Hanging in the Balance

Series: It's Destined

Author: Kizmet


“It’s like she just disappeared off the face of the earth!” Buffy exclaimed, her eyes sweeping over the Slayerettes new and old plus her mom, searching for reassurance and finding none. “I’ve searched every where but no Dawn… Do you think Glory has her?”

“I don’t know if it means anything,” Xander said. “But Spike didn’t make it back to his crypt today either. That makes two days running. It worries me that he disappears the same night Dawn does. You know how far we can trust him.”

“I hate to bring up more bad news,” Willow said. “But Spike and Dawn aren’t the only ones missing. Cole was absent from school as well. He doesn’t really live at Angel’s old building either. I checked with the landlady; no one named O’Neill rents from her. But she had seen a boy that sounds like Cole hanging around during the last month or so. She remembered him because he asked a lot of questions… About Angel.”

“Angel? That doesn’t make sense,” Buffy said. “If he’s one of Glory’s minions, or one those other Hellgods, or one of the knights I fought, or anybody else who’s after the Key, why would he be interested in Angel? Angel’s not involved in this, he doesn’t even know about Dawn being the Key.”

“We seem to have quite a number of pieces to the puzzle,” Giles said. “But none of them fit together.”

The doorbell rang and Joyce excused herself to answer it, she returned with Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and a strange woman in tow.

“Why are you guys here?” Buffy asked, a sense of dread filling her.

“We’re looking for a boy…” Angel began.

“Cole!” Buffy exclaimed.

“How did you know?” Wesley asked.

“He was dating Dawn,” Buffy said.

Cordelia choked on repressed laughter. “Don’t mind me,” she said. “It’s just… Buffy’s kid sister and… I’m shutting up now, you didn’t have to elbow me Gunn.”

“Where is he?” Angel asked urgently.

“I knew it!” Buffy moaned. “He’s some sort of evil demon isn’t he?”

“Cole isn’t a demon,” Angel said angrily.

“Then what is he? Why are YOU looking for him?” Buffy demanded.

“He’s my son,” Anna said, stepping forward.

“Our son,” Angel corrected softly.

Buffy’s legs collapsed under her, dropping her onto the couch. She couldn’t say anything. She just stared at Angel.

“You cheated on Buffy!” Willow accused Angel angrily. Then paused. “Or, considering Cole’s age, maybe it would be more accurate to say you cheated with Buffy.”

“You’re one to talk,” Cordy commented.

“I’m assuming there’s a long explanation,” Xander said mildly. “Including why NO ONE here knew you had a kid before tonight.”

“How would also prove quite the story,” Giles said, in full watcher mode. “It should be an impossibility.

“I guess I really don’t know you at all,” Buffy said, still staring at Angel.

“Oh for the love of God,” Anna huffed. “I walked out of Liam’s life more than two centuries ago, at least as this dimension counts time. He died before I realized I was carrying and had no way of knowing I was alive or that Cole even existed until yesterday. He didn’t betray you Buffy. Now can we move on? Where is my son!?”

“Missing,” Anya supplied. “Along with Buffy’s younger sister and Spike.”


Dawn sat on the floor in the center of the buried church, a shackle around her ankle chained to a ring set in the floor. Her eyes were wide with fear and her breathing jagged as Drucillia knelt behind her, twisting the younger girl’s hair into an elaborate plait.

Spike hovered nearby and Cole glared from where he was chained at the foot of the Master’s throne, several more bruises adorned his arms and there was a cut across his forehead, curtsey of his earlier attempt at defiance. If he hadn’t left his sword in the pack he was certain he could have taken at least one of the vampires, but unarmed he hadn’t stood a chance against their greater speed and strength.

“I think I shall taste her,” Dru announced. “She’s energy with blood, it’s most curious.”

“She’s mine Dru,” Spike growled, pushing the dark haired vampiress away from Dawn.

“You always used to share with your princess,” Dru pouted, scowling at Spike.

“You’re not exactly mine anymore are you Dru,” Spike replied. “If you’ve gotta eat someone, eat the boy. He’s as close to tasting Angel as a human as you’ll ever find.”

Dawn, who had been huddled against Spike, drew away from him at his suggestion, her eyes both angry and fearful.

“I think I shall, just a taste though,” Dru said, swaying across the room to Cole.

The boy’s dark eyes slowly dilated as he repeatedly drew deep breaths, forcing himself to stay calm and collected. He didn’t fight as Dru tipped his head back, exposing his neck.

Cole was vaguely aware that Dawn was shrieking at Spike, begging the muzzled vampire to protect him, but Cole shut it out. He couldn’t afford to depend on Spike’s benevolence.

Cole shuttered as Drucillia’s fangs delicately broke the skin over his jugular. As her skin came in contact with his, Cole reached into her mind and twisted her perceptions. Dru pulled back, glaring at Cole as she spat out a mouthful of blood. “Soap!” she cried in outrage.

“Payback sis!” Cole crowed triumphantly.

“It’s a time honored tradition among siblings,” Dawn added, giggling in relief. “Even ones who aren’t really related.”

“I’m thinking Buffy did pretty well in the supernatural relations deal,” Cole said to Dawn. “She got you and look what I get.”

Dawn giggled again, feeling a little giddy.

Dru glared angrily at both of them. “Brats!” she spat.

“Oh…” Dru moaned a few minutes later, clutching her stomach. “What has Grandmother done? This won’t do at all. It just won’t do. Spike, watch them, I must have words with Grandmummy-baby. If they escape I shall be most put out with you my knight.”


Angel paced restlessly about the Summer’s kitchen and front room. Willow and Tara were looking into tracing Cole and Dawn magically, which left the rest of them with little to do but wait.

It was a hard position to be in. It had been better than a month since Angel had worked as a part of a team and even longer since he’d stopped for anything more than an hour or two of sleep. There had always been something to do. Harassing Lindsey and Lilah if nothing else, or endless training. Anything to keep moving, to keep from reflecting.

Now they wanted him to wait, to stop, to accept that there were things he needed others for. It could drive a person insane.

As he made his way past the couch for what was probably the three-dozenth time Anna reached out and caught his arm. She encouraged Angel to take a seat beside her. “You’re making everyone nervous Liam,” she said quietly. “Take a deep breath, calm down.”

“I don’t breath,” Angel replied shortly.

“Then count to ten,” Anna said implacably. “And still calm down. Li, I need you to hold together, please sit.”

Reluctantly Angel took a seat beside Anna. She kept her hand on his forearm, as if to tether him there.

Buffy, just coming back downstairs from her room, glared at the pair. “Angel could I talk with you, in private?” she asked.

“I’m calm,” Angel said apologetically to Anna as he got up and followed Buffy back upstairs.

“What’s going on with you?” Buffy demanded as soon as her bedroom door closed behind them. “You fire your friends, you won’t take my calls…”

“I won’t take your calls?” Angel replied angrily. “The only person living in this house that doesn’t hang up as soon as she recognizes my voice is Dawn.”

“I was mad at you!” Buffy yelled back. “If anything important had happened, like say if I had killed a bunch of people, I would have called you!”

“Your sister is some sort of magical key, all my memories of her are false and there’s a hellgod fighting you for her! That’s nothing?” Angel exclaimed. “You didn’t even tell me how Joyce’s surgery went. Dawn told me. Didn’t you think I cared?”

“No I didn’t,” Buffy replied. “You never even ask about me when you call.”

“How the hell would you know what I ask Dawn or Xander,” Angel snapped.

“I listen in okay!” Buffy shouted. “All you ever do is obsess about Darla and that stupid law firm! … You’ve been talking to Xander?”

“Dawn tells me about what’s going on in your life as soon as I call. I don’t have to ask that, she knows I need to hear that you’re okay! She asks what’s happening to me, so I tell her. That way, if you gave a damn, someone could catch you up on my life.” Angel replied. “But maybe you’ve been missing the first part of the conversation. Yeah I tell Dawn about Darla and Wolfram and Hart. That’s what I’m trying to deal with! I don’t obsess!”

“Yes you do!” Cordy yelled through the door.

“Mind your own business Cordelia!” Angel yelled back. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that you shouldn’t eves-drop?"

“It’s not eves-dropping when the whole house can hear the two of you screaming at each other.” Cordy replied.

“What’s your excuse Buffy?” Angel asked.

“Why would I want to talk with you anyway? All you’d do is go on about Darla. Who really cares about Darla?” Buffy snapped. “Angel, when are you going to face the fact that all she is is an evil bitch who’s only purpose in being alive is to screw with your mind?”

“Oh she’s interested in more than his mind,” Cordy added from the hallway. “There’s his body too.”

Angel jerked the door open and Cordy jumped back with a squawk.

Standing in the doorway, Angel paused to look back at Buffy. “Darla was human, she had a soul. If she can’t be redeemed how can I?” he asked in a soft voice that held despair as well as anger. Then he turned and rushed down the stairs. Angel snatched up his duster from where he hung it beside the door and stalked out into the night, the door slamming shut behind him.

“Angel?” Buffy called futilely after him.

After several tense minutes, Buffy announced, “I’m going to go beat up Willie the snitch, it can’t hurt right?” Then left as well.


Spike jerked upwards on the ring securing Dawn’s restraint to the floor. “I think it gave a little that time,” he said. Dawn smiled encouragingly at him.

“I’ll get you out of here safe Nibblet. Your sister ‘id never forgive me otherwise.”

“Hurry,” Cole urged. “We don’t know how long till one of them comes back.”

“I know that,” Spike growled.

“You’re doing really great,” Dawn said to Spike.

“Least someone appreciates me,” Spike grunted, pulling against the chain with all his strength. Bits of broken masonry poofed out from around the bolt securing the ring to the floor. Spike tugged on it again, pulling to the side, trying to jiggle it free. The pin rocked visibly in it’s mooring. The blond vampire twisted several lengths of chain around his hands, squatting to use the strength in his legs against the stubborn pin.

Just as he prepared for another go at the ring Drucillia swept grandly into the room. “Bad dog,” she reprimanded him sharply, looking cross.

Spike jerked upright, looking guilty but freeing Dawn as he stood. “Come on Princess, let the girl go, for your Spike. Please?”

“No, you’ve been horribly bad. Your heart’s all full of the Slayer. It’s disgusting. I shant grant you any boons.”

“Dawn run,” Spike ordered, dropping the chain and stepping between his ex-lover and Dawn.

“But Cole,” Dawn protested gathering the chain so it wouldn’t trip her.

“Run,” Cole shouted. “Get help.”

Dawn turned and fled as Drucillia lunged for her. Spike caught his sire by the arm and spun her around, releasing her to crash into a wall.

As the former lovers squared off against each other Dawn escaped into the tunnels.

Dru shrieked inarticulately as she clawed Spike across the face, opening a deep gash in his cheek.

“She’s not worth it pet,” Spike warned, ducking Dru’s next blow. “You’ve still got the boy, he’s the one you came for.”

Dru shifted to her demonic features, hissing angrily at Spike. He grabbed her arms. “Don’t make me hurt you,” he said.

Dru kneed him in the groin and Spike collapsed to his knees, groaning. “Betrayer!” Dru shrieked, kicking him repeatedly. A final kick caught him under the jaw, snapping his head back and rendering him unconscious. Dru left him crumpled on the floor as she took off after Dawn.

A number of minutes later Spike pushed himself groggily to his knees. “Where’d they go?” He asked.

“Into the tunnels,” Cole said.

“Thanks kid,” Spike replied turning to follow. “Well, best of luck.”

“Please, don’t leave me here,” Cole requested forlornly.

Spike didn’t bother to reply as he walked out.
