TITLE: Rewind? (5/?)

SERIES: Changes (#3)

AUTHOR: Tisienne Blue

E-MAIL: tisatko@msn.com

DISCLAIMER: Not Joss; own no-one... and Nutmeg, of course, owns herself...*G*


PAIRINGS: A/W; Aus/W; Aus/W/S; S/Dru/Darla; S/B (kind of)...

DISTRIBUTION: Charity can have it, of course, as can anyone I've said yes to in the past. Otherwise, just ask.

FEEDBACK: Is good.

DEDICATIONS: To Paula, Nutmeg, Kitti, Ali, Alana, Michelle, Mitch, Erica, and Katie... thanks for the feedback, luvs...*G*

NOTES: OK, this little series started after the Angel ep 'Reunion'. The first part of it was my take on why Angel was acting more like his leather-wearing self, and if you haven't read that, and the second story, then this won't make much sense to you... sorry...


Buffy grinned widely, her eyes gleaming as she thought about all the things she was going to do to that *bitch* who had stolen her man away from her. As though it wasn't enough that her *former* best friend had taken her ex-boyfriend, the nasty little tramp of a redhead had just *had* to go after Spike, too! Well, she wasn't going to get away with it, even if the blond vampire *hadn't* fought too hard, judging by what Darla had told her.

It wasn't his fault, she reminded herself, it was *Willow's*! The redhead just couldn't stand it that Buffy was getting some love while *she* wasn't, regardless of the fact that Tara *had* to be putting out-- and besides, Willow had always been so jealous of her, it wasn't even funny. *That* was why she'd done it... there was no other possible explanation. No, the girl had become a vampire to get back at her for being the Slayer... for being more important, and more desired, and yes, even more *loved*! But, the blonde smirked, trying out her brand new demon-face, *she'd* just leveled the field, and... come sunset? The redhead would be *history*, and she and Darla-- who she couldn't believe she'd once hated-- would *own* the former Big Bad, *and* his 'bloody ponce of a Sire'...

She smiled again as the small-ish blonde form of her Sire began to move on Spike's bed, and crawled across the sheets until she was perched beside the girl's naked form, her eyes shining in anticipation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Giles glanced quickly around the magic shop, wishing he had the time to take everything, but... he didn't, and he knew it. "So," he finally said, a small sigh slipping from his lips, "Do you see anything else that I should pack, because I'm thinking that that's everything..."

Nutmeg smiled sadly at the much older man. It had to be tearing him apart that he had to just... *leave* everything, especially since she'd been given to understand that the shop was a fairly new thing for him, but... none of the group could bring themselves to doubt Angel's warning, so... She scanned the store quickly, her eyes finally coming to rest on a small statuette in the corner of a shelf. "Wait, Giles," she said loudly, seeing him ready to nail the last crate shut, "You have to take this, too!" She grabbed the small stone artifact and dashed over to him, wrapping it in the last of the padding he had and placing it in the box. "Crotenat icon," she explained swiftly, "*Much* too dangerous to leave behind, *especially* if Angelus and Willow are planning to take over Sunnydale."

Giles nodded swiftly, blanching at the very thought of what the vampires could do with such an item at their disposal, and thanked the Gods yet again for the girl's wide range of knowledge, and sharp eyes. "Well... and where are you off to now?" he asked sadly, knowing that, unlike himself, the girl would actually have somewhere to go. "Not... not LA, right?"

The tall dark blonde shook her head, frowning as she remembered that part of Angel's warning. "No... that would be stupid. I mean, if we went back *there*, Angelus would hear about it, and... we'd be *dead*, so... No. We-- all of us LA people, I mean-- were thinking about New York. There's still plenty of evil there, and... Cordy thinks the powers will keep sending her the visions, so..." She shrugged, smiling slightly. "Besides, I... invested some money in a small building there a few years back, and... I'm thinking about opening a magic shop of my own." Her smile grew a bit wider when he stared at her in shock. "Well, I can't be 'the mysterious Nutmeg' forever, can I? Not if I want to help Gunn and the others, and I *do*, so..." She closed her eyes for a moment before coming to a decision that she *knew* she'd never regret. "I could use a business partner, though..." she continued, meeting his eyes again, "Someone a bit... older, who's used to dealing with the public... You interested?"

Giles knew his eyes were wide, but he somehow didn't care. He couldn't go back to England, not with the way he'd broken with the Watcher's Council, and he hadn't had any idea of what he was going to do, but... He loved Cordelia like a daughter, and he was learning to appreciate Wesley somewhat, and... Gunn he just didn't understand, but... It was somewhere to go; it was a place where he'd be welcome, and where he could use his expertise in all things mystical, so... "Yes," he said slowly, a slight tinge of excitement entering his voice, "Yes, I think I *am*, but... What about Buffy, and... and Dawn?"

Cordelia made her way in to the store-- supported by Gunn and Wesley as she clutched her throbbing head-- just in time to hear his question, and she grimaced as she forced herself to stand straight and tall. "Buffy isn't really a concern any more, Giles," she announced, her pain making her a touch irritable. "She's turned evil, and-- more to the point-- *dead*. As in, 'walking around, snacking on humanity dead.'" She sighed deeply as the pain receded slightly, and softened her tone. "I'm sorry, Giles, but... a new Slayer has been called."

The former Watcher nodded slowly, wishing that he could believe the Seer was wrong, but... time and time again, her visions had proven to be all too accurate, so... He sighed, accepting her word.

"As for *Dawn*," Cordelia continued, "Joyce is out of town, so... we're taking her with us. We'll find a way to contact Joyce once we get there; let her know that Dawn's okay, and that we have room for *both* of them where we're going." She smiled slightly, meeting the former Watcher's eyes. "And I know that may seem harsh, but... we can't risk leaving Dawn here, or hoping that her mother will see the danger and get her out in time, so..." She shrugged. "I just don't see any other way around it, Giles."

"Well, then..." the older man finally said, struggling to lift the first of his three boxes, "I suppose we're going to New York..."

Gunn and Wesley exchanged a quick glance before jumping forward to help him. They'd considered asking the older man to go with them, but... Nutmeg was funding their little 'relocation', and they hadn't wanted to ask her, considering everything she'd been through in the last couple days, but... Gunn grinned at his love, thanking her silently with his eyes. Obviously, he thought, as he helped with the boxes, his girl was a lot more resilient than he'd thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Spike woke up groaning loudly and hard as a rock. He wasn't sure of why at first, but... then he felt it. The passion and lust were flowing into him through the newly re-opened link to his Sire! And if Angelus was actually back... He groaned again-- in anticipation, this time-- as he realized just how *much* he was going to be punished for having Willow without his Sire being there. Oh, well, he smirked, at least he'd had the good sense to stay out of her asshole, so... his punishment was actually likely to be... interesting. His smirk became a touch more wicked as he felt his dark goddess beginning to stir beside him. "Dru..." he purred, rolling on to his side as he peeled the too-tight jeans from his body, "Dru, baby... I have something *for* you..."

Drusilla giggled at his soft gasp when her hand snaked out from beneath the covers and wrapped around his throbbing cock. "Ohhh..." she cooed, nipping at his chest through the sheet that covered her head, "Spikey wants to play... Play with Princess, my love..."

He growled deep in his chest, ripping the bedclothes from her slender body, and grinned, his true face sliding out, as she slid down his body, taking the tip of his turgid shaft into her wet, perfect mouth. "Yeah, baby," he groaned, as she slid the rest of his length deep into her throat, his fingers tangling in her long, dark hair, "We're gonna *play* all right..." His bright, wicked yellow eyes followed the bobbing motion of her head, and he thrust himself even deeper into her, moaning as he felt her teeth graze the velvety-soft skin of his member. "Dru..." he whispered softly, his fingers tugging her head away from him, "I want to be inside you, pet..."

She smiled broadly, the lust singing through her veins, and slowly made her way up his body, her demon coming to the fore as she bit shallowly into his nipple, and she laughed out loud when he growled and dragged her dress violently over her head. "Spike!" she yelped, pretending to be surprised as he pushed her harshly back against the mattress.

He stared down into her glowing amber eyes, and viciously pulled her legs apart, grinning evilly as he positioned himself and drove forward into her tight, wet channel. He could feel her tearing slightly, and couldn't help but call out her name when she groaned at the pain and pleasure, and wrapped her long, lean legs around his slender, pumping hips.

Her eyes rolled back in her head when he slammed himself deep into her, and she began to release grunting little moans with each of his pistoning thrusts. She couldn't help it, though... it had been too long since she'd had him all to herself, and... he felt so *good*! She'd hated sharing him with her childe, but... the woman had once been her Grand Sire, and it was still ingrained in her to obey her, even though Darla *was* technically her subordinate now, but... "She shall never dance in *my* yard again," she moaned, her eyes flying open and a loud shriek escaping her when he began moving even faster and harder within her just as she rammed her index finger into his tightly clenched anus. "Spike!" she screamed, as the incredible rush of her orgasm overtook her, and her fangs bit deep into his shoulder.

He had almost forgotten what it could be like with just him and Drusilla, but... he was remembering swiftly. Just the feel of her, clenching tightly around his rock hard throbbing cock was... almost bliss. And then he heard her softly mumbled words, and... it was almost too much. He'd always been able to understand what she meant, even if no one else could, and... To never have to touch the blonde *bitch* again? To spend the rest of eternity shagging just his Dru... and his Sire, and his Sire's Mate, too, of course...? Well, *that* would be sheer perfection, and... finally, he could feel his sought-after release coming, but he needed to be sure to take his love with him, and he began moving deeper, and more harshly, into her splendid tightness, roaring out his explosion when he felt her slim finger thrust into his ass, and she clamped down on him like a vise. "Dru..." he murmured softly, after finally calming a bit, "I love you, pet..." He rolled them over, still buried deep inside her, and grinned when she licked at the still-seeping bite she'd made on his chest.

She cleaned away the little bit of blood that remained around his nipple, smiling slyly when she felt him beginning to harden within her seeping core. "Snake's in the woodshed..." she purred happily, her eyes locked on the door to their room, and "The red tree comes... and she's brought us a prezzie!" Her eyes flew to Spike's once again blue ones, her mouth a wide 'o' of surprise. "She thinks our Daddy's back, and he *is*, but... he's also *not*!"

Spike stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean, pet?" he asked, worried, "How can he be our.." he shook his head, annoyed. "How can he be *Angelus*, but *not* be Angelus..."

Drusilla just shook her head, a wide smile on her face. "He's a *new* Daddy, my Spike... Don't *worry*," she said silkily, sliding slowly up and down on his turgid shaft as he groaned, "You'll *like* this one..." She tugged at his arm until he was sitting up beneath her, and her once-again-human lips fastened gently on the wound in his shoulder as she continued to ride him, slowly and sweetly home.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He held her tightly while they waited for the change to come, and... he was glad that he was able to do this for her, to make her happy this way. His eyes were locked completely on hers, and when he saw her shifting back to her human features, he smiled softly and did the same. "I love you, Will..." he said again, as he felt the first twinges of pain flowing through him.

She smiled back at him, wishing for the first time that *this* Angel could stay. Not *instead* of her Mate, but... if there had been a way, she would have split him in two, so that she could have kept them both. "I... I'll miss you, Angel... *my* Angel."

"Always yours, Willow..." he groaned, the sharpness of his soul being torn from him making him close his eyes, and hold her even tighter. "Always..." he gasped, before screaming against her skin. He could feel himself being ripped, pulled, and shredded, but... his Mate would be happy, and if that meant he had to deal with this shattering pain? Then so be it! He hadn't known what happiness truly was until he'd lost his soul in her, and lived again as the vampire he was always meant to be, and... the demon had been right... *Angelus* had been *right*. A vampire with a soul was an affront to *all* the Powers-- those for good *and* those for evil, and... He hadn't wanted to believe it. But he did now, so... he would deal with the agony. He would take the excruciating torment, and thank those same powers for letting him feel it... After all, his pain was what would return the one she loved to the one *he* loved.

She sobbed quietly against him, her hands clutching tightly at his back. There had never been any point, from the very beginning, at which she had regretted what she'd chosen to do... until now. "I'm sorry, Angel," she murmured, knowing he wouldn't hear her over his own loud cries, "I'm so sorry..."

He was only holding on by a thread, most of his soul having been spun off into the ether already, when he felt it. It was an odd sensation, almost like strong hands holding him, and pulling him back, and... the pain was growing more bearable, the more the hands tugged at him. He had no idea of what was happening, but... whatever it was, he couldn't fight it, so... he gave in. He let himself be drawn back to his body, his mental eyes widening when he saw that he was being held by... himself? But no... this *other* wasn't exactly him, although it had been a part of him for longer than he'd ever had a soul to begin with. 'What?' he tried to say, for some reason unsurprised when he heard nothing coming from his own lips. His mind swirled madly for a moment as the other-- his demon-- pulled him close and sank sharp fangs into his neck, drinking him down. He waited for a moment, expecting that he'd die, but... he didn't. He just grew lighter and lighter, until even his 'body' was consumed, and... He was still *there*, only this time... *this* time, he was... Not bound, exactly, but more... blended? That very thought was enough to finish the joining, and he smiled wickedly as he opened his eyes, meeting those of his Mate. "My love..." he purred, licking softly at the tear tracks on her face.

Her eyes were wide, she knew, from his display of tenderness, and... he was her Angelus, but... "Wha... what happened?" she demanded, trying to pull away, "What did you *do*?!" She looked deep into his eyes when he shook his head, and if she could have fainted, she would have, from what she saw there. "A... Angel...?" She shook her own head, baffled. "Angelus? What the *hell*?"

He smirked slightly, enjoying the sensation of having perplexed the most intelligent woman-- hell, *person*-- he'd ever met, but he saw the slight fear in her eyes, and sighed happily, pushing her onto her back and looming over her. "I'm *both*, baby," he purred, rubbing his stiffening cock against her thigh, "I'm both, *forever* now..." He worked his knee between her legs, and settled his burgeoning erection against her softness as she moaned. "Angel, Angelus... we're one being now, as we always *should* have been... As we were in the beginning," he murmured quietly.

She could barely focus on what he was saying, mostly because her body and demon were crying out for him to just take her-- plunge deep inside her willing core and not come out until they were both so spent they couldn't even pay attention, but... "In... in the beginning?" she forced herself to say, sighing in both relief and disappointment when he stopped moving against her.

Angel... Angelus forced himself to remain still, and stared into her eyes as he gave her the short version. He hadn't truly understood any of it himself, until he'd meshed his two sides, but... he did *now*, and while he knew he'd have to explain it in detail later, this just wasn't the time... not when he wanted *nothing* more than to be planted so deep inside his witch-- his *Mate*-- that he couldn't tell where he ended and she began. "When I was first turned, the demon bound itself to my soul, which is, ultimately, the way of things with *all* vampires. But the Rom," he sneered, "Took that away. They separated the two, and put the 'good' part of me in charge, and... that screwed up the balance, my love, so... When I *lost* the soul before... it was *gone*. The demon part of me felt it leaving, but frankly, he was so happy to be getting out of that Gypsy cage, that he didn't even think twice about it. And *that's* why I was such an... unbalanced bastard the last time I was around." He stared deeper into her eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching when he saw she understood.

"So when I restored your soul..." she began, trailing off when he licked her neck.

"When you gave me back the soul," he murmured against her neck, his cock twitching as her fingers danced over his spine, "The demon finally had the chance to understand that he *needed* it in order to be what he was supposed to be. But the soul was still in charge, and... When you came to me in LA, the demon part of me managed to cage the soul part up when you, uh... *fucked* me so... right. But it wasn't quite enough, and..." He shook his head one more time. "You know," he said softly, rocking his hard shaft against her wetness, "I was *going* to tell you the *short* version, but... this isn't it." His lips twitched once again before he pressed a quick kiss to her pouting lips. "Almost finished, love," he murmured silkily.

"So *finish* already!" she demanded, wrapping her legs around his solid hips.

Angelus laughed then, delighted with everything about her. "Fine, Will... So the soul was caged, but then... the Scooby Gang decided to re-soul me, and... well, you know what happened after that, and then I came *here*, and... When the soul was being sent away for good, the... *demon* stopped it! He took the soul and... joined with it, I suppose you could say, which couldn't have happened if Angel hadn't fallen as much in love with you as Angelus ever was, and... Here we are!"

Willow looked again into his eyes, smiling at what she saw there. "This... is the way you should have always been, then..." she said softly, making sure that she understood. "This is the way you're gonna *stay*..." A bright smile lit up her face when he nodded, and her hands slid down his back to cup his tense ass. "Good..." she purred, as she moved beneath him, groaning out loud when he finally, finally sheathed himself fully within her slick, tight cunt. "So good..."

End-- pt 5
