In Walks You

Author: Ally aka Allyria

Pairings: none yet. Slight A/W will later be Aus/Risa

Ratings: G-R for now

Disclaimer: all I own is Aurora/Risa; the rest belongs to my GOD Joss Whedon. No copyright infringement intended, please don’t sue me

Spoilers: S2 Angel a week after Darla was turned by Dru, not much for Buffy. Around same time I guess.


~Part: 1~

Cordelia Chase doubled over in pain as another vision ripped through her mind. She was at the AI office with Willow while Angel, Gunn and Wes went out on a new case.

“Oh god, Cordy? What am I supposed to do?” Willow asked trying not to panic, this was her first witnessing of Cordelia’s visions as she’d only been working with Angel for a week.

“I have pills Will, in the top draw.” Cordelia ground out between clenched teeth. Willow ran to get the pills after helping Cordelia to one of the sofas in the lobby.

“Here, drink it slow.” Willow said handing Cordelia two pills and a glass of water. Cordy took the pills and swallowed them then sipped the cold water.

“Thanks Willow.” Cordelia said after a few moments. Willow smiled and sat beside her.

“What was your vision about? I can start researching.” Willow said a pen and pad ready to take down notes.

Cordelia closed her eyes and went back through the disjointed pictures the PTB sent to her.

“It was Darla and Drusilla, they came here and they left with a brunette… oh my god.” Her eyes snap open and she looked at Willow, her eyes as wide as saucers.

“What?” Willow asked looking Cordy in the eye.

“Remember that Halloween when you all turned into your costumes?” Willow nodded. “Well this third vamp looks like Buffy did with the long brown hair, only the vamps is longer and straight.”

Willow’s eyes resembled Cordy’s. She couldn’t believe it, there was a vamp out there with the Slayers face? Willow jumped to her feet and booted up the computer, this was definitely something that needed to be researched. Cordy stretched out on the sofa and closed her eyes hoping to alleviate her headache.

That was how Angel, Gunn and Wes found them when the got back almost an hour later. Only Cordy had fallen asleep.

“Hey. What’s up?” Angel asked coming up and looking at the computer screen in front of Willow. Willow turned and handed Angel an open book. He looked down and saw pictures of Darla, Drusilla, Spike and himself as well as another female vampire.

“Cordy had a vision, it was of Darla and Drusilla. And the other vampire on the page. Why didn’t you tell us that there was a vampire out there that looked like Buffy?” Willow asked quietly. She looked up at Angel and noticed he looked everywhere but at her.

“I’m sorry, I should have told you, but Aurora hasn’t ever been to America so I thought I was a moot point.” Angel said handing the book to Wes who was looking over his shoulder and walked over to sit on the edge of the other sofa.

“Well I’d say she’s on her way if not here already cause she was in Cordy’s vision.” Willow said.

“Just where does this Aurora fit into your family Angel?” Wesley asked going into watcher mode.

“As far as bloodlines go she’s my sister, the last childe Darla made. She’s also Angelus’ mate.” Angel said cringing.

“And what exactly is a mate?” Gunn asked voicing what they were all wondering.

“It’s like soul mates but instead of fate doing it the vampire picks it’s mate. It must have a sire’s approval and there’s a ceremony where the potential mates and sires say words and drink blood. It doesn’t happen often because the childe no longer has to be submissive to their sire, and a lot of sires don’t want to loose that control.” Angel said, as basically as he could, he didn’t want to upset or confuse them.

“Why did Darla allow you and Aurora to become mated? I’ve read that Darla loves her control over her childer.” Willow spoke up.

“She does and Rory and I are the only of her childer she’s allowed to be mated. After Darla sired Aurora she took her back to the Master’s lair to introduce her to the family. The Master became infatuated with Rory, her poise, her mannerisms, everything about her he loved. He wanted her and Darla didn’t want him to ruin her baby but she couldn’t deny her sire.” Angel said.

“So Aurora and I were already together and it was Darla who came to us and told us she wanted me to be mated with Rory. So we did it and then Darla took us away saying she wanted to show Aurora the world.” Angel said by now he was pacing the length of the lobby.

“Angel I’ve been looking for her, who was she when she was alive?” Willow asked from the computer.

“Look up Aurora Romanov 1799.” Angel said listening to Willow tapping on the keys.

“She was the daughter of a Tsar? Darla actually killed and turned a princess?” Willow exclaimed, incredulous at Darla’s audacity.

“Not only that, she was the only child of the Tsar. His wife died in childbirth and the Russian religion didn’t allow remarriage. Aurora was the sole heiress to the entire Russian Empire.” Angel said with a chuckle remembering how much of a pain Aurora was as a human.

“Wow.” Was all Willow could say.

“So did Cordy tell you anymore of the vision?” Angel asked trying to move past Rory.

“Yeah, that Darla and Drusilla come here without Aurora and leave with her, so I guess that means that you’re going to catch her or something.” Willow said. Stifling a yawn.

“Yeah I guess. Why don’t you all go home and we’ll work on it fresh in the morning.” Angel suggested distractedly.

“Well I live here so I’m already home, but I will go to bed.” Willow said shutting off the computer.

“Night all.” She said and walked up the stairs.

The guys all called goodnight to her.

“We’ll head home too, shall we take Cordelia home?” Wes asked slipping on his jacket.

“Nah, she’s already asleep. Just leave her there.” Gunn said.

“Yeah I will. See you later.” Angel said locking the door behind his friends. “I know you’re there.” He said facing the door.

“I liked your bedtime story Angelus.” A soft female voice said. Angel turned around and saw his beautiful mate standing at the entrance to the courtyard.

“Rory. What are you doing here?”

“I came looking for you. Did you miss me Angelus?” she asked a small smile on her lips. Angel was surprised she still had traces of her Russian accent when she spoke English, though her accent was mostly British.

“I’m not Angelus.” Angel said. Staying where he was by the door while she walked further into the lobby.

“I know I felt that he was back a few years ago. I was half way to the hell mouth when it faded, so I went back to Russia. Did you know that after the revolution they turned my home into a museum?” she asked cocking her head to one side.

“Yes I heard.” Angel said. “What are you really doing here Rory? I know you hate America.”

“Spike told me that the current Slayer has my face, come to see for myself, I just got of the concord a few hours ago and I felt you.” Aurora said.

“Leave Buffy alone.” Angel said with a growl. But Aurora laughed.

“Oh my god. It’s true. Spike said you were sweet on her but I didn’t believe him. Now I owe him a hundred quid.” Rory laughed. “Is her name really Buffy?”

“Aurora what are you doing here? I know its not because there just so happens to be a slayer who looks like you.” Angel said watching her as she circled around Cordelia.

“All right, I was called here. My employer in London wants me to head up something here. And my name isn’t Aurora anymore, it’s Risa now.” Aurora said running her fingers through her long dark hair. She passed by Cordelia’s sleeping form on the sofa and settled herself on the other one.

“Who is the employer Rory?” Angel asked ignoring the name thing and already having an idea of who it might be.

“Now, now Angelus. That would be telling and we don’t want to ruin the surprise do we? There’s still lots of fun to be had yet.” Aurora said standing and smoothing out invisible creases in her pants.

“Don’t mess with me Aurora, I am not Angelus and I will kill you if you harm these humans.

“It’s Risa. You’re unnatural Angelus. Killing your own kind to protect our food? Killing our sire to protect a slayer?” Risa snapped stalking her mate a sly smile on her lips. Angel’s head snapped up a surprised look on his face.
“Oh yeah I know all about that. I was in Sunnyhell, visiting mother and the Master. I wanted to go and watch mother take out another slayer. She insisted I stay at the lair get myself set up as a leader to be deferred to in the absence of the Master or Darla. I felt it, like it was happening to me. You are a disgrace to the Order Of Aurelius ”

“I am no longer a member of that order.” Angel said walking backwards to keep some distance from his mate, her very presence tempting him to just take her.

“Thank Satan for small favors.” She said in a haughty tone. Aurora ran her hands through her hair again knowing it would get to Angelus, he loved her hair never letting her cut it off. She heard him moan softly.

“Come on Angel, you want me, I want you. Lets be bad again. Mother is waiting for us with Dru. We can paint this town red starting in your very own house.” Risa said walking ever closer to Angel he stopped and Risa stepped up bringing her body flush against his.

“Let’s not and say we did.” Angel said moving away from the seductress before him. She turned and headed for the doors.

“Just one more thing,” Angel said stopping Risa in her tracks.

“How did you find out it was me?” he asked, grief heavy in his voice.

“How do you think? That little Anointed brat. He saw it all, I was screaming and he came to me and gave me the blow by blow. That’s when I began to really hate you Angel.” Risa said accentuating the soul’s name. “Not even being abandoned by you hurt more than the knowledge that you were the killer of our sire, our mother.”

“I didn’t Abandon you Ro- Risa, your precious ‘mother’ sent me away. She wouldn’t let me anywhere near you.” Angel said. His soul loved his mate too and hated the thought that Risa believed he had abandoned her.

“Whatever. Fun’s not over just yet Angelus. I’ll be around.” Risa said and left the hotel.

“I’ll be waiting.” Angel murmured.

~Part: 2~

“How did it go Princess?” Darla asked when she felt Risa enter the apartment Wolfram & Heart had set up for the trio. Risa ignored her sire and stormed into the living room where Drusilla was sitting on the floor surrounded with her dolls. Risa bent and kissed her on the top of her head.

“Aurora?” Darla snapped. Risa knew she truly was in a mood.

“I hate him. He took my mate. He took it all.” Risa said softly looking out the window at the lights of the City Of Angels.

“I know baby.” Darla said from behind her childe a small white hand resting on her shoulder. She too hated Angel, not for killing her, but for breaking the blood bond to her childer.

“I can’t believe that is my Mate.” Risa spat out shrugging Darla’s hand of her shoulder. She turned and joined Dru on the floor who abandoned her dolls and cuddled up to her.

“He’s not baby, your Mate is locked away. The lawyers are working on a way to make him ours again; it’s going to take time. Until then we get to help by tormenting the soul.” Darla said a truly sinister smile gracing her features.

“Lets start by killing some of his precious humans.” Risa said rising gracefully to her feet and offering a hand to Dru.

“I know the best way to get to Daddy.” Dru spoke up for the first time. She swayed to music only she could hear taking Risa along for the ride.

“Missed you so much my Rory, Spiky too.” She murmured. Risa smiled.

“Me too darling.” Risa whispered. Darla rolled her eyes and wondered how her daughter was able to stand being around the crazed vampiress.

“Get back to it Dru. How do we get to my Dear Boy?” she snapped getting the attention of her childe and grandchilde cum sire.

“The tree. The one that burns with fire and magic, she tastes like fire, all spicy.” Dru rambled on.

“Oh great!! Another riddle!” Darla said throwing her hands up in frustration.
“Will you please try and make some sense from her?” Darla snapped at Risa and stalked from the room.

“The tree Dru? Who is it?” Risa asked gently leading Drusilla over to the cream sofa and sat down. Dru leaned against her and smiled dreamily.

“The soul is in love with her. And she with him.” Risa thought it over there were the two women at the hotel to consider and the slayer on the Hellmouth. Spike said they’d had a thing, that they were “soulmates”. Rias scrunched her face up at that thought.

“Is it the Slayer Dru?” Risa asked drawing the most obvious straw. Drusilla growled.

“The nasty slayer wasn’t his soulmate. Angel was with her because she looked like you. Angel wants his mate too. The fire-haired girl.” Dru said.

“The one at the hotel? She’s the key?” Risa asked. Dru nodded with a smile. Risa smiled back. “Well then lets go get her.”

“Darla! I know who it is.” Risa shouted. Darla came out of one of the bedrooms dressed to kill, literally.

“Good, let’s go hunting.” She said.

The trio headed back to the hotel where they knew two of the humans Angel kept company with were staying. Risa felt out for the bond and smiled when she didn’t feel the familiar pull of her mate.

“He’s not here. Probably out looking for me.” Risa said.

“I hope you made your intentions for this town clear dear, he has to think you are here to take over. We need him consumed by you.” Darla said. Risa merely nodded moving forward towards the hotel.

“He will be.” She said taking Dru’s hand.

“Maybe you should wait out here? Quicker with just one person in there.” Risa suggested to Darla and Dru. They nodded and moved off to the shadows.

Risa crept forward and tried the door handle. As she suspected it was locked but with a quick sharp snap of her wrist she broke the handle and slipped inside.

The foyer was dark, human eyes wouldn’t be able to see their own hands in front of their faces. Risa however could see perfectly. She crept forward to the stairs and made her way up to the second floor trailing her fingers lightly on the handrail. When she reached the top stair she stopped and looked around sniffing the air delicately. She turned left and walked a few steps stopping again at the fourth door, a tiny sliver of light shone under the door, not enough to really see by for a human, a night light.

Risa turned the handle and pushed the door open just enough for her small body to slip through, closing the door with a tiny click. Laying in the center of a huge bed was the red haired girl. She felt a pull from behind her and frowned a little, before she could turn strong hands gripped her upper arms in a crushing grip.

Risa knew it wasn’t Angelus, she now heard a second heartbeat. One of his humans. The girl was awake and staring at her. Eyes wide as saucers mouth opened in a small O of surprise.

“You would do well not to move.” A distinctly British voice said.

“Ah. The watcher.” Risa said, more thinking aloud than anything else.

“Unbelievable.” The redhead breathed as she got out of the bed and came closer to the vampire that wore the Sunnydale slayers face.

“And what would that be witch?” Risa snapped, the watchers grip on her arms tightened.

“You. You look just like her.”

“Who? That slayer?” she spat the word. “It was my face first, maybe she’s a descendant of mine.” She changed her face to that of her demon and smiled around the fangs. She tested the watchers grip and a moment later she was free.

“This isn’t finished.” She said and raced out the door right into a hard body. She looked up into the furious face of her mate. She smiled and rubbed herself against him. He grabbed her arms and pulled her up to him she moaned at the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Angel kissed her running his hands all over her small body.

She pulled away and smiled at him her face shifting back to her human features. Risa le go of Angel and stepped back enough to punch him in the face, he went down and Risa ran to the doors.

“Well?” Darla asked when she joined them.

“Was a trap. I need to think.” Risa said and walked away from her sire and Drusilla. Darla watched her baby girl before taking off to the shopping area of down town LA.

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