And Then There Was a Time

Author: Greenfae


Disclaimer: All the rights belong to Joss W. or someone else I have no idea of. Lucky sons of, anyway I am just a poor starving wanna be writer so please dont sue me. I don't even know sue!

Rating: PG to NC17 later in the series

Pairing: Willow, Angel, and Riley, can't help it they are such a babes

Time frame: kinda after this season of Buffy.

Notes: Willow is on her own now still doing her best not to use her magic for the most part. I hope everyone likes tug of wars as much as I do. ;-)


~Part: 1~

And Then There Was a Time

A cool fall breeze caressed  her skin making her tingle a little as she watched the sky go a deeper blue. Night was falling and she was getting ready for her date. She wasn't sure how she had gotten herself into this one, but when Riley asked her to go out with him on his birthday she didn't feel like she could turn him down. " It's just one night, one date." She seemed to comfort herself with that thought. He was really a very kind and sweet person. Willow had always liked the way he would get confused and not be sure what to say. All that Iowa farm boy  in him really showed when he had made this date with her. Thinking about it now she suppressed a smile. Sometimes she would wonder why Buffy ever let him get away. "Where was the bad?" she had thought more than once. Tall ,blonde, green eyes ,well built. "Oops  , I really need to reign in those thoughts about Buffy's ex-lover. " A mild blush crossed her cheeks and she remembered the accidental kiss she received from him just last night.


They were at  a local club. Something not to far from the idea and look of the Bronze. She had gone there to cut loose some and allow her mind to think about other things aside from Tara's demise. The pain of that death and the things she had done in Tara's name still caused her a ton of guilt. So on that night she made her face up,put on her naughty cloths,  picked out a pair of dancing pumps ,and headed out to make heads turn. I need this break she thought. Once there she filtered in thru the crowd and found a dark spot. After an hour she shook her head and thought .. " Some party animal I am." She moved to pick up her purse and take her last sip of the fruity beverage she thought she had to have. As she stood to make her way out , she felt a hand on her shoulder and a small yelp type of noise escaped her mauve shaded lips. " Oh gosh I am sorry", came the not so certain voice in its mild tones from behind her.

She turned her head to see who it was and was surprised by a pair of searching green eyes. For a moment she had no idea what to say. " Hello Willow", his voice no steadier now than before. She smiled openly and hugged him. Letting him know without words that she still thought of him as a friend. Riley seemed to hold on to that hug a little longer than necessary, but she didn't read much into it. After all it had been a very long time since they had last seen each other. And the last time he left to her had been so sudden. Her own green eyes shone with happiness at seeing him. Questions filled her mind and she started to ask some of them in one long string of words. How have you been? What brings  you here? What have you been doing all this time? Are you living around here now? The only problem with her asking was that the music was so loud Riley could only hear about half of what she was asking. He smiled in his own shy way and shuffled his feet somewhat. "Umm, Do you think we could go somewhere that we could hear each other." Oh yeah" she nearly shouted back. Willow slipped her small hand in his and lead him out of  the din of noise. Once outside she asked him where he would like to go. There were a few coffee shops. But he didn't want to sit in a public place so they decided on her apartment.


It was only 9:30 or so. Willow knew she didn't have to be in to work early the next day and he looked like he needed a friend. Which to her way of thinking meant she didn't have to think. That would be a bright blessing to her. The short walk to her place seem just to flash by as they talked about everything. Seems Riley had gotten out of the military and was now doing some work as a detective for the locals. He had gotten quite good at finding people and things as he put it. Willow had to smile. Riley would always want to be in the thick of things.


As the night wore on she noticed Riley's hands begin to quake  and her eyes filled with concern. " What is it Willow?" then he glanced at what she was looking at. " Oh that. I just need to take my meds is all." With that he popped open a small bottle he had tucked in one of the many pockets on his jacket. With a toss of his head and a quick swallow he downed the small pill. " It's the one thing about what happened at S.U. that I will never lose Willow." I had thought I would be ok with out any of those drugs and devices  they put in me." His eyes clouded and he looked at the little brown bottle. " They were able to help me with most of it, to fix some of it anyway. But I still have some of the wiring in me and that will never change" He looked to Willow, his eyes carrying their own concern over what he had just revealed to her. " I will always have to take these pills and there are other problems as well." Willow reached out and touched his hand. Smoothing over his wrist to his hand and laced her fingers in a comforting way with his. " What type of problems Riley?" Her eyes colored with her heart felt concern for this friend. He dragged in a deep breath as if he was about to announce the world was coming to an end. " I still have most of the benefits from my days in the Initiative, the strength, endurance, heighten senses. They aren't total, but enough to make my work a lot easier." With that last statement he smiled. It seemed as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders only to be placed right back as he looked up at Willow.


She was stunned to silence. Her large luminous eyes staring at him as if he had grown a second head. "Ahem, she cleared her throat, that must be awful for you" her caring nature willed out again. Even mild shock was wiped away as she let him know she was the same ole Willow.  She reached out to give him another hug. That was when it had happened. His eyes smiled at her and he patted her head gently. He could smell her soft sent and the tiny form in his arms seemed to reassure him that it would be ok. Willow closed her eyes and let her arms rap him tightly. He was warm and smelled of spice and wood. She was somewhat tired and just a touch tipsy since they had been drinking her red wine. How many glasses had she had. She really wasn't sure. Did it really matter. This was Riley after all. He was  more than likely still in love with Buffy. " Don't think about that anymore Riley. Let's just enjoy our chat and relax"


Willow gave him one more squeeze before she ended her hug. As she was pulling away she felt his grip tighten around her and she tipped her head back in a question,  searching him closely. Her eyes shining up at him, her lips ever so slightly parted. He looked her face over and was touched by her sweetness and her loveliness. Somehow he felt as if someone had a strangle hold on his heart. Riley dipped his head and brushed her lips with his. Lighting flashed in her at the touch. It was if she had been burnt from the inside out and he had barely kissed her. He let her go quickly and stood up. Shuffling his feet again as he made sounds without meaning at first. Then she could hear him saying. " Oh, I am sorry Willow, I didn't mean for that to happen." She was blushing and so was he. Soon they were both kind of giggling, which turned into full on laughter. He was still standing above her and for all the world he looked happier than she had ever remembered him being in a very long time.


She too felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her and she was able to let go with this man. His Irish eyes laughing and she could see that the song was right. Her smiled lingered most of the rest of the evening which was maybe another hour. Sometime around 1:00 Am. .he gave his good evenings. He hugged her as he went to the door. Willow let her arms drape around him loosely this time. Not daring to get to close at this moment. He too seemed a little more distant. But as he went to leave, standing in her door. He stopped and looked at Willow. " Would you go with me ? Out to dinner and maybe some dancing tomorrow night. It's my birthday and I don't really know anyone here. I would love to spend it with you." Willow looked kinda stunned. "Oh,, Ummm ok yes fine then. Umm 7 p.m. OK?"

The Birthday Dare

Looking at the clock on the wall she knew she needed to get dressed quickly. Riley would be here at any moment and she didn't want him to  catch her only half ready. Ever the punctual Willow she mused to herself. The knock on the door told her that Riley was early and she cringed. Pulling the sleeves up on her blouse she finished with the one or two buttons on the front of it as she headed to the door. Fumbling with the green silk until each button was in place. Willow brushed her fingers thru her hair a couple of times and opened the door. Riley was smiling down at her and she suddenly noticed that she didn't have her shoes on yet. " Come in Riley, she turned and walked back into her living room and sat down to pull on her black leather boots so that the black jeans she wore could be pulled over the top of them. Feeling comfy and still like a girl she was happy with what she had picked to wear. The look on Riley's face told her maybe she did do good a job. The green silk of the blouse made her eyes really jump out and her jeans fit perfectly. Riley couldn't seem to form words when he first came in. But Willow simply took his quiet behavior as meaning that he was ready to go.  She picked up her light coat and headed back to Riley and the door. He smiled at her and she noticed  for the first time the flowers he was carrying. They were mixed flowers carnations ,daises ,and violets. So very pretty together that she shot him a look and giggled. " Those for me?" she questioned. " Um yes they are, he seemed to squirm under her fond gaze. But handed her the flowers showing all the boyish charm that made Riley who he was. Willow took the flowers and ran back to the sink where she found a nice vase and she put the flowers in it filling it with water. Setting  the vase down on the counter she inhaled deeply and padded back to Riley as quickly as she could. After she locked her door she took Riley's arm.


" What do you want to do tonight birthday person?' she smiled. " You mean it's up to me to pick?" She nodded to him a yes and he suddenly got a strange look on his face and she wondered what that  had meant. But thought better than to ask. Once they had eaten Riley wanted to go for a walk. But Willow wasn't sure if they should since there were a lot of vampires and such around. It seemed almost the moment she thought it one jumped out at them and tried to pull her into an ally. But before the thing actually had her she was being set aside as Riley landed a powerful punch to the vamps head. Then kicked it in the shin. When the vamp started to go down on that knee Riley pulled a stake from the folds of his jacket and plunged it into the heart letting its fall finish the job. Willow watched as the vamp dusted not 2 feet from her. Her eyes widen with awe and she began to smile. " Wow, you dusted it fast" she nearly sighed. " Why it was nuttin ma'am," Riley said with a southern drawl that would rival any good western. Willow giggled and he smiled.


Something about making her smile and laugh helped make his inner pain go away. He wasn't sure what was going on with him at the moment but he knew he wasn't going to let it go. Or let her go, not just yet anyway. She made him feel good about himself and that hadn't happened since his wife was killed by a lurker demon. He didn't like to think of that and he was sure that Willow was only going with him tonight because she felt sorry for him. Losing Buffy then a couple of years later losing his wife. That was when he had decided to get out of the military altogether.


Riley glanced down at the perky redhead next to him and felt something prickle in his mind. Why hadn't he ever noticed it before. The way light played with her hair. The cute way her eyes would light up as if she were a child on christmas getting her fondest wish. How her hands would fold together when she was nervous about something. He felt himself staring at the shape of her face and noticed how her chin jutted out demurely. He didn't want to think about why he was feeling this way. Or even try to decide what it was he was feeling. He only wanted to talk with her and hear her soft voice sounding in her giggly little laugh. That always seemed to make him laugh as well. He didn't want to label it. Because somewhere deep in his mind he knew if he did he would have to deal with it. Just leave it alone his confused mind told him. Its nothing really you just never really noticed her as much. You were much to busy at the time. But he wasn't so busy now.


Willow noticed how he had almost stopped talking and had been watching every little move she made. She felt as if she had walked into a room of strangers and was expected to sing. Like when she and the gang had been stuck in nightmare land because a little boy was in a coma. She would glance up at him and still his eyes were on her. What is he doing , her mind screamed at her. She wanted to ask but didn't know how to say what she was thinking. What was she thinking, is he attracted to me? No way, was the first thought that came to mind. She glanced up to him again this time he had looked away ,but she didn't ,she began to look at him carefully. He had a handsome face. His eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Little thoughts ran thru her head like. His hands are so big, and I feel like a child standing next to him. In her mind there was only one other person that made her feel so helpless and small. Willow shook her head and laughed at herself. " What's so funny Will?" Riley asked again looking at her with those very green very intense eyes. " Oh nothing really, just um thinking strange thoughts. You know ,sometimes my head it just gets silly, and I think funny kinds of things, in my head ." Willows rambling made Riley smile his eyes lighting up watching her be flustered. " You can tell me what it is Willow I would love to know what seemed that funny." Oh no, no, that would be bad, well maybe not bad bad. But bad enough." She was still grinning. Riley was not going to let her get away with that so he said. " I dare you Will, I double dog dare you even" His grin was even wider now. She passed an evil look his way and said. " Hey double dares go first so you have to tell me what you were thinking before I tell you what I was thinking." Now the game had begun and he was already on the losing side.


 They were both laughing lightly when they reached her apartment door. "That's not fair Willow, What if I wasn't even thinking anything important? I could have been thinking  about my laundry or something." Chuckling as he said this she answered it with, " Well then tell me what's been on your mind most of the night, you haven't been with me all the time." Her eyes shone brightly up at him and they were leaned up against the doorway. Willow had been fumbling for her keys so she turned back to what she was doing. She could hear him take a deep sigh as she turned the lock and open the door. " Well?" she asked. " Are you going to tell me what you have been thinking about all night?" She stepped inside and he followed her in ,letting her close the door behind him. As she turned toward him again he answered.

" I have been thinking about you all night Willow. Just you." His eyes seemed to try to tell her something. But she wasn't sure she wanted to know what it was. She felt her limbs turn soft and unsteady as she stood in front of him. His eyes seemed to take in hers and she could have been buried in their light. Her breath seem to hardly come to her and she felt him move closer to her one, two steps. Then his arms went around her. She looked up at him not knowing what he was doing really. Not wanting to let her mind just jump to conclusions yet. She let her head rest against his broad chest and listen to his heart beating. It sounded a little fast but then so was hers. She let her arms come up almost of their own and push their way up under his jacket to lay on his back gently. He smelled of woods and spices again. It was soothing to her. She let the scent and the feel of him this close , warm the part of her that had gone cold since Tara. She could feel him gently stroking her hair and she smiled ever so slightly as he let his other hand reach for her chin and pull her face up to his. " Willow?" He seemed to beckon her with her name and she opened her eyes looking up at him in the still and dark of her living room. " Yes Riley?" Your turn, what were you thinking about when I asked" Her smile dimmed some and she tried to turn her head away.

 But he wouldn't let her turn away. " I really want to know, Willow. " Please tell me what you were thinking." She looked back at him and let a low sigh escape her pouty lips. " Well, I um, you Riley I was thinking of you." They could feel the air tingle around them as Riley touched her lips with a light kiss. He drew back and smiled that she hadn't turned away from him. His arms suddenly dropped back to his sides and he looked long and hard at her. " I think I need to go Willow. I really need to just think" His eyes took a dark green cast to them and his voice deepened sending a quick thrill down Willows spine. She only nodded to him and he opened the door to leave. Her heart grew panicked and she had to take a step toward him. He smiled at her almost sadly as he went thru the door. Her fear increased and she didn't know why. He stood just outside her door now and was watching her carefully. His eyes covered every inch of her in the doorway. She watched him visibly take control of himself. Her eyes wandered his form as well. She felt like she was taking inventory on his body. This by itself made her blush deep red. He caught the look in her eyes and the red in her cheeks. This seemed to make it even harder for him to leave. He gave her a questioning look. Willow said nothing ,but the need in her eyes left him weak and wanting.

 With a deep sigh he covered the three steps it took for him to reach her. His tone was almost harsh and thoughtless. " Do you know what you are doing Willow? Do you?" The last part was where he pulled her again into his arms. " I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to be hurt Willow please tell me to go away" She couldn't and she knew it. Instead she just looked at him straining up with her soft lips reaching for his. Her hands holding him close. He grunted his submission and gave her the kiss she was reaching for. Soft, so softly at first his lips slanted over hers. One of his massive hands reached up and tangled in her velvet waves of hair. She parted her lips and allowed him entrance into her sweet mouth. He snaked his tongue over her lips and tentatively traced the lines there before entering. She moaned to him and wrapped both arms around him tightly. His touch was almost reverent and his kiss felt like a knife sharp and almost painful. It stabbed her senses as her mind clouded and her world darkened to only the touch and taste of him.

Still he broke from her. Standing looking at her his eyes full of fire showing her the passion she felt he had felt too. His voice husky and dark from the power of their brief connection he said. " I will see you tomorrow Willow," Such was the meaning heavy in his words that she felt as if the bottom dropped out on her. "Yes, she answered, See You tomorrow Riley." He nodded at that and turned on his heel to go. Taking four or five steps he glanced back at her still standing in the doorway. And gave a brief smile. She smiled back then watched him as he retreated down the hall. Her eyes seeing clearly again. She looked at her watch. 1:30 am . Ugh, she thought I must be crazy. Just as she started to close the door she heard a sound, " Hello Willow" came another very familiar voice. She looked down the other side of her hall way and there stood Angel. Willow gasped softly. Her eyes wide as she watched him walk up to her.

Waiting Angel

Her mouth gaped open and she blinked back her disbelief. " Oh Angel it's so good to see you." She squealed and nearly tackled him hugging him tight to her. " Great to see you too Will," He smiled down at her and held her loosely letting her cling to him instead. His eyes roamed over her slight features and he knew coming had been a good choice. Despite the warning signals going off in his head. Willow released him and stood back smiling at him in her same old Willow way. He could feel the strings of his heart being tugged at and he lowered his head. "Had to stop by and see you, hoped  you might be up. His eyes darkened a little and he finished with." Were you on a date?" The carefully chosen words he was going to use just fled his mind at the thought of Willow with another man. " Come on inside." She smiled at him and lead him into her small apartment. Her green blouse skimming her gently Angel could tell by both sight and smell that she was aroused. But the chance that he was the reason was very small. She made chit chat to him while his mind raced with the thought that someone might beat him to Willow's heart. He had waited a long time before he made his move to see her. He wanted to be with her if she would have him. He noticed that she was walking over to the couch so he took the other side of it and sat down his eyes watching her animated face. She seemed to go thru many emotions all at once. He didn't really hear a word till she stopped and looked at him curiously. " Angel?" She said questioningly. He didn't answer. He only seemed to look at her strangely. Her voice abit flustered now she said his name again. This time he blinked and smiled looking at her intently. " I am sorry Willow I have a lot on my mind lately," His voice was quiet but intense. She could feel the nerves in her body tingle lightly as she wondered what he was thinking.

Willow mentally shook herself and let such silly thoughts drop from her like water off a duck. When she looked up his eyes seemed to watch her every movement. She let a small laugh escape her lips, feeling somewhat nervous she stumbled thru her words. " I met Riley at the Docks Lounge last night." Angel looked startled but didn't let himself over react more than that. " Oh that's nice. Did you two have a good visit?" She nodded and looked back up at him a faint smile on her lips. " He asked me out for his birthday, I guess he doesn't really know anyone here anymore. I mean besides Buffy, and well Dawn, Anya, of course there is Xander. But I don't think he wanted to go with another guy I mean..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed the look in the vampire's eyes. It was as if he could burn a hole into her. Dark as they were she could have sworn there was a fire in them as he peered at her face. Raw emotions barely controlled were trying desperately to surface. Her heart raced along, and her hands began to sweat. " What is it Angel? Something .. wrong?" Her voice became very small. He could tell he was beginning to frighten her. So he cleared his throat and let a smile cross his lips that never made it to his eyes.  He spent the next hour listening to her ask advice on what to do since it seemed that Riley was interested in her. Should she let it ride or would it be better to tell him nicely that she wasn't interested in him that way. That would be a lie, but it would keep her from the madness that might ensue.

Angel tried very hard to control his need to grab her and kiss Riley right out of her mind. He had to be careful here or he would lose her. If he allowed himself to react the way he wanted to she would be scared off. But if he didn't do something soon the budding romance between her and Riley would stop him from having her at all. As Angelus he would have just left and followed Riley's sent. Then once he found him he would rip out his throat. But as Angel he only thought about it. Never hurts to think. He flashed her a look that disturbed her when she was telling him about the " goodnight kiss". The last thing Angel wanted to know was that his lovely redhead was kissing some other man. Any other man. He sat upright on the couch now and looked searchingly at Willow. She was smiling lightly and making comments on what a good friend Angel was to listen to her rant on like this. You have no idea, he thought. Somewhere around 3:00 am she yawned and stretched like a cat. Making a small noise in the back of her throat she blinked her sleepy eyes and he had to smile. Beautiful when she is exhausted too, he thought to himself.

" Where are you staying in town tonight?" The words slashed thru his mind and  his wandering thoughts came to a halt. " Well I can always go stay with Spike while I am here." He had to laugh when he caught sight of the way her nose wrinkled as if something had crawled in her lap and died. " Oh, Angel I don't think so, don't you have another place?" Her eyes looked at him in earnest. "No I don't really, but no harm I can get a motel room for the day." He knew exactly what he was doing. Or rather what she would do. In fact he had counted on it in a small way. " You know you are welcomed to stay here for the day, Angel. You would have to pay for two nights in order to get the one day." Her face all bright and smiles. She went to her bedroom and brought out a couple of blankets. One to cover the window in the living room. The other she tossed at him. " As long as you don't mind the couch, you should do fine here." He only smiled and answered with a thanks. " If you want to take a shower you will have to wait until I am done first." The smile in her voice told him that she planned on using all the hot water. He only nodded and looked around a smile playing on his lips. Her apartment was small but well furnished. With a large book case full of books of course. He walked over and took note of a few of them. Witches Almanac, Herbal Spells, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Romeo And Juliet, Wiccan,Yesterday and Today. His eyes caught sight of her thru the door of her bedroom that she hadn't close d completely. Her scent came to him like a drug and he was compelled to walk to the door. It took everything he had to turn back to the couch and sit down. His eyes twitched as he heard the water running and her voice in song. A smile tugged at his lips. She sings in the shower, cute he thought. Like everything else about her, adorable.


Stepping into her shower Willow thought about what had happened today. She was so very tired but still her mind raced with wonder at the two men that just showed up over the past twenty-four hours. Riley of course seemed to want to start something with her. Something she wasn't sure she could handle. No matter how wonderful the feeling had been to be kissed by him, to be in his arms. Angel on the other hand was here for some reason too. Maybe he was wanting to get back with Buffy. His soul was anchored now so he was more than safe from losing it if he got a happy. That thought pleased her so much she began to sing as she lathered her hair and rinse. The water running over her face making her sounds as if she was drowning. Bubbles floated down her slim body and puddled at her feet in the shower. She rinsed then picked her favorite scented soap and her loofah. She made soapy circles over her thighs and belly up to her breast. The soap was wonderful, it had a light flora scent with a hint of spice. Very female stuff, it always made her feel soft and warm. Once she finished her shower. She grabbed a towel and patted herself off. Then rapped her head up and stepped into her bedroom.

Throwing on her robe ,large and pink, it seemed to swallow her up. She grabbed her hair brush and walked softly into the living room. Angel was still sitting on the couch with his hands folded in his lap like he was praying. His eyes looked up at her as she dropped her head towel and draped it over the back of a chair. " Your turn," she said cheerfully. Angel stood but didn't move for a minute his eyes roving over her robe -hidden form. Willow looked up and noticed him watching her. A question in her eyes, his head raised to see those green eyes. " Willow," he started, "I have a confession to make." The look on her face seemed to be shadowed by uncertain thoughts. " Yes Angel?" Her voice almost a whisper. His mind raced. All thoughts lead to actions not words. But he almost feared what would happen if he gave into any of them. Her eyes still holding his he seemed to move without moving. She found herself in his arms and his large sculpted hand touching her cheek so slightly. Brushing damp strands from her forehead. His eyes glowing at her, she nearly gasped as he bent toward her. Taking her lips in a plundering kiss. Fire blazed a way into her mind making it impossible to think. When he released her she was breathing heavily her eyes wide with passion. He stood back and surveyed what she seemed to be feeling and a smile made his mouth go a little crooked." I think I better get that shower now,"  he breathed the words at her. Then suddenly she was alone. "Oh my, oh my, goddess help me".

~Part: 2~ Labyrinth

She still couldn't believe what just happened. Her legs trembled somewhat as she walked to her little couch. Her mind running the gambit between sanity and being a raving lunatic. What in the world was Angel thinking? She had just told  him how Riley was acting toward her and that she thought she might feel the same. Willow thought for sure that Angel had come back to try again with Buffy. But now she had no idea what was up. The only thing that she knew for sure was that he was most likely naked in her bathroom, and that he had just kissed her. Not a " Hi there, missed you," friendly sort of way , but in a " Yum Yum, I want to eat you up," type of kiss. The heat of it had so frazzled her brain she was pacing instead of sitting like she had started to do. From the living room, to the little eat -in kitchen she paced like she was a caged tiger in a zoo. Then back again. How was she going to deal with this. She had already made him welcome in her home. She had already told him he could spend the day there. But when she had said that, she didn't know what she knew now, which come to think of it wasn't much. She tried to complete the image in her mind. Earlier she had found herself in Riley's arms. Just a few moments ago Angel had held and kissed her too. Her mind was doing the wacky, as she put it. She heard the shower go off and she wanted to go sit on her couch, but she was still in pace mode. Willow glanced up at her bedroom door only to notice it was slightly ajar. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light in her bedroom she listened to hear if he was coming out yet. She would make a mad dash for the couch and try to make like nothing happened until she could sort out her feelings. But before she knew it his form came into view, damp, naked, and glorious.

She dropped her eyes and stumbled to the couch almost falling on her face. Angel, hopping into his jeans, quickly came to the door to see what had happened, only to find Willow on her knees at the couch. Helping herself up with the arm of it. "Are you ok?" Angel questioned. " Ahh sure,, I'm fine," she replied. " just a little shaken I guess". He came striding out of the bedroom his chest bare and his hair still pretty damp. She looked him over like he was a monster coming to get her, but oh, would that be so bad. She shook her head no, no I can't think  of Angel like this, he is still Buffy's. Yet her mind wouldn't, or maybe couldn't, shake the image of him,  not with him so close to her. Helping her onto the couch bare foot and shirtless.   To close, need to move, oh my, way to close, her thoughts tumbled about in her head. He directed her movements and kneeling in front of her, he began to check her knees for bruising. "Well, you look like you will live Willow", As he stood up again, Willow found herself staring at his broad chest, an odd feeling clench at her heart as she saw the muscles play under his cool skin. His voice seemed powerful and dark to her right now. He looked her over head to toe, his eyes not making any excuses for the way he looked at her. It's time she knew how I felt. It's time I let her know that I don't want to be just a friend.

Dark eyes lifted to her green ones and she caught her breath, those eyes were full of want and need. But she was just Willow, the very same Willow that asked him how he shaved since he couldn't see himself. Sure, she was a few years older, mentally she shrugged. He was smiling at her now and she watched as he slid next to her on the couch like a mouse might watch a snake just before it attacked. "I am not offending you am I Willow?" He asked  humor in his tone. She only shook her head and began to stand again. " I um need to get to bed now, long day tomorrow, I need to rest." She gave a weak smile and was turning to go to her room when she felt his hands on her arms. The skin to skin contact making her stomach do funny flips. " Are you sure Willow? " his tone smooth and fierce, his need barely held in check. His animal nature showing, but not to the point that it frightened her, yet. "Umm yes Angel, I think I need to think a lot about this. Um I'm not sure what to think, and that's what I do. Um is think. Um I will see  you in the morning, OK?"

He let her go and nodded, Angel followed her with his eyes. His mind ached as she trotted off to her room. He had really messed things up with his need to beat out Riley before he could make a place in Willow's heart. Angel had left the rest of his clothes in Willow's bedroom and he thought about going to get them. But he was sure she would be upset if he just walked into her bedroom after what had happened between them so far. With a deep sigh he plopped back down on the couch and ran a hand thru his dark hair. It would be morning soon, maybe to soon. Then she would be off either to work, or to classes. He wasn't sure, but he knew she wouldn't willing spend the day there alone with him. At least not yet. A smile curved his sensual mouth and he laid down staring at the ceiling making plans.

Willow laid in her bed, her eyes opened as wide as they could be. Making her look like one of those dolls that you lay down to close their eyes and hold upright to open them. Well Willow 's doll eyes were broken and stuck open. She dived into her bed head long, robe and all. Now she was feeling a little funny about still having her robe on in be,so she squirmed out of it. Rolling over on her side under her huge comforter she began to close her eyes. The last thing she saw was the clock, it was 4:36 am. and she had to be up at 8:00. Her throat made a tiny whining sound and she fell asleep.

Angel glanced at the bedroom door having heard what sounded like Willow in pain. He stood wondering if he had upset her to the point of crying. But no, he didn't hear sobbing. Only the one little noise that made him worry if maybe she was hurt more during her little fall than he had noticed before. He took the few steps to the bedroom door and opened it softly, his dark eyes searching the room, Willow was on her bed already asleep. She must have passed out, poor girl, he thought. I guess I kept her up to long. Just then Willow rolled over on her back a gentle snore coming from her slightly parted lips. Her powder blue sheets twisted around her waist like some kind of half dress. Leaving the mounds of her soft breasts in full view of Angel. His gut tightened and so did his jeans. He looked her over for a moment, the gentle torture driving him to look away, or join her in her bed. The latter might be what he wanted, but he had to be sure she wanted it too. So he slowly tore his eyes from her shimmering form as he headed to the couch again. "Who said this was going to be easy" he thought. Then there was Riley, that little boy has no idea who he is dealing with. "Willow will hear me out, and with any luck she will be mine."

The alarm went off way to early for Willow. She yawned and pulled her legs to the edge of her bed. Sitting there for a few moments she heard sounds coming from her little kitchen. The smell of fresh brewed coffee and frying bacon touched her senses. She felt like she was being lead around by her nose. Catching sight of her naked body she went to her dresser and retrieved her bra and panties for the day, all dark blue lace and comfy. Then she went to her little closet and pulled out a pale blue peasant shirt and some button up jeans. Feeling ready to meet Angel and see what he was up to. She felt a lot better than she had the night before. Something in her dreams made her happier and she meant to keep it that way. As she started to go to the living room, she noticed that Angel had left a few of his things in her room on a chair. Like his boxers, shirt and shoes. Her face went red when she thought that maybe he had come in  her room to find them and then didn't because she had been ,well um, unclothed. Gently she picked up the items and finding  his socks on the floor she picked them up as well.

Taking them with her she placed them on the coffee table, and entered the kitchen. Angel stood in front of the stove cooking. His bare back and signature tattoo being most of what she could see at first. He had some type of music playing in the background and seemed to be bouncing to it. Suddenly he did a twirl and found her standing in front of him. The smile on her face was plain. She was very amused and he could tell his little plan had worked perfectly. She felt more at ease now than last night, that was a good thing. He tried his hand at looking a little embarrassed and smiled back at her. "Good morning sleepy head", his tone cheerful and his eyes bright. "Good morning back Angel, you seem pretty happy today." Her eyes caught his. He gave a quick grin and turned to the eggs he was cooking. When he turned back around he was handing her a plate and glass of orange juice. "Yeah I guess I am'. His voice trailed off a little and when she took the plate and glass their fingers met. The touch stopped them both for a second maybe just to hold onto the moment before it was gone, maybe, because they needed to touch.

The Plan,

Angel had the day to just hang around in her personal space. Knowing that she didn't really mind his being there was a good thing. But he also knew that he was not just there to hang. His idea was to find out what she was into, what she might like. He roamed her kitchen, looking around to see what types of foods she liked. The same routine was carried out in her bathroom, and bedroom. This gave him a clear picture he thought of what he could do to make his way into her heart. Soon he sat down with paper and pen to write out what he thought she liked most. Eyeing the "plan" he was making, he smiled to himself.

He still hadn't really dressed when Willow had come back from her classes. He had put on his shirt but had he left it unbuttoned.  As she came in he  was preparing some fruits and crackers as a light lunch for her. Willow turned the key in the lock expecting Angel to be laid out on her couch sleeping. To her surprise he was shuffling about setting her tiny table with one place setting. She smiled not knowing what he was up to as she walked over to him quietly. "Angel?" He heard the question in her voice. Angel turned around to greet her with a smile. "Hey Willow, how were your classes today." As he moved, his shirt opened and allowed her a look at his well muscled chest. Willow blushed ever so slightly and looked away. "It was ok." she answered. "I would have liked to have had my  Latin class already today. But I will have to go to the afternoon one."

Angel pulled out a chair for her to sit in. She smiled and sat down allowing him to push her and chair up to the table. Then he sat down in a chair next to her. His eyes watching as she looked at the food on the table. He was very pleased with himself as she smile gratefully up at him. "This is wonderful Angel," she said her tone light and happy. " You didn't have to do this I would have been happy just to make my own." Angel pause at that before he said. "Then I would not have had the pleasure of making you smile Willow." He waited for her to look at him, slowly her head came up and she carefully took a bite of a strawberry that was closest to her on the plate. Angel watched as her teeth and lips nibbled at the red fruit, internally he groaned. Her eyes looking for all the world like a child. She noticed where  his gaze. " What fun would that have been." He said, his voice thick as he watched her chew the bite. Willow nearly choked and looked him over. " Angel, um I really think we need to talk". The words making a small sound as if she had no air with which to say them. " I'm not sure what your  meaning, and um .." her voice trailed off as he reached his hand down to pick hers up. Folding it together with his other hand he began to make small circles in her palm. He watched her face as he turned her hand over the palm facing him and kissed it gently. " Are you sure you don't understand Willow?" Letting his voice fairly drip like melted chocolate, he watched her shake her head slowly. "Then maybe I need to show you what I mean,"

His words seemed to come easy to him and he pulled her into his lap effortlessly. Willow looked at him and blinked. "Angel, umm please.." Her voice quaked with excitement and fear of the unknown person she was facing. Her mind reeled at the thought that this was Angel, Buffy's Angel. He was holding her on his lap. Looking at her like he wanted to be very close to her in ways she didn't even want to think of at the moment. Her heart skipped a beat when he took her index finger and kissed it gently. Then put the tip of it in his mouth and suckled on it for a moment. His eyes never leaving hers she felt the heat in her stomach blaze in to a fury and she trembled slightly with the thrill of it. Closing her eyes against the things she was feeling only made it more intense for her. She looked back at him curiously, his dark eyes smiled their meaning at her.

Feeling the hardness of him against her bottom made her jump up a little to fast. Almost spilling the table. Willow made little whimpering noises and shook her head. "No Angel please you are making a mistake, I am just Willow, plain old Willow!" she sounded shaken and Angel felt as if he had over stepped what he had actually wanted to do. But it was to late to turn back now. "I didn't mean to upset  you Willow I just want you to know how I feel." his voice laced with a fear of his own. "I have waited so long a time to tell you how I feel. I am not willing to give up this chance to someone you don't really even know." His words were tense with meaning. Willow thought about it for a moment and asked."You think Riley really wants me Angel?" Her voice small and swallow. "I think he is just lonely and that he isn't really interested in me. He and I will be friends, just like you and I are."The last words she spoke were thin at best. As if she really wasn't sure of herself on either statement.

Willow took a step back and  turned toward the living room then entered her bedroom, Angel was on her heels. "Are you really that blind little one. Riley has eyes in his head, he can see  you are wonderful, intelligent, and lovely. Why wouldn't he want you." Angels voice carried with it all the feelings that he had harbor the night before and all day. All the worries that she would fall for Riley simply because she couldn't believe that he himself wanted her. But it was even worse in a way. Somehow she had gotten the idea that no one could love her that way. Angel's thoughts turned to Oz and Tara., Maybe that was why she felt that way. Willow was to loving, to sweet to feel like there was no love out there for her. She turned at the door of her room only to run smack into Angel's powerful chest. "Oh, Sorry, I um.." she seemed to be putting her thoughts together. Confusesion and a mild blush crossed her face.

Willow could feel her stomach tighten, in her mind she could only think that Angel and Riley must be ill or something. A spell that could be it, someone has cast a terrible spell, which means she needs to find out who and how. Suddenly she found herself wrapped, his arms tugging her to his chest. Holding her snugly as he could to her. " It's all right Willow, I am sorry if I scared you. I only want to be with you." His words tumbled out of his mouth. He pulled her chin up to look into her eyes they were so green and cool, tears forming at there corners. She looked deeply into his dark unfathomable depths. " Really Willow, just hear me out." He looked her over, waiting for a response that would grant him what he wanted. " I.. I,, Angel I am not sure what you are thinking. But .. please " With that he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. Letting his hunger and need for her show in every movement. She felt her arms go around him, slipping easily under his unbuttoned shirt. As if she had no will of her own, her warm hands on his cool skin made light traces over his shoulders and down his spine. Causing him to shiver and pull her closer. A slight moan escaped her  as he left her lips to devour his way over her chin and down her neck. Kissing and nipping gently making his way to her collar bone. Angel let his hands begin to roam over her back. Trailing one up to the back of her neck, the other down to the small of her back pulling her closer. Letting her feel the effect she was having on him.

The knock on the apartment door seemed  to startle them both. Breaking the magic that kept them clinging together. Willow was first to break and back away, she looked at Angel and blinked, shivering, " Umm I think I should get that." Leaving him with that thought she headed for the door. Angel's demon was beginning to get the better of him and he growled in a low tone. His eyes flashing yellow then quickly going back to there normal dark brown. Willow stood at the door a moment running her fingers through her hair. Then opened the door, Riley stood there smiling at her. His eyes glancing over her slight form and back up to her face. "Hi Willow," He said as he made his way into her apartment.  "How has your day been?" Riley turned to watch Willow as she closed the door again. He noticed that she looked a little nervous. A blushing glow covered her face giving her a more attractive look. Her hair slightly tousled, eyes wide and bright. Riley had to wonder what was happening just before he got there."Why the day was going well until now." The darkened tones of Angel's voice made Riley's head turn quickly to see who it was speaking.

All Is Fair

Riley looked as if someone had slammed him in the chest. Knocking all the air from his lungs. His face went slightly pale, and worry crossed his clear eyes. Angel and he looked at each other as if they were ready at any moment to strike the other down. Willow blinked back the unbelievable sight of them. They reminded her of rival knights on the battle field. Each trusting his cause was the right one. Angel with his slight smirk and Riley at attention, unblinking and very still. Clearing her throat, she started to say something. Anything to disturb the stillness that hung in the air heavy and sickening. " Well, um Riley. It's so nice to see you ... already. today. Isn't it Angel?" A dark sound escaped Angel's lips, but he answered, "Yes, it is." Angel held out a hand to shake Riley's. The cold look he got from Riley told him that he was understood. But Riley too held out his hand and grasped Angel's. Giving it one good shake as if to say.  Fine, then it's a fight, not a word was actually said but the looks they passed were enough to let each other know, they were both after the same girl. Willow just stared at them, looking over first one then the other. She didn't have a clue what was going on. but she was sure this wasn't going to be pretty. Filled with confusion she felt the need to shake herself mentally.

Her thoughts taking on a will of their own. No way this is happening, her mind shouted at her. Willow quickly made excuses about how she needed to get ready for her last class. She told Riley she would meet him after that class and they could have their talk. She quickly told Angel that she needed to be gone for most of the evening and would return by 9pm. Feeling more than a little flustered she grabbed her shoes and walked back to the front door. On the other side of which Riley was waiting. Stopping just before she reached it, she bent down to put on her shoes. Angel came up to her and waited for her to straighten up again. His eyes dark and moody,he reached for her. Letting his hand caress her check, "I will be waiting sweet Willow" His voice deep, full of emotion. Willow closed her eyes briefly leaning into the touch. Then blinking she snapped back to her senses. "Ohh,, ok, Angel. See you then,, ok." Her voice trembled slightly. He nodded and she ducked out the door.

Riley stood arms crossed and eyes barely hiding his anger at Angel's presence. When Willow came to him he broke into a half smile with minor effort. She looked lovely, her hair flowing around her face softly framing it. Her eyes dark green and glowing. He had to admit, he didn't blame Angel for trying. But he had just found Willow the other night, he was not letting this go until he knew what she really meant to him. Even if that meant facing off with the 'Scourge of  Europe'. No matter who it was Riley knew he had to try. Willow gave him a weak sort of smile. "Angel, she stated, had no place to go last night. So he stayed here." She really wanted Riley to understand. She knew he had met Angel briefly when he was with Buffy. She also knew that he had not been happy to meet Angel then. She guessed he was not really happy to see him now. No Duh, rang in her mind, lame thought Willow, she told herself. But Angel didn't seem to be to happy to see Riley either. This was going to be very confusing for her. Her emotions were going crazy. Was Angel really serious and what about how Riley had been acting. Her thoughts were all tangled she almost didn't feel the hand covering hers at first. Riley had pulled her fingers into his and squeezed her hand carefully. She looked up at him and smiled. "Oh, I am sorry Riley, my mind is wandering." He just smiled at her, sighing heavily she was beginning to think she was in real trouble. If both were serious then boy was she in trouble.

Willow began talking about how she had to get to her Latin class and she didn't have much time left to get there. Riley offered to give her a ride and she excepted. Once in his Hummer they began talking again, "How was your night." Riley asked. He was careful not to sound to stiff. Knowing Willow wouldn't want to know what he was really thinking at the moment. " It was ok. You know Angel showed up and needed a place for the night." Her voice too, was a little guarded. "I don't think I went to sleep until 4:30 or so." She knew that had been a mistake when Riley gave her a quick look as he was driving that would have melted lesser witches. So she tried to clear it up. " We were catching up on a lot of things,"  You could almost see her wince as Riley's jaw began to flex.  " Things ,, umm like ya know, friends and catching up... " Her voice got small and her eyes got wide. " Umm where did you want to go tonight Riley." A quick change of subject Willow thought might be just what she needed right now. Riley visibly calmed himself and stopped the Hummer in front of the building she needed to get to. "Is it ok, if I surprise you Willow?" His eyes had soften looking at her and she wondered what it was like on his planet. But she just nodded and smiled faintly. Riley took that moment to lean across and kiss her lips gently. The burning touch cause her heart to jump, she caught her breath as he pulled back enough to look in her eyes. "Willow, I want a chance." His voice husky from the contact he didn't want to break. She responded innocently " Chance at what Riley?" She could feel her heart skip several beats when he said. "A chance to make you happy." with that he let her get out of the vehicle and watched every step she took until she was outta his line of vision.

Starting his Hummer again, his mind went back to when he picked Willow up. Angel he thought, why was he here? But Riley had not fooled himself, he knew why Angel was here, just like he was here, to be with Willow. He ran one large hand through his golden hair and sighed. Thoughts scrambling in his mind so that he could barely make heads or tails of them. The only thing he knew for sure was that when he was with her, he no longer felt lonely. No longer felt the fear of death. No longer wanted to run. What that meant to him was more than most could imagine, he wanted her soft body in his arms, he wanted to care and love her. Even if he didn't know why, that doesn't really matter, love doesn't make sense, shouldn't have to. Riley shook his head and laughed at himself. That's what's wrong with me, he thought. I am in love, with Willow. He hadn't been able to understand before. Now it all seemed far to clear, Angel be damned, he thought. Willow is a living breathing woman. Not one of the undead, Angel had no right to her.

Back at Willow's apartment Angel had cleaned things up and was getting himself ready. He would not let Willow just go on the town with that insolent army brat. A few phone calls later he was ready. His mansion was being cleaned as he waited for the sun to go down. As soon as he could leave safely he would walk out into the night. Angel was back in Sunnydale and he knew that around the hell mouth anything was possible.

Willow could hardly keep her mind on her class and was upset by the professor asking her to decipher a few smaller lines on her notes. Once class was over she picked up her things and left the building last. Her heart nearly raced when she saw Riley standing outside his car with roses in his hands this time.  She walked over to him beaming and he smiled back. "So how was Latin?" He asked. "Oh it was fine." her thoughts went to the one time she had dropped her books on the floor. Thanks to her mind lingering on  Riley and Angel kissing her. "These are for you, a little corny I know but I just thought you would like them." Willow took the flowers and smiled up at him. "Good thought," she giggled and gave him a hug around his neck. "So where are we going tonight." her voice expectant. He glanced at her as he was opening her door for her. "Tonight I thought we would go for a ride. If that's ok with you Willow?" She wasn't really disappointed, but she had thought that he would have something special planned. "That sounds nice." she nodded to him as she slid in his car.

Riley smiled widely and closed the door. Walking around behind the car he checked his pocket again for the right highway to take to San Francisco. The dining reservations he had made that afternoon were for 10 pm and he didn't want to be late. She was going to love this he thought, as he slid in beside her he picked up her hand and kissed her fingers. Then pulled her to him and kissed her cheek as well. I really hope you enjoy this evening Willow. She only smiled and looked at him sweetly. "I know I will Riley," her voice light and happy. He turned to the wheel and started the car. A quick smile crossed his lips. No Angel to deal with tonight, he thought, hopefulness in his heart that tonight would be all he would need.

Calling Down The Thunder

Willow had seemed a little upset that Riley had brought her all the way to San Francisco. But once they got there and he drove up to the restaurant she began to melt. It was a wonderful place, with hugh windows mostly open to the ocean. Letting sultry breezes flow around hugh billowing curtains of a cream colored silk, delicate and wispy. They were greeted at the foyer by the head waiter and he sat them in a corner near one of the large windows. The view of the ocean in moonlight was beautiful. Willow felt as if she were being treated like a queen. You could see Riley smile his satisfaction in that she was pleased. Dinner was one course after another of the most yummy things Willow had ever had. Complete with a triple chocolate cake covered in a mint sauce.

Full and laughing Riley unveiled the other half of his night he had set for them. He walked her out to the docks where a small cabin cruiser  was waiting for them. The captain for the night was an nice looking older man. He smiled as they came up to the ship, and held out a hand to help Willow on board. "Hey, Capt. "Riley smiled. "How are you tonight" The older man gave a quick wink and said. "Not as good for me as it seems to be for you Riley." His eyes watching the lovely redhead as she was intently looking around. "Now, none of that Capt. you might scare my friend off here." Riley was grinning ear to ear. Willow turned to see the two of them sharing some kind of joke she didn't quite understand. She grinned back at them and said. "I don"t scare that easily Riley Finn." Her face changed a bit as she added,. "Or should I be scared?".  An almost teasing tone to her voice now, Riley walked up to her and pulled her into his arms. " You never have to be afraid of me Willow, I will never give you reason to be". Holding her he looked back at the Capt. who seemed to be watching them at first. " Ahem, I ah guess I will go man the wheel,"

He smiled and shook his mostly gray head as he walked to the front of the ship. "Well, Willow began, now you have me all alone, are you going to tell me why are we here Riley?" Her voice curious but sugary sweet as well. "Oh, I don't know Willow. I thought maybe we could count stars or something." The romance of the situation didn't escape her, at the same time she felt lost in all of what was happening. She looked up at Riley's face, comitting the plains and hollows there to memory. How his eyes were watching her, checking her reaction to him. She wondered what suddenly made her so important to him and wanted to ask, when he bent and kissed her. The kiss was more sensual and deeper than before. She felt she wanted to slip into this feeling and never return. His lips caused little sparks to fly in her stomach, then sent shivers down her spine. Willow raised her hands to touch his face and rest soft fingertips on his cheek. Riley moved and kissed those fingers, each one in turn he nibbled and suckled until she turned his head. Pulling his mouth full onto hers again, tangling tongues and exploring hands filled Willow and Riley's minds with urgent need. Willow wanted so much to get as close to him as possible. As if Riley had read her mind she found herself pulled tightly against him. One of his hands on her lower back forcing her body to take note of his arousal. One on her neck making sure she didn't just pull away from his kiss. Her hands were making there own sparks. As she ran them down his shirt front only to find their way under it. She began a very slow ascent both around his sides and up his back. Her touch causing his skin to shiver and tingle. He groaned his pleasure into her gently urging mouth. Letting her go briefly he pulled off the offending shirt that made it difficult for her to touch him. She moved back enough to take in full view just how chiseled his chest was. Willow looked up into his eyes again, the lust growning in them. Then reaching out with tentative fingers she explored his skin. Running a finger nail over one puckering nipple then over to the next. Riley let his head drop back and closed his eyes as she gave attention to each. Suddenly he sucked in a gasp as she let her mouth replace her fingers, causing even more sparks to fly. Riley groaned, moving her away for just a moment as he lifted her into his arms, carrying her as if she were a child. He placed her down on one of the large couches that lined the the ship's little deck. Willow gazed at him smiling, her hands clinging to him touching where ever she could. Riley sat himself down next to her, pulling her willing form into his warm embrace again.

The both heard when the engine revved into life. They felt as the ship moved out into the darkened ocean. But neither seemed to care. For Willow only one thing was bothering her, her name. She kept hearing her name being called, like from a distance. Her muddled mind was sure, but the haze of passion she was feeling negated at the moment anything, anyone else. Except for.... the thought in her head trailed off as the ocean surrounded them. How could any woman think with what he was doing to her senses right now.

Somewhere about 10 pm Angel began his search. He was sure she was with Riley as they had said they would be together. She had also said that she would be back by nine. It was an hour passed that now. Angel's demon side was in a rage, where was she? What did that silly boy think he was doing with his Willow. Her flaming hair and emerald eyes flashed in his mind. If his heart were living it would have skipped a beat. Thinking that Riley had Willow all to himself made Angel angrier than he thought possible. His eyes went golden in a second and he tore to the campus looking for where Willow had been last. He found the spot where Riley had picked her up. So he knew she had spent sometime with him. He smelled the different gases and oils that ran the Hummer and thought maybe he could track them that way. He changed his mind knowing that Riley, if he had a brain, would take Willow as far as fast as possible. Guessing he thought maybe he could figure this one out. Angel got some information from the normal sources. He called Fred and had her trace where maybe there had been reservations made by someone using a license of a Hummer. Fred found it in minutes while he was still on the phone with him.

Angel left quickly with the  knowledge that Willow was in San Francisco at the Open Sea restaurant. By the time he got there he knew she wouldn't be inside. But around to the docks where the cabin cruisers were. He followed his nose only to find that one of the ships had indeed left, maybe 10 minutes before. When Angel asked, again the answer was yes, there had been a beautiful redhead and a tall blonde man. Then he thought about getting a boat too, but Willow would have wonder about his sanity. Angel smiled his admiration for G.I. Riley. Well, well he thought, looks like you have the first round, but this is far from over boy. As Angel thought of what he wanted to do to Riley. His mind began to race with what Riley was doing with his Willow. He felt helpless and lost, his heart saddened to the point of nearly breaking. He stood there looking out onto the dark of the ocean and saw a tiny light. There she is he thought, "Please, his heart ached as he said this aloud, please Willow don't." He went still for a moment then in a whispered. " I need you."

Angel stood there on the beach until time threaten to send the sun blistering down on him. Maybe an hour before daybreak Angel gave up and drove quickly to his mansion. Getting there just as the suns rays filtered thru the sky. Searing his visible flesh enough to make him smoke before he could get inside.

Willow had felt very bad about  leading Riley on. She had wanted him, needed him, but when it came down to it, she just couldn't. So she pulled away from him. " I can't," she said, "I just don't know if it's right or not. Riley," She looked up at him, "how do I know you are not just reacting to past feelings for Buffy. I am kinda of a link,.. I guess to her." She began rocking as she said this. Riley's eyes took on a somber shade of green as he watched her. Her lithe arms and legs all bent up together, she looks so helpless he thought. "Don't worry Willow, it's ok we have all the time in the world to find out how we both feel. "Even though he felt strongly, he knew how he felt, Riley didn't want to risk pushing her away, making her choose to soon.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he blamed Angel for this. He has to have had something to do with her feelings of fear toward Riley, but he had no idea why. His mind worked overtime as he pulled Willow into his arms again. He held her and rocked  her, brushing her hair from her eyes as he said calming words to her. Still he was anything buy calm. Almost eighty miles away and the presence was almost tangible, Angel! Or was it, hopefully, something else? He layed his head down on top of hers and watched the suns rays peek over the edge of the ocean.

~Part: 3~

Riding The Storm;

   Willow felt warm and snugly in Riley's arms as the sun peeked over the ocean. She could hear him softly snoring the rumbling in his chest. The smile that crossed her face, was one of comfort. She felt very happy just to cuddle against this man and let him hold her. Slowly Riley roused to the morning rays of the sun and Willow's soft touch on his skin. She was using one finger and tracing small circles on his chest. The feel of it tickled him to awareness. Riley opened his eyes. Willow was looking up at him and he smiled. " Hey there." He groan stretching he wrapped his arms tighter around her and she gave a soft moan. " Hey" she answered. Willow rested her head back down on his chest and tucked her hands around his back. The fresh morning air made her settle in deeper, closer to him. He watched as she seemed to get completely comfortable next to him. It was almost painful the way she held him to her. But he couldn't call her his, until she was willing to be so. His need was tearing at him. But his logical mind let him know right away he had to let her make the choice. She would love but only if she was allowed to. No could make her. No one should ever try. He had been strong when he was with Buffy.

    He knew he needed to be stronger now. There was one major difference, Willow wasn't, nor did he ever want her to be like Buffy. The Slayer could be cold and closed off from her feelings. From the ones she loved. Willow would never close herself off like that. He needed her to just be herself. Even if that meant she would not fall in love with him. That would be better than her being in love with him then pushing him away. He was sure he didn't want to deal with that again. It had drove him to do some pretty strange things, drove him nearly insane. He would squeeze his eyes shut in disgust, every time he thought about how he had let that female vampire feed from him. But at the time she filled a need that Buffy either wouldn't or maybe couldn't. A need that he only saw as someone wanting him.

Willow would need him if she loved him. Looking down on her he could see that see wanted him now. Her small form cuddled close to his chest. Red hair framing her face so that her little nose and slightly pouting lips gave the most inviting look. He reached a long finger and touched the tip of her nose. Letting his finger move lower he began tracing her upper lip. Then the lower one. Creating a tickling sensation. One that Willow tried to wave away, like she was fighting an annoying fly.

   He smiled looking down at her. His voice entering her dreams, so sleep was drifting away from her and she opened her eyes to see him watching her. Willow stretched her long legs and reached up placing a kiss on his chin. Then bounding up and heading for the little Willows room, as she had  called the bathroom last night. Riley stroked his chin with thoughtful fingers.

He watched her retreating under the deck. Around the corner came the Capt. " Ahoy mate." the good nature man said. "Smooth sailing I hope?" his eyes questioningly. Riley smiled at the man and nodded to him. "Fair weather Capt."He answered. The Capt. let Riley know that they would be on shore again in maybe a half hour. Riley thought that would be about 9a m and should allow them to get back to Sunnydale before Willow had to be at work.

   Thinking about what the Capt. had said he smiled his eyes clouding. Yeah, he thought all went well. Only not as well as he had wanted, he had wanted to have her, make her his. So that no damn vampire could take her away. Now he had to face going back to Sunnydale. Knowing that Angel would be there. He would be waiting. He also knew that where his finances were limited. Angel's most likely were not. Riley mentally shrugged, a couple hundred years helps when your trying to impress a girl. Tonight's events had cost an arm and leg. But Willow was worth it.

    He watched her now as she walked carelessly back to him. Pulling her in his arms when she reached him, Riley kissed the top of her head. Something took hold of him right then and he felt desperate to keep her here with him always. Holding her tightly he groaned somewhere low in his gut and released her. Willow still clung to him, letting her graceful hands lay gently on his shoulders. She tiptoe up enough to give him another kiss on his cheek. He turned into it and brushed his lips to hers. Lightly letting the small kiss tell her how he felt.

As the ships motor roared into life Riley again tighten his grip on her. Not wanting the sudden jerk of the ship moving to make her fall. Willow seemed glad to have him hold her, she relaxed in his arms and smiled up to him. Her mind was in a fog, she had been wined and dined like she had never been before. Riley had really gone all out for her and she thought it was the sweetness thing anyone had ever done for her. They sat on the couches and talked again. The ship moved toward the shore as they chatted happily. Talking about everything from daily routines to demon hunting.

   Willow was very expressive about how she had gone over the deep end when Tara had gotten killed. Though she didn't mention all the details he was sure there was a lot more. She did tell him of her feelings toward Tara. How they had been a couple and how she had been shot right before her eyes. Riley understood the feelings of helplessness. His own wife died in his arms because he was unable to get to her in time. Only a matter of seconds stood between her and her life. Riley pulled Willow closer as they came to shore. The memory of his wife still in his mind. He didn't want to go back. That part of his life was over. But the whole thing made being with Willow much more important. She was precious to him now. He would never let that go, unless she herself wanted it that way.

   The long drive back was full of giggles and laughs. He would glance at her and his heart would ache. She felt as if he really wanted to be with her. That was a feeling she hadn't happened since Tara had come back just before she died. This man with her was so handsome, she would sneak peeks at him and try to engrave in her memory every detail of his face. She would look at his hands and blush. Thinking how he had been touching her the night before. All the while, somewhere in the back of her mind she felt haunted. Something worried her, made her feel as if she could never really be happy. Never have a love that she wouldn't lose, or was it something else. A voice in the depths of her heart screamed in quiet need. Willow slipped into her mind a moment. But not so that Riley didn't notice, he looked at her and his expression turned dark.

His thoughts too were somewhat worried, he could tell by the look on her pretty face that she was deep in thought. What, or who was she thinking of, he didn't really want to know, still he was sure he did know. He knew that just like he had no intent of giving up. A certain undead monster had no intent of giving up either. Why does she even think about him? Riley wondered. But he knew why, Angel was immortal, handsome and rich. If Angel professed love to a woman, it would be a very hard choice to turn him down. But she was with Riley right now. Looking her over he made a small noise in like clearing his throat. It was his time with her and he was greedy. She would be with him while he had her here.


   Back in Sunnydale, Angel paced the floors of his mansion. His dark eyes keeping an amber hue to them. Showing that he barely kept his demon in check. The burns on his hands and face were puffy and blistered. But he didn't really care. Angel paced over to his fridge and opened two bags for his dinner. He downed both in no time and had a third not even bothering to warm them in the microwave. The thick cold liquid flowed into his mouth and down his throat. If he hadn't needed the healing for his burns he would have just done with out.

Striding to the phone he made a quick call to Willie across town and made arrangements for more to be delivered soon. He needed to recover. The last thing Angel wanted was for Willow to feel sorry for him. He wanted her many ways. In his home, in his life, in his bed. But never did he want her to feel sorry for him. He didn't want to appear weak to her. She was after all a very powerful witch. He smiled at this thought. Willow had come along way. She understood the pain of doing things. Horrible things and regretting them deeply. She had suffered a terrible loss. Her reaction was not something that he would have guessed from her mild mannered behavior in years past.

   But love can make you do things. The passion she showed was enough to convince Angel there was far more woman there than he had given credit before. Yes she had grown, seeing her for the first time in years he knew she had changed. The woman he knew now, was beautiful and interesting. Not a child that needed him to protect her. But he would protect her, no matter the cost to himself. If he had any chance to have her for his own he would need to let her know. Make her understand that he was real and was hers for the asking. Hell she didn't even have to ask. Just smile at him and he would give her anything she wanted.

   Thinking of her with Riley all night brought a fearsome growl from somewhere low in his gut. Making  his eyes again flash gold. That boy wouldn't know what to do with a woman like Willow. Wouldn't know how to make her happy. G.I. guy was a fool for thinking Willow would ever need him. As Angel's eyes again went dark his mind made a note of how Willow had looked at Riley. The smile she had just before they left to take her to classes yesterday. Pain shot like cold fire in his head and heart, no Willow! His mind begged her. Lowering his dark head he paced more. He was helpless in the light of day. But there would be tonight. If it was not to late, if she would give him a chance she would be his.

She would know she had no choice in her heart but to love him. Feeling all of his over 240 years, Angel dropped down on his couch in the main living room and tried to close his eyes. Sleep not coming easy he knew it would be a long day. His mind wandered around the thoughts he had of the copper hair and grass green eyes. He had held her in his arms, kissed her silly. But he wanted more, much more than a few kisses and touches. Finally his mind gave up for now, into a uneasy sleep he went. But even his dreams were filled with her now. Sweet mouth and small fingers he felt. In Angel's sleep he groan as if in pain, he woke far to soon.

   But by his way of thinking, no where near soon enough. The sun was barely setting while he was on the phone making arrangements. Calls to friends, and business people that he knew he would need to deal with. Before he even went out there were men with boxes arriving and placing things in order. So that the mansion would be ready. He went out once most was done. Returning with somethings he wanted special for the woman he was trying to woo. He smiled as he slipped the little black box in the pocket of his tux. Angel then took the large box out to the limo. Where he placed it on the seat beside him as he told the driver where to go. His mind carefully going over what he wanted to say. How he would talk Willow into going out with him this evening. How she would look with his present on. Still he could not Bering himself to be over confident right now.

He did not know what happened between Willow and Riley. That was his "unknown variable". The one thing he couldn't control. He knew that if she was not already letting herself be controlled by the boy, he had a chance. If she had given herself the Riley. It would be much harder. Not impossible. Just harder than he had first thought it would be. Checking himself over he saw he still had some scars from his recent sun burn. But then that may just be what the doctor ordered. He felt like he needed every card in his hand. He wasn't sure he would have to play them all. But having them there was a good thing in his mind, Angel sighed deeply. The stress of waiting weighting on him, he was tapping the box beside him when he pulled up in front  of her apartment building. It was roughly nine PM as he got out of the limo.

Playing The Trumps;

   Willow was setting on her bed brushing her damp hair when she heard the knock at the door. She was pretty sure it wasn't Riley. Because she had said she was very tired and needed some alone time to think. Standing in her panties and bra both a dark shade of green silk and lace. She leaned over the bed and grabbed her satin robe and headed for the door.

    Checking out the peep hole to see who was coming by she drew a deep breath. It was Angel and he looked like he was dressed to kill. She opened the door and smiled at him shyly. "Well, what are you doing here?" she asked him softly noting his total outfit. A low whistle escaping her lips. Her eyes giving him the once over. He smiled at her and stepped to the side of the door to pick something up. She was even more surprised at the large box. It was wrapped like a gift and he handed it to her with a smile. "What is that?" Her eyes got even larger if that was possible. "Oh, just a little gift for this evening. I hope you like it." He side a smile in his voice as he walk slowly into her apartment. His eyes glued to her satin draped body. She blushed at him and closed the door as she follow him back inside.

Taking a seat on the end of the couch she became and child at Christmas. Tearing open the wrapping and then the box. Her face lit up and she almost had tears in her eyes when she pulled the tissue away from the dress. It was the most dazzling thing she had ever seen. Emerald green and sleeveless silk with delicately braided twists of lace that resembled webbing. The whole thing gave the impression of floating. She smiled up at him where he stood and hopped up. She hugged him tightly, then padded into her bedroom to try it on.

    When she returned he was impressed with the way the dress clung to every curve. And she twirled letting the dress float around her ankles. She was still barefoot and on the balls of her feet moving around him grinning. " Well he said ." pleased with himself. " Are you almost ready to go then?" She looked at him quizzing what he was saying in her head. " But Angel I don't have any shoes to go with this. In her mind she was thinking what she did have and most were low heeled pumps or sneakers. He simply smiled and dug  a little deeper in the box. Retrieving dark green sling backs that let her toes peek out of them. She slipped them on and glanced up to Angel. His eyes were watching her intently. Moving over her body with almost greedy need. When his dark chocolate depths met her green orbs she shivered. For a undead he was making her feel very alive. Just by looking at her that way she was sure her pulse rate went up two notches. Sometime during his grazing her with his eyes and her blushing she found herself in his arms. The thoughts in her head kinda jumbled she sighed deeply. Her warmth held tightly against his powerful cool body made her shiver. The reactions of her body betraying her in small ways. So that she had no choice but to rest her warm hands on his chest over his still heart. Angel reached a hand to the nape of her neck and stroked her tender skin. Letting cool fingers trace the line of her spine down to where the back of the dress came up to. He dipped those fingers just beneath its silky material. Willow arched her back and leaned her breasts into his chest. A smile passed over his lips as he watched her eyes drift closed. His mild caress calming her reactions to him. Making her want more. Closing the part of her mind that would say no. Willow let her head fall to one side as he retraced his movements again. Her throat bare  to him, he leaned down and gently trailed kisses from her jaw line to her shoulder. Then back up to her pulse point. Lingering there he whispered up to her ear. " We are going to be late Willow. That Is. if you still want to go." His voice held a subtly mocking tone, and in it's lowered timbers gave her chills. Willows eyes fluttered open. She looked at him as he raised his head, he was darkly sensual, and he knew it. She felt that she was in the hands of a master as he move light fingers over her body. Causing in his mere touches things she wasn't sure anyone was meant to feel. So powerful was the fire charged feelings. She was sure she would faint from the pain/pleasure of it all.

   Suddenly he let her go and moved away. Letting her get her baring first before his hands completely let her go. His smiled to let her know he wanted her to decide what she wanted. Dinner or what she seemed to be hungry for at the moment? Her eyes began to focus better on him and what was around her. She moved back some then nodded to him. "I think we had better go, for now anyway." Her voice was thick and full of emotion. She didn't even realize that he hadn't actually ask if she wanted to go anywhere. Angel seemed pleased with his handy work.

    His thoughts centered on Riley for the briefest of moments. That boy will never know what happened. After tonight Willow will only want me. He held out a arm for her and she smiled at the gesture. Manners of that sort were kinda of absent from today's men. Willow rested a hand on his arm and he caught it bringing if full around and thru his arm. Walking her out of her apartment down the single flight of stairs into the limo. Then opening the car door for her. Willow thought she was having deja'vu. Except for the fact that this was Angel not Riley.

   Willow thought she would never stop laughing. Angel had been relating some of the tales he had gleaned over the past two centuries. The most recent being a very amusing tale about Spike and Dru. Seems they had a problem with a fralean demon. Most of the problem was just cleaning out all the demons snot from there hair and clothes. Angel just shook his head his mouth half open in a belly laugh. Willow was in the throws of hysteria, laughing almost until she couldn't breath. Her laughing having slowed she was down to giggling. Angel nearly went quite and just watched his lovely witch. Taking in every curve of her face. How her breast would rise and fall with every heaving gulp of air she fought to hold on to.

Her laughing being calmer now, Willow placed a delicate hand on her heart, not knowing that with the hand she had drawn Angel's attention there too. In his mind he could imagine how her breasts would feel. Under his hands, or his mouth. Lust glazed over his eyes and he shifted in his seat to allow his growing need some space. Just then Willow looked up at him behind her long lashes. She could tell something was up but had no clue how to ask. Angel watched her with a smile. Sensing her confusion he placed one cool hand over hers and asked. "Are you ready to go now?" Willow only nodded and Angel stood moving behind her to let her back from the table and help her up. "I have one more thing to show you Willow, if you don't mind?" His words wove into her mind gently making her a little more at ease. "Yes, Angel, her voice nearly trembled, That would be fine." Somewhere in deep in her mind she knew something was different about tonight. He was deeply, deadly serious. Willow never believed he would hurt her. But she could tell this was very important to him. Going along with him at this point was the right thing to do. If only to know what was really going on with him.

   Suddenly Willow's mind left where they were and went back to Riley on the ship. How he had danced with her in the moonlight. Kissed her lips until she wanted to scream her need to him. Even as Angel walked her out of the expensive restaurant her mind was filled with Riley's touch, his scent, the way he looked at her. Shaking her head Willow brought her mind back to where she was and what was going on now. Angel was sitting in front of her in the limo and he was pouring some wine for them. She could tell he knew that she had a mental escape, but he could not read her mind. That was a gift of the goddess, she laugh at herself silently. If Angel knew she was thinking about Riley he would not be very happy.

Willow let her eyes travel up Angel's pant leg over his thighs and hips up to his chest and finally his face. His look was one of pleasant surprise, he reached her glass of wine to her and she took it letting her fingers touch his only briefly. The touch however short was magnetic and powerful. Soon the limo was coming to a stop and Angel was let out of  it. He took Willows hand and lead her out and up the few stairs it took to enter the mansion. Willow was curious to see what was going on but she tried to stay calm on the outside. Her belly was full of butterflies and her head wanted to explode. Her only thought was for the darn butterflies to fly in formation. That would help for starters.

The Seduction;

   Once they glided inside, Willow nearly gasped, everywhere in the entry way and living room there were candles. The glow from them was the effect of muted light. Letting corners stay hidden in shadows and casting warm light over Angel's strong features. Angel studied her with dark haunted eyes taking a sharp unneeded breath. She was even more beautiful than he thought she would be. The glow of the candles had leant an burnished copper look to her hair and the fire light pick up all the gold in her green eyes. She looked like a goddess bathed in the candles warmth. Angel walked her to the over stuffed sofa and let her sit down. Her eyes adjusting to the dimmed lighting she saw that the whole room now. Filled with comfy lounges and couches. Hugh pillows thrown everywhere there was a spot to sit. Some larger pillows were laid in a spot on the floor by the fire place.

   Willows heart skipped a beat when he walked behind her leaning over the back of the sofa. He whispered to her. "More wine Willow?" his words full of meaning. He was so close she could feel him nearly touching her bare shoulder. Angel stood and walked over to the entertainment center. There was no t.v. But the stereo was amazing. She wondered when he had time to do all this. The mansion was bare up to three days ago. She knew that because she was kinda of keeping an eye on it for Angel while he was gone. Not letting the news papers build up and such. She had been inside a few times and had seen that it was nearly striped to the bare walls. Now it was fully set up and cleaned. She wondered why he had done all this and a fleeting thought ran by her mind. She closed her eyes in disbelief as she watched him hit a few buttons and music began to play.

You come out at night,that's when the energies comes,and the dark sides light,and the vampires roam,

   The  haunting notes of the music filled her mind with wonder. Angel went quietly over to the wet bar where he pulled a small bottle of wine. Or at least that is what Willow had thought it was until he also pulled two silver spoons and matches. Maybe it was some kind of special drink she thought as he walked back over to her. Scanning the coffee  table where he was placing the items he had brought. She noticed a bowl of sugar cubes and two wine glasses. "This, he started to say calmly, is part of history, It's something I thought you would enjoy with me." His eyes roamed her face. She shot him a questioning look and he began to explain. " Absinth is a very old type of drink that was very popular when I was rounding Europe." Willow was curious about it, but never thought she would be confronted with the possibility of drinking any herself. " You don't have to join me if you don't want to Willow," He told her when she looked almost fearfully up at him. Angel proceeded to set the drinks up in case she did want to join him.

   His inner demon was screaming at him. He knew his little seduction was working for the most part. The uncertainty of it was part of the attraction for him. Love is to be wooed and won, not throned about like a lot of the woman today seemed to do. He was glad Willow was not that way. She was more living than most. Understanding the pain of life as well as it's pleasures. Angel watched her out of the corner of his eye as she looked on at what he was doing. Placing the spoon on the glass so that its wide part was over the open mouth of it he put one sugar cube on it. Then poured some of the green liquor over it and into the glass. Pulling out the matches he lit first one then the other. The sugar cubes burned and ran into the liquor below. Willows eyes were wide with wonder, he smiled to himself knowing she would join him now if for no other reason than she was curious. Angel took the spoons off the glasses and picked his up nodding to her to do the same.  "A toast,"  he offered as she gently picked hers up. He was still standing as he toasted. To the love of my unlife." Willow looked a little shocked, her minded reeling she downed her drink as he did, mostly out of  reaction to the toast. The liquid flowed down her throat, warm and intoxicating. Her eyes unfocussed for a minute as she got her barrings back.

    She licked her lips and Angel saw that as an invitation. He leaned forward and down to her where she sat, his lips seeking hers in a fiery kiss. Letting his body sit down with her on the couch he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her closer to him. She only moan softly and let her body be guided by his. In her mind she was fighting for control, but for what her body kept telling her. She wanted this, needed it in fact. She had to have known after the way he had been all evening that he was intent on being with her. Why did she not just let go and give in to her own feelings. Her body burned with her need. Being this close to him she could feel his need as it grew with their touches. In her mind, the only thing she could understand was the music playing in the background.

Make me a witness,Take me out,Out of darkness,Out of doubt,I wont weight  you down with good intentions,Wont make fire out clay,Or other inventions,

     Her feelings were wrapping her in a cocoon of sensual caresses and kisses. Angel was doing his best to make her shiver at every touch. Every layer of clothing he pulled from her he covered with gentle kisses. Fingers of fire laced over and over again in her body. He was touching her in ways that she kept her from thinking. His strong hands skimmed over the heated flesh of her breasts. Teasing and lightly pinching her nipples into puckering roses of want. Each touch awarded him with a sigh or a soft moan. His lips following the path of his hands she was lost for the moment. All she wanted was for him not to stop. Somewhere deep inside her head a little voice was screaming at her to stop. Her mind not willing to give, tried to pull back to the music again. Only to find no help but more mind bending waves of understanding, it seemed as she heard the words move in the air around them.

Will we burn in heaven,Like we do down here,Will a change come,While were waiting,Everyone is waiting.

    She knew Angel would wait no more. Willow was sure she was lost this time. The power in his husky voice misted into her lust soaked mind. " Willow, be mine ,, forever."  A sudden feeling of falling off a cliff hit her stomach. With this she felt him lift her in his arms, carrying her off somewhere she wasn't sure of. At this moment she wasn't even sure if she cared, only that she was indeed burning.

Walking the line;

   Riley had made a phone call earlier that evening to see how Willow was doing. Her machine had picked up and he was pretty sure she was asleep. They had a long night before and he knew she had gone to work before she went to sleep. He even dropped by the magic shop and watched as she and Anya were looking over some of the sales slips. He enjoyed watching her as she moved over to the counter. Her face marked with a happy look he didn't think he had seen before. She glanced up and noticed him as he stood outside the window. Riley smiled big at her and she nodded. Saying something to Anya she walked out the door of the shop and hugged Riley. "So glad to see you Riley." her face was bright but she looked tired. He felt bad about keeping her up almost all night. So when she asked if they could take a break this evening and let her get some rest he didn't really mind. They made plans to meet the next day around noon. Riley was happy with that.

    The only thing that worried him was knowing that Angel was still around. Riley shrugged and thought. Well if he was all that interested why wasn't he here now calling on Willow. A small kernel of hope crept into  his mind. Only to be dashed by the memory of the way Willow looked at Angel the night he found him in her apartment. They were friends in Willows mind, Riley tried to comfort himself with. But then she and Riley had only been friends too. After they talked awhile she kissed his cheek and he left. He knew he would have to watch her tonight. Angel wasn't going to give up and he didn't want to be the last to know what that demon was up to.

   Riley went back to his hotel room. He would need some sleep if he were going to make it up all night to guard Willow. Riley thought to himself in amusement that it was ironic. All the time he spent in the jungles chasing demons, all the time he was with the Initiative capturing those monsters. He never felt as threatened as he does by Angel.

   Riley woke with a start when his alarm went off and he knocked the thing off the end table beside him. He had been dreaming about red hair and green eyes, the smell of her body, the heat of her desires. Flashes of skin to skin contact waved in his head, Riley really had to pull himself back together as he rolled over to the side of the bed. He began to stand and groaned, his body ached with unfed need. His stomach growled it's anger at having been ignored so long too. In a smooth graceful move that would belie his aches and pains. He walked to the bathroom and started his morning rituals. Feeling the need to hurry he showered and shaved, dressing himself in simple jeans and blue denim shirt. He slapped a handful of after shave on and pulled on  his boots. His mind still on the dream he had just moments before. He was in a hurry to get where he could see her. It was just after nine PM when he rounded the corner and entered the quick market next  to the motel he was staying in. Riley looked over the shelves and decided on a few things, granola bars, juice, banana. That was a good enough breakfast for him today. Just enough to keep him going without weighting him down. By the time he reached Willows apartment building in his hummer it was nine thirty. Her lights were off and he wondered if she was in bed already.

          His mind wandered to how she had looked in his arms the night before. Sleeping peacefully with him holding her as they lazed beneath the stars. The ship being gently rocked by the waves of the ocean. He watched the windows and thought, if Angel really wants a fight I will give it to him. But I would rather just love her. She couldn't really want something like Angel anyway. But he also knew that somethings are not want we want but what happens to us. Riley knew he would not just let Angel happen to Willow. She was to special for him to let her go.

   Something twinge in his head and he felt as if he were drawn. Riley got out of the hummer and walked to the apartment doors opening them he walked in and up the single flight of stairs. Once he was to her door he remember that she had asked him to let tonight go. " I really need to think, she giggled, and a little rest wouldn't hurt either of us." As her voice in his head faded he lifted his hand to knock. His mind warring with him. Should  he take the chance or not, well it never hurt to just stop by and say hi. They didn't have to go anywhere and he would not stay long. He just wanted to check and she how she was doing. After all he was worried she had gotten herself over tired and he thought he could run errands for her if necessary. Knock, knock, he went ahead and put his hand to the door. Seemed like it was taking along time, maybe she was to dead asleep to come to the door. Riley picked up his cell phone and dialed her number. It rang and rang only getting her machine, he frowned at the darn thing.

    A man came up into the hall next to him and passed going further down. He was caring a small bag of foods and stuff. "Hi.' Riley greeted the man as he passed. "Hello." the man answered back. The man looked up and noticed what door Riley was at. " Oh I don't think she is home tonight man." The man said. "I think she left almost twenty minutes ago with a tall dark guy." Riley felt sickened at those words, he knew it could only be Angel. " Man they were dressed out too." Riley squinted his eyes at that comment.

Somehow Angel had convinced her to go out even when she was not feeling well. But then he knew nothing was really wrong she just said she needed time and maybe some rest. He was not sure if she had just been saying that so not to hurt his feelings by going out with Angel. Maybe this was planned, maybe it wasn't. The only thing he was sure of was that he needed to find them. Maybe accidentally bump into them or something. He wanted to make sure she was OK. Yes, he knew she could make up her own mind, she had a right to do what she wanted. But he also knew that a vampire doesn't normally take no for an answer. He knew that if pushed Angel could lose to his demon nature. Then all bets were off, no possible reason for him to lose that unless Willow was unwilling to do whatever Angel wanted. Riley held no fantasies about what Angel really is. The demon is the core, and that's all Riley needed to know. Willow could be in a very dangerous situation. He felt the need to protect her, and he would at whatever the cost.

~Part: 4~


   Riley had searched most of the night looking for them. He was sure Angel wouldn't go out of town knowing that with the daylight came his need to get in out of the sunlight. A few of the nicer restaurants were where he started. As it worked out he got to the very one they were at almost an hour after they had left. The head waiter was sure the knew the couple Riley was talking about but said they had ate their dinner and left around ten thirty or so. That had been at eleven thirty. He could only shake his head not knowing where to go from there. Did Angel drop her off home after they had dinner? Or did he take her to his place, where ever that was.

There were other possilbites but he was pretty sure that's where Angel would have taken Willow. The very thought that Willow would be with Angel where ever he was drove Riley crazy. He knew how he had felt just the night before with Willow in his arms. He was sure Angel was more the willing to do the things Riley had wanted to do but didn't for Willow's sake.  Sometime around 1 am Riley was near to giving up. Walking around  in the night he was wondering if he should just go to Willie's and beat the crap out of the little skank. It would be good for two reasons. The first being stress relief and the second being that Willie most likely did know where Angel was. With that thought in mind he picked up his pace and headed for the demon bar.

   It was almost 2 AM and closing time when Riley got there. There weren't many customers sitting around in the small bar. Riley saw Willie rubbing down the counter of the bar and strode up to him. You could almost feel the tension coming of him as he walked right up to Willie and grabbed the front of his shirt. "What, what," came the little mans confused words. Riley looked at him his voice low and dangerous as he asked. "Where does Angel live Willie?" His voice trembled with the force of keeping himself calm as possible. "Umm Well, I don't," the little man started.

Riley squinted his eyes harder at Willie and shook him, "don't say  you don't know Willie, I know better." Willie tried to think of a decent lie, anything that would get this man to let him go. But in the end he only said. "He will kill me if I tell," fear more than evident in  his pudgy little face. " Well, at least with Angel you will have time to get out of town. Where as I am here now." Riley let that register in the cowardly mans mind. It wasn't long after that he was on his way to Angel's.

   Once he arrived outside the mansion he looked around seeing what lights were on. Checking the layout of the very large house. He was impressed with Angel's taste in homes. But that was not his main concern at this time. Willow was, she was what he was thinking about when he began to walk up the stairs to the front door. It was only the thought that she wanted to be there that stopped him. He was not sure he could just bust in and still be in good standing with the beautiful witch.

He was puzzled with his own emotions and lost for what to do next. He could knock on the door, but would anyone answer. He could do his commando thing and scale the walls looking in windows. But if she was where she wanted to be that would make him a peeping tom. Riley ran a large hand though his dark blonde waves and went back to sit in his hummer.

   Waiting was all he could do. He didn't like it but anything else would bring a possible wedge between him and Willow. He could never allow that to happen. Even if she believed that Angel is what she wanted at this moment Riley was sure she would change her mind. No way would she really want that undead monster in her home, in her bed. It just didn't fit the light hearted warm woman he had been with the night before.

  Midnight Angel;

   Angel had to laugh at himself as he watch her moving across the room and out the bedroom doors. She was almost in tears as she told him that she wasn't sure she could go this far. She was afraid of her feelings and Angel knew she wasn't ready. He had held high hopes for tonight, he was sure she would give herself to him. When he had laid her on the coverlet of the bed he was sure. With everything he had inside of him he knew this is what he wanted.

Willow was like a dream come true, she accepted him for who and what he was. She herself understood the wilder instincts that kick in when you are in the throws of love. She was a wild cat, all but ripping the shirt right off his back . He would carry a few scratches for at least a day over this evenings events. He knew she was close to being his when he let his true face slip into place and she only sighed and kissed him. He had gave a growl in his pleasure and she seemed to retreat  some. He wondered if he had scared her.

   When she pulled back Angel had asked if she was afraid of him, but her answers was no. "It's not that Angel, it's just that I don't know what to feel, I am scared of myself." Her face full of a type of worry Angel himself had felt before. He understood but the lust in him was reeling at this near miss. He would need a very very cold shower to help him with this evening. Angel got up and walked awkwardly toward the bedroom door.

   Once there he scanned the room for Willow who was still trying to finish dressings. She was bent over putting the new shoes back on. Her hair was a tousled mess which gave her the look of someone that had just had sex. Angel smiled at this wondering how much more convincing it would take to keep her in his bed. He was already making plans, his mind filling with thoughts of touching her skin, kissing her lips and other areas, he had to shake himself mentally.

Willow was trying her best to smile at him, hopping on one foot as she got the other shoe on. He was grinning from ear to ear now. She was really beautiful when she was flustered. Angel let his eyes fall to her breasts and she turned deeper red. He nearly rolled his eyes at that. Since not ten minutes ago he was kissing those breasts and touching them. Creating moaning sounds from her that made his trousers go even tighter at remembering them. He could still smell her arousal, he could hear her heart pounding at him, calling him to her, like a siren's song. But he knew he needed to wait for her to be ready.

   He wondered if Riley had anything to do with her not being ready for him. The thought of Riley in the mix made Angel's eyes flash golden for an instant. Angel asked if Willow wanted him to take her home and she nodded. So he went back into his bedroom to dress finding his shoes and another shirt were no problem. Once that was done he walked back out to Willow. "Are you sure about this love?" He had to ask, had to know for sure that she was ready to leave. Willow smile and answered, "Yes I think I have caused  you enough, umm, trouble for tonight." She tired to look at him but found her eyes dropping to the floor again. Angel felt the tug at  his heart again and walked over to her lifting her face to his. " You, love, are never any trouble." Then he leaned down to her and place his lips gently to hers.

   The kiss was devastating to her resolve, she lifted her arms and clung to him. His arms went around her pulling her small body close against his. The hardness of his erection pressing into her stomach. She almost lost her will to go when he sucked her lower lip in his mouth and nipped it gently. Angel broke the kiss this time, looking down at her with his eyes flecked golden in their normal dark brown. She knew that meant he to was close to not being able to stop. Pulling herself together she moved a little back from him and he dropped his arms shoving them into his pockets. He seemed to be studying his feet as well when she looked back at him. "Umm then, shall we go?" she wasn't happy about leaving him like this. It had not been what she had in mind.

   The only reason she was leaving at all was because in Angel's room on his bed while in his arms she suddenly saw Riley's face. Just a flash really, but it was enough to disrupt what she and Angel were doing. Once they were in the limo again and on their way to take Willow back to her apartment was when she decided to try to untangle her thoughts. Why did that happen, how could she have thoughts about Riley while being with Angel the way she was. Willow was one very confused witch at the moment and there were no signs of this getting any easier. Angel could only wonder what she was thinking about. He hoped she was thinking about how they had been touching and nearly making love.

   Way to soon they were at her apartment building and he was walking her to her door. She made a quick excuse about being very tired. It was probably true, but he also knew that she could go longer if she wanted to.  It was all he could do not to push his advantage and ask to stay with her for the night. But he knew she wanted some time alone. He would just have to wait. Angel wasn't really good at waiting but for her it was worth it. He would do his best. Once he got back down to his limo he looked at the little clock on the mini bar. It was just after two AM, there were a few hours before daylight. But Angel wasn't interested in anything but Willow. So he told his driver to take him home again. His mind full of the evenings events. He  groaned his frustration at the night.

Coming Dawn;

   Riley was surprised to see the big limo pull up on the mansions side of the street. When the car door opened and Angel stepped out alone, Riley gave a sigh of relief. He watched as Angel walked into the house and he wondered what happen with Willow. Did she really not want to come to Angel's home? Riley had no idea why she wasn't with Angel now. But he was more than happy she wasn't. He knew she was most likely at home so when he thought Angel was more or less settled inside for the night and day with all hopes.

He decided to go over to Willow's and see if she was still up. He would give the excuse that he was wandering and didn't know where else to go. It was as true as anything else he could say and a lot less dangerous. As he pulled away a curtain in the mansion moved just enough to let someone peek out. Angel inside the window glared at Riley's retreating car, his eyes amber colored as he watched the boy leave. A low animal growl leaving his throat. Angel knew what he wanted and no kid was going to get there ahead of him. The tail lights of the hummer slowly went out of sight as Angel watched his heart aching.

  Riley smoothly turned onto the street where Willow lived and he parked just in front of her apartment building. But not knowing if she had been out all night or if she was just to tired to deal with anyone, he decided to let her rest. He would see her in the morning. They had agreed to meet for a late breakfast anyway. So Riley got his butt back to his motel and took a few hours to rest himself.

   When he got to his room there was a letter slipped under his door. Riley looked and saw no one around at the moment. He stepped inside the room and opened the letter. It was a offer by his old commando group for him to join them again. He only shook his head and gave a wry smile. Those guys never gave up, but he was not going back either. This time they were in China, chasing down some Sub,T's that were killing live stock and sometimes children.

Riley would have jumped at the chance even as little as two months ago. But he had started to draw some business with his minor detective workings. Then there was Willow, he didn't want to leave her. He wasn't sure just what was going on between them but he knew he wanted to find out. He knew he loved her, he wondered if she could love him. There was only one way to know and that was to wait it out until she made her choice. Him or Angel whatever she wanted, he felt he had no choice but to wait until he knew.

    Riley's last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were again of Willow. He wanted to see her smile at him, to touch the blazing tresses, kiss her soft lips. He felt anger surge in him at the thought of Angel having tasted those lips. Somehow he knew that Angel had kiss the red witch. But he also knew that Angel was no closer to having her love  than he was. She was not so easy as to fall for the first set of romantic promises or seduction that came along. Angel was good at knowing what got to the women, but Willow wasn't just a woman, she knew and understood more about things than Riley ever thought he would. She was one of the smartest people he had ever met. Plus she had a twenty four carat heart, that he wasn't sure he deserved. He only knew that he wanted her love.

His mind drifted off into dreams and he was still seeing her. The dream he was having had him and her in a little house with a fence. It was a happy dream if not for the voice he heard laughing in the background. Somewhere in the dark of his mind he could hear Angel laughing at him and his little dream. As if he didn't deserve her love or his little dream. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was afraid that Angel would be right. That he didn't deserve her in anyway. His heart fought with the idea and at last came up with the reasoning that if he didn't deserve her than there was no way in hell Angel did. Riley's dream faded to black and restless sleep.


   Willow began undressing in her little apartment. Her heart still racing, "that was so close," she thought. I need to be more careful with Buffy's Angel. Or I will find myself in some deep trouble with the slayer. Willow knew that they had been broke up for years now. But in her mind they were still a couple. The problem with Riley was almost as bad. He had been Buffy's lover as well and was to Willow's mind, still in love with slayer. How could Willow think to get romantic with either of them without feeling like a big ole hoe.

   She could still feel Angel's hands on her and smell his after shave. Willow headed strait for the shower, her mind in chaos over her feelings. One thing is for sure she was going to call Buffy in the morning before Riley showed up and talk to her about all this. After  a shower she pulled on a green night shirt and piled up in her soft bed  trying  to close her eyes, but it was not easy. Every time she did she would come close to reliving either Riley's or Angel's attentions to her over the past couple of days. It was almost dawn when she fell asleep exhaustion taking it's toll on her body.

   Willow never heard her alarm go off, it wasn't until she heard the knocking at her door that she began to wake up. She opened her eyes slowly only to slam them shut at the near painful noise the phone was making. Her mind ran through what she had to drink the night before and the only thing she could think of that would cause this was that unknown drink Angel and toasted them with. What did he say that was, oh yeah Abynsithe, it had been kinda of green looking last night, this morning she was the one who felt green. Her face a twist of hate for the awful pain in her head and at the phone as it blared another ring at her.

   She pick up the offending phone and talked into it. Her tongue thick with heavy sleep she said, " Hel-lo?". Riley's voice on the other end seemed to be telling her he was waiting for her to open the door. Willow stumbled up outta bed and pulled on her silky robe, her moves less than graceful. Willow trudge toward the door still talking to Riley. "Yes, ok ,,No I didn't forget,  I am just,,," She opened the door and there stood Riley his cell up to his ear he smiled broadly at her and turned his phone off putting it away quickly. Willow moved back from the door and placed a finger to her lips making a shhing sound so that Riley would know she needed him to whisper.

   Riley walked in his eyes amused at her looking as if she had just rolled out of bed suited her well. He went to her couch and sat himself down waiting for her to sit with him. Riley just had to ask, "Hung over?" the smirk on his face plain. She turned her head to give him an evil look and her flaming hair moved hiding her eyes from him. It was then that her balance decided to leave her and she nearly pitched over on her face. Riley was up in an instance his arms enfolding her keeping her from hitting the floor with a thud.

   She felt his arms around her but wasn't really sure how long she had been there. The wonderful smell of woods and spices again she thought. Her mind was still mingling the events of the day she had with him with this morning. She clasp the front of his shirt, closing her eyes and swaying some as he held on to her. Her stomach flipped end over end a few times and she swallowed hard. Riley got a look on his face that she knew meant he understood he could be in danger of getting sticky. But he didn't let her go, instead he lifted her up easily into his arms and walked to the bathroom sitting her down on the side of the tub. Riley got a wash clothe and wet it with cold water. He dabbed at her forehead and Willow noticed that she had begun to sweat. Not very attractive she thought to herself as her stomach nearly lost all its contents into the bowl next to her knees.  Riley held her shoulders and pulled her hair back letting her do what she needed until she was over that bout.

   He wondered what she had drank that didn't agree with her. He knew Angel was bad for  her but this was something he hadn't figured on. Angel must have tired to get her drunk enough to,,, His thought trailed off as his anger grew. Riley watched Willow as she finally finished and he helped her get her face cleaned up letting her brush her teeth as he stood in the doorway. He didn't want to leave her in the bathroom alone not being sure if she could stand on her own. Once she was done with all that he walked her to her bed and helped her lay down. She pulled her robe off and lifted the covers up sliding under them her head pounding and her body shaking. The green satin sleep shirt she had on moved with her and gave Riley more than one chance at seeing lots of her soft creamy skin. He was more that tempted but didn't linger long with those kinds of thoughts.

   She wasn't feeling well, and he needed to take care of her. As he tucked her in she smiled thinking how nice it had been to have him holding her as she slept on the ship. Her hands reached out for him before he could retreat from the bed and snagged one of his hands. He looked at her and she gave him a weak smile. " Don't go, Please stay with me Riley?" The words were almost torture to him. He wanted very much to stay with her in her bed. But he wasn't sure he could refrain from getting closer than maybe she would want him to. "Please?" she said again, and he knew he couldn't say no to that. So he moved himself so that he was on top of the covers and wrapped his arms around her. She pulled him as close as possible and laid her head on his warm chest. It wasn't long and she was snoring softly. Riley could feel his heart swell with his need for her. He knew he was tempting the fates but her small body so close he didn't really care.

He brushed soft stands of her fiery hair from her creamy cheek. His fingers lazily traced the outline of her nose and eyebrows. Then her lips and the cut of her chin were given the same treatment. She barely seemed to notice in her deep state of sleep only moving when he had touched a very sensitive spot on her lower lip. He made a mental note of that spot and allowed his eyes to close as well. He didn't really need the sleep but would not have moved for the world. This was heaven to him, he felt like she was accepting him. Allowing him to take care of her and hold her again this way. He couldn't really be sure of anything yet. All he knew now was that she wanted him with her. Wanted him to hold her close and keep her safe. That was enough for him. For now it would be enough, later he would worry about how she really felt about him. If she could love him or not.


   He awoke to the lack of noise outside. Riley was still holding Willow in her sleep one arm wrapped tightly around her waist the other lower on her hip. She was holding that hand in hers and he noticed her mild breathing letting his arm move slightly. He glanced at the clock , it was one PM now. It had been hours since he had arrived and helped her with her hang over. She had in their sleep backed up to him fitting her well rounded behind against his crotch and he was well aware that he was sporting a semi hard on. Riley tried to move back only to have her turn to face him and trap him with her arms. One leg nearly making it over his to trap  him further.

   Instinct more than good judgment had his hand pulling that leg just under the knee over his hip. She leaned closer to him and he to her. They were nose to nose when she began to wake and he tried a weak smile on her. She yawned at him then notice how they were laying together her mind raced. He couldn't have just moved her like that not without help from her somehow. She smiled back at him and lean into him giving him a small kiss on his cheek.

   Her mind filling with the fact that he had been playing nurse maid all morning. Willow let her arms tighten around him and heard when he made a low groan. She looked up just in time to see him moving closer to her, his lips capturing hers without hesitation. He wanted to taste her to feel her in his arms and to make her his. She was aware and returning his kiss, in Riley's mind she was needing him too. He was filled with a sudden idea that maybe she wasn't ready and he tired to pull back. Only to have her pull him closer kissing him as if she were starving for his touch. He let one hand slowly run down her back to her bottom and he pulled her closer to his aching need. "Oh god, she had to know what she was doing to him." His mind felt as if someone had blinded him to reason and all he could do was feel. Willow arched her back to him and he pulled from her kisses letting his other hand sweep away the covers from her body to allow him access to her softness. He ran the same hand up her stomach tracing circles as he went until he reached the rounded mound of one of her breasts. Running his fingers under it gently back and forth before he let them trail slowly up to her puckered nipple.

   Playing with his new toy he watched as she tried to get even closer to his teasing hand. His eyes shaded with the lust he saw in her as well. Willow made a low moan in her throat and pulled him closer. Riley's mouth replace his hand and he gently suckle at her tight little nub until she was nearly shivering head to toe. His hand moved on to her other breast and he gave it the same treatment. Willow began pulling at the rest of her covers removing them and allowing Riley full pleasure of touching her body. Her sleep shirt moved upward as she placed her leg back over his and he could feel the heat of her core even through his heavy jeans. On their sides facing each other he moved a hand so that he could smooth over her thigh and brush over one hip until it rested at the top of her copper curls covering her inner sweetness. Willow push her body closer to that hand and sighed when he rewarded her by dipping his fingers into the folds of her womanhood.

Willow knew that Riley was unsure of what she wanted and she needed to make him sure. If she was to choose either of the men that were pursing her at the moment she wanted it to be Riley. She wasn't really sure which one she loved more but she did know she loved them both. With Riley she could have a more normal life. Without magic without demons, without the dangers that Sunnydale had to offer. He would take her away and she would willingly go with him. Angel would just have to forget her. He was more than she could handle anyway. Her thoughts became more vague and clouded. Riley really was a wonder, his hands were making her forget what she was thinking.

   She was compelled to get closer to his body to feel the hardness of his chest to her soft breasts. She wanted to feel his hands on her touching her and loving her so that he was all she could think about. He did his best to keep up with what she seemed to want from him. His need becoming nearly impossible to ignore he returned his mouth to hers and landed a passion filled kiss that would ignite even more fires in her body. He could feel her heat becoming stronger her hands becoming more fevered in their attempts to remove all clothing from him. Every inch of skin that was opened was touched,  stroked and kissed. Tender and hungry Riley's hands moved over her.

   Willow closed her eyes tightly and pushed his large frame over onto his back. She wanted control and she was going to take it. Riley was soon laying  naked under her. He looked up amazed that she had that kinda of strength. Willow straddled him effortlessly and place her hands on either side of his head. She looked at him like a hungry cat and swooped down taking his lips in another fiery kiss. Riley reached up pulling her sleep shirt over her head and tossed it aside.  The only thought on his mind was that she wanted him. He could see it in her eyes. Hungry and needy for his touch, his mind ran over the idea that Angel had somehow inspire this in her.

    But if Angel had sated her needs why was she all over him now. No, he thought she would still be with Angel if she had wanted him. Riley let the thought sink in his head, that this was not a random act on her part and the fires in him grew to volcanic proportions. Willow was sliding over his harden shaft letting her wetness cover him as well. She raise up not pulling back from the blazing kisses she was giving, to place Riley's member at the entry of her body. With a sigh of intense need she lowered her body onto him filling the ache that she had felt since she woke with him in her arms. Riley threw his head back and gave a moan sighing her name as he felt her warmth engulf him. His large hands holding to her hips and helping her keep the rhythm that would please them both. He was completed and part of her. She was his and always would be no one could ever come between them now. Nothing could ever separate them he wouldn't let it, not even the dark vampire.

Fears and Anger;

   Angel woke from his slumber as if someone had dropped a basket of iron near his head. His thoughts were not clear but one thing seemed to be ringing in his head. Willow, his Willow, something was very wrong and he knew it. Angel jumped up out of his bed and began pacing the floor. It was still daylight and he could not go to her. A quick glance at the clock told him it would be hours before he could go out. There was no good in trying the sewers to get to her. They had no direct route that would let him reach her without the sunlight.

   He began to feel angry at the idea that he could not get to her and his demon starter to surface. He held the inner monster in check long enough to make a phone call to Willow. He hope she was there and ok, but the fears that were controlling his mind screamed at him that she wasn't. The phone rang several times before it was picked up and even then the voice was not Willow's. Riley Finn muttered hello into the receiver his voice filled with sleep. The hoarse sound of it nearly drove Angel to reach through the phone and break the boys neck. He knew that there was a very large chance if he had slept there he was also sleeping with Willow.

    Angel's receiver was crushed as he slammed it back on the base. He then jerked the entire thing yanking the wires free from the wall. Throwing it at another wall and shattering it completely. His eyes fired with the amber glow of his demon the ridges of his vampiric face in full view. He turned to the rest of his room and destroyed anything in his path. Ripping the bed to pieces and the furniture into kindling. When the room was little more than a heap of trash, he stood in the middle of it, tears of blood streaming down his strong features making him look lost and alone. His face became human again, in his heart he was sure that Willow had made her choice.

He was not human, and she had choose a man that was. Riley would be her love, not Angel. His heart breaking, he could only wait till the night afforded him the chance to know for sure. Angel walked to the corner of the room and curled into a ball of flesh. Covering his face with his hands he felt he would never stop crying. The time would never go by and he would be stuck in this pain.

   Little by little his demon would talk in whispers to him. "So what if the stupid kid got there first, that only means we get to kill him slowly for touching what is ours.", Angel would shake his head against these thoughts but somewhere in him the demon wasn't willing to be calmed. His anger getting the better of him he fell into a dark sleep filled with dreams of Willow and killing Riley. The blood poured into him like a salve to his wounded heart and pride.

   When he woke it was finally dusk, and he knew he needed to get ready. He had to find out what was really going on with his Willow. The demon quietly whispered to him, "Yes, yes find her, and if Riley is there just kill him. Then make her yours and no one will ever come between you again". Somehow the demon made perfect sense to his fevered mind. Once he was dressed he was out the door and on his way. There was only one thing that could stop  him now. His soul had lost almost all control in the matter before him. Only Willow herself could control his rage and he didn't want her to. He wanted to get rid of the problem, he wanted to get rid of Riley. There was no good reason Willow should choose that stupid child over him and he knew it. There would be no reason for her not to come to him once Riley was gone. Even as he thought these things his soul was terrified for Willow, and would struggle against what the demon wanted. Maybe Angelus' idea to get Willow was to destroy to competition but it wasn't Angel's.

    He walk out through the sewers following his normal route to her. His mind full of murderous thoughts he would keep to himself until he knew what was really going on. He would have to keep a very tight leash on his demon if he planned on dealing with this without losing Willow entirely. He still had a chance, Riley was not right for her. Angel was sure she would come to that idea once all was said and done. His dark head lower when he came out on a street not three blocks from Willow's apartment. Eyes kept to the pavement moving under him, letting no one see the amber hue they kept changing to.  His pace quicken the closer he got. Up the stairs and into the front of the apartment building, then up the next flight and down the hall to her door.

    He was finally here he thought, nothing to do now but knock on the door, hope still in his cold heart. Now if he could just get  his hand to act. He didn't seem to have any control over the hand. It wouldn't move to knock for him so he stood there quietly for a moment deep in thought. He just stood there studying every thing about the door he was in front of. The way the paint was beginning to peel. How the wood seemed to have been replaced at one time. Maybe some other tenant was abusive of this door and had knocked it down. Angel too wanted to knock the door in and then claim Willow as his, tossing Riley out on his childish head for even trying to sway her away from him.

   Why did he feel such rage was his next thought. He had lived long enough to understand all types of losses. But this, losing Willow knowing that he could never have her even for a moment. It was almost to much to bare. He leaned into the door frame and waited for something to happen.


    Riley lay stunned after he and Willow made love. His heart still racing he watch her cuddle against him. He played with hair letting the strands of fire fall over and through his fingers, he smiled to think she had been such a wild thing only a few minutes ago. Now she was all quiet and gentle laying across his broad chest. Suddenly she kissed one of his male nipples and hopped up. "Potty break, she giggled back over her shoulder at him. He watched her naked form pad toward the bath and sat up in the bed. He was looking around him reliving what they had just done when the phone rang. He wasn't interested in who it could be but he picked it up so it wouldn't bother his Willow. Riley mutter hello into the receiver and waited. The other end was silent until he heard what sorta sounded like a crushing sound. Then the line went dead, like the phone had been hung up on the other end. He looked at the phone strangely as Willow walked back to the bed in her birthday suit. "Who was that", she questioned. Riley only shrugged and wrinkled his brow. I don't know hun, they never said anything. Maybe it was a wrong number." he offered.

    Willow only nodded and climb back into bed with him. Her eyes were predatory again and Riley was somewhat surprised but his body wasn't. He felt a wave of lust over run his senses again as she nibbled at his lips. Grinding her hips suggestively on him over the blanket that covered him. With a grunt he moved the barrier from between them and took her in his arms again kissing her hard. Riley flipped her over this time his mind on her hands that were sliding between them to fondle his hungry flesh. His kisses growing more aggressive he trailed them over her breasts and down her stomach. Willow was having none of that right now and pulled him up to her lips again. Wrapping her long legs around his hips and pulling him toward what she did want right now. Riley again felt the bliss that was the core of his love.  She was pushing herself against him as he pumped into her. His mind was sure they would burst into flames soon. All of her made him want to never leave. He was captured and Willow held his heart. With the mating of their flesh he was giving all of what he would ever be to her. Knowing that he loved her more than his own life. He plunge in her over and over again until neither of them could stand it anymore. Their passion taking them both over the edge and dropping them. It was wonderful,

   Willow thought to herself as she held his heaving body to hers. His breathing was coming in great gulps as was her own. Riley after losing his seed to her laid over her holding her to him as if she were more precious than anything else.

   In Willow's mind she was happy, touching him and feeling his manhood softening inside her, happy thoughts were all she wanted to feel. She closed her eyes and it happened again. Just a brief flash nothing more, but she knew what she saw. It was Angel's face, he was still in her mind. Still penetrating her thoughts, even as she laid with Riley. Her eyes quickly reopened and she frowned at herself. Laying her head quietly down on Riley's chest she was ready to let the image of Angel go. But was he going to let her go? The thought echo in her mind, unrelenting and fierce.

~Part: 5~

The Call;

   It was an hour before sunset when Riley and Willow finally decide to get out of the love nest they had made. Willow still unsure of what she was feeling let herself rely on Riley. She only wanted the sanity that would come from being in his arms again. So when he asked if she would go with him to his motel room. She had said yes, her mind set that Angel wouldn't know how to find them right away and that would give her sometime to decide how to tell him. How to let him down easy, so that he would let her go without any problems. She and Riley had gotten dressed and gone out just before sunset heading to a diner less than two blocks away from where she lived.

   The little diner was of the greasy spoon variety and she ordered a hamburger fries and a salad. The salad of course to combat the guilt about the burger and fries. Willow had wanted to sit near the back but close enough to see the windows. Riley wasn't sure why she seemed so edgy but let her have her way. By the time their food arrived she was contentedly watching the passers by on the street. Riley had to bring her attention back to her dinner and she smiled at him. Somewhere in her heart she knew he was coming.

She was munching the last of her fries when she saw him. Angel had just walked by slowly looking at the ground as he passed. She didn't say anything to Riley about seeing him there, only watched as he shuffled by the large greasy windows. Once he had passed she told Riley she was tired of sitting in the diner and could they go now. He was more than willing, grabbing the check he paid as they started to leave.

   He gave Willow a look that made her feel as if she would melt on the spot. Then he tugged at her arm and they were off. He put her into the hummer and drove off toward his little room where at the moment all his clothes were. Once they got there, Riley walked over and opened the door for her letting her out of the car and walked her where his room was. There was another note slipped under the door and he picked it up. The same type of writing was on it as the first and he ripped it open.

Giving it a quick glance before dropping it in the trash can beside the dresser. "I need to take a quick shower," he said with a smile in his eyes. She was sure he wanted her to join him but she didn't have any clothes here so she shook her head. Her eyes were met with a comical stare as he pretended to be broken hearted. Willow giggled and gave his arm a smack. " Oh go on, there will be lots of showers together", the smile in her voice set him in motion and he swung her up in his arms holding her to his chest. He stated walking toward the bath and she shrieked at him no!

   After some minor struggles and a lot of laughter he gave up and set her on the bed. Riley stepped back from her and pulled his gray tee shirt off in a smooth motion. Then with a grin on his lips he began to unbutton his jeans sliding them down his legs. Using his feet to push off the heels of his shoes he dropped the pants off his body. Willow turn five different shades of red as he did this and he tried not to laugh. He hadn't wore his boxers so he stood there in his all in all, eyes dancing as he watch her squirm. Willow sighed at him, "You are not going to make this easy are you?". He shook his head and turned toward the bathroom giving her a nice look at his retreating backside. She felt the need to follow him but kept her calm knowing she didn't have anything else to wear.

Willow glance at the trash can and wondered about the letter he had just received. Why did he pitch it, what was it in that letter than made him frown so. Hearing the shower go on she walked over to the trash and pick up the letter opening it and scanning its contents.

Finn, Riley,
Military group, Beta Con.
Dispatch point CZ Ralph 3
Time 2300 hours,
Mission, N,T,K,
Placement, South America

   Willow was shocked to say the least. Riley had told her he was out of the military and didn't want to go back. This letter seemed to contradict what he had said and she wasn't so sure he would stay with her now. How well did she really know him anyway. What could she know over the time they had shared. Her mind raced, 2300 hours was, umm 11 PM. It was now, she looked for a clock and found one on the night stand, 7:45 PM she had maybe three hours left with him.

The shower door opened and the water went off. Willow dropped the letter back in the trash and walked back to the bed. What should she do, what could she do. Did she even have the right to ask him to stay? He was going to, of she was sure of that. What did that mean about what they had together?

   Riley stepped from the bathroom with only a towel on. His mind on what he wanted to do to her again as he turned around smiling. He notice right away that something had changed. The change in her wasn't her smile, she still had that. Something about her eyes was diffrent and he didn't know what to think about that. Was she upset with him? He couldn't think what he could have done that would upset her. He was only in the shower for maybe fifteen minutes. He slipped a fresh pair of boxers and clean jeans leaving the top button open as he walked over to her and sat beside her on the bed.

   Willow sat with her head lowered and her hair draped over her face so that he couldn't see her. "Willow, he started, is something wrong?" The question was simple but she knew the answer she would give would not be. "I, um, read your letter Riley, I am sorry but I was worried, the way you looked when you read it scared me. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving. I would have.. I mean.. " her voice trailed off. Riley put his arms around her, his voice low but full of emotions. " I am not going Willow. I am not going anywhere that's away from you."

He began to rock her some, trying his best to soothe her. He moved his hand so that his fingers rested just below her chin. She started to turn away but he pulled her face to met his and looked deeply into her eyes. "Really, Willow I am not going. It's not something I have to do, they no longer can just tell me where to go".  She began to understand, "Then the letter was a request, not orders?". He nodded to her and smiled, pulling her body to him. " I could go if I wanted to but I want to be here with you Willow, he was rocking her gently again, if that's OK with you?".

   Riley let the thoughts about the mission fill his mind. The dispatch point was interesting, they had picked the top of  the very apartment building Willow lived in. Figure the odds of that one he thought, and he smirked to himself. His mind ran though a set of ideas, none the least of which was making love to Willow until after the dispatch time had passed.  Then she would know he wasn't going, his heart was already made up. He hugged her tighter to his bare chest. Riley smiled as he noticed her breathing became a little faster.

Angel Lost;

   The longer he stood in the door way the harder it seemed to be to move. He knew he should do something but he wasn't sure what. So Angel just listened, he tried to discern a heart beat or words coming from inside the apartment. But there was nothing, not one sound coming from inside. That could only mean that no one was there. Brilliant, Angel, he told himself, you got here after everyone is gone, and stood her like a fool. Afraid to knock on a door that no one would come to. Angel straiten up and ran a strong hand through his dark hair.

She would be back he knew that, he just needed to wait for her. He hoped when she came back it would be alone. That Riley would not be with her, he didn't want to see the boy until he had calmed down more. Angel stood there with his hands shaking like he was a addict of some sort. He would have to fed and soon, so he walked off to Willie's place. Angel knew he could get his pigs blood there and it wasn't as far as going back to the mansion.

   Angel walked into Wille's looking around and wondering what kind of trouble was in here tonight. There was always possible trouble at Willie's and Angel knew it. That was why he didn't normally come in to get his dinner. Willie watched him from behind the bar and unlike most times he looked terrified. Angel wondered at this, but didn't worry about it to much. After all Willie was more or less a coward and Angel was fairly scary when he wanted to be.

   Angel found him a spot that was at the end of the bar so that he could face most of the patrons here. He didn't like the idea of getting caught off guard tonight of all nights. This might be a very dangerous thing for any demon to attempt to do. His mind still haunted him with thoughts of Riley and his Willow together. Willie, a little more reluctant than normal came to him and asked what he wanted. Angel smiled evily and simply stated " the regular Willie, of course. Unless you have something that could interest me." The last comment thrown out just to see Willie squirm.

He was surprised when Willie began to tell him about his encounter with "the tall blonde man in denim complete with jean jacket.". Angel's eyes instantly flashed amber as the ridges on his head snapped into place. "And just what did you tell him, Willie?". His voice taking on a growl, he watch as the smaller man fidget with his sponge. Willie told Angel just what he had told Riley the night before and he told Angel how Riley had threaten him. Angel only nodded knowing now that Riley might well be young but he was not as stupid as he had first thought. "Drink now." was all Angel said to the fearful man as he let his features return to human. Willie was off quickly getting what he had requested.

   From across the bar a very pretty woman sat watching the whole set of events. When Willie left she walked slowly over to Angel and asked if she could sit beside him. He only nodded, and she smiled scooting in beside him as close as she could. Her eyes were a strange shade of gray and her hair was a dark red. Her small body was tight in all the right places and he couldn't help but notice she look a little like his red witch. Angel listen to her voice, but didn't really hear her. His thoughts were on his Wollow, so much so that he didn't at first notice how she was looking at him.

Suddenly he understood something she had said although he wasn't sure what she was asking. "You are Angelus aren't you?' her voice breathy as she said his soulless name. Angel nodded, "Sometimes, he answered, but not tonight" With that he downed his mug and set it back on the counter. The woman smiled greedily at him but lowered her head when she caught the growl Angel had issued. He stood up and backed away from the bar turning with a quick smooth movement. He was barely noticed leaving except for the redhead still sitting at the bar. Watching her glass her eyes flash amber then back to the normal shade. She tapped the side of her glass and Willie came over to refill it with the dark red liquid.

   Angel looked out into the night as he walked away from the bar. His thoughts centered on what to do next. Giving up was outta the question, so he had to put together a plan. One that would include somehow bumping Riley and bringing Willow closer to him. Walking and thinking were how Angel dealt with the strain of not being able to know what was happening yet. Not being able to do anything about what might be happening. His rage at the lack of choices was making him crazy, and his inner demon wasn't helping. "He is touching her, the demon hissed, He is touching her the way you want to touch her." Angel had to shake himself to regain his mind, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and made a quick call to Fred.

   "Angel Investigations, we help the hopless" the chipper voice of Cordelia came from the small receiver. "Hey Delia, It's me" he started. His mind made up he began to ask her questions starting with where was Fred. After a fairly long conversation he hung up and stopped to see just where he was. He calculated how long it would take him from here, and then took off. Sometimes his vampiric speed was a really good thing.

Soldier Boy;

   Willow sat up in the bed and giggled at Riley, he was playing commando and tunneling under the sheets. She squealed and jumped out of the bed running for the bathroom. Riley caught her before she could close the door and they both fell naked in front of the bathroom door laughing. Willow thought she wouldn't be able to catch her breath and even Riley's face was turning a little red. They began to calm down holding each other close and smiling.

   Willow raise a delicate hand and brushed his cheek with it bringing it down to his chin then tapping his lower lip with her index finger. He tired to catch the errant finger with his lips but she backed off giving him the " no no " look. He only smiled wider and kissed her lips sucking and nibbling them gently. He stopped a moment and looked at her. She felt like he was taking in every moment, every movement she made. His breath came a little raggedly and she wonder if he needed more of his meds. Riley saw the look in her eyes that told him she was worrying again. "What is it love", he asked her pulling her closer to his taunt body. Willow shook her head and he nodded consent. "Ok, you don't have to tell me." he wanted to ask more, to make her tell him. But he knew she could be more than stubborn. He could only wait and hope that she would tell him at a later date.

Riley's mind was full of the events over the past 24 hours. Willow filled almost every minute of them and he had to smile. She nudged him back to the present and gave him a quizzical look. Riley only shook his head and gave her his killer grin. She could almost feel her heart skip a beat.  They both decided that it was time to go, she had things to get at her apartment and he had in his mind that he would not let her out of his site. She was so happy that she had today off, and she could just be with him. But they had things to do, and she wanted to get started.

   Willow had dressed again and Riley was waiting at the door when she came out of the bathroom. He checked the time and found that it was still almost 20 minutes before the pick up team arrived. If he would have had his chance he would have not left then, he would have waited until they were gone. He didn't want to tell Willow that he was trying to avoid his military buddies. But at the same time he had no intention of going anyway, so what did it matter.

    As they left the little motel room Riley glanced back at his room knowing he would not be staying in it much longer if he had his way. He and Willow would find a little bit bigger place than the apartment she was now in and move in together. Riley had no doubt that one day he would "pop" the question. But for now he was letting her call all the shots. She needed to feel as if she didn't have to make any fast moves. She had made enough choices over the last couple of days, he thought.

   Willow made her way to Riley's car and waited for him to unlock the door and let her in. Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw someone passing the building but when she looked up no one was there. Her heart began to race anyway and she smiled nervously up to Riley when he opened the door for her. Riley squinted his eyes briefly as if listening to something then he shut the door behind her. Then he walked around and got in himself. Riley knew someone was watching them, he could hear who ever it was moving in the shadows.

Could it be Angel, was a thought, or could it be some other night monster around. Either way, Riley had taken the precaution of resupplying his jacket with stakes and other things that would help him in a fight with most types of undead or demons. As he slid into his side of the hummer he looked around wondering just where in the shadows was the watcher at. Then he glanced at Willow and gave a quick smile starting the engine and pulling out of the parking spot. All with the feeling that at any moment they would be attacked or at the very least stopped. They were not, and Riley sighed his relief letting a real smile touch his lips again.

Making a Move;

   Angel watched as the hummer left the parking lot of the slightly rundown motel. He knew they were most likely going back to Willow's place. But Angel wasn't trusting himself enough to confront Willow and Riley together. He knew he would need to talk to Riley, away from Willow. They had to have an understanding,  man to man, well in  his case man to vampire. Angel simply took off in the direction of her apartment and managed to get there first.

She would be expecting to see him tonight sometime, but he wanted to talk to Riley before she had a chance to " let him down easy". Angel wasn't happy with the idea of being second best and would not take no for an answer, yet. He would find out Riley's intentions and then he would decide. Maybe Riley really loved her, in which case he had to let her go if that is what she wanted. His demon was running riot, "NO, she is ours, we have played the souls game and he is going to let her go." The last comment made him growl low in his throat. Somehow he would have to find a way to reason even within himself. As he stood outside the apartment that Willow lived in and waited, the battle that was already raging in him would not let up.

   Angel stepped back into the shadows as he saw them pull up and park. Willow got out and went up to the door while Riley seemed to be getting something from his car. The second Willow disappeared into the building Angel stepped into view and waited for Riley to notice him. He didn't have to wait long, as Riley still bent over in the  back of the hummer said, "I guess you already know what is going on here." The statement was flat and to the point, Angel really did have to respect the man. Most mortals when faced with  a 240 plus year old vamp would be terrified.

Riley seemed almost as if he was expecting this and welcomed the chance to set things strait. Angel could feel his monster howling in anger at the arrogant mortal. Quick scenes flashed in his mind, none of them pretty. All of them had Riley more or less in pieces. Angel just raised an eyebrow at Riley's comment and answered.  "Yes I think I do, but *you* know this if far from over".

    Angel was using his tone to belie his inner fears that it was already to late, and to hopefully make Riley unsure. He could tell only minor things that let him know he had hit his mark. Riley closed the back of the hummer after putting his bag on the ground and turned to face Angel. His face showing a type of resolve that Angel had seen before in his little red headed witch. Anger held in check Angel could tell Riley was dealing with his own inner demons. Self doubt and knowing that his rival for Willow's attentions was Angel himself.

Angel didn't want to be arrogant, well the souled side of him didn't but his demon told him he should have no problem dispatching this whelp. Riley crossed his arms in a defiant stance and watched Angel move gracefully around to his side. "You know we need to talk about this, alone. I don't think Willow needs to know, she would be unhappy with the things that we as men, would talk about." Riley nodded and looked at his watch, he knew his military buddy's would be at the top of the building in maybe 10 minutes or so. His mind raced with possibilities and he decided, "Yeah OK then, but you will need to meet me on the roof. I will tell Willow something so that she won't worry about me."Angel not knowing about the, appointment, only nodded and walked back into the shadows.

   Riley glanced at Angel as he moved away and narrowed his eyes. Picking up his bag he walked purposefully up the stairs and into the building. When he got to Willow's door he knocked gently and waited. She opened the door for him and he smiled, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "Willow, he started, I really need to go get a couple of things from the store". His voice was light and showed none of the tension he was feeling. Willow only nodded absentmindedly, "I need to check out a couple of things on my lap top too", her voice was somewhat thin compared to her normal. She walked over to her little desk by her bookshelf, sitting down. Riley didn't notice the look she had given him as he left, if he had he would not have gone just then. He would have waited, found out what she was feeling before he would take off. Angel wasn't really that important when it compared to Willow. She was fast becoming his only reason to be, and he knew it.

   In her heart she didn't know, worse, his leaving her at this time made her worry that he was making his meet with the guys in his old outfit. Would he leave or would he stay, she didn't really know. She may have moved to fast with Riley and he may run. Leaving her wondering what she could have done to make it better. After what happened with Buffy, she wasn't sure of herself. If Buffy couldn't keep him what chance did she have. But then Willow knew pretty much what happened to Riley and Buffy's relationship. That wasn't the problem here, she really felt like she loved him. Or was she just trying to get away from what Angel had to offer.

That thought began to menace her mind, hold her thoughts hostage so to speak. Willow was not ready to explore her feelings for Angel. He evoked things in her that were hard to describe. Things at this point that might be better left alone. So she had only her worries of what Riley would really want of her. Or what he didn't want, how could she cope if he left her now, she needed the chance to understand. Focusing her mind on what she wanted to do on the laptop. She booted up and began tapping away, wasting time until Riley was back, if he came back. She tried not to let her mind go there, not to think about what she might have to face if he did go.

   Riley stepped out Willow's door and looked around, taking the stairs up to the top floor he was glad there was only 3 flights aside from Willow's floor. The building had been a good choice for the military group he was suppose to meet with. It at 4 stories was one of the tallest in Sunnydale. The roof was flat and open just right for a chopper to come in and land fairly quiet, and be off again before anyone really knew what was up.

   As he stepped out into the open air he felt the wind as it picked up. His hearing caught a sound from behind him and he moved quickly out of the way. Angel stepped out from the shadows by the door to the roof smiling enough to make Riley feel even more uncomfortable. "So what is it you think we need to talk about?" Riley's jaw was tight and he made no apologies for his apprehensive look. Angel passed in front of him and smiled again. "Well, it seems you have won the first round here, kid" Angel's voice seemed to be letting Riley know he would not win the second. Riley made a sour face at the thought that he and Willow could be that simply dismissed as a couple. Angel did not seem to have any thought that she would want to stay with Riley.

With a reproachful look Riley watched as Angel walked in front of him again. Somehow Riley felt as if the vampire was thinking of the best way to deal with what was going on right now. He couldn't help but hope that Angel would try to get physical with him. It would make it all to easy since he knew that he would not be alone in a very few moments. Riley's ears picked up at the helicopter as it came just into view over Angel's shoulder. Angel was saying something to the effect that he didn't really want to interfere with Willow's happiness but he also wasn't sure Riley could give her that. Riley began to feel more and more pissed that he was dictating to him what he should and shouldn't do for Willow. This "vampire" was just another Sib, T that needed to be put down. He was the cause of the break up between him and Buffy, and Riley would be damned if he was going to ruin his chances with Willow. She was what he needed most in his life.

   Riley's voice became hushed and angry as he told Angel to go to hell. Angel only smiled and nodded. "I have already been there boy, and thanks to the wonderful witch when I came back it was with my soul, my heart and mind intact." His interest in what Riley had to say fading as he became more aggressive, Riley wasn't listening to him. He was acting like Angel had no idea what he was talking about. Angel had known Willow far longer than the boy in front of him. He knew what she needed what she would like.

Willow was not Riley's soul mate, she was mine, Angel thought. That's when he decided not to let Riley get away with the way he was disregarding his knowledge of the adorable redhead. Facing off with Riley he stood nose to nose and gave Riley a shove to make a point. Riley shoved back not wanting to be put down by this demon, not wanting to deal with this he was ready to fight. Ready to deal whatever blows would get Angel out of his life with Willow. He raised his fist to land a blow to Angel's head but his hand was caught and was twisted around behind his back. Angel held a tight grip on Riley's arm. Riley returned action for action and delivered a blow this time to Angel's instep with his heel. Angel pushed Riley hard away from him, and watch in slow motion as Riley's foot met with something making him stumble.

   Angel thought to himself  "He is falling, he is going to fall off the building!" Angel's reaction was to run to the side and try to catch him. But Riley was already tripping over the side when Angel realized that he was falling. The thought crossed Angel's mind that Riley might have really been a fight if he wasn't falling off to his death. When Angel got where Riley went over the side he caught site of the helicopter that was across from where he stood. It would be on top of him in seconds, he needed to leave. Angel took a quick glance down to where the body of Riley laid, his leg twisted at an odd angle. He hadn't meant for Riley to fall, he hadn't known that their little pushing match would end up this way. He could see and smell the blood coming from Riley's mouth and nose. The whole scene sent a chill over Angel, something in him went cold and full of fear. Not just because he felt Riely was dead, but also because of Willow.

Looking up he noticed that this wasn't a police chopper but a commando type. His mind put two and two together figuring that this was some of Riley's old friends.  Angel wanted to stay and tell the military that was coming up on him that it had been an accident. But they didn't seem to want to hear it. Shots rang out and Angel felt the bullets barely missing him. More shots and he was hit this time. Three of the bullets had found their mark in his body. His own blood now spilling onto the ground.

Angel knew then there was no talking to these guys and he began to run. Diving off the other side of the building he was on and onto a lower building then down through it's stair well. With speed that would amaze even other vampires he descended down and down, heading for the street once he hit the ground floor. Never looking back until he was at the sewer entrance two or so blocks away.  He was in pain, even as the holes in his body were already healing. But he needed to feed soon to help them heal faster.

    Angel walked the rest of the way to his mansion wondering how Willow was going to deal with this news. He knew he would have to tell her, that he couldn't just let her go without knowing. But at the same time what would he tell her, that he was the cause of Riley's death. That he didn't even stay to make amends, to deal with what he did. Angel felt as if  he were being torn apart, he knew she would hate him now. There was nothing he could do to make this one go away, to make it better. He had in effect lost her and took her love away, taking with it any possible real happiness she could have had. It was his fault, she would hate him, his fault Riley was dead. Another innocent on his long line of things to live his immortal life with.

   Why was it everything he touched would go bad. Angel's thoughts were making him crazy, and he wanted nothing but to end his torment. The only problem with that was Willow, he needed somehow to make amends to her. To help her get over and through this, he would in fact have to be there for her in all things now. Maybe not in the way he wanted to in the beginning. But he would take the responsibility, and deal with whatever she needed. She would never want for anything and maybe he could bring her back with him to L,A, if only to keep a closer watch on her. Delia would be more than happy to have another woman around and Fred would love the mental challenges that Willow could bring. In his mind it was settled, he would atone for his loss of control today, he would protect Willow and hope that someday she would be able to forgive him.

Fate Interfers;

   Willow heard the sounds of a chopper over head and she cringed. Was that Riley's friends, she thought. If it was this next thirty minutes would tell the tale. He would either come back to her or they would possibly never see each other again. She was terrified, the waiting was driving her nuts. Very loud bang sounds made her nearly jump out of her skin, Willow ran to the window and looked out into the street. She couldn't see anything from her side of the building. Apparently whatever was happening was on the other side. As she went to duck back in she heard a second set of shots and caught a quickly moving shadow that seemed to fly through the air above her. Willow ran to her closet and grabbed a sweater pulling it on quickly as she headed for the door. Then up to the roof she started climbing the stairs faster than she would have thought she could.

   When she finally got to the roof top and opened the door she was stunned. There was some of Riley's old gang and they were moving away fast. She didn't see Riley anywhere but she knew where he had be. He really did leave her, left her here alone after what they had shared together. She stood watching as the helicopter moved further and further away. This is how Buffy must have felt she thought distractedly to herself. Her thoughts not making much sense now she felt her cheek begin to itch, and rubbed it, Willow was surprised to see that she was crying.
