her, she let him. "I'm sorry," she murmured quietly, "But it's..."

Liam smiled and pulled the girl against his side. "It's enticing. I know." His lips twitched into a wry grin when she settled her hands on his chest and stared into his eyes with surprise clearly etched on her face. "I've been around for a long time, Willow," he said softly, "Almost two hundred fifty years. Do you honestly think that-- in all that time-- I haven't had a chance to come to terms with my own sexuality?" His hand slid up her ribcage, coming to rest lightly on the point of her shoulder. "Now, I'm not saying that I like men *more* than women! It depends on the man-- and the *woman*, to tell you the truth! But I'm not all *freaked* by the idea. And if I thought it really... *bothered* you, I'd let it go right now, but..." He shrugged gently, not wanting to dislodge her from her spot on his body.

Willow grinned, her eyes dancing wickedly. "So..." she said, after a moment or two, "The only question is... how do we get *Angel* to... get with the program!?"

He smirked then, laughing in delight. "Well, Willow," he purred, his fingers trailing teasingly up and down her arm, "I'm not really sure... but it shouldn't be *too* difficult. After all, he's *me*, isn't he?"

The redhead gazed consideringly at her newest lover. "Yeah..." she finally agreed, "Plus, that whole 'vampire bi-sexuality' thing..." She smirked slightly her tongue slipping out to caress his tight nipple. "No," she muttered silkily, "Shouldn't be too hard... um, I mean *difficult*... not at*all*."

Liam grinned at her turn of phrase. "I think *you'd* better be the one to suggest it, though..." he murmured, as he rolled the redhead beneath his body, and began the leisurely exploration he hadn't really had time for before.

