All I Want For Christmas Is You

Author: Cat


Pairing: Willow/Angel/Faith

Rating: pg-13

Summary: Angel wakes up to find himself captured by Willow and Faith.

Note: some femslashy tones

Disclaimer:  Joss owns all btvs/ats characters, not me.




Angel groaned. His head a bit dizzy as he blinked his eyes open.. only to find he was in a very dimly lit room.

His eyes adjusted well enough though. There was a fireplace that was the only light source.

As he tried to move he discovered his hands were bound... and by rope it seemed.

Lying on the floor, his bare feet were also tied together. Angel tried to break the bindings but found he couldn't.

"Comfy, Angel?" The vampire stilled at the voice coming from behind him.

"Willow?" He struggled some more, "Help me out of this before someone comes!"

"Oh, no one's coming, Angel..."

He was speechless for a second.

"This isn't funny, Willow... it's not nice to play games with a vampire. Even a souled one."

The red head walked to where he could see her, crouching down in front of him and ruffling his gelled hair.

"You really shouldn't have turned down my girl."  She made a tsk-tsk sound and wagged her finger at him.

Angel had no idea what the hell she was talking about. Maybe this was vamp Willow, but using magick to make it seem like she had a heartbeat.

Then, he heard them. Another pair of footsteps walking to in front of him.

"Good job, Red." Faith said as she nuzzled Willow's hair and wrapped an arm around her waist.

The witch touched the other girl's jaw and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, "Why, thank you! It was kinda fun."

Angel's mind blanked as he saw the two beauties kiss, then he shook his head. "When the hell did this happen? What the hell do you two want with me?"

"Oh, just a little payback, Liam.. for ignoring my advances... and well, for ignoring Red all these years."

Brown eyes turned to Willow, who was looking away at the fireplace uncomfortably, "I never ignored you."

"No, you just hardly spoke to me unless it was about Buffy." Willow laughed darkly, "Actually, you spent more attention on me as Angelus."

"I'm sorry you felt that way. I *did* like you, Willow."

"Well, gee, don't I just love being everybody's fucking friend!" she said angrily and stood to kick him in the side.

Angel wheezed and made a hurt sound.

"Hey hey, he'll learn soon enough, babe, leave him alone. He'll adore you... both of us.. by the time we're done with him..." Faith said as she pulled back her lover before she could kick him again.

They hugged and the slayer stroked her hand up and down the others back.

When they turned to look at Angel, he was frowning at them and had managed to sit up.

Faith leaned down and kissed his forehead with a loud smack and nipped at his ear, saying, "Who's a good boy?! Who's a good little puppy?!" Taunting him.

It was then that Angel realized he was in trouble.

A few months later.. on Christmas day.

Faith snuggled Willow closer against her as they lay beside the fire on their favorite rug.

Angel walked in and set down two cups of hot chocolate near his keepers...then gracefully fell to hands and knees to crawl to Willow.

The red head hummed in pleasure and opened her arms to him.

He snuggled in deep, cherishing her warmth, understanding now just how much he'd hurt the witch that had fallen in love with him.

Those arms closed around him and he was home.

He even saw more how much Faith needed love, needed people, but found it too hard to let them truly in.

Slowly, the vampire found ways to chip at the wall surrounding her heart.

"Merry Christmas, Willow." Angel whispered.. knowing she was Jewish, but still enjoyed the spirit of it.

Willow's smile almost warmed him, green eyes sparkling.

"See... didn't I tell you I'd get you a puppy for Christmas?" Faith whispered in Willow's ear.  

The End
