Baby When You're Gone

Author: angelicgal82


Feedback: I'll send more fic if I get this blackmail? HELL YEAH!!!

Spoilers: Everything up to and including "Dad" in Season 3

Summary: Angel watches Cordelia sing

Rating: PG-13

Distribution: Stranger Things Forum, possibly the Holywater site, my own eventually when I get round to updating...

Disclaimer: Imagine a phone call, where I BEG Joss Whedon to give me the characters...see, NOT mine, never gonna be mine...why would Joss Whedon EVER take my phone call? Much less ever give me characters he's spent 6 years cultivating and...get my point? NOT MINE!


It was when I first heard her singing that I realised. I'm in love with her. I'm in love with Cordelia. Don't get me wrong, she's not a great singer or anything, she'd tell you herself that she can't carry a tune but...I dunno. Maybe it was the dance...could've been the dance, I guess. Only...I'd noticed things were...wrong...way before that. I was trying to find any excuse to be near her the words of my Seer...'uh, hello', I jumped into a completely other dimension for her, not caring about what would happen as long as *she* was okay. This part doesn't bother me so much, she's my best friend...or was...I'd have done it for her a long time ago when I *didn't* feel like this for her.

At times, she annoyed the hell out of me. And I mean that literally. That day she peeled up my linoleum...God, I couldn't get her out of there fast enough! Things changed. Doyle died and we grew closer. Wesley joined, then Gunn...and then things sort of fell apart again. I hurt her and I hurt her badly. I know that...and I know it wasn't just because of the clothes, either. I'll never forget that smile...when I gave her those clothes. That was when I got her back...and that was when I heard her singing...she sounded so happy...well, more than happy really, considering she was actually dusting the hotel...

I've been wandering around the house all night
Wondering what the hell to do.
Yeah, I'm trying to concentrate
But all I can think of is you.

Well the phone don't ring 'cos my friends ain't home
I'm tired of being all alone.
Got the TV on cause the radio's playing
songs that remind me of you.

Baby when you're gone
I realise I'm in love.
The days go on and on
And the nights just seem so long.
Even food don't taste that good
Drink ain't doing what it should.
Things just feel so wrong
Baby when you're gone.

I've been driving up and down these streets
Trying to find somewhere to go.
Yeah I'm looking for a familiar face
But there's no-one I know.

Aww this is torture, this is pain
It feels like I'm gonna, go insane.
I hope you're coming back real soon
Cause I don't know what to do.

Baby when you're gone [when you're gone]
I realise I'm in love.
The days go on and on [on and on]
And the nights just seem so long.
Even food don't taste that good
Drink ain't doing what it should.
Things just feel so wrong [hah, yeah]
Baby when you're gone.

Watching her get those visions...I hate it. I know they're for me and that, albeit briefly, I left her to deal with them alone. And now? They're getting worse. She says they don't hurt but...I've known her for so long. With every vision that light behind her eyes that I love dies a little and it scares me more than I'd care to admit all honesty, I'm not sure I could survive without her.

When Darla came back...all pregnant...Cordelia wasn't pleased. I'd lied to her and there's definitely now *no* denying that Connor's mine. Cordelia says he has the same forehead...the same broody attitude that I do. She usually says that when Connor's puked on her for the five billionth time...he said his first words the other day. We've been trying to teach him for weeks to say, 'Da-da' and so far, to no avail. Then, the other day, Cordelia was in the middle of a rant about the next shirt of hers he'd ruined, when the word popped out of his mouth, "Mammoo..." Okay, so it wasn't 'Mommy' or 'Mammy' was a start right? And I swear I could see her heart melting. Cordelia squealed and grabbed hold of Connor, hugging him. "He said Mammoo!" She giggled. How did I never notice how pretty she was before? I mean, she's always been stunning...but...did I only realise now that each time she walks into the room, it's like the lights dim around me? I'm blind...or stupid. Let's go with the first. I've only just realised that I love the young woman before me and how do I tell her? Simple. I don't. Because she knows. She's only got to look in my eyes to see it and she smiles. "Yeah, yeah Grrrr Guy...I know, you love me." She grins.

That's my girl

