Instant Replay

Sequel to Watching Them

Author: Gabrielle

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Angel/Xander

Summary: Angel watches Willow and Xander.

Warning: slash

Feedback: PLEASE!

Distribution: If you have any of my fics already, you may have this. If not, please ask first.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Author's Notes: This is for Emmy. I gave you more, sweetie! And for Kyrieane, who said she'd write me a fic in ANY pairing if I gave her a sequel to Watching Them.


Angel couldn't believe his luck. Only the second night that they had come to the mansion and Willow and Xander had given in to their teenage hormones and made love in Spike and Drusilla's old bedroom. The bedroom that Angel had had wired for audio and video shortly before inviting the pair to meet in secret at his home.

Sure, Xander had been suspicious at first. But Angel had won him over by saying that, since he owed Willow for giving him back his soul, why on earth would he ever betray her. So Xander grudgingly accepted Angel's hospitality, as did Willow. And she was considerably less suspicious.

So now, sitting in a comfortable chair in the privacy of his bedroom, Angel was enjoying the price the pair had unknowingly paid for their trysting place.over and over again.

Replaying the event on his newly purchased large-screen TV, Angel couldn't believe his luck in getting to watch his fantasy come to life. Watching Willow and Xander lose their virginity to each other was every bit as delicious as he had dreamed it would be.and then some.

He had already taken himself in hand several times, yet the scenes he was watching again still made him hard as a rock. It was all so glorious. Xander's eager fumbling with the buttons of Willow's blouse. Willow's clumsy efforts to get Xander's shirt off. Their gasps and moans as each found and explored a sensitive area of the other's body. Even their moments of awkwardness were a turn on for Angel, displaying their innocence in high relief as they discovered the ecstasy of lovemaking for the very first time.

He couldn't get enough. Watching the look on Xander's face as he entered Willow for the first time, hearing his voice as he told her he loved her over and over again. Watching the pained look on Willow's face give way to an expression of wonder and pleasure as Xander began to move inside her. Angel wanted so badly to be able to go to them, to teach them, to show them how much more pleasure they both could feel.if they had the right teacher. And that teacher was him.

He imagined once more what it would be like to join them in that bed, his fantasies made all the more vivid by knowing exactly the timbre of Xander's moans, the hitch in Willow's breath as she came. He imagined it was his cock inside of Willow, his name she was screaming in pleasure. That Xander's mouth was moving over his chest, worrying his nipple and making him cry out in ecstasy.

But that could never be. That damned clause and Xander's own dislike for him made sure of that. Oh well, at least he had the videotape, and the possibility of many more. After all, Willow and Xander would be there in a little while. Giving him just enough time to watch his favorite part of the tape once more before his guests arrived.

As Angel replayed the view of Xander sucking on Willow's nipple one more time, delighting in her gasps of pleasure and moans of "Oh Xander, that's so good," Angel never noticed the door open. Too late. From behind him came two startled gasps and a cry of "What the fuck is this, Deadboy?"

Oh shit.

The End
