Two Sides of the Same Coin

AUTHOR:Laure Alexander


DISTRIBUTION: If you like it, just ask; I've never said no.  If you have my permission, please take.  List archives: yes.

SPOILER:Angelus is free, Faith's off to stop him, my own version of the drug use/biting thing (though it wasn't that originally, I just incorporated that into my smutfic.)



SUMMARY:Instead of just biting Faith, Angelus takes her off somewhere and has his evil way with her.

FEEDBACK:Please, please, please.  No flames, please.

DISCLAIMER:I don't own Buffy, Angel and friends or Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series; they're owned by Joss Whedon and Fox.  No copyright infringement intended so please don't sue.

A/N:   I began this as soon as Faith showed up in AtS...yes, that long ago.  I'm pleased with the F/A(us) scenes, not so pleased with the F/A scenes.


Faith woke slowly.  She felt limp and heavy and her mind was fuzzy and her memories confused.  As she forced her eyes to open, she blinked slowly into the gloom.  The room she was in was small.  She could feel a lumpy mattress beneath her back.

As her eyes fell shut again she felt the manacles around her wrists.


A cheerful whistle sounded, and Faith struggled to find the strength inherent in her, but it was gone.  She was weak...wounded...and naked.

Her memories crashed back into her mind, wiping away the cobwebs, at the same moment he stepped into the small pool of light from one dim bulb suspended from the ceiling.

"Fucker," she yelled hoarsely, struggling with the chains that bound her hands and feet to the posts of an old fashioned cast- iron bedframe.

Angelus grinned and shot her an appreciative look as her breasts bounced with every tug of her arms.  "Oh yeah, babe. Squirm some more."

Flushing, Faith cursed furiously.  "I'll gut you for this.  Son of a bitch!"

He made a tsking noise as she flailed.  "Now, now, all you're going to do is wear yourself out before I have a chance to do it for you."  As he spoke, he tugged his shirt over his head and toed off his shoes.

Faith froze as realization finally hit her.

Angelus' hands flicked open the first button of his trousers.  "Two years since I've been inside anything tighter than my own cold hand, Faithie.  This is going to be fun."

"I won't let you rape me," she swore, her voice barely managing to restrain the sudden fear that swept her.

"I always like it when little girls think they have a choice."

Growling, Faith yanked at one anklet, trying to pull it free from the post.  "Pig.  Think you're a big man because you can chain me down?"

Angelus snickered and peeled off his trousers.  "Do you think to appeal to my humanity?  My conscience?"  Naked, his cock thick and hard against his stomach, he placed one knee on the bed and leaned over her.  "I think you have me confused with the wuss, Faith."  Lowering his head, he inhaled deeply.  "Ah, there's the fear..."

"Go ahead and do it.  It'll be the last time you fuck anything."

He smiled at her bravado and moved between her spread legs. "Why?  Because you're going to kill me as soon as you get free?"

"Because we're going to bury you so deep beneath Angel's soul you'll never find your way out again."

Scowling, Angelus fell forward onto one elbow and reached between them to position the head of his cock at her entrance. With a loud grunt he forced himself inside, and smirked as she flinched in pain.

Faith rolled her head, staring furiously at the dark cement wall a few feet from the bed.  She tried to relax her body and just let him do this, but it went against her nature, and she remained rigid, her body tight and dry against him.

"Well now, and I heard you were a slut," he purred, propped now on both elbows as his hips thrust back and forth, driving his cock deeper into her resisting passage.

She spat, "Like you could do anything to turn me on."

Cocking one eyebrow, he smirked and thrust again, pushing her down into the mattress until she gasped for breath.  "Is that a challenge?"

"Fuck you."

"Bet you're a screamer," Angelus mused, then shook his head, morphing into the demon.  Managing not to wince as he punishingly smacked his pelvis against hers at a rapid pace, Faith faked a wide yawn.

Snarling, Angelus swooped down and buried his fangs in the side of one of her breasts.

The sudden, sharp pain made Faith scream against her will.  The high-pitched sound was cut off by his mouth on hers in a hungry, carnal kiss.  Tasting her own blood filling her mouth, she gagged and thrashed her head, breaking the connection.

"Bastard, you fucking bastard."

He grinned and thrust harder.  "Nothing beats the taste of Slayer blood."  Reaching down between them he roughly rubbed her clit for nearly a minute then slipped his fingers in his mouth. "Unless it's Slayer pussy."

"Are you sure that's not demon dick you're thinking about?" she sneered.  "I hear you sucked a lot of that in hell."

Angelus scowled again and stopped moving to hover over her. "For which your sister twat will pay in spades.  You're just the appetizer, Faithie."

"Buffy can kick your ass with one hand tied behind her."

Lowering his head, he nuzzled at the healing wounds in her breast.  "But you couldn't stop me with two.  What's that say about you?"  He rolled his hips, driving himself deeper into her slowly easing passage.

"Caught me on an off day."

"Too bad for you."  With a growing smirk, Angelus resumed the rapid pace of punishing thrusts of his hips.  "So, were you someone's bitch in prison or were you head girl?" he asked conversationally.

As her lower body began to slide past the pain into numbness, Faith stared blankly up at him.

"Well?" he urged.

"What?" she spat back, then rolled her head to glower at the wall.

Knowing he was getting to her, Angelus grinned and ducked down to lap his tongue across one of her pebbled nipples.  "I can't see you as a muff diver, way too bitchy to take the submissive role."  Reaching up, he wrapped his fingers in her long, tangled hair, and dragged her back to face him.  "What you really like is a long, hard cock up you."  Leaning down, her murmured, "You're getting wet."

Faith felt her cheeks flame as a frisson of pleasure went through her, easing the pain and the numbness.  Her ankles pulled against the chains, and she saw him grin even wider.

"Want to wrap those legs around me, don't you," Angelus crooned, his cock sliding in and out of her at a languid pace now, his pubic bone brushing relentlessly against her slowly swelling clit.

"Fuck you."

He laughed.  "We need to work on those comebacks.  We'll have plenty of time."

The blush left her in an instant as cold fear filled her.  She bit her lower lip to keep in the protests.

He was going to turn her.

"Um, you're scared again."  He inhaled deeply, arching his head back and driving to the edge of her womb.  Dipping down again, he casually sank his fangs into her shoulder and suckled as she jerked against him in pain and growing pleasure.  "Not yet," Angelus murmured, licking at the bleeding wounds.  "I'm going to come first, then drink just enough to make you pass out.  When you wake up, well...I doubt you'll like the new position much, but I've wanted to fuck that sweet ass of yours for years."

With a loud grunt, he crushed his lips to her shoulder again, drinking deeply, as his hips churned and his balls tightened.

Only dimly did she feel him coming, his cool sperm filling her in hard bursts, as the blackness returned and she drifted away.


Consciousness returned with aches and pains and a severe case of dizziness.  Cracking one eye open, Faith realized she was being carried, and she forced herself to look up.

Wesley, his face more severe and shuttered than she'd ever seen, was carrying her into the sunlight.  Faith felt the warmth on her face and her feet, the rest of her was swathed in a blanket.

"Wh..."  She tried again, her throat dry, her voice weak.  "What happened?"

He glanced down briefly.  "We lost track of you.  I'm...very sorry, Faith."

She brushed that aside.  She'd known the risks, and she'd known it would take time for the drug she'd ingested to affect Angelus once he drank from her.  Her concern was for... "Angel?"

"Willow was able to restore his soul.  He's taking the tunnels back to the hotel.  He..."

Sudden fear hit her and she grabbed for the lapel of Wesley's jacket, forcing him to stop moving.  "He won't do something stupid will he?"

Wesley shook his head.  "No."  One eyebrow cocked, and he continued brusquely, "That would put an end to his punishment, wouldn't it."

"Damn it, it wasn't him."

"We know that, even he knows that, but..."  As they reached his car, Wesley changed the subject, "No more talking.  You lost a lot of blood and need to rest."

As he settled her into the back sleep, Faith let her eyes close and tried not to worry.


It took two days for her to heal, most of which she spent asleep. When she was able to get up and dress without every muscle in her body protesting, she went looking for Angel.

Everyone had said he was okay, that he was being quiet, but that wasn't unusual for him.

But he hadn't come to see her.

Standing in the hallway outside her room, Faith closed her eyes and let her senses take over.  She rarely hunted this way, but she knew it would work.  A tingle started in the pit of her stomach, and she turned towards the far end of the hall.

Then she looked up.

Five minutes later Faith opened the door to the roof and silently crossed the gravel covered tar-paper.  Angel stood at one corner, his hands behind his back, his legs slightly spread, as if bracing himself against something.  She saw his head twitch ever-so-slightly, and knew he sensed her presence.

For a split second she wondered if he'd jump to avoid her, but then he sighed and slowly turned.

She continued forward, her eyes never leaving his expressionless face, until she was a few feet from him.

"Why didn't you come see me?"

Angel seemed startled by her question, and she silently cheered that she'd rattled the blankness from him, if only for a moment. "You needed your rest," he replied flatly.

"Yeah, but I would have rested better if we'd gotten this all out before now."  He just stared at her until she rolled her eyes. "Angel, it wasn't you."

Lips tightening, he started to turn back to the night, but she grabbed his arm, jerking him around to face her.  "Oh no you don't."

"Faith, you really don't want to discuss this with me right now," Angel said in a hard, empty voice.

"No, I don't, but we're going to.  Angelus raped me."  She wasn't surprised by his dramatic flinch.  "I knew it was a possibility going in and that the drug was going to take a while to work." He flinched again and she shook the arm she held.  "Will you stop that?  It wasn't you."

"He is a part of me," he bit out through clenching teeth.  "I know the soul is a part of me, too, and in control at the moment, but the memories of what the demon did are still there, haunting me, making me feel what..."  He broke off and yanked free of her.  "Faith, he enjoyed it so much," he ended bleakly.

"Believe me, I know."

Angel ducked his head and looked past her, unable to meet her steady gaze.  "You should counseling..."

Faith arched one eyebrow into her hairline.  "Angel, I'm not exactly the kind of girl that responds to that kind of shit."

"You were raped," he hissed, frustrated.

"Yeah, I know, but talking about it to some counselor who can't possibly understand the whole picture isn't going to help.  I'll survive.  It's what I do best, after all."  She reached for him again, but he danced backwards.  "You want to help me feel better?  Let me touch you, dammit. *I* have to know you're not him, too."

The guilt got to him and he stepped towards her.  Faith met him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face to his chest.  They stood there for several minutes, the only sound Faith's breathing.  Angel didn't move, didn't hold her back.

But, finally, she felt a slight shudder go through him, and his hands came to rest lightly at the small of her back.

"Forgive me, Faith," he whispered against the top of her head.

Turning her head sideways and taking a deep, calming breath, she replied, "There's nothing to forgive you for, but if you need it, I forgive you, Angel.

As soon as the first tear hit the top of her head, her own started to slip down her cheeks.

