You Can Never Go Back

Author: ShyWillow


Distribution: Please feel free


Pairing: Angel/?(female)

Spoilers: Angel: Everything up to and including Benediction. Buffy The

Vampire Slayer: Everyyhing upto and including Grave.

Disclaimer: All characters from Angel & Buffy The Vampire Slayer are owned by Joss Whedon, David Grennwalt & Co.

Summary: Buffy desides to go and visit Angel and finds that things aren't what she was hoping for.

Author's note: Anything written between astricks' are peoples thoughts.



As she stood outside the doors of the Hyperion Hotel, Buffy couldn't believe that she was actually there.  She asked herself for the hundredth time what exactly did she think she was doing.  Did she really think that coming here would be of any help to her frayed nerves?  The last time Buffy had seen Angel was when her mother had passed away.  A lot had happened since then. There was the whole fiasco with Spike and most recently having to do battle with Willow when she went postal after Warren killed Tara. This much was clear to her; she definitely needed to get away from Sunnydale but was coming to L.A. to see Angel such a good idea?

   She just couldn't seem get her nerve up to actually go through the doors of the hotel. Her stomach kept doing somersaults at the thought of seeing Angel again. All sorts of questions kept popping into her head. Would Angel be happy to see her? Would he be upset? Would he kick her out!?

  *That's it* she thought as she stood staring at the doors. *This is stupid; I gotta get of here.* Just as Buffy was turning to leave she saw a young couple walking up the path towards the entrance of the hotel. They were talking to each other and laughing not seeming to notice her.  When they went for the door the young man lookup from his companion and saw Buffy.

  "Hi, can I help you with something?" asked Gunn.

  "No that's alright, I was just leaving."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, no, um. I'm looking for Angel?"  Buffy could believe how incredibly stupid she sounded to herself.

  "Well you're definitely in the right place," Gunn said as he opened the door.  "Welcome to Angel Investigations, we help the hopeless. I'm Gunn and this is Fred."

  "Hi," Fred smiled.

  "Come on in and we'll see what we can do for you."  Gunn put his hand on Buffy's back and gently pushed her threw the door.

  *Oh great, turning tail and running, not an option anymore,* Buffy thought to herself as she entered the hotel. Once inside Buffy was awed by the lobby.  She followed Gunn and Fred down the steps to the front desk as she took in her surroundings. There were two great staircases that led to the other floors of the hotel at the front, a round couch sort of in the middle of the lobby, a reception desk to the right, elevators to the left and two more staircases at the back.  But what caught her attention the most was the huge red pentagram painted on the floor.  "Who's your decorator?" Buffy asked as she motion to the floor, "who ever it is, if I were you I'd ask for my money back."

  "Oh don't mind that," Fred smiled shyly, "it's just some graffiti we haven 't managed to get cleaned up yet."

  "I told you we should get a rug or something to cover that up, it creeps every one out that comes in here," Gunn whispered to Fred. He turned to Buffy and asked, "So how can we help you?"

  "I'm looking for Angel, tall brooding guy, do you know him?"


  Cordelia was sitting at the computer in the back office behind the reception desk trying to do some research on the case that the gang was working on. She wasn't having much success finding any information that would be of any help to them. Besides her mind wasn't really on her work her thoughts kept wandering. All she seemed to be able to think about was what Gru had told her before he left. That it wasn't him she loved it was Angel. She shook her head trying to refocus her mind on the task in front of her. It was of no use; her thoughts once again began to wander. When was it exactly that she started to fall love with Angel, because she had to be truthful to herself, she couldn't deny it any longer, she was in love with him. She didn't understand why that revelation came as such a shock to her. She could remember being attracted to him the first time she ever saw him at the Bronze back in Sunnydale. *Face it Cordelia there's a big difference between finding someone attractive and being in love with them*, she told herself. *I'm pretty sure he has feelings for me but what exactly are they.?* could she be sure that he was finished pinning for Buffy. There were just so many questions that she desperately wanted the answers to. She knew the only way she would get them was by asking Angel but for some reason she felt insecure about going to him and asking.

  Cordelia heard a familiar voice coming from out in the lobby.  She got up from her computer and went to the front desk where Gunn, Fred, and the owner of the voice were now standing. Cordy could not believe it; of all the people to walk in right now it had to be Buffy Summers.

  "Buffy.  What are you doing here?" Cordy couldn't keep the sarcasm from her voice.

   Buffy turned around and smiled when she saw Cordelia standing there. "Oh, Cordelia, at least I know now I'm in the right place for sure."

  "Buffy?" both Fred and Gunn said in unison. "As in THE Buffy, the OOPS I lost my soul because of one true moment of happiness, Buffy?"  Gunn asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

  "Hey! Isn't there anyone who doesn't know about that?"

  "You still didn't answer my question." Cordy asked impatiently.

  "I'm here to see Angel."

  "He's out,"

  "Okay, when will he be back?"

  "I don't know."

  Buffy was starting to get a little miffed, "Alright Cordelia, what just crawled up your butt? I thought you were over your Queen C phase?"

  Cordy couldn't believe the audacity that Buffy had just walking in and asking for Angel.  As far as Cordy was concerned Buffy could go right back where she had came from. All he or she needed right now was for her to show up again.  "Look Buffy, Angel has his own life now he doesn't need to be Buffysitting you anymore, so go back to Sunnydale. You're not needed or wanted around here."


  Upstairs in his room Angel was getting ready to start his day.  It had been a long time since he had felt this good. *Things are basically starting to change for the better in my life,* Angel thought to himself.  In all actual fact things were really starting to look up, they weren't picture perfect, but nonetheless they were good.  Connor had come back to him, not to thrilled with the ideal of Angel being his father, but that could be worked on. Then there were his feelings for Cordelia.  To think that she might feel the same way about him was unbelievable, but then, when was Lorne ever wrong about something like that? He couldn't really pinpoint exactly when he began to fall in love with Cordy but there was no denying it any longer.

  When Angel left Sunnydale he never thought that he would be able to love again.  Leaving Buffy had been one of hardest things he ever had to do. He knew he was doing what was best for both of them, but it killed him to have to do it. Their pull to one another was so strong that he couldn't help himself from going back to Sunnydale whenever he felt she might need him. The last time Angel went back was when Joyce had died. She had seemed so vulnerable and needy that he couldn't help but go to her.  Then when Buffy sacrificed herself to save Dawn it felt like his whole world had come to a crashing halt.  But he hadn't seen her since she was brought back from the dead by Willow.  He had grieved for so long that at that time he didn't think he could take seeing her again without being drawn in to her world once more.  But time passed and the feeling grew less intense. She was his soul mate there was no denying that but they could never be together. He had finally decided to move on and leave his feelings for Buffy in the past and he truly hoped she would do the same. Although if she ever needed his help he promised himself he would always be there for her.

  Now what he needed to do was concentrate on his new life.  Angel hope that in time Connor would come around and be able to accept him as is father as well as maybe even be able to love Angel as much as Angel loved him. And as for Cordelia hopefully they might make it work; all that Angel knew for sure was that he was willing to try if she was.

  Angel was just finishing getting ready when he heard raised voices coming from the lobby.  He wasn't able to quite make out what was being said but there was no mistaking the voices of two females and one of them being Cordelia's. *What on earth is going on down there?* The other voice sounded familiar.  *Who's Cordy yelling at like that?* He listened again. *It couldn 't be, could it?* He grabbed his coat as he left the room and headed downstairs.


  "Now wait just a minute Cordelia, I didn't come here just so you could start ragging on me." Buffy couldn't understand why Cordelia was acting this way. They hadn't seen each other in ages so what in heaven's name could Buffy have done to piss Cordy off?   Gunn and Fred stood there watching the exchange in shock.  They couldn 't believe that Angel's soul mate, Buffy, was actually standing in the lobby. And further more what was with Cordy and the third degree? They knew that she wasn't one to mince words but they had never really seen her attack anyone that way.

  "So why did you come here?"  Cordy glared at Buffy.

  "Hello? I told you already, to see Angel."

  "And I told you he's not here."

  "This is ridiculous.  Why am I arguing with you? Since when do I have to explain myself to you Cordelia?"

  "Since I'm the one who has to pick up the pieces every time you walk back into Angel's life and shatter it."

   Buffy was regretting more and more having come to L.A. She knew that she might not be received with open arms, but she never expected to be grilled by a very bitter sounding Cordelia.  "All I want is to talk to Angel."

  "Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you; did you ever think about that?" Cordy desperately wanted Buffy to leave before Angel came downstairs. All she needed was for him to see Buffy and ruin what chance she had at a more intimate relationship with him.  "Anyway, like I said he's not here, so go home Buffy."

  "I'm not going until I see him, then he can tell me if he doesn't want to see me himself."

  "What's so urgent that you've got to see him for?"

"It isn't any of your business Cordelia, I want to talk to Angel and that's it."

  Just at that moment Angel descended the stairs and froze.  "Buffy?" He didn't believe his eyes. Just a moment ago he had been thinking about her and there she was standing before him in the lobby.

  Buffy turned around when she heard him speak her name, "Angel."  He was there in the room not ten feet from her.  Every thing she had planned to say to just seemed to have vanished from her head.

  "Oh, this is just great!"  Cordy threw her hands up in frustration and walked out of the room. Gunn and Fred looked at each other and then silently left the room together.

  Angel was amazed that she was actually there. She hadn't change very much; she was still as beautiful as ever. She had grown up since he left; it had left a look of maturity in her eyes as well as in the presence that she portrayed. Looking at her filled him with a longing he hadn't felt in for such a long time that it took him off guard. Maybe he hadn't put his feelings for her as far behind him as he thought he had. Angel wanted very much to go to Buffy and hold her in his arms but he stopped himself from doing so. He couldn't and wouldn't let himself be pulled in again.

  Buffy felt weak in the knees' and was finding it a bit hard to breath. She was baffled by her feelings; she had thought that she would be able to control them. The urge to run to him and throw herself into his arms was stronger than she had expected.

  Neither one acted to their impulses. They just stood there staring at each other unable to do or say anything. Angel was the first to move. He went down the last few steps to the main floor slowly bringing him closer to Buffy.

*Okay, safest thing to do right now is to stay in neutral territory*, "Your looking well," was the most neutral thing he could think of saying at that particular moment.

  "So are you."  That was really lame Buffy, she said to herself.

  Why was this so hard?  They use to be able to talk to each other for hours and now they could barely string three words together.  Had too much time pasted for them to be able to communicate anymore?

  "Nice place you got here," Buffy commented as she took in her surroundings again looking for something to say.


  "You're welcome, though I shouldn't be surprised, you always did have impeccable taste."

  "I stayed here once back in the 50's."

  "The 50's huh?"

  "Yeah. There was a Thesulac demon feeding off the guests at the time."

  Angel couldn't believe what he had just said. *Geez how lame can one person get, like she really wanted to here about a Thesulac demon.*

  "Oh." Buffy couldn't stay still any longer her nerves were starting to get the better of her. She began to slowly walk around looking at things, picking something up then putting it back down not really looking at it at all.

  "It's gone now"

  "That's good." She motioned towards the pentagram on the floor, "So what's up with that?"

  "Oh that. Nothing. Really." Angel responded looking a little uncomfortable. As much as he wanted to, he didn't think that now was the right time to tell Buffy about his son.

  Angel followed her with his eyes as she roamed the lobby. He figured it was time to cut to the chase and find out why she came. "What brings

you to L.A.?"

  Buffy shrugged, "I just needed to get out of Sunnydale for awhile."

  "So you're here to see your dad?"

  "Not really. That's what I told everybody back home but I really came to see you," with that said Buffy waited to see what Angel's reaction would be.

  Angel was feeling a bit uncomfortable with the fact that Buffy would come to see him as a diversion from her life back home. He had honestly hoped that she had moved on with her life. He had thought that she had when she had been dating that Finn guy, but seeing her here now it seemed that she hadn't.

  When he didn't say anything Buffy stared getting a little antsy, she had hoped he would've at least acknowledged what she had said. It seemed the silence was going on forever so she tried again, "Things have been pretty overwhelming lately." Her heart was beating a mile a minute; she couldn't believe how nervous she was.

  "I know I heard about what happened with Willow, are you okay?"

  Buffy saw the look of concern on Angel's face but she was just glad that he had spoken. *Good, talking is good.* "Well you know me, things go to hell and I deal," she said with a weak smile. "But this time, it was so unreal. I've been having a harder time. I'd never seen Will like that and scared me. She went from Glenda to the Blair witch in a blink of an eye. It reminded me of ." Buffy couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

   Angel knew exactly what she was thinking, "When I became Angelus."


  They both stood there feeling awkward having been reminded of the pain that Angel had inflicted to Buffy as Angelus. It had been about three years since he regained his soul for the second time, but sometimes it felt like it was just yesterday that he had stalked and tormented Buffy and her friends. With the thought of that in is head he was reassured once again that leaving Sunnydale had been the right thing to do.

  Even though it had been extremely hard to do Angel was moving on with his life.  No matter what happened he couldn't go back to the life he once had with Buffy it would be to dangerous for both of them. He hoped that she realized it to.

  "I was just so sacred that I had lost her." Buffy looked into his eyes, "I've lost enough people in my life."

  The look in her eyes was almost one of pleading, begging him to comfort her, to tell her that she hadn't lost him. But he couldn't do it. He had to let her know that there couldn't be any looking back. Not for either one of them. "Buffy," he started not quite sure how to say what he was thinking, "I hope you didn't come here thinking.."

  "Thinking what?" Buffy said almost innocently.

  Just then Fred walked into the lobby clearing her throat to get Angel' s attention.

  "What it is Fred?" said Angel a little harshly, annoyed at being interrupted.

  "I'm s-sorry Angel it's just," Fred started to stammer, "Cordy just had a vision and she wouldn't come out to tell ya about it."

  "Cordelia had a vision? What about?" asked Buffy going into slayer mode.

  "Why wouldn't she come tell me?"

  Fred just looked at Angel and Buffy and shrugged.

  "Oh for the love of.. Cordy!" with that Angel headed to the back office in search of Cordelia.

  Buffy looked at Fred, "What was her vision of?"

  Fred shrugged her shoulders again and left to follow Angel leaving a very confused Buffy alone in the lobby.

Cordelia was sitting behind the desk telling Gunn about her vision when Angel walk into the office. "What's going on?"

  "Vision Girl time."

  "That much I know, Fred told me. You know what I mean, why didn't you come tell me?"

  Cordelia just gave him one of her looks that said you know why.

  "What's that look for? For Christ sake Cordy you're acting like a school girl!"

  "I'm so not!"

  "Oh yes you are!"

  "You're the one that was making googly eyes at Miss Love of Your Life out in the lobby!"

  "I was not making googly eyes!"

  Gunn looked at his boss and Cordy in bewilderment, "Um.Guys maybe this isn't the best time for this. Cordelia was just telling me that see saw."

  Both Angel and Cordelia turned and looked at Gunn as if he had two heads or something. Gunn tried to remind them again, "Cordy's vision."

   "Oh yeah right," Cordy was the first to come back to her senses. "There's a bunch of teenagers just about to walk into a nest of Vampires."

  "Where?" The voice came form Buffy who was standing in the doorway.

  "Well if you'd let me finish Miss Butinsky maybe I could tell him."

  "Geez Cordelia why don't you give it up with the Miss Bitchy routine, I've just about had it."

  "Don't you come in here and start telling me what I should be doing."

  Angel just stared at Cordy and Buffy in disbelief, what the hell is going on here? "STOP it, both of you! Give it a break." Everybody looked at him. "As Gunn just pointed out we're wasting time here, have you forgotten teenagers, vamps' nest, where?"

  Giving Buffy one last glare Cordelia told Angel everything she could remember about her vision. "There are a dozen teenagers walking into a nest of about seven vamps. There in the warehouse district."

"What? That's it, the warehouse district?" Buffy couldn't help herself she had to take another shot at Cordelia.

  "Buffy don't," Angel warned her, "and that's enough from you as well Cordelia." Angel focused on Cordy, "So the warehouse district, can you be more precise?"

  "That's it take her side!"

  "Stop with the attitude Cordy alright. I'm not taking sides I was just asking if you could remember anything else from your vision."

  Cordelia sighed, "No, all I saw was.wait, I just remembered something, the warehouse the vamps are in is by the water front. I could smell the salt water." She looked over at Buffy and smiled smugly.

  Buffy just shrugged and turn to Angel, "So what's the plan?"

  "Buffy we can take care of this ourselves."

  Buffy felt wounded by Angel's words. *Why doesn't he want me to go with them?* she asked herself. She straightened her shoulders and looked Angel in the eyes. She was determined not to let him see that he had hurt her at all. "I know you guys are all with the all for and one for all stuff but an extra pair of hands wouldn't hurt would it?"

  Gunn spoke up, "She's right you know and besides I've always wanted to see a slayer in action."

  Angel scanned the room to see if the idea of Buffy going was okay with everybody. Everyone seemed willing to have Buffy come along, everyone except Cordy that is. Angel didn't have the time to deal with Cordy and Buffy's petty bickering. Even he had to admit that it would be enjoyable to fight by Buffy's side again. "Alright, you can come along," he said smiling at her.

  Buffy smiled back, "So I say once again, what's the plan?"

  Cordelia couldn't believe it. Not a half hour ago she had been contemplating a life with Angel and now she was seeing it slip away before it had even begun. *Face it girl he'll never be over Buffy. What a fool I was to think that I actually had any kind of chance at a relationship with Angel outside of work.*

  Angel gathered everyone around him, "Okay here's the plan. Gunn, Fred you head out and start at the north end of the water front and Cordy, Buffy and I will start at the south end. Hopefully we find them before they find the vamps.

  "Okay so let's head out," Gunn said as he headed out of the office towards the weapons cabinet.


  As Angel and his crew were leaving the hotel Connor crept out of the shadows where he had been hiding the whole time that his father and Buffy had been talking. He had been on his away to see Cordelia when he spied his father and a woman he didn't recognize alone in the lobby. Connor's curiosity had gotten the better of him so he decided to stay hidden and eavesdrop on them. He had heard everything that Angel and Buffy had said to each other. *So, she's someone from Angel's past. I'm willing to bet she knows nothing about me *Connor couldn't help thinking while grinning to himself. He had noticed his father seemed to be uncomfortable while talking to Buffy; *maybe I'll just make him a little more uncomfortable by showing up unexpectedly.* He had heard everyone talking about Cordy's vision in the office and decided that it would be the perfect opportunity for his little plan. He would follow them and at the right moment he would make an appearance.

  Connor detested Angel. The only things that Connor would ever be grateful inheriting from this father were his heighten senses as well as his strength. He counted the days until he showed Angel just how much he hated him. He knew that one day because of the abilities he possessed, thanks to Angel, he would be able to avenge Holtz, his true father's death. *Someday.someday soon Angelus I will have my revenge.* But for now Connor was content in keeping up the charade of trying to become a part of Angel's life. Connor went to the weapons cabinet and grabbed a sword and left to follow the others.


  They drove in tense silence as they headed out toward the warehouse district of L.A.. Angel, Buffy and Cordelia were each lost in their own thoughts. Cordy was thinking how she had lost Angel before she even had him, while Buffy was thinking of how much she still loved Angel, and Angel was thinking how about how he should go about telling Cordy how he felt towards her. Not one of them said a single word to one another the whole ride over.

  When they finally arrived at there destination there was a mutual feeling of relief that filled the air. The thought of not having to be in close quarters with each other allowed them the luxury of relaxing a little bit. Angel was the first one out of the car followed by Buffy and then Cordelia. They slowly started to explore the surrounding area for any indication that the teenagers from Cordy's vision were near by.

  "Well there's no sign of them here let's start searching the empty and the abandon buildings and see if we can find something there." With that Angel led the other two in a search of the nearby buildings.

  It seemed to Buffy that they were searching in vain, every building they investigated turned up nothing. "Cordelia are you sure the kids you saw were here?"

  "My visions have never been wrong Buffy, so why don't you keep quite and keep looking."

  Buffy couldn't stand it any longer. She was just about to give Cordy a piece of her mind when Angel spoke in a hushed voice, "Be quite both of you. Look over there."

  He was motioning toward a warehouse two buildings away. There they were, the kids they were looking for. There were five of them and they were entering the building that Angel had pointed out. There was no way that the three of them could reach the teenagers before they went inside.

  Angel took off toward the warehouse first with Buffy and Cordelia trailing behind him.

When he reached the building he could have swore he saw something move in the corner of his eye but when he turn to check it out there was nothing there. Buffy and Cordelia caught up with Angel and they went inside in search of they're quarry. Once inside there was no sight of the teenagers, it was as if they had disappeared. All that Angel could see was the usual discarded items that were normally found in warehouses, some old crates and other debris. In the middle of the structure was a partial wall meant to divide the room in two with entrances on either side.

  Angel looked over at his companions, "They must've gone into the other section of the warehouse."

  "Maybe we should split up, go in from both ends." As Buffy made this suggestion Fred and Gunn came through the door. Everyone turned weapons ready at the sound. Gunn jumped back axe in hand, "Whoa guys, it's just us."

  Relief washed over Angel's face. "Sorry Gunn, I guess we're a little jumpy."

  Gunn gave them the once over and shrugged. "No problem dog. So have you found anything?"

  "We saw them come in here but then we lost them. Buffy just suggested that we split up and I think she's right." Angel turned to Buffy, "Buffy you Fred and Gunn take the left side of the building. Cordy and I will take the right and we'll meet you guys on the other side of the divider."

  Gunn looked at Fred then turned to go but Buffy didn't follow. She was surprised that Angel hadn't chosen her to go with him. They use to always hunt together back in Sunnydale. They had made a great team back then. No matter what personal problems they might have had they knew how to look out for each others backs.

  "Angel wouldn't I be better off going with you?"

  "No, you go with Gunn and Fred." Angel couldn't afford being distracted by Cordelia and Buffy's bickering right now. Even though he wanted be fight by Buffy's side he need to separate the two of them. Maybe by sending Buffy with Gunn he could get Cordy to tell him what the hell was going on between the two of them.

  For the second time that night Buffy had felt wounded by Angel's words. She couldn't understand what was happening between Angel and herself. Maybe they really had grown apart from one another more then she had been willing to admit. *I'm almost sure now that coming to see Angel not a good idea after all.* Buffy turned and went to follow Gunn.

  Angel and Cordelia sat out to investigate their side of the warehouse. Cordy was feeling a little skittish being alone with Angel. It was very strange to her feeling this way. She had never felt this uncomfortable around him before. *Ignore it Cordy,* she told herself, *Angel's your friend no matter what might've been. You don't even know for sure if he felt the same way about you.*

  Angel could tell that Cordy was quite herself. "Is there anything wrong? Did I do something to upset you?"

Angel had taken Cordy by surprise with his questions. "No of course not, what would make you think that?"

  "I don't know. You've been acting kinda weird since Buffy got here."

  "Don't be ridiculous." before Cordelia could finish her thought they had reached the other side of the divider.

   In the center of the room stood the five teenagers surrounded by a dozen vampires. The vampires were circling their prey, playing with them. Angel looked over to see if Buffy had reach there yet. Seeing her he nodded and everyone went towards the vampires, intent on reaching tem before they made their first kill. Angel took out the first vampire with a stake though the back which surprised the rest. The vampires had been so intent on their victims that they hadn't noticed anyone else enter the room. Then all hell broke loose. Buffy had also taken one out while Gunn, Fred and Cordelia were each fighting one of their own. Angel and Buffy were fighting two more when a figure fell from the rafters and staked one of the vampires.

  Connor smiled as he looked at his father, "Hi Dad, thought you could use some help."

  Buffy, surprised, looked from Connor to Angel. "Dad? Did he just call you Dad?"

  *Of all the other times that Connor could have picked to show up,* Angel thought, *why know?* "I'll explain later." Angel said as he dusted the other vamp.

  Cordelia kill the vampire she had been fighting in time to see Connor and the reaction that Buffy had to him. She had forgotten that Buffy didn't know about Connor, but before she could contemplate Buffy's reaction any further she was fighting face to face with another vampire.

   Gunn had dusted his first vamp and was work on his second while Fred finished hers off. She ran to the teenagers and started herding them toward the exit but was stopped by a vampire blocking the entrance. Fred felt a gust of air fly by her shoulder than saw the vamp turn to dust. She turned to see Gunn lowering the crossbow he had just used to dust the vamp in front of her and staking the one he had been fighting with. Fred smiled her thanks at him and continued to get the teens to safety.

  Meanwhile Angel, Buffy and Connor were fighting the last two vamps. The three of them worked in perfect rhythm making short work of one of the vampires while his buddy took off running with Connor in fast pursuit, "See ya later Dad," he called back behind him as he left the building.

  "Connor, be careful!" Angel called out after his son. He turned to the others, "Is everyone okay? Gunn?"

  "Right as rain man."

  Angel saw Fred returning from the other side of the building, "Fred, are you okay? Where are the kids?"

  "I'm fine; I got the kids out of the building and sent them on there way home. Nobody was hurt. They were scared but there wasn't any physical damage."

  "That's good. Cordelia?"

  "Couldn't be better."


  "Yeah I'm alright."

  After all was said and done everyone was okay except for a few minor cuts and bruises and Angel was grateful that no one was hurt. "Great let 's go home."

  They left the building and started for their vehicles. Angel headed for his car thinking that Buffy and Cordelia were behind him. When he arrived at his car and turned around he saw that only Buffy had followed him.

  "Where's Cordy?" he asked Buffy surprised that Cordelia wasn't there.

  "She went with Fred and Gunn."


  The two of them got in the car getting ready to go back to the Hyperion. Angel started the car and was about to take off when Buffy turned to him, "Okay, now can you explain to me why a teenaged boy is calling you Dad?"

  Angel couldn't bring himself to look at her. He turned the car off and sat quietly looking at the dashboard. After a few moments of contemplation he looked at Buffy and sighed.   "There's a lot that's happened in my life since we last saw each other Buffy."

  "I sorta got that idea. So what's the deal?"

  "Do you really want to know?"

  Buffy wasn't quite sure any more if she really did, "I think so."

  "Connor is my son. Mine and Darla's."

  "What! How could that have happened? Darla's dead." Buffy couldn't believe what she had just heard.

  Angel went on to explain to Buffy every thing that had happen since they last saw each other. He explained about Wolfram and Hart bring Darla back for the dead a living human being and how Drusilla had made her a vampire again. He also explained how he had came dangerously close to crossing the line and losing himself to the darkness inside him at which point he and Darla conceived Connor. He also went on to explain how Wesley had abducted his son and how Holtz, an adversary form long ago, had took Connor to Qorth'off, a hell dimension, and raised him there as his own son. He told how he had tried to get Connor back and how when Connor did come back he had grown into a young man.

  "Well I guess that explains the pentagram on the lobby's floor."


  "And you and Darla really."


  "I see."  Buffy was having a hard time digesting everything Angel had just told her. "You weren't kidding when you said a lot's happened."

  A few minutes passed and Buffy hadn't said anything. Angel didn't know what to make of Buffy's silence. "I don't expect you to understand, but you asked."

  "I know...I didn't expect.I mean I thought.I had hoped when I came to L.A. to see you that maybe things could go back to the way they were for us. I guess they really can't can they?" Buffy was trying very hard not to start crying.

  "No they can't. They never can between you and me Buffy, you know that. Every time we go down that road thing's go wrong." Angel felt sorry for the beautiful blond sitting next to him but there really wasn' t anything he could do for her. She was his past and she needed to stay that way.

  "You're right I don't know what I was thinking. I've got my own life to lead and you've got yours. What's that saying, the two will never meet?"

  Angel smiled, "Actually it's 'never the twine shall meet'"

  She smiled back, "Yeah that's it."

  "Buffy you'll always be a part of my life you just can't be in my life anymore."

  "I know. There's no going back is there?"

  "No there isn't."

  "So I guess its full steam ahead then."

  "How about we head back to the hotel?"

  "Actually could you bring me to the bus depot? I should be heading back home; I need to get back to Dawn." Buffy could feel a tear roll down her check and wiped it away before Angel could notice it.

  "Sure, no problem. Will you be okay?"

  "Hey, I'm the Chosen One remember? Nothing I can't handle."


  Angel headed back to the Hyperion after having seen Buffy off at the depot. *One down and one to go,* he thought with a sigh. If only he could figure out what was bothering Cordelia. She had been overly hostile tonight and he didn't know why.

  He pulled into the parking lot of the Hotel and was making his way through the back garden when he spied Cordelia sitting on a bench. She seemed so sad and it broke his heart it see her like it. He slowly made his way to her and sat down beside her.

  "Hi. Why the long face?" he said half jokingly.

  Cordy looked up, "Where's Buffy?"

  "On her way back to Sunnydale, Cordy are you sure I didn't do something to upset you tonight?"

  Cordelia turned to face the garden again, "I guess seeing Buffy again must have been nice."

  "In truth it was kind of uncomfortable, but you're avoiding my question." Angel reached down and held one of Cordelia's hands in his and used his other hand to turn her face towards his. "Look at me Cordy." She let him turn her head and she looked into his eyes. He stroked check with his thumb, "I don't know what I did to hurt you but whatever it was I'm sorry."

  "You didn't do."

  "Let me finish. The last thing in the world I would ever want to do is hurt you, I hope you know that." Angel looked deep into Cordelia's eyes and decided that know would be a good time as any to tell what he felt for, "Cordelia Chase I love you, I'm in love with you."

  Cordy was taken off guard. Did she really just hear what he said? "You love me?"

  "Yes I do. I've been hoping that you might feel the same way too."

  "But.what about Buffy?"

  "What about her?"

  "Aren't you still in love with her?"

  "Cordelia, I love Buffy and I always will but I'm not in love with her. She's in my past and that where she'll stay. You're my future if you'll have me."

  She couldn't believe it he actually loved her. He felt the same way she did. The dream she thought had shatter the moment that Buffy Summer' s had walk through the Hyperion Hotel's doors was in fact true. "Angel I 'm in love with you too."

  The joy that Angel felt when he heard those words was beyond belief.  

The End
