Angel, PLEASE!

Author: angelicgal82


Feedback: I'll send more fic if I get this blackmail? HELL YEAH!!!

Spoilers: Hmmm...all Seasons, just to be on the safe side...

Summary: Cordelia's bored, wants to party... enough said,

Rating: PG-13

Distribution: Stranger Things Forum, possibly the Holywater site, my own eventually when I get round to updating...

Disclaimer: Imagine a phone call, where I BEG Joss Whedon to give me the characters...see, NOT mine, never gonna be mine...why would Joss Whedon EVER take my phone call? Much less ever give me characters he's spent 6 years cultivating and...get my point? NOT MINE!


"Angel, come ON...PLEASE?"



"Cordelia, no."

"Don't use that tone of voice with me."

"What tone of voice?"

"That tone of voice. The one which clearly states, 'I'm Getting Pissed Off and Gonna Go Into Full Brood Mode Right About Now'. You could just TELL me you're getting like that!"


She looked up hopefully. "What?"

"I'm getting pissed off and gonna go into full brood mode right about now."

"Jerk," She scowled, "I don't see what the big is anyway, I mean, it's not like what I'm asking you to do is huge or anything."

"I'm still not going."



"That's not an answer."

"Tough. I said no."

"Angel?" Cordelia smiled sweetly, "You want something to drink?"

"My answer's still no."

"BUT I'M BORED!" She whined, "And you aren't much help, sitting there in all your broody goodness and..."

"Broody goodness?" Angel looked up at her, "What do you mean...broody goodness?"

Cordelia's frowned, "Oh, bite me, you know you're hot."

"I'm hot?"

"Angel STOP changing the subject, will you?"

"No!" Angel shuffled in his seat, his book on his lap - Connor actually asleep, one of the only chances he got to have some downtime...

"ANGEL!" Cordelia pulled the tatty copy of MacBeth from his hands and frowned, "YOU'VE READ THE DAMNED PRINT OFF OF THIS THING! What's so special about MacBeth anyway?"

"I like the book..."

"You are *so* boring." She moaned, "We need to get out... Have fun! Not sit here reading about Scottish kings and wacky wives and stuff...let's deal with the fact that you're sitting here on a Saturday evening...READING..." She said, "THEN, let's deal with the fact that it's MacBeth!"

"Have you *read* MacBeth?"

"Oh, no... I am *so* not getting sucked into this conversation of the glory and the...STUFF...of MacBeth...not a chance."

Angel smiled, "Okay then..."

"So, will you?"


"Angel, it's a bit of harmless fun! Where's the bad?"

Angel shook his head, "Cordelia, I said no."

Cordelia hmphed and sat down in the seat, tapping her feet against the floor and throwing his book back at him, "Here." She said shaking her head.

"I've made you mad."

"DUH! Doesn't take a genius..."

Angel sighed, "Cordy, I'm sorry, I just don't want to."




CORDELIA HAD LET THIS DROP??? Angel was kinda stunned...

* * * * * *

When Angel walked into the lobby fifteen minutes later, Cordelia was talking on the phone, "Okay, ten minutes...bye!"

She turned round and Angel saw she was all dressed, "You're going?"

"Yeah." She smiled, "I'm gonna have mindless fun since YOU didn't want to."

"Who are you going with?"


"Who are you going with, Cordelia?" He asked, his face a mask of stone.

"His name's Sean, he's a pizza delivery guy, the one who was here last week when we had the Video fest?"

"You're going out with a pizza delivery guy?"


"But you don't know anything about him!"

"Well, it's not like I'm awash with men falling at my feet..."

The door to the Hyperion opened, "Tell him to leave...he looks like...he's got something to hide."

"No, I'm going to this party Angel - not without a date..."

"*I'M* taking you, Cordelia." Growled Angel, "GET RID OF HIM."

Angel stalked into the office and picked up his coat as Cordelia went up the steps. "Hey Sean." She smiled.

A smile lit up his face, "Cordelia, you look fabulous! Angel fall for it?" He asked, his voice a hushed whisper. Cordelia pressed ten bucks into his hand for the wasted pizza. Sean, a budding architect was very sweet, very gorgeous and, unfortunately for half of the female pizza ordering populus, VERY Gay. "Yup." She smiled, "Thanks..."

Sean turned and left, winking at Cordelia as Angel came up the stairs, a smile on his face, "Ready to party?" He asked.

"Jealous, much?" Asked Cordelia, "Y'know, you really would have liked Sean, he's so sweet..."

Angel smirked, "Yeah, I can see that."

"And he's SO hot..."




"You heard everything didn't you?"

Angel smiled, "Vampire hearing."

"You mad?"

"Nope, but you owe me a dance, Chase."

"You can't dance!" She squeaked.

"You're going to show me..." He whispered, his voice sultry.

Cordelia smiled, "Boredom schmoredom...let's party!"

