Christmas Angel

Author: Wildchild

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer and in no way intend copyright infringements. I am just borrowing them from the great and mighty Joss for my own and hopefully other people’s amusement. A special and heart felt thanks goes out to the talented actors who portray the characters I love so much.

Distribution: I would love to see my stuff archived, if you think its worthy just let me know where you are putting it!

Parings: A/W/S/C/G/X/AN

Warning: This is my contribution to Christmas fics lol. It’s based on ‘graduation pt. 1” sort of, at least the poisoning part as well as a chipped Spike.

Rating: NC17

Feedback: How will I know to continue if I don’t get feedback??

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Angel was walking through the park, not really patrolling but trying to clear his mind. Earlier in the week he broke up with Buffy. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. Not because of the love he felt for her, he really did love her before she become the self-centered, ego maniac she was now but because he was afraid of being alone. Buffy never returned Angel’s love and he never thought that she had. Deep down he’d always known that she was with him for the thrill, to buck the system that she thinks wronged her.

         Joyce paid Angel a visit this morning to tell him to stay away from Buffy. He tried to explain that they were no longer together but she held a cross to his chest and began to yell. He smiled at the memory, of the look on her face when she smelled his flesh burning but he showed no reaction. That was when she backed away and told him that Buffy had told them all what he’d done to her and that no one wanted him around any longer. Joyce took pride in fact that her words cut Angel to the core; she told him that he was unwanted by Buffy, herself and all their friends and that if he really cared about them as much as he claimed to he would leave and not look back. She told him he could cause them nothing but heartache and pain and in a strange way he knew she was right. He should leave. He cared about the ‘scoobies’, as they called themselves, a lot more then he wanted to admit and he couldn’t take hurting them again.

         “You were much more fun before the soul,” a female voice broke the silence.

         Angel sighed, “What do you want Darla?”

         She ran her hands over his taunt body, “Just want to play. Come on Angelus, let’s have some fun! It will be like old times. The night is young and there are many innocents waiting to be drained,” she cooed.

         He grabbed her roughly by the arms, “You’re not draining anyone Darla. If you want to play do it some where else!” He pushed her backwards.

         She laughed unbelievingly, “Who’s going to stop me? You? You can’t kill me boy, I’m your,” Before she could finish she turned to dust.

         Angel dropped the wooden stake, grasping Darla’s dust in both hands as he fell to his knees screaming, “Noooooo!”

         Spike watched Angel kill Darla and his heart went out to him. He could only imagine how much it hurt to have to kill your sire and for what? The brats? He was lurking around when Joyce paid her visit to Angel and heard it all. Hell they didn’t care about him; all they cared about was themselves.

         Angel’s cries had quieted but his body was still wracked with sobs. He despised his sire but the bond was still strong. His demon fought to break free and punish the soul who killed it’s maker while his mind screamed out at his indiscretion. That’s when he saw her. Buffy, walking toward him and for a moment he thought she was going to comfort him.

         “What’s your issue,” she snapped?

         “I…I killed my sire,” his trembling voice answered.

         As his hands gripped her waist in a tight hug she smiled. Forcing an angry look on her face she grabbed Angel’s hair and yanked his head back, “How could you? She was your maker,” she spat with disgust. “Who’s next, Willow? Giles? Maybe Xander?”

         “No, I would never hurt them! You know that Buffy!”

         “I know that you’re a bigger monster then your demon and when I tell the others what you’ve done they will all beg me to kill you!” She glared down at Angel’s tear streaked face, “Why wait?” She pulled a stake from her jacket and drew back.

          “I don’t bloody think so slayer!” Spike growled at her as he knocked the stake from her hand. He’d seen all he could take and decided to step in.

         “What? You finally grew a spine? And why would you care, you can’t stand him!”

         “A lot you know,” he snorted. “Angel is my sire and I..” he stopped himself knowing if he spoke the truth, that Angel still held his heart,  both he and Angel were sure to die. “We vampires stick together!”

         Buffy laughed, “So what are you ‘vampire connections’ telling you now?”

         “What?” he asked incredulously.

         “He’s gone!” With that she rolled her eyes and walked away.

         “Damn it!”

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

         For two nights Spike searched for Angel, worrying about what he might do to himself or allow to happen to him self. After wracking his brain and visiting all of Angel and Angelus’s old haunts he decided to stop at a vamp bar just out side the city. This place was nothing like Willy’s, in here demons and humans were the worst of the worst but he knew if Angel had left town someone in here would know about it.

         Spike walked to the bar, ignoring the snarls, growls and glares being thrown in his direction. He slammed his hand on to the bucked hard wood, “O’neg, warm.”

         The bartender snorted, “We don’t like your kind here.”

         Spike laughed, this coming from a bright pink, pug faced demon with snot dripping from his nose. “This is a demon bar isn’t it?”

         “Not for you. We don’t like you. You kill your own kind.” A Chaos demon snarled, slapping its slimy tendrils down on Spike’s leather duster.

         He pushed the slime away and stood, “Fine, we’ll cut to the chase. I am not here to start trouble; I’m looking for a friend. He’s an en-souled vampire that goes by the name of Angel. Tell me where he is and I’ll leave peacefully.”

         A Bracken demon stepped up in front of him, “I think you’ll leave in a lot of pieces.”

         “I thought you blokes were a peaceful sort,” Spike questioned.

         “What can I say, I like to buck the system.”

         The fight was on! Four demons attacked at once, landing painful blows to the blonde. Never the underdog for long Spike shoved them back and took them on landing roundhouses and punches with blinding force. Before long demons and demon parts were scattered around the bar and everyone else was backing away. Spike lifted his mug of blood and gulped it. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve he spoke again, “Now, who’s going to tell me where my friend is?”

         A demon from the pirate gang pointed a shaky finger toward a door leading to the back room. Spike smiled and threw a wad of cash on the bar before heading to the back. When he walked through the door he couldn’t believe his eyes. Angel was chained to the wall by manacles he could have easily broken free from. His body torn, bruised and bleeding from the many beatings he’d endured and he was not healing. Spike knew he’d refused blood; it was Angel’s way of punishing his self. His poofy ass Sire was grieving the only way he knew how over Darla. He was punishing himself as she would have punished him for his indiscretions. He sighed and broke Angle free watching his limp body fall to the ground. “Damn you Angel! What have you done?” Spike demanded. He was angry at his sire and didn’t care if he knew it; in fact he WANTED him to know it. He lifted Angel to his feet and supported his large frame as the walked out the back exit.

         The trip home wasn’t easy; Angel’s blood drew out every vampire in the hell mouth hoping to take Angel’s power by killing him. Spike was a good mind to let them try after he done something this stupid! He could feel a group of them closing in and he dropped Angle to the ground, “Why the hell didn’t I bring your poof mobile? I could have got your ass home a lot quicker,” he grumbled. A laugh escaped him when he saw who was approaching.

         “What are you laughing at Spike?” Harmony demanded. “Me and my minions are here to take out your sire!” She looked down at the shirtless Angel, “Although he’d make a good slave.”

         Spike could smell her arousal, “Oh bugger off! I don’t have time for this!” He pulled Angel up and continued walking.

         “Hey! You can’t just walk away! I want a fight!” She stomped her feet then chased Spike.

         He couldn’t stop to dust her now, Angel was dying, he wasn’t sure why but he could feel it through their bond. Suddenly a thought popped into his head, “Harm!” he yelled. “The sun is rising!”

         The sound of her footsteps halted to be replaced by her screams. One of her minions shook his head, “You ditz it’s 1 am!”


         Spike laid Angel on the foot of the bed and went to run a bath. While the tub was filling he heated a big mug of blood. Setting the mug on the bathroom sink he undressed Angel and lowered him into the hot water.

         Angel yelped as the hot, soapy water came in contact with his open wounds. He tried to get out but Spike held him in place and began to wash him. For the first time his eyes popped open and he saw the concern on his childe’s etched face. “I killed her,” he choked out.

         “Good,” Spike growled. “She was a heartless bint anyway. She never deserved you.”

         “And I never deserved you.”  Spike stopped his task and looked at Angel. “I’m dying.”

         “No!” Spike growled, “You can’t! I won’t bloody let you!” As if a higher force was guiding him Spike touched the wound he knew was killing his beloved. “The killer of the dead,” he whispered, more of a statement then a question.

         Angel covered Spike’s hand with his own, “She knew I was there, that I was weak. That’s when she struck.”

         “Slayer,” Spike seethed. Angel only nodded. “She will pay!”

         “Don’t risk your life child, not for me. I got what I deserved.”

         Spike fought his demon for control, he wanted to rip Angel apart for even thinking that but he took a deep breath and picked up the mug of blood, “Drink.”

         Angel turned his head, “I.. I can’t.”

         “Damn it drink!” He pulled Angel’s head toward him and forced the blood into his mouth. To his surprise he, Angel and the tub were all covered with the red liquid. Angel was coughing and gasping as the blood continued to pour from his mouth into the water. Spike threw the mug against the wall shattering it. Angel cowered to the corner of the tub; afraid of his childe’s temper and knowing he was no match for him now. Spike pulled him roughly back to the center of the tub and began cleaning him again. When the blood was gone he lifted Angel out of the tub and carried him to the bed where he dried him with a towel before putting him under the cover. “Stay here,” he commanded.

         “Where are you going?”

         “To try to fix the stupid shit you caused!” Spike yelled as he paced, “And I swear if your not here when I return I will find you and when I do I will make Angelus’s torture look like play group!”


         Spike stormed into the magic shop slamming the door closed behind him. Giles glared at the vampire, “Watch the glass would you?”

         Everyone sat around the table except Buffy, “Where’s the slayer?”

         They all looked at each other and Willow offered an answer, “She’s spending Christmas with her mom, at home.”

         Anya huffed, “Please, she is being a bitch. Treating people like crap, making Willow cry, defying Giles. No one knows what her problem is.”

         Everyone snapped at Anya, so loud that they barley heard Spike’s plea for help. Giles turned to him quickly, “What did you say?”

         Spike sighed and through gritted teeth, repeated him self, “I said, I need your help. Angel is dying and I can’t find a cure in time alone.”

         “Good! I’m glad he’s dying and I hope it’s painful,” Xander taunted earning him a smack from both Cordy and Willow.

         “I bloody knew it! I told him you bastards didn’t give a damn about him! That he was risking his life for people who cared only about themselves!” Spike’s game face slipped forward as blood tears filled his eyes. “He killed his sire to save your worthless arses and for what? For you to turn your backs on him and let him die!”

         “We will help Spike!” Giles shouted trying to calm the irate vampire. “Xander is an idiot, you know that. He’s the only one who believed Angel tried to rape Buffy.”

         “Hey!” Xander whined.

         Willow stood and touched Spike’s arm, “I know Angel would never hurt any of us, we all do. Please, tell us what happened so we can help.”

         Spike’s face shifted back to normal as Cordy kissed his cheek. He began to tell them everything from Angel’s break up with Buffy to Joyce’s visit and Darla’s death and the way he found Angel.

         When he was done he looked at them, Willow and Cord had tears streaming down their faces, Anya had a pained look of understanding, Giles was a mixture of anger, disgust and sadness while Xander’s was just, Xander. With in moments Willow’s laptop was open, Anya and Cordy were bringing books to the table and Giles was compiling a list of things to research. It took only hours to discover the one thing that could save Angel, the blood of a slayer.


         They adjourned to Angel’s house so they could keep an eye on him while formulating a plan to get the slayer. When they walked in Spike heard Angel’s rapid breaths and groans of agony. “Angel,” he breathed before running to the bedroom. He found Angel dripping with sweat grasping the wound on his chest. “I’m here sire. I’m going to take care of you.”

         “We all are,” Willow smiled from behind Spike.

         Angel cowered and tried to escape but Spike held him firm, “They’re going to help Angel, they found the cure. We will save you.”

         “Why?” he panted, trying to fight back the pain.

         Giles sat on the opposite side of the bed, “You needn’t ask that, you know the answer. Angel, I’m sorry you had to,” he paused, “About what you had to do to Darla but no one thinks less of you. In fact we think even more, if that were possible, that you would do that to save us.”

         “And we know all the things Buffy told us about you were lies,” Willow added. She Crawled up the bed and sat on the pillows next to his head. Looking down at his face she smiled, “I know you would never hurt me Angel. I trust you.”

         Cordy sat on the other side of Angel in the same position as Willow, “As if we would believe you would try to attack and mull Buffy. PALEAZE! Like you don’t have better taste.”

         They all chuckled as Anya stepped up behind Spike, “I know we don’t know each other and even though my boyfriend Xander wishes you would die, I use to be a demon and I know how it feels to watch the people you love suffer. I mean sure I was the one who caused most of the suffering but still it was horrible to..”

         “Anya!” was yelled in unison by the group.

         “What?” she asked. “I just want to help.”

         Angel smiled, “Thank you, all of you but I don’t deserve another chance.”

         “Bullshit,” Giles snapped causing them all to look at the usually calm watcher. “You are the only one here who does!”

         Angel’s eyes rolled back in his head; unable to fight the pain any longer unconsciousness over took him.


         Spike and Giles paced nervously while they recanted their plan to capture the slayer. Willow smiled, "I think it will work!"

         "Me too," Cordy offered.

         "It's a good plan," Spike agreed, "but there is a problem."

         "What?" Giles asked.

         "He won't drink from her, even if he doesn't kill her. He won't put his life before anyone's."

         "Can't you do it for him?" Cordy asked.

         "No, aside from the chip making my head explode he still wouldn't drink."

         Giles smiled, "You get the slayer here and I'll take care of the rest."

         The plan was set in motion, Giles was of to gather the supplies he needed, Spike was to pretend his chip malfunctioned and he'd kidnapped Anya and Xander to eat them while Willow and Cordy stayed to watch over Angel.


Cordy sighed, " It's Christmas Eve, this place needs decorations."

Willow got a devious look on her face, "So true. Lets get to work."

"On what? There is nothing here."

"Angel told me once there was stuff in the attic and what's not here I'll conjure."

Cordy followed Willow's lead, "Couldn't you just conjure it all. No dust, no muss, no fuss kinda thing?"

Willow shook her head and continued on.


Anya played her part perfectly, screaming like a banshee while Spike pretended to bite her. They were positioned in Buffy's front yard so she would be sure to hear. Sure enough after the first scream she burst through the front door and saw the scene being played out in her own yard, "Spike! What the hell?"

"The chip," Xander gasped, "It's broken!"

Spike was shocked that he was playing along but was glad. He was also shocked that he could really bite Anya. Guess it's because she was a demon he thought loving the mewling sounds she was making as he lapped at the blood droplets. He never intended to hurt her but he needed the blood to make it look real. Buffy leapt from the porch after Spike. With vampire speed he dropped Anya and ran toward Angel's place. Xander and Anya gave chase.   ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

         Giles walked into the house and was shocked to see all the decorations. "Willow," he scolded.

         "I only used magic to make some more lights. The rest of the stuff Angel had in the attic and Cordy and I put it up."

         He smiled, "It's beautiful."

         "Thanks," a freshly showered Cordy smiled as she entered the room. "It's Christmas Eve and the place needed a little something."

         Giles opened his mouth to speak but was stopped when Spike burst through the door, "Slayer," pant, "right behind me."

         In seconds Buffy ran inside and skidded to a halt when she saw her friends inside the decorated house, "What's going on?"

         Spike stood by Willow as Giles walked toward his slayer, "We need your help Buffy."

         "With what?" Her eyes traveling around the room, "He tired to kill Anya and Xander!"

         The aforementioned pair walked in behind Buffy, "No he didn't."

         Xander stood by the blond, "I hate him for what he done to you Buff but if you don't help Angel, he's going to die. I know you don't want that on your conscious."

         "What?" She was irate, "How could you even ask me to save his life after he tried to rape me at the Bronze?"

         Giles shook his head, "You told me it was in the alley behind the magic shop."

         "And you told me it was at your house," Willow added.

         "She told me it was here," Cordy said.

         Xander grabbed Buffy's shoulder, "You told me it was at the park. Buffy how could you lie about something like that? Spike was telling the truth, you were the one who tried to kill Angel!"

         "Tired," she laughed. "He's already dead!"

         "No slayer, he's not," Spike snarled. "In fact your gonna cure him."

         She turned to run as they closed in on her only to be met by Xander who held her in place. They chained her to a chair and Giles opened a black bag removing needles, an IV bag and some tubing. "I hoped you would do this willingly Buffy but we are going to make a," the watcher paused, "With drawl so to speak. It seems your blood is the only cure for Angel."

         They sat in the bedroom and watched as the last of the blood dripped from the bag into Angel's arm, hoping they weren't too late to save their friend. Within minuets of the bag emptying Angel started to convulse. Spike and Giles held his shoulders to the mattress while Cordy and Willow sat on his legs to keep him from hurting himself. Finally the struggling stopped and Angel opened his eyes to see everyone smiling down at him. "What happened?"

         "You were poisoned," Giles offered, "But your going to be alright."

         "You scared us mister!" Willow teased as she playfully slapped his leg.

         "How are you feeling sire," Spike asked, concern in his voice.

         Angel smiled at him, "Fine now." Angel took Spike's hand in his and they kissed.

         Spike broke the kiss, "If you ever do anything that stupid again sire I'll," he was silenced when Angel captured his lips again.

         He felt Willow and Cordy wiggle slightly against his legs and realized they were not alone. He broke away from Spike, "Um, thank you all for helping me, for believing in me." If he could have blushed he'd be bright red.

         Willow looked at Cordy who nodded her head, "Buffy was the cause of all of this so I say we owe her a little pay back."

         Spike smiled at the witch, "What did you have in mind Red?"

         "Making her watch."

         All four men gasped as Willow, Anya and Cordy undressed themselves then the men. Giles was shy and uncomfortable at first but Anya took his hard length into her mouth and he relaxed. Letting it slip past her lips she smiled up at him, "I've wanted to do that for a long time."

         Cordy was running her nails up and down Spike's back and chest causing him to growl while Willow was crawling up Angel's blanket covered body. He smiled at her, "What's gotten into you little one?"

         "Hopefully you soon," she cooed as she captured his mouth in a brutal kiss.

         "This isn't where we need to be," Cordy panted as Spike licked his way down her firm stomach. "Living room now!"

         Everyone groaned but stood except for Angel. Willow looked down at him and smiled as she yanked the blanket off of him. She, Cordy, Anya, Giles and Xander gasped at his size. They had seen Spike before having lived with him but it was their first time to see Angel. After a moment of the intense staring he got self-conscious, "What?"

         Spike laughed out loud, took Angels hand and pulled him to his feet leading him into the living room. Buffy's jaw dropped as she saw the brood enter and began to play. Spike slapped Angel's ass, "On the floor." He opened his mouth to protest but Spike answered first, "You owe me." With that Angel laid on the floor followed by Willow. While the others played and gave each other release directly in front of Buffy, the other three lay next to the fireplace on the fur rug. Willow and Spike both licked and nipped at Angel's skin, exploring every inch of his body until he felt he would explode. Spike ran his hand over Angel's dripping cock and tugged on his sac. He felt the tension and knew Angel was about to lose it. "On your back Willow," Spike ordered. She done as she was told and he motioned for Angel to move on top of her.

With one swift thrust he was encased in her heat, both moaning from the waves of pleasure as Angel began to gently thrust inside her. Spike stood and smiled when he heard Angel whine at the loss of touch from his child. He soon returned with some lube and knelt behind his sire. Squeezing the clear jell onto his hand he coated his cock then pressed a finger in to Angel's tight ass. Angel; half moaned and half growled at the sensation causing him to tense and still inside of Willow. Spike inserted a second finger stretching the tight muscles trying to get Angel to relax when he noticed the others watching intently and Buffy attempting to rub herself on the chair to give some pressure where she needed it. Spike rubbed his other hand up and down Angel's back as he watched him kiss Willow. He roughly pushed Angel's legs up and apart spreading Willow open even more. Spike removed his fingers and positioned himself at Angel's entrance. Slowly sliding his head inside the tight rings with small thrusts he managed to get deeper and deeper until Angel's muscles clinched holding him in place. He looked down and saw what had caught his attention, the others were all watching and Angel never had been much of an exhibitionist. He leaned in and whispered, "I'm going to be all the way in there one way or the other. It will hurt less if you relax."

         Angel took a deep breath and closed his eyes trying to will is body to open and relax but he couldn't. Willow got the idea and began rocking her hips against him causing him to relax a bit but his muscles still clinched Spike tight.

         Spike sighed, put a hand on each of Angel's cheeks and jerked them apart as hard as he could causing him to yelp in pain. It allowed Spike to pull all the way out. He watched as Angel's body relaxed a bit and he realized it was hard for him to let people see him taken like this. Spike didn't care, he wanted his sire and he would have him. With vampire force Spike slammed his hips against Angel's ass roughly parting him and tearing muscles as his cock was sheathed inside him. Angel and Willow both yelped, when Spike entered Angel it drove him deeper inside of Willow.

         Angel groaned, his body couldn't take much more of this before it exploded. Spike filling him beyond capacity, his cock pressing on his prostate while he was encased in Willow's hot core, he began rocking his hips letting Spike know he was ready. Their movements perfectly timed like a ballet as the three of them thrust together. As Angel's length slid from Willow, Spike's slid form Angel and both disappeared at the same time. It didn't take long before the three screamed their releases together and sated bodies fell to the floor.

         Giles couldn't stand it any longer; he pulled Angel to his feet and forced him to bend over the back of the sofa, kicking his legs apart. He was glad he was already stretched and lubed because he needed nothing more then to be buried in that tight ass.

         Angel yelped as Giles' hot cock filled his ass. It burned against his cool flesh causing waves of pleasure to surge through him. He clenched and released his muscles as Giles' thrusts became harder and erratic. Angel was shocked at Giles' strength as he was able to impel him into the back of the sofa, which was becoming, really painful. Spike saw Angel's plight and moved to help. Kneeling on the sofa in front of Angel Spike pushed his sire's hips back stopping the torture to his hard length. He was rewarded buy Angel sucking his cock. Through blurred eyes he watched as Cordy crawled between Giles legs and took Angel's dripping length into her mouth soon followed by Anya who was nipping playfully as Giles' sac and plunged her fingers in side of Cordy. Spike heard Willow whine and motioned for her to come over. Removing himself from Angel's heavenly mouth he put Willow in his place and smiled as he watched Angel lick and suck at her dripping core as he thrust three fingers inside her.

         Now it was time to punish Xander for not believing in Angel. He took Xander by the nape of the neck and forced him on his knees, "Do you want it slut?" he growled.

         "Yes," Xander begged.

         Spike and the others laughed at his desperation. Positioning himself behind Xander he slammed inside, un-lubed and unprepared. Xander yelped in pain but soon began to push back against Spike as the blood coated him making the movements less painful. With in seconds Xander screamed his release but Spike continued to pound away.

         About fifteen minuets later they all laid in a pile on the fur rug, sated, happy and relaxed. Willow kissed Angel, "Merry Christmas."

         He smiled and looked at her, Spike lying on the other side of his chest and Giles with his head on his stomach and then to the others, "It's the best Christmas I've ever had."

         "Mine too luv," Spike cooed. "I got my Christmas Angel." They all laughed and talked until the front door burst open reveling a livid Joyce.

         "Where is Buffy!" she demanded then starred when she realized they were nude on the floor.

         Cordy threw her the keys off the fireplace, "Take her home, Lord knows we have no use for her."

         Joyce released Buffy and dragged her out the door as the others laughed.

The end.
