When A Vampire Meets A Transgenic

AUTHOR: Riley McKenna aka Ghosty

EMAIL: ghosty_r@yahoo.com

DISCLAIMER: Joss owns Angel and Buffy, James Cameron owns Dark
Angel, I’m just playing with them. Tari is mine.

SPOILERS: Dark Angel is set at the beginning of season 2 when Max is escaping. Angel set later in season 5 when Spike is made Corporeal, he’s till a vamp and he still has his soul but his is secure so he can get some.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This had been swirling around for a while. Tell me what you think.


~Part: 1~

MANTICORE: Gillette, Wyoming.

I lay there, in the barracks. The only home I’ve ever known, and I wondered if my siblings had the right idea after all. Out of my unit of 17, 2 died, 2 stayed and 13 escaped. I am one of the two who stayed along with Jace. Jace was too afraid to leave here. And I was in a coma at the time. I wish they’d waited for me.

And then I was the only one out of my unit who was still at Manticore, Jace went on a mission to get 452 and never came back; as a result I was given her position of CO. Brin came back but they don’t trust her like they trust me.

I got out of bed and walked to the barred window, Tonight is just like the night they escaped ten years ago, and if I really wanted to I could easily do it right now. The thing is, I still don’t know what is out there for someone – no something like me. I thought.

Fuck it. I’ll look up my sibs, Faith especially. This unit isn’t my family. Plus 494 would love to get rid of me so he could become CO and be the official leader of Manticore.

Before I could lose my nerve I walked over to the door and tapped on it gently, the door opened and white light floods the room, I noticed a lot of empty beds. 494 is missing, breeding partners. I thank whatever powers out there I never had to do that. I walked past the guard and out into the hall, only to be knocked on my ass by an X series flying down the hall. I pulled myself to my feet as the other person – a girl also stood.

“Watch where you’re going Soldier.” I snapped. Her head shot up at the sound of my voice.

“Tari?” I knew that voice, it was one of my sisters, I just didn’t know which one, it had been ten years.

“She died ten years ago, I am X5-439. Who are you?” I asked in a softer tone.

“Max! Are we going?” 494 yelled from down the hall.

“452?” I asked hating the catch in my voice. I’m supposed to be a bad ass, hard as nails soldier.

“It’s Max in the real world Tari, come with me.” I nodded once and she handed her gun over to me.

“494, take point, help the others move and shoot the enemy. 452 you take the rear and protect our asses, I’ll …” Max gave giving me a strange look. 494 merely did as he’d been told.

“Tari, I told you my name is Max. And that is Alec.” Max said to me I just looked at her blankly. Then Max looked down the hall to see Alec doing what I told him.

“What the hell?” she asked shifting her gaze to me.

“I am the Commanding Officer of my unit, of which 494 – Alec is a member. And I am sorry if I refer to your designation, ten years of habits will die hard.” I said. Max nodded in understanding, I guess and moved to do as I told her.

494 had a large group of  X-6 and X-7’s as well as most of my unit.

“Okay. Here’s how we’re going to do this. We have 15 X-5’s not including 494, 452 and myself, so each of you are going to take a group of four to five of the younger kids. Go to ground and ignore any communication that doesn’t come from 494 or myself. Clear?” I asked my unit.

“Ma’am, yes Ma’am.” They said and saluted me, I saluted back and motion 494 to divide up the children. He is a good second, even if he is somewhat reluctant.

“Wow, when did that happen?” Max asked watching 494 work.

“What?” I asked confused.

“You giving the orders. I thought Alec was CO.” Max said.

“I was given the position when Jace disappeared. Alec was sure he was next to get it even though I was Jace’s Second.” I said to Max. Alec had the groups assembled and they’re all ready to move out.

“Okay, this place will be in total chaos outside so go one group at a time and all go in different directions. Keep as a low a profile as you can in the real world.” I said by way of a dismissal.

“So, what’s the real world like?” I asked Max while the other X’s take off.

“It’s different, but you’ll get used to it.” Max said to 494 and me. I wasn’t lying, old habits do die hard.

“Have you heard from any of the others?”

“Yeah, Jondy and Zane are in California. Brin is here somewhere. Jace is in Canada, I had to get her out, she was pregnant. Krit and Syl where with me when I blew up the genetics lab, I don’t know where they are now. Zack, Ben and Tinga are dead. I don’t know about the rest or Faith.” Max answered.

“What happened to Tinga, Ben and Zack?” I asked looking around, my gun at the ready to protect my unit. There are four teams left.

“Renfro got Tinga, it was some whacked out experiment. Ben was on the run from Lydecker, he’d been shot so he was gonna get caught, he asked me to kill him instead of letting ‘dad’ take him. Zack killed himself for me, gave me his heart. Renfro was using the rest of him for organ harvesting.” Max said. It was our turn to go. We run to the fence where we were confronted with a Nomlie. 494 and I raised our weapons.

“NO! He’s with me.” Max yelled jumping in front of him.

“He’s a Nomlie.” 494 said in a bored tone, I admit I felt the same way.

“His name is Joshua. He’s harmless.” Max said in his defence, to prove her point the Nomlie who looked like a huge dog smiles. Then he ripped out a portion of the high fence so we could just walk right through.

“Good job big fella.” Max said on her way past patting him on the arm.

“No big lil’ fella.” Joshua returned with a big smile.

494 and I were still cautious.

“Careful of the 8’s.” I said as we make our way to the surrounding forest. They were more animal and had been trained to kill any X series on sight.

We ran through the forest swiftly for most of the night.

“We should split up.” I said. I hated the idea but I knew it was better than getting caught being all together.

“Okay, here.” Max said handing me a slip of paper and a small plastic box. I looked down at it, the paper had a 14-digit number written on it.

“What are these?” I asked confused.

“It’s a number for a friend of mine. He knows all about us and if you need me just call. That’s a beeper, so people can get in contact with ya. And remember, we’re not digits out here. If you don’t wanna be Tari anymore then find another name.” Max told me, I smiled at her and shook my head.

“I’m keeping my name, Tinga picked it out for me.” I said. Max pulled me into a hug, and after a moment of hesitation I hugged her back. I looked to 494.

“Take care soldier.” Ever the soldier he saluted me. I could only return the favor. I turned my attention to the Nomlie.

“Be sure to keep low, I don’t want to loose anymore members of my unit.” I said and extended my hand, which he shook. With a brief nod to Max and Alec I took off to try and find my twin. 

Los Angeles, California.

I found myself in LA. With my strongest lead about Faith yet. A cop I met in San Diego actually thought I was her, even arrested me. So when I had him convinced that I was her twin sister he showed me her APB from 4 years ago on my promise to never tell anyone. Apparently it’s some major infraction.

My sister’s in Jail. So first I’m going to go and see her. Then see what I can do about getting her out.

“Faith? What are you doing here still, I though you went with Willow?” I turned at the voice.

“No, I’m her sister.” I asked the handsome stranger.

“Your sister?” he asked.

“Yes, we’re twins.” I said, he extend his hand. I looked at it a second then I grasped it. I surprised to find his hand quite cold. I gasped and snatched my hand back.

“What are you?” I asked shifting my stance to defend myself if I have to.

“Why don’t we go somewhere more private?” he asked. I was reluctant to go with him. I could have taken him out in an instant but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. So I did the only thing I thought I could. I ran away.

“Hey! Wait a second.” I heard him yelling behind me. I used my full abilities to evade him, but he kept up with me only a few paces behind. I still didn’t know this town very well yet, and to show it I ran into an alley he followed me and had me cornered. Now what does an animal do when it’s cornered? Fight.

Now that we were semi private I didn’t have to worry about civilians seeing me. I took a few steps forward and got into a comfortable stance and prepared to defend myself. He just stood there. But I was still cornered so I attacked him with a roundhouse kick aimed at his stomach. But he blocked it. Now I was getting annoyed. So I went again punching and kicking, some found their mark, most didn’t.

He just stood there, he didn’t move to go on the offensive just deflected my blows. Then he stepped forward and just looked at me. I aimed a punch at his head, but he caught my hand about an inch from his jaw. With a quick fluid motion, he had my arm twisted up behind my back almost to breaking point. I struggled to get free and tried to punch him with my free hand, but I couldn’t reach him. I felt his hand close around my throat and squeeze. I couldn’t breath and I started to see spots, just before I slipped into the nothing of unconsciousness I heard his voice whisper in my ear.

“I am sorry.” Then I surrendered to sleep.

I woke up on a bed in a sparsely decorated room. There was a huge king size bed, a dresser and a desk, and sitting at the desk chair was… who? My abductor? I jumped out of the bed and raced to the door, but it was locked.

“Let me go.” I said to the man, now I felt like a cadged animal, again not a feeling I like very much.

“Who are you?” he asked but I didn’t say anything. He stood and walked towards me. I actually flinched away; he stopped for a second then continued to where I was standing by the door. I backed away from him until my back hit the wall and I had nowhere else to go.

“Please. Don’t hurt me.” I said quietly, I feared this man he bested me. No one has bested me in ten years. He looked at me with something akin to pity and apprehension in his eyes.

“I am Angel. I won’t hurt you, I just wanna talk.” He said in a soft voice.

“Where am I?” I asked. I sound pitiful, I really don’t like this scenario.

“A hotel in LA. Why did you come to my city?” he asked backing away from me about three steps. I slid down the wall until I was sitting. I pulled my knees up close.

“To find my sister, Faith. I found out in San Diego that she was in prison here.” I said he nodded, I see out the window that it’s still night. He stood up and offered me his hand, which I refused, so he grabbed me by my upper arms and forced me to my feet. Then he unlocked the door.

“I can help you find your sister.” But I shot out the door in an instant, he chased me and before I even get past the parking lot I felt his arms go around my waist, lifting my feet off the ground and carrying me back to the hotel.

“You can trust me.” He said loudly as I struggled to get out of his grip.

“I don’t trust any ordinaries.” I yelled trying to break his hold. We were back in the hotel room and he locked the door before releasing me, dropping me onto the bed.

“What’s an ordinary?” he asked picking up the desk chair and placing it in front of the door before sitting in it.

But I refused to answer. So he pulled out a cell phone and hits a number on speed dial, from the sound of the tones I now know the number- 741-555-1686990.

“Wes it’s Angel, I need you to bring over a tranq to the hotel on highway 12.” He said into the phone.

“I’m not sure, she tried to escape just now. She called me an ordinary.” He said after listening to the guy on the other end.

“I think she might be, better bring Gunn, she’s strong for a little girl.” I glared at him.

“I don’t know, could she be one too? Faith is, though I’ve never heard of one having a twin before.”

“Yes, I’m sure she’s not Faith, they are identical, but this one’s more flighty.” He said into the phone. I looked around the room for an escape. I didn’t find one.

“Okay, thanks.” He hung up and put the phone back into his jacket pocket.

“I have some associates coming over, if you be good then we won’t have to Tranquilize you. Can you do that?” he asked me. He talks to me like I’m stupid. I jumped to my feet and stand in front of his chair. He stands up I guess to look intimidating. I do a spinning kick aimed as high as I can get, he moves to deflect it, just as I thought he would, I duck and with my other leg sweep his legs out from under him. I scramble onto his chest and pull out the hidden knife from under my black pants.

“One move and I’ll decapitate you.” I said the blade pressed tight against his throat. He stills all movement.

“Why did you kidnap me? Did you plan on selling me?” I snapped pressing the blade as close as I can without breaking the skin. I wasn’t lying, with a flick of my wrist this guy will be headless.

“Sell you?” he asked.

“Don’t play dumb, is it Lydecker?” I asked in a softer tone.

“I don’t know anyone called Lydecker. And why would I sell you?” he asked again. He seemed genuinely confused.

“Obviously you know what I am, I know for a fact that I’m worth at least 10 million. How much did he promise you? Did you sell Faith to him?” I asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Faith went to Sunnydale to help out.” I tried again, he sounds so sincere.

“How do you know what Faith is? Did she tell you?” I asked.

“Yes she told me she’s a slayer and I could feel it.” He answered.

“What’s a slayer?” I asked, maybe he doesn’t know about Faith and me.

“You don’t know?” he asked, he sounds surprised. “Aren’t you one too?” he asked. I shook my head. What’s going on, nothing is making sense.

Suddenly I am on the floor, he half lays on me with my knife in his hand. Which he presses into my throat.

“Okay birdie, time to start singing.” He said. I lay there looking straight into his dark eyes.

“Bite me.” I said and looked away.

“I will cut you.” He threatened me. I don’t like being threatened, but there’s not much I can to just now.

“You can do anything you want to me and I still wont talk.” I said defiantly, I’m a soldier now.

“Angel?” there is a banging on the door.

“I’m going to get up slowly to unlock the door. You’re not going to move a muscle.” He said slowly moving off me. I decide to do as he said; he has the upper hand at the moment. A young black man comes in and hands Angel a small box.

“Thanks, you’d better get back, we’ll be along soon.” Angel said closing and relocking the door.

I slowly get to my feet eyeing Angel and the box that guy gave him.

“Don’t inject me with that, please. I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t give me that.” I said and I mean it. I’ve had bad experiences with injections.

He’s still distrustful of me as he eyes me suspiciously. And puts the box into his duster pocket.

“If you don’t do exactly as I say, then you get the injection, clear?” he asked, he sounds just like Lydecker, and like the soldier I am I reply like I would to him.

“Yes Sir.” Angel raised an eyebrow at me, but didn’t say anything.

“Okay, let’s go to the car.” He said and none too gently grabbed my wrist pulling me along. The injection stops me from wrenching it free.

He takes me to an office in the CBD of Los Angeles; the sign says this is Wolfram and Hart. Attorneys at Law.

“What? You’re a lawyer? Are you the one who lost my sisters case and got her put away?” I asked glaring at my captor as he drove past the sign into the underground garage.

“No, I’m not a lawyer, I just own the building. Do you know why your sister is in jail?” he asked in a quiet tone, I think that if I had just regular human hearing I would have missed it.

“No the cop in San D wouldn’t tell me, said that if he did and anyone found out he’d be fired…do they really light people in fire?” I asked him not understanding the term. He ignored the question and answered instead why Faith was in jail.

“Murder. Faith killed people, with no remorse.” Angel said. He stops the car in a parking space next to an elevator and turns face me. I keep looking out my window. He put is fingers on my chin and forced me to look up at him I try to make my face look bored. Not hard to do because I am bored.

“It’s what we were trained to do. 10 years on the outside is not going to make genetic encoding go away.” I said to him wrenching my face free. He opened the door to the car and pushed the elevator button before coming around to open my door. I think he is in shock. I tend to have that effect on people. I wonder why? I step into the elevator while he just stands at my door.

“Coming? Cause I sure as hell don’t know where to go.” I said a smirk on my face that I copied form my memories of Zack being CO. Lydecker and the guards really hated that smirk, and I can tell Angel does too on his first inspection of it.

“Trained? Genetic encoding? What the hell are you?” he questions me.

“Are there camera’s in here?” I asked looking around and straining my ears to pick up the sound of one. At Angel’s negative response I turn my back to him and lifted my long dark brown hair off my neck where he can see a barcode.

“A tattoo? That doesn’t answer my question.” Angel snapped out at me.

“You don’t know about –” I stopped at the hissing of the doors opening. We stepped out and Angel grasped my elbow quite tight. I wince and twist my arm to break the hold, just as I was taught. But his grip is like iron, and when I try to punch him with my free hand at my heightened speed he still deflected it. I can’t believe it. Is he like me?

“Melinda, hold my calls from everyone.” Angel said to his assistant as he stalked past dragging me along. Once the door is closed Angel dropped his vice like grip and none to gently shoved into a chair me in front of a huge desk.

“What the hell was that for?” I yelled, using my anger to hide my fear, which wouldn’t be squashed. I rubbed my elbow and knew that there would be a bruise in a couple of hours.

“I don’t like being played. Tell me the truth about Faith right now.” Angel growled at me his eyes changing color to a feral yellow. Now I don’t like being threatened as I mentioned before. So I jumped out of my seat and sent it flying across the room.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I ground out. “I can kill you with just one punch.” I said I blurred away so we weren’t so close, now I am behind his desk, and he still hasn’t turned around. I can tell by the way he’s moving his head he’s looking for me.

“Over here.” I said and he whipped around surprised to see me here.

“How did you do that?” he asked sitting in the other chair.

“I was trying to tell you.” I said and sit in his big chair leaning back and putting my feet up on his desk, I ignore his disapproving glare.

“I thought that you would know by the barcode, everyone else does. Faith and I are genetically engineered soldiers. We are part human and the rest is made up of different animals. Ten years ago 13 of my unit escaped after 2 of our siblings were killed just so they could be experimented on. I stayed behind at Manticore with one of my sisters Jace, everyone else left.”

Angel just looked at me; I can tell he is having a hard time believing me.

“Look, you’ve already seen me do things that other people can’t do.” I said to help him believe me.

“It’s not that, I thought you were going to tell me you and Faith were demons or something.” Angel said standing and walking over to the mini bar to pour himself a scotch. He offers me one and I nod.

“What’s a demon?” I asked gulping down the strong drink. Angel too shot his back and brings the bottle over to the desk an incredulous look on his face. He smiles at me when he sees I seriously don’t know what one is.

“I’ll get you a book.” Angel said pouring two more drinks.

“Why did your eyes turn yellow? Are you a Nomlie?” I asked drinking my second drink more slowly.

“What’s a Nomlie?” Angel asked.

“They are what we called the first four generations of the X series at Manticore.” I said.

“X series?”

“It’s what I am, an X5. Tell me what you are.” I said. I spot a pack of cigarettes on the desk and pick them up. “You mind?” I asked sliding one out.

“They aren’t mine, they belong to my childe Spike, but go ahead.” I nodded thanks and light one up.

“So…” I try to prompt him. He seems reluctant to talk.

“I can make you spill everything.” I said, it’s a bit of an empty threat, but it gets him talking.

“There’s no easy way to say this… I’m a vampire.” I looked at him waiting for more.

“Well?” he asked, I just keep looking at him smoking.

“What to do expect me to say? This world is still new to me. What’s a vampire?” I asked and pour myself a third scotch. I put my smoke on the ashtray and using two pencils off Angels’ desk I put my hair up.

Angel watches me closely, his dark brown eyes, much like my own darken to almost black. Then they are yellow and his whole face changes. His brow juts out over his golden eyes and I can see sharp teeth in his mouth. He growls at me, like he’s trying to scare me. I stand up, drink and smoke forgotten and I walk around the desk to stand in front of him. His face ripples like it’s going to go away.

“No. Not yet.” I say and his face stays. I raise my hand and reach to gently touch his brow, but he pulls away. I try again and this time he lets me and to my surprise he leans into my hand. I trail me fingers over his ridges then he reaches up and gently takes my hand holding it loosely in his own.

“You are the first person to not scream the first time they see my real face.” He says softly. He tugs on my hand and pulls me into his lap.

“Thankyou.” He says, and then he’s kissing me. After a moment I return it and I gotta say this guy is a great kisser. I’ve only ever kissed a couple of boys at Manticore so Angel’s kiss blew me away, I got so caught up in it I didn’t even realize I sliced my tongue open on his fangs, then Angel moaned.

“My god, you taste so good.” It takes me a moment to understand what he said. Then I pull my head away to catch my breath and I notice the metallic tang in my mouth. I reach up and touch my tongue, my fingers come away bloody.

He’s so tall that even with me sitting on his lap I still have to look up at him. But now I am looking at his human mask. I am so confused, still learning things. Then this man… vampire shows up. And says things about vampires and demons. I’m still getting used to humans.

“What are you?” I say again jumping of his lap and snatching up my drink. I shoot it back, the alcohol stings my cut tongue but I ignore it and pour myself another drink.

“A vampire…”

“What is that?” I yell. “You talk of these things like I’m supposed to know what they are. I’ve only been free a few months and I didn’t really have a chance to learn human myths and legends!” He stands up and walks over to me. He stops in front of me and once again I have to look up at him.

“Did I scare you?” he asks putting my drink on the desk and gently grasping me by my upper arms

“Not really. It takes a lot more than that to scare me. I’m a trained soldier.” I say leaning back on the desk.

“Do you drink blood? Is that what you meant by my taste?” I ask willing myself not to just lean in against his chest, and have him hold me.

“Yeah, I do drink blood. But I didn’t kiss you just then so I could have a taste of transgenic blood. I know I only just met you and I kind of held you captive for a while but I feel something for you. Do you know what that is? To feel something for another person?’” Angel asks me. For a second I feel insulted, am I a bad kisser or something? Well, you know what they say, practice make perfect.

I don’t say anything. Instead I splay my hands over his chest and give him a quick shove. He falls backwards into his desk chair and I climb onto his lap again.

“I may be new to the world, but I do know what it feels like to like someone. And I’m pretty sure I’m feelin’ somethin’ for ya. Where I come from violence is a form of foreplay, you had me freaked out cause you bested me. No ones ever done that before. And I was angry that you beat me when I thought you were an ordinary.” I say running my hands over his face, down his neck to the buttons of his blue work shirt. I trail my index finger down the buttons and back up again. I smirk at him again and reach down to my leg to pull out the knife strapped under my black leather pants.

“Didn’t I take that?” he asks staring at the blade.

“You think that was the only weapon I had on me?” I counter.

“So if we’re going to make out, do I get your name?” Angel asks. I bring the knife up and use it to pop off his buttons exposing his toned chest. I turn briefly and put my knife on his desk and pick up my scotch. I turn back to face Angel and dribble the scotch down his chest and drop the glass.

“Tari.” I say before I dip my head and start to lick the alcohol off his body as his arms close around me.

“Tari, there’s something you have to know.” His voice is rough in my ear.

“Mmmmm?” I mumble against this chest.

“I can’t.” he whispers against my ear. I raise my head and look at him in confusion.

“Feel’s like you can.” I say and move against his groin where he is quite ready.

“No, I have a soul, and if I have a moment of perfect happiness – which I am sure I would get with you – then I would loose my soul. I’m not a very nice person without it.”

“So let’s not go all the way until we find something to make it stay.” I say and kiss him. “What you said before about feeling something for me… well I feel it too. I do…I’ve never felt this about anyone before.” I say smiling at him, he smiles back and kisses me again.

We kiss for ages, and sometime during the night I guess I fell asleep. I don’t need much, but I haven’t had a decent sleep since I got out of Manticore 6 months ago. Never felt safe enough to sleep deep, something about Angel makes me let my guard down. A sharp rap on the door wakes me up, to my sleep-addled mind it sounds like a gunshot and I jump to my feet. When I turn around with my knife from Angel’s desk in my hand there’s a middle-aged man standing there. Looking down at a book.

 “Angel. I found this short passage about – ” he looks up and stops. I recognize him immediately, and I think he knows who I am.

I jump over the desk, dropping my knife. I don’t need it and rush him, knocking him over. I start punching him in the head and chest.

One for Eva.

One for Jack.

One for Max.

One for Zack.

One for Faith.

One for every member of my first unit. My family

Angel jumps to his feet and I feel him trying to pull me off him, but I am too angry to register his efforts. Then I feel another pair of strong grip me on one arm while I feel Angel’s arms around my waist and together they pull me off.

Angel stands and keeps his vice like grip on my waist while a young black man checks on Dr. Wyndam. I am struggling to get out of Angel’s grip but he wont let me go. Instead he tries to distract me by kissing the back of my neck and murmuring against my barcode. Unfortunately Angel’s distraction works and I go limp in his arms. He leads me back over to his desk chair and sits us in it.

“Gunn, take Wes down to the infirmary while I talk with Tari?” He asks the black man.

“Who is she? Besides Faith’s twin obviously?” Gunn asks helping Dr. Wyndam to stand.

“Tari, she’s looking for Faith. Tari, this is one of my employee’s Charles Gunn.” Angel introduces us. I ignore Gunn and keep my gaze on Dr. Wyndam.

Gunn and Dr. Wyndam leave and Angel finally releases his hold on me. He stands us up and sits me back in the chair so he can sit in front of me and see my face.

I reach around him and pick up Spike’s smokes. I look down at my hands and see they are shaking I am so angry. I try and light the damn thing but my hands are shaking too much. Without saying a word Angel takes the lighter from my hand and lights it for me.

“Tari? What was that?” he asks after I take a couple of deep drags on the cigarette.

“He used to work at Manticore, he was a sadistic bastard. He ordered Eva and Jack be killed so he could experiment on them. He tested all these drugs on them and then when they died from them he cut them open. He was most of the reason the others escaped.” I tell him, I can tell he’s having a hard time believing me.

“Why didn’t you leave then?” he asks. I jump to my feet and pace around the room, Angel only turns his chair around to watch me.

“You look like a caged lion.” He says watching my progress.

“I feel like one.” I reply. Angel stands and stops me; he takes the cigarette off me and drops it in the ashtray. I fall into his arms.


“I just want to feel.” I say then I step away and start pacing again, Angel tries to stop me again but I shake him off.

“Tari? Why did you stay?” He asks from where I left him.

“I couldn’t leave. He’d put me in a coma from one of his experiments. When I woke up and was sent back to my barrack everyone but Jace was gone. She told me they left. I wanted to go but they stepped up on security. He left four years ago.” I kept up my restless pacing while I told him walking past him several times. He didn’t try to stop me again.

“Come on.” He says and extends his hand. I stop on the opposite side of the room.

“What?” I ask.

“We’re going out.” He walks over to a cupboard and pulls out a new black shirt and a black duster. He strips out of the shirt I ruined and puts on the black one then the duster. He walks over to me and once again extends his hand. I take it and he leads me out of the office to the elevator.

“I’m surprised you still want to be around me let alone trust me.” I say as the doors hiss shut. Angel doesn’t say anything for a moment, and then he turns and faces me.

“I understand you had a different life and seeing Wesley gave you a shock. I am not going to hold that against you.” He tells me pulling me into another hug, I don’t know what it is but something about this man has totally changed my whole demeanor. Don’t get me wrong I will forever be on guard around ordinaries but Angel is different. He’s safe, he’s superhuman, he’s a lot like me. I guess that’s why I like him so much.

“Thankyou.” I say and mean it. The elevator comes to a stop and there is a black stretch limo waiting for us. Angel opens the door and we get in.

I feel the car move off and I know that Angel’s original idea was for me to see LA as well as get out of the office. But instead of looking out the windows I pull Angel down on top of me on the huge backseat and continue our earlier activity. 


We defeated the First. There are now millions of slayers in the world; I don’t think that the world will miss one.

“You’re leaving?” I turn and Dawn is standing at the door to my room where I am packing my things.

“Yeah, gonna go find some of my fam.” I tell Buffy’s younger sister.

“Will you keep in touch? You’re like half my big sister too.” Dawn says. Giles found out during the whole Glory thing that Dawn was made out of both slayers at the time – Buffy and myself – but they gave her to B cause of the whole mom thing. Plus I was in jail, not the best environment for an impressionable teenaged girl.

“Sure, I’ll write.” I say in my usual non-committal way. I pick up my bag and pat Dawn’s shoulder on my way out.

“Later brat.” I say. Everyone is in the living room, makes this easier.

“So, I’m gonna take off.” I begin. Buffy, Giles, Xander, Willow, Wood, Andrew and Kennedy are there.

“What?” Buffy asks, she doesn’t look too pleased.

“You got it covered B. Don’t need me around.”

“How do you know? I was counting on you to help train the slayers.” Buffy says jumping to her feet.

“First mistake. You should know by now not to count on me. I’ll be in touch. If there’s another apocalypse beep me.” I pick up my bag and walk out of the big empty house we moved into when Sunnydale went back to hell.

“Faith.” I stop but don’t turn around.

“Do you have to go?”

“No. But I want to. It’s time for me to face my past, and to do that I gotta find my sibs.” I turn to face him. The old principal of Sunnydale High. The last one too. The first man I ever really got close to.

“Can I come with?” he asks. And I actually want him to.

“Sorry, solo mission.” I walk up to him and kiss him softly.

“I’m still prettier than you.” I say laughing and walk away. 

LOS ANGELES: California.

The next day I walk along the fence looking for a secluded spot so I can jump it. I’m probably stupid for coming back here, but I decide I at least owe it to Angel to tell him my plans. Once over the checkpoint fence I head over to Angel’s hotel but it’s empty. I do a complete sweep and there isn’t anyone here. I decide to stay here in Angel’s office when I hear the front door open.

I hide behind the door and wait for whoever it is.

“Somewhere over the rainbow…” I know that voice.

“Lorne.” I say coming out of my hiding place.

“Faith! God don’t do that.” Lorne yells at me. I can’t help but smile at him.

“So. Where’s Fang and the gang?” I ask getting to business.

“Oh, right. They’re over at the Wolfram and Hart – ”

“What!?” I ask incredulous.

“It’s okay sugar buns they own the LA branch. Come on I’ll take you over there.” Lorne says and we go out to his car.

“When did that happen?” I ask as he speeds down the road to the CBD.

“About 3 months after you left. Lilah came back from the dead, and as a reward for killing a demon that W&H really wanted gone they told Angel cakes that he won and they were turning over the LA building. We all have our own mini sections. I’m in charge of our famous clients.” Lorne boasts on our way there.

“Well here we are sweetling, Angel’s on the 23rd floor.” Lorne says and leaves me. I step into the elevator and push number 23.

When I step out of the elevator there is a guy sitting behind a desk reading the paper, I run past at my full abilities and I am in Angels’ office before he even realizes the doors have opened.

It was all for nothing though, the office is empty. I drop my bag and take a seat on the sofa to wait for him to return. After an hour the door opened and a familiar blonde man appears.

“Spike?” I ask like my eyes are playing tricks on me.

“Slayer.” Spike says looking around the room. He then walks over to Angel’s desk and picks up a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He opens them and stops.

“Bloody hell. Have you been into these?” he asks. I shake my head. He walks over and flops down next to me and offers me one. I take it and even let him light it for me.

“How are you alive?” I ask. Buffy told me that amulet Angel gave her dusted him.

“Dunno, I just sort of appeared in front of Fred one day and haunted her for a bit. Then she and the watcher did some spell and I’m me again. Soul included.” Spike says taking a puff.

“Why didn’t you ever call? Tell Buffy?” I ask. Buffy told me over tequila shooters the night after that she told Spike she loved him and she actually meant it.

“Buffy don’t need me.” He says.

“Bullshit. She told me, when she said she loved you just before you dusted she meant it.” I tell him, even though I told her I wouldn’t. Her second mistake.

“Well being dead put things into perspective for me. I don’t think I ever really loved her as a person. It was what she was, a slayer.” Spike says. I shrug, and finish up my smoke.

“What you doin’ here slayer?” Spike asks me I roll my eyes.

“I have a name you know.”

“I know.” He says with his ever-present smirk.

“Just came to tell Angel I’m going to look for my family. I figure I kind of owe him.” I say and Spike nods. We sit in silence for a while and it’s a comfortable one.

Then I hear the elevator doors open and Angel gets off. He’s not alone either.

“He’s back. With someone.” I say and I stand, Spike follows. The door to the office opens and Angel walks in with a girl in front of him. His arms wrapped around her waist he’s smiling and kissing the back of her neck.

“Sire?” Spike asks. Angel’s head snaps up and he turns to look at us. Which give me a front on view with his new girl.

She has my face.

“Tari?” I ask. I can’t believe it. My twin, my real family.

“Faith.” She says. Angel lets go of her but she stays where she is.

“What are you doing here?” we ask each other in unison.

“I thought you were still at Manticore.” I say she nods and sits down on the sofa Spike and I vacated.

“Manticore is gone. Max helped me get out.” Tari says.

“Max’s alive?” I ask, I always wondered and Zack would never tell me anything.

“Every one who escaped is alive except for Zack, Ben and Tinga.”

“Zack’s gone? Who’s CO?” I ask. Ben was next in line.

“I am. Jace and I were put into our twin’s unit. Jace was CO first then Max got her out last year when she got pregnant.” Tari said

“So was it just you that got out?” I ask.

“Everyone is out, even the Nomlies. Max got them all out, and Alec. He’s Ben’s twin.”

I don’t know what to say, I’m shocked. I look at her we are so identical, but so different. She is every inch the leader. I thought I was a bad ass, but compared to my sister I must look like Britney Spears.

“What’s with you and Fang?” I ask quietly, Angel and Spike are on the other side of the room.

“Who?” she asks confused, I forgot she’s only been out in the real world for a little while.

“Angel?” I clarify for Tari, she looks over at him and smiles.

“I like him. He’s very different to Manticore boys; he’s an amazing kisser. We spent the night making out and sleeping in his desk chair.” Tari says and I am happy for her.

“Do you know he’s a vampire? And about the curse?” I ask, I’m happy for her but I don’t wanna see him hurt her. Ten years apart and I fall back into the big sister routine so easy. She and I were the youngest of our unit, and now she’s in charge of it.

“Yeah, he told me. He even tasted my blood.” She says she’s still staring at him.

I guess he’s hot. Spike is too for that matter.

“Have a nice reunion girls?” Angel asks coming back over. Tari stands and nods her head. She actually lets him pull her into his arms. She smiles up at him and they share a tender kiss.

Maybe she does still have some innocence. Spike comes over and flops down next to me again, this time he has a tumbler or scotch to go with our cigs.

“Sweet ain’t it?” Spike drawls out sarcastically. I take a big gulp of my drink.

“Oh yeah.” I reply, my tone identical to Spikes.

“Angel told me she beat the crap out of Wes. Took him and Gunn to pull her off him.” Spike says.

“No way!” I say, “My baby sister beating up Wes? Why?” I ask.

“Peaches said he was a doc did some bad stuff to her and her sibs. You remember him?”

“Oh god. How could I forget?”

“Forget what love?” Spike asks I look at him, can I tell him the truth?

“Tell him Faith, Angel knows about me. They’re trustworthy.” Tari says from Angel’s arms. I nod and turn to face Spike.

“Tari and I aren’t human, we’re transgenic.” I say and show Spike my barcode. Tari turns and shows him hers.

“What’s that? A transgenic?” Spike asks confused.

“Transgenics are hybrids. We’re part human and the rest is different animals. For example, Tari and I are mostly made up of feline and shark DNA. It makes our senses of sight, sound and smell much more advanced. Even more than vampires. And the shark means we don’t really need much sleep. The barcodes are so the people who made us can always find us and they’re our identities.”

“Identities?” Angel asks.

“Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you, we named each other, Lydecker and the other military personnel at Manticore called us by our designation. I’m X5-439 and Faith is X5-438.” Tari tells Angel and Spike.

“So how does Wesley fit into all of this?” Spike asks getting back to the initial question.

“He was a doctor at Manticore years ago. He terrorized us for ten years.” I start.

“16.” Tari says quietly, I don’t understand at first.


“16 years, he only left four years ago.” Tari says to the three of us. I see her shudder at the memories and lean more into the security of Angel’s embrace.

“Oh god, I am so sorry ’Ri. I wanted to wait, so did Max and Ren, Zack said no.” I say stricken. I left my twin sister behind and hardly thought about her in the last ten years.

“It’s okay. I understand. I didn’t wake up until 2 months later anyway, plus I had Jace.” Tari tries to assure me. I can see in her eyes she only half means it.

“Back to Wes?” Spike asks. I roll my eyes and turn to him.

“He tortured us when we were kids, just cause he could.” I say shortly and get up from the sofa. I walk over to Angel’s big desk and drink that last of the scotch.

The door opens and Gunn walks in. I turn to look at him over the rim of my glass.

“Wes is okay considering, she only broke his nose, and gave him black eyes.” Gunn informs Angel.

“Too bad it wasn’t his neck ‘Ri.” I say for only here to hear.

“I can’t believe I forgot him.” I yell throwing the tumbler at the wall where it smashes.

“Faith, it’s okay. You were only a kid, it’s normal to forget traumatic events. You could’ve even made yourself forget. Remember that? They taught us how to forget things.” Tari tries to calm me.

“He has been in my life for the last four years.” I say quietly to my sister. She moves to stand in front of me and I pull her head in to touch mine.

“Sisters forever.” We whisper, an old comfort thing from Manticore.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have our revenge.” I say just to her. She smiles at me.

“Yes we will, we owe Eva and Jack that much.” She replies. 


I watch Faith and Tari’s reunion. It looks strained. I don’t think Tari ever got over being left behind, especially with Faith being her blood sister. I think back on this afternoons limo ride, we drove around for hours, and then parked. I want her so badly, and for once Angelus is in total agreement. But I won’t let him out. Angelus hates emotions and he would kill her. I’ll call Willow later and see if she can look into it for me, the only obstacle will be Buffy. Especially seeing as how I want a permanent soul so Faith’s twin and I can be together.

It’s amazing seeing the two of them together. They’re so identical, I can only tell them apart because they have on different clothes. Gunn is watching them with distrust in his eyes. Until he can tell them apart he won’t trust either of them. Maybe I can convince Tari to tell Gunn and Fred the truth about them and their past with Wes.

Which after seeing Faith I believe with all my heart. Tari may be a hard as nails soldier and Commanding Officer of her kind, but she wouldn’t just go after a human for no reason. And she was really upset about what he did to Eva and Jack.

I look to Spike, who is sitting on the sofa smoking and watching Faith. He’s going to give up one slayer for another. So like my childe.

“So Fang. Got anything to eat?” one of them asks. I smile.

“Upstairs in my apartment, and I’d appreciate if you don’t teach that particular nick name to my girl.” I say. My eyes fly to meet Tari’s she looks as surprised as I feel. ‘My girl?’ I’ve only known her for a two days, held her against her will even but I’m falling in love with her. I wonder if she’ll ever love me? Maybe she’s like Faith and is more of a use ‘em and loose ‘em type.

“Your girl?!” Gunn asks incredulous. “Your girl just about killed Wes this morning!” he yells in my face, his eyes flick to Tari and Faith who both look impassive, it seems to anger him more.

“Yes, my girl. And there were extenuating circumstances regarding that incident.”

Tari walks over to me. “I’m your girl?” she asks.

“If you want to be.” I say. She steps up to me so we are touching, then she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my head down to her level.

“Only if you’re gonna be my man.” She says in a teasing tone. I smile at her and pull her closer and kiss her, which she returns with vigor.

The door slamming breaks us up. Gunn is gone and Spike and Faith are standing there with big grins on their faces.

“What’s his problem?” Tari asks and tries to kiss me again, I move away.

“I don’t know but I’d better go find out. Spike can you take the girls up to our apartment?” I ask my blonde childe. He nods and picks up Faith’s duffle bag. I kiss Tari again then leave the office in search of Gunn,

“Okay ladies, if you’ll follow me.” I hear Spike say, he’ll take them up via the elevator in my office.

I pull out a walkie-talkie and press 1.


“Is Gunn there?” I ask as I step into the lift.

“No sir, he was about ten minutes ago.”

“Thanks.” I say and disconnect. Then I push 2.


“Gunn down there?” I ask. Pushing floor 12.

“Yes sir.”

“Good don’t let him leave until I get there.” I say and hang up.

“Gunn.” I say, he’s punching a bag and he looks pissed.

“What?” he snaps.

“Tari had a good reason to reacting the way she did when she saw Wesley this morning. They have a history.” I tell him. He stops punching the bag and takes a swig of water.

“What is it?” he puffs out.

“Not for me to tell, but I’ll tell you right now, don’t mess with her.”

“Or what? You’ll mess with me?” he spits out.

“No, Tari is quite capable of taking care of herself. She’ll take it personally if you try anything with her or Faith.” I say. I want to tell Gunn the truth, but it’s like I said, not for me to tell.

“Fine then, just keep her away from me.” Gunn says and returns to punching the bag. I guess that’s it, so I leave. I pull out the comm. and press 7 for the penthouse.

“It’s me.” Spike says.

“I’m going out for a bit, are the girls okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, Faith empted out the fridge and is now running out all the hot water, and Tari is taking a nap in your bed.” I can hear in Spikes voice that he’s smirking at me.

“I’ll be back later, beep me only if it’s important.” I say and disconnect the comm. I give it to the young woman running the front desk, and leave the building. The sun set 20 minutes ago.

I walk to the park two blocks from the office in the hope I’ll find a stray vamp. I can hear the sounds of fighting when I enter the gates to the park and jog off in the direction. I stop at nearly the center of the park and see Gunn fighting five vamps on his own. I step in to give him a hand.

“Go away, I got this.” Gunn says to me the minute I join him.

“You’re outnumbered.” I say and kick one away from me, with a flick of my wrist I am holding a stake and I plunge it into its heart. It explodes to ash.

I only get to kill the one, Gunn kills the rest. Then without a word he turns and walks away, back towards the gate closest to the office. But that’s okay, I didn’t come to talk to Gunn. I came here to think. Not brood.

Think about how to tell Willow I want a permanent soul. And how it’s not so I can be with Buffy. Maybe I should try and find someone else, Willow and Buffy are really close, I can’t ask Willow to lie. Giles is out to because of his connection to Buffy too. Can’t ask Wes either after this morning.

Willow it is. I pull out my cell phone and hit the speed dial for Willow’s cell.


“Willow, it’s Angel. I need you to do something for me and Buffy and Giles can’t know. Just say yes or no, I won’t hold it against you.” I say quickly before she can say my name.

“Yes.” She says simply, and I know I can trust her.

“I need you to find me a permanent soul Willow.” I tell her, I see a bench and sit on it.

“Do you mind if I ask why?” Willow asks, she’s gotten better at the cloak and dagger, she sounds really calm.

“Well I’ve met someone, and Buffy can’t know just yet.” I say running a hand through my hair.

“Why not?” she asks and I sigh and lean back.

“It’s Faith’s twin sister that I’ve fallen for, we met a couple nights ago,” I say but Willow interrupts.

“Twin? She has a twin? And you wanna be able to get happy with her?” Willow asks surprised.

“Yes Will and that’s why Buffy can’t know yet, Faith and Tari have just met again after ten years apart, I can’t ask Wes to look because he had a bad past with Tari, she beat him up this morning. Giles is out because he’s like Buffy’s father, can you do this Willow?” I ask, explaining why I am asking her to do it.

“I’ll see what I can find. And your secret is safe…for now.”

“Thank you Willow.” I say and click off.

I stand up and continue my walk. 


“Did you leave any hot water?” I ask Faith as she comes out of the steam filled bathroom toweling off her wet hair.

“There might be some left.” She says coyly flopping onto the sofa, remote in hand.

“Tari still asleep?” Faith asks flipping through the channels. I walk over to the sofa and hand Faith a can of coke and a plate of nachos. Back in the kitchen I have a mug of blood for myself, I drink it quickly and put the mug in the dishwasher.

“Yeah, she is. I thought you didn’t need to sleep?” I ask, looking at Faith. She turns off the TV and turns to face me.

“We don’t, but if it’s been a while she’ll really need it, and I’m guessing it probably has been. This will last her four to five days.” Faith says munching on her nachos.

“So when will you need to sleep again?” I ask. Faith looks at me with a devious smile.

“Why? Are you offerin’ somethin’?” she asks. I think it over a second. Am I? Do I want to get involved with another slayer?

“Would you accept?” I ask. Now it’s her turn to think.

“If ya wanna have some fun I’m game, but I don’t do relationships.” She answers, maybe a casual thing would be okay, but now that I think about it, maybe now isn’t the time.

“Now’s not a good time anyway, still getting used to bein alive again.” I say, Faith shrugs and turns back to the TV where she puts on MTV.

We sit in silence, but it’s not tense. 


I wake up surrounded by his scent and I smile. I don’t know how long I slept for but I’m still tired. So I roll over and try to sleep again.

“Want some company?” I smile in my sleep and moan a yes.

I feel his weight on the bed then his arms wrap around me pulling me in tight against his hard body. I am naked because I only have the one set of clothes and Angel is in his boxers, but he doesn’t do anything except for kiss the back of my neck. Such a gentleman.

I fall back asleep and continue my dream, I am back in Manticore during a training session when Lydecker comes into the gym followed by two men who are dragging Faith.

“X5-439.” Lydecker snaps and I snap to attention.

“Sir?” I ask respectfully.

“We have captured X5-438, as punishment for escaping she is to executed.” He says and hands me a semi-automatic weapon. I accept the gun and without a moments hesitation I shoot my sister in the head. With the sound of the gun shot ringing in my head I bolt up in bed breathing hard.

“Are you alright?” Angel asks me a hand resting gently on my back I shake my head.

“I killed her. I did what he wanted and I killed her without…I didn’t even care.” I say starting to sob. Angel sits up and embraces me.

“Faith?” he asks, I nod once. “It’s okay, it was only a dream and I know that you wouldn’t really do that.” He says, I want to believe him.

“How? How can you know?” I ask slipping out of his arms and getting out of the bed. I am not fazed by my nudity.

“What do you want me to say? I will say whatever will make you feel better. Truth is you’re right, I don’t know. Could you sleep some more?” he asks.

I shrug and climb back into bed with him. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me.


I guess I fell back to sleep because when I woke up again from another less violent dream Angel wasn’t there just his lingering scent, which was just as comforting after my dream.

“Hey sis.” I look for the voice and find Faith sitting in a wingback chair shrouded in shadows. “Nightmares?” she asks.

“Just memories, though they probably would be nightmares for you.” I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. I sounded angry. I guess I am holding a grudge.

“What’s that meant to mean?” Faith asked getting defensive.

“Nothing.” I say shaking my head.

“No. you got something to say, say it. You’ve been weird since we met in Angel’s office. What’s wrong with you?” Faith asks jumping out of the chair and standing at the foot of the bed. I sit up and cover my chest with the sheet.

“Nothing.” I say again.

“That’s bullshit Ri.” Faith yells at me.

“You want me to talk about it Faith? Think it will help me to get over it?” I yell back losing my temper, again something I don’t do very often. She nods her arms crossed tightly across her chest.

“Well it won’t. Every day in that place was torture made worse be the fact that my twin sister wasn’t there.”

“I apologized…” Faith began.

“And that makes it all better?” I ask incredulous.

“I had it hard as well you know. I was alone too.” Faith said.

“At least you were free. I still had Lydecker and Wyndam. I still belonged to the government.” I say getting out of the bed and pulling on my clothes.

“I couldn’t stay anymore. Not after what happened to Eva and Jack… to you.” She says.

“But you could leave me, your true blood relation.” I say tears welling in my eyes, but I forced them back. I am not going to let her see how much it affected me.

“I didn’t have a choice. You still had Jace.” She says like she’s trying to make me feel better. It’s not working. I quickly zipped up my boots and stood.

“You had a choice. You could’ve stayed.” I say and begin strapping several knives to my body

“I didn’t –” she stops, not knowing what to say I guess. I walk to the door and place my hand on the knob.

 “Please don’t leave.” Faith says.

I turn and look her right in the eyes. I push open the door.

“Why not? You left me easily enough.” I step over the threshold and gently pull the door closed behind me. I can hear Faith crying softly.

“Which one are you?” I jump at the sound and spin around to see Spike sitting in the sofa with the TV on.

“The bad one.” I say stalking him, I reach over the back of the sofa and pick up his pack of smokes.

“Faith?” he asks while I light it.

“She’s not the bad one.” I say and saunter out the front door, Spike’s pack of smokes and his lighter still in my hand. With a smile I jam them into my pocket and take the elevator down to the lobby.

I walk out the front door into the bright sun wishing I had some sunglasses. I turn left and walk into the city, looking for a mall. When I got free I set up an account for myself and I have a charge card to go with it. I need to get some new clothes and weapons. Maybe some transport.


It is almost dark when I get back to the firm. I brought myself a cute black zippy convertible BMW roadster, very swish. The trunk and the backseat are filled with bags.

“Id miss?” a voice says at my head. I look up and see a guard manning the car park booth.

“I don have one. I am a guest of Angel’s.” I say pushing my new sunglasses up into my hair.

“Sorry miss, but no one gets in here without id.” The bulky guy said. I contemplated knocking him out and just driving on but I resisted. I had a feeling that Angel wouldn’t like that.

“Look if you just call up to his office or the penthouse he’ll tell you. I walked out the front door this afternoon to go shopping and I hadn’t seen him yet so I couldn’t get an ID or anything. Will you please just call up to him.” I asked I knew I sounded pushy but I was tired and cranky.

“All right I’ll call up, just wait here.” He guard said I nodded and turned up the rock cd I put on before pulling into the parking garage.

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