Double or Nothing

Author: Lysa Whitmore


Parts: 21 - 25


Part 21

 “I can’t believe that you dragged them here,” Buffy’ s voice bordered on laughter. “This is the last place I thought I’d ever see Angel.”

The vampire walked silently behind them as they made their way to the back of the room, stifling his growl of discontent. Angel figured it was better to say nothing in a situation like this.

Cordelia paused in mid-step, turning to Buffy with a look that suggested she was totally innocent of the charges. “Why do you think it was my idea? We all jotted down ideas and put them into the little jar. Can I help it if I happen to like what got picked?”

Deadpanning, Buffy pointed out their surroundings, “We’re at the mall, Cordy. Do you expect me to believe that one of the guys came up with this idea?”

“You obviously haven’t seen Angelus in redecorating mode,” Cordelia explained to Buffy that it was the vampire who had set up the new living room. He’d done it to please her, of course, but Angelus had arranged everything on his own. “Besides, it’s good for them. Gets them out to see the real world.”

“The Sunnydale Mall.” Buffy thought Cordelia’s idea of the Real World needed some serious adjustment.

Taking in a deep breath, Cordelia joked, “Ah! The smell of new clothes and Daddy’s credit card.”

With a wry twist as she glanced at a price tag on one of the displayed outfits, Buffy had to comment, “Typical. Can we at least try a different store? That blouse costs more than my entire wardrobe.”

Cordelia’s mouth formed a surprised moue. She hadn’t thought about that. “Sure. No prob. I just need one or two things from here. Then we can window shop.”

“Whatcha looking for?” Buffy had to admit that she’d rather shop than go through the movie marathon again anytime soon.

Maybe it was just the fact that the next day she was still reeling from Angel’s demanding behavior, but Buffy had been on edge sitting next to him on the couch. The hours of movie watching had seemed endless. Somewhere in the middle of the marathon, they had gotten to joking about what they would do next. Angelus wanted to pick, but some of his suggestions either included getting dressed up or stripped down.

Xander piped up at the mention of strip poker and wanted to know if he could play. That drew such crazed looks from both vampires that Xander escaped to the kitchen to drown himself in chocolate YooHoo. It was Willow who suggested they stuff their ideas into a jar and draw them out one at a time. Buffy loathed the idea, because she knew that random chance would eventually have the soulless vampire’s choices coming up. She seriously doubted that shopping was one of them.

As a choice, this was one Buffy could live with. She waited for Cordelia to explain what she was looking for. After a long pause, Cordelia gave her an answer.

“Uh...accessories,” Cordy told her distractedly as she pulled a scarf off of the rack. Then she realized that there was only one vampire hanging out in the background. “Where did Angelus go?”

Looking around, Buffy saw only Angel hovering uncomfortably nearby. It was getting a little easier for Buffy to tell the two vampires apart, but she had to work at it. Usually, it involved Angel revealing his identity and her remembering what clothes he had on that day.

“Angel,” she called out to him. “Where did your— uh— brother go?”

“They’ve got you calling him that now?” Angel sounded amused by the idea of the Slayer referring to Angelus his brother. “He said he had to pick up something for Cordy.”

Cordelia’s eyes lit up in delight. “A surprise? What?”

“If I told you what it was, there wouldn’t be much of a surprise,” Angel watched the pout appear and resisted the temptation to make it disappear. “Not that I know.”

“Oh.” Cordelia was less disappointed that there would be no hint than she was about the vampire not being there in the first place. “I wanted his opinion on something.”

Buffy stared down at the colorful silk material in the brunette’s hand. “Are scarves in again this season?”

Rolling her eyes at the doubtful tone in Buffy’s voice, Cordelia thought the blonde had better fashion sense than to ask that question. “Not!”

Then holding up the scarf toward the souled vampire, Cordelia decided he would do in a pinch. “Angel…you know this. What do you think?”

“Angel knows fashion?” Buffy was gaping now. “Did I walk into the Twilight Zone?”

“Pfft! As if I’d bother asking fashion advice from Mr. Shades of Black here,” Cordelia laughed as she walked closer to the vampire.

For once, Cordelia hadn’t left him confused about what she was asking. Angel knew exactly why she needed his advice about that scarf. Though it riled him to think that he was just standing in for Angelus, he found her simple question firing up his overactive imagination again.

“Let’s test it.”

Buffy appeared completely muddled as Cordelia glanced around the store. “There’s a mannequin over there.”

“No need.” There was a husky timber to Angel’s voice and Cordelia suddenly found herself caught up in his unblinking gaze. With a swift move that barred any chance to change her mind, Angel took hold of her wrist, tugging her closer.

Caught somewhere between curiosity and irritation, Buffy’s demand for information turned into a furious whisper, “What are you doing?”

Proceeding silently, Angel did not even hear the question. There was a rumble low in his chest, a sound so vampiric by nature that the Slayer jerked back from hearing it. Buffy’s jaw dropped as Angel’s hands moved with swift surety as he began to tie up Cordelia’s wrists in the middle of the store— and in front of her.

Gasping loudly, Buffy exclaimed, “Angel!”

Cordelia hadn’t expected a demonstration. Breathless at the sudden return of that smoldering look in his eyes, she couldn’t seem to move her gaze away to glance down at what he was doing. She simply felt the gentle pressure of his hands as the fingers tied some intricate knot from which there would be no escape.

Omigod, her body was buzzing in response to Angel’s actions. Then he was up against her pressing her bound wrists above her head and holding her against a faux marbled column.

“How does that feel?”

Hard. Cordelia supposed he wasn’t talking about the fact that his muscular torso was crushing her breasts. Reacting instinctively, her nipples hardened against him. She wondered if the rest of him was just as hard. Just as inflamed as she was with this simple act.

“Are you two crazy?” Buffy hissed as she looked around the store to see if anyone was staring.

Cordelia thought this could be fun with Angelus. She had wanted to try it ever since he had mentioned something about tying her up and making her come. The way Cordelia felt right now, she knew it wouldn’t take much for Angel to push her over the edge. That was something Cordelia realized she shouldn’t be thinking. Imagining Angel listening in to what went on between herself and Angelus was one thing, but it was quite different to physically react to his touch.

“A-Angel,” Cordelia sounded out his name as a shaky sigh. The vampire had to be aware of her arousal and she hoped he would ignore the plea that sounded in her voice.

It took every ounce of resolve not to put his mouth on hers. Only the fact that Buffy was standing three feet away kept him focused on the task at hand. He pulled back letting Cordelia’s hands come down between them. With a voice that belied his true emotions, Angel matter-of-factly assessed his work. “This scarf isn’t strong enough.”

“For me?” Cordelia muttered the query.

Experimentally, Angel tugged Cordelia close again. The scarf held, but the vampire looked down at the brunette now leaning against his chest. “Are you the only one being tied up?”

Buffy let out a strangled gasp. She wasn’t certain if it was because of Angel’s action that left Cordelia sprawled up against him, the nature of his question, or the looks on their faces. Both of them were turned on by this ridiculous public display. Despite her revulsion of their behavior, she felt a stab of jealousy over the sight. Any second now she was going to start ripping someone’s hair out by the roots.

Not even noticing the fury on the blonde’s face, Cordelia struggled to get herself under a measure of control. She answered Angel’s question, “Good point. Got any suggestions?”

Buffy certainly did. “Untie her, Angel. Now.”

Angelus sauntered up beside them at that moment having overheard the exchange between Angel and Cordelia. Though they were standing closer than he cared to see, it was the scent of Cordelia’s arousal that captured his attention. “Has someone been a naughty girl? We’ll talk punishment later, babe.”

Realizing that the soulless vampire would probably not take this well, Buffy quickly jumped in with an explanation. “They’re testing scarves.”

“I see that,” Angelus sent her an amused glance. Turning his attention to the scarf, he told Cordelia, “Looks like we need something stronger.”

“That’s what I said,” Angel commented with a shrug and took a step back from Cordelia who was still so close that he could feel her breasts brush up against him with each of her indrawn breaths.

Though he’d never actually seen his own poker face before, Angelus figured Angel was wearing it. Cordelia’s obvious arousal might be a result of their spontaneous little bondage game. Only the fact that the Slayer was present made him doubt that Angel came onto Cordelia purposefully.

With a soft snarl and a smirk, Angelus told his brother, “Keep your hands off my mate.”

Angel held up his hands in mock surrender, not wanting to get into anything here and now, especially in front of Buffy. “Just giving a little fashion advice.”

Moving closer, Angelus ran his eyes down Cordelia’s curves and then cupped her face to press his thumb against her plush lower lip. “Excited, baby?”

The sparkle in Cordelia’s hazel eyes was enough to give him his answer. As it was, there was no time to say anything because Buffy issued a stern command. “Will you shut up and untie her?”

Just then an auburn-haired salesgirl stepped up beside them. “Good afternoon. May I help you folks with something?”

Cordelia turned to her, held up her tied wrists and asked seriously, “Do you have this in red?”

“Joking!” Buffy stepped up and pushed Cordelia’s hands back down to waist level. Adding a fake smile and a half-hearted laugh. “Ha! Ha!”

Appearing quite businesslike, the salesgirl answered, “Yes, we do,” as she pulled off a red scarf of similar design and handed it to Buffy.

The Slayer looked down at the silk scarf as if the red material burned her fingers. She heard the woman comment, “Be sure to straighten that out when you’re finished playing, Ms. Chase. I’ll be at the counter when you’re ready to check out.”

“Thanks, Claudette,” said Cordelia with a smile. With a lingering glance toward the twins, Claudette sent Cordelia a nod of approval.

“You know her?” Buffy’s jaw dropped as she watched the woman walk away.

“Duh! I shop here all of the time.” Cordy pointed out.

Relieved, Buffy let out a long sigh. “I thought she was going to call security.”

After a pause, Cordelia indicated that she was still tied up, “So…what about this?”

“Maybe you should stay that way the rest of the evening,” suggested Angelus with an intimate curve of his mouth. “You can carry Angel’s jacket and no one will be the wiser.”

Cordelia’s eyes widened at the idea. A glance at Angel told her he was awaiting her answer, his hands on the lapels of his leather jacket. If she read it right, there was a challenge in his eyes and she imagined herself walking from store to store. Her heart thumped a little faster at the thought of it being a sexy game played with both of them. Stealing a look over at Buffy, Cordelia translated the tight expression on the Slayer’s face.

“Not tonight,” Cordelia told Angelus who looked disappointed. “That would seriously interfere with my shopping efforts.”

Offering up her bound wrists again, Cordelia asked to be untied. When neither vamp moved in the first three seconds, Buffy walked forward and started to tug at the tied scarf. “Umm, Cordy, I think you’re stuck.”


“Let me.” Angel held out his hand and waited for Cordelia to move close again. She shivered against his touch as his fingers curled around one of her wrists. This time, her eyes were locked on Angelus who stood at an angle behind him. Angel had her out of the silk bonds in seconds.

Buffy let out a sigh of relief, almost as if she had been the one tied up. Sheesh! She couldn’t even go out in public anymore without wondering what was going to happen next. First it was theater sex and now it was boutique bondage. Bad enough that Angelus was exposing Cordy to such things, much less Angel getting involved by playing along with these— twisted vampire games.

“Problem, Buff?” The soulless vampire quickly picked up on the Slayer’s negative vibes.

“What? No,” Buffy answered quickly. “No problem. Not at all. Nope.”

Cordelia knew a whopper when she heard one. Changing the subject, she turned to Angelus, “Where’s my surprise?”

“Who said you get a surprise?”


Glancing at his twin, Angelus mocked, “Big mouth!”

“She caught me off-guard,” Angel shrugged. “I forgot to make up an excuse.”

“So you do have a present for me?” Cordelia grinned excitedly.

Reaching into his pocket, Angelus pulled out a flat velvet jewelry box. “You want it now? In front of them?”

Buffy glanced more closely at the box. “It’s not something disgusting, is it?”

Angelus joked, “Since they don’t sell matching sets of nipple rings here in the mall, I picked out something else.”

“Vampires are so gross,” Buffy muttered.

He reminded her coldly, “Your lover is a vamp, Slayer. Including Angel in that little description?”

“No,” Buffy glared at him while her face flushed red.

Cordelia started looking a little antsy during the exchange. “Can I have it?” Whatever it was, she was certain that it would not be gross and disgusting.

“I ordered this last week,” Angelus explained as Cordelia opened the box to reveal a unique choker. One side was engraved with the same blazing sun design as her tattoo and the other with the ancient Celtic knot design. “I dropped by the jewelry shop next door to see if it was ready and missed out on all of the fun.”

As Cordelia turned to properly thank Angelus for the gift of the choker, Buffy looked on with a combination of green-eyed jealousy and disbelief that Angelus could be so damned sweet. Evil Angelus. He’d never been sweet to her, Buffy thought back to their encounters in the past. She would have bet just about anything that the vamp was incapable of such thoughtfulness or tenderness.

Angel seemed to be acting just the opposite, Buffy admitted to herself. Dominating and demanding. Showing her that he was willing to take what he wanted. Even here, today, with Cordelia, Angel seemed to be leaning toward that aggressive side of his nature. The Slayer in her fought against it, vying for supremacy, but the teenager simply remained confused.

She had to stand there and watch while Cordelia gave Angelus one of the sweetest, hottest kisses she’d ever seen. Buffy knew that her face was flaming even before the vampire’s hands dropped down to caress Cordelia’s bottom. Though she had kissed her own boyfriend in public on several occasions, it had never been anywhere close to being so intimate.

“Uh— Cor,” the Slayer poked at the brunette’s shoulder. “That salesgirl is waving at you. I think it’s getting close to closing time.”

“Mmm,” Cordelia muttered her response.

Angel picked up the two scarves that Cordelia had been looking at. “Why don’t Buffy and I pay for these.”

“K.” Was all Cordy could manage between kisses.

When they returned, it was to see Angelus fingering the choker now in place around Cordelia’s neck. Angel had noticed the sun design, realizing that this was one more visible sign of his double’s claim. Angelus’ flawed claim, corrected Angel as he attempted to quell the next wave of jealousy that rose within him.

“It’s so beautiful, Angelus,” marveled Cordelia. “I love it.”

Seeing that she was about to move in for another thank you kiss, Angel stepped up, took Cordelia by the arms and headed directly for the exit. “Let’s go, you two.”

Angelus followed closely behind with an amused smirk on his face.

Part 22

 Buffy reached a finger toward the doorbell. After Willow’s little lecture on rudeness, she felt a little guilty about just walking into the mansion. Though apparently, not guilty enough. Just before she pressed the bell, Buffy pulled her finger away and moved her hand to the doorknob. It wasn’t being rude. She had as much right to be here as Cordelia Chase and Buffy already knew that the brunette never knocked. Of course Cordy practically lived here.

Closing the door behind her, Buffy listened to see if there was any indication whether someone was downstairs. Music from the stereo suggested she should start in the living room. Turning the corner into the room Buffy stopped short at the sight of Cordelia and Angelus leaning up against the pool table. The vampire had his hand up Cor’s tight red shirt and its resting place was all too obvious. Not that it looked to be resting at all.

“Ahem,” Buffy cleared her throat trying to catch the attention of the kissing couple. Thinking irately, Those two are permanently attached at the lips.

Slowly extracting his hand from beneath Cordelia’s clothes, Angelus turned his gaze on the intruder. “Hello, Buff.”

Cordelia turned on her megawatt grin, not looking the least embarrassed at being caught or doing a good job of hiding it. “Hi. Angel will be down in a minute or two. He’s getting spiffed up for your date. You look terrific, by the way. Love the shoes.”

“Thanks,” Buffy had made a special effort to look good tonight and managed to pull off the sexy, but casual look.

“Guess I better run upstairs to get ready,” Cordy headed toward the door.

Buffy’s smile faltered. Get ready? “I thought Angel and I were going out alone.”

“You are,” Cordy assured her. “Every now and then a girl needs her manpire all to herself. Angelus is talking me out on the town.”

Angelus continued to lean against the pool table, now crossing his legs at the ankles and watching the two of them. “Angel was under the impression he was picking you up. What’s the rush? Afraid Joyce will wig out?”

“No,” Buffy answered. “Mom knows I’m dating Angel again. Giles was headed in this direction. He dropped me off.”

“Giles drove you?” Cordelia paused on her way out to the hall. “He didn’t come in.”


“Why not? He hasn’t been to visit the whole time I’ve been here,” Cordelia was upset at the fact.

Buffy gave her a confused look. “Why would my Watcher visit you to begin with? He isn’t exactly Angelus’ biggest fan.”

“That man is so in trouble,” Cordy mumbled to herself.

“Giles wasn’t being rude,” Buffy defended him. “He had a thing to go to tonight.”

“Like he couldn’t spare five minutes?”

Cordelia didn’t wait for further excuses. She strode off in the direction of the stairs leaving Buffy and Angelus to occupy themselves. Still mumbling to herself by the time she reached the second level, Cordelia barely noticed the fact that Angel was coming from a perpendicular direction down the hall.

“Hold up, Cordy,” he held her arm preventing her from moving up the staircase to the third level. “What’s the problem?”

“Giles.” Angel waited for further explanation. He knew it would come. Cordelia told him, “He dropped Buffy off. Purposefully didn’t come in.”

“This place doesn’t exactly hold pleasant memories for him,” Angel reminded her. “Angelus tortured him here at the mansion.”

Cordelia had forgotten about that. “Guess I’ll let him off the hook for a while. Doesn’t mean he can avoid it forever. Sooner or later, I’m gonna have a party and he better haul his British butt over here.”

Angel’s mouth twisted into a smirk. “I’d hate to be in his shoes if he refuses.”

“I am Cordelia Chase. Men tremble and obey.” She was grinning at him, though not entirely joking. “So…whatcha got planned for tonight? Buffy’s dressed up kinda cute for patrol, so my guess is you’re skipping the cemetery tours tonight.”

“Are you really interested or just being nosy?”

“Um— both?”

Indulgently, Angel described his plans to take Buffy on a scenic moonlit drive along the coast. He expected Cordelia to find fault with his plan, but she was all smiles. “Good choice. The old cruise and schmooze. Classic. Very you, Angel.”

Eyeing her suspiciously, Angel wondered if she was complimenting or insulting him. “I figured we’d find a secluded spot, walk along the beach, spend some quiet time alone.”

“I love the beach.” Cordelia let out a sigh. Summer seemed far away, but this wasn’t exactly a sunshine activity for Angel. “Moonlight is good. Romantic. The beach is so different at night than it is in the day.”

Angel instantly imagined her on that secluded beach. Nude and glorious like she was in the garden only this time with sand, sunshine and hot summer breezes. “I can picture you there, Cordy, with the sun warming your skin and the wind in your hair.”

“Mmm,” Cordelia looked a little unfocused as she sighed longingly at the idea of the beach. She picked up where Angel left off never noticing that his hand was still on her arm, his thumb moving in slow circles over her skin. “The sounds of the ocean surrounding me and the scent of the coconut oil slicked across my skin.

“C-Coconut oil?” Angel gulped hard. Why’d she have to go and put that image in his head? All he saw was her nude body stretched out on the sands as his hands rubbed over her sun-kissed skin spreading scented oil across every curvaceous inch. “Yeah. P-Protection. That’s important. I-I mean for your skin of course. Not for, well, other things. Slathered everywhere.”

“Relax. You don’t seen sunscreen at night, dumbass,” Cordelia pointed out with a laugh. “Just be sure to take your shoes off when you’re on the beach, roll up your pant legs and hold her hand.”

The vampire snapped out of his daydream, sounding irritated. “Cordy, I think I can handle a walk on the beach without your advice.”


After a long pause where he watched Cordelia staring at him with this knowing look in her eyes, Angel queried, “Why my shoes?”

Cordelia tried not to laugh at his oblivious expression. “It’s a beach, you dork. Gotta feel the sand between your toes. Let the waves run over your feet.”

Glancing down at his clothes, Angel wasn’t certain pant rolling and barefoot walks were exactly what he had in mind. Besides, now that he thought about it, they might get sand in the Plymouth.

“Maybe I’m not dressed for the beach.”

“Silly vamp,” Cordelia was really laughing at him now, silent laughter that mocked him with such sweet condescension that Angel couldn’t find fault with it. Her pearly grin and sparkling eyes mesmerized him. Until she added, “You look…fine.”

Angel noticed her smile reverse itself into a frown. “What?”

“It’s just—,” Cordelia let out a discontented sigh. “Oh, nothing.”

“What?” The vampire asked more urgently.

“You should let me dress you.”

“Do what?” Now she had him thinking of her undressing him causing his body to react with anticipation at the idea alone.

Cordelia clarified, “Pick out your clothes. Obviously you are completely without any imagination. I don’t understand it. Angelus isn’t afraid to wear colors.”

Quick to deny her comments, Angel countered defensively, “I wear colors.”

“Black is not a color. It is a non-color, Angel.”

Slightly irritated now that Cordelia was suggesting he couldn’t even dress himself much less take his own girlfriend on a walk on the beach without her advice, Angel ground his teeth together. After a moment he asked irately, “Is there anything else wrong with me?”

Cordelia turned a serious eye on the vampire. She lifted a hand up to smooth his hair on one side tucking an errant strand that poked out above his ear. “Do you really want me to go there?”

Glowering, Angel responded, “Not the hair.”

“You’re so easy,” Cordelia giggled merrily, putting her arms around his neck to hug him. Angel felt the soft press of her lips against his cheek. Then she pulled back after only a few seconds leaving Angel devoid of the sudden warmth that spread over him at the contact. “Have fun tonight, Care Bear.”

Despite the fact that he growled in her ear at her use of that annoying endearment, Cordelia sent him another smile before turning to head up the staircase. After two steps, she realized Angel’s fingers were wrapped around her upper arm preventing her from leaving. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry to release it.

“Last time I checked, that arm belonged to me,” she quipped.

That’s what you think, sweetheart. Mine. All of you.

Fighting against the urge to yank Cordelia fully into his embrace, Angel uncurled his fingers dropping his hand to his side. He didn’t trust himself to touch her in so simple a way. Not when he wanted more. Especially knowing he had the entitlement to take more. Pursuit of those awakened desires would be wrong in too many ways to count.

Wrong, but almost irresistible. Cordy wasn’t helping matters. Besides the fact that all it took to make him want her was the hint of her scent or the sound of her voice, he seemed to be fantasizing about her both day and night. Just the idea of the things they would do together made it difficult to keep his hands to himself. Especially when in her own unconscious and casual way, Cordelia constantly touched him all the while remaining cluelessly unaware of his inner struggle.

“Cordy,” her name sounded out as a warning on his lips. If the warning was intended for her or himself, Angel wasn’t certain. All he knew was that he could not let her go up those stairs without making it perfectly clear that friendly hugs and kisses were out of place between them.

Instead of moving away, Cordelia reacted to the sound of his voice like a magnet and returned to stand beside him. Lights danced within her hazel gaze, still echoing that inner laughter at their conversation about his clothes and hair. Merriment showed on her lips, the corners twitching into a curling smile tempting Angel into wiping it away with his mouth.

Just a taste, Angel found the thought milling madly in his brain. That’s all I want. Just one more taste of those lips.

Cordelia murmured her query as she met Angel’s “Hmm?”

As if the old echo of Angelus’ voice in his head came through, Angel mocked himself, Who do you think you’re kidding? Just one taste? As if you’d stop there. One taste would never be enough.

Softly with that deep timber to his voice that gave her shivers, Angel slowly sounded out his annoyance. “I’m not your Care Bear.”

Having wondered what was causing his sudden tension, Cordelia laughed aloud in response. Being called a Care Bear was apparently too cuddly a sound for a vampire, even one with a soul. Cordy figured if Angel went around calling her by a pet name then she could certainly have one for him. Telling him, “Fair is fair, big brother, I’ll call you whatever I want.”

With lightning speed, Angel’s hands shot up on either side of her shoulders, trapping her against the barrier of the wall. Inches from her face, Angel leaned in even closer demanding an answer, “Are you purposefully provoking me? Try again.”

“A-Angel,” she said his name with a quiver in her voice. Cordelia wasn’t certain why it came out quite that way as if she was afraid of responding.

“That’s better.”

“Still trying to play Master?” She giggled at the thought of these little domination games that came so naturally to vampires. Just another vamp thing. Then Cordelia noticed the all too serious gleam in his eyes that left her wondering if it was really a game at all.

The pulse in her throat leapt under Angel’s close proximity, its quickening rhythm locking his gaze there. Cordelia felt the hard press of the wall against her back as she leaned into it, instinctively moving away even if she went nowhere. Completely blocked in, Cordelia felt imprisoned by the muscular cage of his arms despite the fact that he wasn’t even touching her.

“Trust me, sweetheart,” Angel’s throaty promise made her shake in her shoes, “if I ever decide to master you, there won’t be trying, playing or any doubts as to what I’m doing.”

Angel was so close, leaning into her with that hard body. Just bare inches away and with that predatory look in his eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest upon realizing that his dark head was descending toward her throat.

No doubts? What about what he was doing right now? Cordelia sounded out a furious whisper, “Personal bubble! You’re in it.”

“Quiet,” Angel’s simple command only amplified her irritation. There was a raging fire in his eyes that dared her to say something more. If she didn’t shut up, Angel knew he’d end up breaching her personal bubble in ways she could never imagine.

The vampire noticed that while Cordelia’s mouth shut, it wasn’t due to obedience, but anger. Fine. That was perfectly fine with him. Anything but that playful naive trust. Unable to resist the urge, Angel leaned in again, scenting her skin and hair, his mouth hovering close to her lips, but not touching.

Blood rushed to every erogenous zone she possessed, swelling her lips, tweaking her nipples, hardening the tiny bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, leaving her loins aching and wet. A tiny moue sounded from her throat in reaction to her sudden response eliciting an answering groan from Angel as his eyes bore directly into hers drilling deep.

He knew it, Cordelia realized. Of course he knew it. It didn’t even take a vampire to notice her physical reaction. It was all she could do to keep her hands plastered to the wall. They itched to touch him. Her body ached to be crushed against Angel’s muscular chest with her hips pressed into the hard bulge at his groin.

A furtive glance proved her instincts were right. Angel was aroused, erect and all for her. Cordelia knew exactly what lay beyond the dark barrier of his pants and her body leapt at the though of reaching out to touch him there. The realization that she still had these kinds of desires for Angel was accompanied by the sensation of sharp stabbing betrayal. She had no right to react this way, not when she loved Angelus.

How was it even possible to love someone so much and be attracted to his brother? There had to be an explanation. Some reason. Some excuse for it. They were twins. Doubles. The same in their physical form. That had to be it.

Apparently, her body didn’t know the difference. Well, Cordelia certainly knew the difference. What’s more, so did Angel.

The longer they stood there, the closer their bodies seemed to get and the rumbling in Angel’s chest grew louder. Straightening up from the wall, Cordelia poked a finger at him. “Stop that. I’m not wearing a sign that says Scratch and Sniff.”

Angel’s gaze dropped to the finger digging into his chest and followed the path of her arm back up to her face. “Vampire thing,” he used one of Cordelia’s own phrases as a convenient if pitiful excuse to explain away his behavior. “I-I told you before. It’s sometimes difficult to separate myself from you when your scent is covered in mine.”

“Angelus and I were…in the living room.” Cordelia recalled what he’d told her about the fact that his double’s scent matched his own. Every time Angelus touched her, kissed her, made love to her, it was also Angel’s scent covering her skin.

The thought made her shudder causing her pebbled nipples to brush up against him. Angel covering my skin.

“Mm hunh,” Angel muttered distractedly as one hand tangled in her hair fingering through its long waves like a comb. “Doing what?”

Cordelia realized Angel could tell that Angelus had been kissing her. Touching her. Not that it was his business, but she found herself answering, “Playing pool.”

A huff of dark laughter sounded as the hand combing through her hair settled on her shoulder. His thumb moved back and forth across the skin at the edge of her collar. “Playing pool or just using the pool table?”

Cordelia suddenly saw the pool table in a new light. She let out a soft husky laugh at the idea Angel had put in her head. “No details, remember? I promised.”

“You also said you weren’t a tease. I’m not your brother, Cordelia. Remember that,”
Angel told her with such intensity that she reacted with a start.

“You’re my friend,” Cordelia tried to ignore her hurt feelings at his sudden anger over her choice of words. Unless he was angry about her body’s automatic response to him. Angry that she would react that way to anyone except Angelus. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”

Angel heard the plea in her voice and watched her lips tremble only inches from his own. “Friends? We’ve never been friends, sweetheart.”

Abruptly turning on his heel, Angel left Cordelia standing up against the wall as he headed toward the living room. He didn’t see the tears gathering in her eyes.

Part 23

 “Are we in a hurry?” Buffy asked Angel as she noticed the car’s acceleration. Angel seemed to have a lead foot and it was a good thing the highway traffic was relatively light at this time of the evening.

Realizing that he had been lost in thought, gripping the steering wheel and simply hitting the gas, Angel eased up on the pedal. “Not really. We have plenty of time to get there and back before sunrise.

“Hope so,” Buffy commented, “considering I have school in the morning. Not that that’s ever stopped me from staying out on all-night patrols.”

“Uh…okay. We’ll keep that in mind.” Angel focused on the road trying to get thoughts of Cordelia out of his head. What was it about scent and instant recollection? The memory of her scent still lingered in his mind. Their scent— it was too damn easy to imagine that was true.

Can’t seem to keep my hands to myself lately. Touching Cordelia. Got to stop that. Got to stop lusting after Angelus’ mate and concentrate on my own business. Buffy.

Silence fell between them for several minutes. It was not their usual comfortable stillness, but an awkward stretch of time filled only by the noise of the wind whipping around the convertible. Feeling a need to say something, Buffy commented, “That was a pretty choker Angelus gave to Cordelia. Not as nice as my Claddagh ring, but definitely cool.”

Angel had noticed before, but felt it was time to ask, “Where is your ring, Buffy? I haven’t seen you wear it in a while. Not since I got back.”

“Oh. Well— I don’t have it anymore,” Buffy admitted with some embarrassment. “I left it at the mansion. Thought you weren’t coming back. I-I was saying goodbye.”
“I see.” Angel turned his gaze back to the road, the question apparently sufficiently answered.

The short response made Buffy nervous. Was he mad? Did he even care? Sometimes it was difficult to read him. Getting back to the subject of the choker, “Cor showed me the design. There was a sun on one side and a weavy pattern on the other.”


Buffy frowned at the one-word answer. “Angelus had it specially made. Does it mean something Irish?”

Glancing at her, Angel hoped his irritation didn’t show. The symbolism of that gift was the last thing he wanted to discuss. “Yes and no,” he answered and for a second Buffy thought that was all the information she was going to get. “One side is an ancient Celtic knot pattern, but the other is a symbol denoting the Order of Aurelius.”

“A vampire marking?”

“Yes, Buffy. Angelus is a vampire. It’s only natural that he would mark his mate with symbols that have meaning to his heritage.” Angel suddenly wondered if he had said too much.

“That’s the second time I’ve heard Cordy referred to as Angelus’ mate,” Buffy shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the thought. “First it was Angelus. Yesterday, when he told you to keep your hands— uh, not to joke around with Cordelia. Now you, too?”

Angel hit the accelerator again, but this time Buffy was too distracted to notice. “It’s a fact, Buffy.”

Trying to remember what Giles had told her about vampire families, Buffy honestly couldn’t remember the dynamics. She knew about the sire/childe bond, but beyond that there was something of a gray area. Especially when there was a human in the equation.

“D-Does that make me your mate? Because I’m your girlfriend and we’ve—?”

“Mated?” Angel heard a harsh laugh leave his throat. “No. It has nothing to do with sex. Officially, it’s a…lifebond.”

Buffy’s jaw dropped open in shock at the impact of the word. “Cordy’s married to Angelus?”

“No! Not exactly,” Angel told her while hating the fact that he had to say anything. “This is a vampire rite, not a human marriage. Cordy becomes an official part of the Order of Aurelius and obtains all the protection, rights and privileges of her station. Most vampire mates are lovers, but that depends on their other interests.”

“Does Cor know that?” Buffy figured it meant Angelus didn’t have to be faithful. “I suppose Angelus can do anything he wants, but what about Cordelia? Does the rule work in reverse?”


“Huh. That’s what I thought. Double standards even in the vampire world,” Buffy rolled her eyes.

“Cordelia is bound to her mate and master. Beyond that she would need permission to seek long-term sexual relationships.”

“Only long-term?” Buffy raised her eyebrows. Then his earlier words caught up with her and she had to laugh. “Angelus is Cordelia’s master. That’s really funny. Cordy’s master. Hah! Bet that doesn’t go over well. Can you imagine mastering that mouth of hers?”

The car swerved sharply as Angel reacted to Buffy’s words. Hell yes he could imagine mastering Cordelia’s mouth in any number of ways. If Buffy only knew how close he had come to kissing Cordelia senseless earlier tonight. Just the thought of it kept the vampire on the edge.

Grabbing onto the dashboard, the blond Slayer looked over her shoulder trying to see if they had avoided hitting something in the middle of the road. There was no sign of anything. Thinking about what she had said, a blush crept over her face. “I think I need to rephrase that. I just meant that Cordy has a big mouth and knows how to use it.”

Angel gripped the steering wheel and tried to focus on the road ahead. Sometimes he wondered if people actually thought about what they were saying before they opened their mouths to speak. In any case, Buffy’s curiosity kept him focused on the one subject he hoped to put out of his mind for the rest of the evening.

Unfortunately, Cordelia kept creeping into the conversation all the way to the coast. Once Angel started talking, he didn’t seem to stop. This managed to surprise Buffy who realized her boyfriend was more verbal than usual. She supposed it was only natural that Angel might make references to Cordelia since they were living together. Well, living in the same huge mansion, anyway...with Angelus.

As Buffy thought about the fact that there was no double dating tonight, a smile lit up her face. Being alone with Angel like this was a relief. Finally alone. Without the sickening sweetness that was Cordelia and Angelus. Their sugary side contrasted with no-holds barred naughty behavior. Buffy didn’t know which she hated more.

I’m jealous. Okay, so she actually admitted it to herself. Jealous in a way that angered her. She didn’t want to feel that way. Not about Cordelia. Not because Cor was getting something from Angelus that she never got. Maybe. But it did hurt. It actually hurt that Angelus…evil and soulless vampire though he might be…could be so different with Cor than with her.

Angel was another matter entirely. It was all Angelus’ influence. Surely that was it. He was just exposed to the evil vamp’s behavior and was adjusting to having a brother. Hah! A brother. She doubted Angel really thought that way. It had to be difficult enough to adjust to having Angelus in the house. Imagine actually having to live with Cordelia.

Live with Cordelia? Spiced vamp juice. Constant chatter. Messy. According to Angel, Cordy was really messy and Buffy knew now that he hated that. He’d certainly talked about it enough tonight. Picking up after Cordy. Just like he picked up her clothes from the floor that first time when Buffy found her in Angel’s robe the next morning.

Not everything irritated him about the cheerleader. Just look at the way he joined in with her stupid Tweedle chase with Angelus, playing along and laughing at the silly game. Though there was certainly nothing so silly about the game Angel and Cordy played yesterday. Boutique Bondage. It wasn’t really a game at all. Certainly wasn’t fashion advice. Buffy had never felt quite so ignored while in Angel’s presence as she was right then. It was as if Angel and Cordelia were off in their own little world of silk scarves and intricate knots…except that it was in the middle of the mall.

It was a toss up who was more relieved to arrive at the coast. Their conversation turned from issues closer to home to descriptions of the scenic nighttime waters along the shoreline.

“That looks like a sandy spot,” Buffy pointed out a secluded beach coming up ahead. “Let’s stop there.”

“Now?” Angel had figured on another area he knew about further up the coast, but he felt confined despite the open top of the convertible. “Sounds good.”

Buffy wasn’t certain why, but the growing urge to get out of the car made that stretch of beach look really inviting. When Angel talked to her, it was driving her crazy because half of the things he said had to do with Angelus or Cordelia. When he was quiet, Angel seemed surrounded by dark vampiric vibes that set off her Slayer senses. He’d been doing that a lot lately, which gave her the wiggins. At least he had put an end to the flowers and candy routine.

“You’re taking off your shoes?” Buffy gaped at Angel as if she’d never seen his feet before.

Angel tucked his folded socks into his shoes. “Aren’t you? Cordy said we should walk barefoot. Feel the sand between our toes.”

Staring up at him, Buffy’s growing irritation with the Cordelia-factor came to a peak. “You discussed our date with Cordelia? Did she help you plan it, too?”

“No.” Angel realized that he had said something wrong, but wasn’t sure why talking to Cordy about his plans was a bad thing. “I just mentioned the beach. She likes the beach.”

After a few minutes of awkwardness, they settled into a silence reminiscent of their more comfortable walks through the graveyards of Sunnydale. Here tombstones and crypts were replaced by seashells and sea stones, rustling trees by breaking waves and overturned earth by shifting sand. Only the soft caress of moonlight overhead remained the same.

As Angel held Buffy’s hand in his own, it reminded him of the way it used to be between them. Before the deal with the Fates. Before Angelus came. Before they first made love and the curse destroyed the perfect bliss that followed. Just the two of them together with a moment of innocence, peace and contentment.

Naturally, it had to end. A foul odor wafted along the breeze as the wind shifted and Angel recognized the scent as being demonic. “There’s something on this beach and it’s close.”

“I sense it too,” Buffy nodded as she peered into the shadows.

“I have weapons back in the trunk of the car,” Angel pointed out that they should turn around to go get them.

The Slayer released Angel’s hand, automatically moving into a tighter defensive stance. “Too late. It’s already seen us.”

As the large reptile demon attacked, Angel had to admit there was never a dull moment around the Slayer. No matter where she went, trouble seemed to follow, even to a secluded beach on the California coast. He almost welcomed the chance for a fight. The tension and energy that had built up inside him ever since his encounter with Cordelia needed release. A good brawl might be just the thing to work it out of his system.

“Nice spot you picked out for our stroll, Buffy,” Angel commented as he bashed the demon’s face with his balled fist.

“Glad you like it,” Buffy quipped while grabbing a piece of driftwood from the sandy shore to use as a weapon. “Great view if you don’t mind the locals.”

The demon swung its long tail in Angel’s direction, catching him on the leg, tossing him to the ground face-first. A loud hiss sounded followed by a spray of fluid from the beast’s mouth. It landed across Angel’s leather jacket and started to eat away at the surface like hydrochloric acid.

“Argh!” Angel jumped to his bare feet and whipped off the jacket as he felt the heat of the acidic venom burn through the leather and the material of his shirt. He could feel the wounds on his back were superficial, but the sudden pain caused him to vamp out.
Buffy noticed Angel’s troubles, but had no time to react to it. She was too busy with the demon. The creature moved fast for something so large and its tail added an extra danger. Vaulting over it, Buffy pounded into its hide with the driftwood. Just as the creature was about to turn its attention to her, Angel wrapped his ruined jacket around the beast’s head blinding it and preventing the Slayer from receiving an acid wash of venom.

The heavy crick of breaking bone sounded as Angel grabbed the demon around the neck and twisted hard. Releasing it, the beast dropped to the ground, its body jerking in response for several seconds before growing still. Stalking around the dead demon, Angel lifted his gaze to Buffy who noticed that while his human face was back in place his eyes remained rimmed with a ring of dark amber. The rigid tension in his shoulders and the predatory stare suggested Angel was having difficulty reigning in his demonic side.

“That was fast,” Buffy commented trying not to stare at him. Angel normally did so well hiding his vampire traits from her. God, he looked so powerful standing there, barely restrained. “I didn’t even get in more than one or two good hits.”

“It was over too fast,” Angel protested with a near growl. He had a lot of fight left in him and there was only one outlet in sight.

A hard shiver traveled along Buffy’s spine as Angel’s dark gaze traveled over her body. She stared back at him with a growing realization that she had never seen him quite so close to his demonic side without him actually being Angelus. Her Slayer senses were reeling, but not in protest.

Barefoot, with his pants rolled up to his claves, sand in his hair and that look in his eye, Buffy felt like she was melting into a puddle. Just looking at him made her want him. Angel had no right to look so sexy when they were miles away from civilization. Miles away from the privacy of his bedroom.

Whatever he read in her eyes, Angel walked over, took the driftwood from her hands and flung it toward the ocean. “The demon pissed me off.”

“Yeah,” Buffy agreed as she recognized that growing feeling deep within her. Though the fight was short, she was still experiencing that adrenalin buzz. “It ruined our date.”

“And my jacket.”

Buffy pouted at that add-on. What bothered him more? The date or the jacket? It didn’t really matter. All she needed was to walk off this adrenalin. They were so far from home. Too far. Much too far to think of the things she wanted to do to Angel. “We could still finish our stroll. Just forget about the demon corpse.”

“I think we’re finished here.” Angel decided as he sensed her body’s reaction.

“No,” Buffy protested. She didn’t want the night to be over. “This is the first time we’ve been alone in forever.”

“We weren’t alone,” Angel nodded in the direction of their dead attacker.

Angel needed to get out of this place. It was happening again. The same damn thing that always happened after a fight. Even thought Buffy had barely gotten warmed up during the melee, she was looking at him like he was on the menu for her next meal. Right now he wasn’t in the mood to say no. All the way here, thoughts of Cordelia had kept him on edge and then the demon attack simply added to his emotional muddle.

He didn’t know if Buffy was reacting to him or he was reacting to the Slayer’s post-demon brawl adrenalin rush. Buffy’s skin practically glowed with energy, her eyes luminescent in the moonlight and the sheen of her blond hair all reflected her inner emotional state which currently could be labeled as…horny.

“Let’s go. If I step on the gas, we can be back at the mansion in thirty minutes,” he told her and was already turning to head back down the beach to the spot they had stashed their shoes.

Back to the mansion? It was her own fault, Buffy realized. Knowing that she had been rather verbal against doing things in public locations, she felt a little guilty about the thoughts that filled her head. Maybe it was that they had talked about Cordelia and Angelus so much that she was spurred on by it, but suddenly the idea no longer seemed quite so bad.

“Angel, wait up,” Buffy had to jog to catch up with the swiftly moving vampire. “We don’t have to leave. We can stay here.”

Stopping, Angel whirled around to face her. “I’m not talking about a stroll in the garden, Buffy. I’m not in any mood to try to make love to you. If we stay here, you’re going to get fucked.”

Buffy jerked back at the way he said it. Crude and blatently honest. No hiding what he wanted. Those eyes of his revealing everything dark and sinful inside him.

Breathing hard, Buffy felt the ache in her loins and knew that in this moment Angel was the only one who could sate it. Her body quivered in anticipation of his touch. Of watching his face as she rose up over him and sank down onto his hard shaft. To feel him inside her as she restrained his arms against the sand.

Boutique bondage? Buffy figured she could do better than that.

Already moving again, Angel didn’t expect the move that dropped him to the sand. The Slayer was on top of him with her supernaturally strong thighs pinning him down to the ground. “Not so fast, vampire. I said I didn’t want to leave.”

Reaching up, Angel gripped onto her hair, forcing Buffy’s head down close. Slanting his mouth across hers, Angel kissed her hard bruising her lips with the intensity of the contact. He held her there with the force of his strength, kissing her until she had no air left to breathe, and then releasing her suddenly.

As Buffy took in a deep gasp, he issued a final warning for he was far too close to the point of no return. Already, Angel could tell he was about to give Buffy something she had never experienced before and heaven help her if she tried to stop him once he passed that point.

“You call me vampire?” Angel asked. She never used that term around him. Not to his face. Buffy always preferred to pretend he was human. “You realize that’s what you’re going to get tonight. All of me.”

Panting down at him, pure lust shone in her eyes. If there was a part of her that was scared by the idea, Buffy couldn’t feel it. Her Slayer senses were overwhelming the rest of her, overtaking her other emotions. Leaving pure instinct behind. All she knew was that she wanted the creature lying beneath her. Wanted his hardness within her. Needed to control what was hers to control and take what he had to give her.

Buffy’s only response was to rip open Angel’s shirt baring his chest to her view. He growled at her, sitting up to whip her knit top over her head leaving her pointed breasts covered with the thin lace bra. This, he simply ripped away.

Cupping her perky breasts in his hands, Angel nipped and sucked at them until Buffy was writhing her body against him. Her hips shifted firmly against the rigid length in his pants. Reaching between them, she started to unbuckle his belt only to pause at his heated stare.

“Interesting change of heart, Buffy,” he commented while roughly setting her on the sand beside him, shifting over so that he loomed over her. “So dissenting about the fact that Cordelia and Angelus make love when and where they want, but here you are demanding sex on a beach with a view from the highway.”

“Shut up,” Buffy didn’t want to talk about it. She was still working at his belt despite the new position and let out a triumphant sound as it opened allowing her to reach for the button and zipper enclosing him from her eager hand.

Angel let her grasp him, felt her hand moving along his rigid penis. Thrusting into her tight grip, he asked knowingly, “Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” she panted.

Removing himself from her grasp, Angel stood up, removing his pants and boxers in one swift move. Standing over Buffy and watching as she wriggled out of her own pants against the moonlit sand. “Tell me what you want, Buffy. Be honest for once.”

She looked at him confused by his request. “You. Want you.”

“This is what you want, isn’t it?” Angel shifted into his vampiric form causing Buffy to gasp as she saw the changes that took place over the course of his body. The Slayer in her reacted instinctively, launching herself from the ground and lunging at Angel’s body with a strength that knocked him down.

They struggled on the sands, rolling over each other as they fought for supremacy. The sand scraped into the burns on his back, but the pain only drove Angel on. Their primal dance continued until he grasped her ankles and pulled her legs open so that his hungry gaze settled on her wet folds.

For the moment, Buffy didn’t care that she was on her back, only that he was about to penetrate her and fill her up. Reaching between them, she ran her fingers along her sensitive flesh opening and readying herself for the intrusion of his sex. As Angel pressed the broad tip against her, Buffy let out a cry. He seemed bigger than usual and even ribbed in ways that he was not in his human form.

Angel ignored the startled sound. Holding onto her slim hips, he pushed forward in a slow, steady fashion moving against the inner power of the Slayer’s vaginal walls. Wet and slick, she took him to the hilt stretching around him like a too tight glove. Normally, he gave her a minute or two to get used to the sensation. Not now. He pulled back and thrust forward again with a powerful move of his hips.

That was exactly what Buffy seemed to want. The harder he thrust, the more she moaned in his ear and the faster her hips came up to meet him. Locked together, they moved in that primal rhythm giving and taking. Buffy clawed at his shoulders urging Angel on as she stared into his demonic face.

Then Buffy started whimpering as if something was wrong. Muttering, “Not right, not right.”

Angel didn’t have a clue and truly didn’t care. He wasn’t going to prolong this despite the fact that if he really wanted too he could fuck the Slayer all night. No, he just needed to get his rocks off and as soon as Buffy had her first orgasm he was going to let it go.

Then Buffy twisted her body with a move that left her back on top and the look that came over her face as she did so suggested to Angel that their position was exactly what had not been right for her. Swift anger washed over him as he watched her ride his thick erection. Her face was raised to the moon, eyes closed in ecstasy as her hands stimulated her breasts.

She was a beautiful creature, came the thought just before Angel’s anger overtook any trace of tender emotion. Using his abdominal muscles to raise his body up, Angel grasped Buffy’s head yanking her hair aside. Buffy knew one moment of panic before she felt Angel’s fangs rip into her throat.

The blood, hot and vital, squirted into Angel’s mouth and he started to suck it down. Buffy screamed in his ear, tugging at his hair to pull him off of her, but he held tight for the first few seconds tasting the Slayer blood that was more powerful that any he had ever consumed. Then he was coming inside her, the rush of his body catching up with the heady sensation of having his fangs in her flesh. Thrusting his spurting cock deep into her womb, one arm wrapped around her waist to hold her there.

Just as suddenly as he had bitten her, Angel thrust Buffy off of him, tossing her across the sand so that she lay out of his reach. Blood stained his mouth and his tongue swept across his lips to lap up every precious drop before his senses came back to him.

“A-Angel?” As she sounded out his name, Buffy held a hand to her bleeding neck.

There was fear and frustration in her eyes as Angel prowled across the sand to her side. Dropping to his knees next to her, the vampire stared in horror at what he had done. Where was the love and gentility he wanted to exist between them? How long had it been gone? He had told Cordelia that he never wanted to bite Buffy during sex, not for the pleasure it gave.

This gaping wound on her throat had nothing to do with love or claiming her, Angel realized. What it really meant frightened him in a way nothing had in a very long time. “I need to seal that wound, Buffy, before you bleed to death.”

There was blood staining her hand and dripping down her forearm, Buffy realized as she tried to press harder. “Angel is that really you?”

A dark laugh sounded from his throat. Was she dizzy from blood loss or just doubting that he could lose himself to his vampire instincts? “My soul is bound, Buffy. Angelus and I were separated, but I’m still a vampire. I’ll always be a vampire.”

Buffy flinched as Angel drew close to staunch the bleeding. Sealing the wound meant that he put his mouth on her again. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she recalled Giles saying something about vampire saliva containing properties that could either enhance bleeding or the coagulation of blood. After ministering to her throat for several minutes and apparently sucking up the last traces of blood on the skin of her neck, Angel sat back on his heels.

“Can you stand?”

She nodded, “Yes. I-I didn’t expect you to bite me.”

“I didn’t even let you come,” Angel realized with a harsh laugh.

Rising to his feet, the vampire walked closer to the water’s edge feeling the cool waves wash over his feet. He stared out toward the dark horizon, looking at the way the moonlight brightened the waters. Buffy walked up beside him, bending down to rinse off the blood from her hand and arm.

She was about to ask him if she’d done something wrong when Angel issued orders without even looking in her direction. “Get dressed Buffy. Go to the car.”

It was some time before Angel finally followed her there. The look on his face told her that silence would be safer. He obviously didn’t want to talk about biting her and Buffy wasn’t certain that she did, either. Maybe it was better to forget about it. After all, she’d kind of egged him on tonight. Jealousy over Cordelia’s passionate nature with Angelus led her to give Angel what she thought he wanted. Then there was the fact that she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

Buffy couldn’t read him. She cast furtive glances in Angel’s direction all the way back to Sunnydale, but his poker face was firmly in place. Only his tight grip on the wheel suggested that anything was bothering him. One thing was certain. Buffy knew that she would never look at Angel again without acknowledging to herself that he was a vampire.

The Plymouth pulled up in front of Buffy’s house on Revello Drive after a short thirty minute return trip. Buffy wasn’t certain what to say to Angel, except that she knew things were different between them.

“Goodnight, Buffy.”

“Will I see you at the Bronze tomorrow night?” Buffy and Cordelia had been planning the get-together for a week.

Angel turned his dark gaze toward her thinking that was a strange first question for her to ask after everything that happened tonight. Where was her rage? Where were the accusations? He certainly deserved both. Tonight had veered so far from what was right that Angel neither one of them could find anything to say.

“The Bronze?” That harsh laugh sounded again. “I’ll be there. Cordy would have my ass if I didn’t show.”

With a brief nod, Buffy said goodnight and watched him drive away. She lifted a trembling hand toward the wounds on her throat realizing they would still be visible tomorrow. “Tell me, Angel,” she whispered to the vanishing taillights of the Plymouth as it rounded the corner, “what will Cordelia think of that?”

Part 24

 Angel let the mansion door drift shut behind him. Dropping his car keys onto the foyer table, he bent over it gripping onto the edges and trying to ignore the urge to send the table crashing to the floor. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he did not see the shadows move behind him, nor hear the almost silent step of the one who approached with stealth equivalent to his own.

“Turn around, you bastard,” Angelus demanded. “I’ve been waiting for you to show up just so I could do this.”

As the souled vampire turned, Angelus pulled back with his fist and sent it crashing along his twin’s jaw. Angel staggered with the blow, but did not fall having expected what was coming the second he heard his brother’s voice.

“Feeling better now?” he queried.

Angelus shrugged, “Slightly. We’ll see if you deserve more than that after you give me an explanation.”

“I don’t have the patience for this right now,” Angel told him. “Can it wait?”

“No. Cordelia was almost killed tonight and it’s your fault.”

“What?” Angel rushed forward to clasp Angelus’ shoulders. “Where is she?”

“Upstairs. Finally asleep.”

Fear held Angel in its grip. “What happened? Is Cordy okay?”

“She’s fine. I got to her in time. Just before that little prick of a vampire chomped into her,” Angelus growled at the memory.

Angel tried to remember what they had planned for the evening. He’d been too busy talking to Cordelia about his rendezvous plans with Buffy to ask her what she and Angelus were going to do. “You guys went on patrol?”

“No, we went to dinner at that new restaurant she wanted to go to. It wasn’t until afterward when we were walking back to the car that we were attacked by that little nut and his gang. New in town, obviously. Didn’t know who he was messing with.”

“Probably didn’t expect to see another vampire coming out of a restaurant,” Angel commented. He still didn’t see how this was any fault of his. “Why was Cordelia in danger? Surely she was wearing the choker. The sigil would protect her from harm by another vampire.”

Angelus scowled angrily. “It clashed with her other jewelry. She refused to wear it tonight.”

“I trust that won’t happen again.”

“I didn’t wait here to be lectured by you, Angel,” the other vampire crossed his arms and glared darkly. “We took out the gang of them, but Cordelia was distracted. She had been all night. Thanks to you.”

Meeting Angelus eye to eye, Angel demanded that he come right out with whatever he was trying to say. “Don’t dance around the subject, Angelus. If you’re accusing me of something, just do it.”

“That’s just it. I don’t know what you did. Cordelia wouldn’t say. She just kept telling me that you weren’t her friend,” Angelus explained. “Considering everything that has happened, I know that Cor thinks of you as her friend— her family. Whatever you did or said to her has cut her deeply.”

This had to be one of the worst nights of his undead life, Angel decided. “What I said was for her own good— and yours. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to hear any more.”

Angelus’ eyes narrowed as he took in a good look. “What happened to you tonight? Looks like we weren’t the only ones in a fight. You look like shit. Your jacket’s gone. Your shirt is ripped and burnt. There are burn marks on your back and scratches on your neck.”

“I’ve had better dates.”

“I smell blood, Angel. Slayer’s blood.” Angelus’ eyes opened wide with the realization that Buffy Summers’ blood had been spilled. “You wanna tell me if it was during the fight or what happened afterward.”

Angel only glared at him coldly. “That’s none of your damn business.”

“It’s happening, isn’t it?”

The question held meaning and weighted heavily in Angel’s mind as he considered and denied it in the same moment. “No.”

“The Moirae—”

Yelling back and cutting Angelus off, “I don’t give a fuck what they said. It’s not happening.”

Holding out his hands in a cautionary pose, Angelus told his double, “You need to control yourself, Angel. If I can do it without a soul, you can certainly do the same.”

The vampire standing in front of him reminded Angelus more of himself before the soul than Angel. No matter what he said, it seemed obvious that something was setting him off. “Deny it if you want, but do one thing if you value that soul of yours. Stay the fuck away from my mate.”

Cold laughter sounded from Angel’s throat. “That’s what I’ve been trying to do. Stay away from her. Do you have any idea how hard it is? Everytime you touch her, it’s like I’ve been there. My scent all over her skin. I was handling it until you marked her with that sigil. Until you put her back under my power. Now I can’t seem to get Cordelia out of my head.”


The fact that Angel was attracted to Cordelia was no surprise. It was always there, just something the vampire had never consciously admitted. That he would do his best to behave himself also came as no surprise. It had even amused Angelus to think that his double was tortured just a bit by the fact that Cordelia was his mate.

“What does my mark have to do with you?”

Angel simply suggested, “Think about it.”

He did and the swift conclusion that Angelus came to was unacceptable. “No fucking way. There is no way I am acknowledging you as the leader of the Order of Aurelius. You? Soul Boy? The Master would roll over in his grave if Buffy hadn’t pounded his skeleton into dust.”

“I am your Master,” Angel stood his ground and spoke with such conviction that even Angelus had a difficult time refuting his certainty. “Deep down, you know it’s true.”


“Denying it makes no difference. You can’t escape the truth and you can’t challenge me to claim the title thanks to the constraints the Fates have put upon us.” Angel was glad to have it out in the open. It was something that needed to be done and now it was over. He saw the angry light of acceptance gleam in Angelus’ eyes.

The soulless vampire thought of the three Fates. “Remind me to kill those bitches the next time I see them.”

Angel saw the tension gathering in Angelus’ shoulders. The other vampire was barely in control. Join the club. Angel felt the same way. Still, he had to admit what he knew to be true, “Cordelia is your mate, Angelus. I recognize that. I also know she loves you. The fact that I want her may torture me, but I’m not planning to encroach where I’m not wanted.”

Not purposefully. Not until she acknowledges that she wants me.

Angelus gritted his teeth, seething inwardly and showing it without and attempt to hide his fury. “There was a time I would have killed you just because you looked at what was mine. I can’t. Again, thanks to the Fates. Well, look all you want, Angel. If that’s what it takes for you to keep your hands off Cordelia, I don’t care. Just don’t touch what’s mine.”

There were so many things Angel could have said in return. He could have told the vampire that he had every right to touch Cordelia in any way he wanted. After all, she belonged to him as much as she did Angelus. But there had been too much conflict tonight already.

“I’ve had a helluva night. I’m going to bed.”

Angelus watched the retreating back of his twin until he saw Angel turn down the second floor hallway toward his room. Grabbing the keys to the Plymouth that Angel had carelessly tossed onto the table in the foyer, he headed straight to the car. With screeching tires, he pulled up ten minutes later in front of Rupert Giles’ house, leapt out of the car and proceeded to pound on the Watcher’s front door.

“Took you long enough,” Angelus complained when the door finally opened to reveal the human’s sleep-tossed form.

Glancing over the vampire’s shoulder, Giles saw the Plymouth convertible on the road. Despite the fact that he knew Angel never let his double drive his car, it was clear to the Watcher who had come to him.

“So, what we feared has come to pass,” Giles accepted the realization calmly having expected this for some time. Stepping back, he opened the door wider. “I invite you in, Angelus.”

Part 25

 “It’s started,” Angelus acknowledged as he walked into Rupert Giles’ home for the first time since he laid out Jenny Calendar’s dead body in the bedroom. Champagne and roses weren’t in the cards tonight.

With this new existence, Angelus needed an invitation to enter, something that had to act like a gut punch for the Watcher to issue. Just forcing the words of welcome out of his mouth had to come at a high personal price, but the vampire decided not to press the issue by pointing that out.

Giles took in a deep breath, releasing it as a long sigh of discontent. “Unsurprising though it may be, Angelus, I am less concerned with you and Angel than I am with having to deal with Buffy and Cordelia should the worst of this come to pass.”

“We could be dust for all you care, Rupert. I’m sure you’d wield the stake yourself if I gave you the chance,” Angelus sneered knowingly.

After a pause where silence was the only acknowledgement required, Giles asked the vampire, “Tea?”

“No. I’m not here for the pleasantries,” Angelus swept past the Watcher and walked toward the study where books and scrolls were spread out across his desk. “You’ve started the research?”

“At Angel’s suggestion,” Giles nodded. He’d been at it non-stop for the past couple of months. “I wasn’t certain what I would find. Details on the Moirae are wrapped up in so much mythology that it can be difficult to weed out the fact from the fiction. Not impossible, just time consuming.”

“Understanding more about how their powers work could stop this.” Angelus hoped the Watcher would find his answers soon. The past couple of days had seen obvious changes in Angel, the worst of which was in evidence tonight.

Though Angelus did not really care about the fact that the Slayer’s blood was spilled, the fact that Angel was the one to do it signaled a descent into darkness from which his soul might never recover. Not that he had much affection for the Soul…Angelus just didn’t want the consequences to come back to bite him on the ass. Besides, he had kind of gotten used to having the guy around.

“We can’t stop the inevitable, Angelus. Forestalling what the Fates themselves have laid out for you may be impossible. I can research everything the Council possesses and never find a loophole. Our only true hope was that this would never happen, but that looks rather grim considering your presence.” Giles moved back toward the couch and sat down. “Something triggered your visit here tonight. What was it?”

“Are you sure you can handle the details?” Angelus met the Watcher’s gaze noting that his calm features twitched just a bit.

Answering, Giles removed his glasses and polished the lenses against with the hem of his robe, temporarily sending the world into a hazy blur. “Naturally I can handle it. I’m trained to handle it. The more details the better.”

“Remember that, Watcher.”


A shriek of pure terror alerted him to Cordelia’s troubles. Reacting like he was shot from a cannon, Angel raced down the hall and up the stairs. Vampiric speed taking him to the top landing in a matter of seconds, he mentally readied himself for a fight. With who and what didn’t matter just that the source of her fear ended.

Angelus? The thought that his brother would take out his anger on Cordelia came and went so quickly that Angel could hardly consider it. His soulless double was far too protective of his mate.

Despite the demon brawl and the other events of the night, Angel’s energy level was high and he felt like he could take on ten times whatever he found inside that room. It was the Slayer’s blood still coursing through his system, Angel realized. The added rush was there despite the fact that he had actually taken very little.

A flash of guilt hit, quickly pushed back from his conscious mind as Angel focused on the soft sounds of distress seeping through the slightly ajar door. Pushing it open, he used such reflexive force that it rebounded off the wall with a heavy bang. A warning growl sounded from his throat as his demon features appeared, ready to take on the enemy with deadly force.

Except there was no enemy in sight, only Cordelia lying alone in Angelus’ huge bed and obviously sleeping. “Cordy?”

Not only had Angel made enough noise to wake the dead when barging into her room, he automatically found her name on his lips. Sitting up sharply, Cordelia reeled in momentarily confusion coming straight out of her disturbing dreams to awaken with a start at the noise of Angel’s entry. The fear pounded in her chest at the vivid memory of her nightmares.

“Angel.” Relief sounded as her hazel eyes focused on him, his presence quelling most of her fear. Despite the fact that he wore only a pair of dark grey boxers that hugged him like a second skin, Cordelia didn’t stare more than a few seconds of time at the hard wall of muscle standing before her. Recalling the events of the night, Cordelia’s gaze turned cold. “What are you doing here? Where is Angelus?”

Admittedly, Angel had no idea. “I don’t sense him in the mansion, Cordy.”

“He left me alone?” Cordelia’s gasp of surprise made Angel wonder if she specifically meant alone with him.

“I’m not my brother’s keeper,” Angel scoffed as he walked further into the room.

A chill passed down Cordelia’s spine at the tone in his voice. “So why are you in my bedroom? I seem to recall that yours is off-limits to me.”

“You called out to me,” Angel’s revelation came as a shock. “You were screaming.”

Hugging a pillow close to her chest, Cordelia considered his words. Calling for him? Why is that? Still shaken up by the vivid images in her head, she found a perfect defense. “I had a nightmare.”

Having guessed that much, he pointed out, “Makes sense after what happened.”

Cordelia realized then that Angelus told him about the vampire attack. “I’m surprised to hear that someone who isn’t my friend would bother to check on me.”

The cold trill in her voice riled Angel, but he was distracted by seeing Cordelia lift her hand to her neck. “Are you hurt?”

“N-No.” The quaver was enough to dissuade him that Angelus had been completely honest with him about Cordelia’s state of health.

Angelus told him the vampire hadn’t bitten her. Concerned fury raged within him as he rounded the bed to sit beside her. Taking her wrist, Angel pulled her hand aside, demanding gruffly, “Let me look, Cordy.”

Cordelia glanced at Angel from the periphery of her vision as he tucked her hair away from her throat and tilted her head aside. “He didn’t bite me.”

There were no fang marks marring her flesh, but her throat was far from uninjured. “You’re bruised.”

It was a lucky thing that the vampire who dared to lay its hands on what was his, marring her soft skin, was already dust. Angel envisioned dealing with the vampire in ways to assure he understood the extent of the crime before that final moment. His thumb moved over her bruises with a tender touch as if trying to erase them.

Pushing Angel’s hand away, Cordelia glared at him. “I told you I wasn’t bitten. Stop looking at my neck as if you want to change that.”

I’ve done my share of biting tonight, Sweetheart. Angel’s mouth quirked into a smirk that quickly dropped away as her snippy remark reminded him there shouldn’t have been any danger from the out-of-towners to begin with. “You weren’t wearing your choker, Cordelia. Don’t go out at night again without it.”

“It clashed—”

“Bullshit! I don’t give a crap if it clashes with everything you’ve got. You will protect yourself from the type of scum that attacked you by wearing it,” Angel’s demanding tone left no room for refusal as he crowded her on the bed, his hands on either side of her hips as he leaned into her. Cordelia felt a bump as she nudged the headboard.

“Sheesh! Bossy much?”

Angel ignored her quip, grinding out, “That sun sigil marks you as belonging to the Order of Aurelius and I assure you that another vampire won’t dare touch you unless he has a death wish.”

Cordelia pushed the pillow at his chest, putting some space between them. Grabbing it, Angel tossed it to the other side of the bed recognizing her effort to erect a barrier between them and dealing with it just as swiftly. Raking predatory eyes down her upper body, Angel hungrily gazed at exposed sun-kissed skin and the way the coral silk hugged the ample curves of her breasts. Draped around her waist, the bedcovers hid her legs from view, leaving him wondering whether that nightgown was long or if it just covered the bottom curve of her buttocks.

Oblivious to his scrutiny, Cordelia’s temper was building up to an explosive level. “You have no right to tell me what to do. You’re not my friend, remember. I don’t take advice from you, Angel. Not anymore.”

“Did you ever?” He had the nerve to laugh softly at her furious expression. When her eyes widened at his response, Angel cupped her face forcing her to keep looking at him as he told her, “I’m a fool, Cordelia. I wish I never said those words to you. We are friends. We’re just more than that.”

“M-More?” Panicking a little, Cordelia wasn’t certain where he was taking that line.

Angel’s mouth curled up at one corner with a hint of irony in his voice. “I’m not your brother, sweetheart, but we are family. I have every right to tell you to wear that choker. It’s as much my mark as it is Angelus’ and the protection it gives you comes from me.”

Not certain that she understood all of what Angel was saying, Cordelia answered with a scoff, “Yes, master.”

“That’s right dammit!” Angel dropped his hands from her face forcing himself to stop touching her before his anger led to something he couldn’t control. “Ask Angelus if you don’t believe me.”

That came out with such vehemence that Cordelia suddenly realized his little game of Vampire Master had to have some basis in reality. She was wondering if Giles could clear that up for her when Angel added, “Battle me all you want, Cordelia. Just don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger. I don’t want you hurt.”

As he spoke, Cordelia suddenly became aware that he had injuries of his own. She saw scratch marks on his shoulders and neck. Lifting her fingers toward one set of marks, Cordy realized that they looked like deep scrapes from human fingernails. It wasn’t enough just to see them from here. Cordelia crawled up over the bedcovers moving beside him so that his shoulder was nearly nestled between her breasts.

The move answered Angel’s curiosity about her nightgown. The short coral nightie crept up to reveal the edge of matching lace panties as she bent over to examine his back. Angel held still as her warm hands touched his skin. The surface wounds were already healing, but his back was still causing him pain. Burns always took longer to heal. Figuring, he’d suffer a lot more to keep feeling Cordelia’s gentle touch.

Straightening up onto her knees, Cordelia worriedly asked, “What happened, Angel?”

Closing his eyes, Angel shut out the concerned interest apparent on Cordelia’s face. It would frighten her to know the truth about what happened tonight. He didn’t want to do that. Telling her would reveal too much.

As if she read his mind, Cordelia urged him to speak. Brushing close to the healing wounds on his shoulder, she ran her fingers back and forth over the flesh. “You can tell me anything, Angel. That was something you once offered me. To come to you. Well, I’m here. Talk to me.”

Whether it was the plea in her voice or the sincerity in her eyes, Angel suddenly found himself telling Cordelia everything. She sat next to him now, her legs folded beneath her while balancing her weight on one arm. Giving him her full attention, those gorgeous hazel eyes were focused fully on him.

Even now, pouring out his problems, Angel found her beauty distracting. Waves of her mahogany hair cascaded down her shoulder to tickle his bent knee forcing him to control the urge to bury his hands in that hair. That would be a mistake, no doubt. Soon he’d be kissing her, covering that luscious mouth with his own and then tasting every exposed inch of her sun-kissed skin.

Fucking fantasies. Angel had grown tired of them.

Cordelia was his problem from the start. What led to the entire incident with Buffy. Angel grabbed at the end of Cordelia’s hair wrapping the soft strands around his finger as a reminder of what he couldn’t do.

“I had you on my mind all night,” Angel confessed and watched the surprise appear with an answering light in her eyes. “I acted like an ass leaving you the way I did.”

Cordelia sounded a soft snort of agreement, but said nothing more.

“Buffy and I— our date didn’t go as planned. There was a demon,” he explained with a shrug as if it was a common occurrence. Cordelia supposed it was. “I killed it.”

“The demon burned your back?”


Cordelia lifted her hand to his shoulder again. “What about these?”

“That wasn’t the demon,” Angel told her, his mouth drawn into a flat line.

She’d already figured that out.

“It was Buffy. We were—,” he faltered for a moment uncertain that he wanted to go on.

Cordelia immediately imagined Buffy in the throws of passion as Angel pleasured her with all the skill he possessed. She filled in the silent void with a soft query, “Making love on the beach?”

Angel looked back at her with amber blazing in his eyes again. A harsh laugh came from his throat. How far from the truth was that? “No. It wasn’t lovemaking. More like pure sexual instinct. I-I fucked her, Cordelia, in my demon form. As a vampire.”

“You are a vampire. Is that so bad, Angel?” Frowning, Cordelia wasn’t certain if that was supposed to be a problem. It sounded as if they’d never done it that way before and considering the chandelier shaking dramas, Cordelia was completely surprised. “Angelus and I— erm, forgot— no details.”

What was she saying? That Angelus sometimes let his demon out to play when they had sex? He knew from overhearing them that Cordelia got off on everything that Angelus did to her, whatever that might be. It seemed next to impossible to control the urges that would take over his body when he vamped out with a human, but Angelus had a painful leash to keep him in line, Angel realized. That might make a difference.

Cordelia took in a deep breath and tried to focus on the fact that Angel was trying to open up to her, even though the thought of him being with Buffy suddenly made her kind of queasy. “I-If you both liked it, what does it matter if you were all Grrr Guy? It’s kind of exciting.”

Detecting the proof of her excitement over the idea at the change in Cordelia’s tone and the rhythm of her breathing, Angel imagined her licking his fangs as they kissed. Oh, the things he could do to her without ever breaking her skin.

“I bit Buffy,” Angel told her point blank.

As he watched Cordelia’s mouth drop open, Angel thought he detected more than just surprise or concern etched on her face. He was right, though only Cordelia could tell what it was. The news that he had bitten Buffy came with a shock followed by a stab of jealousy so deep that she momentarily forgot to breathe.

The idea unsettled her to the point that Cordelia sat up reaching for her neck. Angel thought the move meant she was reminded of the attack. “Not the best time to talk about biting. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Lifting her hazel gaze, Cordelia’s mouth trembled almost imperceptibly as she gave in to her curiosity, “Did she like it? Angelus said if it’s done right it can make you both come.”

Angel tried to stop his mouth from falling open at the bald statement, but failed. She seemed anxious to know the truth. Curious beyond her ability to withhold that little tidbit, her flushed face and bright eyes hinted at her arousal. Here she was scantily dressed—as was Angel— sitting on her bed talking to him about biting and orgasms, obviously ignorant of the fact that her words had sparked an impulse to show her precisely how it could be if it was done right.

It was so like Cordelia to forget about propriety and simply ask what she wanted to know. No matter the consequences. Her curiosity had to stem from the fact that her mate was restrained by the Fates’ and could not bite her even if he wanted too and Angel was certain that he did. That lack of control and the pain that accompanied it was not something Angel wanted, but he certainly envied Angelus’ ability to have a frank discussion with the woman he loved.

Just imagine telling Buffy some of the things that he wanted to do with…with Cordy, actually. Angel was so far from believing the Slayer would allow any of the things that he would do to her as a vampire that he couldn’t imagine it. Cordelia kept replacing Buffy in his head and he found himself fighting against that conversion less and less.

So, did Buffy like it? Did they come? Cordelia expectantly awaited his answers, but he could only tell her, “It wasn’t that kind of bite.”

Cordelia nibbled on her lower lip. Disappointed at his answer, she asked, “You mean that you didn’t like it?”

“Trust me, sweetheart, I came hard and fast when I bit into that soft honeyed flesh, but it wasn’t done in love.” Angel felt that same darkness swirl within him at the memory of piercing Buffy’s skin and lapping up her blood. “For a moment, all I knew was that I had the Slayer in my arms, on top of me, trying to take what she wanted. So I—”

She filled in the void, “Took what you wanted?”

“Yes. A mouthful of Slayer’s blood.” Angel looked disgusted with himself.

“Buffy’s okay, I take it,” Cordelia assumed suddenly troubled at the way Angel was describing it.

“Yes,” he answered. “As much as anyone can be after their lover tries to rip out their throat.”

“Angel, I know you don’t want to hurt Buffy. What happened— it isn’t like you to lose control like that.” Cordelia worried about him. It was as if Angel was having difficulty restraining his vampire nature. Like his behavior in the hallway earlier before he told her that he wasn’t her friend. Following his senses. Acting on his instincts.

“It won’t happen again,” Angel assured her.

Cordelia frowned at him, still trying to understand this from his point of view. “You’re a vampire. Yes, you have a soul, but I can’t believe you don’t want that. It can’t be so easy to deny that you want it.”

“Cordy, of course I want it. I’ve spent decades trying to convince myself that I don’t need it. Biting to kill or for food…I thought that instinct was so far behind me, but it’s clearly not. Biting with sex is entirely different. To sink my fangs into my lover and taste what she’s made of while she surrounds me…it’s been a while. More than a while.”

Licking her suddenly dry lips, Cordelia released a shaky sigh as Angel’s fingers trailed over her throat. Omigod. Angel, don’t touch me like that. Look at me like that. Not like you want me. Not like you want to sink those fangs into me, to bite me. Omigod. Angel, bite me. No, no, no. Bad thoughts.

“Cordelia?” Angel saw the conflicting emotions on her face. Was she disgusted with him for telling her the truth? Horrified at what he had done to Buffy? Maybe it was just the fact that once again he couldn’t seem to keep his damn hands to himself.

She was getting so aroused, Angel realized smugly despite his self-derision. Just by his touch, just the thought of being bitten. Unless she was thinking of Angelus, not that his brother could help her with that vampire fantasy. He had no doubts that her panties were sopping wet; she smelled so fucking good.

“Angel, you need to talk to Buffy,” Cordelia told him bluntly breaking through the images filling his head. “This biting thing doesn’t have to be so bad. Maybe you just needed to get across to Buffy that you want it— in a good way. Angel, you just need to figure out what you really want.”

Though she waited for a response, Angel simply stared at her, quietly and deeply. He couldn’t say what he wanted, not now. Certainly not here in Angelus’ bed.

Cordelia found his silence pressing upon her, forcing her to break it. “I just want you to know that I— I’m your friend. Whether you realize that or not. You really hurt my feelings today.”

Angel handsome face stared back at her with such devastation that Cordelia knew he was truly sorry for it. She added, “Just don’t do it again.”

Recognizing that it was time for him to step out and let her get back to sleep, Angel told Cordelia, “I don’t deserve you, sweetheart.”

That impish smile appeared chasing away any gloomy remnants between them. “I know.”

“You should go back to sleep,” Angel suggested. “You have school in the morning and we’ve got the Bronze thing tomorrow night.”

Shaking her head, Cordelia admitted, “I don’t think I can sleep. Not until Angelus comes home. Nightmares, remember?”

Angel lifted up the covers and indicated she should climb in. Cordelia mumbled, but got under the covers anyway. She lay back against the pillows and let Angel tuck her in. “Don’t leave,” she whined just enough to make him feel guilty. “Stay and talk to me. I don’t want to be alone.”

“You don’t know what you’re asking,” Angel wasn’t certain he could stay longer without wanting to fulfill those fantasies running through his head.

“Don’t be a dork, Angel. It won’t kill you to have a real conversation with me.”

“What just happened? I seem to recall lots of talking.”

“Truth and consequences? Pfft!” Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Like you unburdening your soul is going to get you anywhere. There is serious sucking up to do on your part if you want to get back in my good graces, buster.”

Sucking up? Her good graces? “Whatever happened to you saying ‘just don’t do it again’?”

Cordelia snuggled deeper into the covers before answering. Yawning, she explained, “That was your warning, Care Bear.”

Letting out a groan at the use of the cheesy endearment, Angel gave in to her. Just as he always seemed to give in to her. Stretching out on top of the covers, he braced his head in his hand, lying on his side to watch her as she chatted about the Bronze. Despite Cordelia’s determination to stay awake to talk, she was soon asleep.

Angelus walked into the bedroom thirty minutes later to find Angel still there. On his bed with Cordelia asleep beside him, the backs of her fingers brushing against the vampire’s bare chest. He’d detected the purring sound before entering the room, the sound soft and deep rumbling with contentment.

Naturally, the purring stopped as soon as Angelus made his presence known. Angel had been so distracted as he stared down at Cordelia that he missed his brother’s entry into the room. As his eyes darted up, Angel saw the other vampire’s barely contained fury.

Slowly, Angel extracted himself from the bed. Walking over to Angelus who remained quietly fuming, he explained, “Cordelia had a nightmare. You weren’t here to calm her down.”

Gazing through narrow eyes, Angelus considered that possibility. He’d been stupid to leave Cordelia alone with Angel in the first place. Considering his uncharacteristic behavior earlier tonight, it might have been better to call Rupert Giles instead of flying off the handle and stealing the Plymouth.

Angel assured his brother. “We talked about what happened tonight. Just talked.”

Only the fact that Angel’s words had the ring of truth to them kept Angelus from ripping his brother apart despite all that would happen if he tried it. Dammit, he couldn’t even stay pissed at Angel. After all, he had come to help Cordelia. Staying while she was asleep was another matter, but there too Angelus had given Angel permission to look his fill. Apparently, he had taken that literally.

“Where were you?” Angel asked his soulless twin in hushed tones so as not to wake Cordelia.

“Where the hell do you think? I went to the Watcher. Told him everything.”

Angel let out a low growl. “You went to him over this?”

“Figured he might be concerned that you were munching on his precious Slayer,” Angelus pointed out drolly. “It’s not the first symptom, Angel. Just the first one you can’t deny.”

“So I got carried away,” Angel had to admit that his instincts had taken over. “That doesn’t mean anything. Biting Buffy has nothing to do with the Fates or any of their fucked up predictions.”

The fact that Angel seemed to be downplaying the incident with the Slayer made the soulless vampire more wary. Angel’s entire response smacked of denial. Convincing himself that trouble lay ahead might take more than just a few choice words. With Cordelia asleep just a few feet away, Angelus was not about to knock some sense into his brother tonight. Tomorrow, maybe.

“Deny it if you want,” Angelus held up his hands in mock surrender. “We can do nothing until the Watcher identifies the underlying problem. He’s already started research, but can’t even begin to pinpoint anything until he knows the effects.”

“What effects?” Angel snarled the question.

“Looks like you just gave him a damn good example of uncharacteristic behavior. If you had a reflection, I’d tell you to look in a mirror,” Angelus told him. “You’d see me, Angel. Me. As much as it sickens me to admit it, I think this is working in reverse, too.”

To be compared to Angelus by Angelus himself despite the presence of his soul came as a harsh blow. The idea horrified Angel. “Is this permanent?”

Angelus didn’t know. “Could be. It might just be part of an adjustment we’re having to make because we’ve been split in two. Giles is searching for the cause and a cure. Until then, there is nothing we can do except continue as we have been.”

“How is that?”

“I have to fight the Good Fight and you have to make sure you don’t do anything else to tarnish that shiny soul of yours.”
