Watching Them

Author: Gabrielle

Pairing: Angel/Willow/Xander

Rating: R (I guess)

Summary: Angel watches Willow and Xander.

Warning: slash

Feedback: PLEASE!

Distribution: If you have any of my other fics, you may have this. If not, please ask me first.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Joss and a bunch of other people who are not now and have never been me.

Dedication: Happy Birthday, Emmy! You wanted a weird pairing! I hope this fits the bill!


Angel had always watched them. But since his return from Hell, they drew his eyes to them like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was the lust that now hung in the air between them which caused his own latent desire for the pair to burn hotter than it ever had. Whatever it was, it was fast becoming an obsession. One that he wished more than he had ever wished for anything in his unlife that he could act on.

He dreamt about them constantly, waking up sticky and ultimately unsatisfied from the most depraved dreams he'd ever had while possessing his soul. The fact that both had survived the return of his soulless self basically unharmed suggested that perhaps the soul made him more different from Angelus than he had ever believed possible. Angelus may have shared his fondness for Willow. After all, he had grabbed her in the school with the intention of taking her that very first night. And he had even begun a courtship with the killing of her fish. But obviously he didn't desire her as much as Angel did, or he would never have been sidetracked by Acathla.

And it was readily apparent that he did not share Angel's lust for Willow's best friend and his mortal enemy.Xander Harris. Why Angel desired Xander, he couldn't begin to fathom. But he did want him. As much as he wanted the lovely Willow.

And now that the two of them wanted each other, Angel's lust only grew. He imagined what it would be like, watching them as they made love for the first time, their inexperienced hands learning each others bodies. He imagined what it would be like to take both of them, teach them, mold them, show them pleasure beyond anything they could imagine. In his mind he could picture Xander's face as he thrust his cock into the boy over and over. He could almost taste Willow's cunt as he ate her to orgasm over and over before taking her virginity.

Fantasies like these preoccupied him more and more. And he saw a chance for making at least one of them come true. He realized that Willow and Xander were keeping their feelings for each other a secret. Angel couldn't understand why they didn't drop Oz and Cordelia for each other.

But perhaps he could use their reluctance to his advantage. He decided to tell them that he knew about them and offer to let them meet at the mansion. Surely, there, nature would take its course. And while Angel didn't expect them to let him be in the bedroom with them when it did, he certainly intended for a carefully concealed video camera or two to give him the same pleasure.

The End
